Allergy to wine: how to identify and can it be cured?

Allergies are the most common diagnosis of the 21st century. It manifests itself in a wide variety of products, ranging from citrus fruits to alcoholic beverages. Allergy to wine

today is also not uncommon. It happens that even from one glass of wine a person develops a runny nose and repeated sneezing. These symptoms are familiar to many after a festive feast. Let's take a closer look at what exactly provokes allergies when drinking wine.

Why does skin redness occur?

Everyone knows what happens when blood rushes to the face: a person blushes or simply turns red. Drinking alcohol always causes first dilation and then narrowing of blood vessels.

The process looks like this:

  1. When the capillaries in the subcutaneous layer expand, blood flows to them, which causes sharp redness of the skin on the face and other parts of the body.
  2. The more alcohol you drink, the more the blood vessels dilate and the more pronounced the red spots will be.
  3. Too much alcohol and alcoholism lead to permanent changes in the body, including the circulatory system. In this state, a red face after alcohol can be constant.

Features of the skin

The degree of redness depends greatly on the type and color of the skin , which differs from person to person. People with red hair and blondes always have lighter skin, allergies are more pronounced, and red spots on the face after alcohol can be noticeable even with a very small amount of alcohol. However, in such people the skin quickly and profusely turns red under other circumstances.

In dark-skinned people with darker skin, redness is not so noticeable and active, and after a small amount of alcohol it can simply not be noticed. On dark skin, redness often does not appear in the form of spots, but the network of capillaries located under the very surface of the skin greatly expands. On the rarest skin types - for example, albinos, an allergic reaction and vasodilation from alcohol can look completely different and appear even more pronounced.

Skin redness: main factors and causes

It should be understood that red spots on the face after alcohol have nothing in common with the usual blush, which does not cause any harm to the body. In addition to physiological differences (impaired heat exchange, increased heat transfer due to vasodilation), an allergy to alcohol often manifests itself many times more strongly: redness can even become crimson in color.

There are several main reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. An allergic reaction to alcohol or individual components of alcoholic beverages (dyes, flavorings, strong allergens such as almonds in liqueurs and others). Initially, it may manifest itself as slight redness, but over time it becomes more active, and the symptoms of an allergy to alcohol become more noticeable. People with a predisposition to allergic reactions should first pay attention to this reason.
  2. The consequences of long-term alcohol abuse are alcoholism and chronic alcoholism. Constant exposure to ethyl alcohol on blood vessels leads to blockage, decreased elasticity, and the formation of congestion. Inflammatory processes occur in the body, affecting the capillaries and skin.
  3. Congenital alcohol intolerance. It is quite rare, but not so rare as to immediately exclude this cause from the possible factors in the occurrence of allergy symptoms.
  4. A standard reaction to alcohol entering the body. Due to the individual characteristics of the body (including light skin), it can manifest itself quite actively, especially if there are other factors contributing to the dilation of blood vessels. An unexpectedly strong reaction is also possible if an amount of alcohol has been drunk that significantly exceeds the norm.

If red spots on the body after drinking alcohol appear even after a small amount of alcohol, and at the same time they look bright and unlike the body’s normal reaction, then most likely it is either a health problem due to alcohol abuse or an allergy.

What body reaction is normal?

When ethyl alcohol enters the body, blood vessels dilate greatly and blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated. Small blood vessels located under the skin's surface dilate sufficiently to cause visible redness. As a result of research, it turned out that each person has his own dose of alcohol required to produce this effect.

In most cases, red spots on the body after drinking alcohol quickly go away on their own, and do not cause any particular inconvenience to the person. But when the allergy manifests itself too strongly, drinking alcohol can cause significant discomfort.

If after drinking alcohol:

  • The redness begins to itch;
  • Acne from alcohol or other formations on the skin appear;

- This is not normal, you should stop drinking alcohol and consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

If your face is covered with red spots , there may be another explanation for this: a lack of enzymes in the body responsible for eliminating alcohol. If you have such a reaction, you should drink alcohol that causes symptoms as carefully as possible. In a state of severe intoxication, you may not notice a non-standard reaction of the body. Too strong an allergic reaction can be fatal to the body, just like too much alcohol poisoning.

