Causes of parrot allergies, symptoms and how to overcome the disease

No one is immune from allergies. This is a rather insidious disease that can ruin a person not only one day, but his whole life. Very often, people do not even suspect that they are experiencing an allergic reaction to a certain product or item. Almost every tenth person on earth experiences discomfort when being near a bird. That is why, before purchasing a budgerigar, cockatiel or other pet parrot, you should make sure that each family member living in the area with the future feathered pet is not allergic.

Symptoms of parrot allergy in adults

Despite the fact that pets can relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, such friendship can be ruined by allergies.

As mentioned earlier, only medical equipment can prevent an incipient allergy to exotic birds.

But, as practice shows, not every parrot owner undergoes such testing.

Therefore, you can prevent allergies in the bud if you detect the symptoms of the disease in time:

  • itching in the eye area and lacrimation, redness in this area;
  • runny nose, as well as frequent sneezing, typical signs of allergic rhinitis;
  • dry cough without sputum, characteristic wheezing during breathing;
  • lack of air and difficulty breathing, that is, signs similar to bronchial asthma;
  • itching on any part of the epidermis, slight swelling and redness, much less often a rash.

The last sign of allergy is quite rare in allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate the presence of birds.

What causes parrot allergies?

After a long time of research and experiments, experts were able to find two reasons for the negative reaction of the human body to an exotic bird.

  1. Antigens are proteins found in the saliva of parrots. When cleaning feathers with its beak, the parrot transfers them to its feathers; in addition, they can be found in the scales of the bird's skin and in droppings.
  2. Ticks that often infect parrots and accumulate parasitic waste products, thereby provoking such reactions in the human body.

How allergies arise and begin

The same protein that is produced by the parrot’s body is a light substance and quickly spreads to all surrounding objects, and also accumulates in the respiratory tract of the parrot’s owner.

If experts were to examine the parrot's owner's home, they would be able to easily detect protein antigens in all household items, furniture, belongings and on the floor.

In a person whose body is predisposed to allergies, the immune system is more susceptible to such antigens.

If for a healthy person bird proteins are just dust, for a potential allergy sufferer such antigens are a serious threat. This reaction creates a large release of histamine, as well as many other biologically active substances.

In addition, rarely, but still, the provocateurs of a person’s allergic reaction may not be an exotic bird indoors, but previously purchased new brands of parrot food and synthetic bird supplements with vitamins.

Alveolitis – a companion of intolerance

Problems with pulmonary breathing during an acute allergic reaction lead to compaction of the lower parts of the lungs, which can lead to even greater shortness of breath. Due to the inflammatory process, air does not enter the body. Alveolitis develops after rhinitis of allergic origin, inflammation of the eyes. In this case, a complete refusal to keep parrots is required.

Alveolitis usually occurs in children. When the irritant begins to interact with the fragile organism, the symptoms quickly increase.

6-7 hours after the immune system is damaged, a barking cough, chills, and shortness of breath begin. The child breathes heavily, becomes lethargic, drowsy, and joint and muscle pain is possible. Weakness and lack of appetite suddenly occur. These signs can quickly go into the acute phase - due to the rapid enlargement of the alveoli, the volume of the lungs decreases by 4 times. The child experiences oxygen starvation. Symptoms of cyanosis occur - blueness of the legs and arms, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

How does a parrot allergy manifest?

As mentioned earlier, the first allergy factors are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort to a person.

  • Signs that are characteristic of conjunctivitis are tearing in the eye area and their redness.
  • A set of signs typical of allergic rhinitis – runny nose, frequent sneezing.
  • Soreness in the larynx during inhalation or exhalation.
  • Insufficient air and difficulty breathing.
  • Itching in the nasal cavity, throat and mouth.
  • Rash, swelling and itching of the epidermis.

And if you do not identify the signs of allergies in time, and also do not seek help from an allergist, such manifestations of the disease will worsen.

Long-term allergies will now be accompanied by nosebleeds, loss of smell, and severe headaches.

Types of allergies to parrots

In order for a doctor to prescribe the correct set of measures to treat parrot allergies, you need to correctly determine the type of disease.


In the case of a bird allergy, a person with alveolitis will affect the lungs.

In the alveoli of such internal organs, the alveoli will become enlarged, which prevents the passage of oxygen to the lungs.

In children with this type of allergy, the disease requires immediate medical treatment.

If the disease worsens, treatment of alveolitis will only be possible in a hospital.

