Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Enterosgel is an intestinal absorbent, enterosorbent. Available in the form of a paste, which is taken orally. Enterosgel has a homogeneous white, odorless structure. The drug is absolutely safe for children from the very first days of life and is often prescribed by pediatricians.

Pediatricians recommend buying a special children's sweet paste that does not need to be diluted with water. But if only regular Enterosgel is available, then it can also be used. How to dilute Enterosgel for babies? Because The gel is quite thick, so before use it needs to be lightly rubbed in a spoon and diluted with either water at room temperature or expressed breast milk. You can also use a mixture.

The table shows the dosage for infants and up to one year.

Child's ageDosage
newborn2.5 gr. (1/2 spoon)
From year5 gr. (1 teaspoon)

Enterosgel should be given one or two hours before feeding.

Indications for use

The drug is an absorptive agent that is used to quickly improve the condition of poisoning and some other disorders. The medication additionally has detoxifying properties, so it helps prevent toxic damage to the body.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Main indications for prescribing a pharmaceutical product:

  • Acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins. The drug can be used for loose stools due to pathologies of the digestive tract or in the event of such a manifestation due to poisoning with food, drinks or other substances.
  • Gastric ulcer at different stages. The medication is effective during exacerbation of the disease or during a chronic course with regular occurrence of symptoms.
  • Dyspeptic disorders accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other disorders.
  • Intoxication of the body during viral and respiratory pathologies, as well as in the case of taking medications and alcoholic beverages.
  • The development of toxicosis during pregnancy, when a woman is unable to eat food, there is repeated vomiting during the day.
  • Allergic diseases in acute and chronic periods. The product quite quickly helps to reduce the load on the liver, which leads to the processing of components and prevents external manifestations of pathology. The medicine is also effective for acute urticaria, eczema and psoriasis at different stages of development.
  • Skin diseases accompanied by the appearance of acne vulgaris, rash of unspecified origin.
  • Various kidney diseases accompanied by organ failure.
  • Liver failure at various stages. In severe cases, the drug is not considered effective, but in mild forms of the pathology it helps to significantly improve the condition.
  • Oncological diseases accompanied by dyspeptic disorders. Typically, the medication is indicated to eliminate symptoms that occur during chemotherapy.
  • Mild atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.
  • Heart pathologies accompanied by frequent attacks of angina pectoris, as well as other disorders.

    Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Patients often recommend using Enterosgel for children and adults to prevent poisoning from toxins and poisons when living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Activated carbon

What else can replace the drug "Enterosgel"? Analogs in tablets also have a high degree of effectiveness. These medications include activated carbon.

The product has a pronounced detoxifying and sorbing effect on the body. The drug is used as first aid for food poisoning, overeating, and mild intestinal disorders.

However, you should remember that the medication has contraindications. Its use is completely unacceptable for open gastrointestinal injuries, such as ulcers and intestinal bleeding.

A package of medicine will cost the patient only 12 rubles.


Enterosgel (children are recommended to take the drug only as directed) contains the substance polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, which has a pronounced adsorbent and detoxifying effect. The amount of the main active ingredient in the gel is 100%. The paste contains 70 g of the main ingredient and 30 g of pre-purified water per 100 g of the finished product.

There are no auxiliary components in the product, which makes it safe, since the medication does not contain fragrances or other substances that can cause complications. A paste containing sweeteners that makes it easier to consume is also available.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Additional ingredients in the form of sweeteners and purified water do not have therapeutic properties.

In what form is it produced?

The medication can be found in pharmacies in the form of a gel for the preparation of a suspension and a paste for oral administration. The gel is a mass consisting of white lumps of different sizes. When water is added, they dissolve and the patient receives a homogeneous suspension.

The paste is also white in color and is a homogeneous thick mass that does not contain lumps or foreign inclusions. The product in any dosage form does not have a strong aroma or taste.

The gel is usually packaged in special polymer jars of 135, 270 g or 435 g. You can also find the product in bags for one-time use. Each package can contain 15 or 22.5 g of medicine.

Packages are placed in cardboard boxes. The paste is usually packaged in tubes of 90 or 225 g. Placed in cardboard boxes. The product in any dosage form is accompanied by detailed instructions for proper use.

The cost of gel and paste ranges from 380-500 rubles. depending on the amount of product in the package, tube or jar.

