Signs of garlic intolerance

What is the danger to the body?

The main reason for the body's negative reactions to garlic is intolerance to the toxic element it contains called allicin. When it enters the digestive tract, the immune system begins to perceive it as a foreign substance and immediately responds in the form of allergic rashes. Reactions can occur not only after eating a spicy vegetable, but also when inhaling its smell. The body reacts especially sharply to garlic amber during the flowering period of plants.

It is worth noting that allergic manifestations can also occur during processing and cutting of spicy vegetables. So, if garlic juice gets on your hand, you often experience a skin rash, redness and irritation.

However, most negative reactions occur when the spicy vegetable is consumed orally in its raw form. When a spicy vegetable is exposed to high temperatures (heat treatment), all harmful elements die.


Allergy to garlic manifests itself as skin rashes and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The cause of the allergic reaction is the protein aliin lyase present in garlic.

There may be cases of cross-allergy to garlic, as well as products from other plants of the bulbous family: leeks, asparagus, shallots, jusai and others.

Why does the body have an allergic reaction to garlic? When this product enters the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system manifests its “rejection” through allergies. Most often, intolerance occurs to raw or only slightly processed garlic.

Despite the fact that this plant works well as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, those who are prone to garlic allergies should not use it for prevention or treatment.

Causes of garlic intolerance

The gastrointestinal reaction usually occurs immediately after eating garlic and, depending on how much garlic was eaten, can last for hours or days.

Allergy to garlic

An allergic reaction occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly perceives a substance entering the body as harmful or dangerous.

As a result of such an error in identifying the substance, the immune system causes the release of immunoglobulin E (IgE) into the blood - antibodies that fight allergens.

Due to these antibodies, histamine is released. Namely, it leads to the body’s reaction, which we call allergic. In the case of garlic, the “harmful” substance is the alliin lyase protein, which is present in this plant.

It is this protein that is recognized by the immune system as danger.

There are also cases of an allergic reaction to garlic just by inhaling its smell. In this case, volatile substances enter the nasal mucosa with inhaled air and cause irritation.

Does garlic cause allergies? This product can actually lead to improper food reactions in the body. The reason is the presence in its composition of a specific substance alliin lyase. When a substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system begins to demonstrate rejection of such an element. In most cases, a negative reaction is observed only when garlic is consumed raw, unprocessed.

As you know, the presented plant is used in folk medicine as an effective antiseptic. However, people who are prone to food allergies often have to refuse such a product for the treatment or prevention of infectious diseases.

A garlic allergy occurs when the body mistakenly perceives alliin lyase as a pathogenic substance that is hazardous to health. The result is the entry into the blood of a significant amount of immunoglobulins, which begin to fight such an allergen. Antibodies actively produce histamine, which leads to the manifestation of allergy symptoms.

In some situations, the body may react incorrectly to the aroma of garlic. Volatile substances containing alliin lyase come into contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, resulting in excessive tissue irritation.

Symptoms of garlic allergy

We found out whether there could be an allergy to garlic. And how does it manifest itself?

  1. Rhinitis. If you are intolerant to the components of garlic, a person sneezes repeatedly, swelling of the nasal mucosa develops, which makes breathing difficult.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The sclera of the eyes turn red, the eyelids swell. Excessive tearing develops. Allergy sufferers are haunted by the sensation of a foreign object in the eyes.
  3. Breathing problems. In the most severe cases, swelling of the respiratory tract (Quincke's edema) develops. The patient experiences shortness of breath and difficulty in inhaling fully.
  4. Sore throat.
  5. Bronchitis. The man begins to cough. Sometimes he can't stop.
  6. Skin rash. Areas on the stomach, arms, face, and sides are especially affected. The formations are small pimples with transparent contents.
  7. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Often, with garlic intolerance, a person experiences flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. It should be noted that these signs can lead to dehydration.
  8. Increased body temperature.
  9. Reduced blood pressure.

Allergy to garlic, the symptoms of which appear depending on the body's sensitivity to allicin, can become severe.

Other properties of the vegetable

Although garlic is a strong irritant for a certain group of people, this does not negate its healing qualities. It happens that a potential allergen can help combat skin manifestations from eating other vegetables. Here are traditional medicine recipes that help well:

  1. Garlic is finely chopped, mixed with vegetable oil and applied pointwise to the affected skin. Garlic pulp is rubbed along the spine at night, this relieves allergic symptoms.
  2. An amazing recipe - an ointment made from butter, honey and garlic ash, which is used to lubricate traces of eczema.

Can a child be allergic to garlic?

child's allergies
Undesirable manifestations of the spicy vegetable can develop not only in adults, but also in children. The child’s immune system is not yet fully developed, so it is not always possible to resist the effects of allicin. In the first minutes after consuming or inhaling the smell, an allergic child develops a rash and redness on the skin. The child becomes irritable. Occasionally, body temperature rises.

The most serious danger is the development of laryngeal edema, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, wheezing, and difficulty swallowing. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Preventive measures

The best protection against any disease is its prevention. If you are prone to allergies, it is necessary to limit contact with possible allergens as much as possible.

It is important to adhere to general recommendations that help improve health:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • timely treat any foci of inflammation in the body;
  • strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamin therapy, active recreation, and physical activity;
  • eat well;
  • give up bad habits.

Diagnostic methods

To determine whether you are truly allergic to garlic, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a survey and prescribe the necessary diagnostics.

