Allergic skin reactions in children under one year of age are a common occurrence, but not everyone knows
Even in ancient times, wise healers knew that every human illness has a psychological basis.
It often happens that the most harmless, at first glance, things can be fraught with danger.
One of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system, which is characterized by spasms in the bronchi, is bronchial
Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Drug allergy is sensitization (sensitivity) of the body to certain drugs
If an allergic reaction occurs, you always need to clarify what exactly caused the alarming symptoms. There is a lot
Often people with allergies have to change medications several times to find one that suits them.
There are two completely opposite opinions about the benefits and harms of flax seeds. Some consider the seed
The increasing frequency of allergy attacks is a negative consequence of the development of technological progress, affecting people's health. IN
Is the fruit an allergenic product or not? The allergen is not the fruit itself, but the substances