Prevalin - instructions for use of this barrier drug, which is available in the form of a spray and
Symptoms and treatment of feline eczema Regardless of the causes of inflammation in the upper layer of the epidermis,
About 20-30% of all humanity suffers from an allergic reaction to foreign elements. The source of irritation may be
Composition and release form Eye drops 1 ml active substance: azelastine hydrochloride 0.5 mg
Composition Kartalin ointment contains no hormonal substances. The drug consists only of natural ingredients,
Release form and composition of the drug The main active ingredient in the drug Cromohexal is
Turnoots Advantages: none Disadvantages: causes drowsiness, weak effect I still remember those times
How does Dexamethasone work? If you have urticaria, it is necessary to take Dexamethasone to avoid an acute reaction and prevent
Symptoms Allergy is a very strong reaction of the body to a protein (not dangerous) that penetrates
Almost everyone has at least once experienced the sensation of itchy armpits. This