fasting treatment
Therapeutic fasting at home for psoriasis
The effectiveness of fasting Fasting is good because during this period the intestines are cleansed of toxins and destroyed.
Cream-wax “Zdorov”
Cream-wax is HEALTHY for Psoriasis, or How to Get Rid of External Manifestations of the Disease
Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by a non-infectious nature and characterized by the formation of various forms, types
12 ointments for hives: how to quickly relieve unbearable itching
Urticaria is a fairly common skin disease characterized by the appearance of a noticeable rash on the
Patients with asthma should avoid visiting steam rooms.
Is it possible to wash in a bathhouse with allergic dermatitis?
What you need to know about allergies The immune system protects the body from irritants by studying them
Midge bite: how to treat and how to relieve swelling at home
Simulidotoxicosis is a toxic-allergic response to a midge bite. At the same time, hyperemia appears on the skin,
Diseased lung
Consequences and complications of bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma (BA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, which often causes
Why do allergies appear at night?
Good time, many will be interested in understanding their health and loved ones, and I will tell you
Swollen eyelids due to allergies
What to do if your eyes are itchy and your eyelids are swollen: effective methods for treating the symptom of allergic reactions
When waking up in the morning, many people notice swelling in the eye area, but in many cases this is a phenomenon
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Redness and swelling of the eye causes and treatment in adults
A condition in which the eye is swollen and red may not only be a beauty defect caused by
Allergy to air conditioning. Allergy to air conditioner symptoms
Can you be allergic to air conditioning? Any allergic reaction occurs due to human interaction with