Moms who are familiar with Nutrilon Pepti Allergy and Pepti Gastr...

Nutrilon pepti allergy or frisopep which is better

Nutrition of a child in the first year of life is the most important contribution to his development and health.
According to research, every 5 babies are allergic to cow protein. If an allergic reaction occurs or breastfeeding is impossible, the question arises of competent selection of dry milk formula. It is best to opt for a hypoallergenic product. Types of special mixtures from Nutrilon:

  1. Nutrilon Pepti Allergy - the mixture is manufactured and recommended for children with mild or moderate intolerance to cow protein. lactose reduced to 55%. The recommended age for feeding this mixture is 0-12 months. The manufacturer claims that the mixture is easily digestible.
  2. Nutrilon Pepti gastro is a mixture recommended for children who have problems absorbing food in their intestines.

The line of special mixtures from Nutrilon is also represented by mixtures: Nutrilon Lactose-Free, Antireflux, Soy, Amino, etc.

Baby formula Nutrilon Pepti Allergy

This mixture was developed based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and a number of its studies, especially for children with allergies.

A distinctive feature of Nutrilon Pepti is its maximum proximity to mother’s milk, deeply split whey protein rich in amino acids.

The unique composition of the mixture also includes prebiotics, mineral elements, a large amount of vitamins, and fish oil.

It is recommended to feed your child this mixture if:

  • The stomach or intestines have been operated on.
  • There are pathologies of fat absorption.
  • If your child has short bowel syndrome.
  • For intestinal inflammation (cystic fibrosis).
  • If your child suffers from food allergies, including lactose intolerance.
  • If the baby was born prematurely (prematurity).
  • If you have gastrointestinal problems.

Reviews from the official website of the manufacturer Nutrilon are always only positive, and therefore do not inspire much confidence.

To find out the real opinions of parents whose children have already tried this mixture, in order to write this article, unique material was collected from all currently existing customer reviews from independent resources and analyzed for matches. Those that occur most often will be presented below. Let's take a closer look at them.

Pros of Nutrilon Pepti Allergy: (consumer reviews)

  • Helps with atopic dermatitis.
  • Suitable for children with allergies.
  • The mixture mixes well without forming lumps. Quickly soluble in water.
  • Convenient packaging in the form of a tin jar, there is a measuring spoon.
  • Has a bitter taste.
  • Some buyers noted that they trust this manufacturer, and he gives very detailed information about his product on the packaging.
  • Most parents noted that the mixture, if it did not cure the allergy, then at least suppressed it, after which remission occurred.
  • The mixture is quite nutritious, the child eats it up.
  • Suitable for cooking porridge on it.

Cons of Nutrilon Pepti Allergy: (consumer reviews)

  • This mixture has an unpleasant specific odor (smells like fish oil)
  • It's very expensive to eat. Price (from 900 rubles) Jars (400 grams) last for three days.
  • It’s quite difficult to find in stores, but if it still fits, then you can think about buying it in small wholesale.
  • Green stool is scary for many parents (but this is normal for such mixtures, the manufacturer warns about this).
  • The first night after use, the child may have a tummy ache.
  • The mixture leaves a smell on the bottle; you have to wash it with special products.
  • The manufacturer placed a measuring spoon inside the package, which many parents found not very convenient for diluting the mixture for the first time.

Summarizing all the analyzed reviews, it is worth noting that in 80% of the cases described by customers, the mixture gave a positive effect.

Many parents noted the fact that Nutrilon Pepti Allergy (its composition can be viewed on the manufacturer’s website) is more medicinal in nature, and therefore, before introducing it into your child’s diet, you should consult a pediatrician.

Nutrilon Pepti Gastro: what it helps with, the pros and cons of the drug

For children with intestinal malabsorption syndrome and food intolerance, a mixture of Nutrilon Pepti Gastro has been developed, the composition of which can be viewed on the manufacturer’s website.

The product is positioned as dietary and medicinal due to its special composition, which allows you to saturate the body with nutrients thanks to high-calorie triglycerides.

Recommended for children suffering from lactose intolerance.

The manufacturer provides information that after consuming this mixture, the baby’s stool may acquire a green tint due to its composition.

When choosing a formula, you need to focus not only on the recommendations of the pediatrician, but also on the reviews of parents who have already bought it. There are a large number of them on the Internet. After a long study, the main pros and cons of the Nutrilon Pepti Gastro mixture were systematized as follows.

