Allergy to shrimp: causes, symptoms, treatment

Good afternoon, many will be interested in understanding their health and their loved ones, and I will tell you my experience, and we will talk about the occurrence of allergies when eating shrimp. Most likely, some details may differ, as was the case with you. Please note that you should always consult with highly specialized specialists and not self-medicate. Naturally, you can quickly find the answer to the simplest questions and diagnose yourself. Write your questions/suggestions in the comments, and together we will improve and supplement the quality of the material provided.

Sushi rolls

Many people wonder if they can be allergic to sushi? The main seafood used to prepare sushi are fish (fresh, lightly salted), mussels, shrimp, and crab sticks, which often cause an allergic reaction. Many restaurants offer their consumers a roll without adding fish delicacies, for example, with cucumber.

How to treat shrimp allergies

Fortunately, treating this disease is not difficult. For any food allergy, the most important thing is to exclude this product from your diet. It’s quite easy to give up shrimp in our country. This product is not an integral part of our eating habits. It may happen that you accidentally eat shrimp, for example in a salad. Treatment of allergies in this case comes down to taking an antiallergic drug prescribed by your doctor. Also, pay attention to your body's reactions. In adults, an allergic reaction to shrimp often goes away over time.

Main features

Let's look at this in more detail. Allergy to seafood is characterized by pronounced respiratory symptoms. In some cases, difficulty breathing and a sore throat can be caused by the smell of fish alone.

When eating seafood during acute allergic reactions, a severe asthmatic attack occurs. Conditions of anaphylactic shock are often observed. Even a few milligrams of product can cause such a reaction. Allergies can develop from any contact with seafood. In some cases, skin redness and rashes are observed. Children with allergic reactions to fish may develop dermatitis.

Composition of shrimp and causes of possible allergies

Shrimp are marine inhabitants from the order of decapods that live in many seas, and some species settle in fresh water bodies. They are rich in various vitamins, minerals and are a complete source of protein for those who, for some reason, have given up meat. In addition, shrimp are low in calories and contain high amounts of cholesterol. They include:

  • Vitamins B, C, D, A, PP and others.
  • Minerals (iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper and others).

shrimp allergy symptoms

Thanks to this composition and taste, more and more people are beginning to get carried away with this delicacy, sometimes not paying attention to the negative reaction of their body.

Shrimp allergy symptoms may be caused by:

  • Seafood protein. The main trigger for an allergic reaction is shrimp protein. Less commonly, allergies are caused by substances contained in the shell.
  • Food additives, dyes and antibiotics that manufacturers use to improve the taste and long-term transportation of shrimp.
  • Heavy metals and other toxic substances. The shrimp is able to absorb these elements from the environment and accumulate them.
  • Improper transportation and freezing causes rotting processes and the accumulation of harmful substances in the bodies of seafood, which can cause poisoning and trigger an allergic reaction.

Allergy to mussels

These soft-bodied meats contain a record amount of protein, as well as a number of vitamins, iron, selenium and other microelements necessary for humans, therefore they have great nutritional value, but at the same time they may be contraindicated for a certain category of people.

The danger in eating mussels lies not only in the content of the above-mentioned proteins and enzymes in it, but also in its lifestyle .

In search of food, the animal constantly filters liters of water, absorbing not only useful substances, but toxins and pathogens, including salmonella. All this is deposited in the tissue of the mollusk, and then, when eaten, enters the human body.


There is another factor that influences the edibility of this representative of the fauna; the main part of its diet can be dinoflagellates . This plankton becomes poisonous during its reproduction period, the poison provokes the production of PSP toxin in the body of the mussel - a strong substance with nerve-paralytic properties, it makes shellfish meat a dangerous food product, and then we are no longer talking only about people predisposed to allergies, although they will be especially bad, but also about those who do not suffer from this disease. In medicine there is even such a term “mytilism”. We must pay tribute to seafood producers; in recent years they have been trying not to catch mussels in areas where dinoflagellates have begun to breed.

It is especially dangerous to eat mussels raw or half-raw. An allergy caused by mussels, as well as poisoning, is similar in symptoms to similar reactions to other types of seafood, only it can be more pronounced.

