Allergy to d panthenol ointment instructions for use - Allergy and all about it

An allergy to the sun is a type of allergy in which the allergen for the patient is those substances that are formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For a patient with photodermatitis (as sun allergy is scientifically called), long-term exposure is not necessary, since in the presence of hypersensitivity of the body, even short-term exposure to sunlight is sufficient.

In the modern world, cases of sun allergies are quite common. About 20% of people have experienced symptoms of this disease in one form or another.

This is explained by the fact that skin sensitivity can increase under certain factors. Allergy to the sun must be treated without fail in order to avoid recurrence of such cases in the future. Treatment of this disease should be carried out with the selection of the most effective therapy, as well as taking into account the individual picture of the disease and maximum attention to safety for the patient.

It is a misconception that the sun's rays are an allergen for this disease. Due to the nature of the immune system, only specific substances that enter the body can act as allergens. Basically, these are substances of protein nature. Sun allergy is an autoimmune disease.

In this case, the development of the disease occurs in response to the body’s own metabolic products.

How does the active substance work?

Dexapanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid, pantothene.
But since the Greek name of the compound hardly explains anything to the average person, it is better to designate it with a more familiar term - vitamin B5. By the way, it is the Greek name, which means “everywhere,” that emphasizes the nature of the vitamin – its wide distribution. vitamin B5

One can write a lot and for a long time about the importance of any vitamins for the normal functioning of the human body, but vitamin B5, in particular, is necessary for fat, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in tissues, and is actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, cholesterol, histamine, and vital fatty acids.

If there is not enough pantothenic acid in the skin, then D-Panthenol is used, which, due to some of its properties, is able to penetrate almost all layers of the skin, restoring its integrity. In addition, it may also have an anti-inflammatory effect.


Panthenol has a fairly extensive list of indications, including dryness and disruption of the integrity of the dermis. These include:

  • minor abrasions, cracks and wounds;
  • burns (for example, sunburn);
  • bullous and vesicular dermatitis;
  • boils and bedsores;
  • poorly surviving grafts;
  • abscesses;
  • trophic ulcer (leg);
  • diaper rash in babies.

It is also used by women for:

  • cervical erosion;
  • caring for breasts while the baby is breastfeeding.

As for the solution for administration, it is used for the prevention and treatment of postoperative intestinal atony, as well as for paralytic intestinal obstruction.

Panthenol spray - instructions for use

D-Panthenol is a medicine intended for use in cases of various damage to the skin. Improves the nutritional value of the epidermis, increases the regenerative properties of tissues. Qualitatively accelerates cell metabolism, increases the strength and stability of collagen fibers. This drug has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

To obtain the optimal therapeutic effect, the aerosol is used after cleansing the skin of dirt and fatty secretions. According to the official instructions, the container with the drug must be shaken several times to obtain a uniform, high-quality foam. Apply to dry skin 3-4 times a day. For uniform spraying, it is recommended to keep the bottle at a distance of 20-25 cm from the treated skin area.

Such problems, as a rule, occur in newborns and infants, so to combat them it is necessary to choose the most delicate means. Panthenol aerosol fits this description perfectly. It promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes and cell restoration in case of skin damage. After it, no additional use of cosmetic creams is required.

Despite the relative simplicity of the chemical composition, the drug is recognized as one of the most effective means for treating burns. The healing properties of Panthenol significantly accelerate skin regeneration, reduce tissue damage caused by thermal exposure, and minimize pain. Panthenol is prescribed for burns in 95% of cases, so doctors recommend always having it in your home medicine cabinet. Forethought will allow you to provide prompt assistance to a person who has received a burn, and thereby minimize the damage.

What kind of drug is Panthenol, its properties

Panthenol is a bioreparant, that is, an external agent that promotes the restoration of damaged tissue, no matter what caused the injury. It can be an ointment, a spray in an aerosol can or a cream; any composition works the same:

  • relieves pain;
  • stops the inflammatory process if it has not turned infectious;
  • stabilizes metabolism, thereby accelerating the formation of new dermal cells;
  • moisturizes, removes peeling;
  • prevents the appearance of abrasions and wounds due to dry skin.

How to use and how to store?

The need for the drug covers a wide area. So, in early childhood, D-Panthenol will help during treatment:

  • dermatitis (so-called diaper dermatitis)
  • scratches
  • irritation due to exposure to hot sun
  • This includes both preventive and therapeutic measures to eliminate diaper rash.

Nursing mothers will also appreciate its healing properties in case of cracked nipples or inflammation, which can lead to infection and mastitis.

