Watery blisters appeared on the back and itched, what to treat

Why might a child develop blisters on his body?

Healthy and clean skin of a baby indicates the normal functioning of his body. What does it mean if blisters suddenly form on the baby’s back, tummy, bottom or leg? Possible causes of watery blisters on children's skin:

  • allergic reaction (can occur when skin comes into contact with synthetic clothing, household chemicals, dust, frost, pets, food);
  • viral disease (varicella, molluscum contagiosum, herpes zoster, streptoderma, pemphigus);
  • infectious disease (vesiculopustulosis);
  • diaper dermatitis, diaper rash (develops with insufficient baby hygiene);
  • sunburn (prolonged exposure to the sun can cause blisters with liquid to appear on the baby’s skin).

READ ALSO: Which cream will help relieve a child’s facial burn?


If blisters on the back appear as a result of measles, acne, chickenpox and other infectious, fungal diseases, then the treatment and selection of medications should be carried out strictly by a doctor. He prescribes examinations, tests and conducts an initial examination. Thus, treatment is prescribed after receiving all the results and identifying the cause of the rash. The main medications that can be prescribed are antiviral agents and treat the surface of blisters with an antiseptic. In case of hormonal imbalance, tests are also required, after which the doctor prescribes hormonal medications. Here you need to approach it with all responsibility and take medications strictly according to the plan. In this case, you can quickly and without consequences restore your hormonal balance.

Treatment of rashes against the background of an allergic reaction is carried out using antihistamines: Zyrtec, Suprastin, etc. To eliminate the consequences of burns, local preparations are used - ointments, gels. Panthenol is considered the best on the pharmacological market.

If blisters on your back appear suddenly, then you should think about the reason for their appearance. In any case, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and treat the pathological condition under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid serious consequences.

Are blisters on the head in the hair dangerous and what to do about them?

Anyone can experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as blisters. And, if their appearance on the hands can somehow be explained (allergy to powders, cosmetics), then the appearance of blisters on the head in the hair causes fear and bewilderment.

What could it be and how to get rid of them? Blisters on the scalp can appear for various reasons and can create great difficulties.

Many of them begin to itch, others do not make themselves felt at all, but interfere with caring for your hair, combing it, and washing your hair.

What not to do if you have a rash

If a child is struck by a rash with blisters, parents are strongly advised not to wipe them with alcohol, vodka or potassium permanganate. Also, you should not squeeze such pimples, comb them, puncture them, or otherwise extract infectious fluid to prevent infection of other parts of the skin. You cannot continue to contact others, because... the child may be contagious to them.

READ ALSO: Rash and fever in an adult: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pharmacy methods

Many people turn to pharmaceutical products to get rid of blisters on their heads.

This is a well-trodden path that allows you to quickly achieve a good result.

As a last resort, even antibiotics are used here, which can be used locally or internally (if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection).

The doctor prescribes medications, and he may also advise you to take vitamins, antifungal or antiallergic medications, hormonal and anti-anxiety pills. But if we are talking about external treatment, then the following means are used:

  • drying ointments, for example, ichthyol or Levomekol;
  • alcohol solutions: calendula tincture, salicylic acid, etc.;
  • tar soap;
  • antifungal shampoos.

The treatment process is as follows:

  1. You need to wash your hair with a special shampoo.
  2. We treat the skin around each pimple with a weak alcohol solution. We do this extremely carefully so as not to get burned.
  3. Apply ointment to the skin in small portions. Make sure your hair is completely dry before starting this procedure.

These points may vary depending on the specifics of the disease.


In most cases, the blisters heal without human intervention. But you need to follow some recommendations:

  • If the rash does not occupy a large area, then to avoid damage, you can apply a bandage, after washing the affected area with soap, and apply an antibiotic on top.
  • It is impossible to pierce the blisters, as this can provoke infection of other parts of the body if the disease is viral or bacterial in nature. There is also a possibility that the wound itself may be infected by germs.
  • If the cause is an allergy, then you should try not to scratch the sore spot. A special medicine taken internally or externally will alleviate the condition.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • the area of ​​formation exceeds the size of a large coin;
  • location of the bladder - face, groin;
  • the cause of the skin damage was a burn;
  • if there are symptoms such as fever, severe swelling, red streaks, pus is released, pain has intensified, and redness has appeared in the surrounding area.

