Don't give a damn about preservatives! How to deal with allergic rhinitis

To cure allergies in her children, Polish woman Julita Bator conducted an entire investigation. She studied the composition of industrially produced products and stopped buying those that contained potentially dangerous ingredients - flavor enhancers, preservatives and dyes. And the allergy subsided. What else should you be wary of when you read a label or look at a product's packaging?

dangerous dyes and preservatives in products

Do you know how many ingredients yogurt contains? Healthy homemade yogurt contains milk and live bacteria cultures. These are two components. If we add fruit to it, we get three components. When we look at the yogurt label on the store shelf, it turns out that there are an incredible number of ingredients listed there, the names of which are written in a language that is incomprehensible to the average consumer.

The same question about the amount of ingredients can be asked regarding any other product. And another interesting thing: why is it that the more ingredients in a product, the cheaper it is? Why are synthetic ingredients added to food instead of natural ones? Why are flavor enhancers added to foods? Isn't natural taste enough?

These and many other questions arose when I began to reevaluate my food awareness. After analyzing Internet resources, I came to the conclusion that almost all products are loaded with chemicals and, therefore, potentially toxic. Emulsifiers, preservatives, antioxidants, flavor enhancers, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, thickeners and leavening agents are regular guests on our table.

The acute respiratory infection has dragged on

At such moments, I would sneeze uncontrollably, my throat would feel sore, my eyes and nose would turn red. But the temperature did not rise, well, to a maximum of 37.2 °C, which allowed me to conclude: well, I’m not that seriously ill, I can handle it on my own.

At first I tried to treat myself with my favorite anti-inflammatory nasal spray, but it either helped or didn’t. And after six months of suffering, I switched to an aerosol containing an antibacterial substance. And there was also no clear result.

Then I decided that, apparently, my immunity was extremely reduced, and I “prescribed” myself vitamins and immunomodulators. But even in this case, there was no lasting effect. I lived quite healthy for several months, but then spring came, I started spring cleaning and, apparently, I got a wind while washing the windows. And streams flowed from my nose again.

In my home medicine cabinet I kept a solid supply of a wide variety of cold remedies, which I alternated, trying to figure out which one could cure my runny nose. But I soon realized: there is no panacea among them, moreover, I had a suspicion that a runny nose goes away on its own and even despite the medications taken, as in the famous joke - within a week if not treated.

Article on the topic

Strange runny nose. How to distinguish a common cold from an allergy

Methods used for treatment

When treating signs of allergy to dyes, as well as other diseases, treatment should be comprehensive:

  1. In all cases, the doctor prescribes a special diet that contains only beneficial substances in the foods consumed.
  2. If anyone thinks that allergies can be cured in a couple of days, then they are deeply mistaken. Treatment of allergies, like all other diseases, is a long-term process that requires patience and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.
  3. When prescribing a treatment regimen, the doctor takes into account the patient’s body weight, age, concomitant diseases and other factors.

Drugs used for dye allergies

When treating food poisoning, the most commonly prescribed tablets are tavegil and suprastin, but new generation drugs are also now used, such as ebastine, cetirizine, fexofenadine, loratadine and their analogues.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you nevertheless decide to turn to traditional medicine, then the most common method of treatment will be the use of sorrel decoction. The recipe for making sorrel decoction is very simple:

  • Take half a liter of boiled water, pour one hundred grams of sorrel with it, boil for another ten minutes, let it settle and drink half a glass four times a day.

Another common recipe for treating allergic reactions to dyes on the advice of traditional healers is an infusion of lungwort.

  • Take a thermos with half a liter of hot water, put one tablespoon of lungwort flowers in it, let it brew for 15 minutes, pour into a glass jar and close the lid. The decoction is ready for use. Like sorrel decoction, lungwort infusion is recommended to be taken four times a day, half a glass.

Suburban Nightmare

The epiphany happened suddenly. My children and I came to visit my friend at her dacha. For two days there was stifling heat, and on the third day it began to rain, and along with it, as if keeping company with the weather, my nose began to drip. By evening the rain stopped, the sun appeared, but streams flowed. My nose immediately became swollen and red, my head ached, I didn’t have time to throw away the wet paper napkins.