And only by giving up ownership of a parrot can such a disease be cured.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis

A disease that initially manifests itself as abundant, unjustified lacrimation from the eyes.

A sick person will experience a sensation as if a foreign body has entered the eyes.

There are cases when itching was accompanied not only in the eye area, but also on the eyelids.

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms by removing the parrot from the premises.

Allergic rhinitis

An allergy that is accompanied by profuse nasal discharge, itching and frequent sneezing.

And a person’s big mistake would be the decision to resort to the help of sprays or drops with a vasoconstrictor effect.

As practice shows, such medications only intensify the manifestation of rhinitis.

If medical attention is refused, allergic rhinitis can manifest itself as nosebleeds, as well as severe and prolonged headaches.

By what signs can you identify an allergy?

An allergy to a feather pillow is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. They occur when exposed to an allergen substance. The nature of the process, depending on the onset of the manifestation of its symptoms, can be different - instantaneous or delayed.

In the first case, the immune system begins to immediately react to the “hostile” component and produce histamine. With a delayed process, symptoms appear a few days after contact with a chicken feather pillow.

To understand that an allergic reaction has begun, signs that are combined help:

  • severe congestion of the nasal passages occurs with the active formation of mucous secretions;
  • the person begins to sneeze frequently with clear mucus;
  • he experiences severe itching in the nasopharynx and feels sore;
  • a cough appears (dry), it is defined as paroxysmal, barking;
  • the skin of the face turns red, swelling (bags) appears under the eyes;
  • Tears constantly flow from the eyes, their sclera has an inflamed appearance;
  • breathing becomes rapid or short, sometimes whistling occurs when exhaling;
  • sweat glands begin to work actively;
  • skin changes are possible - the appearance of rashes, dermatitis or urticaria (more often observed in children);
  • the process is usually not accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • one feels weak, overwhelmed, irritable, and tearful.

The symptoms of an allergy to a feather pillow are similar to the onset of a common cold. If you start traditional cold treatment, the symptoms will persist.

Allergy to budgies

If you are the owner of a budgerigar and you suspect that you have a bird allergy, take a closer look at its symptoms and first signs.

Budgerigar allergy symptoms:

  1. swelling of the skin;
  2. severe swelling of the mucous membrane and bronchospasms;
  3. cough, as well as frequent sneezing;
  1. redness of the eyes, itching and watery eyes.

Such an allergy cannot be extinguished without eliminating the very cause of the disease.

Prolonged contact with an exotic bird will only worsen the condition.

Allergy to parrots in children

Budgerigar allergies in children

It's no secret that most often having a parrot is the cherished dream of children.

Therefore, among potential allergy sufferers, children are most often found.

If in adults the symptoms of allergy have already been established, for children the first signs of the disease may differ significantly.

Symptoms of a child's parrot allergy:

  • seals on the alveoli, which causes breathing difficulties;
  • obstruction in the bronchi, as well as in the lungs;
  • cough that gets worse every day;
  • uneven air circulation within the body;
  • Lung capacity is reduced by 3-4 times;
  • noticeable shortness of breath appears.

Over time, a mild form of alveolitis can progress to the next stage - subacute, and in advanced cases - into an acute form of allergy.

Unfortunately, the acute stage of the disease is typical for young children, when poultry protein enters the lungs through the respiratory tract and aggravates the course of the allergy.

Symptoms of acute alveolitis:

  1. after 6 hours the child begins to feel chills, which is accompanied by noticeable shortness of breath;
  2. the body becomes weak, the child finds it difficult to breathe;
  3. lack of oxygen provokes cyanosis of the skin of the extremities and mucous membranes of the body.

Chronic alveolitis will be accompanied by cough and typical allergy shortness of breath, pain in the bones and muscles, weakness and fatigue, lack of appetite and weight loss.

Danger of disease

Allergies are especially dangerous for children. The child’s immune system, which is not fully formed, reacts very sharply to irritants. The allergic reaction in such cases occurs especially quickly, bypassing the initial stage and turning into severe forms.

Children develop shortness of breath, chills and weakness literally in a matter of minutes . Oxygen starvation is also observed. Therefore, you cannot delay visiting a doctor, otherwise a common allergic reaction will develop into a chronic disease.

In adults, immunity is already formed. Many people get away with just a runny nose and slight redness on the skin without any complications. In addition, the list of antihistamines for adults is much wider. The main danger of an allergic condition is the risk of anaphylactic shock in severe cases and the development of concomitant infectious diseases.

