Allergies to sweat - your own and someone else's. Is it possible to?

Few people know that sweat allergy is the most rapidly progressing disease of the last century. Sweat glands produce a fluid that consists of urea and sodium chloride.

allergy to sweat

With sweating, the body is able to release nitrogen-containing breakdown products, performing thermoregulation and cooling the skin. This type of allergy can occur in 7-10% of young and middle-aged patients.

Can you be allergic to sweat?

Allergies can occur to both your own and someone else's sweat. If an allergic reaction to someone else's sweat is treatable and can be easily gotten rid of, then when hypersensitivity manifests itself to one's own sweat, such a case requires a serious approach to the problem.

Cholinergic urticaria – what is it?

Allergy from one’s own sweat fluid has another medical name – cholinergic urticaria. The main feature of this disease is that it manifests itself in the form of a rash and red spots on the body, where sweat is produced to a greater extent. It should be noted that young people (15-25 years old) usually suffer from such hypersensitivity, regardless of the time of year. This, in fact, leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the excretory, digestive and endocrine systems. Therefore, if the operation of these systems is not normalized, then treatment of sweat allergy will not lead to success, and it will return again and again.

Places of increased sweating

It is in places of increased sweating that the first signs of an allergic reaction begin to appear, which, with further exacerbation, spread to other areas of the skin. Thus, the places where sweat is produced to a greater extent during physical activity or experience are:

  • armpit;
  • palms;
  • areas of the body under the knees;
  • head;
  • stomach.

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Cholinergic urticaria

Cholinergic urticaria is formed from excess synthesis, which produces impulse transmission in the nervous system. The development of the disease occurs in stressful situations, and this procedure goes through several subsequent stages:

  • From high temperature, stress or heavy physical exertion, connective tissue components begin to awaken.
  • There is a violation of the integrity of the vessels, their expansion.
  • Penetration of contents from the subcutaneous capillaries into neighboring tissues, during which swelling appears or pathologies begin to appear.

Most often, this disease occurs in people who are allergic to any object or product with which they come into contact, or in those who have a tendency to have an allergic reaction.

Causes of rash from own and other people's sweat

Sweat rashes can occur for several reasons. If we talk about allergies to your sweat, the reason lies in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system or insufficient kidney function. Sometimes this reaction develops due to the presence of parasites that secrete a toxic substance.

When hypersensitivity to someone else's sweat occurs, and, as a rule, to the sweat of a partner, then the main reason is intolerance of the body. In this case, the immune system recognizes the components of sweat as dangerous, thereby triggering the reaction of the body producing histamine. We cannot exclude the possibility of the influence of certain chemicals that make up the partner’s sweat fluid. The presence of certain chronic diseases can increase the concentration of certain compounds in sweat.

ATTENTION! If a woman is allergic to sweat fluid, then she should check whether she has an allergic reaction to her partner’s sperm, which may act as an allergen.

Features of the course of prickly heat

Most often, prickly heat appears on the body of infants. The development of such a rash in babies depends on the fact that the sweat glands are not fully formed. As a rule, such rashes appear on areas of the skin that are poorly ventilated, namely on the following skin folds:

  • axillary;
  • inguinal;
  • between the buttocks;
  • cervical;
  • breast;
  • behind the ears;
  • between your fingers.

In addition, pathology can manifest itself in the folds of the knees and elbows, or areas where synthetic clothing fits tightly to the body.

Miliaria (or miliaria) is an irritation of the skin caused by excessive sweating with the slow evaporation of sweat.

There are three types of disease:

  1. Crystalline. It appears in the form of white or pearlescent bubbles that reach 1-2 mm in diameter. With multiple rashes, the bubbles merge with each other, resulting in the appearance of a large rash. When rubbed against clothing, the blisters spontaneously open, resulting in peeling of the skin. This type of disease in infants most often develops in the upper body, in the face and neck.
  2. Red. Presented in the form of homogeneous nodules or small blisters in the middle of the hyperemic spot. This rash is accompanied by itching and pain when touched. Discomfort increases with increasing humidity in the air.
  3. Deep. In this case, the appearance of bubbles with a diameter of up to 3 mm, matching the shade of the skin, is noted on the body. This form of the disease develops in the area of ​​the limbs and body and disappears after a few hours.

You can see what each form of heat rash looks like on the body of infants on the Internet. In infancy, the development of crystalline milliaria is most often observed. It does not require any specific therapy, the disease does not cause discomfort to the child and disappears after 2-3 days on its own.

baby's heat rash
Miliaria on the body of a baby

Red and deep miliaria should be treated only after the causes of its formation have been eliminated.

Sometimes heat rash is mistaken for eczema. However, with eczema, in comparison with miliaria, dry red spots with a crust appear, which tend to spread throughout the body.

