Homeopathy for allergies: medications, advantages and disadvantages, contraindications

  • All diseases
  • Allergology
  • Arthrology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Dermatology
  • Cardiology
  • Childhood diseases
  • Women's diseases
  • ENT and Pulmonology
  • Neurology
  • Parasites and infections
  • Urology
  • Endocrinology

Why shouldn't treatment be delayed?

  • There is a steady decline in immunity
  • The antibody titer gradually increases in the body - the allergy steadily progresses
  • Fatal complications may occur - anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema
  • A common complication is bronchial asthma!

Advantages of our treatment:

  • We cure the disease completely (!) in 5-6 weeks
  • We use only harmless homeopathy - we cure without ointments, tablets, hormones
  • We help EVERYONE, including pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers and newborns
  • We cure any manifestations of allergies!

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of allergies can be very different, so it is difficult to talk about specific symptoms.

If we mean allergic dermatitis, then the patient is concerned about itching and rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

If we mean allergic rhinitis, hay fever, hay fever, then frequent complaints are nasal congestion, copious watery discharge from the nose, sneezing attacks, red eyes, lacrimation.

Bronchial asthma is manifested by periodic attacks of suffocation.

There are serious and even fatal conditions that are based on allergies. This is anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, but everyone who suffers from this disease is ready to give anything to get rid of such a “gift”.

Ways to eliminate the disease in a child

Homeopathy for allergies in children allows you to eliminate negative manifestations and alleviate the condition in a matter of minutes. The products have a positive effect even on the body of newborns.

Most often, children suffer from eczema and atopic dermatitis. These manifestations are characterized by the development of skin rashes, itching and blisters. The child may be irritated and nervous for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to begin complex treatment.

The choice of drug depends on the characteristics of the allergy. If your baby's skin is covered with small blisters, the doctor may recommend Dulcamara or Staphysagria. Before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to carefully study the child’s condition. After collecting anamnesis, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Belladonna;
  2. Sulfur;
  3. Rus;
  4. Borax;
  5. Antimonium crudum.

The products can be mixed together to create a unique ointment. It relieves skin manifestations. After a couple of days, all symptoms of an allergic reaction will subside.

Treatment of allergies with homeopathy in adults and children is an effective way to quickly and permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, the remedies not only fight the main source of the disease, but also lead to qualitative changes in the body.

In overweight children, its normalization was recorded. This once again points to the fact that homeopathy has a complex effect on the body.

For a positive result, you must follow the regimen and receive proper treatment. Using homeopathy is a long process that needs to be fully completed. Otherwise, the effect will be fleeting.


Disadvantages of conventional treatment

Everyone who is familiar with the diagnosis of “allergic rhinitis” first-hand knows that you can take various (and very inexpensive!) medications - drop, smear, swallow... And the result is usually assessed as “more or less” or “endured” - now until the next spring!

But if you try for at least one year, during the time of swelling of the buds or the flowering of herbs, simply rinsing your nose with salt water (much cheaper!) - the result will differ little from previous years.

And note: no one even sets a goal to be cured COMPLETELY - only to “endure with minimal complaints.”

We are not talking about the many side effects from taking chemical drugs - drowsiness, low mood, weakness, poor coordination of movements, headache, trembling hands, palpitations, urination problems, toxic liver damage, etc.

So, “is the game worth the candle,” or more so, that the effect is temporary, but the problem remains?

appointment with a homeopathic doctor

A number of contraindications

Like any other medicine, homeopathy for allergies to flowers (or any other irritant) also has some contraindications:

  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Tuberculosis pathologies.
  • The presence of any disease that requires surgical intervention.
  • Infectious diseases in acute form can aggravate the situation.
  • During emergency treatment, homeopathic medicines should also not be taken.
  • Most people are of the opinion that homeopathic remedies have no contraindications or side effects. Of course, there are fewer of them than traditional medications, but each of us has a different body structure.