I had an allergic reaction to wine. What to do?

Do not think that allergies only appear in people who are overly addicted to alcohol. Practice shows that even from drinking one glass of wine, signs of an allergy appear, such as reddening of the cheeks. The effects of the body's reaction may disappear within 30 to 60 minutes. But what if a person is exposed to more dangerous symptoms? First of all, stop drinking not only red wine, but also all alcohol. Chocolate and citrus fruits should also not be eaten even in small quantities, as this can intensify dangerous allergy symptoms.

Is congenital intolerance to alcohol dangerous?

An allergy to alcohol can occur even after a very small amount of alcohol, which in no way could cause a significant dilation of blood vessels throughout the body. This reaction is typical of a small percentage of people who have congenital intolerance to alcohol.

This alcohol allergy is a reaction caused by differences in certain genes. Likewise, many people's bodies cannot tolerate lactose or some other components. Congenital intolerance is not the same as an allergy, but with this pathology the face turns red from alcohol even faster and stronger than in other people.

Classic allergic reaction

For a long time, the existence of an allergy to alcohol was questionable, since ethanol is a natural liquid for humans, always contained in the body in a certain concentration.

At the moment it is believed that such an allergy exists. Usually the reaction is triggered by drinking alcohol, often not immediately, after which the disease begins to spread quickly, and with each subsequent portion of alcohol the symptoms will intensify .

If a person has not drank before, and the question “Why does the face turn red after alcohol” arose immediately after drinking a small amount, then the chance of an allergic reaction is high. This allergy is one of the few serious pathologies that can be triggered by even a small amount of alcohol, without alcoholism or abuse. Fortunately, as a percentage, the chance of a congenital allergy is small, especially if alcohol has not previously caused such a reaction.

If you have an allergy to alcohol, the following symptoms will first appear:

  1. First of all, red spots will appear on the face, neck and shoulders. For some people, the redness may then spread to the rest of the body.
  2. The whole body may turn red, the eye or red spot may begin to itch.
  3. In some cases, swelling of the face and eye area occurs, and the swelling in the eye area may be severe enough to cause discomfort.
  4. A severe headache almost always occurs because all blood vessels dilate, including those in the brain.
  5. Severe intoxication is caused not only by vodka or other strong alcohol, but even by a small amount of wine or beer.

How to treat an allergy to alcohol?

First of all, you should eliminate the allergen - alcohol . If there is no strong reaction and the body accepts alcohol quite calmly, vodka, cognac, whiskey and other strong alcohol should be excluded from the diet. After the amount of allergen in the body decreases significantly, the reaction will become less pronounced, and the patient’s condition will quickly improve.

If the body reacts too strongly to alcohol: inflammation of the face and eyes occurs, acne appears on the body and intense redness - it is better to give up alcohol altogether, including low-alcohol drinks. Following this, you should consult a specialist: an allergist to determine the presence of an allergic reaction, and a dermatologist to treat acne, itching and other skin manifestations.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness

Sometimes after festive gatherings at generously laid tables, people complain of signs of allergies. A huge number of photos have been published on the Internet with redness of the face and certain areas of the skin - the consequences of drinking wine.

Usually allergens are considered gifts of nature with bright colors, chocolate, citrus fruits, dishes that include seafood, eggs, sea and river fish. And only a few victims can assume that the culprit for the sudden onset of itching, runny nose, swelling and redness may be a glass of wine.

Allergic reactions to wine occur in 25% of the adult population, but most people have no idea what the real cause of the disease was.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness
Only 25% of adults have allergies

Preventive actions

To avoid a similar situation in the future, it is better to stop drinking wine. If a person does not want to permanently exclude this drink from the diet, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

It is best to give preference to white wines

  1. It is best to give preference to white wines; drinks made from red grapes should be prohibited.
  2. When drinking alcohol, you need to reduce the dosage by at least half. Over time, a person begins to understand what amount of drink is his norm and will not harm him.
  3. It is best to give preference to expensive and high-quality wines from well-known producers. It is best for the drink to be aged. This helps neutralize harmful substances that could get into the wine.
  4. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the product; you should pay attention to synthetic additives. Ideally, they should not exist at all.
  5. It is best to avoid complex and sweet cocktails that include wine.