Externally, for faster healing, you can use ointments (see full list), gels, creams.

One of the best remedies is Povidone-iodine ointment. The product contains active iodine, which has antiseptic properties and resists bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. It is used for burns, viral infections, including herpes, superinfectious dermatitis, bedsores, etc.

For various allergic rashes, Advantan ointment is prescribed. This is an anti-inflammatory drug that eliminates signs of allergic reactions and stops the inflammatory process in tissues. The active substance is the glucocorticoid hormone methylprednisolone aceponate.

Zinc ointment has a softening, protective, antiseptic, astringent, and drying effect. Reduces the severity of exudation. The active ingredient is zinc oxide.

Lamisil ointment based on terbinafine is effective against mycoses. The active component acts against dermatophytes, molds, and some dimorphic fungi.

Fukortsin is prescribed for chickenpox, bacterial infections, and fungi. The drug contains resorcinol, acetone, boric acid. The drug has several disadvantages: color, which lasts a long time on the skin, and toxicity. Therefore, you need to use the product carefully, applying it pointwise.

There are also quite a lot of remedies in folk medicine that fight blisters on the skin.

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal agent. Use it precisely in its pure form. To treat large surfaces, mix ether with base oil - olive, apricot or peach kernels, castor oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 drops and treat the affected area 2-3 times a day.

In case of watery blisters resulting from mechanical action on the skin, the skin of an agave leaf is cut off on one side and the pulp is applied as a compress. Keep it for 6-12 hours, after which the bandage is removed for 10-15 minutes, the skin is washed, and the procedure is repeated.

Infusions are made from celandine or calendula - 1 tablespoon of herb per 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, pour into a basin for bathing. The water should be warm enough. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes. As the temperature drops, add warm water.

Take vegetable oil - peach, almond or apricot, and lubricate the rash with it.

Important! It is necessary to distinguish between base and essential oils. The latter have a rather aggressive effect on the skin and are almost never used undiluted. Fatty oils are not used for burns.

Water pimples as a result of external influences

Watery blisters on various parts of a child's skin may appear as a result of a burn. A distinctive feature of such formations is that they appear in places of direct contact with the irritant. The area of ​​damage and severity depend on the type of burn.

Burns are divided into the following types:

  • Sunny. They appear after prolonged exposure to the sun on uncovered areas of the skin. The bubbles burst a few days after they appear. May be accompanied by fever and itching.
  • Thermal. They are a consequence of skin contact with hot surfaces. A sharp pain is felt at the burn sites.
  • Chemical. Occurs when a person is exposed to toxic substances. Symptoms include: pain at the site of the lesion, swelling, painful shock, large watery blisters. Contact with poisonous gases and radiation can cause intoxication of the entire body.
  • Burns from plants. Blisters appear after a person touches a plant (for example, nettle, hogweed, castor bean, kupena berries, foxglove leaves, datura).

If your child wears uncomfortable shoes, he may develop calluses and blisters on his feet. They appear in places where intense friction occurs. To prevent blisters, it is necessary to choose the right shoes for children.


In childhood, diseases that occur with rashes on the skin, with timely treatment, end in recovery. Complications associated with secondary bacterial infection are especially dangerous in early childhood against the background of other diseases.

If there is an allergic component in the development of the pathology, not a local reaction in the form of skin rashes is possible, but a systemic one, leading to conditions that threaten the child’s life - anaphylactic shock, Quincke’s edema.

Which doctor should I contact?

Rash on the stomach of a child - possible causes

As soon as a rash is noticed in a child, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician and give him an accurate description of the rash in order to prescribe tests, make a diagnosis and begin prompt adequate treatment.

For your information. The first step is to contact a pediatrician. He is already ordering additional examinations from specialized specialists: an allergist, an infectious disease specialist, a rheumatologist, a dermatologist and others.

When a rash appears, the child is first shown to the pediatrician

How to treat?

To get rid of blisters on the head, you need to approach its solution comprehensively. You should start by giving up bad habits and switching to proper nutrition. Eliminate contact with all possible allergens and cure long-standing diseases: hormonal disorders, gastritis, and so on.

