Why does hives appear on the hands and what is the correct treatment? Expert answers

The appearance of a rash on the hands can be due to many reasons. If a rash appears on your hands and itches, you should try not to scratch it, as there is a possibility of infection with your nails. Common causes of rashes include:

  • the appearance of an allergic reaction;
  • presence of infection;
  • the occurrence of a reaction to colds;
  • presence of problems with the digestive tract;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • the occurrence of dermatitis, etc.

Treatment of rashes and itching depends on the causes that caused them.

Atopic dermatitis

The manifestation of atopic dermatitis most often occurs in the first months of a person’s life. But this pathology can manifest itself in adolescence or older age. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of a red rash, which causes a lot of discomfort, and severe itching on the skin of the face, neck, hands, as well as in other natural folds and folds of the body. The skin becomes dry and flaky to the touch. If dermatitis has a long course, then increased keratinization of the skin may occur, which thickens and the natural pattern on it intensifies. More than one generation faces atopic dermatitis in one family, i.e. there is a clearly defined hereditary predisposition.

Around eyes

Basically, a red, really dry and itchy rash can develop around the eyes, causing a lot of discomfort and pain. There are many reasons that can cause rashes around the eyes, such as:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Allergic reaction
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Lyme disease
  • Reaction to rubber products (for example, swimming goggles).

Treatment of rashes on hands

To relieve symptoms and reduce itching, you can use cold compresses and hypoallergenic cooling ointments. In addition, you can wash your face using a decoction of chamomile, celandine and string. These herbs can be made into ice cubes which are then applied to the skin.

To treat a rash on your hands, you need to see a doctor who will examine the skin, prescribe tests and make a diagnosis. Treatment should focus on the cause of the rash.

To treat a rash on the hands, antiallergic drugs can be prescribed, hormonal therapy can be used in the form of topical ointments or the use of systemic drugs (tablets, injections).

After a course of treatment has been completed, in order to avoid relapses, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoiding contact with plants and objects that may cause allergies;
  • stop eating foods that are not suitable for you;
  • regularly carry out personal hygiene using soaps and shower gels that contain a minimum amount of fragrances and artificial colors;
  • wiping hands with wet sanitary napkins after handling money or traveling on public transport.


The cause of a symptom such as a rash on a child’s hands depends on various factors. Rashes can be caused by pathogenic microbes, chemicals, mites, or the body’s reactions to allergens.


Allergic reaction. The baby may have eaten, touched, or put on something, causing the top layer of skin to react in the form of rashes on the arms, legs, cheeks, or the entire face, neck, butt, abdomen, feet, and chest . Most often, parents do not immediately notice a skin reaction to an allergen, so it is sometimes difficult to determine which object or food is the culprit of the unpleasant symptoms.

The most dangerous thing is prolonged contact with the allergen, the surface of the skin itches, and the number of rashes increases.

Atopic dermatitis

This type of dermatitis is an indicator of the presence of a congenital allergy. In such cases, a rash on the child’s hands appears with frequent contact with a certain allergen. Most often, the allergic rash that appears with this disease is located symmetrically on the skin. It can be found on the legs, face, butt, both hands, elbows, cheeks, stomach, between the legs and on the fingers. The rashes themselves are represented by small blisters.

Blisters of atopic dermatitis may become wet and burst, after which they are covered with a dry crust. It happens that a dry rash itches.

Infections and viruses

Rashes can appear as a result of certain infectious diseases. Basically, the manifestations characteristic of such diseases can be observed primarily on the torso (chest or abdomen), on the hands, wrists and fingers. Parents may notice the rash already at the moment when it spreads to the limbs. However, when infected with the Coxsackie virus, a small red rash will be localized only in the arm area.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

If a child has a small red rash on his hands , then you should take a closer look at his hygiene after playing outside. After each walk, the child should wash his hands thoroughly. Rashes due to poor hygiene are often accompanied by severe itching.