An allergy to wine occurs in every fourth person, but not everyone takes into account some symptoms that, at first glance, are in no way related to alcohol consumption. Most often, such an allergy does not cause much harm to a person and passes quickly. However, an irresponsible attitude towards one's own health can lead to the development of more serious reactions that will require professional intervention.

Causes of allergies to wine

There are many types of wine, but only some types can cause a painful reaction in humans. A high-quality alcoholic drink does not contain preservatives, dyes or other chemicals, so it very rarely provokes allergies.

Synthetic impurities

Finding truly natural wine, without harmful additives, is extremely difficult. The reason for this is unscrupulous manufacturers who, for the sake of profit, are ready to stuff their product with all sorts of synthetic substances. More often, chemical impurities are found in red wine. Therefore, this type of alcoholic drink is the main allergen among alcohol products .


But the immune system responds not only to chemical additives. Pesticides used to treat grapes that are subject to wine processing can also cause discomfort. Grape bushes are sprayed and fed for better growth and so that ripe berries last longer. People become highly sensitive to these pesticides, which subsequently negatively affects human health, sometimes causing serious consequences.


An allergy to red wine can also be caused by an individual intolerance to grapes. It is better for such patients to avoid wine.

Flavoring substances

There are many types of wines that have flavorings added to them. More often these are nut impurities. If there is an intolerance to nuts, then as a result an allergy occurs after drinking wine that contains particles of this fruit. Therefore, it is better to read the composition of alcoholic products.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness
Allergies may be caused by intolerance to grapes

Wine blossom

A small amount of mold forms in containers where young wine is poured. The fungus cannot be detected visually; it has no smell or taste. Mold appears in red wines. Once in the body, the immune system reacts to the flower.

Wasp poison

Also found in young drink. Wasp venom is a dangerous allergen for many people . The poisonous liquid causes serious consequences. While the alcoholic product is being prepared, wasps flock to the smell. Once under pressure, they are bottled together with the drink. The longer the wine is aged, the safer the wasp poison is, since over time the strength fades and is no longer capable of harming the body.

Factors influencing the manifestations of allergies

Most often, an allergy to wine is caused by the content of certain substances in it:

  1. Cheap drinks can often contain haptens. They are considered strong allergens. It should be noted that the reaction can only occur if herbal extracts were used in the production of the wine drink, or if it contains various fruit and berry additives.
  2. Young wines can often contain small amounts of mold. Gradually, under the influence of oxygen, it begins to actively multiply, after which it settles to the bottom of the bottle. Even a small amount of mold can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  3. If red wine contains citrus fruits and ethyl alcohol, irritation cannot be avoided. Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate, and allergens have a strong negative effect on humans.
  4. It may also be that insects can get under the wine press. Wasp venom retains its properties for some time. The longer the wine is aged, the more likely it is that the poison has been completely neutralized.
  5. In case of poor quality production, a small amount of sulfur dioxide may end up in wine drinks. This substance is used to pollinate bushes with grapes. Some unscrupulous manufacturers allow themselves to use this element as a stabilizer.
  6. Nut additives that are found in some types of wine can also cause allergies.

Don't forget about dyes and flavors. They do not provide any benefit to the body, and in some cases they can cause rashes and itching.

Symptoms of wine allergy

The protective mechanisms of the human immune system work when foreign proteins - antigens - enter the body. This is manifested by specific signs.

Wine contains allergens that cause symptoms similar to alcohol poisoning.

Signs of allergies make themselves felt in a complex way:

  • redness on the face after wine;
  • skin rashes accompanied by high fever;
  • swelling;
  • rhinitis, sneezing, itching, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • in severe cases – nausea, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, convulsions.

A dangerous manifestation of an allergy to wine is Quincke's edema - swelling of internal organs. This sign occurs extremely rarely.

The worst reaction to drinking wine is anaphylactic shock . The person dies in a matter of minutes.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness
Wine is a well-known drink

Causes of allergies

It is worth noting that not all wines can cause allergic reactions. Expensive and high-quality drinks do not have foreign impurities, therefore they do not affect the human immune system and do not cause irritation.