Proper hygiene will help in getting rid of this unpleasant problem. Properly selected shampoo, medicated oils and capsules will provide care to the scalp. You can treat blisters on your head in your hair yourself using pharmaceutical or folk remedies.

What cosmetics to use for sensitive skin

For people with sensitive, irritated skin, we can recommend the La Cree series of safe cleansers. Instead of your usual shower product, you can use La Cree cleansing gel every day. This product is designed specifically for the most sensitive skin. Thanks to its special composition, it strengthens its protective function and helps reduce redness and itching. You can use it even during the period of exacerbation of blisters.

Since the gel contains no dyes or fragrances, it can be used for bathing very young children (as a detergent and instead of bubble bath). The gel is ideal for gently cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, as it contains natural oils and extracts. They fight inflammation and microbes, helping to heal microtraumas faster.

You can use this product to wash your face and cleanse your body, wash your hands, instead of bubble bath. After a shower, the skin can be moisturized with a hypoallergenic emulsion or La Cree cream.


Urticaria is a rash in the form of small, inflamed blisters. They can affect various parts of the body and form lesions. Depending on the irritants, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

Allergic urticaria. It is characterized by the body’s high sensitivity to the effects of a certain pathogen: food, chemicals, dust.

Any person is not happy when various problems rain down on his head: either the neighbors are flooded, or his son is skipping school, then the prices for onions have jumped, or in the apartment below the music has been blaring since six in the morning...

However, everyone understands that “problems on the head” are a kind of metaphor: in fact, the head does not take part here, although you will have to think about how to correct the situation. But sometimes the expression “problem on the head” has the most direct meaning - this is when any diseases of the hair and scalp begin: hair falls out, dandruff falls out, the scalp itches or flakes, some strange spots or “moles” appear on the scalp ...

I really want to do something, quickly and effectively. After all, everyone knows that you can wash and rinse your hair with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, you can make hair masks... Just when and what kind?

However, the situation may not be so simple when herbs are not an easy solution.

Consumer Reviews

Seraphim about La-Cri emulsion (otzyvru.com)

Tatra about La-Cri emulsion (otzovik.com)

“This is not the first time I have bought La-Cri emulsion. This product is especially important for me during the heating season, because the skin of an average child reacts very strongly to dry air. The skin becomes dry, he constantly scratches it. And if nothing is done about it, the consequences can be very dire.

La-Cree emulsion, of course, will not cope with any serious problems, but it removes dryness really well...

A bubble has appeared on the skin and you don’t know what to do with it?

Do nothing until it becomes clear what is causing the rash.

After all, the causes of skin lesions are very different.

Prickly heat

Occurs mainly in summer due to heat. Clothes that are too warm at any time of the year can also be a cause. Sometimes the problem is caused by poor hygiene. Miliaria appears in the form of small itchy red blisters.

Most often, rashes form on the bends of the elbows and knees and in the natural folds of the skin. Transparent pimples also often appear on the newborn’s forehead and scalp. It is important to ensure that the baby does not scratch the rash, otherwise infection may get into the wounds.

You can get rid of bubbles using drying agents and bathing the child in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate. To prevent the problem from returning, you need to wash your baby daily, and in hot weather twice a day. It is necessary to regularly wash the child, periodically give him air baths and ventilate the room.

Preventing Blisters

The main preventive measure is to eliminate the source of the problem or the provoking factor. If you have never had a similar rash, but you are afraid of its appearance, for prevention purposes you need to regularly shower with neutral cleansers and adjust your diet. Start leading a healthy lifestyle, follow your routine and avoid stress.

If you are allergic to insect bites, use repellent when going outdoors. Also give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics.

Cause of red spots on the head

If you find red spots on your head, then you may have one of the diseases - psoriasis or seborrhea of ​​the scalp. These are the most “popular” diseases with such a clear symptom, especially if these spots are accompanied by severe itching.

Only a dermatologist can give you an accurate diagnosis. However, in both cases it is very effective to use zinc-based therapeutic and prophylactic preparations, which, as a rule, are produced in the form of shampoos and aerosols.