Pros of Nutrilon Pepti Gastro: (consumer reviews)

  • Feeding a child with this mixture brings results within the first week. Microflora is normalized, tests are improved.
  • The mixture is suitable for use from birth.
  • You can cook porridge with it, just like with regular milk powder.
  • The Nutrilon Pepti Gastro mixture reduces the manifestations of allergies, in most cases reduces them to “no”
  • Not as bitter as its competitors (Frisopep AS), the child gets used to it over time.
  • Rescue with a very strict diet for children who already eat complementary foods. You can bake pancakes with this mixture without adding eggs. This advantage is a real salvation for severe allergies.
  • No lumps are formed during dilution.
  • Convenient packaging in the form of an iron can.

Cons of Nutrilon Pepti Gastro: (consumer reviews)

  • Taste. According to a large number of mothers whose children have tried this mixture, the taste and smell leave much to be desired.
  • The mixture is quite expensive. The price for a 450 gram jar starts from 850 rubles. In some reviews, it reached up to 1000 rubles for a jar of the same volume. With long-term use it becomes very expensive. One jar lasts on average three days.
  • It is difficult to switch a child from this formula to regular formula. Some reviews noted that the gastroenterologist (and, in most cases, it is he who prescribes treatment with this mixture) recommends multi-stage transitions to mixtures that are simpler in composition. At this stage, many have difficulties, because the child’s fragile gastrointestinal tract reacts sharply to changing the formula, and typical problems begin in the form of colic, strange stools, or the absence of stools. Therefore, it is best to do this strictly under the supervision of a doctor, starting with 10 grams of the mixture per day.
  • It is administered very slowly so that the body can get used to it. The course is at least three months.
  • For some children, this mixture is not suitable at all, causing even greater allergies and a negative reaction from the body.
  • The mixture is difficult to find in stores. Many reviews described the difficulty of finding Nutrilon Pepti Gastro. The only salvation, according to buyers, is online shopping. However, there is not always a mixture there either. Therefore, the majority recommended purchasing it in large quantities at once, in order to avoid further problems with the search.

Summarizing all the opinions, we can conclude that the reaction of each organism to the Nutrilon Pepti Gastro mixture is completely different. For some it helps from the first days of use, while for others it causes the opposite reaction. There are much more positive reviews about this mixture.

In conclusion, it must be said that timely assistance to the child’s body in the fight against food allergies, including lactose deficiency, increases the chances that its manifestations in the future can be avoided. Many children simply “outgrow” it.

Fortunately, in the modern world there are quite a lot of mixtures that are not only nutritious, but also medicinal. The choice always remains with the parents. One thing is for sure - you need to select, introduce, change the mixture under the supervision of a doctor and according to the recommendations of a gastroenterologist, carefully monitoring the reaction of the child’s body.

Competent assistance from a specialist in this matter guarantees safety and reduces the risk of negative consequences.

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Basic properties and classification of the hypoallergenic mixture Nutrilon Pepti Allergy

A milk allergy occurs due to the complete absence or insufficient amount of enzymes that break down casein and lactose. To reduce the load on the digestive tract, casein was introduced into the Nutrilon Pepti Allergy mixture, which has undergone deep hydrolysis - splitting into smaller peptide fragments.

These molecules do not cause irritation and are almost completely absorbed in the baby’s digestive tract.

The lipid component, represented by vegetable oils, fish oil and Omega-6 and Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, in combination with a vitamin-mineral complex, promotes effective absorption of substances, stimulates the secretory function of the digestive tract and leads to the harmonious development of the newborn.

Solving the problem of protein intolerance due to allergies is the main purpose of this therapeutic food prescribed by a pediatrician.

The presence of hydrolyzed protein indicates that the Nutrilon Pepti Allergy mixture belongs to the so-called adapted diet. When choosing packaging, you should focus on the classification that reflects the age category of children.

Belonging to a particular group is marked with numbers:

  • 1 indicates the possibility of using the mixture for feeding newborns and babies for the first 6 months of life,
  • 2 demonstrates that the product belongs to the group intended for feeding children aged six months to a year,
  • 3 indicates the use of nutrition in feeding babies aged one year and older.

Nutrilon hypoallergenic

Online magazine about choosing the best goods and services

06.08.2019 12:48:12

Expert: Marina Berkovich

There is nothing healthier for a baby than mother's milk. Only it contains all the essential vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required quantities. However, modern trends are such that more and more mothers are unable to breastfeed their babies.

Problems with lactation can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions, stress, illness and other problems. And then formula comes to the rescue. Of course, it is not a complete, absolute alternative to mother's milk, but at the same time it may well help raise a healthy baby.