In children's groups, for example, in kindergarten, you can often find a parasite that causes scabies. The disease is spread by the scabies mite, which is transmitted from an infected child through the touch of hands, as well as through objects that he used. With this disease, rashes can be observed between the fingers . The child is bothered by severe itching. With scabies, the rash appears in the form of blisters, small plaques and pimples.

If a parasitic infection of the skin of the hands is detected, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment.


Prolonged and severe stress can provoke a rash, which is of a nervous nature. Similar rashes are observed on the legs, face, butt, cheeks, stomach, neck, chest and arms .
These rashes are accompanied by itching at a time when the child is nervous or worried.

How to treat a rash with folk remedies | Portal about traditional medicine

How to treat a rash.

If you are worried about severe allergies, rashes, how to treat and what to do - questions that do not leave your head. But before you start your own treatment with the help of folk remedies and ointments that are in your medicine cabinet, it is better to identify and eliminate the cause of this reaction of the body.

Allergies are no joke. If you continue constant contact with the allergen, no pills will help you. Quincke's edema occurs completely unexpectedly, and if you do not react very quickly, it takes a person's life. In addition, sometimes a rash on the body can indicate serious problems in the functioning of the body.

What causes hives

There can be many causes of rashes, and only a qualified doctor can determine them. There are many subtleties in this matter on which proper treatment depends. An inexperienced eye can only determine by sight the type of pimples appearing on the skin and roughly understand the reasons for this phenomenon. The following types of rash exist:

  1. Blisters, sometimes large. They appear due to bites from poisonous animals or burns from plants.
  2. Red or pale spots. Such an allergy indicates serious illnesses occurring in the body. It could be dermatitis, typhoid fever, or roseola. Check your condition with the symptoms of these diseases and, if necessary, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  3. Very red, swollen areas that look like burns. These manifestations are called erythema. It occurs due to a very strong allergic reaction to something. It may also indicate erysipelas or rheumatism.
  4. Bright pimples, ranging from burgundy to purple, indicate toxic poisoning, blood diseases, scurvy, hemophilia and leukemia.
  5. Small bubbles with transparent contents are most often a symptom of allergic dermatitis. But it could also be eczema, chickenpox, lichen or herpes. If such an allergy appears in a child, this may indicate Staphylococcus aureus, especially if the blisters are filled with pus.
  6. Pimples of unusual color that change the elasticity and structure of the skin indicate dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and lichen. Sometimes this is a reaction to warts or papillomas.
  7. Allergies, manifested in the form of pustules, are typical for children. This is a reaction to severe irritation. It can also be a reaction to boils, a manifestation of acne, pyoderma.
  8. Very large pimples have nothing to do with allergic reactions. They are provoked by various infections and bacteria. These include syphilis, leprosy, skin tuberculosis and cancer.

How to treat an allergic rash

How to get rid of an allergy rash? It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main rule is that if the rash begins abruptly and suddenly, treatment should be started immediately. If this happens during a meal, it must be stopped immediately.

If you experience the first symptoms of anaphylactic shock - swelling, redness, severe itching, pain, difficulty breathing - call an ambulance. Allergy rash, how to cure it quickly, is an important point in therapy.

If the patient is not helped in the first hours, he will die.

If you are sure that it is an allergy and not an infection, carefully analyze everything you ate. Consider whether you have recently consumed any new foods.

Even new bedding or a jacket can trigger an allergy. Monitor your well-being carefully.

If there are any signs of incipient suffocation, tell someone close to you and call an ambulance.

If the allergy begins after taking any medicine or injection, stop taking it immediately. If allergies are not a concern, read the instructions and composition of the medicine. Perhaps it is a matter of individual intolerance to any components or incorrect administration or exceeded dosage. Sometimes urticaria occurs as a side effect.

Any symptoms that are unusual for you are a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible. These include fever, unusual color of rashes or severe swelling.