    Homeopathy for allergies: medications, advantages and disadvantages, contraindications

    Uncontrolled manifestation of patient initiative in the absence of specialist approval leads to serious health problems. Only an allergist will be able to determine the existing restrictions regarding taking pills, capsules or tablets.

    Individual approach is the key to success!

    Homeopathic treatment requires the doctor to have precise knowledge of the “subject” - HOMEOPATHY! Therefore, homeopaths - doctors with higher medical education and initial practice - study for at least another 7 years to become professionals in this very special field. That is why “homeopathic recommendations” from doctors of any other specialties are doomed, at best, to a short-term reduction in complaints! As soon as the reception is completed, everything will return to normal.

    homeopathic center Adonis

    The fact is that there are more than 1000 different homeopathic mono remedies! And unlike allopathy (conventional medicine), in homeopathy there are no ready-made prescriptions: what to treat and for what. Each drug is complete and can cure any disease - in this case, allergic rhinitis.

    The homeopathic doctor “interviews” (in this case the most appropriate word) the patient for a long time. It is important for him to identify all the specific characteristics of the patient - personal, psychological, physical. This “individuality” is the key to success! It is this that determines the specialist’s choice of a particular drug.

    Now you yourself understand that it makes no sense to be treated according to someone else’s prescriptions - homeopathy is a purely individual treatment! And only this is his strength!

    To get the long-awaited and complete result faster, doctors at the appointment create an individual composition of several drugs (2 or 5 components) and test their effectiveness. I help them with this with modern diagnostic devices for vegetative resonance testing (VRT) and diagnostics using the R. Voll method.

    How to take Allergy granules?

    Treatment of allergies with homeopathy in adults is carried out according to the following scheme - the drug is taken 3 times a day, 7 granules under the tongue (dissolve in the mouth). It is important to take into account the potential interaction of the drug with food, so you can eat no earlier than half an hour after taking the granules. Homeopathy for allergies in children can also be used without fear, however, the doctor will prescribe the dose taking into account the age and constitutional characteristics of the child.

    An additional advantage is that homeopathy against allergies can be used even in patients with various chronic diseases. The drug is completely harmless and has no side effects.

    The maximum shelf life of granules is 5 years. It is recommended to store the drug in a cool, dry room out of direct sunlight. You can buy the product at the homeopathic pharmacy "Hannemann".


    Seasonal allergies and their treatment with homeopathy.

    The incidence of allergic diseases is increasing year by year, a possible reason for this phenomenon is the increasingly artificial living conditions of modern man. Every fifth person on Earth experiences allergic reactions at least once in their life. However, simple precautions and, if necessary, special treatment methods can be a good way to prevent the occurrence or exacerbation of allergic diseases in adults and children.

    What is an allergy?

    An allergy is an excessive or abnormal response of the immune system to a substance called an allergen.

    The immune system protects our body from the penetration of foreign substances (antigens), such as bacteria and viruses. The mechanism of the immune response includes the production of antibodies, otherwise called immunoglobulins, which bind foreign substances (antigens) on mucous membranes, in the blood and other body fluids.

    Antibodies are produced after the body comes into contact with an antigen after some time, but the next time it comes into contact with the same antigen, they are already in the blood or will be formed very quickly, which will protect the person from harmful substances.

    Sometimes the immune system reacts to ordinary substances that are not harmful, as if they were dangerous to the human body. Such reactions of the immune system are called hypersensitivity reactions, or allergic reactions.

    Thus, an allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of certain, usually harmless, environmental factors called allergens.


    The term “sensitization” means that the immune system has come into contact with an antigen, “remembered” its characteristics and is ready to produce antibodies in response to its influence. Upon subsequent contact with this antigen, it will be immediately recognized and attacked.

    An allergy sufferer, sensitized by plant pollen, will react with an allergic runny nose or even an asthma attack upon next contact with the plant.


    This term refers to allergic reactions of the “immediate type”, which are caused by the interaction of antigens with specific immunoglobulins E (IgE).

    Three classical forms of atopy are known: atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), hay fever (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, pollen bronchial asthma) and atopic asthma with sensitization to house dust, mites and other household allergens.

