Eye burn with brilliant green: first aid and subsequent treatment

Chemical injury with brilliant green: signs and types?

The alcohol contained in the disinfectant, as well as the dye, dry out the skin greatly, especially if applied frequently and in large quantities.
Such actions can lead to an individual allergic reaction. Too thin “transparent” skin can react and a chemical burn with brilliant green appears. Therefore, adults, and especially children, should use disinfectants with caution. If possible, in many cases it is recommended to replace it with a more gentle one.

You can notice a chemical burn by the following signs:

  • after applying the drug there is a strong burning sensation and pain;
  • the epidermis turns red and burns;
  • pain intensifies;
  • blisters may appear.

Chemical damage is usually divided into 4 degrees:

  1. The injury is superficial, no blisters appear.
  2. The injury is superficial, blisters pop up.
  3. The affected area is extensive (10% of the body or more), the burn affects all layers of the epidermis and is accompanied by blisters.
  4. The wound is deep, affecting not only the skin, but also subcutaneous tissues and structures (joints, bones, cartilage, tendons).

These medications are available in a convenient form intended for irrigation of the wound surface. You do not have to rub the injured skin, just irrigate it with the medicine periodically (2-3 times a day).

Followers of traditional medicine can use diamond aloe juice or grated potatoes to treat green burns. These folk remedies are used in the same way: applied to the wound in the form of a compress. Potatoes and aloe will remove traces of chemical injury within a day.

Now you know what burn injuries from brilliant green look like and how they are treated. I hope you will use the tips from the article if the need arises. You can share the information you read with your friends on social networks, and don’t forget to subscribe to site updates. All the best!

Author of the article: Anna Derbeneva (dermatologist)

Publication date: 26-10-2016

Zelenka or brilliant green is a popular and widely known antiseptic. But its use sometimes raises many questions among users.

This medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy for literally pennies and used as an antiseptic for disinfection treatment:

  • Various pimples.
  • Boils.
  • Elements of chickenpox rashes.
  • Scratches and other minor injuries.

However, sometimes this quality becomes a plus. In particular, with chickenpox, it is the coloring properties of brilliant green that make it possible not to miss new pimples. But such a medicine does not provide a healing effect, although it prevents the addition of a secondary infection.

Other benefits of greenery:

  • Effectively destroys bacteria.
  • Suitable for use at all ages.
  • Does not leave behind scars or cicatricial changes.
  • Does not have an excessive drying effect.
  • Helps avoid suppuration.

Cheap green stuff always has a place in your home medicine cabinet. It is practically incapable of causing allergies and has a long shelf life.

When most people think of burns, they only think of thermal injuries, where they are burned by boiling water, cigarettes, stoves, or other everyday things. In such situations, providing first aid will be an important point, but not everyone knows what is included in the list of necessary measures and what is prohibited. Is it possible to apply brilliant green to a burn, and will such an antiseptic treatment cause harm?

There are many drugs that we use every day without thinking about their potential, and they have quite a lot of potential, despite their ease of production, use and affordable price. Zelenka is used to treat injuries and some skin diseases:

  • Acne;
  • Boils;
  • Chickenpox rash;
  • Scratches and other minor injuries.


Obvious disadvantages that do not allow you to smear brilliant green on the skin without additional discomfort include strong coloring. Few people were not upset by the consequences of using brilliant green, in the form of dirty things or hands. Its direct impact includes several important effects:

  • Antiseptic. The alcohol that is included in this medication (5%) copes well with eliminating pathogenic flora;
  • Unlike its frequent competitor in the form of iodine, if you smear the wound with brilliant green, you will definitely not have any scars or other scars (at least from using the medication);
  • Prevents the formation of purulent tissue inflammation.
  • Although its color is considered a flaw, this pigment was added for a reason. It allows you to monitor the development of skin diseases (for example, chickenpox).

Whether it is possible to smear brilliant green on a burn is a controversial issue, and requires consideration of several points where not only the drug is important, but also the nature of the origin of the disease.

Properties of brilliant green

This medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy for literally pennies and used as an antiseptic for disinfection treatment:

  • Various pimples.
  • Boils.
  • Elements of chickenpox rashes.
  • Scratches and other minor injuries.

Zelenka has one significant drawback - after its use, spots of a characteristic green color remain on the skin, which do not disappear for a long time.

However, sometimes this quality becomes a plus. In particular, with chickenpox, it is the coloring properties of brilliant green that make it possible not to miss new pimples. But such a medicine does not provide a healing effect, although it prevents the addition of a secondary infection.

