Antiallergic drug Diazolin for dogs - dosage and important nuances

Dosage in tablets

The dosage of Diazolin depends on the weight, size and age of the dog. To calculate the approximate dose, you can use the instructions inside the package and give the dog the amount of drug calculated for a child.

The approximate dosage is 1 tablet per 30-40 kilograms of weight. If the dog is smaller, you can give it half or a third of the tablet. However, it is highly undesirable to do this without a doctor’s prescription and supervision; the exact dosage can only be prescribed in a veterinary clinic.

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too, you should tell your veterinarian if your dog has a condition that he doesn't know about. We must emphasize that this medicine should be used with caution, especially in cases of kidney or liver problems.

Be sure to tell your veterinarian if your dog is taking other medications or supplements. Therefore, Claritin should not be prescribed if the dog is pregnant or nursing puppies.


There are no special exceptions for any breeds, the only thing that may cause difficulties is that individuals of different subspecies need different dosages, depending on size, weight and breed.

Also, dogs of some breeds may have individual intolerance to certain foods. In some cases, it can be inherited, so it is advisable to find out about this in advance from the breeder or veterinarian.

It is forbidden to give the drug to dogs with an upset stomach or duodenum, ulcers or other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with Diazolin can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause exacerbation of chronic diseases.

General information

How do allergies manifest in dogs?

Most often it is itching (the dog is constantly itching, often in the same place, biting itself). Scratching appears on the skin. Hair begins to fall out in the area of ​​injured skin. Another main sign is a rash. The rash can be varied. Small protruding dots and blisters similar to those left by nettles are called urticaria. If your pet also has swelling, this means that the reaction is quite serious.

The most severe and deadly reaction is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, it happens quite rarely. This is a sudden, rapidly developing condition, when skin manifestations may not have time to appear at all, and the main symptoms will be swelling, the face and throat often swell, difficulty breathing, bronchospasm. In such a situation, only immediate administration of hormonal drugs will help. If your pet is prone to allergies, check with your doctor about what to do in such situations.

There are two more severe manifestations of allergies that are systemic in nature. That is, the manifestations are not only on the skin, the whole body suffers. These are bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis. In any case, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Why do allergies occur?

The main cause of this disease is food. Food allergies in dogs occur to different foods. Mostly hazardous products include canned food, dyes, sweets, baked goods, and smoked products. Please note: Owners often ignore prohibitions on such food.

Among the permitted foods, chicken is rich in allergens (often careless manufacturers stuff chicken with additives no worse than canned food), eggs, fish and seafood, milk and dairy products, and butter. Sometimes there are rashes on some fruits and vegetables. Sometimes there are allergies to food. The second common cause is parasites and insect bites. Fleas, specifically flea saliva, cause the rash.

Finding out about the presence of fleas is quite simple; look for them on the dog’s fur. If there are a lot of them you will see them right away. If the pests have just appeared and have not had time to breed, you can see indirect signs of the presence of fleas. The pet's behavior changes, it suddenly jumps up, bites itself, squeals, and general anxiety increases.

Carefully examine the frequent habitats of insects - the neck, ears, armpits; you can see not only the parasite, but also their eggs (nits) on the fur. If your pet is allergic to fleas, even one bite can trigger a skin reaction; in the worst case, it can develop into a chronic process in the form of atopic dermatitis. In this case, much more effort and time will be spent on treatment.

Helminths - these parasites live in the intestines, and allergies can manifest themselves in various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting). Bites of bees, wasps, hornets and some other insects cause an acute allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the bite site. It is necessary to protect the dog from them. Attention: The disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Provide your pets with flea repellents and treat them regularly. The third group of reasons includes everything else, these are vitamins, hygiene products (shampoos, soap), household chemicals, artificial fabrics.

When the first signs appear, begin to carefully monitor the animal; with repeated contact with the allergen, the disease will progress. You will help the doctor determine the root cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

If it gets bad

In general, the drug is well tolerated by dogs. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be caused either by personal intolerance to the drug or by overdose.

In case of an overdose or other suspicious reactions, doctors recommend giving your pet activated charcoal and making him drink as much clean water as possible. It is also necessary to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Tips for using Claritin

Self-medication is not recommended in either humans or dogs. This is why the veterinarian must decide what dose each individual animal receives and how long to treat it.

This decision falls to the expert due to the Height, Age, Weight, breed and health status of the fur nose.