The difficulty is that it is difficult to find a bottle of such wine, because most manufacturers use various preservatives, trying to improve the taste and color of their product, and thereby increase sales. When drinking red wine, the likelihood of suffering from allergic manifestations is very high, because this drink is the No. 1 allergen.

The following causes of allergy to wine can be identified:

  • weakened immune system;
  • pathological diseases of internal organs;
  • poor quality drink;
  • allergy to yeast, grapes or sugar;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

It is important to understand that any substance included in the drink can be a dangerous allergen. An allergy to wine can appear almost immediately, or the next day after drinking alcohol. Usually the clinical picture is clearly expressed, and it is easy for a person to guess what caused such a reaction.

Types of wines and their allergens

The wine drink has been known for thousands of years. Each nation and region is famous for its own cooking recipes.

The entire range of wines is divided into several types, each of which has characteristic allergens.

Red wine

A common culprit in alcohol allergies. The product contains a floral bouquet, which is created from fusel oils and essential combinations. These substances cause allergies. Red wine also contains methanol, which, although rare, also turns out to be an allergen. For example, wine made from black Isabella grapes is prohibited for commercial production in European countries. The official reason is high methanol content. But judging by the reviews, most people do not drink this drink because of the unpleasant fox smell. Therefore, the product is not in demand, and it was discontinued.

White wine

White wine is much less likely to cause a reaction. But cheap copies contain preservatives that provoke the development of the disease.

Dry wine

Allergies that may occur after a sip of dry wine may be due to yeast, pesticides and mold. Yeasts are involved in the preparation of the drink, and mold can form in any dry wine. Pesticides are used to treat vineyards.


Champagne intolerance is caused by sulfates and histamines, which are preservatives.

Homemade drink

Homemade wine can also cause allergies. The reason for this is insufficient purification and maintenance of fusel oils. Also, the use of sugar makes homemade wine an undesirable product for some people with allergies.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness
It is necessary to consult an allergist

Causality of an allergic reaction to wine

There are many factors that provoke a negative immune response to wine drinks. Starting from the individual reaction of the nasal mucosa specifically to this type of alcoholic product. But it happens that allergic symptoms provoked by drinking wine are a consequence of some disease. Even a small amount of wine drunk leads to abnormal reactions of the body in the form of swelling of the nasal mucosa, simulating infectious rhinitis. It is swelling of the mucous membrane that can be the most dangerous symptom. This disease is quite difficult to treat. Having identified the provoking factor, you should not repeat situations that are hazardous to your health. The solution is to reduce or completely eliminate wine from your diet.

The provoking factor of a negative immune response may not be wine, but one of its components - alcohol. The most common alcoholic product that causes allergies is beer, as well as red and sparkling wines. Allergies to white wine are quite rare.

Do not forget that wine can also contain a certain amount of products that cause allergies: fruits, yeast. In addition, wine is a source of histamine, which provokes the appearance of hives and itchy rashes, headaches, coughing and sneezing. Some salts (acid derivatives) sometimes cause similar symptoms (chemical compounds used by the manufacturer in the process of preparing a wine drink).

Diagnosis of an allergic reaction

To make a diagnosis and determine the cause of painful manifestations, an allergy examination is performed. The procedure includes the following activities:

  • blood test for antibodies;
  • provocative test using physical stress;
  • skin tests involving grape juice of all colors, grape skins and pulp;
  • skin prick tests with suspected wine.

After conducting the necessary tests, the allergist will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary medications.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness
It is necessary to avoid alcohol during allergies

Treatment and preventive measures

The surest way to get rid of or prevent an allergy to wine is to stop drinking the drink..

At the first manifestation of allergic symptoms, you should immediately take sorbent medications. It is recommended to drink plenty of plain water. In addition to interrupting contact with allergenic substances, it is recommended to take a course of antihistamines. To eliminate skin symptoms, the doctor will prescribe indomethacin.