D-Panthenol ointment

And since no one is immune from wounds and injuries, it is not superfluous to know about the capabilities of the drug in various dosage forms - both D-Panthenol cream and D-Panthenol ointment. What exactly are they recommended for? They provide an excellent effect in healing a wide variety of skin problems and injuries:

  • various burns, including those received during sunbathing
  • frostbite
  • weathering
  • abrasions-scratches
  • cuts
  • wound
  • postoperative incisions and sutures (free of microorganisms, i.e. aseptic)
  • cracks in the anus
  • lesions of the cervix mucosa, i.e. cervix
  • bedsores
  • dermatitis
  • boils
  • trophic ulcers on the legs
  • used in the treatment of dry skin as a source of neutral fats
  • when caring for the skin surface near the openings after tracheo-, gastro-, colostomy
  • in the prevention of external influences, for example, going outside in frost or strong wind.

D-Panthenol is used in the healing of a wide variety of skin problems and injuries.

  • Use the drug 2-4 times a day. If the doctor deems it necessary, you can do this more often. Moreover, a cream or ointment is suitable for treating lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • The drug is applied to the affected area with light rubbing movements, in a thin layer.
  • If the wound is infected, then before applying D-Panthenol it must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.
  • Problem areas in infants are lubricated after bathing or changing diapers and underwear.
  • For breastfeeding women, if there are cracks in the nipples, use ointment/cream every time you feed the baby. It is permissible to apply them to the nipples in the form of a compress and not even wash them off before feeding. However, as they say, God protects the best: in order to avoid possible allergies in the baby, it is better to wash off the remaining product from the nipple.
  • To treat fissures in the anus or lesions of the mucous membrane of the cervix, it is enough to apply the medicine once or twice a day.

How to use and how to store

The course of treatment over time will depend on the level of severity of tissue damage, the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, the tolerability of the medication, as well as the achieved treatment result. This will determine whether a repeat course is required.

Storage conditions are practically no different from storing other medications: the room temperature should not be higher than 25o, and the place should be protected from light and moisture penetration. Of course, children should not reach the storage area.

Naturally, it is not recommended to use an expired drug. Manufacturing dates are usually indicated on the package insert or on the packaging. So, the shelf life for the cream is indicated at one and a half years, for the ointment - two.

Be careful with Panthenol.

Girls, I want to warn everyone - perhaps pharmacies have started selling counterfeits or something else... In general, I was a little burned - my face and neck. I took Panthenol for a day, or rather a little more than a day, and in the morning I got up and my eyes were swollen, they became like 2 slits, and my neck was covered with purple spots. I ran to the doctor - they diagnosed a thermal burn using anti-burn foam.

In such cases, panthenol cream is better, namely cream.

thanks for the warning!

Buy drapolene or bipanten cream.

No, it was Panthenol SPRAY!! Foam!

1: Oh. I didn’t understand, I thought you thought that I used the cream, and you recommended the cream. Thank you.

Author, what about taking a doctor’s certificate and going to court? I understand that all this is burdensome, but still.

Hm. I’ve never noticed anything like this with my “favorite” pantheon.

Thanks I'll know(

6: no, that's too much for me. Moreover, there will always be excuses - it was not shaken or if the product is fake - they are not responsible for this at all.. And there is no desire. no time.. 7: Monica: I also had a favorite - I had scratches and burns and just soothed the skin if I was in the sun for a long time.. now I’m afraid to even look..

They bear the responsibility!

Panthenol comes from different manufacturers. I always buy German and have never had any burns.

The spray contains a certain percentage of something vinegary - perhaps you had a reaction to this.

Have you ever thought that you are simply allergic to panthenol?

Damn, I smeared myself with it yesterday. seems to be OK

Phew, it’s good that I use La Cree, although they also wanted to sell me Panthenol spray at the pharmacy. So, as I used La Cree, I will continue to help!

╧6 If it’s likely to yield something, they’ll buy it off!

I literally two days ago used Panthenol, which I bought recently. Everything is fine, no burning and removes redness well.

Rocky, please write to me the manufacturer of Panthenol that you bought. we won't take it

I think it was not a fake, but you are simply allergic to this drug

Don't know!? La Cree and I normally use Panthenol and some other similar creams, but I take them from trusted sources. And they always helped a lot. You probably got a fake.

I also use La Cree and Panthenol and it’s fine. Both products did not let me down! Therefore, such drugs must be taken from pharmacies. so as not to run into a fake, otherwise you might catch something else from the treatment!

Don't buy Eliminator. DIVORCE!

Here I am. what to do now? the whole face is burning, the skin is dry and itchy

We also bought panthenol for burns, in short, my son had a reaction, the manufacturer is Ukraine.

When I use panthenol, I get wild itching in the areas where this foam is used. I used it twice, 10 years apart. and both times this is the reaction to this panthenol.

I am also allergic to panthenol and the symptoms are the same: swelling, red spots, itching. I used panthenol after peeling, it was a nightmare, it took two weeks to get my face in order. And now, if, for example, in a cosmetic product there is a cleansing foam, cream, etc. There is panthenol in the composition, everything repeats itself - swelling, redness, itching. This is how it happens.

