Identifying the causes and main methods of treating eczema on the hands (palms)

Ointments for the treatment of eczema on the hands and feet

Effective ointments relieve unpleasant symptoms in a short period of time, reduce inflammation, and relieve constant itching.

During a relapse, it is necessary to use ointments containing glucocorticoids. They are recommended to be used for 1-2 weeks; long-term use (longer than 30 days) is contraindicated.

Classes of ointmentsAction
IProvide a weak effect for a short period.
  • Lokoid;
  • 0.5% Prednisolone ointment;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment
IIHave a moderate impact. They are antipruritic and reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
  • Afloderm;
  • Locacorten;
  • Cynacort.
IIIProvides a quick relief effect.
  • Sinalar;
  • Sinaflar;
  • Fluorocinoid;
  • Apulein.
IVEffective within a matter of days.
  • Dermovate;
  • Chalciderm;
  • Galcinonide.

The dermatologist gives clear instructions for therapy. They cannot be violated. If there is no positive dynamics after 7 days of using the product, it must be replaced.

Prescription of non-hormonal drugs is necessary at the first manifestations of the disease. The drugs accelerate regenerative processes and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. If weeping eczema is present, it is necessary to prescribe drugs with an anti-exudative effect. They dry well and destroy foci of infection.

Diagnosis of the condition

You can determine how to treat eczema on your fingers after an examination. To determine the presence of the disease, the patient’s hands are first examined. A dermatologist treats the disease. He asks questions to the patient, collects the necessary information about symptoms. After this, the patient may be referred for the following examinations:

  • skin biopsy to rule out psoriasis and scabies;
  • general blood analysis;
  • smear from the epidermis to detect a nonspecific agent;
  • Allergy tests - it is better to do them after the exacerbation has been relieved, otherwise the picture will be blurry.

Additionally, consultations with related specialists, such as an allergist and nutritionist, may be required.

Ointments for the treatment of eczema on the face and head

The disease develops on the scalp and often spreads to the neck and forehead. The foci of manifestation do not have clear boundaries. Gentle exfoliating ointments are necessary. Preparations for the scalp may be more active. Gentle products are used for the face. Recommended ointments:

  • Sulfur;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • preparations based on resorcinol.

Additionally, hair should be washed only with shampoos containing selenium sulfide and salicylic acid.

What helps get rid of severe itching with eczema?

The main symptom of eczema that causes the most discomfort is itching. In order to get rid of the described problem, it is necessary to implement a number of measures that can be divided into functional-preventive and express methods. The first should include the rejection of synthetic household chemical products and their replacement with products without fragrances and dyes. It is also important to give up everything unnatural - this applies not only to perfumes and personal hygiene products, but also to clothing.

Among the methods that provide quick relief, in addition to antiallergic creams and tablets, a number of non-drug remedies can be distinguished. For example, you can relieve itching by applying a cold water compress to the affected area of ​​the skin of the hand. Some people recommend soaking gauze in vinegar instead of water, which also helps with even severe itching. According to the recommendations of those who have encountered the described problem, tar helps very well, for this reason it is better to replace soap for washing hands with tar soap.

What ointments to use to treat dry and weeping eczema

All remedies have a similar effect - they alleviate the condition, relieve inflammation, and constantly disturbing itching. Also, their active components should accelerate the wound healing process.

Ointments for dry eczemaOintments for wet eczema
Bepanten is an effective remedy that promotes wound healing. Restores cellular metabolism, promotes regeneration of damaged skin. Radevit - quickly relieves allergy symptoms. Has an anti-inflammatory, restorative effect. Active components increase skin immunity and are an antioxidant.
Iricar is an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory agent. Helps soften damaged skin. The homeopathic remedy has no contraindications and is a safe drug. Skin-cap is a non-hormonal ointment. Has a gentle, quick effect. Relieves itching. It is an antifungal and antibacterial agent. Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
Argosulfan is an antimicrobial, antibacterial agent. Prevents infection through wounds and cracks. Zinc ointment. One of the most effective and affordable means. Produces a drying effect, improves the condition of the dermis, accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.
Advant - ointment quickly eliminates itching and pain from areas damaged by the disease. Has anti-allergenic effect. Eplan. The ointment accelerates the healing of ulcers and wounds. Relieves pain and eliminates pain in damaged areas.
Flucinar is an anti-inflammatory ointment. Eliminates rashes, softens dry skin. Launches regenerative processes. Boric ointment. Effectively eliminates fungal infections and pathogenic microbes. It is an effective antiseptic and disinfectant.


