What are blisters
Pimples that appear on the surface of the skin are lumpy formations with liquid inside. As a rule, the bumps are red or white and begin to itch. The popped up cone is filled with:
- pus;
- blood;
- transparent liquid.
There are relatively small blisters, like those from mosquito bites, or they grow to sizes of several centimeters, or even the size of a whole palm. Regardless of its size, such a formation rises above the healthy surface of the skin, has a red or pink color, and swelling appears around the border. White blisters on the skin are no less itchy and filled with pus, unlike pinkish or red ones. Such pimples appear quickly and disappear without a trace if the cause that caused them is eliminated.
Reason No. 1 - parasitic microorganisms
Often parasitic diseases lead to pimples popping up all over the body and itching like mosquito bites. Indeed, sometimes a person is attacked by parasitic insects, such as bedbugs, ticks, fleas and others, which leave red areas on the skin. These itchy bite marks can become infected and complicated by purulent inflammation.
The symptoms of the pathological condition, when after a parasitic infection a rash similar to mosquito bites appears and itches, depends on the type of insect. In such cases, the appearance of itchy blisters may be accompanied by:
- burning sensation and itching at the affected area;
- swelling of soft tissues;
- increased local body temperature;
- peeling after flea and bedbug bites.
If you notice pimples on yourself like mosquito bites in winter, then most likely these are bed bugs. By the way, such red, inflamed formations on the skin do not always itch. This is an individual reaction of the body.
Such pimples often itch in children, since their bodies are more sensitive to irritants and allergens.
Red pimples from bedbugs do not look aesthetically pleasing, can affect large areas of the body, and spread in paths that can be seen in the photo. The bite site remains hard and red for a long time, and may also peel off. You need to treat such acne like this:
- Wipe bites with soda solution or soap;
- if it itches a lot, you can treat it with diluted ammonia;
- Parsley or potato juice will help get rid of redness.
Household fleas often attack children. To get rid of them, you will have to treat the entire house, especially textile interior elements, with special preparations. The same goes for bed bugs and ticks.
Causes of blisters
Pimples pop up on the skin, causing itching and redness, for many reasons. Here are the most popular:
- Insect bites. In this case, the appearance of redness and itching is caused by an allergic reaction of the body to the poison that entered the skin during the bite. The pain and intensity depends on the type of particular insect. A mosquito bite is not dangerous, but the stings of wasps and hornets in some cases can provoke the death of the victim due to anaphylactic shock.
- Allergy. With it, the body itches, small reddish pimples appear. The reaction may be accompanied by inflammation of the eyes, runny nose, difficulty breathing, and swelling.
- Plant juice. In Russia there are not many herbs that can cause harm when touched. The most famous stinging nettle is nettle; itchy pimples are painful and itchy, but safe in the absence of allergies, and then quickly disappear. Getting hogweed juice on your skin is much more dangerous. Under the sun's rays, a reaction begins, resulting in the appearance of huge bubbles filled with a yellowish liquid. They do not go away on their own, cause severe pain and can only be treated under the supervision of a doctor.
- Hives. One of the types of dermatitis, externally similar to a burn from the herb of the same name. Occurs as a reaction to an allergen or is a symptom of a disease.
- Mycosis. Blisters caused by a fungal infection that spreads not only to the skin, but also to the internal organs. In this case, the formations are pink and irregular in shape, sometimes peeling off.
- Neurodermatitis. Caused by an inflammatory process, which is a typical reaction to metabolic disorders in the body or diseases of internal organs. Exacerbation occurs in the cold season and when the immune system is weakened.
In some cases, acne appears due to endocrine disorders, infectious diseases, as well as certain tumors. If the skin rash does not go away within 1-2 days, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Typically, this dermatological disease appears with the onset of heat, mainly in children.
The pimples from it have a white-pink color and are located close to each other. How to treat prickly heat? It's actually very simple. Ventilate your home regularly and keep the temperature in it to 20⁰ C. If certain areas of your body sweat a lot, sprinkle them with baby powder (talcum powder).
This is also a dermatological disease. The rash from hives is white or pink, oblong in shape, and often swells and turns into blisters. If you tear off a blister, it will become covered with a red, bloody crust. Hives are caused by allergens, external irritants and infections.
If you develop a rash consistent with hives, contact your doctor, who will prescribe antihistamines. Redness is treated with baby talc. In addition, cleansing enemas will be useful.
Before the rash appears, general malaise and headache occur. In a child, this disease is milder than in an adult. At first, small red spots appear on the body in small quantities, but every day more and more of them appear and they spread throughout the body.
This rash is treated with brilliant green. In addition, the doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs that reduce itching.
What it looks like. In late spring, summer and early autumn, children often suffer from insect bites. The skin becomes covered with bumps and spots. Usually only exposed areas of the body and face are affected. Most often, the rash is accompanied by itching. The general condition and well-being of the child does not change.
What to do. Lotions made from cool soda solution, antiallergic ointments or gels are recommended. If the baby scratches the bites, you need to lubricate them with brilliant green to prevent the build-up of bacterial infection and inflammation.
What it looks like. Usually appears with the onset of heat. Beige-pink pimples are located very close to each other. Most rashes occur on the upper chest, shoulders and neck. Sometimes tiny blisters may appear. They don't bother the child.
What to do. Ventilate the skin regularly and monitor the room temperature - it should be 20°C. Bathe your baby in decoctions of string and chamomile. To remove excess moisture, you need to use powder. Reddened skin should not be lubricated with cream. Clothes should be made only from natural materials.
What it looks like. Pale, streak-like, intensely itchy swellings. Pink blisters may appear that become covered with a red bloody crust when scratched. The baby sleeps and eats poorly. Over time, intradermal edema subsides, and swelling disappears without a trace. Hives can be caused by infections, allergies, or physical irritants.