Your text Hello, I encountered the same thing. I do not know what to do. Can you tell me what the doctor prescribed for you?

That's my problem. I was very badly sunburned, I admit that I have never been so badly sunburnt, for the first time I started using panthenol, my face is swollen, my eyes are swollen, so I don’t know what’s wrong, but I have a feeling that as soon as I wake up the swelling is less, as soon as I apply it my skin is burning and the swelling becomes stronger.

I rinsed my baby (7 months old) with hot tap water. The skin turned red on the face and in the groin it was sprayed with panthenol and smeared on the cheeks. They took me to the hospital, but the doctor couldn’t figure out where the burn was, more like an allergy. But why didn’t he ask me if you treated the burn with something? And in the bustle I forgot to tell him about it. After reading your post, I made sure that after all it was a reaction to it, and not to paracetamol and egg white that the grandmother rubbed on the child.

Damn, how is this possible with a child?

before bathing, put your hand in and check the water, then rinse your child

Yes, I always check. A confluence of circumstances and a distracting element in the form of a mother-in-law is the result ((in the morning everything disappeared and there are no stains from panthenol or burns on the face; the slight swelling is still there.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the measles vaccination for adults: when is it done and how many times?

Yes, and the contact with water was 2-3 seconds, because I poured it from a small ladle onto the chest, but children’s skin is thin and sensitive, so the redness appeared after some time, and I also sprayed panthenol, adding to the problems ((

how to sapshchyt and podedlke?

You just need to take German! It contains a kind of painkiller, so it doesn’t sting. and other manufacturers do not have such an analgesic effect! Here)))

I was in the hospital with 2nd degree burns, they sprayed me with panthenol, on the 3rd day there was a terrible reaction, the entire treated area began to burn violently. The production of the drug in Germany is written.

I washed it off right now, everything was burning and the red spots went away, immediately after washing it off it became easier

It’s good that I never use it for burns. I always lubricate my burns with the healing balm Guardian. It has a completely natural composition with vitamins, so there are no burn marks left.

I burned my skin with d-panthenol. I have already been to 4 dermatologists. Who says dermatitis, xerosis, hyperkerticosis. I've been flying for a month.

Girls, please tell me! My face was burned, I didn’t do anything for the first 24 hours so as not to injure the skin, there was just redness, they recommended panthenol cream, I bought a spray, anointed it on my chest and face, the redness went away, but swelling appeared and only on the face! What is this reaction to? In the sun or panthenol.

I washed myself in the bathhouse, began to rinse my head, mixed up warm water with boiling water and poured a ladle of boiling water on my head, my whole body was burned, except for the face there was one large blister, I called an ambulance, they came and gave me an anesthetic injection, they distorted the urine with FURACILINS, I called the pharmacy on duty and asked what to treat, they advised PANTHENOL, I bought it I started applying foam several times a day, on the second day the blisters stopped getting wet and dried up, and on the third I went to work, AND YOU HATE IT SO MUCH!

Didn't you at least scald your brains with boiling water??

I have it even worse. Also allergic to panthenol. And any content of it by other means. I was breastfeeding my baby, my nipples were terribly swollen and I applied creams containing panthenol, as they advised, but nothing helped. As a result, the child is already 1 year old and weaned. And this time I bought some lipstick (my lips were terribly chapped) and my lips were swollen and even water was leaking out of them and everything was itching terribly.

Just as it was written, for two days after my face was burned, I applied Panthenol foam every 20 minutes, today I got up and my eyes were swollen, I quickly washed my face, drank Suprastin and applied the rescuer!

I myself live in Germany, my boyfriend and I went to volleyball all day and there was no shade, I was horrified. I had a cream from Garnier “After Sun”, I used it and it became easier. Then our friend, when he saw how badly I was burned, gave us panthenol. Also foam and original. I snorted and everything seemed to be fine.

Then my skin felt like it was swelling. You know, the feeling that you’ve been drinking for a week and your legs are swollen to such an extent that the pain is no longer because it’s burned, but because it’s so tight. I am allergic to many things, but I didn’t even think that it might be to panthenol. Then, before going to bed, when I burst into tears from pain, the guy said that maybe it was an allergy. Well, in general, I continue to use cream from Gernir, although it helps more slowly, but I don’t walk like a penguin.

I got a sunburn. A day later I started using panthenol spray. After an hour, my face began to itch.. I washed my face! A slight swelling appeared. I didn’t apply anything else, I just wiped it off with ice. In the morning I discovered the wildest swelling. forehead, eyes, cheeks, lips are slightly swollen. Without thinking twice, I called an ambulance, such incidents do not lead to good.

