What are the symptoms of an allergy to geranium? Does geranium cause allergies and how does it manifest itself?

Is there an allergy to indoor plants?

To create the illusion of a connection with nature, in big cities people grow indoor plants at home. They not only decorate the house, but also purify the air that its owners breathe.

Although, it must be emphasized that some of them are house plants that cause allergies in the human body. Despite the fact that not all people may experience an allergic reaction, this is most likely the personal predisposition of the human body to a particular flower. There is a certain exact list of indoor flowers that cause allergies.

Like any living beings, plants grow, breathe, releasing various useful and harmful substances that they need to continue their life. The main cause of allergies to house flowers is the flowers that spread in the air during their flowering.

Indoor fern

Lovers of a green home also need to know that a very important factor in not developing an allergic reaction to plants should be proper care of them: if you do not collect the dust that has settled on them from flowers in time, they turn into simple household “dust collectors.” This function is extremely undesirable, since it will harm not only the life of the plant itself, but will also cause severe allergies in those present.

Plant researchers say that even the leaves and trunk of plants can cause. Various fertilizers for indoor flowers, which have recently become very fashionable, have also become powerful. It must be emphasized that indoor plants can cause an allergic reaction even by their presence in the house.

Everyday home life differs little from day to day. But sometimes changes still occur in personal behavior and the state of one’s health. The most common health problems that arise through the home are plants. How can you determine that you are allergic to indoor flowers?

Green plants in your home can cause you some discomfort: dry, irritating, frequent nasal discharge for no apparent reason, your skin begins to itch, and your eyes become watery. What is the reason for this unexplained condition? It is, of course, your pets that are causing all this! Very often, people simply try not to notice such manifestations, either due to carelessness or unwillingness to get rid of them.

In spite of everything, every person must understand the seriousness of his decision not to pay attention to such ailments. Cases of advanced allergies from indoor flowers, which develop into other pathologies of the human body, have become frequent. Among them, the most common ones need to be emphasized:

  • respiratory allergies.

Frequent sneezing

Let's take a closer look at the types of the latest pathological manifestation of an allergic disease. In nature, there are three types of respiratory allergies, which are characterized by lesions in different parts of the respiratory tract. The first type of this disease is allergic rhinosinusitis, which, in turn, is divided into three more subtypes:

  1. (hay fever);
  2. (provoked forms of allergic reaction), can occur through the plants themselves, or through the dust they collect, or through the pollen they produce;
  3. infectious-allergic, which is a mixed form of the first and second types of rhinosinusitis.

During this allergic reaction, sneezing attacks, liquid discharge from the nose are also observed on the skin, in the nose, and swelling of the nasal mucosa, eyelids, and eyes is possible. As for the general picture of a person’s condition, under the influence of an allergen from indoor plants, he will feel a headache, malaise throughout the body, a desire to sleep, low-grade fever and great irritability. It must be emphasized that it is this stage of allergy to indoor plants that precedes the onset of bronchial asthma.

The second type of respiratory allergosis is allergic laryngitis, which develops rapidly at night and is characterized by difficulty breathing, severe cough, restlessness and cyanosis of the lips and nose.

The third type of respiratory reactions that are provoked by house flowers that cause allergies is allergic tracheobronchitis. It can be identified by attacks of a dry cough at night, which torments a person for a long time.

So how can you protect yourself from harmful roommates? How to choose the right plants that will not turn your life into a constant struggle with allergies, but will please the eye and purify the air in the house?

Flora researchers proposed a list they compiled of those plants that have a direct negative effect on the human body.

List of indoor flowers that cause allergies:

In the photo: Popular indoor flowers that cause allergies.

  • Geranium, or pelargonium from the Geraniaceae family, contains in its leaves an essential oil, which can have different effects on the human immune system, including causing allergies.
  • Spores of the fern class, scattered throughout the room, are also potential allergens.
  • The stems and leaves of azalea, hydrangea, poinsettia and oleander, dieffenbrachia, cyclamen, and acalypha, catharthus and alamanda, crinum and eucharis turned out to be extremely toxic.

Undoubtedly, the photos of indoor plants that cause allergies are so beautiful that it is very difficult to decide not to purchase them. But, health or beauty is your choice, in which you need to take into account all their pros and cons, so as not to be hostage to home flowers!