You should never give Loratadine to your dog without seeking veterinary advice. In addition, you also need to strictly adhere to the dose and duration of treatment.



Diazolin is prescribed quite often; there are reviews from dog breeders on the Internet:

  • “The doctor prescribed Diazolin to the dog, a German shepherd, when he discovered that she had a subcutaneous mite, so that she would not gnaw her hair and would not itch. The drug was very inexpensive, only about 20 rubles, there were 10 tablets in the package. The most important thing is that it helped, the itching went away, and the dog didn’t itch anymore.”
  • “The doctor prescribed an antiallergic drug before the vaccination, advised Diazolin. The product is not expensive, there were no side effects.”
  • “Recently, the dog began to itch a lot, we took him to the veterinarian, he advised me to take a course of Diazolin, and come back after the course. They gave the dog a week, the itching subsided significantly.”
  • “One day I noticed that our 9-month-old puppy was itching. I immediately went to the vet to find out how to help the dog. Then the doctor advised me Diazolin. It cured the itching almost immediately. Now Diazolin is always in the medicine cabinet.”


The drug also has positive reviews from doctors:

  • “Russian drug, quite inexpensive. Good antipruritic effect. I prescribe it after meals, in my practice there have been no complaints of intolerance. The period of use is better not to exceed 5-7 days, then, if it does not help, you need to contact the clinic again.”
  • “I advise all dog breeders to have Diazolin in their “dog first aid kit.” The product is inexpensive and not very aggressive. Just the thing as first aid for allergies.”

Medicine that can treat dogs.

A recommendation that is constantly repeated in the "My Animals" section: You should not give your pets human medications.

It is clear that people are different from dogs. thus, what is good for humans may not have the same effect on dogs.

However, it is also a fact that veterinarians typically prescribe medications intended for humans to treat a specific condition that dogs have. In this case, we are talking about Claritin, an over-the-counter antihistamine.

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It turns out that claritin can mitigate the disadvantages of allergies. However, this is a medicine that must be taken responsibly...

What to replace with itching?

The following medications can also be given to dogs against allergies:

Suprastin is a first-generation antiallergic drug against itching, and also helps relieve attacks of bronchial asthma and symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Suprastin is good because it is fast in action. The drug in tablets begins to act 30–40 minutes after taking the medicine and continues to work for 12 hours.

Injections begin to act 5–10 minutes after administration of the drug, but the duration of the effect of the injection form does not exceed 3–4 hours. The maximum daily dose of this drug should not exceed 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

Tavegil - this drug can be suitable for dogs, both large breeds and smaller ones. The recommended dose for large pets is 1 tablet per 60 kg of weight. If the dog is a small breed, you can give from half to one third of the tablet.

Tavegil has many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

Loratodine - the drug is available in the form of syrup, oral suspension and tablets.

It is used for allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria, itching and other allergic reactions. Contraindicated during lactation. It should be used with particular caution in case of liver failure and pregnancy.

The dosage can only be determined by a doctor based on health factors, weight and breed.

Groups of drugs and their purposes

Intolerance or atopy is an immunopathological process that occurs in response to an irritant. Upon contact with an allergen, histamine is produced. This neurotransmitter activates specific processes in the body, in response to which characteristic symptoms appear - itching, rashes, skin swelling, rhinorrhea.

Allergy medications are divided into several groups:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Corticosteroids.
  3. Immunomodulators.

Antihistamines affect the production of histamine. After taking the pill, the concentration of the neurotransmitter decreases and the symptoms subside. These medications are indicated when the allergen penetrates into the body.

Corticosteroids are synthetic analogues of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. This group of drugs is used in the form of ointments and injections. They are indicated for severe allergic reactions that cannot be controlled with simple antihistamines.

Since allergies are a malfunction of the immune system, immunomodulators are often used. These drugs normalize the production of specific antibodies that cause swelling and itching of the skin, but are ineffective as an independent remedy. Indications for use: seasonal allergies and cases when it is impossible to completely avoid contact with the irritant.

How to choose allergy pills for dogs

A dog is a man’s friend, always there, helping, supporting and sharing ailments with its owner.
It has long been known that animals are susceptible to many “human” diseases. Today we will talk about allergies in dogs. An allergy is a pathological reaction of the immune system to various allergens entering the body. It develops after sensitization (the dog has already encountered the allergen and the immune cells have already produced special substances); when the dog encounters the allergen again, these special substances trigger the process of an allergic reaction.