What to do. In consultation with the doctor, antihistamines are used. It is useful to give a cleansing enema. Redness is treated with powder.
What it looks like. Before the rash appears, the child complains of headache and malaise. He may have a runny nose and a slight fever. Sometimes ARVI is mistakenly diagnosed. At first, only a few spots are noticeable, but every day there are more and more of them. In severe cases, the rash affects the mucous membranes.
What to do. Treat with brilliant green. Antiallergic drugs are prescribed for itching.
What it looks like. Small pimples covered with crusts are localized on the stomach, between the fingers, on the wrists and back of the hands, in the armpits and on the feet. Often small dots are arranged in pairs or threes and then form “myceliums”, which subsequently look red and swollen. Constant itching intensifies in the evening and at night.
What to do. The doctor must prescribe sulfur ointment, a special aerosol for treating bed linen and outerwear. After treatment, itching may persist for several weeks.
Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. And a red butt is very common at this age and precisely because of frequent bowel movements. You say the doctor looked, I think she would have smelled and seen a reason for concern.
Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. Skin of newborns: erythema, peeling, rash. What to do? I’m afraid of fruits (I did peeling twice and got a rash (. Treatment of rashes in a child. My daughter’s skin is fine...
In the morning I got up with a scattering of pimples, similar to mosquito bites, inflamed. There are no mosquitoes at home, but they decided that maybe they had bitten us outside. I returned from school with new ones. I had chickenpox. What else could it be?
How to distinguish an allergy from an infection? We took Faringosept for several days, so I don’t dismiss the suspicion of an allergy, although the child is not allergic. Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. Chickenpox and rubella in children: transmitted...
Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. A pink, pinpoint rash covers the entire body, thickening in the buttock and groin folds. Section: Parental experience (white bumps on the child’s face).
a child (age 2.5 years) has a rash, small, about 3mm red spots, slightly raised above the skin, in some places merging into spots 1-1.5 cm in diameter, the rash is only on the legs, it started from the knees, now on the hips, on the toes and soles. Are there allergic rashes on the skin of the soles?
On Monday, Mishka discovered 3 pimples on her belly - like mosquito bites. Today there are already 13 of them, but the old ones have shrunk and are fading. In all other respects, ttt, the flight was normal... The first thought was about chickenpox, but Nastya was not sick, so there was nothing to compare with.
A small rash all over a child’s body, what could it be? Almost colorless, the pimples are small, small and frequent, like prickly heat, but everywhere and on the face too, not very noticeable, but very much to the touch. Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites?
Mosquito fly bites GARDEK, a pencil, helps a lot after bites. stains from mosquito bites. Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old. I smear the baby with a regular star in the summer when a mosquito bites.
Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. Red spots on the baby's hands and cheeks. Most rashes occur on the upper chest, shoulders and neck. Quincke's edema: first aid. Rash in a child: allergy, infection...
After an illness (it has passed for a long time), the child develops rare pimples (similar to mosquito bites), which scratch and turn into sores. On the legs, lower back, behind the ears. A couple of pimples were generally very scratched, even inflamed.
We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Mosquito repellent devices, buy a mosquito repellent device in Moscow and St. Petersburg
Like insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, or maybe a flea jumped off an animal), especially if only in the open Reaction to a mosquito bite! My daughter is one year and three months old. The day before yesterday she was bitten by mosquitoes and a thickening appeared at the site of the bites and is growing over time, now it’s the biggest...
Reaction to a mosquito bite! My daughter is one year and three months old. The day before yesterday she was bitten by mosquitoes and a lump appeared at the site of the bites and grows over time. What could this be and how to fight it? On the first day, 2 pimples, like mosquito bites. I didn't even suspect chickenpox. Let's go to the garden.
Mosquito bites? Kind people! Maybe someone can tell me, my older one has sores (ulcers with convex edges) that have popped up, as if cigarettes had been put out on it :(, the smaller one also has 2-3 things, we already went to the doctor, he shrugged his shoulders and said to apply chloramphenicol.
The most common form of streptoderma is observed in children 1 year of age and older. The disease develops primarily (on unchanged skin), but more often as a result of scratching, insect bites, scabies Rash in a child: allergy, infection or insect bites?
Rash in a child: allergies, infection or insect bites? 10 most common reasons. Small pale pink spots spread simultaneously throughout the body, but are most abundant on the face, chest and back. This is a common infection in Crimea with large groups of children.
SOS! Pimples!. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Are there really so many sadistic mosquitoes?! But in the summer there were even more of them, but this was not observed (though now there is no “Fumitox”).
About acne. . A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Now we smear ourselves with Fukarcin. Just in case, I’m writing how these pimples look: a white purulent head with a red rim, but at first just a little red...
A 10-month-old child developed a small pinkish rash all over his body. Personally, if I were you, I would boldly call the local infection control center and report that the child's rash is an allergy, infection, or insect bites? 10 most common reasons.
After examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe pharmaceuticals, some of them:
- “Solcoseryl”, “Acyclovir” - for viral infections;
- "Exoderil", "Fenistil", hydrocortisone ointment - will help in the fight against dermatitis;
- “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Panthenol” - cope well with allergies;
- In addition, the following are useful for disinfecting and washing the affected area: hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate.
! Use drugs only after the recommendation of a doctor.
To reduce rashes on the body, you can use folk remedies. To relieve irritation, herbal baths based on chamomile, mint, and celandine are good. Aloe relieves inflammation. Slices of fresh potatoes or carrots applied to the rash will help relieve itching.
Infectious causes
The list of infectious diseases is extensive, and redness on the skin is complemented by other symptoms:
- With scarlet fever, the temperature rises, the throat hurts and the tongue turns red.
- Chickenpox causes a rash all over the body and is highly contagious to those who have never had it or been vaccinated. When a person survives a disease, he acquires complete immunity to it. Chickenpox is most severely affected by adults; in addition, it is dangerous during pregnancy.