And then a friend asked: maybe you have allergies? And she suggested taking an antihistamine. I had nothing to lose, so I agreed. She took the pill and lay down on the sofa, pressing another handkerchief to her nose. Probably about forty minutes later, when a friend dropped in to check on my well-being, I suddenly realized with surprise that my nose was breathing freely.

My cold runny nose disappeared without a trace!

All about allergies

After birth, the parents begin to take care of the child. At the same time, they pay attention to changes in the child’s behavior or condition. One of these negative manifestations may be an allergy on the baby’s cheeks.

A child may develop an allergy on the face for various reasons, including violations in the mother’s diet during lactation, her use of certain medications or laundry detergent, as well as for other reasons.

Whatever the factors for the manifestation of an allergic reaction in infants, this causes concern for parents and requires treatment. Ignoring such a problem can cause complications. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and make a diagnosis, there is every chance that the disease can be dealt with in a short time.

As a sign of protest...

After this discovery, I began to carefully monitor when my nose began to run, and I discovered a pattern. Even without any tests, it became clear that I had a severe allergy to house dust and a fungus that appeared in damp weather - this was the cause of my supposed cold. My body also could not tolerate honey, which I diligently ate during imaginary acute respiratory infections, but for some reason it did not help me and my throat continued to feel sore.

For a long time I couldn’t understand why raw smoked sausages, cutlets from the culinary market, and store-bought baked goods either cause a runny nose or are digested normally. Until the allergist, whom I finally went to see, explained that the preservatives, dyes, and taste improvers that are added to them are other allergens. So my nose apparently protested against the “chemistry”.

How do symptoms appear?

Features of manifestations depend on the method of penetration of the allergen into the body:

  1. Upon contact with the skin, the development of dermatitis and dermatoses, and urticaria occurs. Some types cause chemical burns. The skin becomes cracked and dries out. There is a possibility of bacterial and fungal infections.
  2. An allergy to the smell of paint occurs if a person inhales solvent vapors or ammonia. The pigments enter the lungs and cause a cough similar to an asthma attack. Due to contact with the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, a person suffers from sore and irritated throat, severe runny nose, which does not go away for a long time.
  3. Gradually, the allergen spreads throughout the body and causes swelling. Health-threatening conditions develop with swelling of the larynx and internal organs.

Angioedema is considered a serious systemic disorder of the body, which can lead to death.

Expert commentary

Galina Tarasova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Department of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia:

– While many people can still connect an uncontrollable runny nose with flowering plants, the connection with food is not so obvious. Although food allergies are quite common. It is often accompanied by skin rashes, but can manifest as nasal congestion, runny nose, and dry cough. These manifestations are really similar to colds and acute respiratory infections. They are especially often confused when a child is sick.

Article on the topic

Extreme measures. What not to do if your nose is stuffy

Meanwhile, there is a set of symptoms that absolutely indicate an allergy. These are attacks of sneezing, rhinorrhea (profuse watery discharge from the nose) that lasts more than five days, lacrimation, itching of the wings of the nose and eyes, difficulty in nasal breathing. At the same time, the temperature does not increase.

The most common allergens are cow's milk, red and orange fruits and vegetables, fish, shrimp, chocolate, honey, eggs, and cereals. Both antibiotics and honey are very strong allergens, so they must be taken with caution. Quite often, allergic reactions are caused not by the product itself, but by various food additives - dyes, flavors, emulsifiers or preservatives.

Often there is an expansion of sensitivity due to the similarity in the structure of allergens. Then a cross-allergy develops, when a reaction to a plant provokes sensitivity to the corresponding products. There is only one treatment method: identify all possible allergens and avoid contact with them.

According to WHO, 30% of the European population suffers from various allergic reactions. Perhaps this is our payment for the achievements of civilization. In residents of megacities, allergies are 6 times more common compared to those living in rural areas. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure allergies, but you can maintain a state of remission, that is, prevent clinical manifestations, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Ten unexpected allergy triggers: do you know them?


Photo: Anastasia Osipova

Are you allergic? You are not alone. Almost half of the people on the planet experience an unpleasant reaction to one degree or another.

Many people know about typical allergens - pollen, dairy products, peanuts... But there are also foods and substances that you may not have even thought about. Here are the most unusual of them.