If the clinical manifestations, red spots on the head and pityriasis scales, are clearly expressed, then treatment should begin with aerosol preparations, which are used before washing the hair and left overnight to enhance the therapeutic effect. The effect is like.

It is very important for every person to remain beautiful and healthy. Glowing facial skin, strong and healthy hair play an important role in this. The scalp - as well as the whole body - needs special care. A very unpleasant phenomenon is sores on the head, which not only look repulsive, but also cause a lot of trouble: red crusts, blisters and pimples itch almost around the clock and interfere with life.

Treatment of allergies in the form of hives blisters

If an allergy with blisters occurs, a specialist will tell you how to treat the pathology. In this case, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or allergist. The doctor will help determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate therapy.

To diagnose the disease, the following studies are prescribed:

  • blood test for the presence of immunoglobulin E;
  • epidermal scrapings;
  • feces and urine tests to determine the presence or absence of parasites in the body.

After identifying the allergen, it is necessary to completely eliminate contact with it. Only this guarantees the success of the therapy.

There are several ways to treat the pathology. The main thing is to establish the cause of the allergy and eliminate it. This also applies to diseases that provoke the appearance of blisters on the skin.

If an allergy occurs in the form of blisters on the body, the doctor prescribes drug therapy. The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Antihistamines. These include Loratadine, Suprastin, Claritin, Fenistil and other similar drugs. The drugs rid the body of the allergen and eliminate symptoms;
  • Glucocorticoids. These are hormone-based products. Drugs are prescribed only for acute pathology and if other methods of therapy have proven ineffective. The period of treatment with hormonal medications should not exceed three days. The dosage of drugs and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor, depending on the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • Products prepared on the basis of calcium. A specialist prescribes such drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent relapse of the disease;
  • Enterosorbents. Rids the body of waste and toxins. Doctors usually prescribe Polysorb, activated carbon and other medications;
  • Multivitamin complexes. The product increases the body's defenses and generally has a positive effect on the condition of all organs and systems.

Pathology therapy can also be carried out with folk remedies that promote healing of the epidermis. It is recommended to coordinate the use of products with your doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Baths with the addition of infusions of medicinal herbs

To prepare the product you will need:

  • string - 1 part;
  • chamomile – 1 part;
  • oak bark – 1 part;
  • nettle – 1 part;
  • water – 3 liters.

All plants are mixed and 30 grams are separated from the resulting mass. The mixture is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for two hours. The product is filtered and added to a bath filled with water at a temperature of 37-38 0 C. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to take a bath daily. Duration of therapy – 7 days.

Cream with added sea buckthorn oil

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 part;
  • baby cream – 2 parts.

Both products are combined and mixed thoroughly. The ointment is applied to problem areas daily in the morning, afternoon and evening. The drug is used until recovery.


The following factors lead to sores, pimples and blisters on the scalp:

  1. Infection of hair shafts or skin.
  2. Allergic skin reaction, otherwise known as contact dermatitis.
  3. Viral infections - this could be, for example, chickenpox.
  4. Skin diseases (acne).
  5. Cysts are sacs that are located under the upper layer of the epidermis and are filled with a fatty white component.

Scabies can be caused by the fact that the greatest amount of sweat is produced in the temporal region and on the head. Pimples develop and then become inflamed. We touch them with our hands, brush them with a comb, introducing microbes to these areas. No matter how much your scalp itches, be patient!

Streptoderma in childhood

The disease is provoked by a combination of infectious and allergic factors. The causative agent is pathogenic microorganisms of the streptococcus family. They are typical representatives of opportunistic microflora. With normal immunity, pathology does not develop.

Clinical manifestations of the disease:

  1. Exanthemas appear on the surface of the skin, filled with transparent exudate, which quickly becomes cloudy.
  2. Itching and burning.
  3. Pigmentation at the site of old lesions.
  4. Deterioration in general health.
  5. Locations: back, lower and upper limbs, face, lower body.

Streptoderma is often confused with urticaria, atopic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, eczema, chicken pox, herpes and other pathologies.