How do burns from brilliant green occur?

The composition contains alcohol, as well as coloring powder. Alcohol dries and burns the skin if applied in its pure form, and coloring powder can cause an individual reaction in the form of an allergy.

By the way, the brilliant green pigment was initially used only for dyeing fabrics. Why then did they start using it as an antiseptic?

It's simple - brilliant green has strong durability, making it convenient to mark skin defects with its help. The most popular method of using the solution is to treat pimples with chickenpox.

Is it possible to smear brilliant green on a child’s skin? Doctors do not recommend using this antiseptic, since nowadays there are safer ones designed specifically for children's skin.

Skin that is too thin and sensitive can react allergically to brilliant green or get a serious chemical burn.

Adults should use this drug very carefully. Injured people apply it very liberally to the wound, without thinking about the consequences. Such self-medication often leads to burns. Therefore, use other antiseptic medications instead of brilliant green, if possible.


For quartzing, special lamps with ultraviolet radiation are used. During the treatment process, the air is saturated with ozone and the environment is disinfected.

Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA of microbes, causing rapid death of mold pathogens, viruses and bacteria.

Quartzization is used for the following purposes:

  • disinfection;
  • sterilization of medical instruments;
  • disinfection of the human body.

Quartz lamps are widely in demand in medical and children's institutions. Many people use them at home for various needs. It is easy to get an eye burn from quartz without knowing the rules for using the device. They are as follows:

  • when disinfecting a room, you need to leave and not enter while the treatment is in progress;
  • if the lamp is used to heal wounds, you need to close your eyes and not open them during the procedure;
  • You cannot look at the lamp when it is on, this leads to injury to the retina, cornea, conjunctiva and eyelids;
  • After a quartz treatment session, you need to ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes.

The depth of damage depends on the duration of exposure to ultraviolet rays, the power of the device and the number of lamps turned on.

In case of eyelid burns, they are carefully treated with Furacilin, avoiding contact of the product with the eyes. Korneregel is placed under the eyelid. The skin on top can be lubricated with Tetracycline and Erythromycin ointment. The drugs eliminate the inflammatory process, accelerate healing and prevent infection.

Burn symptoms

When treating a wound with a solution of brilliant green, you must take precautions, because ingestion of an excessive amount of an alcohol-containing product can cause irritation even to the skin, not to mention the eyes. When treating a wound with brilliant green, you must follow safety rules. Statistics show that most cases of brilliant green getting into a child’s eyes are caused by knocking over a bottle of solution and rubbing the eyes with hands stained with the solution.

The eyes may turn red, the child experiences a burning sensation, severe pain, blurred vision, and retinal rupture. All these symptoms can be caused by brilliant green that contains alcohol. Recently, this pharmaceutical medicine has been produced on a water basis. Such brilliant green is not capable of causing noticeable harm to vision, and after washing with plenty of water, the problem is solved.

A pharmaceutical product often used to disinfect wounds at home is a solution of brilliant green or brilliant green. If the product accidentally gets into the eye of a child or adult, immediate action should be taken, since careless handling of the antiseptic can cause harm and even cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the eyes, especially when the solution contains alcohol.

Emergency help

What to do if you get a burn from brilliant green? Do not panic and act according to this scheme:

  1. Immediately rinse the affected area under running water. The coloring agent is very difficult to wash off if it has already been absorbed into the skin. If the integrity of the epidermis is not compromised, then you can use soap, but do not rub the heavily injured surface. Cold water will neutralize the brilliant green and partially relieve unpleasant symptoms.
  2. If the antiseptic gets into the eyes, mouth or esophagus, then rinse the mucous membranes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

Timely emergency assistance will stop the spread of the burn injury. After this, you can begin treatment. Chemical damage after greening does not require particularly complex treatment.

Timely and correct assistance is of great importance for further treatment.

  1. Stop contact with the source of injury;
  2. Cool the injury site under running water;
  3. In case of damage to the skin, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin solution;
  4. Apply a sterile bandage;
  5. Further therapy consists of antiseptic treatment of the injury, but not with alcohol solutions! And in the use of wound healing ointments Panthenol, Rescuer, Pantestin.

To summarize, we can say that it is impossible to smear a burn with brilliant green without any consultation from a treating specialist. This will not only leave you without the expected healing effect, but will also complicate the situation with additional chemical damage. Modern pharmacology has developed many new, specialized medications (Panthenol, Vinizol, Levian, etc.