Storage method

Any drug requires proper storage. Otherwise, it may lose its properties and harm your health. To prevent the medicine from spoiling, it is important to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Keep out of the reach of children.
  2. Temperature range - from +4 to +30 degrees.
  3. In any form, the gel can be stored in the refrigerator. Freezing the medicine is not allowed.
  4. It is important to close the package tightly, as the gel may dry out.
  5. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging. It is strictly forbidden to use the medication after the expiration date.

Before purchasing, it is recommended to check the integrity of the packaging and storage conditions of the drug. If they have been violated, then such a product is not allowed for use. The packaging must indicate the production date. This data should definitely be checked. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the quality of the drug.

Enterosgel is a safe drug because it has no systemic effect on the body. Therefore, it can be prescribed to children up to one year old. You can choose a gel without taste or sweet. It all depends on the child’s taste preferences.


Enterosgel (children should take the medicine only according to the regimen) has absorbent properties and helps remove toxins from the body. It is due to this that it can be used for various pathologies in adults and children.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

After the medicine gets inside, it spreads throughout the body and provides a therapeutic effect:

  • The active ingredient binds toxins and harmful components, preventing their absorption into the blood. As a result, the development of complications in case of poisoning with food, medicines and other substances is prevented.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, preventing damage to them by various components of food, drugs, and drinks.
  • Additionally, it neutralizes waste products of bacteria that can multiply in the stomach or intestines during various diseases.
  • Naturally removes associated harmful components, which reduces the load on the liver.
  • Normalizes digestion, facilitates kidney function, which has a beneficial effect on blood and urine counts, especially in patients who suffer from diseases of these organs.
  • Improves microcirculation in the area of ​​influence, prevents the aggressive effect of chemical compounds on mucous membranes, improves local immunity, which helps prevent negative effects and reduces the risk of developing concomitant pathologies.
  • Accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes in patients with pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Thanks to the complex effects of the drug, improvement occurs quite quickly, and the risk of developing severe complications is significantly reduced.

How to take Enterosgel for a child under one year old

Correct use of the product is the key to successful treatment. The required amount of the drug should be diluted with breast milk or formula. You can also use ordinary water. In this case, the child's taste preferences should be taken into account.

It is convenient to give medicine using a syringe, naturally without a needle. You can also use the syringe that comes with baby syrups. In this way, the maximum amount of medicine enters the body, since the baby does not have time to spit it out.

The drug is very convenient to use, since it is produced in special tubes. This form of release does not require preliminary preparation. You can choose a product without taste. Many mothers prefer it. If it is diluted, the child will not understand at all that he is taking medicine.

There is also Enterosgel for children, which has a nasty taste. It is suitable for capricious children who often spit out any medications. In any form, the medicine gently cleanses the intestines of toxins. Unlike other enterosorbenots, it helps normalize the function of the stomach and intestines, promotes better absorption of lactobacilli and probiotics. If you take the sorbent at the first dangerous signs, it will help speed up the healing process.


Pharmacokinetic characteristics do not differ in patients of different ages. This is due to the fact that the medicine is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and acts directly in the digestive tract. After neutralizing all harmful components and waste products of bacteria, the medicine is excreted from the body.

The action usually lasts 12 hours. During this period, the medication is in different parts of the intestine, after which it is naturally excreted in the feces. In case of intestinal pathologies, a slight slowdown in excretion is observed, which does not affect the therapeutic effect and does not lead to the accumulation of the components of the composition in the tissues or their release into the blood.

General information about the drug

Enterosgel is an intestinal adsorbent that has a porous molecular sponge structure of a hydrophobic nature. It denies the sorption effect only in relation to medium-molecular toxic metabolites. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes exogenous and endogenous toxic substances from the body, including bacteria and their toxins, antigens, drugs, food allergens, poisons, heavy metal salts, and alcohol products. In addition, the drug is able to absorb some products of the body's metabolism, for example, excessive amounts of cholesterol, urea, bilirubin, and lipid complexes.

The drug does not reduce the rate of absorption of vitamins and microelements, does not affect the motor function of the intestine, but helps restore its normal microflora.

Reference! Enetrosgel is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, but is excreted unchanged after 12 hours.