Geranium is a useful ornamental plant that has many beneficial properties for the body in the treatment of various diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing effects. In addition to the great benefits for the body, such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to geranium is often noted. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be mild or severe. When this problem occurs, it is very important to know how allergies occur and what to do when an illness occurs.

Allergenic house flowers

Allergic reactions to indoor flowers have recently become a common problem that can be faced by both adults and children. Allergies to indoor flowers often develop for a number of reasons.

The desire to grow indoor plants to decorate your home and bring more comfort and beauty into it is common to every person. Green spaces on windowsills improve mood, help relieve stress, and improve well-being, but only in cases where they do not cause allergic manifestations.

An allergen can be the plant itself, pollen during its flowering, or mold that forms on too wet soil in a flower pot.

To find out what house flowers you may be allergic to, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Causes of allergic reactions

While cultivating green spaces, a person may notice the following symptoms: constant runny nose, sneezing, puffy eyes, incessant cough. Often the patient mistakes the symptoms of an allergy to indoor flowers for an infectious or cold disease, without stopping contact with the allergen.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to the development of allergies to green spaces:

  1. A predisposition of the body, manifested by allergies to food, household chemicals, indoor dust or certain types of mold, hair or fluff of pets, etc.
  2. External factors that reduce the body’s protective properties: poor environmental conditions, living in areas with high gas pollution, cigarette smoke.
  3. Types of flowers that pose a danger to allergy sufferers, which are unknowingly grown at home.

Allergy to wild and domestic flowers often manifests itself in the form of hay fever (allergic manifestations to pollination of flowers). The main source of trouble in such cases are wild shrubs and trees, which bloom in late spring and early summer.

During this period, an allergy to indoor flowers may begin, and the symptoms of the disease will be similar to those of hay fever.

Often, negative manifestations on the flowering of indoor plants are not associated with pollen at all. An allergic reaction of the body can be triggered by the soil in which the plant is planted. Allergies develop to various types of soil amendments that are used as fertilizers.

Mold, which develops on the soil in cases where the flower is not properly cared for, is also an allergen. Excessive watering is necessary only for moisture-loving plants; otherwise, some of the water remains in the soil, causing the development of mold on its surface and on the walls of the flower pot.

Direct contact with some types of indoor flowers can lead to skin dermatitis. The stems, leaves or roots of the plant in rare cases cause a violent allergic reaction when touched.

Juice from the leaves of a number of indoor flowers can also cause unpleasant manifestations, for example: orchid juice is dangerous if it gets on the mucous membranes, because the plant is considered poisonous. Young children often taste the bright flowers and beautiful leaves of home gardens.

Poisonous juice can provoke a violent reaction in the body, including the development of anaphylactic shock.

Houseplants that trigger allergies

Strong allergens that are dangerous in direct contact with them include:

  1. Razia, plumeria, carissa, strophanthus, dipladenia, oleander, adenium (cutrove family). All parts of the flowers of this family can provoke severe allergic reactions. Leaf juice that gets on mucous membranes is especially dangerous.
  2. Lily (lily family). The peculiarity of the flower is that at night and in the evening it releases carbon dioxide into the air in large quantities, which causes severe headaches and disrupts sleep. The leaves and flowers contain poisonous juice and can be a source of contact allergies.
  3. Monstera, Diefenbachia, Calladium, Alocasia, callas (Araceae family). In parts of plants, the presence of substances such as: Asparagine and oxalic acids was detected; when the juice gets on the mucous membranes or skin, an allergic reaction instantly develops. Many people are interested in whether spathiphyllum is an allergenic flower? Yes, because he belongs to the same family.
  4. Akalifu, poinsettia, jatropha, croton (Euphorium family). Leaf juice can cause serious burns to the skin or mucous membranes.
  5. Brunfelsia, capsicum, brovallia, false nightshade (nightshade family). Bright leaves and fruits often make children want to taste them, which leads to negative consequences.

Symptoms of a geranium allergy

Can geranium provoke the development of an allergic reaction? Definitely yes. Any type of geranium can cause allergies. The most common type of plant is Pelargonium, a tulip-shaped, rosaceous species of crop. All of them can provoke unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction. When answering the question of how an allergy to geranium manifests itself, the following signs should be highlighted:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tearfulness;
  • burning in the nose;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, causing pain in the eyes and severe lacrimation;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • rashes on the body in the form of urticaria;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • development of cough;
  • severe or moderate skin itching.