There are several types of burn injuries - thermal, chemical and electrical. Each has characteristics that must be taken into account when selecting a therapeutic drug. You cannot apply brilliant green to a burn - it provokes severe pain when applied and leads to additional damage to the dermis.

A burn from brilliant green looks like a normal thermal injury, even though it is a chemical injury. In this case, there is no need to panic; it is necessary to take emergency measures in a coordinated and quick manner:

  1. If a burning sensation and redness appears on the skin, wash the area with running water, without soap.
  2. Be sure to use only cold water and no soap, so as not to increase irritation. Cold water relieves swelling and eliminates painful symptoms.
  3. If the antiseptic gets on the mucous membrane, it is necessary to wash the affected area with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. In case of a serious condition, be sure to call an ambulance or visit a qualified doctor yourself.

Timely correct actions will help prevent complications.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies can only be used for superficial burns from brilliant green or at the stage of skin healing. Traditional medicine recipes against brilliant green burns:

  • Grind raw potatoes , place the mixture on the affected area, secure with gauze or bandage. Change the bandage twice a day. Potato compresses are applied immediately after a burn;
  • The cabbage leaf is washed with water, beaten, and then applied to the burn, securing with a bandage. Helps reduce pain and swelling;
  • Cut the aloe leaf , remove the thorns, chop. Apply the resulting mixture to the burned area and secure with a bandage;
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. oak bark with a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled liquid. Dip a bandage or gauze in the broth and apply to the burn;
  • Dissolve 3 g of mumiyo in a glass of warm boiled water. Lubricate the affected area with the product;
  • Wash fresh plantain leaves, beat them off, and apply to the burn site.

There are also a large number of folk remedies that are used to treat burns. However, before using them, you should obtain your doctor's permission.

How to treat?

After providing first aid, eliminating pain and burning, you can begin therapy. Depending on where the burn from brilliant green is located, the methods differ significantly.

Epithelial damage

The following aerosols are used to relieve pain and other symptoms:

  • "Vinizol";
  • "Panthenol";
  • "Levian";
  • "Oxycyclosol".

The action of the drugs is based on the treatment of superficial skin lesions. Medicines are offered in a convenient form, which allows you to irrigate the damaged area at least 2-3 times a day.

Burn of the oral mucosa

  1. If a burn with brilliant green appears in the oral cavity, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with antiseptics (Furacilin solution, Chlorhexidine) before and after each meal. This will reduce the possibility of additional infection.
  2. To reduce pain, use:
  1. As an additional treatment measure, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in sea buckthorn or olive oil and lubricate the affected area 3-4 times a day.
  2. To eliminate a burn with brilliant green, washing with a decoction of calendula (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) has a good effect.

If diamond solution gets into the eyes, symptoms such as watery eyes, burning, and in extreme cases tearing of the mucous membrane may occur.

  1. In such a situation, it is necessary to rinse the eyes and remove the product, then treat the affected area with a 3% Tannin solution.
  2. If the skin is burned and there are no medications, a compress of strong black tea is good.
  3. For a high-quality and quick recovery, corticosteroid and hydrocorticosteroid drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, for example, Dexamethasone.
  4. To relieve swelling and eliminate dry mucous membranes, moisturizing drops that have the properties of “artificial tears” are prescribed.

Regardless of the measures taken, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist after first aid. The course of recovery should include fortified compresses, as well as the use of antibacterial drugs.


These medications are available in the form of sprays. They are freely available and have virtually no contraindications, which allows them to be used to treat burns even on a child.

How to treat a burn wound

Superficial burns heal quickly even without additional treatment. But there are special drugs that will help speed up regeneration and relieve pain. For this purpose, the following medications can be used in the form of ointments, creams and sprays:

  • Levomekol;
  • Depanthenol;
  • Bepanten;
  • Levomethyl, etc.

You can also treat a burn from brilliant green using silver-based creams; they will speed up the healing process of burn wounds.

If the damage is mild, then keep it open; air will speed up the regeneration processes.

If there are blisters, use loose bandages. It is enough to wrap the burned area 1 or 2 times to allow air to flow to the skin. Change the bandage 2 times a day, wash the burn site with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine.

If the skin or mucous membranes do not heal for a long time, the doctor may prescribe a local or general antibiotic. The most effective include drugs based on penicillin or cephalosporin (Ampicillin, Cefepime, etc.).