Clinical picture of food allergy to shrimp

Signs of a shrimp allergy come in many forms.

  1. Skin manifestations:
      Various rashes such as urticaria or eczema.
  2. Skin itching.
  3. Skin redness.
  4. Manifestations from the digestive system:
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Constipation.
  7. Swelling of the tongue, etc.
  8. From the nervous system:
  9. Irritability.
  10. Increased excitability, etc.
  11. From the respiratory system:
      Allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis.
  12. Suffocation.
  13. Edema of the larynx, etc.
  14. Anaphylactic shock.

Important! In patients suffering from severe forms of the disease, an allergic reaction may begin to the smell of the product or after touching it. In addition, people allergic to shrimp often experience a cross-allergic reaction to other seafood: lobsters, mussels, oysters, crayfish and lobsters.


When a patient reacts to seafood, symptoms begin to appear, as in the photo:

  • redness in the form of spots;
  • itching, burning;
  • rashes resembling eczema or hives.

Almost always there is a reaction to a digestive irritant:

  • a feeling of nausea, sometimes ending in vomiting;
  • swelling of the tongue, problems with swallowing;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • stomach ache.

The nervous system may respond with the following symptoms:

  • increased excitability;
  • unexplained irritability;
  • headache attacks.

It also affects the respiratory organs. The person is concerned about:

  • a feeling of suffocation associated with swelling of the larynx;
  • symptoms of allergic rhinitis;
  • signs characteristic of tracheobronchitis.

The rate of development of an allergic reaction on average ranges from 3 to 7 hours, but can be “delayed” for a whole day, when it is more difficult for a person to identify the “culprit” of his problems.

It also happens that the condition of an allergy sufferer sharply worsens in a matter of minutes; this usually happens in children. Red spots spread throughout the face and body, then other symptoms are added, and the temperature rises.

The most dangerous thing that an allergic reaction can lead to in patients of any age is anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. A patient who develops such alarming signs as a sharp drop in blood pressure, sweating, pale face, loss of consciousness, requires urgent medical attention, otherwise the consequences can be tragic.

Allergic reaction therapy

Treatment of an allergy to shrimp, with a proven reaction to this particular product, consists of excluding them from the diet, even in minimal quantities.

Antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, etc.) and intestinal enterosorbents (enterosgel, etc.) will help cope with the manifestations of an allergic reaction.

To eliminate skin itching and rashes, you can use glucocorticosteroid ointments and creams.

To get rid of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, special drops with antiallergic components are prescribed.

In severe cases (anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema, etc.), systemic glucocorticosteroids are used.

In addition, during the treatment period it is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet and monitor your diet.

To select dosages and choose a specific drug, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Symptoms of a seafood allergy

Symptoms of a seafood allergy vary from person to person and can occur within minutes of ingestion or even several hours later.

Clinical manifestations of seafood allergy:

– dyspeptic disorders; - nausea and vomiting; – pain in the abdomen; – diarrhea; - labored breathing; – lacrimation, conjunctivitis; – cyanosis or pallor of the skin; – rashes on the skin and oral mucosa; – swelling of the larynx and nasal mucosa; – severe itching of the skin; – headache, dizziness; – confusion and loss of consciousness; - Quincke's edema.

The manifestation of allergic reactions is individual for each individual person. Sometimes the reaction can be mild and short, and in other cases it can be more severe and prolonged. Allergic reactions also tend to get worse over time.

Infants and young children have the same signs and symptoms as adults. However, we should not forget that babies cannot tell what is happening to them, so adults must determine by the child’s reaction that something is wrong with him. First of all, you should pay attention to skin rashes and difficulty breathing.


When eating shrimp, the patient experiences a reaction from the body to the penetration of an allergic antibody. The main source of allergies is the protein tropomyosin, which leads to reactions in 80% of cases. Shrimp contain about 20% protein. The enzyme arginine kinase, which is found in large quantities in tiger shrimp, can also lead to allergies. In some cases, the culprits of this reaction in the body are food additives added to seafood during the cooking process. For example, flavorings or dyes.

