What to do when a child has a wet cough without fever

When a cough appears, a person is tormented by unpleasant symptoms. This process is especially difficult for children: they become capricious, lose their appetite, and sleep poorly. Many doctors claim that coughing attacks occur due to very dry air in the room and recommend humidifying it.

However, sometimes high humidity causes attacks to worsen. This article will discuss whether a humidifier can cause a cough and why?

Is it possible?

In winter, many people are faced with the fact that the air in their apartments or houses is too dry.
Because of this, irritation begins in the nasopharynx, and a cough may appear in combination with colds or infectious diseases. It is very important to ensure that the air is not too dry , since in this case the cough will be dry for a long time, phlegm will not be able to clear and the person will suffer complications in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia.

To monitor this indicator, it is recommended to use special hygrometers. If the humidity level is below acceptable levels, then special measures must be taken.

To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Today, special devices that humidify dry air are very popular.

Pediatricians believe that a humidifier has only positive effects when a child coughs. However, this is not always the case; such devices have their disadvantages:

  • when using ultrasonic air humidification, a person develops a severe cough, body temperature rises, and severe complications develop;
  • very often you can notice white traces of plaque on furniture;
  • water must be changed every day;
  • if the device is not in use, it must be completely dry inside;
  • be sure to treat with special antimicrobial agents.

Very often a person experiences a sudden cough from the humidifier and an increase in body temperature. These problems appear spontaneously and also disappear after stopping use of the device. What could be the reason for this, and what measures should be taken?

Children's health

Love does not dry up as long as two people are simultaneously in love with something third.
Love does not dry up as long as two people are simultaneously in love with something third.

Love does not dry up as long as two people are simultaneously in love with something third.

Love does not dry up as long as two people are simultaneously in love with something third.

A month after the purchase, the children and I developed bronchitis. And I kept thinking that the elder one brought the virus from the garden (((

Mama Ira, Artemka and Polinka

And the non-running clock is right twice a day

75% humidity all the time is awesome. It’s not that you can get bronchitis.

According to my subjective feelings, even 55% is already too much.

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Doctor Komarovsky's opinion and advice on coughs from a humidifier in children

As mentioned above, pediatricians advise the use of humidifiers when treating coughs in young children.
They have undeniable positive aspects, help the cough quickly transform from dry to wet and contribute to the baby’s rapid recovery. What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this?

Evgeniy Olegovich claims that in case of ARVI in a child, the air humidity should be at least 50-70%, otherwise the risk of complications increases .

To maintain this indicator normal, he recommends using a special ultrasonic humidifier. Today there are many brands and manufacturers of these devices and everyone can find one that is suitable for them.

At the same time, it is very important to follow all the instructions for the devices: regularly change replacement cartridges, water, and wash the device. This will help reduce the risk of pathogenic microorganisms developing inside the humidifier.

In principle, when used correctly, an ultrasonic humidifier does not cause any complications. The appearance or intensification of coughing attacks is only possible if the device is used incorrectly. In this case, it is recommended to send the water from it to a sanitary-epidemiological laboratory for bacteriological analysis.

If pathogenic microflora is detected, it is necessary to disinfect the humidifier and the room in which it is used. Therefore, the question of why a humidifier causes a cough can be given a clear answer: due to improper operation of the device.

When choosing a device, you should not save money; it is better to give preference to good manufacturers. This fact is especially important when treating young patients, since the risk of complications in this case is very high.

In addition to humidifiers, you can increase the humidity level in the room through regular ventilation and wet cleaning.

You can also hang a damp towel over the radiators, which will humidify the air in the room as it dries. The easiest way is to spray with water from a regular spray bottle. This can be done together with your child in the form of a game.

Ultrasonic humidifier benefits

These devices are considered the most efficient and have the lowest noise level.

The principle of operation is to supply water to a plate that vibrates in a high-frequency mode. The device has high performance, but there is one drawback - it is advisable to use distilled water to avoid the ingress of bacteria and germs.

When using devices, it is necessary to control the level of humidity, since increased humidity is no less harmful than dry air. To control, you need to purchase a special device - a hygrometer.

It is sold separately, or some types of devices may include it in their package. It should be taken into account that in such models the hygrometer will show the humidity around the device, and not the entire room.

With increased dryness of the room, the mucous membranes of the nose dry out, losing their ability to trap viruses, which leads to illness.

The most common cause of a runny nose in infants, without fever or cough, is too dry air in the house.

Cough humidifiers

The air in the house can become very dry, especially in winter, and dry air in turn irritates the throat, especially if a person has a cold, so using these devices is a must.


A great way to help your child quickly cough up stagnant mucus. Special massage movements help remove residual cough, but massage also has contraindications.

Massage is not recommended in the following cases: In the acute phase of illness. High body temperature (from 38⁰ C). Infancy (up to 2 months). Presence of infectious skin diseases. Severe weakness, drowsiness and malaise.

Massage movements are the best way to help with paroxysmal wet coughs that occur with wheezing, squelching and gurgling when breathing. It is better to start massage during the decline of the disease (4-5 days). The younger the child, the easier and more delicate the massage movements should be.