Burns to the mucous membrane of the eyes are treated with anti-inflammatory and decongestant drops. If the conjunctiva dries out, the doctor may prescribe drops with a moisturizing effect. If the mucous membrane of the mouth or genitals is affected, wash the affected area with antiseptic solutions to avoid infection.

Your doctor will prescribe painkillers and healing-accelerating medications. If there is a burn in the mouth, then eat soft foods, avoid smoked foods, sour, salty foods, etc.

How do burns from brilliant green occur?

You can see examples of burn injuries from brilliant green in the photo.

Similar injuries to the mucous membranes look a little different - a white or yellowish scab appears, which gradually dies. The mucous membranes recover faster than the epidermis. In any case, there is no need to worry too much with such an injury.

Burn lesions after green paint go away quite quickly without treatment. The healing process takes 2-3 days. An allergic reaction can prolong it.

Therefore, if you experience such a lesion, immediately take an antihistamine such as Diazolin. An antihistamine will prevent allergic symptoms and relieve inflammation.

If you heavily smear the affected area with brilliant green, you can get a burn. The following symptoms are observed:

  • increased pain;
  • burning;
  • the skin turns red;
  • blisters form.

If the mucous membrane was touched by an antiseptic, a yellow or white scab appears, which eventually turns into a scar. Mucosal tissues recover faster than epithelium - three days is enough.

Symptoms of a burn injury

After treatment with the solution, a burn from brilliant green can be detected by the following symptoms:

  • There is a burning sensation and painful sensations;
  • The skin turns red and burns;
  • The pain becomes more pronounced;
  • With a severe burn, blisters appear.

As you know, chemical burns are divided into 4 degrees:

  • Grade 1 – no blisters;
  • 2nd degree – transparent bubbles appear;
  • 3rd degree – more than 10% of the body area is affected, all layers of the epidermis are damaged;
  • Grade 4 – skin and subcutaneous structures are affected.

Zelenka usually provokes superficial injuries, in which blisters rarely appear.

When the mucous membranes are damaged, a whitish or yellowish crust forms, which gradually disappears. 1st degree burns usually heal quickly; with 2nd - 3rd degree injuries, regeneration slows down, especially in the presence of an allergic reaction.

Is it allowed to use on burns?

In order not to treat a burn from brilliant green, but to prevent it, it is important to know the contraindications for use and rules of use:

  • Apply the drug along the edges of the wound;
  • Do not use brilliant green together with iodine;
  • Do not use in patients with a possible allergic reaction;
  • Do not use on open, bleeding areas.

Any drug requires caution to prevent complications.

Dear friends, welcome to the site about dermatology! What do you do if you get injured? Most likely, you treat it with an antiseptic. What antiseptic are you used to using? Zelenka?

This drug has become popular due to its meager price and powerful antiseptic effect. But it must be used with extreme caution, otherwise you may get burned by the brilliant green. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is don't panic.

Read the article and find out how to help the victim.

People are accustomed to the fact that if they receive any minor injury, they can treat it with hydrogen peroxide and anoint it with a green alcohol solution. However, what does the provision of irresponsible assistance entail in the event of a burn?

  • This drug contains an element such as alcohol. Thanks to which the main medicinal properties appear, however, it is because of it that dry skin occurs;
  • Prolonged contact may further injure the upper epithelium, which will significantly complicate treatment.
  • If you apply brilliant green to a burn, it may result in not a thermal injury, but a chemical one. This will be accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • Pain;
  • Burning;
  • Severely reddened skin;
  • Blistering.
  • In addition, you should not apply brilliant green to a burn that is localized on the mucous membranes.
  • Even without chemical injuries, alcohol and other trace elements will increase pain, burning and other unpleasant sensations; there will be no noticeable healing effect.

However, despite all the possible dangers, brilliant green is approved for use in the treatment of this type of injury. However, how to use it? The maximum that is allowed in case of such damage is to cover a small area around the wound with a thin layer, without touching it itself.

How to properly use an antiseptic

In order for the brilliant green solution to bring only benefits, it is important to follow the rules for its use:

  • If there is a burn, apply a minimal amount of brilliant green to the edges of the affected area. It is strictly prohibited to pour an antiseptic solution onto the burn itself;
  • If there are abrasions, scratches or wounds, lubricate only the edges. Modern antiseptics are used to treat the damaged area. Only minor scratches can be completely coated;
  • If there is bleeding, you first need to stop it, and then apply brilliant green;
  • Before treating with brilliant green, thoroughly rinse the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine or warm boiled water;
  • Do not use brilliant green to treat weeping wounds;
  • It is strongly not recommended to use brilliant green to treat 2nd degree burns when the integrity of the skin is compromised. In this case, the solution will only increase the degree of damage;
  • Do not combine brilliant green with iodine or antiseptics containing chlorine or alkali.