More than half of people with intolerance to certain seafood products are also allergic to other similar products. This is due to the fact that they contain almost identical proteins. For example, if you are allergic to shrimp, you are likely to develop an allergic reaction to crayfish or squid.


The clinical symptoms of shrimp allergy will depend entirely on the amount of product consumed and on the body's individual response to allergic antibodies. First, hives occur, which is accompanied by severe itching. The skin in these areas becomes red and the temperature rises. A local inflammatory process begins.

Since this is a food reaction, gastrointestinal disorders in the form of vomiting or nausea, bloating and diarrhea are possible. Swelling of the tongue or lips, rashes in the mouth and itching in the palate appear. Additional symptoms include lacrimation, allergic runny nose and sneezing.

As a complication of an allergy to shrimp, systemic reactions of the body may occur in the form of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. A person experiences an attack of suffocation, blood pressure drops sharply, the skin becomes pale, and chest tightness appears. In the absence of timely medical care, death can occur.

Treatment for seafood allergies

A prerequisite for achieving the proper therapeutic effect is the complete exclusion from the diet of not only seafood, but also other potentially dangerous foods for allergy sufferers: honey, nuts, eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate and other goodies. The doctor then prescribes medication to alleviate the patient's condition.

Drug therapy includes the use of antihistamines. In case of severe skin reaction, hormonal ointments are used. If a reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock is observed, immunotherapy is prescribed to help suppress not only the reaction, but also the allergy mechanisms.

In young children, allergic reactions often go away by the age of 7. If this does not happen, they, just like adult patients, need to control their diet throughout their lives.

This article is for informational purposes only. Only specialists in a medical institution can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate one. Remember, self-medication is dangerous to your health!

Allergies can manifest themselves not only to exotic foods, but also to those that are in the refrigerator of every housewife. Previously, Dr. Komarovsky told how to determine that a child’s body is reacting incorrectly to eating eggs.


If the cause of an allergy to shrimp is reliably known, it is enough to simply avoid contact with the allergic substance. At the same time, other seafood that can cause cross-reactions is completely excluded from the diet. Sometimes even the odors of cooked seafood can trigger illness, so you should avoid places where food is prepared.

Antihistamines and adsorbents will help relieve the clinical manifestations of allergies. In severe cases, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance for the patient. During treatment, you should follow a special hypoallergenic diet and drink as much fluid as possible. You should always carry antihistamines with you to avoid serious complications in case of contact with an allergen.

Why are shrimp so popular?

Nutritional value
of shrimp Shrimp meat contains many vitamins, minerals, and valuable protein. Therefore, these marine inhabitants are highly valued by those who prefer to avoid eating meat products. In addition, shrimp are low in calories but high in cholesterol, so they can fill you up just as much as meat products.

Shrimp meat contains:

Shrimp are tasty and healthy, so many people become addicted to such products, not taking into account that there may be an allergy to shrimp.

There are many reasons that cause such a reaction:

All these factors lead to the fact that a person who has eaten such a shrimp eventually develops allergy symptoms.

Allergy to crustaceans

So how does it manifest itself?

It is believed that heat treatment helps get rid of the allergen in seafood. However, when heated, allergy pathogens in mollusks and crustaceans are almost not destroyed; they retain their activity. Typically, seafood allergies are caused by a muscle protein in fish and crustaceans called parvalbumin. It contains 113 amino acids. This combination represents an antigen for the human body. This explains the high...


How is a shrimp allergy diagnosed?

Symptoms: swelling of the face
It should be noted that allergic reactions to shrimp delicacy are not uncommon today. They are especially difficult in children. Most often, the cause of allergies is protein, which these marine inhabitants are so rich in. Often even the smell can lead to an attack.

In addition, if symptoms of the body’s sensitivity to these seafood are detected, then you should not eat mussels and oysters, which contain similar substances in their meat.

Important! If similar symptoms appear after eating shrimp, you will need the help of a doctor. If the attack is mild, then you can help the patient at home; in severe cases, hospitalization is required. If swelling of the larynx, tongue and lips appears, as well as itching of the skin, then the patient must be given immediate assistance. With further development of the attack, anaphylactic shock may occur. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply and symptoms of suffocation are observed. If timely assistance is not provided, the patient may die.