The following factors can trigger a sweat rash in the form of prickly heat:

  • increased temperature during illness;
  • using creams in excess, which causes clogged pores on the skin;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • stuffiness and high humidity, both indoors and outdoors;
  • excess body weight and multiple folds on the skin.

In addition, the development of prickly heat is a common occurrence in patients with endocrine diseases and problems with the central nervous system. Milliaria on the skin can also appear due to physical activity or illnesses that cause increased temperature and sweating.

It should be understood that miliaria is not an infectious disease , against its background there are no changes in the patient’s well-being, and it cannot be transmitted by contact.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to sweat fluid appear only on the skin in the form of:

  • small rash in areas with increased sweating;
  • redness of the skin or the appearance of red spots on the body;
  • severe itching of the affected areas.

These are the most common signs of an allergic disease and occur within 10 minutes of sweating. The reaction can last up to several hours, after which the symptoms disappear.

In an acute allergic reaction, nausea may occur, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.

INTERESTING! If you are allergic to sweat, there are never any manifestations of allergic rhinitis. If this occurs, this indicates hypersensitivity to a certain chemical compound, which is included in high concentrations in the sweat fluid (for example, some toxins).

Development mechanism

An increase in body temperature leads to the activation of protective mechanisms for cooling it - the pores open and sweat appears, which cools the body.

If the sweat glands are clogged with sebum, cosmetics, or if the air is humid and hot, then the sweating process suffers. Sweat evaporates slowly, causing skin irritation.

Sweat contains salts and biologically active substances that can have an irritating effect on the skin. If excess sweat is not removed in a timely manner, the microbes that are always there begin to actively multiply on the skin - the process of inflammation of the sweat glands occurs - prickly heat, a small rash, is formed, accompanied by various subjective unpleasant symptoms.

There are three different clinical subtypes of miliaria:

  • papular miliaria,
  • prickly heat,
  • crystal prickly heat.

Photo 3: crystalline prickly heat

How to identify an allergen?

To reliably establish the cause of the allergy, you should seek help from a specialist.
After collecting a complete allergy history to identify the allergen, the doctor will prescribe additional tests, namely blood and urine tests. This will help diagnose some metabolic abnormalities. Doctors often resort to a provocative test, which requires the patient to exercise on some kind of exercise machine for 10-15 minutes. Then the condition of the skin in areas of increased sweating is observed (the appearance of rashes, red spots). This allows you to confirm the presence of an allergic disease.

Diagnosis by a doctor

Diagnosis by a doctor

An allergist treats the disease. Before prescribing appropriate therapy, the doctor must ensure the accuracy of the intended diagnosis.

For this, the patient is prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

  • general and biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • blood test for hormones.

The patient is required to be referred for consultation to an endocrinologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, or neurologist.

Allergy treatment

If an allergy to sweat occurs, treatment must be comprehensive. Therapy will not be effective until the chronic diseases that cause the allergic disease are eliminated. You will need to take some precautions, change your way of life, give up some habits. It is the positive result of treatment that primarily depends on the patient himself.

Skin allergies

Traditional therapy

To relieve the main symptoms of an allergic reaction, as well as to get rid of hives, you will need to systematically take antihistamines. Often for allergy sufferers they are recommended in the form of tablets (Zyrtec, Erius), but it is possible to use ointments containing antihistamines.

If allergic reactions occur in an acute form, then the use of hormonal ointments based on glucocorticoids will be required.

IMPORTANT! If you experience an allergy to sweat, you should definitely contact an allergist, who will provide competent treatment. To avoid aggravating the situation, do not take any medications yourself; trust your health to your doctor.

During therapy, actions should also be aimed at reducing sweating so as not to provoke the manifestation of symptoms. Belloid or Bellaspon are used for this purpose.

Often increased sweating occurs due to anxiety or an excited state. Therefore, the doctor can prescribe sedatives (Novopassit, Persen and others), which will help control the allergy sufferer’s own nervous state.

Folk recipes

In addition to treatment with traditional methods, you can use well-known folk remedies.
A decoction of chamomile will help relieve itching and get rid of rashes. To reduce sweat secretion, you can periodically take warm baths with sea salt. They not only reduce sweating in allergy sufferers, but also produce a calming effect.

As a sedative, you can use tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian. They should be taken with caution, after making sure that there are no negative consequences from their effects.

Which doctors should the patient contact and what tests should the patient undergo?

Treatment of any allergic reaction should always begin with diagnosis. To get rid of sweat urticaria, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. To identify the cause of the allergy, the patient will need:

  • Get advice from an allergist, neurologist, therapist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.
  • Provide the results of a general urine and blood test.
  • Donate blood to determine hormone levels and biochemical analysis.