For prevention, a good option would be to give up alcohol. But if a person does not plan to give up wine, then it is at least worth listening to the advice:

  • instead of champagne and red wine, it is better to give preference to the white variety;
  • for drinking, choose older wines - the longer the aging, the better;
  • reduce the dosage of alcohol;
  • avoid wines with a complex bouquet;
  • buy high-quality wine drinks without synthetic additives and preservatives.

To avoid unwanted reactions, it is better not to start drinking wine. In particular, this applies to people with intolerance to the fruit and berry components of the drink, women at all stages of pregnancy and children.

Each wine has certain allergens:

  1. Allergy to wine, especially red wine, is the most common type of allergy when drinking alcohol. The presence of a floral bouquet consisting of esters and fusel oils is considered characteristic of the type of drink in question. They are the cause of negative manifestations. This drink also contains methanol. Its content is insignificant, however, it may cause a reaction.
  2. Black grapes are used as raw material for rose wine. The production process is similar to the production of a white drink. But the taste of this type of wine is close to red, so the reaction that appears to pink wine has the same reasons: the presence of esters and fusel oils.
  3. Allergies that occur to white wine are considered rarer. But this applies to high-quality alcohol. Cheap drinks contain preservatives, components and various additives. Fruity white alcoholic drinks should be consumed with caution. Their natural composition may have a negative effect on patients with allergic sensitivity to fruits and berries.
  4. Yeast and pesticides are considered to be the cause of atypical symptoms when drinking dry wine. Yeast is essential for wine production. Grape orchards are sprayed with pesticides.
  5. Champagne allergies are caused by histamines and sulfates. They are contained here as preservative components.
  6. Despite the fact that most people prefer homemade wine, it often provokes allergies. This is due to the fact that it is not completely refined and often contains fusel oils.


Manifestations of an allergic reaction to wine drinks vary. The degree of expression may depend on the type of wine (red or white), the quality of the components that make up the composition of the wine product. One thing is certain: the first signs of an allergic reaction begin to appear within twenty minutes, less often - an hour and a half after drinking alcohol.

The degree of alcoholization of each individual person has a great influence on the alcohol reaction. A non-drinker may experience some symptoms, while, for example, a binge alcoholic may experience completely different ones, varying in severity.

Type of wine
The degree of manifestation of an allergic reaction directly depends on the type of wine.

  1. Red wine

An allergy to red wine has more pronounced signs and extensive symptoms. Characteristic manifestations are:

Red wine as an allergen
Red wine is considered the most allergenic.

  • redness localized on the neck, face, arms, chest. They may appear as small spots or redness over a large area of ​​skin;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • the appearance of spots similar to dermatitis (flaking and cracking);
  • swelling of the face;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • sneezing, constant itching in the nose;
  • rapid intoxication from the usual amount of wine;
  • disturbances of heart rhythm, blood pressure;
  • headaches from a rush of blood to the head.

Severe cases are characterized by high fever, asthma attacks, and suffocation. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible.

  1. White wine

Allergies to wine made from white grape varieties are less common and go away more easily. This is due to the fact that the level of histamine and acids in wine made from white grapes is much lower. Characteristic symptoms are: cough, red eyes, sneezing, and less commonly, nausea.

An allergy should not be confused with an alcohol overdose. If a person has had too much, then after a couple of hours he will begin to have headaches, nausea, vomiting, and his blood pressure will increase. These signs will go away on their own, but in the case of allergies, symptoms will appear every time you drink wine.

Often, an allergy to white wine manifests itself in coughing and sneezing.