    Predisposition to atopic reactions and diseases is inherited. A child who has one parent with allergies has a 30% risk of developing allergic reactions. If both parents have allergies, this risk doubles (60%).

    Hay fever is an allergic reaction to plant pollen, most often manifested in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and pollen bronchial asthma.

    Symptoms of hay fever

    Hay fever can appear at any age, but more often between 8 and 20 years of age (less often after 40 years of age).

    It can only manifest itself as itching in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as signs of rhinitis: nasal congestion, runny nose, and sometimes cough. Possible loss of smell, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) and the addition of bronchial asthma (especially in humid summers). Atopic bronchial asthma is caused by hyperreactivity of the bronchi when inhaling an allergen, which leads to bronchospasm, accumulation of mucus and swelling of the mucous membrane, which leads to suffocation and paroxysmal coughing.

    Pollen is a common allergen

    Plant pollen is tiny grains that vary in shape, structure and size. The average size of pollen grains is 20-60 microns, so they are individually not visible to the naked eye.

    Pollen grains contain large amounts of allergenic proteins. They can be carried by wind or insects. Pollen from wind-pollinated plants is produced in large quantities, can travel long distances and is the main cause of hay fever.

    Plants whose pollen often causes hay fever

    Plants with large, bright flowers and a strong scent are usually pollinated by insects. They produce pollen in much smaller quantities, it is practically absent from the air, and allergies to it are not so common. Typically, allergy patients can engage in decorative floriculture: decorative flowers, as a rule, are pollinated by insects, and their pollen is practically not found in the air.

    Hay fever most often develops with sensitization to the pollen of cereals (timothy, foxtail, oats, rye, etc.), trees (birch, maple, alder, hazel, beech, elm, willow, poplar, ash) and weeds (ragweed, dandelion, plantain, sorrel, nettle, goldenrod, quinoa, wormwood, etc.).

    What determines the amount of pollen in the air?

    Hay fever occurs in sensitized individuals when the pollen concentration in the air reaches certain threshold values. These values ​​are variable, but on average there are 10-20 pollen grains per 1 cubic meter of air.

    In the central zone and in the European part of Russia, tree pollen can be present in the air from early April to the end of June, cereal pollen - in June-July, most weeds - from the end of June and throughout July and August.

    For cereals, the period of active dusting in central Russia falls on June-July, while the pollen concentration in the air is 100-500 grains per cubic meter. In hilly and mountainous areas this period extends until August or more. Please take this into account if you are going on holiday in the mountains.

    In dry, hot and windy weather, the concentration of pollen in the air usually increases, which favors the development of exacerbations of hay fever. In the rain, on the contrary, the likelihood of developing allergic reactions decreases.

    When planning a trip in the summer, look at the dust calendar, especially if you know which plant pollen you or your children may have an allergic reaction to.

    Precautionary measures

    During the dusting period, keep your car windows closed, avoid going on picnics and hikes, and relax by the sea, where there is much less pollen.

    During this period, it is dangerous for people sensitized to pollen and mold fungi to cut lawns and mow grass.

    Skin allergic reactions

    An allergen such as pollen can cause allergic skin reactions, such as acute urticaria. It usually lasts from several hours to several days. Unlike acute urticaria, chronic urticaria, which lasts for weeks or months, is very rarely an allergic reaction. It is most often associated with food allergens and additives, as well as medications.

    Hives can take many forms, but they are always characterized by a rash of blisters that may merge with each other. The rash can appear on any part of the body and is accompanied by severe itching.

    Unlike allergic urticaria, there is one that is caused by physical factors: sun, cold, atmospheric pressure.

    Treatment of allergies in children with homeopathy

    More than half of our patients are young children. Sometimes they bring 2-3 month old babies who, alas, already suffer from allergies.

    There are many reasons for allergies in infants: autoimmune hereditary diseases, use of chemicals by the mother during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, unhealthy urban environment, early prescription of chemicals (often unjustified), errors in complementary feeding. Usually at this age, allergies manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes and loose stools.