How to recognize a seafood allergy

The long-awaited summer is approaching.
Which means it's time for vacation. Everyone wants to go to the azure seashore to enjoy the fresh air, sea views and just relax. It's no secret that on vacation we want to try all kinds of delicacies, and being near the sea certainly involves eating seafood. Almost every tourist dreams of pampering himself with a delicacy that was just recently floating in the waves. Let's look at what seafood is. These include:

  • Seaweed
  • All types of crustaceans
  • Echinoderms
  • Shellfish

How are allergies diagnosed and treated?

Symptoms: swelling
Allergy to shrimp is determined quite well, so by taking a test to detect specific immunoglobulin E, you can identify the disease at a very early stage. If an increased level of this substance is detected, it means there is an allergy. In addition, the development of the disease can be determined using skin tests. However, an objective analysis result can be obtained only after remission has occurred.

However, it is worth noting that such tests are not performed on children. It is not allowed to use such diagnostics in early childhood.

Treatment for shrimp allergy is standard, as for most other types of this disease. First of all, eliminate contact with the allergen. However, you should not consume other seafood that has a similar composition. The fact is that symptoms of a cross-allergic reaction may develop.

The progress of drug treatment should be monitored by a doctor. Moreover, you should strictly follow his recommendations and not self-medicate. As a rule, in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you should take a course of antihistamines. Severe manifestations of allergies are treated with hormonal drugs. Skin rashes are treated with hydrocortisone ointments.

Important! If you have allergies, self-medication can be a deadly activity. It is very difficult to determine the exact dosage of a medicine; we should not forget that there can be a reaction to medications. Therefore, to avoid serious complications, it is better to entrust treatment to a specialist.

Allergic reaction to fish

Don’t forget while on vacation that allergies can occur not only to gourmet delicacies, but also

to the familiar fish in any form: smoked, fried, and can even appear if you eat chips with “fish and seafood” flavoring additives.

A reaction to fish is caused by the immune system, which mistakenly recognizes the substances contained in fish not as beneficial, but as a harmful product that should be disposed of immediately.

To protect your body, you should undergo an examination before resting. An allergy test is carried out by applying cuts to the hand. There is also a more modern technique, which consists in determining the level of specific immunoglobulin E in human blood.

Allergies are most often caused by red fish, as well as all its derivatives: fish chips, caviar, salads with flavorings and fish seasoning.

It is no secret to any allergy sufferer that you need to take an emergency set of medications with you on vacation. If you are not confident in your body, do not take risks, because it is better to deny yourself the consumption of certain foods than to ruin the holiday for yourself and your family.

Causes and symptoms of an allergic reaction of the body

Eating shrimp can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. This condition is provoked by special proteins that, upon contact with body cells, turn into a dangerous allergen. In 80% of cases, the source of the negative reaction is tropomyosin. The remaining 20% ​​comes from protein. An enzyme called arginine kinase can trigger the development of allergies. It is part of tiger shrimp and is the most dangerous.

However, allergies are not always associated with eating seafood in its pure form. Food additives included in products can lead to negative consequences.

Most people who are intolerant to shrimp cannot consume other foods that are similar in composition. This is due to the content of identical proteins in some foods.

The first manifestations can be recorded on the skin, in particular:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • thick rashes;
  • hives;
  • blisters.

Gradually, the development of an inflammatory process is observed, sometimes accompanied by elevated body temperature.

The overall picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • migraine;
  • swelling of the throat, which leads to breathing problems;
  • suffocation.

In the absence of timely assistance, the consequences can be aggravating. People with weak digestive systems are at double the risk. Restoring the gastrointestinal tract is not so easy, which can result in dehydration. In some cases, there remains a risk of developing anaphylactic shock, with sudden surges in pressure. This condition requires immediate help, otherwise death is possible.

Sometimes simply inhaling the aroma of shrimp is enough to make the condition worse.

This can lead to the development of severe symptoms requiring the use of antihistamines.