Causes of allergies

  1. Grapes, various berries and fruits. The fruit is considered the main ingredient that causes atypical manifestations. The main grape allergens include lipid transport proteins and chitinases. But their composition is so small that allergies to grapes occur quite rarely. Moreover, a 100% connection between allergies to grapes and to wine has not been established. The following pattern is observed - the more mature the drink, the less likely it is for atypical manifestations to occur. In addition, patients who are allergic to grapes need to be aware that they may become allergic to peaches or cherries because their allergic components are the same as those of grapes.
  2. Drink color. The main difference between the wines is in the process of technological production, and not at all in the color of the fruit. The white drink is produced by squeezing the fruits and then processing the resulting grape liquid. The red drink is obtained from the fermentation of wort from fully processed fruits. And since the main allergens in grapes are in the skin, not in the seeds, allergies to red wine are more common than to white drinks.
  3. Clarifiers. To clarify the drink in question, casein and cellulose are used. In European countries, the presence of these ingredients in wine is indicated on the wine label, due to the fact that they pose a danger to patients with allergies to milk and eggs.
  4. Wine yeast and biogenic amines. An allergy caused by an atypical reaction to wine yeast occurs when tasting a young drink. Other wines contain other allergens - biogenic amines: histamines and tyramines, resulting from the fermentation of the alcoholic drink in question.
  5. Preservatives. Sulfur dioxide and E220–227 are used to store alcohol. These sulfites can cause bronchospasm in asthmatics taking hormone-containing medications and cause worsening skin reactions in allergy sufferers with atopic dermatitis. However, the considered allergy phenomena were registered in only 15% of wine consumers, and Western wine companies indicate on the label the amount of the considered preservative components and substances when their content in wine exceeds 10 mg/l.
  6. Pollutants. The reason for the atypical reaction to the drink may be the barrels into which the wine is poured during aging. If a patient is allergic to tree pollen, the possibility of a reaction when drinking a drink aged in oak barrels increases 10 times.
  7. Mold fungi. Often, atypical manifestations appear as a reaction of the patient’s body to the content of mold spores or mycotoxins in it. At the same time, the country of production and the aging period of the wine in the variant under consideration do not play any role. Mycotoxins can withstand negative effects for decades. You can encounter low-quality products from wine companies due to this factor by consuming wines from Russian wine companies. It is completely unprofitable for foreign winemakers to pay fabulous penalties.
  8. Grape pollen. A lesser-known contaminant of the alcoholic beverage in question is grape pollen. If a patient has an atypical reaction to it, then two cases of allergy appear:
  9. Allergy to young drink.
  10. Cross food allergy to pollen-free wine.


Wine allergy is often confused with standard alcohol intolerance. High blood pressure, migraines in the morning, chills are common signs of a general hangover syndrome. He has a fickle character. Its consequences are dealt with like a standard hangover: you need to drink large amounts of liquid and use adsorbent medications.

If a sharp decrease in pressure, convulsions, or angioedema occurs, you should immediately call an emergency vehicle. Inhalation of antihistamines Berotec or Atrovent through a nebulizer can provide invaluable assistance while waiting for specialists.

If only a rash appears, without suffocation or other dangerous symptoms, it is enough to do a gastric lavage and take an antihistamine.

After the procedure, the patient must take any antiallergic drug (Loratadine, Erius) for 4-5 days. During this time, you should exclude from your diet all foods that provoke allergies and completely abstain from alcohol.

You cannot take antiallergic drugs at the same time as alcoholic beverages - this causes serious stress on the patient’s internal organs such as the heart and liver. Also, anti-allergy medications in the presence of alcohol increase the sedative effect of antihistamines several times.

Indomethacin can be used to relieve skin signs. To help the patient’s body fight allergies to wine, drugs that break down food are used - Creon, Pancreatin. They will allow food to be absorbed as quickly as possible, which will significantly reduce the time the allergen influences the patient’s body.

If an allergy from a particular type of wine appears twice, you should avoid it. In this case, it makes no sense to use antihistamines before drinking wine, because in combination with alcohol these drugs most likely will not have the desired effect.

Red wine allergy symptoms of redness

If an allergy to a drink causes symptoms periodically, you should pay attention to snacks: it is likely that some types of cheese, chocolate or citrus fruits may be the actual cause of the atypical reaction.

Recommendations for safe drinking of wine

  • It is necessary to carefully drink alcoholic cocktails and grogs containing red wine;
  • allergic symptoms manifest themselves when tasting wines together with allergenic products, as a result of which you should not mix them to avoid a negative reaction of the patient’s immune system;
  • in order to prevent allergic manifestations from spoiling the festive event, it is necessary to drink white or champagne sparkling wines - these alcoholic drinks do not have such a strong effect on the immune system;
  • If you have a great desire to drink a small amount of red wine, then it is recommended to be selective in choosing a high-quality drink with a long aging period: in old wines the content of allergens is much lower.
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