    Our frequent patients are children from 3 years old. This is the age of children’s first experience of independent life – kindergarten. Children, against the background of a natural decrease in innate immunity, develop an allergic reaction to new (“non-homemade”) products, to the materials from which toys are made, to household chemicals.

    A common manifestation of allergies at this time is from the bronchi. And, starting from the age of 3 years, immunologists consider it legitimate to give the child a serious diagnosis of “Bronchial asthma”. This period is also characterized by allergic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. Skin and ENT manifestations of allergies are also common. And it is at this age that it is important to correctly diagnose atopic dermatitis - a complex autoimmune disease that is often confused with allergies.

    Schoolchildren are in second place in terms of frequency of visits. These are already active and maturing children, but still with a fragile and not strong child’s body. Allergies manifest themselves on the skin in the form of dermatitis, affect the upper respiratory tract, and provoke allergic conjunctivitis. It is adolescence that can be considered the period of formation of such diagnoses as hay fever and hay fever.

    How to choose the right product

    Only a homeopathic doctor can choose the right remedy. His choice is based on several main criteria:

    • medicinal type;
    • condition assessment;
    • symptoms and their severity.

    An experienced specialist will assess a person’s condition in a matter of minutes. However, to confirm the diagnosis, it is advisable to conduct additional diagnostic studies.

    For a specialist, the general appearance of a person is highly informative. During the examination, the doctor observes manifestations of an allergic reaction, monitors breathing and bad breath. It is important to have a conversation with the patient, this will allow you to collect a complete history.

    However, this is acceptable if the person is in normal condition and does not require emergency assistance. Severe symptoms must be treated through traditional medicine.

    Most homeopathic remedies affect all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, when choosing a drug, they are guided by the clinical picture that appears. First of all, the product should fight allergies and only then have a positive effect on other body systems.

    Reviews from parents about the treatment of allergies in children

    “My son turned one year old when our local pediatrician literally “gave up” and said: “I strongly advise you to see a homeopath!” We cannot help your son with allergic skin lesions.” My husband and I were amazed - how could this be? Is official medicine abandoning us? Is our case the most difficult? We found it from reviews on the Internet. We chose homeopath Garus. From the very first words she reassured us. She explained that she has been treating allergic dermatitis for more than 25 years and is confident in her abilities. The doctor checked my son’s body to determine the causes of the disease and printed everything in detail for us. We were interested to learn from the doctor about our son’s hereditary diseases and vitamin deficiencies. But most importantly, the doctor selected several medications for her son that were to be used to treat the child. We had to dissolve a few grains in water in the morning and before bed. And no ointments! I think we all slept peacefully the first night. This was the beginning of treatment. After about a week, the rash on my son’s body began to gradually fade and decrease in prevalence. The son became calmer and his sleep gradually improved. We again introduced cereals and juices prohibited by the district pediatrician into the diet. After 3 weeks, there was practically no trace left of the previous sores. Now our son has a trusted doctor who, in a difficult situation, will not give up and refer him to another specialist, but will be able to take responsibility for his own treatment. My husband bought a huge bouquet of white roses and literally thanked Anna Georgievna on his knees! It was just a miracle! We pray for her health!

    Olga, 38 years old, Moscow »