In severe cases, dangerous manifestations of the disease may occur, such as disruption of the digestive system, increased blood viscosity, decreased blood pressure, and a general deterioration in well-being.

A very common type of allergic reaction is allergic type tracheobronchitis. This form is accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, weakness, and difficulty breathing.

All these signs can appear in patients after close proximity to the plant, inhalation of its pollen, tactile contact with the flower, as well as when using it for treatment using traditional medicine.

In addition to the above symptoms, the body’s reaction to the components of geranium can lead to such severe complications as anaphylactic shock and Quincke’s edema. These phenomena pose a particular danger to children. Such features of the plant should be taken into account when using flower leaves to treat various diseases.

Common symptoms

The most common manifestation of an allergic reaction to geranium is during periods when outdoor plants bloom; people experience hay fever. Geranium enhances any allergy symptoms, which can significantly worsen the general condition of the patient, who usually tolerates it normally. The main symptoms of an allergy to pelargonium are:

  • the appearance of rhinoconjunctival syndrome, causing a feeling of pain in the eyes, increased lacrimation and nasal congestion;
  • the patient may begin to have a sore throat, develop a dry cough, and have difficulty breathing;
  • Often the allergy manifests itself in a mild form, accompanied by symptoms in the form of rashes, atopic dermatitis, eczema or urticaria.

If an adult or child has other factors, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests before choosing indoor plants. Although in most cases an allergic reaction to geranium is tolerated quite easily by patients, the symptoms are not dangerous; sometimes serious problems can occur in the form of difficulty breathing and swelling of the larynx. It’s better not to take risks and prevent their occurrence.

If allergy symptoms do appear, then first of all it is necessary to stop contacting the factor that causes such a reaction in the body. It is better to completely remove geraniums from the house rather than move it into the hallway or attic. If you ignore mild allergy symptoms that do not cause any particular difficulties, they can get worse over time. It is quite difficult to cure allergies; for this it is necessary to undergo immunotherapy, which can last for more than one year.

It is better to consult a specialist before taking antihistamines, as they have a number of contraindications and limitations of use. Do not forget about the possibility of side effects and individual intolerance to some components.

Who is at risk

Geranium can provoke a severe reaction in the body in the form of an allergy in any patient, but there are categories of people whose bodies are most at risk of developing the disease. These include:

  1. Patients prone to seasonal allergies to pollen and plant fluff.
  2. People with reduced immunity.
  3. Patients with such a feature of the respiratory tract as hypersensitivity to various irritants.
  4. Patients who have had a history of an allergic reaction to the plant in their family should be considered at risk.
  5. People prone to autoallergy.
  6. Patients with diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Allergies can occur in people with severe viral and bacterial infections. These may be chronic colds (pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis).

In the presence of one or a combination of the above factors, the manifestation of allergies can provoke quite serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Important! If you notice any alarming symptoms after contact with geranium, you should seek medical help. A timely response to the problem will help avoid many complications.

Methods for treating allergies

Treatment of the disease primarily consists of eliminating the cause of the disease, that is, the allergen itself, which causes unpleasant symptoms. Only in this case will therapy be effective.

Use of drug treatment

To diagnose the degree and severity of an allergic disease, you should consult an allergist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment, taking into account the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

To get rid of allergies in medical practice, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines. Medicines in this group can be used in the form of tablets, drops or ointments for topical application. Such drugs block excessive amounts of histamine in the blood, which provokes allergy symptoms. This group includes drugs such as Tavegil, Diazolin, Peritol.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used when allergies are accompanied by ailments such as rhinitis, asthma, eczema. Drugs of this type are made of steroids (Cortisone, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone), as well as non-steroidal ones (Diclofenac, Diclak, Movalis).
  3. Antileukotriene drugs. They are used to treat bronchial asthma and rhinitis with various types of allergies. A drug used here is Omalizumab.
  4. Immunomodulators. Immune stimulants help strengthen the body and increase its ability to resist various allergens. Among such drugs, Likopid, Kagocel, Arbidol are used.

Important! All medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you change the dose of treatment yourself. A negligent attitude towards your health can cause serious complications.