So don’t read about grated potatoes, cucumbers on your face, go straight to the hospital)

good health to everyone and be careful with medications. It’s a pity I didn’t attach this, otherwise it would have been just right for clarity;)

My husband and I were on vacation in Thailand, the skin of our face and neck was a little burnt (because in the first days we went without hats), on the same day I applied panthenol foam, bought in a regular household chemicals supermarket, quite popular in the Far East (it was not bought as a medicine from burns, and as a soothing remedy after sunbathing).

Swelling appeared, my face became uniformly pink, naturally I thought that this was not from panthenol, but from the scorching sun of Thailand. I applied this foam again and again because... I was sure that this definitely couldn’t happen from panthenol, because all over the Internet, on all sites, they kept repeating one thing - the best remedy for burns is panthenol. .

At that moment I was 100% sure that it was such a severe sunburn. As a result, the face became so swollen that my mother would not have recognized it; blisters with a yellowish liquid appeared. Not only was the view terrible (my face looked like I had been bitten by a flock of bees), but it all hurt and burned like hell! I was at a loss, I didn’t know what to do, where to go for honey.

help (the travel agency initially said that sunburn is not an insured event). I was very lucky that I came across your forum and it finally dawned on me that there was no sunburn, there was a complete chemical burn all over my face from PANTHENOL. On the advice of the guides, I anointed my face with aloe gel, it burned like crazy, but they told me to endure it, and went to bed! On the trail.

the next day all these blisters dried up and turned into crusts, a sight not for the faint of heart, but nothing hurt! A day later, all the crusts fell off and voila - a new face))) Aloe is salvation. I will never buy Panthenol again in my life, even at the pharmacy. It’s good that this whole story passed in 4 days and the face became normal, there were still 10 days of vacation ahead for excursions and photos)))

Pharmacological properties

Vitamin preparation.

  • Minor anti-inflammatory;
  • Dermatoprotective;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Nutritious;
  • Softening;
  • Stimulation of the synthesis of sterols, steroid hormones and acetylcholine, as well as the processes of gluconeogenesis;
  • Increasing the strength of collagen fibers;
  • Improved skin regeneration.

Panthenol metabolizes in the body to pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate), eliminating its deficiency. Pantothenic acid, as a component of coenzyme A, is found in all biological tissues, and when they are damaged, the need for it increases sharply. Pantothenic acid plays an important role in acetylation and oxidation, saccharide and fatty acids, in the Krebs cycle, in the production of acetylcholine, glucocorticoids, porphyrins, restores cellular metabolism, strengthens collagen fibers.

Panthenol improves intestinal motility. Acetylcholine, being нейромедиатором, ensures normal secretory and transport functions of the intestine. Panthenol has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

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Pantothenic acid stimulates the growth of the upper layer of skin and the regeneration of mucous membranes. Pantothenic acid deficiency can be eliminated by external and topical use of d-panthenol. Its physicochemical properties ensure gradual and deep absorption of the drug by the skin.

Panthenol is often prescribed for non-healing wounds and ulcers. When used externally, it protects the affected area of ​​the skin from mechanical factors.

When used topically in the form of an eye gel, it helps restore corneal tissue. D-panthenol accelerates cell division and shortens the recovery time of the corneal epithelium (on average 3-5 days). As part of complex therapy, d-panthenol reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction and reduces the duration of its course, which is manifested in a decrease in the intensity of pain, the severity of the corneal defect, in the elimination of edema and SPIRPµC‚PѕP±PѕСЏР·РЅРё.

For corneal dystrophy, in addition to d-panthenol, therapeutic contact lenses are indicated. If bubbles appear on the cornea, wearing therapeutic contact lenses is mandatory. Once the bubble elements are eliminated, the lenses are usually discontinued. Then antiseptic drugs are prescribed in combination with panthenol.

Persons suffering from RєРµСЂР°С‚РѕРєРѕРЅСѓСЃРѕРј noted an improvement in the tolerability of therapeutic lenses when using d-panthenol eye gel.

Panthenol promotes epithelial growth, stimulates cell migration, providing more active tissue restoration of the damaged skin area, thereby quickly eliminating the threat of infection.

Used as an auxiliary drug to increase the effectiveness of the main treatment.

The pronounced healing effect of panthenol on патогенез and the outcome of the burn process has been proven. Panthenol provides intensive restoration of the epithelium in case of burns. Epithelization takes from 3 to 15 days.

The drug is also used to prevent the development of SЃРёРјР±Р»РµС„аронов, in particular for serious chemical burns.

For superficial herpetic skin infections, it is used as an auxiliary drug as part of specific therapy. In this case, the use of d-panthenol shortens the healing period of damage to 6-7 days.

Are there any contraindications?