    “My daughter was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis six years ago. In the spring, she was finishing first grade when she was “caught.” Complete nasal congestion - no drops HELPED AT ALL! Tears, sneezing, red eyes... The regional clinic sent us to the Center for Allergy and Immunology. Everything there turned out to be so expensive! They prescribed 17 tests for some crazy money. With the results we went to the allergist. She practically didn’t even look at these results and prescribed literally the same drops and tablets that we had already taken without her advice. We were so disappointed. And the nurse recommended a homeopath to Popov at the homeopathy center on Taganka. We immediately signed up and came to the appointment. This technique was strikingly different from the previous one. Firstly, attention and a calm, unhurried environment. The doctor asked me for a long time about pregnancy, about Tanya’s early childhood, about her appetite, sleep, and favorite activities. Then she conducted a special diagnosis according to Foll in order to choose homeopathy. At the same time, she explained everything to me in detail - what diseases Tanya could develop due to heredity, what pathologies she currently has. Everything was very important and on topic. We started taking homeopathy. The child literally began to come to life before our eyes. By the end of the second week, we completely forgot that the child had been diagnosed with allergies for so long. 5 years have passed and we note that Tanya does not have any manifestations of allergies. And now with Dr. Popova we treat dysbiosis and intestines (my daughter has a congenital pathology), so we come to Dr. Popova 2 times a year for further examination and treatment correction.

    Irina G., Narofominsk, Moscow region »

    Take just one course of treatment from homeopaths and easily see for yourself!

    Homeopathic remedies

    In the fight against allergies, homeopathy uses substances of plant and animal origin and various minerals.

    This type of treatment is highly effective; the medicine is used in small doses, which eliminates addiction. And most importantly, homeopathy treats not just the manifestations of allergies, but the causes that cause them.

    Homeopaths prescribe treatment individually for each specific case. Pay attention not only to the type of allergy, but also to the characteristics of the body. They take into account his character, constitution, and emotional state. Hay fever and skin dermatitis are especially treatable with homeopathy.

    Homeopathy methods relieve the symptoms of acute allergies from the first use. But full recovery does not come so quickly. Usually no earlier than six months later. The medicines used by homeopaths are inexpensive. The necessary mixtures with specific proportions are prepared right there in homeopathic clinics.


    Patient reviews

    “We express our gratitude to all employees for their attentive and sensitive attitude. In 2011, my son and I were admitted to the Rusakovskaya hospital with a diagnosis of Allergy. We received treatment. We thought that we would be discharged and everything would be fine. As a result, pills and injections killed all the microflora. The immune system went to zero - the child began to get sick often - one cold after another, dysbacteriosis... Worms appeared! It’s just some kind of trouble... In this state, we turned to homeopath Popova for help. We were treated for about 3 months. The child gradually grew stronger, grew, and recovered. During the whole winter I only had a cold 2 times. Allegia doesn't bother me. The worms were also removed using homeopathy. We are very grateful to homeopathic doctor Elena Yuryevna!

    Gordon Evgenia, 54 years old, Moscow »

    “I found out about it from a friend. I was afraid that I would be wasting my time and that there would be no benefit from the treatment. Then I decided to try it - I saw how it helped this friend of mine. After the first appointment, I was horrified! Doctor Garus diagnosed me with an allergy to literally everything - food, household allergens... The doctor also discovered parasites in my body - mites and mycoplasma. I came to the second appointment already satisfied. I could already eat almost all foods, smell flowers and use detergents (previously I could only tolerate laundry soap). As a result of the treatment, I lost a little weight, the swelling on my face and legs subsided (my legs swelled a lot in the evening). I am very glad that I learned about this at the center! It's a pity that I was slow in coming. I sincerely thank all the employees of the Maecenas, as well as Garus A.G. I feel great! I think that those who come to “ADONIS” will not regret it!

    Olesya, 48 years old, Moscow region »

    Reasons for the development of an allergic reaction

    The development of allergies may depend on the genetic characteristics of the immune system. People who are predisposed to an allergic reaction have a risk of having a child with the same pathology.

    Allergies usually occur after contact with an allergen (a specific substance that the body perceives as a causative agent).

    Allergies can occur when exposed to the following factors:

    plant pollen;

  • dust (book, home, street);
  • foreign proteins (they are present in vaccines, donor plasma);
  • medications (most often penicillins);
  • mold spores, fungi;
  • latex;
  • insect and arthropod bites;
  • six animals;
  • cleaning products (household chemicals);
  • food (most often seafood, carrots, milk, eggs, nuts, soy, fruits);
  • domestic tick secretions.
  • Benefits of Allergy Treatment

    1. Guaranteed reduction of complaints after 5 days, cure of allergies after 28 days.

    2. Treatment with individual homeopathic medicines - without side effects or harm to health!

    3. Additionally: increasing immunity, preventing colds and parasitic infections.

    4. You will receive a complete protocol of your health status (on 5 sheets) with a list of all pathologies and diseases (even at the most basic level).