In medical practice, there are three stages of the disease. The first one is bubbly. Bubbles containing clear liquid appear, their number growing exponentially. The size is very different. The second stage is non-bullous. Blisters do not heal well, leading to the formation of ulcers. Third, constantly weeping rashes occur.

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Streptoderma is a dangerous disease due to the high risk of complications. These include damage to joints, blood vessels, disruption of the heart and kidneys. In medicine, cases of the development of heart defects and rheumatism are described.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

It is often thought that the appearance of a rash means an infectious disease, but this is not always the case. The cause of a skin rash can be:

  • parasite bites;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • diseases of blood vessels and blood.

Depending on the symptom, different rashes appear.

There are main types of skin rashes (shown in the photo).

  1. Blisters. They rise above the surface of the skin, may be rough, and are often accompanied by itching.
  2. Stains. They have a completely different shade compared to skin. They are also located slightly above the skin.
  3. Papules. They have small seals that form inside the skin. They look like small small nodules.
  4. Bubbles. A type of characteristic cavity that forms on the skin. There is liquid inside.

Diseases that cause rashes.

  1. Allergy. Sensitivity to external stimuli. Rashes often appear.
  2. Eczema. A dermatological disease that affects the upper layers of the skin. Excessive redness (bright color) of the skin.
  3. Psoriasis. Periarticular tissues are affected. Scaly papules, often chronic.
  4. Hives. One of the most common diseases. It goes away quickly as soon as the interaction with the allergen stops.
  5. Dermatitis. Rash around the mouth, on the face.

The causes of skin rashes in children are divided into several categories:

  • infectious, parasitic diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blood or joint diseases;
  • weak immunity.

If you notice a rash in a child, you need to follow several rules.

  1. You need to call a doctor at home if something serious is discovered, so as not to aggravate the child’s condition.
  2. Before a specialist arrives, there is no need to lubricate redness, peeling, or rashes with coloring solutions (for example, brilliant green). Since it will be more difficult for a doctor to determine the causes of a skin rash (you can see what a skin rash looks like in children in the photo).

An allergic reaction in the form of a rash in a child can be caused by using low-quality clothing or simply using unsuitable material for the baby. It is advisable to change it. You can try using hypoallergenic materials. Perhaps the powder used to wash baby clothes should be replaced.

Types of watery blisters

Water bubbles on the skin look like round formations that rise above the surface of the skin. Their appearance may be preceded by rashes in the form of large spots or small rashes, redness. The sick person may itch constantly. This is a primary non-strip element that occurs as a result of acute inflammatory edema of the papillary dermis.

They are covered with a transparent film, under which there is liquid, the color ranges from transparent to red. Watery skin blisters can appear on an arm or leg, other parts of the body, or in a small child or adult. Only a dermatologist can determine what kind of disease this is. He takes into account how it all started, how the rash appeared, whether there is itching, and sends for tests.

The following types of such rashes are distinguished:

  • bubbles (vesicles);
  • large blisters (bulae);
  • pustules (purulent blisters).

Only after a comprehensive examination can we say with certainty what kind of disease it is and how to treat it. Read more about what diseases are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Causes and possible diseases