- Measles is another highly contagious disease that causes pimples to appear on the face and entire surface of the skin. The rash is accompanied by the usual symptoms of a cold, which is very deceptive.
- Scabies begins due to the bites of subcutaneous mites. These organisms are so small that the human eye is unable to see them. The marks look like mosquito bites, and they itch so much that it is simply impossible not to itch.
- Herpes. It is present in the body of every person and remains in an inactive state for most. It is almost impossible to get rid of the virus, and it makes itself felt with rashes every time the immune system weakens. The rash appears on both the skin and mucous membranes.
Blisters caused by infection go away along with the disease that caused them.
Experts do not recommend self-medication. As soon as the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor.
Molluscum contagiosum
What does this disease look like? First, one cluster of pimples appears on the body, similar to mosquito bites. Gradually the rash spreads to the face and entire body.
What to do with such an illness? Be sure to contact a dermatologist. The fact is that such pimples are nodular formations. The doctor will cauterize these nodules with an iodine solution and remove them. In rare cases, molluscum contagiosum goes away on its own.
What it looks like. First, one pink nodule of acne forms on the body. Then the rash grows - on the face, neck and arms. The number of bubbles depends on the state of the child’s immunity. The rashes do not itch or hurt. If you crush the nodule with tweezers, a grainy white mass will come out.
What to do. The doctor cauterizes the site where the nodules are removed with an iodine solution. Painkillers are sometimes used. In some cases, the nodules disappear on their own.
To scratch or not to scratch
An itching sensation appears along with skin rashes. Often it is so strong that you really want to scratch the irritated area, but you can’t do this.
When scratching, wounds can easily become infected, which can cause additional complications.
If the blisters are torn, microorganisms that enter the area damaged by the nails cause suppuration. Some formations contain a lot of fluid, the contact of which with healthy skin spreads the rash even more. But the greatest danger of these pathogens is that they get onto clothes and into the air, posing a threat to everyone who is in the same room.
Even if the blisters on the body itch like bites, you should not give in to the urge to touch them, and the burning sensation can be relieved with medications. And, if adults are still able to restrain themselves by willpower, it’s more difficult with children. In such cases, children wear mittens or gloves so that they do not accidentally damage the rash.
pimples that look like a mosquito bite on a child
Why do there be seasons?
As you know, the Earth makes revolutions around the Sun and rotates around its axis. The Earth's axis is tilted under the influence of various forces - the gravity of the Sun, the gravity of the Moon and the force of the Earth's rotation.
As a result, the Earth rotates around the Sun at an angle and its axis is always directed towards the North Star.
This means that when the South Pole is turned towards the Sun, the South Pole is hidden from it. As a result of this tilt, direct sunlight illuminates areas of our planet differently. That's why the seasons change. When summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere, winter comes in the Southern Hemisphere. And vice versa. There are two days a year when day is equal to night: this is approximately September 23 - the day of the autumn equinox, and March 21 - the day of the spring equinox.
Why do people sleep?
During sleep, something similar to restorative repair happens to our body. All processes slow down, mental and muscular activity stops, and the body has the opportunity to recover. During sleep, toxic substances are removed from the body, cells are restored, and dead tissue is replaced. The muscles relax, so in the morning after sleep we wake up rested and fresh.
However, the brain does not stop working when we sleep, trying to solve the problems that arise during the day. This can be understood by our dreams, which are so similar to the problems that haunt us in everyday life. Children, compared to adults, need longer sleep, because... During play, they spend a huge amount of energy, and their body needs to restore the cells necessary for the child's growth.
Why do we celebrate New Year?
Celebrating New Year is one of the oldest traditions in the world. No one can give an exact answer to the question of when this tradition appeared. Some scientists believe that the Chinese were the first to celebrate this holiday, others claim that the ancient Germans, and some even attribute this custom to the Romans. Chinese New Year comes much later than ours and symbolizes the beginning of spring, the birth of new life and the restoration of nature after the winter cold.
The ancient Germans celebrated the New Year because of the changing seasons. Their winter began in mid-November. By this time, the entire harvest had already been harvested, and people could rest after hard work. That's why they organized mass celebrations. The tradition of celebrating the New Year in January was brought to Europe by the Romans, who before the reform of 46 BC. celebrated this holiday in March. And although different nations celebrate this holiday at different times, its meaning has not changed even after many centuries, because at all times it was believed that the New Year would bring only a good, bright life.
Why do we say “Be healthy!” the person who sneezed.
If a person sneezed, in England they will say “God bless you!”, in Germany they will wish you health, in Italy they will wish you happiness, and in the East they will clap their hands and bow in the direction of the person who sneezed. Ancient superstitions can explain this tradition. For example, it was previously believed that the human soul is the air that is in the head. When a person sneezes, the soul can fly out temporarily or even forever and meet with God. That’s why they said “God bless you!”, as if turning to God, so that the soul would not fly out. A bow meant about the same thing: “Let your soul not fly out.”
Other scientists believe that this tradition is not based on superstition, but that it appeared during the plague epidemic in Athens. Sneezing was a sign of impending illness. Therefore, during the plague epidemic in England, the British used the expression “God bless you!” asked God to protect man from death.
Why do we hear echoes?
In order to explain such a phenomenon as echo, people have long invented myths and legends. An ancient Greek legend says that the beautiful nymph Echo loved to talk too much. In order to punish her, her goddess Hera forbade the nymph to speak. Echo could only repeat what she was told. One day Echo saw the beautiful Narcissus, with whom she immediately fell in love. However, he did not notice her. Then incredible sadness overwhelmed the nymph, and she disappeared into the air, leaving only her voice. And now we hear how she repeats to us everything we say.