Use for children under 18 years of age

Enterosgel in the form of a paste with sweeteners can be prescribed to children from 12 months, but it should be taken only according to the schedule and in the required dosage. Depending on age, the dose differs, as does the duration of use. Paste and gel without auxiliary components are allowed for use from birth.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Patient ageApplication and dosage
Children under 12 monthsSuch patients take the drug up to 6 times a day, the single dose is 1.7 g. It does not matter whether the child takes a paste or a gel, the dosage is no different. Typically, such patients are advised to dissolve the required amount of medication in a small amount of water for ease of use. The duration of therapy differs in each case, on average the course ranges from 5-14 days
Patients from 1 year to 5 yearsThe daily dosage for such patients is 20 g, usually divided into 3-4 doses during the day. If the child cannot take the drug without water, you can dissolve the required dose in water. Treatment lasts 7-10 days
Patients from 5 to 14 years oldSuch patients usually take the paste without any problems and wash it down with enough water. The daily dosage of the medicine is 30 g. It is not recommended to take the medicine at once; it is important to divide the dose into 3 times during the day at equal intervals. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks depending on the severity of symptoms
Patients from 14 to 18 years oldThe daily dosage for such patients is 40-45 mg. It is divided into 3 doses during the day in order to ensure a uniform effect on the body. Application lasts for 1-2 weeks

Adults usually take 1 packet of gel 3 times a day after first dissolving in 100 ml of water. The duration of therapy may vary for different patients and for different diseases.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

Children are recommended to take the paste since it does not require prior dissolution, but if necessary, any dosage form can be added to water for ease of administration. In case of acute poisoning, the daily dosage in the first 3 days of therapy can be doubled, but the decision is made only by the doctor based on examination data.

How to give Enterosgel to a child under one year old

It is useful for parents to know how to give Enterosgel to children under one year of age. In any case, the appropriateness of use must be determined by a doctor. In this case, take into account the condition of the child. According to the instructions, the norm for babies up to one year is a teaspoon of the drug per day (5 g). But doctors may recommend a different dosage. It is provided in the table.

DosageBaby's ageIndicationsDuration of therapy
A quarter teaspoon, 3-4 times a dayfrom birth to 6 monthsAllergy


14-21 days
3-5 days

28-42 days

Half a teaspoon four timesFrom 6 months to a year
Tea spoon Over a year old

Parents should take into account that self-medication can be dangerous to the baby’s health. It should be taken with caution if the child has a predisposition to constipation.


It is not recommended for children to take Enterosgel if there is an allergy to the components of the composition or a tendency to such manifestations in the patient’s medical history.

Other contraindications include the following:

  • Intestinal atony of various forms.
  • Intestinal obstruction due to the formation of adhesions or other disorders.
  • Internal bleeding that develops as a result of perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines.
  • Frequent vomiting with the release of large amounts of blood.
  • Acute period after surgery on internal organs.
  • Severe mental disorders.
  • Diagnosis of tumors whose origin could not be clarified.

Paste with sweeteners is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients under 12 months. The medication is used with caution for the treatment of patients with acute pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


The drug is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, therefore in exceptional cases it provokes an overdose. Such cases have not been recorded by specialists, but the risk of developing such complications cannot be completely excluded. In case of overdose, an acute allergic reaction may develop.

In this case, the rash spreads to the body, limbs, and face. Patients report severe itching and burning, which damages the outer layer of the skin and increases the risk of infection.

Typically, an overdose develops with prolonged use of increased doses of the drug and in the case when the patient suffers from an allergy to a component of the composition that has not previously manifested itself.

If symptoms of overdose appear, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor. In a hospital setting, the patient receives help; if the condition does not become severe, he is allowed to be treated at home.


Now, knowing what the effect of this drug is based on, it will not be difficult to figure out when Enterosgel helps with allergies and when it is actually useless.

Obviously, it will have virtually no effect if you develop hypersensitivity to drugs that are administered intravenously, as well as after using lotions and creams on the skin or face, since the effect of the enterosorbents included in its composition is limited only to the intestines and stomach.

Therefore, this sorbent helps only in case of drug or food allergies, allergies to alcohol, and in some rare cases, allergies to dust, which may end up in the gastrointestinal tract along with saliva. In these cases, Enterosgel helps with allergies in adults. It will also be effective for urticaria and eczema, especially if their occurrence is associated with food reactions.

How long does it take for Enterosgel to work for allergies? The effect after taking this medicine should be expected within about one to two hours. At this time, it is important not to take any food, so as not to interfere with the drug’s pharmacological effect.

Side effects

If the instructions for using the medication are violated, negative reactions often develop. They can also appear if all the rules are followed, especially in children.

The most common complications:

  • Constipation or difficulty during bowel movements are considered the most common negative reactions. In this case, patients almost always develop concomitant complications from the digestive tract.
  • Pain in the intestinal or stomach area.
  • Flatulence and bloating, in which the patient experiences spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestines, causing colic.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weakness, fatigue and decreased performance.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Thirst and dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Complications may affect patients' kidneys and liver. In this case, there is an increase in urination and pain in the right hypochondrium. The condition usually normalizes after stopping the use of the medication. Sometimes special treatment is required to eliminate symptoms.