Zyrtec for dogs

Switch to English sign up. Phone or email. Anastasia, is this not a coincidence? Marina, this is NOT lichen.

Not only people, but also our smaller brothers are susceptible to allergies. Therefore, drugs for this disease are very popular in both human and veterinary pharmacies.

Is the drug safe for your pet?
It should absolutely not be given to dogs, this medicine is toxic for them! This drug is harmless for your pet unless there is an individual intolerance. Start giving the medicine with a small dosage and observe if there are any allergies or vomiting? If your dog is feeling well, you can gradually increase the dose to what your veterinarian recommends. They absorb the medicine less well and can negatively affect their health. Most veterinarians are inclined to believe that it is necessary to give mg of the drug per day to the dog. However, the dosage may vary. VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Vitamins for my dogs.

How does the immune system work?

Before we talk about what to give a dog for allergies, let's find out what happens in the body of an animal (and a person too) with such a disease.

Dogs are warm-blooded animals, quite highly developed. A distinctive feature of such organisms is the presence of immunity, which is responsible for the stability of cell composition. Immunity is not a single organ, but a whole complex that includes lymphoid tissues, the spleen, and special blood proteins.

The task of the system is to analyze all cells of the body according to the “friend or foe” system. As soon as the immune system detects an “enemy”—a cell that is unusual for the human or animal body—the defense mechanism immediately turns on and the “stranger” is destroyed.

Every day, an incredible amount of different substances enter a dog’s body. This happens through food, water, air, wool and skin pores.

Normally, the dog’s body does not react in any way to such penetration. Over the course of its life, a dog develops a certain “indifference” due to getting used to external stimuli. An immune response occurs only when there is a real threat of penetration of viruses and pathogens or in the event of mutation of one's own cells. The immune system no longer “recognizes” them and tries to destroy them.

Zodak for dogs dosage drops

Most pets can suffer from allergic reactions.
It is very difficult to identify the cause of the disease on your own at home, so you should contact a veterinarian. In the clinic, the dog is examined by a doctor and undergoes tests. After establishing the cause, the doctor will necessarily prescribe antihistamines for dogs.

These are medications that will allow your friend to get rid of unpleasant sensations, and also bring his health back to normal.

Mechanism of action of antiallergic drugs

Antiallergic drugs for dogs have their own specific effects on the body. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on their ability to reverse inhibition based on histamine receptors.

They do not replace histamine, but they do help block receptors that are not occupied by it for whatever reason. Therefore, drugs are used in situations where it is necessary to prevent an allergic reaction.

The mechanism of action of antiallergic drugs may be weakened due to the obstruction of new batches of histamine in a situation where the disease begins to actively develop. However, modern drugs aimed at suppressing the reaction can affect histamine, serotonin, and leukotrienes.

Dog allergy injections

The best way to combat signs of allergies is by injection, which is administered subcutaneously to the dog. Such anti-allergy drugs quickly enter the bloodstream and eliminate the cause of the disease.

True, only a veterinarian has the right to prescribe this method of treatment, based on the following data:

  • examination results;
  • laboratory research;
  • stories from the owners.

The following names are most often used in veterinary practice.

Main active ingredient: diphenhydramine. It is the main antiallergic agent. The mechanism of action involves blocking histamine receptors. Histamine is deprived of its application points.

The product can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

The drug reduces the body's response to existing histamine, relieves muscle spasms, reduces the permeability and excitability of capillaries. Designed for small pets or farm animals.

Most often used at the time of manifestation of anaphylaxis, muscular rheumatism, articular rheumatism, as a prevention of vomiting, for diseases of the nervous system, for diseases of the genitourinary tract. The drug is used intramuscularly. Dosage from 0.2 - 0.4 mg per cm3 per 1 kg of weight. Frequency of use up to 4 times a day.

The period of taking the drug is up to 5 days, until the symptoms go away.

The active ingredient is Hifenadine. The drug is presented as a white cross-shaped powder, which has a bitter taste and is odorless. Slightly soluble in alcohol or water. Blocks histamine receptors. Affects the activation of histamine.

Reduces the amount of mediator in muscle tissue. Relieves spasms on smooth muscles in the intestines. Has a hypotensive effect.

