Cinnamon allergy: symptoms and treatment

Good afternoon, many will be interested in understanding their health and their loved ones, and I will tell you my experience, and we will talk about cinnamon allergy: why it occurs and what to do. Most likely, some details may differ, as was the case with you. Please note that you should always consult with highly specialized specialists and not self-medicate. Naturally, you can quickly find the answer to the simplest questions and diagnose yourself. Write your questions/suggestions in the comments, and together we will improve and supplement the quality of the material provided.

Causes and symptoms

The most common cause of an allergy to cinnamon is the consumption of this spice directly in food. But she's not the only one.

Cinnamon oil is a common component of sweets and chewing gum, which can also cause unpleasant symptoms, especially in children with their sensitive bodies and the very rapid development of the immune system's reaction to the allergen. In young children who are breastfed, an allergy can be triggered by the mother's milk who has abused the seasoning or products containing it.

Symptoms of individual intolerance to cinnamon can appear even if a person has not ingested anything containing this product. The reason for this is the frequent use of cinnamon oil in cosmetics.

When a cinnamon allergy occurs, the most common symptoms include allergic rhinitis, breathing problems, redness in the eye area, and increased watery eyes. Severe allergies may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe coughing.

Cinnamon contraindications

Cinnamon is not only a strong allergen. In excess quantities, it can provoke a depressed emotional state, headaches, weakness and a feeling of general malaise.

It is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children over three years of age, to use this seasoning in its pure form or as part of food products.

Contraindications for use

The main condition for using cinnamon is its moderate amount. The optimal dose of this spice, including oil, during the day is no more than 1 teaspoon. Excessive use of cinnamon can cause severe headaches and severe weakness. In addition, an overdose of this spice can lead to depression.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age, are not allowed to use cinnamon.

Cinnamon contains coumarin, which can harm the liver, so consuming cinnamon is undesirable for patients with acute and chronic liver diseases. It should be borne in mind that a minimal amount of coumarin, which can be a strong allergen, is contained in Ceylon cinnamon, so you need to carefully study the composition of the seasoning when purchasing.

Allergy treatment

The first thing to do to carry out treatment is to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible. Next, measures are taken that affect different aspects that manifest themselves in a similar problem:

  • To prevent the immune system from reacting so strongly to allergic manifestations, so that severe itching does not occur and swelling subsides, you need to take antihistamines. It is important to give preference to drugs belonging to the second generation, for example, Claritin or Eden. If you take first-generation drugs, such as Diphenhydramine or Suprastin, side effects are possible.
  • To remove allergic rhinitis, if any, it is necessary to regularly rinse the nose using special products such as Dolphin or Aquamaris. It is acceptable to replace them with a regular solution of a tablespoon of sea salt in 200 ml of boiled water (for children, the proportional amount of salt should be halved).
  • To speed up the elimination of toxic substances that are present in the body during the active stage of allergies, it is necessary to take various enterosorbents. This could be regular activated carbon, or products such as Enterosgel and so on.
  • To treat the outer surface of the skin exposed to an allergic reaction, you can use non-hormonal ointments, such as Gistan, Wundehil and a number of others. They are not very effective, but they do not have pronounced side effects - and therefore they can be used even by pregnant women or small children - and there will be no problems.

The body can react negatively to a variety of stimuli. But allergies to cinnamon occur especially often. Let's look at how it appears - and what to do if it occurs.

When a cinnamon allergy occurs, the most common symptoms include allergic rhinitis, breathing problems, redness in the eye area, and increased watery eyes. Severe allergies may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe coughing.

How to relieve symptoms of irritation?

When the first signs of damage appear, a person must immediately eliminate exposure to the allergen on the body. If a person cannot independently determine what caused the allergy, then the help of a specialist will be required. The doctor should refer the patient for allergy tests. The result of the analysis is an accurate determination of the damaging factor. After identifying the allergen, it is necessary to neutralize the reactions of the lesion. You can reduce the activity of the body's protective function, relieve itching and eliminate swelling with the help of antihistamines. When treating cinnamon allergies, second-generation medications are most often used:

Powder for oral administration. Plifepan and polysorb.