But which formula is best? Moreover, now there are dozens of their varieties on the shelves. However, the most popular are Nutrilon and Frisolak. Let's figure out which mixture is better.


Under the Nutrilon brand, a huge number of varieties of milk formulas are produced, which differ in composition and scope of use.

In addition to normal feeding, Nutricia produces products for children with sensitive digestion, allergies or the risk of allergies (including lactose intolerance), as well as special options for low birth weight or premature babies.

Of course, their compositions also differ. For example, Nutrilon Pre, intended for low birth weight children, includes a huge amount of prebiotics, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This composition provides complete nutrition for the newborn, who needs a richer diet than that provided in breast milk.

A series of products for children with sensitive digestion includes the following products:

  1. "Nutrilon Comfort"

    based on partially hydrolyzed proteins. They are much easier to metabolize and therefore are easily digested by the body without “loading” the baby’s sensitive intestines. Thanks to easy-to-digest proteins, it prevents constipation and colic;

  2. "Nutrilon Fermented Milk"

    containing lactic acid bacteria. They are necessary for normal intestinal function. That is why this option is recommended for children who suffer from functional digestive disorders, including colic and flatulence;

  3. "Nutrilon Lactose Free"

    , which does not contain milk proteins and is therefore suitable for children with individual lactose intolerance. The main substance in the composition is calcium caseinate, which is supplemented by a complex of fatty acids;

  4. "Nutrilon Antireflux

    ", intended for feeding children with regurgitation syndrome. Helps get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon due to the inclusion of natural thickeners, which at the same time have a positive effect on the baby’s digestive system;

  5. "Nutrilon Pepti Gastro"

    based on fully hydrolyzed proteins. It is extremely easy to digest, has low allergenicity and satisfies the baby’s energy needs.

However, all of these formulations are part of nutritional therapy, so consultation with a physician is required before using them.

For healthy children, “Nutrilon Premium” or “Nutrilon SuperPremium” are recommended. They differ in composition. “SuperPremium” contains more healthy fatty acids, vitamins and microelements, but is not equally well tolerated by all children.

The organoleptic properties of Nutrilon vary depending on the specific variety, but they have similar features:

  1. In finished form, "Nutrilon" has fairly liquid consistency

    , which makes it quite convenient for feeding, regardless of the type of bottle;

  2. Does not have a characteristic sweetish taste

    characteristic of breast milk. This is why some children may refuse to use it, especially when transferring from breastfeeding to substitutes or supplementing breastfeeding.

  3. On the other hand, after Nutrilon it is much easier to return to breastfeeding, since mother's milk becomes more pleasant for the baby.

So, let's summarize.

  • A wide range, including options for various cases, including problems with the digestive system or lactose intolerance;
  • Quite a liquid consistency, simplifying both preparation and feeding;
  • After formula, it is much easier to return to breastfeeding, since the baby will like mother's milk.
  • Lack of a pronounced taste, as a result of which a son or daughter may not immediately begin to eat;
  • Most products do not contain DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is essential for baby's brain development.

It is worth noting that the last drawback is quite controversial. In general, a newborn without developmental pathologies receives all the substances necessary for brain development from mother’s milk or standard milk formulas.

DHA is required for a baby who was born premature or low birth weight. Special “Nutrilon” formulations for such children contain this acid.

But its justification in products for a baby of normal weight or born at normal terms is quite controversial.


Frisolak (aka Friso for some products) is also a comprehensive brand of infant formula. Of course, its range is not as wide as that of its competitor, but it still includes both standard and specialized products.

The main advantage of Frisolak is that it has a thick consistency and sweet taste. This makes switching to this formula after breastfeeding much easier. The baby will be able to perceive it as an alternative to mother's milk. But returning to breastfeeding can be much more difficult.

It is also worth noting the rich composition of Frisolak. Almost all of its variants, except for extremely highly specialized ones, contain DHA and ARA fatty acids. They are required by the baby’s body for normal development, having a positive effect on bone tissue, skin, nervous system, and brain.

"Frisolak" in the series from the first day of life is presented in the following versions:

  1. "Frisolak Friso Gold 1"

    – a standard composition made from fresh milk, containing a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids necessary for the development of the baby. DHA is also included;

  2. "Frisolak 1"

    based on specially processed protein, easier to digest. It also contains fatty acids, antioxidants and nucleotides necessary for brain development;

  3. "Frisolak Friso VOM 1"

    with a complex of prebiotics aimed at improving digestion. Helps combat all digestion problems, including constipation, colic and regurgitation;

  4. "Frisolak Friso HA 1"

    for sensitive digestion. Hypoallergenic, based on partially digested protein, containing fatty acids, prebiotics and nucleotides.