There can be many reasons why fluid-filled blisters appear on the skin, ranging from the most common (allergic reaction) to the rare (bullous pemphigoid). In almost all cases, the rash is accompanied by accompanying symptoms and may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Hives. Some forms of hives can cause rashes filled with cloudy fluid. Occurs in all sexes at any age. Characterized by a sudden appearance and the same disappearance. An allergic reaction can be caused by both mechanical damage and chemicals that come into contact with the skin.
  2. Molluscum contagiosum. A viral skin disease, the main symptom of which is the appearance of watery blisters on the face, torso and groin. Size from 0.3 to 0.6 cm in diameter. The color is almost always flesh-colored, the surface is smooth and shiny. Very common in children aged 4-11 years. In adults, in 90% of cases, the rash is localized in the groin and genitals.
  3. Chicken pox. A viral disease that occurs most often in children aged six months to seven years. You can become infected through airborne droplets or after bodily contact with a sick person. The incubation period lasts on average 1-2 weeks. At the initial stage, chickenpox appears in the form of red spots 2-4 mm in size, which within a few hours transform into vesicles filled with clear liquid and surrounded by a characteristic corolla. The vesicles that appear burst, and brown crusts appear in their place, falling off after 1-2 weeks. The duration of the acute period is 2-6 days. Complications such as myocarditis and encephalitis are rarely observed.
  4. Sunburn. The most common cause of watery blisters on the body in adults and children. This is especially true for people with sensitive skin and prone to various forms of photodermatoses. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, which manifests itself as many small vesicles filled with a colorless liquid. Along with the rash, dizziness, weakness and nausea may occur.
  5. Fungal infections. The main symptoms of most fungal diseases are peeling, brown or red spots, severe itching and weeping. But, some forms of mycosis of the feet can provoke the appearance of watery blisters on the legs. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the dyshidrotic form of epidermophytosis. Blisters the size of small grains appear on the arches and sides of the foot. Very often they group and merge into one large lesion. The vesicles may be filled with serous, cloudy, or purulent fluid.
  6. Shingles. An incompletely studied disease that affects the central and peripheral nervous systems. Most often occurs in adults; children under 10 years of age rarely get sick. Characterized by an acute onset with an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected nerves. Redness appears in the same place and within 24 hours bubbles of 0.2-0.4 mm in size, filled with transparent contents, form. There is a tendency for bubbles to merge with each other. The final stage is the expression of vesicles and the formation of light brown crusts in their place.
  7. Eczema. A very common disease of a neuro-allergic nature. Today, there are many clinical forms and manifestations that affect almost all parts of the human body. Characteristic differences are redness of the skin at the initial stage and the appearance of small blisters from which serous fluid constantly flows. Eczema is also characterized by a long, recurrent course. Due to constant weeping and the presence of many small wounds, a secondary infection may occur.
  8. Epidermolysis bullosa. A very rare hereditary disease that appears immediately after birth or in the first year of a child’s life. The name "bulla" means "water bubble" from Latin, which appears in places subject to pressure or friction. Even minor intermechanical damage can cause large blisters to appear on the arms, legs, or oral mucosa. There are known cases of death in the first years of a child’s life with some forms of epidermolysis bullosa.
  9. Contact dermatitis. Another common cause of watery blisters on the body in children and adults. Most often, allergens are synthetic underwear, plastic, plants and other objects that come into contact with the skin. In most cases, at the site of contact with the allergen, several bubbles filled with colorless liquid appear. Size from 0.1 to 0.5 mm. They are accompanied by severe itching, which can result in the formation of large scratches and wounds covered with scales and crusts.

The most common cause of watery blisters on the lips is herpes simplex. It is also called vesicular lichen because of its specific symptoms. It appears most often after infectious diseases, hypothermia or a sharp decrease in immunity.

Diseases that are accompanied by skin rashes

The appearance of pimples with watery contents on the baby's skin can accompany many diseases.

Fungal infection

Quite often, a rash with blisters can appear as a result of a fungal infection. It is highly contagious and causes constant itching. Fungal spores prefer warmth and humidity, so they multiply most actively in areas of the body with such an environment. The most common fungal disease is microsporia - rashes on smooth areas of the skin from bubbles, crusts, nodules or vesicles.

Viral infection

Blistering rashes due to viral lesions are accompanied by high fever, malaise, and problems in the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system. An example of a viral infection that causes watery blisters on a child's skin is hives, which is characterized by pink, itchy rashes that look like nettle burns.

Rubella occurs with a slight fever and a small red rash, which, after appearing on the face, spreads throughout the body in a few days.

Viral pemphigus (“hand-foot-mouth”), also called Coxsackie, causes a fever and a spotty red rash, first in the mouth, then blisters appear on the child’s hands and feet, sometimes reaching the butt.

The most terrible disease accompanied by blistering rashes is measles. Small papules inside the red spots appear on days 2-3 and quickly merge.

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Bacterial infection

Dermatological manifestations also bring with them various bacterial infections, primarily streptococci and staphylococci, which can persist in food for a long time. A striking representative of this disease is impetigo, in which pustular blisters form on the body of a child.

The disease develops after a skin injury (scratch, bite, wound), where staphylococcus causes blisters with clear liquid contents to appear. They burst, spreading the bacteria further throughout the patient’s body and spreading to healthy people upon contact.