Prescribed when:

Animals under 3 years old: 5 mg 2 times a day. For older animals up to three times a day. The dose is prescribed by the veterinarian. During treatment, care must be taken, as sometimes the treatment is accompanied by dizziness. The course lasts up to 7 days, after which the use of the drug is reduced to zero.

The histamine receptor blocker has an antiallergic effect. Reduces swelling of the mucous membranes. The therapeutic effect appears 30 minutes after use.

It is used for the prevention and treatment of rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema, skin itching, eczema, conjunctivitis and so on.

For small breed dogs, 50 mg is prescribed 2 times a day. For large breed dogs, 50 mg up to 3 times a day. Available in tablet form.

The course lasts up to 7 calendar days. It has good effectiveness, so it is often used in veterinary practice.

Main active ingredient: Loratadine. Excipients:

  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid.

Presented in the form of a clear syrup. The active substance Loratadine is a compound with an antihistamine effect.

Acts as a selective blocker for histamine receptors. Long-term antiallergic effect. Does not affect the central nervous system. Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

It is used for seasonal or year-round allergic exacerbations, rhinitis and conjunctivitis. With enlargement of the nasal mucosa, burning and lacrimation. Used internally, regardless of the time of meal. Prescribed depending on the body weight of the animal.

If your body weight is less than 8 kg, 5 mg per day is prescribed. More than 8 kg - 10 mg per day. The course lasts up to 5 days as prescribed by the doctor.

Active ingredient: chlorophenyl. The addition is acetic acid.

It is prescribed for pronounced allergic reactions, psoriasis, swelling of the mucous membrane, frequent sneezing, and so on. It is used in a dosage of 5 to 60 mg, depending on the weight and age of the animal.

It is eliminated from the body in approximately 10 hours. It can be used as a prophylaxis in small dosages to alleviate the symptoms of year-round rhinitis.

Use the products for 5 days as prescribed by your doctor.

Active substance: chloropyramine hydrochloride.

Excipients: stearic acid and gelatin. This is an analogue of a classic antihistamine. It blocks histamine receptors and has a corresponding effect.

It has an antiemetic effect, as well as antispasmodic activity. It is administered orally.

It is used in the dosage specified by the doctor. Adults are prescribed from 75 milligrams per day. Young individuals are prescribed up to 50 mg per day.

The course of admission is no longer than 5 days.

Active substance: clemastine fumarate. Has antipruritic and antiallergic effects.

Used at 2 mg per day. Presented as a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Storage should be in a protected place. It has an antihistamine effect, reduces inflammation, spasms, pain, and itching.

The course of taking the drug is up to 7 days.


Active ingredient: desloratadine.

Additional: chlorine and dihydrobenzopyridine.

Presented as a white powder that is slightly soluble in water. Blocks peripheral histamine receptors. Suppresses a whole cascade of cytological reactions.

The drug is used in a dosage of 0.5 to 20 mg, depending on the weight and age of the animal.

On average, when taking the minimum dosage, the drug can be used for up to 2 calendar weeks. If during this time there is no improvement in allergic reactions, an urgent visit to a doctor is required.


The active ingredients are levocetirizine, phenyl, methyl and acetic acid.

The formula has a geological antiallergic effect. Levocetirizine is a competitive antagonist for histamine. It blocks its receptors and affects the stage of the allergic reaction, which is considered to be histamine-dependent.

It can prevent the development of allergic reactions and also facilitate their course. It is recommended to use the drug for 5 days.

To take the tablets, it is recommended to dissolve them in water and give the animal in small quantities. So, about 50 mg tablets should be dissolved in 2 ml of water. This dosage is suitable for medium-sized animals. Only a veterinarian will determine the exact dosage, based on the symptoms and performance of the animal.

Antihistamine drops

If the dog cannot take tablets in one form or another, they can be successfully replaced with drops. There are many advantages to using such drugs.

  1. Can be easily mixed with water or just quickly poured into the animal's mouth.
  2. They begin to act faster, which means their work is more effective.

The dosage of substances in drops is higher than in tablets, so it is important not to overdo it in an effort to cure your pet.

The active substance of cetirizine hydrochloride. Excipients: acetic acid, purified water, propylene glycol, sodium acetate trihydrate. Belongs to the group of competitive histamine antagonists. Blocks receptors.

Prevents the development of a reaction. Improves tolerance of allergy symptoms.