  • Treatments with colostomy, gastrostomy and tracheostomy;
  • Treatment of anal fissures and nipples, burns of various origins, violations of the integrity of the cervical mucosa, scratches and abrasions, dermatitis;
  • Eliminating the effects of negative environmental factors on the skin;
  • Prevention of skin damage.
  • Facilitating the healing of skin grafts;
  • Treatment of dry, dehydrated skin, aseptic surgical wounds and skin after surgery;
  • Treatment of bedsores and wounds, skin inflammation, boils, trophic ulcers, mild diaper dermatitis;
  • Elimination of irritation after UV or X-ray radiation;
  • Prevention of bedsores.
  • Treatment of mild diaper rash;
  • Preventing diaper rash.
  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to D-panthenol or its components.

The answer to the question of whether there are contraindications and what are they for the use of the drug D-Panthenol cream and D-Panthenol ointment, the instructions for use give a short and clear answer: this may be the case if there is an increased sensitivity to at least one of its components - how main and auxiliary.

Tablets, lozenges:

  • inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity, stomach;
  • calcium pantothenate deficiency.


  • lack of normal intestinal tone after surgery and childbirth, distension by gases, paralytic intestinal obstruction;
  • numbness in neurological pathologies.

Ointment, cream, lotion, aerosol:

  • all types of violation of the integrity of the skin (including abrasions, cracks, burns, surgical wounds, non-healing skin grafts, non-healing ulcers, bedsores, cracked nipples during breastfeeding, intertrigo, chapping);
  • dry skin inflammation (has a positive effect on dry, easily irritated skin);
  • dermatoses of allergic origin (as part of complex treatment);
  • radioactive skin lesions;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • ultraviolet burns, solar herpes.

Eye gel:

  • corneal erosions;
  • inflammation of the cornea;
  • eye burns;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • prevention of the development of corneal defects when using contact lenses.

Solution for external use:

  • inflammatory pathologies of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi;
  • dry runny nose (after using деконгестантов);
  • after surgery (surgery on the nasal septum, removal of tonsils);
  • erosion of the urogenital system.

Intolerance to the components of the medication.

According to reviews from leading doctors in the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, Panthenol can be used with virtually no restrictions. The only factor that prevents the treatment of cracks, burns and wounds with this drug is the body’s increased sensitivity to the components included in the composition. Problems of this kind are solved by prescribing similar remedies.

Indications for use

Panthenol is prescribed in the following cases:

  • chemical thermal or sunburn;
  • diaper rash and dermatitis (including diaper dermatitis in infants);
  • scratches, abrasions and other violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • inflammatory changes, as well as cracked nipples in nursing mothers;
  • treatment of bedsores, as well as trophic ulcers of various origins and extensive wounds (Panthenol ointment);
  • prevention of negative effects of the external environment on the skin (dampness, frost, wind).

In addition, the drug in question is prescribed in case of poorly healing transplanted skin areas. As a source of pantothenic acid as well as fats, Panthenol can be used to treat very dry skin.

Release forms

D-Panthenol is produced in the form of creams and ointments - both 5%, marked: “for external use.” 25 and 50 g each in a sealed aluminum tube - this is the packaging of the drug D-Panthenol. The price, of course, directly depends on the volume and the manufacturer. Domestic analogues are cheaper and more accessible than Croatian and German products.

What is better to choose for treatment - ointment or cream - will depend on the surface to be treated. If the skin is dry, then ointment is preferable, since the percentage of fat in it is higher and thanks to this it is possible to create an airtight air film on the affected area. And this is especially important for caring for children’s skin, when the child is prone to diaper rash, the so-called diaper dermatitis, as well as for the prevention of frostbite.

For dry skin, ointment is preferable

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There is no fat in the cream, and it is recommended when it is necessary to treat wet wounds and open areas of the body. And since the cream is easy to rub in, it is easier to use even on painful burns.

By the way, the cream is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent cracked nipples during breastfeeding (after each feeding, it is easily applied to a nipple washed with boiled water), and if a crack has already appeared, ointment is better.

  • Ointment, 5% - 25, 30, 35 or 50 g tubes or 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 35 g jars.
  • Cream for external use 5% (50 mg/1 g) - tube 25 g or 50 g.

Cost at the pharmacy

The price of Panthenol depends on the form and manufacturer, the concentration of the active substance, the place of purchase, but on average for 50 g of the product it is as follows:

Panthenol with a smiley face

  • Russian-made body milk – from 120 rubles;
  • domestic spray - from 260 rubles, with the addition of aloe vera - from 300 rubles;
  • German aerosol - from 400 rubles;
  • Russian cream – from 100 rubles;
  • domestic ointment - from 180 rubles;
  • Israeli ointment – ​​from 300 rub. for 35 years;
  • 10% spray – from 300 rub.

Sprays are more expensive than creams and ointments. The price is higher if the product is intended specifically for children.