They are able to eliminate the reaction without causing negative effects after administration, unlike the previous generation of drugs (Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin). To remove toxins from the body after using cinnamon in the form of powder or oils, it is necessary to take enterosorbents. Among them, the most active ones are:

They help collect harmful substances and then facilitate their exit through the intestines.


Allergy symptoms can be immediate and severe, or they can be subtle. In some special cases, symptoms similar to food allergies may occur.

If a spice enters the body by inhalation, then, as a rule, no changes will be observed in other organs. There may be slight hyperemia on the face and swelling of the skin. If cinnamon gets ingested, not only the respiratory system suffers, but also the entire digestive tract.

With mild intolerance, the following occurs:

  • An allergic rhinitis characterized by frequent sneezing, excessive nasal discharge, sinus congestion and itching.
  • Difficulty in the act of inhalation and exhalation, shortness of breath.
  • Tearfulness and redness in the eyes.
  • Swelling in the mouth, swelling of the tongue and lips.
  • Attacks of nausea, eruption of gastric contents.

The average degree of manifestation of cinnamon intolerance is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Reactions on the skin, flushing of the face and body, severe itching.
  • Increasing swelling.
  • Paroxysmal cough.
  • Stool upset and exhausting vomiting.

With prolonged use of creams and ointments with cinnamon essential oil, a rash appears, and in the future dermatitis may develop, the treatment of which will require a lot of time and effort. The most dangerous intolerance reaction is anaphylactic shock.

The reaction is characterized by a lightning-fast course, and occurs even with minimal consumption of cinnamon. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary. If the symptoms described below appear, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • Having severe shortness of breath.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Fall in blood pressure.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Loss of consciousness.


The cause of an allergic reaction to cinnamon, as a rule, is not a typical immune reaction to particles in the spice. Allergy symptoms appear when:

  • Using products with spices - sweets, liqueurs, marinades, baked goods. The manufacturer does not always indicate the presence of cinnamon in the composition, so it is difficult to immediately identify the cause of the allergy;
  • When inhaled, spices cause disturbances in the respiratory system;
  • In infants, if the mother consumed dishes with cinnamon. The body’s reaction in babies can occur even with the most minimal doses;
  • The use of medications that contain cinnamon essential oil. Medicines with cinnamon are used for colds, in the form of warming ointments;
  • Using cosmetics containing cinnamon. These can be powders, creams, shampoos and flavored water.

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The appearance of an allergic reaction may occur intermittently. It is difficult to obtain a pure product, and manufacturers, to reduce costs, may add other particles to the powder, which can cause intolerance.

It is also possible that an allergy may occur if you consume dishes with cinnamon in uncontrolled quantities over a long period. Scientists have proven that the maximum amount of cinnamon per day is one teaspoon.

Treatment of intolerance

When making a diagnosis and establishing the cause of an allergy, the first step is to limit contact with the spice. This is an important point, since for this it will be necessary to check all purchased food for the presence of spices, as well as its presence in medications and cosmetics.

If you are intolerant to this spice, the specialist will prescribe a treatment regimen that includes:

  • Antiallergic drugs - to block the release of a specific protein - histamine, and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. In most cases, the following are prescribed: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Loratadine.
  • Enterosorbents are substances that help neutralize allergens and cleanse the body of toxic effects as quickly as possible. For any type of food allergy, the sorbent accelerates the elimination of symptoms. Such drugs are: “Filtrum”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”.
  • Symptomatic therapy includes taking medications against rhinitis, helping to cope with congestion and allow you to breathe normally - “Dolphin”, “Aquamaris”.
  • For skin lesions, special ointments and gels are used that have an antipruritic and antiallergic effect. Used for these purposes are “Fenistil-gel”, “Gistan”, “Elidelm”.

For severe lesions of the skin, drugs with hormonal components are used - “Hydrocortisone”, “Prednisolone”, “Advant”.

An allergic reaction to cinnamon is quite rare. It is very difficult to establish the relationship between allergies and spices, since cinnamon powder is rarely used. It is added to food products, medicines and products used in cosmetology.