Application of traditional methods

Folk remedies can cope with the manifestations of the disease. You can carry out therapy with their help only if you are confident that your body does not have an allergic reaction to their components. Popular recipes include the following:

  1. Calendula decoction. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves of the plant into 500 ml of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Afterwards, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take the medicine one tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Yarrow tea. To brew tea, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of yarrow herb and leave the product to brew for 15-20 minutes. After this, drink half a glass in the morning and evening after meals. Unpleasant symptoms and allergies will subside within a day of such treatment.
  3. Smelly celery juice relieves allergic reactions well. To do this, squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and take it a teaspoon 3-4 times at equal intervals throughout the day.

An allergy is a rather unpleasant and dangerous reaction of the body to various irritants. A timely response to the problem and proper treatment will help to avoid complications and cope with the problem in its early stages.

When a geranium allergy occurs, symptoms can be confused with other disease conditions. After all, such manifestations of the body’s reaction, although infrequent, do occur. The human reaction to this plant goes beyond the usual hay fever, when an allergy manifests itself to plant pollen. When contacting geraniums, an allergy also occurs to the specimen that does not bloom.

Causes of geranium allergy

The reason for an allergic reaction upon contact with different types of pelargonium is the presence of very powerful phytoncides in this plant. The leaves of this plant contain a lot of essential oils that repel insects and ticks that feed on plant tissue. All plants of this genus are used in folk medicine as a good bactericidal agent that can be used to treat sore throat, pharyngitis, non-healing wounds, bruises, fresh and bleeding skin lesions.

All these properties of geranium can provoke a severe allergic reaction. In people, a reaction to pelargonium can be combined with an allergy to fir and other species that produce large amounts of essential oils.

The cause of the pathological reaction may also be the individual characteristics of the human body. These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of idiosyncrasy to stimuli associated with substances that can subsequently cause allergies;
  • the presence of diseases that reduce immunity;
  • presence of allergies to other plants or their derivatives;
  • long-term existence of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract;
  • pathologies in the hormonal support of the body;
  • infection with helminths, increasing intoxication of the body;
  • prolonged exposure to an environmentally unfavorable environment.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to geranium

Allergies to contact with species of this genus always seem to manifest themselves in the same way. And at the same time, each allergen has its own specific effects, just as each person always reacts to it in his own way.

Typical symptoms of an allergy to plants of the geranium genus include the following:

  1. Feelings of a cold that appear during the period when a person is in a room with geraniums.
  2. The appearance of headache, weakness, dizziness, foggy consciousness.
  3. An allergy to pelargonium may look like regular hay fever. Being near the plant, a person begins to sneeze, choke, and cough. His eyes turn red and there is increased lacrimation.
  4. An adult, and especially a child, may experience a skin reaction to contact with the plant. It can manifest itself in different ways, but the most common symptoms are redness, rash, and blistering.

Thus, answering the question of how an allergy to pelargonium manifests itself is quite difficult, since there are too many symptoms that cannot always be associated with a reaction to a fragrant and beautiful indoor flower standing on the windowsills of most apartments.

Pelargonium also causes asthma attacks in people with a history of this disease. However, asthma attacks do not always occur. More often, the bactericidal properties of the plant help purify the air from bacteria and fungi, which can cause asthma attacks.

Precautionary measures

Geraniums are very attractive plants for gardeners. Moreover, they have medicinal properties. The ability to heal can manifest itself precisely through tactile contact with this plant.

In folk medicine, pelargonium leaves are applied to the place where a person feels severe pain. Fresh leaves are kneaded and then applied to the aching tooth. They rub the temples for headaches. They are used to make compresses for bruises.

If this plant is so actively used for a variety of purposes, then doubt arises as to whether it can be a source of severe allergies.

An allergic reaction can occur to anything. This is a complex and still poorly understood phenomenon. There is no need to destroy all indoor pelargoniums just because of one suspicion that they caused such a reaction. If these flowers have been on the windowsill for a long time, and sneezing, red eyes and coughing have appeared recently, the cause of these phenomena must be sought elsewhere.

There are signs of a body condition that can be confused with allergies. These include:

  • colds;
  • flu;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • food poisoning associated with skin rashes, etc.

So, before throwing away good plants, make sure that the person really reacts so negatively to geranium.