It is prescribed at a dose of 0.25 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. More detailed recommendations will be made by the attending veterinarian. The drug is used over a 7-day course.

The active substance is cetirizine dihydrochloride. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

White oblong tablets, before use it is better to dissolve in water or distribute in food. Facilitates the course of an allergic reaction. Has an antipruritic effect. Used for urticaria, fever, year-round or seasonal allergies.

Dosage is approximately 10 mg per day. If Zyrtec is used in the form of drops, then 5 drops once a day. Used for 7 days.

Allergy ointments

Another effective remedy for allergies are special ointments. They will save you from itching, relieve discomfort and the desire to scratch your skin. Indeed, very often, to escape the reaction, the animal simply tears apart the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which harmful substances enter the bloodstream, which can cause various diseases, including blood poisoning.

The active substance is dimethindene maleate. Excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, benzoic acid. Looks like a colorless, odorless, transparent liquid.

It has an antipruritic, antiallergic effect. It is used to relieve allergy symptoms for animals. Use until the pain symptom is eliminated.


Active substance: methyluracil and chloramphenicol.

The drug is used externally and has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory local effect. As a rule, gauze napkins are impregnated with levomekol, and the imp is already filled with wounds or lesions.

It is used until the pain symptom is eliminated.

The active substance is fluocinolone acetonide. Excipients: citric acid, lanolin, white petrolatum. Sold in the form of a gel or ointment.

It is used for severe inflammatory and allergic skin diseases, as well as for damage to the mucous membranes.

It is used externally, applied to the affected surface. Rub lightly. If the patient has psoriasis, you can also apply a bandage. The duration of the course cannot exceed 2 weeks.

If your pet suffers from allergies for one reason or another, there is no need to wait for the disease to go away on its own. Animals experience maximum pain from unpleasant sensations, so it must be prevented.

Your doctor will prescribe medications for you, but now you have an idea of ​​what effect they can have.

At this stage, it is important to listen to the opinion of a specialist and then the animal will quickly recover

Website about dogs


Planet of the Beavers

The content of the article. The composition and release form of Milbemax is produced by Novartis in France, and the products are delivered to Russia with the help of an importer subsidiary. A pharmaceutical company from Slovenia also took part in the development of the drug, which compiled instructions for the product. The drug Milbemax effectively destroys round and tapeworms. The medication has two forms of release, intended for use by pets of different ages (puppy or adult dogs) and weight groups up to 70 kg. Regardless of the type of drug, each package contains 1 blister containing 2 tablets:. Adult dogs. Large, white, biconvex tablets contain mg praziquantel and 12.5 mg milbemycin oxime.

Every child can become outstanding, everyone is capable of fulfilling their dreams. The main thing is to correctly determine what he likes, and

Clinical signs and types of allergies

Despite the variety of types of allergic reactions, their clinical signs are similar. These include :

  • Constant itching.
  • Redness on the skin.
  • Lacrimation and mucous discharge from the nose.
  • The fur becomes dull and falls out, and bald spots appear.
  • Scratching and swelling appear on the skin.
  • Dandruff and dry skin.
  • Weeping eczema develops on the paws in the interdigital space.
  • The dog has an unpleasant odor.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting may be present.
  • Inflammation in the ears.
  • Coughs and sneezes frequently.
  • The eyes and skin around the eyes become inflamed.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. The fact is that the signs of allergies very often have similarities with other diseases, so it is important to differentiate them correctly, and only a veterinarian can do this.

Side effects of Claritin

Like all medications, Claritin can cause side effects in dogs. it appears to be less drowsy than other antihistamines produce, animals treated with Claritin may experience the following side effects:

  • urinary retention
  • increased Thirst
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • dry eyes and mouth
  • confusion
  • behavioral changes

If you notice one or more of these side effects, you should contact your veterinarian immediately so that he can advise you to interrupt or change treatment.

Allergy prevention

Regular proper care of your pet is the main preventative measure. Manifestations of allergic reactions can be excluded by following simple tips:

  • regular deworming;
  • feeding with natural non-allergenic foods;
  • use of hypoallergenic skin care products;
  • restricting the animal’s access to household chemicals;
  • Carrying out periodic ear cleaning;
  • walking in the fresh air.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to use hypoallergenic hair care products.

An antihistamine can both relieve unpleasant symptoms and intensify pathological processes occurring in the body. Therefore, the use of any product is possible only in consultation with a veterinarian.

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