“They are undoubtedly easy to use, always at hand, and inexpensive. But often such wipes are insidious - they contain components that can cause a rash on the face, says chief dermatologist at the Cosmetology Center Alina Kaczynska . “And unlike other cleansing cosmetics, these wipes are packed with chemicals and alkaline substances needed to remove makeup.”

Many products, such as soap or gel, contain such ingredients, but unlike them, the composition of the wipes remains on your skin and is not washed off with water. Which becomes the direct cause of the allergic reaction.

What to do about it?

“If you cannot live without such products or are simply accustomed to such hygiene, at least try to find napkins, albeit more expensive, but without preservatives and fragrances. Please note that the composition does not contain methylisothiazolinone, as this is the most likely culprit of allergies. And always after using wipes, wipe your face with toner to remove any remaining cleanser.

Unlike soap, wipes stay on your skin.



Many of us, having noticed itchy skin or rashes, rush to the pharmacy to buy antihistamines. But the problem is that often their active substances are not only unable to help, but moreover, they can worsen the situation. “Strangely enough, sometimes people are allergic to anti-allergy treatments, or rather to some of the active components of such medications, but people don’t know this, they continue to take the pills, and the end result is a vicious circle,” says pharmacist Jane Devenish .

What to do about it?

Do not self-medicate! You don’t know exactly what triggered your reaction. It may be that you are trying to solve a problem with another problem. Go to the doctor. By buying a product at random or on the advice of friends, you are getting a “pig in a poke.”

Oddly enough, sometimes people become allergic to anti-allergy treatments



It would seem that wool is a natural product, well, except that the itching from the barbed threads can cause... But in fact, an allergic reaction can develop due to sensitivity to lanolin, a natural wax-like substance produced by sheep.

“Lanolin is an oil that causes skin irritation, such as redness and itchy rashes, as well as puffy eyes and nasal congestion,” explains Alina Kaczyńska . And reminds you that lanolin is also often found in cosmetics, lip balms and shampoos.

What to do about it?

It is best to undergo a special test for specific allergens in order to accurately know the “enemy in person.” Understand what exactly is an allergen for you. If you suddenly find out that you are sensitive to lanolin, you will have to use products without it, and in an emergency, take antihistamines and steroids, depending on the severity of the allergy.

An allergic reaction may develop due to sensitivity to lanolin produced by sheep.



Having become very popular over the past few decades, they are actually that safe. It turns out that there is a real allergy to tattoo ink!

Research has shown that the main pigment that causes allergies is red toner, this is due to the presence of mercury and sulfides in this color. Some people may also react to the black henna ink used in temporary tattoos.

What to do about it?

If you still feel like getting a tattoo, get it done at least in an official salon, or better yet, in a medical center. 24 hours before the procedure, take a dye test, which will be applied to you by a specialist. Remember that sometimes an allergen can “lurk” and manifest itself only after a few years, so if you suddenly notice recurring allergic manifestations for no reason, take into account the presence of tattoos. Even if you did them a long time ago.

There is a real allergy to ink.


Everyone knows the effect of allergies to new cosmetics, and that before using them, you need to test on a small area of ​​the skin. However, few people know that the cause of an allergic reaction can also be your favorite cream or lotion that you once loved so much and with which you have never had problems before. And then suddenly...

And Lina Kaczynska says people often come to her with red, itchy skin, a reaction to products they've been using for a long time. “Over time, the immune system gets used to it and stops “responding” to the active substances of creams; as a result, instead of a cosmetic product, they turn into an allergen.”

What to do about it?

Once you have a reaction, you should stop using the product. Using an antihistamine tablet and steroid cream will help relieve the itching, and the problem should go away within a week.


To determine the presence of allergies, a special skin test method is used.



Every parent can prevent a situation where his child develops an allergy on his face. To do this, you need to follow the simple recommendations given by experts:

  • The child must be looked after and observe the rules of hygiene.
  • Constantly ventilate the room where the baby is.
  • A newborn should take, if necessary, only those medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • Use high-quality soaps and shampoos when bathing your baby.
  • Before giving your baby a new product or changing his diet, you should consult your pediatrician.

It is also important to buy clothes for your baby that do not contain synthetics.

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