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Anahit30 May 2013, 16:35:45
e-mail: , city: Yerevan

Thank you for the information. But listen to all these horror stories, no plants or flowers can be grown. I have my own corner in the house where I work at the computer, and all the flowers are there: syngonium, white-veined euphorbia, oxalis, crassula and geranium, palm and aloe, violets and blackthorn... By the way, I am allergic, and there is itching and a small rash, then it goes away. I attribute all this to the computer. Yes, but why, in general, should red juice get into your mouth or eyes? And do everything else with gloves. After all, all these flowers bring more joy than harm.

What to do if you have an allergy attack

An allergic reaction to any pathogen occurs for the first time. In this case, the problem of identifying the allergen arises. This is especially difficult to do if the symptoms appear only in the form of a runny nose, watery eyes, swelling, sneezing and other signs of viral and bacterial diseases.

Allergens that cause such phenomena can only be determined using special methods from the arsenal of allergists.

In addition, the difference between an allergy and a cold can be determined through trial and error. For example, if a child living in an apartment where there are no geraniums on the windowsills goes to another house, and there he begins to have an attack of coughing, sneezing and watery eyes, then you should tactfully find out why the child felt so bad.

Parents rarely suspect pelargonium. After all, this plant is everywhere. However, if after visiting an apartment with geraniums the child feels better, parents should think about it.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that an attack after contact with an allergen does not go away immediately

. Depending on the strength of the reaction, a person begins to feel completely healthy after 10-20 hours. Moreover, the absence of sneezing and a decrease in the intensity of the runny nose does not mean complete recovery. All the consequences of the attack will pass after the most striking symptoms of the pathological reaction have disappeared.

A person who has signs of pathological reactions to an obvious or not yet identified allergen should carry antihistamines with him at all times. These include:

  • Fexofenadine;
  • Cetirizine;
  • Desloratadine;
  • Allegra;
  • Hifenadine;
  • Xizal;
  • Sehifenadine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Levocetirizine.

If an allergic reaction manifests itself as irritation and rashes on the skin, you need to stock up on ointments that will help relieve itching and relieve redness.

Allergies to plants of the geranium genus are easy to combat, even if the reaction is very strong. The most important thing is to constantly monitor which plants “live” in the rooms where you happen to be. If contact is unavoidable for some time, use antihistamines.

Many people love vegetation and flowers in home pots on the windows. Indoor plants bring a lot of beauty and joy, however, their presence in the house can be overshadowed by an unpleasant allergic reaction in their owner. Many plants produce a lot of essential oils, pollen, etc., which contributes to the development of allergies. And geranium is no exception.

How to treat allergies?

There are a lot of allergens and you shouldn’t provoke them all if you don’t know what kind of allergy you are allergic to.
The algorithm for relieving unpleasant symptoms is the same for almost any type of allergic reaction. First you need to avoid contact with all possible allergens. Even if you know that you have a reaction specifically to geranium, you should not be near furry animals, go to the park, sit in a dusty room, or eat foods that provoke allergies (this includes milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, fish , nuts).

If you do not know what could have caused the allergy, assess the general condition of the patient. The main thing is that there are no breathing difficulties, otherwise you need to immediately call an ambulance, as a person can simply suffocate in a matter of minutes. While waiting for an ambulance, you should free your neck and chest from thick clothing, give the person water and open the window to allow fresh air to flow. The patient needs to be reassured, since shortness of breath is often provoked by mental stress.

First generation antihistamines

In the case when the patient’s condition is stable, it is necessary to decide which symptoms need to be relieved. It is best to immediately give the person an antihistamine according to the dosage. Modern remedies help relieve allergy symptoms within 15-20 minutes. Suprastin, Tavegil, Zodak and other medications are suitable. Remember: tablets can usually be taken by children aged 6 years and older, so read the instructions carefully.

Fenistil - anti-itch gel for external use

If skin rashes appear, you can relieve the itching and relieve inflammation with various gels. Fenistil is suitable: it cools the skin, helps reduce redness, relieves swelling and itching. This is especially true for young children, as it is very difficult for them to tolerate allergies. Don't let your child scratch the redness. This drug can be used even by the smallest.