It is strictly forbidden to use brilliant green to treat mucous membranes, since the alcohol in its composition will cause a chemical burn.

Therefore, avoid this antiseptic when treating stomatitis, sore throat, cracked nipples, hemorrhoids, thrush, herpes, burns (from 2nd degree).

Contraindications and rules of use

Zelenka is a well-known antiseptic that is sold in every pharmacy. When it comes into contact with the skin, it kills all bacteria, eliminates infection and cleanses the surface of the epidermis from impurities. Like iodine, it is suitable for treating skin rashes.

Antiseptic was discovered by chemist William Perkin back in the 19th century. At that time it was the safest dye, so it began to be used in the weaving industry. Several decades later, doctors realized that the coloring pigment was suitable for disinfecting wounds.

A negative feature is its persistent color. However, there are more advantages:

  • kills bacteria on the skin;
  • cauterizes large wounds, stops bleeding;
  • after its use there are no scars or marks left - unlike iodine;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • prevents suppuration of wounds.

What you can smear with brilliant green at home:

  • pimples;
  • open wounds. A crust is formed that prevents bacteria and moisture from penetrating into the dermis. Healthy skin around the damage is treated and a small amount of product is applied, otherwise the green color will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • chickenpox rash;
  • boils.

For any type of burn, you can independently determine the degree and then treat it with cold water. The only exception is damage caused by lime - the water in the reaction begins to warm up, which causes destruction of the skin. For chemical burns, the affected area should be smeared with either alkaline or acidic solutions - soda or citric acid. Types of skin burns:

  • thermal - formed under the influence of high temperature, boiling water and oil, causing redness and burning. The burn is washed under cold water and then treated with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol;
  • electric – provokes skin damage through electric discharges from contact with any electrical device. Blisters with liquid form on the epidermis, and the skin becomes very red. You need to treat irritation with special ointments and additionally take painkillers;
  • chemical burn - occurs against the background of the action of caustic dyes and lime. When a chemical damage occurs, you cannot immediately anoint the epithelium with an antiseptic - you first need to extinguish the chemical reaction so as not to get burned more, and only then apply a sedative, for example, Bepanten.

The drug should be used with caution by people who suffer from frequent allergic reactions. Before use, it is recommended to test for individual intolerance: apply a small amount of solution to a healthy area of ​​skin. If there is no redness, an antiseptic can be used to treat wounds.

The solution should not be used on areas that bleed. In this case, the blood mixes with mucous secretion, and the antimicrobial effect is reduced. First, you should stop the bleeding, treat the damage with hydrogen peroxide, then anoint it with brilliant green. It is also prohibited to apply it to mucous membranes and wet areas of the body.

The antiseptic cannot be mixed with iodine and other disinfectants that contain chlorine and alkali.

The drug is allowed to be used to treat wounds after operations, insect bites, and also for chickenpox. It also perfectly relieves itching and activates skin regeneration. However, it should not be applied to burns.

Scope of application of antiseptics

Brilliant green solution is an antiseptic that is used in the form of an aqueous or alcohol solution (1 - 2%), pencils for treating the skin in case of damage or various diseases. The composition of brilliant green includes alcohol and coloring powder. The first component can burn the skin, and the second can cause allergies.

Zelenka is used to disinfect scars after operations, injuries, umbilical wounds in newborns, abrasions and cuts. The solution is used in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory skin diseases (barley, meibomitis, skin lesions with purulent crusts, staphylococcus, boils, etc.).

When used in the recommended concentration, brilliant green does not irritate the skin. If the processing rules are violated, an irritating effect appears, the drug provokes inflammation, as well as allergic reactions (itching, skin rash). If the solution gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, a burning sensation, lacrimation, and burns appear. If ingested, diarrhea and abdominal pain occur.

Can it be used on burns?

Prolonged exposure to an antiseptic is fraught with chemical damage, and this increases the time of tissue regeneration.

For first-degree burns, it is recommended to use only cold water; in rare cases of phenolic damage, treatment with alcohol and a small amount of brilliant green is allowed.

In the second degree, the skin becomes covered with blisters - in this case, alcohol-containing solutions cannot be used - only cold water and pharmaceutical ointments Levomekol, Panthenol.

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