Directions for use and doses

Tablets, lozenges: For the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and larynx orally (tablets - sublingually) - 0.2-0.4 g per day, for children - 0.1-0.3 g per day. In the form of lozenges for resorption - 0.2-0.6 g per day. In case of pantothenic acid deficiency - 0.1 g (up to 0.5 g per day) at any time of the day, washed down with a small amount of water.

Solution for injection: Subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously for the prevention of postoperative disturbance of intestinal tone - 4 ml during surgery and in the first days after surgery; treatment of postoperative disturbance of intestinal tone - 4 ml with an interval of 6 hours, with paralytic intestinal obstruction - 2 ml, then two hours later, then with an interval of 6 hours until natural peristalsis is restored.

Ointment, cream, lotion, aerosol: Locally, 1-4 times a day, cover the affected area with a thin layer. Before applying the drug, the wound surface must be treated with an antiseptic. Do not allow ointment, cream, lotion or spray to get into the eyes. Children under 2 years, apply to the back, buttocks and groin after changing clothes, swimming, and before walking.

To prevent diaper dermatitis and intertrigo, the buttocks, groin and inner thighs should be treated 2 times a day. During lactation, apply to the surface of the nipple after each feeding. Panthenol aerosol is used 1 or more times a day, spraying the medicine over the entire affected area. Shake the aerosol before use.

Eye gel: Panthenol eye gel - one drop into the lower part of the eye 3-5 times a day and once immediately before bed. After depressurization of the tube, the medication is used for no more than 1.5 months. If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before use gel and insert after at least 15 minutes.

When used in combination with other ophthalmic drugs, a minimum time interval of 5 minutes should be observed between their use (panthenol is dripped last). After applying the eye gel, caution should be exercised when driving a car and doing work that requires acute vision.

Solution for external use: Panthenol solution for external use is used to rinse the mouth and throat (can be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1); for inhalations - in undiluted form; for treating the scalp - undiluted or diluted (with water or ethanol in a ratio of 1 to 3).

  • The drug is applied to the damaged area of ​​skin 2-4 times a day.
  • Depends on the form and severity of the disease.
  • According to the instructions, after using D-panthenol, you must carefully remove it from the nipples before breastfeeding;
  • The use of the drug in the case of poorly healing skin grafts should be accompanied by medical supervision.

How to use

If the drug is used to treat infants, precautions must be taken. Apply panthenol carefully so as not to get on the mucous membranes. Apply to damaged skin with each new swaddling, about 5 times a day. As a rule, improvement occurs already on the second day after using D-Panthenol. To prevent diaper rash from making itself felt again, the cream is applied to clean skin as a preventive measure.

In this case, the places can be very different - the area of ​​​​the buttocks and the inguinal folds. Apply to affected areas after every bath and change of underwear.

Panthenol is used not only in children. Mothers who have experienced symptoms of cracked nipples during breastfeeding know a little trick. In the first month after the birth of the child, they apply Panthenol to the chest and over time the unpleasant symptoms disappear. You should not treat nipples before breastfeeding, only after it.

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It is best to treat diaper rash in a child at the first stage of the disease. Usually at this time small red spots appear on the skin. In this case, therapeutic measures will give maximum effect. The deterioration of the situation stops and diaper rash with its unpleasant symptoms no longer bothers the baby.

Among the remedies for skin diseases, the external preparation D panthenol for dermatitis, and for all its varieties: atopic, contact, seborrheic, is very popular among patients and doctors.

What else do you need to know

  • Although D-Panthenol is considered a fairly safe drug, certain precautions must be taken into account. So,

- it cannot be used internally

- try to avoid contact with eyes.

  • Side effects, as a rule, are not observed if the dosage is observed and according to indications. In isolated cases, allergic reactions were noted, in the form of typical manifestations such as itching, characteristic urticaria, etc.
  • Do not apply ointment to wet areas of the skin.
  • Trophic ulcers and skin grafts that do not heal well must certainly be treated under constant medical supervision.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, according to indications, the use of the drug D-Panthenol is allowed. Reviews indicate its good tolerability and safety for mother and her baby.
  • How this drug interacts with other medications has not been thoroughly studied. It is only noted that its use prolongs the effect of such a drug as suxamethonium chloride.
  • Experts practically exclude overdose due to the low level of absorption into the blood.
  • These products can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. By the way, as for the drug D-Panthenol cream and D-Panthenol ointment, the price for them in online pharmacies is much lower.

Do not apply ointment to wet areas of the skin.

Allergies and everything about it

07/25/2019 admin Comments No comments

Today, drugs are increasingly used for cosmetic purposes. One of these successful finds is panthenol for the face, which can be a real salvation for dry, damaged skin that is already beginning to age. Those pharmacological properties that were originally inherent in this drug will allow it to be effectively used for the restoration and regeneration of the epidermis. Recently, cosmetologists are increasingly recommending it to women who want to prolong their youth and always look great, regardless of age. Is this possible with this product?