There are five methods of performing procedures for massage aimed against a lingering wet cough:

Percussion (or vibration). The most simple and accessible type of massage. It is performed with light tapping. This therapy improves mucus removal and is very pleasant for the baby. Technique:

  1. The child is placed on his stomach.
  2. The pads of the fingers are rhythmically tapped in the direction from the shoulder blades to the lower back (the spine area is not touched).
  3. After tapping, they move on to stroking movements from the belt area to the scapular part.

When performing a vibration massage on a baby, tapping movements are made through the palm. The procedure time is 1-2 minutes. Massage should be performed 5-6 times daily. Thanks to such movements, sputum is successfully removed from the bronchial walls and coughed up.

wet cough in a child

Drainage. This massage warms up the bronchi well, improving expectoration and mucus removal. Technique:

  1. The child is placed on his stomach and a cushion is placed so that the pelvis is higher than the head. The arms are extended and placed along the body.
  2. Stroking movements warm up the body. The movements are carried out from the bottom up along the back (first on the right side next to the spine, then on the left).
  3. After stroking, active rubbing with fingertips is carried out. The movements proceed in a spiral from the lumbar region upward to the shoulder girdle.
  4. Then rubbing movements are performed. They work with their knuckles, making movements like a rake.
  5. After the skin turns pink and warms up, they move on to tapping. The palm is folded into a boat. It is patted on one and the other side of the spinal column. The kidney area is not touched.
  6. The massage is completed with soft, intense strokes.

After the procedure, the baby is seated, the diaphragm is squeezed with the palms on both sides in the area of ​​the intercostal muscles and immediately released. Then the baby needs to cough well.

Sternum massage. Massage the chest along with drainage massage 2-3 times daily. Technique:

  1. The child is placed on his back.
  2. The arms are massaged with stroking movements, from the shoulders to the hands.
  3. The area of ​​the sternum above the nipples is rubbed, starting from the central area to the armpits.
  4. Using the pads of your thumbs, massage your breasts from bottom to top. Then the upper area of ​​the sternum is massaged with the pads of your fingers.
  5. Exercises are performed for the arms (flexion-extension and lowering).
  6. Finish the massage with light strokes.

Wet cough in a child without fever

Honey massage. If the illness has dragged on and the cough has turned into a protracted one, an aromatic and sweet massage will help in treatment. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening before going to bed. Honey massage improves blood circulation, improves immunity and speeds up recovery. Procedure technique:

  1. Natural honey is heated in a water bath.
  2. The baby is placed on his stomach (you need to massage the upper back).
  3. An adult's hands are generously smeared with warm honey.
  4. Carry out stroking movements with the palms from bottom to top, the palm is torn away from the body at the end of the movement.
  5. When the back warms up and turns pink, wipe the skin with a warm towel.
  6. The baby is put to bed and covered with a blanket.

All types of antitussive massage are carried out 30-40 minutes after eating, preferably before bedtime.

wet cough in a child

Treatment of wet cough with goat fat

A long-lasting cough can be effectively treated with goat fat. You can buy it on the market or in a pharmacy as a purified drug. And prepare the following medicines:

  • With milk and honey. Add a teaspoon of honey and fat to a glass of milk. Drink before bed. Wrap up the child at night.
  • Trituration. Melt two tablespoons of fat in a water bath, add 3 drops of turpentine. Rub the child's chest, area between the shoulder blades, and feet.
  • Wrap up warmly for one hour. For the same purpose, a mixture of fat and propolis is used (20 ml of alcohol pharmacy tincture per glass of fat).
  • Goat mustard plasters. Mix fat and honey in equal proportions, apply the mixture on blotting paper and place, like mustard plasters, on the child’s chest, but not on the heart area!

Folk remedies

They do not contradict medications and often complement each other for greater effect.

Here are some recipes:

  • 2-3 teaspoons of warm clear drinks 4-5 times a day are recommended for infants from 3 months to a year - herbal tea, warm water (you can add a little sugar - but not honey), apple juice;
  • burnt sugar caramel - prepared in a thick-walled container, preferably cast iron, and poured into a silicone mold greased with butter or on foil, after cooling, broken into pieces that dissolve during coughing attacks;
  • warm milk with alkaline mineral water in a ratio of 1:3;
  • raw viburnum syrup with sugar;
  • syrup from a chopped white onion mixed with two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice is prepared overnight, the resulting liquid is taken during the day;
  • pear baked with cinnamon.

Herbal preparations:

chamomile, elderberry, thyme, coltsfoot teas. Compotes with the addition of licorice root, cranberry juice, tea with raspberry jam.

  • Turnip or black radish juice. The core is cut out of the fruit, honey or sugar is put there, they wait for nectar to form, pour it into warm milk and give it to the child to drink. This remedy is difficult for children who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An indispensable remedy in the arsenal of mothers of many generations is a chest cough mixture based on marshmallow root and licorice root. You can prepare it yourself, but it is better to buy it at the pharmacy. It costs a penny, but the effect is amazing.
  • Warming foot baths and rubbing with camphor, mustard plasters with honey on the feet alleviate the child’s condition.
  • Potato compress. Warm boiled potatoes are mashed, placed on gauze and on the chest and back of the child. This procedure is carried out only when the child does not have a fever.

One of the most effective remedies is milk with honey. The proportion is standard: take a tablespoon of honey for one glass of milk. You can add the same amount of melted butter. Or a teaspoon of soda, which will further enhance the expectorant effect of the product. Goat's milk is very effective in treating wet cough.

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