Cinnamon is used mainly in cooking, and in addition it has pronounced healing properties . Cinnamon is the bark of a tree growing in the jungles of the Indian Peninsula, China and some other countries in the Asian region.

The spice is sold in the form of powder or rolled up tubes. Cinnamon acquires its taste and aroma due to the presence of essential oils in it. In addition, the composition includes dietary fiber, tannins, mineral and vitamin components.

Increased sensitivity in the form of symptoms can manifest itself in the consumption of food with spices, the use of medications and cosmetics with added essential oils.

  • An allergic rhinitis characterized by frequent sneezing, excessive nasal discharge, sinus congestion and itching.
  • Difficulty in the act of inhalation and exhalation, shortness of breath.
  • Tearfulness and redness in the eyes.
  • Swelling in the mouth, swelling of the tongue and lips.
  • Attacks of nausea, eruption of gastric contents.

Cinnamon is a spice found in the bark of the tree of the same name. They grow in China and India, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. The spice is extracted from the inner part of the thin bark; for this, its outer part is cut off, and the remaining part is rolled into tubes and dried under the influence of sunlight. Sometimes there is an allergy to cinnamon.

This popular ingredient is added to many foods and drinks in powdered form. The spice has antioxidant and antibacterial properties and stimulates brain activity. Although cinnamon has been valued for centuries for its beneficial properties, it should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions. Because they have a weakened immune system, cinnamon can cause an atypical immune response to the irritant.

A little about cinnamon

Spices are used in cooking to improve the taste of dishes, but they also have some medicinal properties.

Cinnamon is the bark of the cinnamon tree, which grows in India, China, Ceylon and other Asian countries.

The spice is sold in the form of ground powder or in the form of bark tubes; it is better to buy the latter option, since other components can be added to the crushed spice.

Allergy to cinnamon

Unfortunately, for all its taste and medicinal benefits, cinnamon is a product that can provoke an allergic reaction. The symptomatic picture is manifested in a feeling of nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Signs of an allergy to cinnamon are itching, tingling, swelling of various parts of the body, and nasal congestion. Hives and inflammation of the skin may occur. Often an allergic reaction is expressed in rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness, even fainting.

Allergy treatment

The first thing to do to carry out treatment is to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible. Next, measures are taken that affect different aspects that manifest themselves in a similar problem:

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To prevent the immune system from reacting so strongly to allergic manifestations, so that severe itching does not occur and swelling subsides, you need to take antihistamines. It is important to give preference to drugs belonging to the second generation, for example, Claritin or Eden. If you take first-generation drugs, such as Diphenhydramine or Suprastin, side effects are possible. To remove allergic rhinitis, if any, it is necessary to regularly rinse the nose using special products such as Dolphin or Aquamaris. It is acceptable to replace them with a regular solution of a tablespoon of sea salt in 200 ml of boiled water (for children, the proportional amount of salt should be halved). To speed up the elimination of toxic substances that are present in the body during the active stage of allergies, it is necessary to take various enterosorbents. This could be regular activated carbon, or products such as Enterosgel and so on. To treat the outer surface of the skin exposed to an allergic reaction, you can use non-hormonal ointments, such as Gistan, Wundehil and a number of others. They are not very effective, but they do not have pronounced side effects - and therefore they can be used even by pregnant women or small children - and there will be no problems.

Cinnamon allergy treatment

Therapeutic measures should begin with stopping contact with the allergen, but the difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that in this case diagnosis can be difficult, since it is quite difficult to assess which product caused an acute reaction. Cinnamon and butter are often added to various food products, but in the composition of the prepared product, cinnamon is designated generally as a spice. Therefore, it is quite difficult to identify a specific allergen to which the body reacts acutely.