Treatment methods

A person suffering from a severe allergic reaction should completely eliminate shrimp from their diet. In most cases, allergies are triggered by a protein found in many seafood. To avoid negative reactions, you should avoid not only shrimp, but also crayfish. If the exact causes of the allergy are not clear, you can conduct an experiment. To do this, you need to eat a small amount of shrimp in the morning; if there are no negative symptoms, you can eat them constantly. A similar test is carried out with all seafood.

It is necessary to understand that self-testing for food susceptibility can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is better to resolve this issue together with your doctor. To do this, the patient donates venous blood for tests, and a specialist determines the content of a specific protein in it.

If severe symptoms occur, treatment for a shrimp allergy should be immediate. Allergy sufferers should immediately take an antihistamine; Zyrtec, Suprastin or Tavegil are suitable. Intestinal enterosorbents can restore the functioning of the entire body and alleviate the condition. Preference should be given to Enterosgel. In the absence of positive dynamics, it is advisable to call an ambulance.

Ointments and creams based on glucocorticosteroids will help eliminate skin itching and redness. These include: Dexamethasone and Prednisolone. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. Allergic rhinitis and accompanying manifestations will be eliminated by drops based on antiallergic components, in particular: Vibrocil and Centrin.

In addition, if you are not going to suffer from allergies for the rest of your life, you should start full-fledged treatment. This can be either modern methods of allergen-specific immunotherapy or the use of special agents (more details here).

This will alleviate the condition of the body and, in some cases, return to the use of a previously dangerous product. The optimal drugs, dosage and duration of use are selected by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

Allergy to shrimp: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Shrimp is a popular seafood and a strong allergen, so shrimp allergy is not so rare, and it is common among all age categories. The pathology most often affects people whose diet is dominated by Mediterranean cuisine.

Shrimp allergy is a form of food allergic reaction and should also be classified as a niche allergy to seafood.

As a rule, seafood intolerance is associated with their rich protein composition, so an allergy to shrimp is often combined with an allergy to fish, oysters, squid and other seafood.

The pathology can be hereditary and acquired, with the first form of the disease being more common. Acquired allergies are less common. It is caused by decreased immunity or systematic excessive consumption of shrimp.

If you have any questions, consult your doctor

To schedule a consultation, call or fill out the feedback form:

A shrimp allergy represents an increased sensitivity of the immune system to allergens contained in the product. The development of pathology is associated with a violation of the body's defense mechanisms. The immune system mistakenly perceives the protein contained in shrimp as a dangerous foreign substance.

The production of antigens aimed at eliminating the threat is activated in the blood. If the allergen accumulates in the blood in too large quantities, the immune system is not able to neutralize it on its own.

In this case, histamine is produced in the blood, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

Allergy to crustaceans (shrimp, crayfish, crabs, etc..)

Crustaceans are invertebrate organisms of the underwater type of sea or fresh and salt water. These invertebrate organisms, along with shellfish and fish, are included in the whole list of “seafood”.

Crustaceans are: crayfish, king prawns, tiger prawns, etc. types of shrimp, crabs, lobsters, scampi, shrimp, spider crabs and all kinds of other crabs.

Crustaceans are considered expensive and very tasty foods; Despite their high cost, due to their taste they are one of the best-selling seafood in the world.

From a nutritional point of view, crustaceans are included in the first group of staple foods.

They have a moderate supply of energy, contain proteins of high biological value, B vitamins and mineral macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc.).

They are also rich in astaxanthin (a provitamin A antioxidant), cholesterol, omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) and important trace minerals such as iodine, zinc and selenium.

Although crustaceans are nutritious, they have a very high allergic potency; therefore, like shellfish, they should be excluded from children's diets and replaced with hypoallergenic fish such as cod.

An allergy is an immunomodulated adverse reaction (release of certain immunoglobulins) against one or more well-defined peptide sequences.

In the case of food allergies, symptoms (of varying degrees of severity) appear after eating food containing these amino acid sequences; Depending on the case, these symptoms may occur almost immediately or many hours later (after digesting the food you are allergic to).

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Allergy to shrimp and crab is one of the most common and common allergies in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous and has an absolute record for the number of hospitalizations. It appears more often in adulthood than in juvenile (youth).