In reality, echo is reflected sound. As we know, sound moves at a speed of 335 m/s and is carried by waves. When a sound wave encounters any obstacle, it is reflected, just like light. This is where the echo comes from. However, not all objects create an echo. Some absorb sound rather than reflect it. But, as a rule, even and smooth surfaces (walls, rocks) create an echo. By the way, clouds also create echoes. The sound of thunder is evidence of this.
Why are some people left-handed?
There is no exact answer to the question why most people are right-handed and only a smaller number are left-handed. Many parents whose children are left-handed are very concerned about this fact. In addition, they are very surprised when experts say that this does not need to be fixed. In fact, if a person predominantly performs actions with his left hand, this should not be prevented. Only 4% of the world's population are left-handed. History knows many examples of geniuses who were left-handed (Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo).
It is quite difficult for such people to live in a right-handed society, because almost all objects are adapted to the needs of people whose right hand predominates. Despite the emergence of special devices for left-handers, they cope well without them. As for the explanation for the existence of right-handers and left-handers, there is a theory according to which our body is asymmetrical. This means that the right half is not necessarily exactly the same as the left. For example, the size of the feet of each leg is different, the length of the legs, arms, the right and left side of the face too. The hemispheres of our brain function differently. It is assumed that the left hemisphere has an advantage over the right. The work of the right part of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere, and the right hemisphere, respectively, vice versa. Because the left hemisphere is more dominant than the right, most people are right-handed. In left-handed people, on the contrary, the right hemisphere begins to dominate, so in such people the left side is better developed.
Why do mosquito bites cause itching?
As you know, only female mosquitoes feed on blood, while males consume nectar from flowers. In order to continue their race, females need elements contained in the blood of living beings.
With her proboscis, the female mosquito pierces the skin where small capillaries pass. The mosquito's hollow proboscis is so thin that sometimes the bite may not even be felt. But since our body is able to “repair” such a small puncture in a matter of seconds, the mosquito is forced to inject a liquid into the wound that slows down blood clotting. Once in the body, this substance causes an allergic reaction, resulting in redness and itching.
Why can't a ram get up when it falls on its back?
If a ram falls on its back, it can no longer get up on its own. This happens because the ram's legs are too weak to lift the entire weight of his body, and his thick wool pulls him to the ground. The lamb will continue to try to get up until it is exhausted.
Only a shepherd can lift him and put him on his feet. Cases when lambs fall on their backs are quite common, because... graze animals in mountainous areas, where there are many ravines into which they can fall.
Why is blood red
Blood contains many substances that differ in function and significance. Blood consists of plasma and formed elements.
Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It has a light yellow color. As a result of the presence of a large amount of dissolved substances (salts, fats, carbohydrates, fibrinogens, antibodies) in it, plasma is denser than water.
The formed elements are erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets (blood platelets). The presence of red blood cells in the blood determines its color. There are about 35 billion red cells that move around our body in our blood vessels.
Red blood cells grow in the bone marrow and produce hemoglobin, a red pigment containing iron and protein. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body and also remove carbon dioxide from it.
Red cells live for about four months and disintegrate in the spleen. The creation of red blood cells occurs continuously in the body.
Why don't walruses freeze?
The habitat of these animals is the Arctic. Walruses are excellent swimmers and divers, plunging deep into the water. At depth they find mollusks in shells, which they feed on. In order to live in such difficult conditions you need to be specially prepared. To keep warm, walruses have a thick layer of fat under equally thick skin. In the same way, polar bears are protected from the cold by thick fur, and seals by thick skin. The offspring of walruses appear on the shore, and as soon as the cubs learn to move, their parents begin to teach them to swim.
Why do birds fly south?
It would seem that the answer is quite simple: since it becomes very cold, birds fly away to warm countries. However, this is a misconception. Thanks to the down under their plumage, which traps warm air, birds are able to protect themselves from the cold. For example, animals are protected from the cold by wool, under which fluff grows, and humans are protected by clothing, between the layers of which there is air, which helps protect us from the cold.
The reason why most birds leave their native lands is more significant: in winter there is not enough food. Since the main diet of birds consists of small insects, which die or hibernate in winter, birds cannot obtain food for themselves. It is for this reason that swallows and wild geese fly to warm countries where insects do not die from the cold. For example, herons and storks fly away when water bodies and ponds freeze, where they catch small fish, larvae, toads and frogs. Mice, which are also eaten by some birds, also hide deep underground in their burrows. True, not all birds fly away. Some have learned to eat waste. They find food in landfills, gardens and other places where people throw garbage.
Why does a person have moles?
There is an old belief that a person gets moles because his mother was very frightened of something during pregnancy, which is why the child has a mark on his body. It is also believed that the shape of this mole must necessarily resemble the cause of the fright. But this is just superstition. Scientists still cannot explain the reason for the appearance of birthmarks on the human body. There are statistics that every person on earth has at least one mole, and on average there are usually 14. They can appear in absolutely any place. A mole can be of different origins - either consist of blood vessels, or cells in which pigment is present, or cells with small hair follicles and connective tissue.
Why doesn't a person fall off a bike?
When we ride a bike and don’t fall, two things hold us up. The first is gyroscopic or rotational force. A small top (gyroscope) is installed in such a way that the center of gravity is always in the same place. Because of this, the bicycle wheel spins and maintains balance until outside forces begin to act on it.
The second assistant in cycling is the force of inertia. An example of the action of this force can be seen in the case when you are driving a car and make a sharp turn, you are sure to be thrown to the side. When you are riding a bicycle and start to fall, you need to turn the front wheel exactly in the direction where the roll started. And it is the force of inertia that will definitely level your position on the bike.
Why is there no water in the desert?
In order to answer this question, you first need to understand what a desert is. A desert is a region in which only special forms of life can live. All deserts have a distinctive feature - a lack of moisture, and it is to this feature that living organisms must adapt. All vegetation in a certain region depends on the amount of precipitation - where there is a sufficient amount of it, forests grow, where there is a little less grass, and where there is very little, certain types of plants that do not require moisture grow (they are what are characteristic of deserts). Deserts formed near the equator arose due to the distance from the oceans and humid winds, as well as the presence of mountains between the sea and the desert itself. Mountains are known to retain rain on the slopes that face the sea, while other slopes remain completely dry. This phenomenon is called a “rain barrier”.