With a more precise diagnosis, it is recommended to stop contact with the allergen and take measures to neutralize the symptoms:

to reduce the activity of the immune system, relieve swelling and itching, the patient is prescribed second-generation antihistamines (Eden, Claritin, Zyrtec, Zodak, etc.), since first-generation antihistamines, which include Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, can provoke a number of side effects manifestations in the form of drowsiness, lethargy and lack of concentration; To accelerate the elimination of toxic substances formed when consuming cinnamon powder or using oil with its addition, it is necessary to take enterosorbents (Activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polypefan, etc.). These drugs absorb toxins and remove them through the intestinal tract as quickly as possible;

To relieve allergic rhinitis, rinsing the nasal cavity with Aquamaris, Dolphin, Aqualor-Forte, etc. is prescribed. This treatment method is suitable even for children. In addition, you can prepare a rinsing solution yourself by dissolving 1 tbsp. spoon of sea salt in 200 ml. boiled water. For young children, the solution is prepared from ½ tbsp. spoons of sea salt; For external skin treatment, a non-hormonal ointment can be prescribed, for example, Fenistil-gel, Bepanten, Gistan, Elidel, Vundekhil, etc. The advantage of these drugs is the possibility of their use in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in children. However, the disadvantages of non-hormonal ointments include the slow onset of effect; in extremely severe cases, hormonal therapy is prescribed, including IM, IV, external and oral use of glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Fluorocort, Afloderm, Dermovate, etc.). These drugs are used as a last resort, as they can cause side effects, and with long-term use of hormonal drugs, the patient may become addicted to them.

Compliance with the diet is of no small importance. Highly allergenic foods (chocolate, fish, eggs, orange vegetables and fruits, etc.) should be excluded from the daily diet. Preference should be given to green fruits and vegetables, dietary white meat, lean broths, etc. In addition, you should not use fragrance oils or cosmetics containing cinnamon.

It should be remembered that the use of any medications should only be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Uncontrolled use of drugs can provoke severe side effects.

The body can react negatively to a variety of stimuli. But allergies to cinnamon occur especially often. Let's look at how it appears - and what to do if it occurs.

Causes and symptoms

The most common cause of an allergy to cinnamon is the consumption of this spice directly in food. But she's not the only one.

Cinnamon oil is a common component of sweets and chewing gum, which can also cause unpleasant symptoms, especially in children with their sensitive bodies and the very rapid development of the immune system's reaction to the allergen. In young children who are breastfed, an allergy can be triggered by the mother's milk who has abused the seasoning or products containing it.

Symptoms of individual intolerance to cinnamon can appear even if a person has not ingested anything containing this product. The reason for this is the frequent use of cinnamon oil in cosmetics.

When a cinnamon allergy occurs, the most common symptoms include allergic rhinitis, breathing problems, redness in the eye area, and increased watery eyes. Severe allergies may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe coughing.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of cinnamon allergy
Symptoms of cinnamon allergy vary depending on the form.

Mild degree

  • the occurrence of allergic rhinitis;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • development of hypothermia in the eye area.

Signs of a mild allergy are not always pronounced.

Severe degree

  • painful paroxysmal cough;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • constant diarrhea;
  • the appearance of a rash in the form of water blisters, which is accompanied by itching.

When a small amount of the allergen is ingested, swelling of the mucous membranes and tissues is observed. The most dangerous thing for the health and life of the patient is the development of anaphylaxis. Characterized by loss of consciousness and a sharp drop in blood pressure. If the patient is not given first aid, this condition can lead to death. It is worth noting that signs of anaphylaxis appear in exceptional cases.

Causes of allergies

Most often, allergic reactions of the body occur due to an atypical response of the immune system to a spice or individual sensitivity to the components of a spicy mixture. In infants, allergies can occur if the nursing mother does not follow the diet and consumes excessive amounts of cinnamon. In addition to cinnamon powder, cinnamon oil, which contains some compounds that cause negative symptoms, can provoke an allergic reaction. Oil with the addition of cinnamon is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, so when masks with cinnamon are applied to the skin, an acute attack of allergies occurs. In addition, cinnamon oil is often used to make chewing gum and candy, which is most dangerous for children, since their symptoms can appear almost instantly.

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It is quite difficult to determine an allergy to cinnamon, since it is used in its pure form quite rarely, so a thorough examination and allergy tests are recommended.