Allergy to mosquito bites (culicidosis)

Shellfish allergy is NOT synonymous with fish and shellfish allergy. That is, theoretically, those who suffer from allergic reactions to crustaceans can safely eat fish with bones (bream, anchovies, tuna, etc.

), cuttlefish, octopus, snails, mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, sea truffles, etc.

Note: Although statistically, crustacean allergy is more often definitive, it is not known for certain. It is highly case dependent, so there are no known methods for determining its duration.

In addition, if you are not going to suffer from allergies for the rest of your life, you should start full-fledged treatment. This can be either modern methods of allergen-specific immunotherapy or the use of special agents (more details).

Shrimp allergy: treatment

An acute allergy to shrimp requires immediate treatment to prevent the development of complications.

In case of anaphylactic shock, the victim is provided with first aid, which consists of intramuscular injection of adrenaline.

For angioedema, the patient is given antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs subcutaneously. The further treatment plan is prescribed for a period from several months to several years and consists of the following points:

  • diet;
  • use of local and oral medications;
  • specific immunotherapy.

The diet does not contain strict dietary restrictions, but it requires a complete abstinence from shrimp and other seafood. Drug therapy includes taking antihistamines and enzyme agents to strengthen the immune system.

Symptomatically, an allergy to shrimp is treated with hydrocortisone ointments that relieve itching and redness of the skin, nasal and eye drops. Specific immunotherapy is used for chronic allergies; it stimulates the body to develop resistance to a specific allergen.

The irritant substance is periodically injected in a safe amount under the skin so that the immune system neutralizes it on its own. Allergists call specific immunotherapy “allergy shots.”

Shrimp allergy: symptoms

The first signs of the disease appear 3-7 hours, and sometimes even a day after eating seafood. In severe cases, shrimp allergy occurs within a few minutes after eating. The rate of development of the pathological reaction, the severity and nature of the symptoms depend on the amount of product eaten.

The age of the patient and the state of the immune system play a fundamental role.

In children with weak immune systems, allergy manifestations occur almost immediately, while in adults, symptoms make themselves felt at least after 1-2 hours. The clinical picture of the pathology varies.

In some people, the respiratory system is affected, in others, digestion is disrupted or the skin becomes inflamed. An allergy to shrimp is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching all over the body;
  • bright red spots and rash on the arms, stomach, chest;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • nasal congestion, sneezing;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • dyspnea;
  • rapid pulse.

In children, the manifestations of an allergic reaction look somewhat different. After eating shrimp, bright red spots appear on the child’s face (in particular, on the cheeks), indicating the development of diathesis.

With a strong inflammatory process, the spots spread to the baby’s body.

The skin reaction is accompanied by a persistent increase in temperature, dry paroxysmal cough, abdominal cramps and increased gas production.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should seek help from an allergist or allergist-immunologist. If your child is allergic to shrimp, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your pediatrician. In the absence of medical care, there is a risk of complications. The most dangerous consequence of the disease is anaphylactic shock.

The condition is characterized by a drop in blood pressure, slow pulse, pale skin, sweating, and loss of consciousness. Anaphylactic shock often leads to the death of the victim. Also complications of allergies include Quincke's edema, in which the skin on the face or body undergoes severe swelling.

The tumor makes breathing difficult and prevents the patient from eating and speaking normally.

Can pumpkin be allergenic?


An allergy to shrimp can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • there are rashes on the body;
  • eczema, urticaria;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • unbearable itching.
  • slight tingling of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • swelling of the tongue, lips;
  • constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • sudden attacks of headache;
  • apathy or hyperexcitability;
  • attacks of unreasonable irritability;

  • allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis are observed;
  • Quincke's edema, accompanied by suffocation;
  • anaphylactic shock.

It must be remembered that with complications such as Quincke's edema (extensive urticaria) and anaphylactic shock, allergy symptoms can increase rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the patient with emergency medical care. Before the doctors arrive, you can give any antihistamine (Erius, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.).

  • sea ​​fish;
  • crabs;
  • oysters;
  • lobsters;
  • mussels;
  • anchovies;
  • sea ​​kale.

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