The deserts themselves differ greatly in appearance. In those where there is sufficient sand, many sand hills and dunes are formed. And there are also rocky deserts. They mainly consist of rocky soil. Plants that live in deserts also have their own distinctive characteristics. They have practically no leaves, which allows them to avoid large losses of moisture. They may also have a lot of thorns and thorns in order to scare away various animals.
Why does a person get tired
During physical activity, lactic acid is formed in a person’s muscles, which can cause pain. Also, throughout the entire working day, our body produces the so-called “fatigue toxin”, which is carried by the blood throughout the body. It is because of this that not only the body can feel tired, but also the brain itself.
Foreign scientists conducted an interesting experiment. They drove the dog so that it fell asleep from fatigue, and transfused it with the blood of a rested and vigorous dog. The tired dog woke up rested and full of energy. The same thing happened the other way around - a cheerful dog, after a blood transfusion of a tired dog, immediately fell asleep. However, fatigue cannot be considered only as a chemical process. Throughout the day, our nerve cells need to recharge and restore joint lubrication, which is worn out during the day. And for this, our body simply needs good sleep.
Why do cats purr?
Cats have a well-developed language, which helps them communicate between their relatives. Cats can calmly make sounds that differ in duration, timbre and pitch. Different sounds have different meanings. For example, a short meow is a greeting, but a strangled meow from a cat indicates that she is offended or complaining to you. A gentle purr usually means your cat is happy and is thanking you. French scientists conducted many studies, during which they found that cats can make seven consonant sounds - M, N, G, X, F, V, R.
Why is watermelon a berry?
Watermelons belong to the gourd plant family (Cucurbitaceae). And the fruits of these plants are usually called pumpkins. So why then does everyone say that watermelon is a berry?
It's very simple - all pumpkins are berries. In botany, berries are considered to be fruits that contain a very large number of seeds and pulp, and all this is covered with a dense shell of skin. And watermelon fruits fit this description perfectly. And, most interestingly, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins are also berries.
Why don't clouds fall to Earth?
Everyone knows that clouds are made up of ice crystals and small drops of water. And it is also clear that a drop of water is heavier than air. So why do the droplets stay in the cloud and not fall to the ground?
If we take into account only small droplets, the size of which is only a fraction of a millimeter in diameter, then they cannot fall due to the fact that air molecules constantly hit them. Air molecules are subject to Brownian motion. It is the air strikes that prevent the droplet from falling to the ground. When the drop becomes larger in size and air movement can no longer affect it, it begins to fall. However, when it falls, it is exposed to air mass. Therefore, during a fall, a drop can often break up into many small ones and rise again high to the clouds, and can also evaporate if the sun warms it well.
Why do blacks have thick lips?
Scientists have found that all external differences between people are associated with the natural conditions in which they live. Consequently, all external signs of different races are the reaction of the body when adapting to certain climatic conditions. The Negroid race was formed in the tropical climate of Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Australia. People there live in a very hot and humid climate and are exposed to constant ultraviolet radiation.
Representatives of the Negroid race have developed the following differences:
- Lots of coarse and curly hair (they protect from the scorching sun)
- Dark skin, because it contains a lot of the coloring pigment melanin, which protects against ultraviolet rays
- Wide nostrils (for greater heat transfer during breathing)
- Wide lips (excess moisture from the body evaporates from the mucous membrane)
Why do earthquakes happen?
Scientists have found that the earth's crust consists of 7 huge plates that are not connected to each other. Beneath the plates is the mantle in which they float. The moment the plates collide with each other, an earthquake occurs. It is impossible to influence the movement of plates, and, therefore, to prevent an earthquake too. However, it can be predicted. Scientists do this using special instruments - seismographs. When a collision occurs in some area, seismic waves emanate from it in all directions. When a major earthquake is expected, scientists warn people to take shelter in a safe place. However, it is not always possible to accurately calculate the strength of tremors.
However, one can judge an approaching earthquake not only using special instruments. For example, animals show signs of anxiety and restlessness some time before an earthquake occurs. In areas where tremors occur frequently, local residents trust not only scientists, but also natural signs.
Why are my hands and feet cold?
The lower the ambient air temperature, the more cold a person gets. When it’s cold, the body becomes covered with “goosebumps” and he begins to tremble. And trembling is a response of the body, which, through muscle contraction, warms the body. In order not to freeze at all, in critical conditions the human body begins to produce more heat than usual.
The human body uses heat very cleverly - from organs such as the arms, legs and nose, blood flows out, which flows to the most important organs, while maintaining their functionality.
Why do cockchafers not fly every year?
The explanation for the fact that cockchafers do not fly every year is very simple. The larvae from which the beetles emerge take four years to develop. At this time they live in plant roots and tree stumps. The larvae, like the beetles themselves, are considered pests, because... larvae damage tree roots, and beetles damage green foliage. However, May beetles and their larvae are very popular among fishermen, because... for them this is one of the best baits when fishing for bream and perch.
Why does a leopard hide its prey in a tree?
The leopard, unlike many animals, lives alone. Therefore, he must constantly beware of the invasion of lions and hyenas into his life.
If he is disturbed by only one animal, then he will cope with it without any problems, but if the whole flock attacks, then he will most likely lose his prey. But in this case, leopards have one peculiarity - they climb trees very well. A leopard can effortlessly drag a whole carcass up a tree and enjoy its meal in a calm environment where no one can disturb it. If he is unable to eat what he has caught at one time, he hides it between the branches as a reserve for the future.
Why do baby teeth fall out?
