Allergy to sesame: causes, symptoms and treatment

Why is the problem developing?

Nutritionists recommend regularly consuming sesame seeds, as they contain many beneficial components for the body.

Manifestations of an allergic reaction are observed with increased sensitivity to this product. This is due to the presence of oleosins and proteins i6 b ses i7 in its composition. These proteins are also present in nuts. Therefore, hypersensitivity to nuts increases the likelihood of an immune system reaction to sesame.


Unpleasant symptoms after eating sesame occur:

  1. If the seeds were not stored under appropriate conditions.
  2. When consuming sesame seeds containing chemical elements. Often a negative reaction is observed due to the fault of low-quality raw materials used for seed treatment.
  3. With insufficient levels of enzymes involved in the digestion of food and responsible for the absorption of important vitamins and microelements. In this case, sesame acts as a powerful allergen.
  4. In case of dysfunction of the immune system.
  5. For pathologies of the liver, kidneys, bladder.

Intolerance to various foods develops if a person lives in unfavorable environmental conditions.

It was not possible to fully study the mechanism of development of the allergic reaction.

Allergy to sesame

It is more common in people with certain diseases of the internal organs. If you have diseases of the digestive system or thyroid gland, you should avoid eating sesame in any form. The state of the immune system is of great importance. In the presence of the above diseases, it is usually weakened.

Therefore, as soon as the spice enters the body, allergic reactions begin immediately. Information about the problem will help you detect the disease in time and consult a doctor. This will significantly reduce the risk of exacerbation and complications.

Main symptoms

With hypersensitivity to sesame, manifestations most often occur slowly. The clinical picture develops over several hours or days after consuming the product.

The first manifestations of the problem occur after consumption or contact with sesame. This is due to the course of the infectious process in the mucous membrane of the larynx. In this case, it reacts sharply to any nonspecific substances that enter the body.

If a patient is intolerant to sesame:

  • the face swells and the lips turn red;
  • respiratory function is impaired;
  • tingling in the larynx area.

In severe cases, there are attacks of sneezing, severe itching in the nose, headache, and allergic rhinitis.

Changes also occur in the eyes due to allergies:

  • there is pain in the organs of vision;
  • the conjunctiva turns red;
  • tear production increases.

Rashes appear on the surface of the skin, covering the entire body, signs of urticaria appear, the patient suffers from severe itching and a burning sensation in the epidermis.

If the patient does not receive urgent medical care, angioedema, anaphylactic shock or bronchial asthma develops as a result of an acute immune reaction.

Each person's sesame allergy may have different symptoms. At the first signs of illness, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In case of an attack of suffocation and other symptoms that threaten a person’s life, you need to call an ambulance, since these manifestations cannot be eliminated on your own.

It is important to remember that if there is no medical assistance or treatment is carried out incorrectly, then the allergy becomes chronic. In this case, the person will periodically experience disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and an inflammatory process in the joints.

Complications lead to a deterioration in the patient’s well-being and a decrease in quality of life.

Diagnosis and treatment

Sesame intolerance is diagnosed in different ways. But most often they do:

  1. Skin tests for allergens. During the examination, a small incision is made on the surface of the patient's skin and the suspected allergen is injected. Usually they test for several substances at once. By assessing the body's reaction, a specific stimulus is identified.
  2. Donating blood for antibodies. If an allergic reaction occurs in the body, the number of antibodies increases thirty times.

The results obtained allow us to identify a negative factor and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Sesame allergy cannot be completely eliminated. First of all, to avoid deterioration of health, you need to avoid contact with the allergen. Even consuming small amounts of sesame can cause a negative immune system response.

You should avoid oriental sweets, baked goods, cookies, pates, various pastes and sauces that can cause a cross-reaction.

To avoid unpleasant manifestations of the disease, it is recommended to use:

  1. Antihistamines that relieve clinical manifestations associated with increased histamine production. This effect is achieved with the help of Suprastin, Claritin and others. The duration of treatment and dosage are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
  2. Sorbents. They help remove toxic substances from the body, normalize the functions of the digestive system and improve the general condition of the body.

Alternative treatment methods may also be used. To eliminate the consequences of an allergy to sesame, you must use:

  1. Peppermint. Pour a glass of boiling water over it, leave for twenty minutes and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is no longer than two weeks. During this period it is usually possible to achieve improvement.
  2. Nettle. Pour three tablespoons of calendula flowers into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Infuse for several hours and drink half a glass per day. The infusion cleanses the blood and increases the body's resistance to allergens.
  3. Celandine. Raw materials in the amount of two hundred grams are poured into three glasses of boiling water and infused for four hours. Drink 50 grams on an empty stomach.

You can use folk remedies only with the permission of a doctor.

Allergen f10 – sesame, IgE

Subscription to price lists:. Globally, and especially in countries such as Canada, Japan and Israel, an increase in the prevalence of sesame seed allergy has been observed over the past 10 years. Researchers believe that the increasingly common occurrence of sesame allergies may be due to three important factors.

One of the factors is the increased use of sesame oil and its components, sesame seeds in food and cosmetic products. Sesame oil is becoming an increasingly common ingredient in skin and massage oils, and can also be added to hair care products, cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, topical oils and sunscreens.

Within the food supply, sesame oil can often be found in cookies, crackers, cakes, sauces and spreads, soy burgers, tempeh, granola bars, and other foods. For example, tahini oil is an oil produced from sesame seeds. Gomasio is a sesame-based salt. Halva is a sweet dessert often using sesame paste. On a product label, you should suspect the presence of sesame whenever you see any of the following names: sesamol, sesamolin, tahini, tahini, sesame oil, sesame oil, or benny seeds.