The most accurate studies are:

  • blood test for immunoglobulin E;
  • skin allergy tests.

The latter method is based on the fact that the patient makes several small incisions in the skin in the forearm area. Then the diagnostician drips various allergens into the cavity, thereby checking the body’s reaction to the influx of toxin.

Based on the nature of the manifestations, a conclusion can be drawn. If a rash, redness, or irritation appears on the skin, then it is to this component that the body is hypersensitive.

How to protect yourself from illness

Successful allergy treatment is not just about medications. In order to overcome the allergic crisis and normalize the functioning of the immune system, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Doctors recommend for sensitive people:

  1. Do not deviate from the hypoallergenic diet even after the exacerbation ends. Garlic, as well as cross-allergens (onions of different varieties, asparagus) are kept to a minimum. A nursing mother should strictly follow the diet.
  2. Just in case, have an antihistamine with you in any situation, since it is not always possible to track the composition of dishes.
  3. Periodically give your body rest to prevent fatigue from accumulating.
  4. Strengthen the immune system by taking vitamins, hardening, and exercising. Preventative treatment against parasites will also not harm.
  5. Visit an allergist at least once every six months.

Treatment Options

  • "Suprastin";
  • "Polyphepan";
  • "Claritin";
  • "Clarotadine."

Children are mainly given:

  • "Cetrin";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Xyzal."

For swelling of the respiratory tract, inhalations are given. In severe cases, hospital treatment will be required. Ointments and gels of hormonal and non-hormonal origin will help relieve external manifestations in the form of rash, redness, and irritation.

Mainly used:

  • "Fenistil";
  • "Gistan";
  • "Elokom";
  • "Advantan".

For gastrointestinal disorders, adsorption drugs are taken:

  • Activated carbon;
  • "Atoxil";
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Polysorb".

The products are able to quickly remove toxins and allergens from the body.

If undesirable reactions manifest themselves in the form of nasal congestion, then in this case vasoconstrictor drugs are used. They contain substances that can relieve swelling and make breathing easier. Among them, the most commonly used are:

  • "Nazivin";
  • “Knoxprey;
  • "Galazolin."

Before purchasing any medicine, you should consult with an allergist.

Drug therapy

In addition to eliminating garlic from the diet, a number of pharmacological medications can be prescribed to treat allergies. Most often, people who suffer from this problem are prescribed antihistamines. Among the most effective drugs in this category are Suprastin, Tavegil, Klorotadine, Claritin, Zodak.

There are many good medications with combined action. We are talking about drugs such as Telfast, Zyrtec, Allegra. The active substances in their composition neutralize allergens, remove them from the body in a short time and prevent the occurrence of tissue edema.

In order to quickly absorb allergens in the intestines, enterosorbents are used: “Polysorb”, “Polyphepan”, activated carbon, “Enterosgel”. Such medications help cleanse the blood and facilitate the reaction of the digestive organs to irritants.

Some external products help eliminate abnormal skin reactions. We are talking about the drugs “Lokoid” and “Sinaflan”. In the most dangerous and severe situations, corticosteroid drugs “Hydrocortisone” and “Prednisolone” are prescribed. The latter are recommended to be used only after consulting a doctor.

Preventing garlic allergy

How to prevent negative reactions to garlic? You can protect yourself from allergies and subsequent relapses in the following way.

  1. Before purchasing a product in a store, carefully study the composition. Because recently, manufacturers prefer to add this particular vegetable seasoning to their products.
  2. For those who do not want to give up this product, it is necessary to subject it to heat treatment before each use. In this case, the toxic components die, and the beneficial properties of garlic are preserved.
  3. Care should be taken to wash all kitchen utensils and utensils that have come into contact with the vegetable.
  4. Do not forget about ventilation, since multiple cases of allergies have been observed when inhaling the garlic smell.

For prevention, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with sage decoction. The plant can not only eliminate garlic amber, but also relieve unwanted reactions.

Remember: if after eating garlic you or your child experience allergic reactions, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. Incorrect therapy can lead to serious complications. Thus, uncontrolled use of hormonal ointments to eliminate allergy symptoms can provoke suppression of local immunity and the development of renal failure.

Features of the disease

Allergy is a complex disease. Occurs due to pathological hyperfunction of the immune system. Immune cells are always on guard, tracking every single molecule that enters the body. Neutral ones are let through by immunity, while harmful ones are blocked and destroyed.

But errors and failures occur in the operation of the protective system when a certain category of beneficial food molecules is mistaken for dangerous. The wrong bacteria are neutralized. And time after time, with each new contact with the antigen, the strength of the reaction increases. And these changes are not positive.

The disease does not affect everyone. For a person to become allergic, a combination of circumstances of a different nature is necessary. Could it happen to you? The following factors influence this:

  • heredity - what is written in the genome cannot be cut out with an ax;
  • severe stress caused by physical or emotional tension;
  • immunity weakened by serious illnesses or helminthic infestations;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • environmental pollution, affecting both human health and the quality of grown products.

Important! A special case is allergies among infants. The tendency to immune pathologies among them is determined by the course of pregnancy and childbirth. If a pregnant woman experienced difficulties with pregnancy (infections of various kinds), did not adhere to her diet and daily routine, the child in the womb experiences stress.

Difficult childbirth also does not help maintain the child’s body’s resistance.

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