Have you ever wondered why a person's teeth change throughout his life? At the age of about 6-7, the breasts begin to fall out and the permanent ones appear. A set of baby teeth consists of 20 teeth, and permanent teeth - of 32. They change for a simple reason - as the child grows, his jaw also grows, the space between the teeth increases, but baby teeth do not grow. Permanent teeth form under the baby teeth immediately after the baby is born.
Over time, the roots of baby teeth begin to dissolve, and at this time the tooth becomes loose and falls out. So gradually, one by one, baby teeth change. The complete change of “children’s” teeth is completed by the age of 12-13 years. One of the important functions that baby teeth perform is to “indicate” the place where permanent teeth need to grow. Permanent teeth erupt in the same way as baby teeth, in exactly the same sequence.
Why is the stream babbling?
In order to understand why the stream is babbling, you must first understand what sounds are. Sounds are vibrations of air that occur when it is compressed or stretched. In a river or stream, air bubbles constantly enter the water. After they float to the surface, they burst, making faint sounds that we perceive as gurgling.
When a fast flow of water passes through some obstacles (around a bend, a stone or a twig), this flow consists of compressed air and water. When the air is free, at that moment we hear the murmur of water.
Why are the fruits of Chinese gooseberries called “kiwi”
Kiwi is a gooseberry native to China. The very first to try to grow them was the famous breeder from Russia Michurin, but he himself did not have time to complete his work. His work was continued after 1945 by one of the New Zealand botanists. Growing these berries on an island with an excellent climate, they became very juicy, sweet and large (compared to the original version). Kiwi is a very healthy berry - it contains a very large amount of vitamins. The kiwi got its name because it is very similar to a small bird that lives in New Zealand - the kiwi.
Why does the temperature rise during illness?
There are substances that, when released into the blood, increase body temperature. Such conditions are called fever, and the substances are called pyrogens. These substances are of two types:
- Endogenous pyrogens (produced directly in the body)
- Exogenous pyrogens (enter the body from the environment)
An increase in temperature in the body is always associated with the appearance of any acute or infectious pathogens. In medicine, it is generally accepted that an increase in body temperature is the body’s reaction in the fight against an infection or virus. As the body's temperature rises, the body's internal defenses are activated, and the proliferation of bacteria noticeably slows down. Doctors advise reducing the temperature with the help of tablets only if it begins to exceed 38-38.5 degrees, because, having reached this level, the temperature puts a very heavy load on the heart and lungs.
Why you can't pick up a dart frog
Translated from English, the name of dart frogs means “poison arrow frog.” The secretions on the skin of these frogs are very poisonous and dangerous for humans, so under no circumstances should you pick them up. With this dangerous mucus they protect themselves from predators that might hunt them. The dart frog's poison is so strong that just one drop can kill a leopard.
This type of frog lives only in South America, but they can often be found among lovers of exotic animals in terrariums. In addition to their colorful colors, poison dart frogs can produce a rather melodic sound. These sounds differ among different species of poison dart frogs. Dart frogs become poisonous due to their diet. They eat small ants and process them into their poison. For example, in terrariums, deprived of such food, dart frogs become almost harmless frogs.
Why does helium change your voice?
Balloons are often filled with helium, and almost all children and adults know that if you breathe in this gas, your voice changes and becomes very funny. In order to understand why it changes so much, you need to understand what a voice is.
Voice is the sound vibrations that are produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. The frequency of vibrations, like the sound itself, depends on the density of the surrounding medium. A gas such as helium has a significantly lower density than ordinary air, so it compresses the vocal cords and causes them to vibrate at a higher frequency. This is why when we inhale helium, we get a thin and squeaky voice. Helium is odorless and tasteless, and in general, if you do not abuse this entertainment, it can be considered safe for human health. However, if you inhale too much of it, it may become difficult to breathe and you may feel dizzy.
Why does your heart rate increase when you run?
If you quickly run a few meters, your heart rate immediately increases. This is due to the fact that during physical activity our body begins to consume more oxygen, the heart, under the influence of this, begins to beat more actively, thereby accelerating the circulation of blood, which is necessary not only for muscle function, but also to produce energy.
However, your heart rate may increase not only because you started running or jumping, but also because of anxiety or excitement. And also if there is no visible reason for a change in the functioning of the heart, then this may be caused by some kind of disease. If your temperature has risen, your pulse may increase to 20 beats per minute. Bad habits such as alcohol consumption, nicotine and drugs also negatively affect heart function.
Why do acne appear in adolescence?
Very often, during adolescence, teenagers develop acne and blackheads on their faces. Scientists have found that the reasons why acne occurs (as pimples are correctly called) are heredity and simply genetic predisposition. And also, if acne appeared only at the moment of maturation, then it is caused by changes in hormonal levels in the teenager’s body. For this reason, the skin becomes oily, because... the work of the sebaceous glands is activated. And oily skin and clogged pores are a fertile environment for the formation of pimples and even sometimes acne. The forehead, nose and chin suffer most at this time (this area is often called the T-shaped area). In order to reduce acne, you need to do hygienic facial cleansing every day.
Why do rocks grow?
People are used to thinking that stones can only be destroyed by the environment, but scientists have found that stones can also grow. A stone is considered to be a hard rock of mountain origin. If we consider them in a broad sense, they belong to minerals - these are natural crystalline substances of inorganic origin.
The process of mineral formation depends on the energy source. The following types are distinguished:
- formation as a result of metamorphic processes that occur deep in the earth under the influence of high temperatures and pressure;
- magmatogenic processes are associated with the solidification of magma (volcanic origin). Usually, thanks to these processes, natural stone museums appear.
- exogenous processes are always associated with external factors, such as atmospheric pressure, temperature changes, human impact, etc. As a result of such processes, hypergenic minerals appear (for example: limestone, chalk).
One of the most amazing phenomena is the growth of organic stones - corals. Coral polyps can form entire colonies. They are often used in making jewelry.