Allergic dermatitis

Dermatitis caused by contact with an allergen manifests itself as urticaria (a series of red blistering spots). In severe cases, it may be accompanied by Quincke's edema and a general deterioration of the condition.

Autoimmune diseases

A number of diseases caused by a malfunction of the body's systems, when healthy cells are perceived as foreign, are classified as autoimmune. Some of them cause blisters on a child's skin.

A typical example is lupus, in which:

  • the bubbles are localized on the face and look like a butterfly;
  • fingers and neck become covered with a rash with scales or spots;
  • sunlight causes great discomfort.

Chicken pox

The rash that appears with chickenpox (caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus) can be very itchy and appears as red spots with a blister of watery fluid in the center. Then in their place crusts form - pockmarks.


This infectious disease is caused by one of the herpes viruses and manifests itself as a one-sided blistering rash; the affected areas can be very painful. Ringworm develops when the virus recurs in the body and, in addition to blisters in the child, causes low-grade fever, itching and general poor health.

Primary contact dermatitis

This is a skin reaction in the form of redness and blistering rashes upon contact with certain plants, dyes, and chemicals.

Helminthic infestations and parasitic pathologies

When infected with worms as a result of an allergy to their toxins, the baby may develop a watery rash in the form of small itchy blisters over the body, as well as nausea and vomiting.

The microscopic mite is a parasite that causes scabies and blisters on the body of a child. This rash is itchy (especially at night). It is drawn out like a ruler and is very contagious.

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Another type of tick carries the dangerous Lyme disease, in which a rash forms at the site of the bite, gradually resembling an apple.

The intestinal parasite is the cause of hookworm disease, which is characterized by a raised rash with a reddish tint, itching and drowsiness.

External influence

External mechanical influence (for example, friction of hard clothing) causes the upper part of the delicate baby skin to shift, forming a cavity into which intercellular fluid flows, resulting in a bubble.

In addition, there are other factors that cause the appearance of blisters on the body and face of a child:

  • frostbite or sunburn (blisters burst after one or two days);
  • contact with chemicals (accompanied by severe pain);
  • insect bites or contact with burning plants such as nettle or hogweed;
  • Miliaria in newborns as a result of exposure to urine.

Other causes of rash

In newborns, toxic erythema occurs in the form of red spots on the skin with blisters or pustules in the middle, as a response of an undeveloped immune system to contact with new microorganisms.

In children after 8-9 years of age and older adolescents, a rash with water-purulent filling can form as a result of hormonal imbalance. Other causes include nervous disorders, dysfunction of secretory organs and functional systems, and metabolic problems.


  • Character of the rash: blisters with a small crust. Appear at the site of infection.
  • Localization: at the site of cat scratches.
  • Additional symptoms: inflammation of the lymph nodes, intoxication of the body.
  • Treatment: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, antiallergic drugs.

Watery pimples can be caused by parasite infestation. The blistering rash on the stomach, feet and between the fingers and toes is caused by the scabies mite. The rash is very itchy, especially at night. The blisters turn into pink spots a few days after they appear. The disease is treated with external agents (for example, benzyl benzoate ointment) and antihistamines.

Foot fungus can appear as small, watery blisters on the feet and heels. A fungal infection can enter the body when visiting public swimming pools or the gym. It is often accompanied by itching and flaking of the skin. An infection on the leg is treated with antifungal ointments and gels, and sometimes tablets are used.


  1. In the first place in the frequency of development of toxicoderma are medications: antibiotics, sulfonamides, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, B vitamins and many others.
  2. In second place are skin lesions caused by food products.
  3. Various chemicals used in everyday life: gels, shampoos, washing powders, house cleaning products.
  4. Endogenous toxins are also produced in the body itself as a result of metabolic disorders, the functioning of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys.

One of the forms of toxicoderma is the vesicular type, in which widespread rashes form on the skin in the form of bubbles with liquid, surrounded by a ring of hyperemic skin. A variant of localized toxicoderma is dyshidrosis, when the rash is located on the soles and palms. With massive damage to large areas, the general condition worsens: against a background of weakness, the temperature rises, itching, chills, and pain occur.

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