An allergic reaction to cinnamon can take two forms. 1. Mild degree, which causes the following symptoms:

allergic rhinitis; difficulty breathing; hyperemia in the eye area; increased lacrimation.

2. A severe allergic reaction to cinnamon is expressed by the following symptoms:

the appearance of a rash accompanied by severe itching and the formation of watery blisters; painful paroxysmal cough; attacks of nausea and severe vomiting; if a minimal amount of cinnamon enters the body, swelling of the mucous membranes and tissues may occur; intractable diarrhea.

The most dangerous complication is anaphylaxis. It is accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. If timely assistance is not provided, this condition becomes critical and leads to death. However, it should be noted that symptoms of anaphylaxis are quite rare.

You should avoid cinnamon in all its forms, including use in cosmetics. Also, do not resort to using aromatic oils.


Sorbents have the ability to cleanse the body. They are prescribed to quickly remove toxins from internal ingestion of an allergen. In this case, if cinnamon enters the body in the form of oil or powder. These include:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel;
  • White coal.

Rarely does a person have contraindications to the use of these drugs.

Treatment can take into account various methods, including those for eliminating external symptoms. To eliminate the rash, non-hormonal ointments are prescribed:

  • Bepanten;
  • Gistan;
  • Wundehil.

They relieve irritation, but sometimes they are not enough. If there is no effect, then external signs may be more complex. In this case, glucocorticosteroid ointments are prescribed. These include:

  • Dermovate;
  • Lokoid;
  • Hydrocortisone.

Possible sign of adverse reactions. In this case, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Important! You cannot self-medicate. This especially applies to children! The wrong dosage can significantly worsen a person’s condition!

How to avoid allergies - preventative measures

Sometimes it is very difficult to believe that such a spice causes allergies. If a person is allergic, he should limit the consumption of allergenic foods. Do not forget about the risk of cross-reaction.

Effectively helps strengthen the immune system. It consists of exercise and healthy eating. You can try the pinning method. Nowadays it is very popular.

If you have a hereditary predisposition, you should use new foods with caution. A large amount of any product can cause an inadequate immune response.

Allergies to cinnamon are rare. In young children, if all recommendations are followed, it may disappear before adolescence. But often the pathology remains for life. To avoid serious complications, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Is it possible to be allergic to cinnamon oil?

Cinnamon oil is a concentration of volatile substances and the most basic chemical components of the spice.

And naturally, oil can cause an allergic reaction, and very often it occurs even when inhaling the aroma of the product.

The healing and aromatic properties of cinnamon oil are widely used in cosmetology, medicine, and for the manufacture of chewing gum and candies.

If you are intolerant to the oil, exactly the same symptoms appear as if you are allergic to cinnamon itself in its pure form.

Causes of allergies

The reason for cinnamon intolerance may vary from person to person. The following factors can provoke it:

  • Decreased immunity. Disturbances in the immune system can manifest themselves in the form of an aggressive reaction to a provocateur. Usually occurs in people who have hypersensitivity to the components in its composition.
  • Infants. They are at risk because at this age an allergy can occur to any new product. A child usually encounters an allergen through breast milk.
  • A reaction can occur to any product containing cinnamon. Moreover, it can be in the form of powder or oil.
  • Genetic predisposition. Food allergies are inherited in 50% of cases.

Only a doctor can determine what caused the reaction. Many patients doubt whether they may be allergic to cinnamon. This can only be determined after all diagnostic methods have been used.

  • When eating spicy foods. These can be baked goods, sweets, liqueurs, marinades. Very often the manufacturer does not indicate the full composition of the spices used, so it is very difficult to immediately suspect cinnamon as a source of allergens.
  • When inhaling the fragrant aroma of spices. Typically, an allergy to odor leads to the development of predominantly respiratory disorders.
  • In infants, if the nursing mother ate dishes with cinnamon. Children may be allergic to even the smallest amount of the product.
  • When using certain medications. Cinnamon extract and essential oil are included in cold medicines; small amounts of cinnamon oil can be contained in warming ointments. If you are allergic to cinnamon, you need to carefully study the composition of each medication.
  • When using cosmetics with cinnamon. Powder or oil is added to creams, shampoos and perfumes.