Action of drugs and side effects

In case of skin diseases in humans, the quantitative content of pantothenic acid, of which D-Panthenol is a derivative, is disrupted.

In the treatment of dermatitis, its functions are to regulate protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism in the epidermis, enhance cellular metabolism, and strengthen tissues at the cellular level.

Thanks to the use of these funds, the following occurs:

  • Mitigation.
  • Hydration.
  • Nutrition.
  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Tissue healing.

In rare cases, when Panthenol is used in the treatment of dermatitis, allergic reactions may occur, which are accompanied by some unpleasant phenomena:

  • Hives.
  • Itching.
  • Symptoms of contact dermatitis.
  • Erythema.
  • Eczema.

At the first appearance of such symptoms of allergy to the components of the drug, you must stop using it.

With systemic use - dyspepsia, allergic manifestations. With local application - allergic manifestations of the skin and mucous membranes.

In medical practice, Panthenol has been used for mechanical and thermal skin lesions for more than 20 years. During this time, medicine has thoroughly studied the features of the drug’s action. Side effects appear only in the form of minor allergic skin reactions. According to statistics, in 99% of cases it is completely safe to treat burns and other skin damage with Panthenol. Modern medicine does not have information about cases of drug overdose.

  • The immune system:

    various local allergic reactions;

  • Skin lesions:

    urticaria, erythema, itching, contact dermatitis, eczema.

We suggest you read Glucose allergy in a child

Symptoms of sun allergy

Sun allergy is a type of so-called contact allergy.

That is, an allergy in which skin manifestations occur upon direct contact.

Symptoms of this type of allergy include various skin changes that can develop either immediately or over a period of time (several hours or days) after contact.

Burn caused by exposure to sunlight. Basically, this happens when people with skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation are exposed to prolonged exposure to sunlight. Disturbance of skin pigmentation, local hemorrhages, from damage to small vessels.

This occurs with prolonged exposure to low intensity sunlight.

The appearance of symptoms of dermatitis: the formation of redness at the site of contact with sunlight, a rash of tiny blisters with transparent or yellowish contents. These areas are very itchy, and when scratched, a crust forms.

Solar urticaria. This symptom is the appearance of rounded foci of redness, irregular in shape, which have an elevated temperature and tend to…

Side effects

  • Suxamethonium chloride: prolongation of its action.
  • pills;
  • capsules
  • lozenges;
  • solution for intravenous administration;
  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • lotion;
  • solution for external use;
  • spray;
  • eye gel.

D-panthenol пролонгирует action of succinylcholine.

Panthenol activates the process of acetylcholine synthesis, which entails a noticeable decrease in the effect of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants and an increase in depolarizing muscle relaxants. If it becomes necessary to combine the drug with drugs from these pharmaceutical groups, you must carefully study the instructions and consult a doctor so as not to cause skin irritation.

Folk remedies help neutralize the symptoms of sun allergy, improving the patient's condition.

  • Use cucumber, potato and cabbage juice, which is used to lubricate the affected area of ​​the body. The juice helps heal the wound surface and relieve inflammation. In addition to external use, it is recommended to take the juice orally.
  • Grind the celery root in a blender and squeeze out the juice. The rash and blisters are lubricated with an odorous liquid to reduce itching.
  • Hercules baths relieve symptoms of allergies to sun rays. Pour 0.5 kg of rolled oats into 500 ml of hot water, leaving to steep for 45 minutes. Then the mass is added to the bath.
  • A bath of string helps relieve itching. To prepare, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry string (2 tablespoons) and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then pour the broth into a warm bath. Twenty minutes of such a bath daily will help cope with the problem and improve the condition of the skin.
  • To prevent the occurrence of urticaria, people predisposed to sun allergies are recommended to take horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with bee honey (1 teaspoon 3 times a day), or 50 ml 3 times a day of peppermint infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of leaves mint 300 ml boiling water and infusing for 1 hour).

Is it possible to use Panthenol during pregnancy and lactation?

Panthenol can be used during pregnancy, as it:

  • non-toxic;
  • intended for external use, does not enter the bloodstream or other organs and systems through the skin and mucous membranes;
  • will not harm the fetus or the expectant mother.

Panthenol cream is used for dry skin

It is applied to cuts, burns, scratches, dryness, and allergies. But Panthenol also helps prepare nipples for breastfeeding, thickening the skin and making it less sensitive. Prevention is carried out by applying cream or spray 2-3 times a day while taking an air bath. There is no need to wash them off afterwards.

During lactation, Panthenol is also used if damage and inflamed areas have formed on the nipples. Apply ointment to problem areas or make a compress with a spray after each time the baby is applied to the breast. Before feeding, wash off the product.