Why do sweets make your teeth hurt?
Everyone knows that sweet foods contain a lot of sugar. Although the body needs it, it is in very small doses. And consuming sugar in large quantities has a detrimental effect on the condition of teeth, as it destroys enamel and dentin (this is the layer that is located under the enamel). Under the influence of sugar, microcracks appear on the teeth, where dangerous bacteria enter, which can cause a person to develop caries.
If we talk about pain in the teeth, which appears directly when eating sweets, then there are 2 options:
- There are already microcracks on the teeth where sugar has entered and caused irritation.
- Increased sensitivity of the teeth (canals that lead to the nerve may open on the surface)
In order to avoid the unpleasant situation of tooth pain, you need to go to the dentist at least twice a year and brush your teeth regularly. After all, treating a small hole is much easier and more painless than treating large caries on a tooth.
Why does water freeze
People have long noticed that water can freeze or, in scientific terms, take on a solid state. Most substances, whether natural or artificial, can arrive in various states of aggregation, which vary depending on the environment. This is explained by the fact that the molecules of these substances are not tightly bound to each other and can move quickly. This can be easily seen in an example: liquid easily takes the shape of a dish, but cannot preserve it on its own.
If water is heated, its molecules will begin to move very quickly, and it will begin to turn into steam, or more precisely, into a gaseous state. But if you start cooling the water, it will eventually become solid and turn into ice. It is in the solid state that very strong bonds arise between water molecules. The process of transition from one state to another in chemistry is usually called solidification or crystallization. It is important to remember that when exposed to cold, bodies contract, but the distance between water molecules in the solid state is much greater than in the liquid or gaseous state. This means that when ice freezes, it expands. Water begins to crystallize at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.
Why are children born without teeth?
The main function of teeth is to grind tough foods. Newborn babies do not eat anything solid; they only eat milk or formula, so they simply do not need teeth. At the time of birth, their digestive system has not yet fully developed and would not be able to process such food. Small children grow very quickly, and by about 5-6 months the baby needs to receive not only mother’s milk, but also other food. Just at this moment his teeth begin to cut through. Baby teeth are fully formed by the age of two. The rudiments of small teeth in a child are laid in the mother’s tummy at 7-13 weeks of pregnancy.
Why do birds sing
Very often people ask the question: why do birds sing? Singing is a very important task for birds, since only males sing. With his singing, he warns other birds that he has already occupied his territory, and does not want to see strangers on it. Having taken his place, the male, again using singing, begins to attract females. Therefore, singing in the spring is the key to good offspring. And at other times, birds use their skills as communication between brothers.
Why is the Black Sea called Black
The name of the Black Sea is not entirely traditional for the sea itself, because all people are accustomed to the fact that the water in it is blue or light blue. However, it is called Black, and this has its roots, which are not without a certain meaning. The history of the name of the Black Sea has two versions. The first goes back to the 1st century BC. According to her, that’s what the Greeks called it, who at that time lived on the shores of Ukraine. They often described fogs, storms, wild and inhospitable shores. Because of this, translated from their language, they began to call it “the inhospitable sea.” Over time, the Greeks changed their attitude towards the sea and began to call it friendly, but this name never took root.
The second version goes back to the ancient Indian tribes, who often roamed along the shores of the Azov Sea. It was they who called the Black Sea the Black Sea, because from the Caucasus mountains it seemed to them much darker than it actually was. Both one and the second version are confirmed by scientists, but there are many others. In recent decades, another reason for dark water in the sea has appeared - this is the high content of hydrogen sulfide in it. However, no one can say with exact certainty why the sea is called this way.
Why does a person suffer from insomnia?
Scientists have calculated that a person spends almost a third of his life sleeping. The question of why a person tosses and turns in his sleep and cannot fall asleep has been of interest for a long time. Typically, mature people face this problem. To solve this problem, people often use sleeping pills, but the body quickly gets used to them and they stop affecting it.
It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question: “why does insomnia torment you?” There are several reasons that can influence this: bad habits, drinking coffee before bed, drinking a lot of liquid at night, eating sweets, napping during the day, doing a lot of physical activity before bed, etc.
Sitting in front of the TV or at the computer for a long time also has a bad effect on normal sleep.
Why do swallows fly low before it rains?
For a long time, observing beautiful birds - swallows, people came to the conclusion that if they fly low above the ground, then they should wait for rain. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that this sign always comes true. In good, sunny weather, swallows fly high in the sky and almost never land on the ground. But the explanation for the fact that they fly low before the rain is quite simple.
Since swallows feed on small insects and follow them everywhere. In clear weather, the air flow lifts insects high above the ground, so then swallows have the opportunity to catch them immediately in flight. But before the rain starts, when the air becomes humid, the wings of insects become covered with small droplets of water and because of this it becomes harder for them to fly. Under heavy weight they are forced to fly lower. Swallows also descend behind them.
Why do people fight
Every person understands that this question cannot be answered unambiguously. For a long time, sages and philosophers have been interested in this question. Today, social psychology gives us answers to most of these questions. In scientific terms, conflict is a clash of opposing views. Conflicts usually develop into quarrels, the reasons for which can be easily found. Sometimes a serious conflict can turn into a conflict with the use of physical force. In order to understand why people swear, you need to look at the very root of the problem.
Among young people, the most common conflicts are due to differences in character or jealousy, when neither side wants to accept the other’s point of view. Often such conflicts lead to global quarrels in which personal insults may be used. Another reason for conflict may be different views on the situation or life in general. In a conflict, opponents often make a serious mistake in that they are not ready to look at the situation from the other side, to put themselves in a different place. In order for communication to always be successful, you need to control your emotions and behavior, look for compromises and analyze the situation from all sides.
First aid
If very itchy red blisters appear on the skin, the itching can be relieved with lotions. The easiest way to relieve symptoms is to moisten the damaged skin with a soda solution. Green tea or chamomile decoction has the same properties. Cold can also relieve discomfort, but it does not last long.