If the disease is chronic, then treatment of urticaria can be symptomatic, because the underlying disease cannot always be completely stopped. It is necessary to strictly follow all medical recommendations, which will not only alleviate the current condition, but also reduce the frequency of relapses.

  • From high temperature, stress or heavy physical exertion, connective tissue components begin to awaken.
  • There is a violation of the integrity of the vessels, their expansion.
  • Penetration of contents from the subcutaneous capillaries into neighboring tissues, during which swelling appears or pathologies begin to appear.

What to do?

If you are allergic to the sweat of someone else, for example, your husband, then you should conduct a medical examination of your partner to establish chronic diseases. If they have not been identified, then the only solution is for the husband to follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Allergy sufferers, in addition to treating symptoms, must take preventive measures that will be aimed at reducing sweating.

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Steps to Prevent Excessive Sweating

Sweating can be reduced with medication and salt baths. It is necessary to follow the regime: reduce the amount of physical activity, be less exposed to stressful situations, do not get overexcited and do not worry. It is also recommended to use special talc to reduce sweating. In summer you should not stay in the sun for a long time. It is better to choose clothes from natural fabrics so that the skin can breathe.

You also need to pay attention to your diet. You will need to eliminate spicy foods, as well as the use of all kinds of spices.

Prevention recommendations

Preventive measures are aimed at reducing sweating in allergy sufferers:

  1. You should not stay in places with high temperatures for a long time (sauna, hot bath).
  2. You should be in the sun as little as possible.
  3. Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics.
  4. You will need to reduce the amount of physical activity.
  5. If a person drinks a lot of water, the amount should be reduced.
  6. The diet should be balanced and not contain spicy foods.
  7. Avoid worries and stressful situations.
  8. Take a warm shower twice a day.

Cholinergic urticaria, or sweat allergy, is a very rare phenomenon that occurs in only 2% of the world's population. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is treated only when it develops as a result of chronic diseases. The only solution to this problem is to follow preventive measures and treat diseases in a timely manner.

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Prevention and useful tips

Cholinergic urticaria occurs unexpectedly and persists for a long time, so it is important to know the rules for preventing the development of an attack:

  1. Avoid situations in which the body overheats and sweats, intense training, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or beach on a hot day.
  2. Use air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, car and workplace.
  3. Before physical activity or a stressful situation (even if the worries are positive), take the medicine recommended by your doctor (1-2 hours before).
  4. Always carry antihistamine tablets with you.
  5. Stick to a diet (with the exception of seasonings, spices, hot foods, alcohol).

Taking a bath

Remember the dangers of a hot shower and/or bath, or staying in stuffy rooms where there is a lot of dust and there is no adequate air exchange. Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner under the supervision of a doctor, since a severe course can become a trigger for the development of cholinergic urticaria.

  1. Allergies on the face and neck
  2. Food allergies in infants: how to treat and how quickly does it go away?
  3. What can infants do for facial allergies?
  4. Allergy on the face of a child photo

The child has heat rash

Older children are usually less susceptible to heat rash than infants, since their body has had time to adapt to a new life and establish internal processes.
However, the appearance of a rash in babies over the age of one year is due to similar factors.

Like infants, they may develop rashes in the buttocks and groin area if they wear a disposable diaper for a long time or if this area is not properly cared for.

You should also be more careful when dressing your baby before going outside, because due to a large amount of clothing, the child can quickly begin to sweat, and the fabric will rub the delicate skin, causing irritation.

The rash does not spread beyond its localization, the only exception being the neck, from where pimples can spread to the face.

Allergies, according to doctors, in children can be caused by the following products:

  • Chocolate;
  • Nuts;
  • Seafood;
  • Fruits that are red and orange in color;
  • Dairy products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Honey;
  • Soy.

Baby has heat rash

Prickly heat

Babies are most susceptible to it in the first weeks of life. If previously it was in the womb, surrounded by a liquid environment, then after birth the body has to adapt to new conditions.

Due to the underdevelopment of the sweat glands, sweating is not normal and the secretion secreted to cool the body can accumulate on the skin. Especially if the room in which the child is located is poorly ventilated and the clothes are too warm for him.

In other cases, a reddish rash may appear with an elevated temperature.

Miliaria rubra in infants looks like hives and consists of small single blisters.

Redness and severe itching appear in the rash area, causing discomfort to the baby. It is treated within 2 weeks, but with proper care you can shorten the time it takes for symptoms to disappear.

Miliaria crystalline does not cause any pain and usually goes away in 2-3 days.

Allergic dermatitis

Unlike prickly heat, it occurs due to the newborn’s body’s reaction to allergens.
If a mother has added something new to her diet and a rash appears on the baby’s skin a few minutes after breastfeeding, it is worth eliminating the product from use at least for a while.

Another cause of dermatitis in infants is constant overfeeding.

In this case, the body may stop accepting even those foods that were previously well absorbed.

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