Composition of ointment and cream

1 g ointment:

  • dexpanthenol - 50 mg;
  • Excipients: phenonip, lanolin, white beeswax, white soft paraffin, dimethicone, LANETTE SX emulsifier, propylene glycol, butylhydroxyanisole, butylhydroxytoluene, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, protegin B, purified water.

1 g cream:

  • dexpanthenol - 50 mg;
  • Excipients: ketomacrogol, cetearyl octanoate, cetanol, dimethicone, glyceryl monostearate, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, Seaside 2026 flavor.

Despite the fact that these two drugs have the same name and an identical main component, their auxiliary composition is different.

The ointment contains:

  1. Dexpanthenol (50%).
  2. Lanolin.
  3. Paraffin (soft, light).
  4. Beeswax (light).
  5. Phenonip.
  6. Dimethicone.
  7. Propylene glycol.
  8. Emulsifier Lanette SX.
  9. Butylated hydroxyanisole.
  10. Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate.
  11. Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane.
  12. Protegin V.

D-Panthenol ointment for dermatitis can be bought in tubes and jars with a 5% content. The volume of drugs produced varies from 5 to 50 grams per container.

Cream (5%) comes in tubes of 25 or 50 grams. The composition of the product, as well as its consistency, is somewhat different:

  1. Dexpanthenol (50%).
  2. Ketamacrogol.
  3. Cetanol.
  4. Glycerol monostearate.
  5. Cetiaryl octanoate.
  6. Dimethicone.
  7. Propylene glycol.
  8. Propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  9. Methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Both of these drugs can be successfully used in the treatment of even small children, pregnant and lactating women.

D-Panthenol can be used in the treatment of dermatitis by everyone, except people who have an individual intolerance to the ingredients of medications of this type.

general information

Panthenol (d-panthenol, dexpanthenol) is provitamin B5, a derivative of calcium pantothenate (component PєРѕС„ермента Рђ). Panthenol promotes the restoration of damaged tissues, restores cellular metabolism, strengthens collagen fibers, and has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

Highly effective for non-healing wounds and ulcers (abrasions, cracks, burns, bedsores, PентертрРеРіРѕ), for dry inflammatory skin lesions, allergic dermatoses, dry runny nose. When used topically in the form of an eye gel, it promotes the process of restoration of corneal tissue in case of erosions and inflammations of the cornea, and eye burns.

Effect on the skin

The medicinal and cosmetic properties of panthenol, which make it possible to use it for facial skin care, are dictated by the pharmacological action of vitamin B5, which underlies this drug. With regular and correct use of this facial care product, you can achieve the following results:

  • inflammation will decrease;
  • new acne and pimples will stop appearing;
  • dry skin will become more hydrated;
  • areas of peeling will disappear;
  • existing wrinkles on the face will become less noticeable, and new ones will form much less frequently;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks will fade;
  • burns, fresh injuries and wounds will heal much faster;
  • cellular metabolism is normalized;
  • the strength of collagen fibers will increase, which will lead to elasticity of the epidermis;
  • the deficiency of pantothenic acid in the skin will be replenished.

Dexpanthenol, which is part of panthenol, is a building material of natural coenzyme A, an active participant in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the synthesis of acetylcholine and corticosteroids (hormones). All this contributes to such rapid tissue regeneration, which is observed with regular use of this product. In accordance with this wide and so useful spectrum of action, it is possible to outline a range of facial cosmetic problems that panthenol can cope with in the shortest possible time.

Analogs of the drug. The following pharmaceutical products, which are analogues of panthenol, are identical in composition and effect on the face: Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol-Hemofarm, Korneregel, Depanthenol, Moreal-plus, Panthenol-ratiopharm, Pantoderm.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend and even prescribe panthenol for facial skin for the following indications:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • acne, pimples, acne, comedones;
  • dry, flaky skin;
  • thermal, chemical, sunburn;
  • fresh wounds and injuries (scratches, abrasions) with damage to the integrity of the facial covering;
  • stretch marks;
  • scars;
  • dermatitis;
  • wrinkles.

Self-treatment of facial skin with panthenol, even if these indications exist, is not recommended. Considering the dosage form of the drug, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Moreover, only he can identify the presence of contraindications for the use of this amazing remedy.

Be careful! Panthenol will not help with weeping wounds and ulcers on the face.


When administered topically, panthenol is quickly absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes, penetrates well into damaged tissues, and is then metabolized to pantothenic acid. The eye gel has high internal friction, which ensures prolonged contact of the active substance with the cornea of ​​the eye.

When administered orally, d-panthenol is quickly absorbed and has a high P±Pеодоступностью. Attaches to blood proteins (mainly beta-globulin and albumin). Pantothenic acid is not metabolized in the body (except for inclusion in coenzyme A), is excreted in in the primary state: with urine – 70%, with feces – 30%.

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