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The benefits and harms of cinnamon during breastfeeding

The period of breastfeeding is perhaps the most important for a woman. This is the time when you need to carefully monitor your diet, sometimes giving up many of your favorite foods, so as not to harm your baby. But it is not always clear, as in the case of cinnamon when breastfeeding, whether you need to completely exclude it from your diet.

For example, doctors advise increasing the amount of dairy dishes, and completely avoiding fruits and sweets.

Cinnamon during breastfeeding

The most important thing to remember during breastfeeding is that everything should be in moderation. In moderate quantities, cinnamon will not only not cause harm, but will also be beneficial for the body because:

  • this spice is an excellent helper in the fight against extra pounds, which is especially important for women after childbirth. Therefore, you can safely drink cinnamon tea without fear of harming your baby;
  • thanks to its antiseptic properties, the spice will help overcome viral infections and fungi, as well as strengthen the immunity of mother and infant (also read the article: Vitamins for nursing mothers>>>);
  • cinnamon stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the walls of the stomach;
  • improves blood circulation and helps significantly reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Considering that cinnamon is included in many medications designed to fight various colds, consuming the spice will help in treatment.

Such a number of beneficial properties of the spice makes it possible to positively resolve the question of whether a nursing mother can take cinnamon.

Tips for proper use of spices

Despite the obvious benefits for the body, cinnamon during breastfeeding, like any other product, can cause a baby’s allergies. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Do not introduce the spice into the diet before the fourth month of a child’s life;
  2. Add cinnamon to tea or kefir for the first time in the morning to monitor your baby’s reaction;
  3. At the slightest sign of an allergy or problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a child, immediately discard the product;
  4. Keep it in moderation, do not consume the spice more than 2 times a week with tea and no more than 1 time with baked goods. Current article: Can a nursing mother have bread?>>>.

If you take these features into account, the risk of negative consequences from consuming cinnamon while breastfeeding is minimal.

What harm can spice cause?

Most often, harm from cinnamon during breastfeeding occurs from excessive consumption of the spice. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything is good in moderation. If you abuse this spice, you risk:

  • cause severe irritation of the stomach walls;
  • negatively affect the liver or kidneys;
  • cause too strong contractions of the uterus.

Well, for an infant there can be only one harm from cinnamon - an allergic reaction. But given that this product is not a strong allergen, the risk of negative consequences is minimal, and the benefits are obvious.

Also, be sure to watch the course Safe Nutrition for a Breastfeeding Mother>>>

Drink to improve lactation

Hot drinks are good for promoting milk flow, but you shouldn’t use this as a way to increase lactation. The amount of milk depends on your compliance with the basic rules of breastfeeding.

Here's a drink you can make using cinnamon.

You will need:

Cooking process:

  • Pour the cinnamon into a deep bowl, add one tbsp. a spoonful of milk, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • Crush the nuts, add them to the rest of the milk and place on the stove for 20 minutes (low heat). Make sure that the milk does not boil by periodically setting the bowl aside;
  • Add cinnamon and sugar and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Another undoubted advantage of the spice is that it is added to confectionery products. Can a nursing mother have cinnamon rolls? If you really want something sweet, of course yes! Moreover, this is an excellent way out of the situation.

After all, chocolate, soda and other gastronomic delights are strictly prohibited, and baking with your favorite spice promotes the release of endorphins, which are also called joy hormones and are responsible for a good mood. Find out in what quantities chocolate can a nursing mother eat?>>>. And your positive attitude will only benefit your infant, who perfectly senses the slightest shade of your emotions.

But at the same time, remember about your figure. After all, the extra pounds that appear after childbirth will not go away immediately, and overuse of baking can lead to them staying with you forever. Even if it's gingerbread or a cinnamon bun that helps you lose weight. It is better to often give preference to tea or kefir with the addition of this healthy spice.

Thus, if you are a nursing mother, do not forget that cinnamon is good only in moderation, there is no need to overuse any spices. Monitor the condition of your infant, and if the product does not cause allergic reactions, enjoy it without forgetting about caution.


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