Parrot allergy treatment

If allergic reactions in an adult are easier to suppress and adapt to maintenance therapy, then treatment of a small child should be immediate so that irreversible processes do not begin.

  • The primary treatment measure will be to eliminate the cause of the allergy. That is, contact with the bird will be impossible in the future.
  • The area where you live should be wet cleaned to remove any remaining poultry protein.
  • As prescribed by an allergist, you need to take antihistamines orally or locally. It is forbidden to prescribe medicine to a child yourself.
  • In case of alveolitis or shortness of breath, the allergist should prescribe bronchodilators.
  • In a situation where the allergy has progressed to an acute form, the child is sent to an inpatient course of treatment. The package of measures will include gymnastics, chest massage, and oxygen inhalations.

In difficult situations, treatment for a parrot allergy can last more than one month.

Treatment options

The method of allergy relief depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Adults are prescribed stronger and more effective drugs, while children are given gentle drugs with less impact.

Medicines for adults and children

Antihistamines are used to relieve allergies. They block receptors responsible for the appearance of symptoms due to contact with an irritant. On sale you can find 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation products.

1st generation drugs can be used as an anesthetic. They reduce tension in muscle tissue, blocking allergy symptoms. To relieve symptoms, at least three tablets per day are required.

This group includes:

  • "Fenkarol";
  • "Diazolin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Tavegil".

For reference! 1st generation antihistamines cause drowsiness and at the same time a partial loss of concentration, so they should be used with caution, especially by drivers.

2nd generation products do not have a pronounced sedative effect. In addition, one tablet a day is enough to relieve symptoms. Doctors prescribe drugs from this particular group to combat prolonged allergies.

Popular 2nd generation antihistamines:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Claridol";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Lomilan."

3rd generation drugs are almost instantly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, which means they begin to act much faster. They are completely devoid of sedative effect and are used to relieve allergic pathologies of all types.

Popular 3rd generation drugs:

  • "Lordestin";
  • "Glenset";
  • "Erius";
  • "Xyzal."

As for children's antihistamines, they cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. If a child has an allergic reaction, then the only right decision is to consult a pediatrician. Only a specialist will select an effective, and most importantly safe, remedy. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Additional measures

At the first sign of an allergic reaction, its source must be eliminated. The parrot will either have to be returned to the seller, or given to relatives or friends. Afterwards, you should get rid of all attributes in one way or another related to keeping the bird. Sanitation of the premises will also be required.

If there are doubts about the source of the allergy, the pet can be temporarily placed in a shelter. Once the specific irritant has been identified through laboratory testing, a final decision can be made.


  • wash bed linen and curtains in intensive mode;
  • knock out pillows, mattresses;
  • vacuum upholstered furniture, carpets, covers and other fleecy interior items;
  • wash all smooth surfaces with soapy water;
  • ventilate all rooms.

During sanitization, the allergy sufferer will have to be placed in another apartment, because the concentration of dust and allergens will be especially high.

It is also useful to read: How to choose a budgie

How do you know if you have such an allergy?

To determine exactly whether a child or an adult is susceptible to such an allergy to all kinds of parrots, they resort to several methods that are popular today.

  1. A visit to an allergist and his consultation. To do this, the doctor will prescribe skin tests and also conduct specialized tests.
  2. Direct interaction with the bird being potentially purchased from the breeder. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to one or two visits; for signs of the disease to appear, you will need prolonged contact with the exotic bird.

In general, people who are susceptible to allergic reactions to other irritants are more likely to be allergic to parrots.

Take care of yourself and be happy with your parrots!


Before buying a bird or when there have already been allergic symptoms, you should undergo a diagnosis. A set of tests involves a consultation with an allergist, including tests and skin tests. You can also go to visit friends who have parrots. During contact with them, monitor the body’s reaction. Sometimes the allergy does not appear the first time, so you need to “communicate” with the bird for up to 1 month. It is effective to help your friends clean the bird's cage, since most of the allergens are contained in droppings, feathers and scales.

If there is any deterioration in the condition, this should alert you. If there is a possible risk of an inadequate immune response, it is advisable to refuse to buy a pet.

When you really want to buy a feathered friend, you need to have a separate room to keep the cage in it. The risk of developing an inappropriate reaction increases in those who suffer from allergies to other irritants of any type. The debut of the disease is also possible with weak protective functions of the body. If there are people in your family who are intolerant to parrots, it is not advisable to have a pet.

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