It is worth noting separately that specialized Frisolak mixtures for sensitive digestion or children with functional digestive disorders actually show their effectiveness in combating colic, constipation and regurgitation. To improve the absorption of foods, galactooligosaccharides are used.

The organoleptic properties of Frisolak vary depending on the specific type, but they have common features:

  1. Quite thick consistency

    , which is comparable to mother's milk or may even seem somewhat thicker;

  2. Sweet taste

    . Thanks to this, switching to formula after breastfeeding will be much easier - the child will not distinguish between mother’s milk and Frisolak. However, returning to breastfeeding can be quite difficult.

  3. In general, mothers note

    that children eat “Frisolak” with great pleasure, and there are no negative effects from the digestive system in children.

So, let's summarize.

  • Pleasant taste, thanks to which the baby will be happy to eat “Frisolak”, even if he had to switch to it after a period of breastfeeding;
  • High effectiveness of specialized formulations in the treatment and prevention of functional digestive disorders - colic, constipation, regurgitation;
  • A wide range of varieties, including those aimed at therapeutic nutrition;
  • DHA is found in almost all varieties.
  • No lactose-free products. Even hypoallergenic ones include milk protein, albeit in a partially processed form;
  • After Frisolak, it may be difficult to return to breastfeeding.

In general, the disadvantages of mixtures are purely nominal. However, parents of children with lactose intolerance should pay attention to products from other manufacturers.

Dry formula Nutrilon Pepti Gastro 450g from 0 months

Dry mixture based on fully hydrolyzed whey proteins with medium chain triglycerides and nucleotides “Nutrilon Pepti Gastro”

For dietary (therapeutic) nutrition of children from birth.

  • For children with malabsorption syndrome and food intolerance
  • Relieves symptoms of food intolerance

NutrilonPepti Gastro

Malabsorption syndrome and food intolerance can occur with food allergies, after operations on the stomach and/or intestines, with malabsorption of fats and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is a lactose-free mixture, developed based on international recommendations, and is suitable for long-term use.

Nutrilon Pepti Gastro relieves symptoms of food intolerance and impaired intestinal absorption

Thanks to the special composition of NutrilonPepti Gastro:

  • has low residual allergenicity due to the presence of specially processed (highly hydrolyzed) whey protein, the amino acid spectrum of which is close to that of breast milk;
  • Meets the high energy needs of a child with malabsorption with high-calorie medium chain triglycerides
  • normalizes intestinal barrier function and improves digestion due to the content of nucleotides;
  • well tolerated in lactase deficiency, because does not contain lactose.

The high effectiveness of Nutrilon Pepti Gastro has been proven by international clinical studies.

The effectiveness of this mixture is due to the use, along with other components, of highly hydrolyzed whey protein. Therefore, the taste of the mixture is characterized by the presence of a bitter or tart note.

The stool of a child receiving this mixture may become greenish in color, which is also due to the presence of hydrolyzed protein in the mixture. Such changes are typical for all mixtures based on whey protein hydrolyzate.


  • Breastfeeding is preferable for feeding young children.
  • Nutrilon® is used as a breast milk substitute if breastfeeding is not possible.
  • Before using the mixture, consult a specialist.
  • Failure to follow the instructions for preparing and storing the formula may harm the child's health.
  • Never leave your baby alone while feeding.
  • For baby food.
  • It is not allowed to be administered to children who are allergic to any component included in the product.


  • Prepare food immediately before consumption!
  • Do not use leftover food for later feeding!
  • Do not heat the mixture in a microwave oven to avoid the formation of hot lumps of the mixture.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of mixture when preparing and do not add anything to the prepared mixture.
  • The new formula must be introduced gradually into the child’s diet. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Nutriclub® Mom Expert Line.


  • Store the unopened jar at a temperature from 0° to 25° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.
  • Store the opened jar tightly closed in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator.
  • Use the contents of the opened jar within three weeks.


Glucose syrup (polysaccharides, maltose, glucose), hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate, medium chain triglycerides, mixture of oils (rapeseed, sunflower, palm, Mortierella alpina), emulsifier - citric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, minerals, fish oil, choline, vitamin complex, taurine, inositol, trace elements, L - carnitine, nucleotides.

May contain traces of soy.

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