Eczema on the fingers involves complex treatment. It will be effective if a person forgets about the need for a proper diet. Failure of various body systems is a characteristic feature of eczema. That is why it is necessary to do everything possible to restore their function. Substances found in food may be useful for this. The menu may include lean boiled meat, stewed lean fish, vegetables and fruits, and cereals.

Instead of black tea, it is better to switch to green tea, and also exclude seasonings, chicken eggs, nuts and citrus fruits from your diet. Among vegetables, emphasis should be placed on cucumbers and carrots. People with eczema should not drink cow's milk; it is better to replace it with goat's milk. As a last resort, you can switch to fermented milk products rich in probiotics.

Treatment of eczema with non-hormonal ointments

Non-hormonal ointments used in the treatment of eczema eliminate itching on the hands and stop the spread of the disease to other parts of the body. The use of such products softens the skin, eliminating dryness.

MagnipsorAntibiotic, antiseptic. Softens the skin and has a strong therapeutic effect. The drug has no contraindications. It is used for dry eczema.
AurobinPrescribed to a patient with eczema for long-term use. Active components trigger regenerative intracellular processes. The drug is effective for dry, weeping forms of the disease. Apply around the affected area and directly on it.
Erythromycin ointmentA drug that has an effective effect in the initial stages of eczema development. It has virtually no side effects.

Causes of pathology

It is believed that eczema is a disease of a neuro-allergic nature. You can only become infected with the mycotic form. All other types do not occur due to the presence of an infectious agent. There are internal factors involved, but the exact pathogenesis has not yet been studied. The key factors triggering the disease are:

  • changes in body activity due to injury or disease;
  • hypersensitivity reactions to various compounds;
  • family predisposition;
  • psychogenic factors;
  • state of immunodeficiency;
  • microbes getting into skin lesions;
  • unusual reactions to heat, cold and solar radiation;
  • interaction with chemical compounds without the use of gloves;
  • passion for iodine for treating skin wounds;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • lack of calcium, vitamin B6 and fatty acids;
  • regular use of bracelets and gloves containing rubber parts;
  • allergies to certain components, including dust, antibiotics;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • insufficient hand hygiene.

In fact, the etiology has not been fully studied. That is why this list can be regularly updated, and sometimes completely changed.

Corticosteroid ointments for treating eczema

Hormonal agents can effectively cope with inflammatory processes that form on the skin.

HydrocortisoneQuickly relieves symptoms of the disease, skin irritation, swelling. The result of treatment occurs within a few days. The ointment should be applied to the affected areas 2 times a day.
PrednisiloneReduces the manifestation of allergies, relieves severe itching. Helps reduce the amount of exudate released. Relieves inflammation, accelerates the removal of toxins.
SodermQuickly relieves inflammation and itching. Eliminates painful skin and visible defects in the affected areas. Apply a thin layer to the skin once every 2 days.

Numerous ointments for eczema can effectively and quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms inherent in the disease. Selecting medications on your own is strictly prohibited. This can provoke an exacerbation; therapy in this case will be longer and more complex.

Classification and atypical forms

There are several types of hand eczema. Treatment depends on the individual type and the severity of the symptoms. The basis for classification is the factors that triggered the disease. Key forms:

  1. True. It is provoked by internal and external factors, in particular stress and diabetes. The onset is usually acute and is accompanied by the formation of areas of redness that itch, as well as cracks and vesicles. Pain syndrome is also associated.
  2. Atopic. It is based on an allergic reaction and can be triggered by animal hair, plant pollen and various products. With this form, areas of swelling with blisters form on the skin. When they burst, the person experiences itching and pain.
  3. Professional. This is a reaction of the epidermis to any chemical compounds. Such eczema can be triggered by substances that are part of dishwashing detergents.
  4. Microbial. May surround areas with traumatic damage to the epidermis. If, for example, a wound becomes inflamed, the skin peels off at the edges and flakes off. Exudate is released in the middle. Following this, you can notice the formation of a crust.
  5. Mycotic. It is found near nails affected by fungus. There are several forms of this disease, depending on the location of the rash. The dyshidrotic type provokes the appearance of a rash on the fingers and the side of the hand. The hyperkinetic variant affects the side of the fingers that is located on the palm side. Tilotic eczema causes the formation of a keratinized layer on the soles and palms.

Eczema can be dry and weepy. In the first case, areas of keratinization are formed, while in the latter option, inflammation processes are activated. At the same time, bubbles filled with intercellular content appear on the skin.

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