Enterosgel for children. How to take for up to a year, instructions, dosage, reviews

There is no standard treatment regimen for the occurrence of negative reactions. Drugs are selected depending on the severity of certain symptoms. In children, complications disappear faster than in adults. The latter often require special treatment.

Cost of medicine

The price varies depending on the form of release, as well as the amount of the drug in one package. The average cost of a medicine is:

  • gel (225 g) – 470.95 rubles;
  • pasta (225 g) – 420.85 rubles.

The price is quite high. That is why many consumers are forced to look for analogues of Enterosgel that are cheaper than this medicine.

Let's look at some of them.

This is an excellent sorption drug. It allows you to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of bloating. The medicine relieves the patient of heartburn. It is quite in demand for chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins: allergic, medicinal, infectious.

Enterosgel analogues for children with allergies

Patients seeking to find analogs that are cheaper than Enterosgel paste will be completely satisfied with the cost of this medication. The price of 1 sachet is 15 rubles.

Drug interactions

Enterosgel (it is better for children to take the drug under adult supervision) should not be used in combination with medications that contain the same active ingredient.

The drug is not prescribed in combination with antacids, enterosorbents and medications whose action is aimed at eliminating diarrhea. In combination with antidiarrheals, persistent constipation may develop, the treatment of which is difficult and requires an integrated approach.

When using paste and gel, it is worth remembering the ability of medications to slow down the absorption of any oral medications. That is why Enterosgel should be taken separately from other medications. There should be a break of at least 2 hours between uses.

Gel and paste can be combined with medications from other groups, observing the interval. The medicine does not weaken or enhance the effectiveness of any systemic medications.

For allergies in a child

Enterosgel is hypoallergenic, which makes the product even more popular for children's treatment.

Among its analogues, Atoxyl has this property . It contains nothing but silicon dioxide.

Among the described medications for a child with allergies, Phosphalugel, Polysorb, Enterodes are suitable. These products do not contain sweeteners (sucrose) or dyes, which may cause a rash in the baby.

Although substances that make drugs taste attractive help parents persuade their baby to drink the drug, other tricks can also help in treatment - diluting the substance in a favorite drink or dish.


In the absence of the original drug, it is allowed to use its substitutes that have similar therapeutic properties.

The most effective analogues:

  • Polysorb is a product in powder form for preparing a suspension that is taken orally. Contains colloidal silicon dioxide as the main active component and has pronounced absorbent and detoxifying properties. The drug is prescribed to adults and children for poisoning, rotavirus infection and some other diseases. The dosage is determined individually depending on the condition and age of the patient, usually 1 tsp. Or 1 tbsp. l per 100 ml of water. Take the medicine 2-4 times a day for 5 days.
  • Polyphepan is a drug based on hydrolytic lignin, which has absorbent and regenerating properties, and is prescribed for various disorders of the digestive system. The drug is indicated for adults and children; the dosage is selected individually depending on the condition. The medicine is available in tablet form, in the form of granules and powder to obtain a suspension for oral administration. Adults usually take 1 tablet 3-6 times a day. The dose of powder or granules is calculated depending on weight, that is, for 1 kg of weight there is 1 g of dry product. For mild pathology, take 0.5 g of the drug in dry form per 1 kg. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses during the day. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.
  • Filtrum is a product in tablet form that contains lignin. The drug has pronounced enteric properties and helps remove harmful components from the body in case of poisoning and other disorders. It is prescribed mainly for adults; they take 2-6 tablets per day, depending on the severity of the manifestations. Treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, sometimes longer use is required, but only a doctor can prescribe it.
  • Enterodes is a drug in tablet form that contains povidone as the main active ingredient. The drug has pronounced absorbent properties and helps remove harmful components from the body in case of infectious diseases and poisoning. Prescribed in most cases to adults, the daily dosage is 4-6 tablets, depending on the severity of the disease. Therapy lasts 5-7 days.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the most suitable substitute is selected. You cannot choose an analogue on your own, since the products contain other active ingredients and can provoke complications. Any of the substitutes can lead to the development of persistent constipation.

Enterosgel is considered one of the most effective and popular drugs, which is allowed to be taken not only by adults, but also by children from birth. The relative safety of the drug makes it the most preferred method of treating poisoning and alleviating the condition of many pathologies of the digestive tract.

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