    5. You will receive all the necessary medications for the full course of treatment free of charge!

    Allergy is not a disease!

    Currently, one of the most common diseases can be considered an allergic reaction. All over the world, this disease brings significant discomfort to many people, regardless of age. Asthma, seasonal rhinitis, skin rashes - all these symptoms are familiar to every second resident of our monastery under the name Earth. You can get rid of this disease not only with traditional methods of treatment; homeopathy for allergies also shows high effectiveness. However, the principle of its operation is radically different. What is she like?

    Question answer

    Is there an allergy to homeopathy? I am allergic to all drugs!

    During your appointment, the homeopath will talk to you in detail about allergies. You will have to answer the doctor's questions in detail. And after talking with you, the doctor will select homeopathic medicines to which you will definitely not be allergic!

    I cannot come to you for a consultation because I live in Volgograd. I have a big problem: I simply die from allergies in May-June from the bites of midges. Can you advise me something in absentia?

    In absentia, we will only recommend an online appointment, which will last one hour. Its cost is 3980 rubles. One such consultation will be enough for you. You can buy the medicine in Volgograd, there are several homeopathic pharmacies there. Or we send, if necessary, by Russian Post parcel (delivery 2-3 days).

    My son has asthma. What homeopathy advice do you recommend for treatment?

    There are more than 1000 drugs in homeopathy for the treatment of bronchial asthma! Prescribing treatment without examination is unprofessional! And if the treatment in absentia is chosen incorrectly, the disease may worsen. There is only one option - come to us for an appointment! It's inexpensive but effective!

    There are several types of allergies. What types of diseases does homeopathy treat?

    You are right, there are several types of allergies. At your appointment, a homeopathic doctor will be able to select medications that will cure any form of allergy. But he will be able to do this only after communicating with you.

    If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

    The material was prepared with the participation of homeopathic physician Garus Anna Georgievna. You can find out more about the author at this link.

    There are also disadvantages

    Homeopathy against allergies has several negative aspects that everyone who is concerned about this disease should be aware of:

  • Side effects may occur, including increased allergic reactions.
  • The result can be noticed only after a long period of therapy.
  • The technique is not effective in the case of an acute form of allergy, which puts the patient’s life at risk.
  • Due to the improper use of homeopathic remedies, the disease enters a chronic stage, as a result of which precious time is lost, which could be used to combat sensitization of the body.
  • It is difficult to find a qualified specialist - often appointments are carried out by “professionals” who do not have a medical education.
  • As you can see, homeopathy against allergic manifestations has not only invaluable advantages, but also some disadvantages. This should not be forgotten before starting a course of alternative medicine.

    Main groups of homeopathic medicines for allergies

    Conventionally, all homeopathic medicines for allergies can be divided into three types:

    • Group I - products relieve skin manifestations: neurodermatitis, urticaria, eczema;
    • Group II - drugs eliminate symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, cough, lacrimation, conjunctivitis);
    • Group III is used to eliminate ENT diseases caused by allergies, such as allergic rhinitis.

    Depending on the indications for homeopathic medicines, they can be produced in different forms (nasal sprays, granules, tablets, ointments).

    Allergic cough homeopathy

    The incidence of allergic diseases is increasing year by year, a possible reason for this phenomenon is the increasingly artificial living conditions of modern man. Every fifth person on Earth experiences allergic reactions at least once in their life. However, simple precautions and, if necessary, special treatment methods can be a good way to prevent the occurrence or exacerbation of allergic diseases in adults and children. An allergy is an excessive or abnormal response of the immune system to a substance called an allergen. The immune system protects our body from the penetration of foreign substances, antigens, such as bacteria and viruses.

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