A second important factor may be cross-reactivity. Although scientists are not completely convinced, research in this area suggests that people with food allergies to peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, and cashews are also at risk of an allergic reaction to sesame seeds.

This allergic reaction is most likely related to proteins such as Ses i 6 or Ses i 7, which are found not only in sesame, but also in other products listed above. Additionally, an allergic reaction to sesame seeds may be due to proteins such as oleosins found in a wide variety of nuts and seeds. The last important factor may be contamination of sesame during processing.

Products that should not contain any sesame seeds may end up containing the seeds due to the general use of equipment in food processing plants or through incidental contact during storage and transit, such as the circulation of nuts and seed products in the same storage area.

In the United States, starting this year, the Consumer Protection Society's review of food allergen labeling required the use of special labels to detect the presence of any serious food allergens.

In the case of sesame, in addition to the issues raised above, there is also some evidence that it cross-reacts with peanuts, walnuts, and cashews and causes food allergies. Sesame husks contain oxalates. In fact, most of the calcium contained in sesame husks comes in the form of calcium oxalate.

Sesame Seed Paste Tahini paste found in grocery stores is most often made from sesame seed kernels that have not been hulled. These foods can generally be safe in moderation, even on an oxalate-restricted diet.

However, products containing unrefined sesame kernels may have more oxalates than diet desired. Product labels do not always indicate whether peeled sesame was used or not. For this reason, it is better to check the color of the tahini paste carefully and also distinguish it by taste. Most sesame paste is made from whole, unhulled sesame seeds and is quite dark in color and much more bitter in taste than paste made from hulled sesame seeds.

Manufactured in India. Sesame quotes. News In search of calcium. Solve the riddle: what element is necessary for each of us, the daily requirement is measured not in micrograms, like other vitamins and minerals, but in grams?

It's calcium! During our lives we eat a hefty brick of this mineral. The teenagers ate dope seeds. Articles Sesame, sesame. Spices and seasonings. Type: Sesame is an annual plant, cm high. The root is taproot, cm long, branched in the upper part, thick. In search of calcium, let's turn to sesame. Out of him. Sesame - Ayurveda. Sesame Sesame seed is not a spice, but a food additive. It has a pleasant, slightly bitter taste and balances Vata dosha.

This amazing sesame is treated with herbs. Calcium It is known that sesame is superior in calcium content to most food products, even many types of cheese.

Halva production is an industrial technology. Saponin molecules as a surfactant apparently play a certain role in the binding of these masses. The caramel mass fibers have inclusions. Production of sesame oil. Questions and answers Questions about sesame.

Questions about sesame. Allergic reactions to sesame seeds Globally, and especially in countries such as Canada, Japan and Israel, an increase in the prevalence of allergy to sesame seeds has been observed over the past 10 years. Sesame Seeds and Oxalates Sesame husks contain oxalates. Offer for export-import companies from the CIS countries and other countries: high quality sesame, supplied directly from the manufacturer.

Sesame varieties: white, black, brown. Paraguayan and Indian sesame seeds. Details on request. Attention importers! Subscription to price lists for agricultural products from foreign manufacturers. Peanuts, dried fruits, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, onions, garlic, coconut flakes, dried seafood, etc. We recommend that you read: price informer for frequently imported products according to Sale And Buy.

Allergies in children

An allergy to sesame in infants develops if a woman does not eat properly during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Hereditary predisposition also plays an important role. To avoid the problem, a woman should completely give up honey, nuts, coffee and eggs, tropical fruits, seafood, and glazed cheese curds.

It is recommended to focus on fermented milk products, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, vegetable soups, stewed or boiled lean meats.

By following nutritional rules, it is possible to ensure that a child does not develop an allergy to sesame and that the gastrointestinal tract is formed correctly.

Preventive measures

Sesame is a rather strong allergen, so it is difficult to predict whether an allergy will occur or not. If this happens, then you need to avoid any contact with the allergen. To prevent the disease it is recommended:

  1. Before purchasing a product, study its composition. Sesame and its oil are used to prepare various foods.
  2. Carry an antihistamine with you, which will improve the situation in case of an allergic reaction.
  3. Be regularly examined by an allergist to identify cross-allergens to avoid exposure to potentially dangerous substances.
  4. Maintain your immune system at a normal level by playing sports and taking a course of vitamin therapy.

If there is a genetic predisposition, the problem will be more complicated, since some people have to take medications throughout their lives to reduce histamine levels. An allergic reaction to peanuts often causes hay fever. Therefore, the problem cannot be ignored. Hypersensitivity to seeds is quite common. Therefore, everyone should be familiar with methods for relieving unpleasant symptoms to prevent exacerbation of the disease and relapse.

Causes of allergic reactions

There are only 2 main causes of allergy to sesame - imperfect immunity, hereditary predisposition. Proteins and oleisins that are part of the spice can provoke the problem. Sensitive defenses perceive elements as potentially dangerous. They try to neutralize them and remove them from the body as quickly as possible.

As a result, histamine levels increase and allergic reactions appear. Poor seed processing and improper storage contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions. Individual intolerance to the plant cannot be ruled out. It appears as a result of a lack of certain enzymes responsible for the digestion and absorption of sesame elements.

Important: signs of the disease can be very serious, including anaphylaxis. People with allergies to nuts, of any kind, should avoid sesame. Cross-reaction may occur.

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