If the cause of the itchy rash is unknown, you should consult your doctor in person.
If this is not possible, you can at least describe the symptoms over the phone and listen to recommendations.
How and with what to treat
If blisters appear on the body and itch, this is unpleasant, but still fixable. In order for the treatment of blisters or rashes to be successful, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance. To do this, an external examination of the patient and a series of laboratory tests are carried out for the presence of pathogenic microflora and other pathogens.
In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, one must not violate the integrity of the bubbles, much less try to squeeze them out.
Only after the results of the examinations can an accurate diagnosis be made and therapy begin. If the skin rash is caused by an infection, the patient will be treated only in a hospital setting with the use of antibiotics. Diabetics should be especially attentive to the appearance of a bubble on the skin. Even a small pimple can gradually develop into a trophic ulcer, which is much more difficult to cure.
In addition to treating the underlying disease, therapeutic dressings and ointments are used to relieve symptoms. They relieve inflammation and swelling, and also disinfect the surface of the skin. When purchasing medications for external use at a pharmacy, you must strictly follow the instructions included with them.
Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to cause an overdose of such drugs or to become poisoned, since they do not get inside, allergic reactions to the components of the drug may occur. If the use of ointments and creams does not help, or this causes complications, you should consult a dermatologist.
Blisters on the body photo
Before carrying out any treatment, it is recommended to see a doctor, since in the presence of large blisters there is a possibility of developing Quincke's edema, which can lead to suffocation.
If an allergic reaction is caused by taking medications or food products, it is recommended to exclude them (take drugs with analogues). If the blisters are the result of insect bites, then you don’t have to wait for improvement and immediately start using antihistamines. Most often, doctors recommend the following drugs:
The dosage and duration of taking these medications should be prescribed by your doctor (usually the duration of use does not exceed 2 weeks).
Also, in the presence of large blisters, steroid ointments are indicated:
Regarding steroid ointments, you need to pay special attention to the fact that they are harmful only when they are taken “thoughtlessly” not as prescribed by a doctor. Only an experienced doctor can select an effective hormonal drug and calculate the dosage that will achieve a clinical effect without side effects.
To date, there are no completely harmless topical corticosteroids. Sometimes even experienced specialists find it very difficult to calculate the required dosage. After all, long-term use of most glucosteroid drugs can lead to significant thinning of the skin, the appearance of stretch marks and the development of hidden infections.
If spots similar to mosquito bites appear on the body and itch, this may indicate the presence of skin blood-sucking parasites, infectious diseases or an allergic reaction. The result of treatment depends on how quickly and correctly the cause of their occurrence is identified. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main distinctive symptoms of these pathologies.
Traditional methods of treatment
To relieve itching and burning, if a pimple pops up as if from a bite, folk recipes are used. Often these are herbal decoctions that are used externally or internally. When giving preference to herbal remedies, it is important to remember that medicinal herbs not only heal, but are also strong allergens. In addition, plants have their own contraindications, so before such treatment you should consult a doctor so as not to complicate the situation.
Traditional recipes:
- To get rid of inflammation and burning, use soda paste. To do this, the powder is diluted with water to a creamy state, the mass is applied to the affected areas of the skin and left for some time. For reliability, you can apply a bandage.
- If the blisters are itchy, vinegar will help. To prepare the product you will need a spoonful of acid per glass of warm water. The rash is wiped with a cotton pad or swab soaked in the solution.
- Nettle decoction is taken orally for treatment. To prepare this tea, pour a tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant into a glass of boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes. When the drink has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it can be consumed.
In addition to relieving the external symptoms of acne, it is necessary to strengthen the body's immune system. To do this, drink vitamin-mineral complexes. Folk remedies are good if the rash appears from nettles or insect bites, but when the cause is different, it is still better to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.
Prickly heat
This dermatological problem is typical for young children who, during the hot season, develop a rash in the form of small pimples resembling insect bites on the skin in the area of natural folds and around them. Such rashes are located close to each other, are very itchy and have a pale pink color.
The main factors provoking the disease are:
- increased sweating;
- rise in general body temperature;
- intense physical activity and sports;
- wearing clothes that are too warm.
You can get rid of the problem by normalizing the body temperature, avoiding overheating and observing all the rules of personal hygiene.
Preventive measures
To avoid the appearance of blisters on the skin, itching and burning, you need to monitor your diet and lifestyle. First of all, avoid foods that provoke allergic reactions. This list includes:
- fish;
- honey;
- chocolate in any form;
- red vegetables and fruits.
Food allergens are one of the most common causes of rashes.
To prevent red blisters on the skin or whitish bubbles from appearing, it is important not only to adjust your diet, but also to follow the recommendations:
- Maintain hygiene.
- Always wash vegetables and fruits with hot water.
- Do not use other people's towels, combs and other personal items, as it is easy to get infections through them.
- Maintain normal immunity.
- Do not touch unfamiliar plants with your bare hands.
- Try not to interact with people who have chickenpox or measles.
In most cases, preventive measures are enough to reduce the risk of developing a painful skin rash. If the blisters do not go away for a long time and they itch, cause discomfort, and are filled with pus, you need to visit a dermatologist. Based on the results of the examination and tests, the doctor will select the appropriate therapy.
How to protect yourself from bites
There is no effective bed bug repellent, so avoidance is your best defense. If there are already bedbugs in your bed, start a mortal battle with them. In the meantime, the outcome of the battle is not yet decided, you can use odors to prevent bedbug bites.
You can protect yourself from bloodsucker bites by applying clove or lavender essential oil diluted with either coconut oil or olive oil to your skin, focusing on your arms, legs, and neck. Although there is no guarantee that essential oil will provide you with 100 percent protection from bedbugs and their bites, it will still be some kind of attempt to repel them.