Be sure to consult a doctor, especially if the reaction occurs repeatedly. You may need comprehensive treatment that will help you not put stress on your body and allow you to feel normal in any situation. The doctor will be able to accurately determine which substances you have an individual intolerance to. They will have to be excluded from life for normal health. Allergy is a serious disease that can cause a lot of trouble if treatment is not started on time.

A geranium standing on a windowsill as an indoor flower is not only a replicated image, but also a completely familiar picture. Many people grow it at home, but only a few know about the dangers that the plant hides in its stems.

Antimicrobial and antiseptic effects - these are the features that attract gardeners to geraniums. The flower extract can relieve tonsillitis, sore throat or stomatitis; it accelerates blood circulation and becomes indispensable in folk medicine. The essential oil of the plant in modern cosmetology is beginning to replace its more expensive analogues - lemon balm and mint.

When purchasing geranium, we study its beneficial and harmful properties, but often forget about individual intolerance to individual components. In our case, the benefits that a flower brings to people can result in serious consequences, because geranium is not the best gift for allergy sufferers. The reaction to it has been proven by experts and thoroughly studied. It is caused by volatile ether compounds contained in stems and leaves.

Why the question “can geranium cause allergies” is no longer relevant

Reactions to houseplants are rarely discussed because they do not pollinate naturally. An allergy to geranium, the symptoms of which we will discuss a little later, can occur for several reasons. The most common doctors include:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances contained in geranium essential oils;
  • Reduced immunity and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

Having a predisposition to allergic reactions of any type can cause the development of the disease, but it is very difficult to prevent the body’s painful reaction to irritants. It is completely impossible to predict the development of the situation. All you have to do is remember that allergies can be caused by any physical contact with a flower, and sometimes just its scent is enough.

Can you be allergic to geranium?

Geranium allergy flower,

due to the fact that it releases essential oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The plant causes unpleasant symptoms that are similar to a cold, so an allergic person may not immediately understand that he has an allergic intolerance reaction.

In addition, this plant should not be grown in places with large crowds of people, such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

It has also been established that children are more difficult to tolerate an allergic reaction than adults, since their allergies are accompanied by swelling of the mucous cavities, which can develop into Quincke's edema. This swelling has complex consequences for human health and life, and therefore requires urgent medical intervention.

Onset of symptoms

Many people grow geraniums at home. But not everyone knows that geranium releases a huge amount of essential oils, which cause not only a pleasant smell in the room, but sometimes an allergic reaction. Upon contact with this flower, a patient prone to allergies may experience symptoms of the disease. It is not always possible for a person to immediately explain the symptoms that appear; some of them resemble signs of a cold. Even if the patient knows about the tendency to allergies and understands that these are its symptoms, he cannot always find out what exactly was the factor that caused the allergic reaction.

If symptoms similar to allergies occur, it is better to consult a doctor, because he will be able to accurately diagnose the disease, identify the allergic factor through research and prescribe competent treatment. Since geranium is very often found in kindergartens, schools and other institutions since Soviet times, there is a risk of development. It is very difficult for parents to guess the cause of such symptoms. A child's body is different from an adult's, so the symptoms may differ slightly, but in any case, the pediatrician will help to cope with them.

Is there an allergy to geranium, given its benefits?

In folk practice, geranium

quite common for treating infections of the mouth and nose.
It has many beneficial properties
, which are expressed in antibacterial and antiseptic terms. Folk recipes with geranium allow you to create decoctions that are used for various laryngeal and oral infections.

Among other things, geranium has the following properties:

  1. it is used as an anti-cellulite agent. It speeds up the work of blood and its circulation in the body system;
  2. has a beneficial effect on the cardiac system;
  3. prevents the development of tachycardia and coronary disease;
  4. purifies the air;
  5. improves the home atmosphere.

For a long time it was worth having a pot of geraniums in the house, then peace and comfort reigned in the house, and the children grew up as obedient and kind people.

Useful properties of geranium

The antibacterial and antiseptic effects of geranium were discovered a long time ago. Therefore, among the recipes of traditional medicine there are options for using it to gargle for infectious diseases.

The plant helps accelerate blood circulation, improves the condition of the heart muscle, prevents the development of ischemic disorders and normalizes the heartbeat.

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of the flower. It is recommended to plant it in flowerpots and place it on the windowsill to improve indoor air.

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