If nothing like this is observed, you can cure the disease yourself. Take any antihistamines, preferably already tested. Caution: Many of them cause severe drowsiness.

After taking it for several hours, it is better not to take on anything that requires concentration.

Apply hydrocortisone ointment to the area of ​​the rash. Do not use this remedy too often, as in large doses it can be addictive. For the next few days, use baby or laundry soap when washing. Wear clothes made of natural fabric, preferably in soft, natural colors.

Treatment of urticaria with folk remedies

If you are suffering from an allergy rash and you do not know how to cure this leprosy, consult a doctor. But if the symptoms are not serious, the pimples are barely reddish in color, and the disease looks like a common allergy, you can remove the rash on your own. Also, traditional methods are perfect for pregnant and nursing mothers who are trying with all their might to reduce the intake of any medications.

One of the popular methods is a decoction of oak bark. It should be applied to all allergy-affected areas several times a day, and then there will be no trace of the symptoms.

This decoction can also heal wounds that occur due to scratching acne. You can buy rosehip oil extract at your nearest pharmacy.

To get rid of allergies this way, apply the extract to a napkin and wet the affected areas with it. You can use this remedy once or twice a day.

Another great way to cure allergies is an ointment prepared with your own hands from elecampane. To do this, you need to take its roots, dry them and chop them.

A handful of crushed plant should be mixed with 4-5 tbsp. l. unsalted lard. The resulting mixture must be boiled and strained. Then the medicine must be placed in a glass jar and tightly closed with a lid.

This ointment will help against inflammation, itching and flaking.

The ingredient for the next treatment method grows in everyone's garden. This is an ordinary cabbage leaf. It needs to be beaten off and attached to the affected area of ​​the skin. You need to leave it like that for 2-3 days. After removing, wash the skin underneath and reapply the sheet. Repeat the procedure several more times.

If you are worried about very severe itching, do not use lotions, but juices and water infusions. It is best to use horsetail, hawthorn and pansies in such cases.

Also in this case, you can use baths made from decoctions of devyatsil, Omsk chestnut or burdock. To do this, take tsp. herbs, previously dried and crushed, and throw them into ½ cup of boiling water.

Boil the resulting infusion for 5 minutes.

Prevention of urticaria

Prevention is a very important aspect in treating the disease. But as far as allergies are concerned, it will not save you.

You can be wary of unfamiliar foods your whole life, buy only high-quality clothes, avoid pets, but one day you suddenly wake up with your face reddened from your favorite nuts. The allergy is sudden.

It appears and disappears, sometimes even several hours after contact with the component that caused it.

Therefore, preventive measures apply only to children who are susceptible to this disease. Your child may be seriously affected by allergies if:

  1. You or other relatives are susceptible to severe allergies.
  2. Before the age of one year, the child suffered from viral diseases or was treated with antibiotics.
  3. He is bottle-fed.
  4. During pregnancy you had a viral disease.

The essence of prevention is to carefully keep a diary. You should write down everything your child has eaten, what medications he has taken, what you use to clean his room, and what has already caused an allergic reaction. Use only hypoallergenic chemicals for washing and cleaning. Keep his room clean and don't allow dust to accumulate.

An allergy is not always a harmless rash that does not cause any harm to the body. Sometimes it can be fatal.

Sometimes a couple of small pimples can reveal a very serious disease that has just begun its destructive work in the body.

And, if detected in time due to the manifestation of an allergy, it will not cause any harm.

Rash treatment with folk remedies at home.

Skin rash (impetigo) is a staphylococcal or streptococcal skin infection. It is undoubtedly the most contagious disease in the world. Treatment of rashes using folk remedies often shows better results than drug treatment.

Rash treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for treating rashes - tinctures

For this recipe you will need white lily petals. They must be filled with vodka or alcohol diluted with water. Let it brew for two weeks. Use as a cleansing toner. It is preferable to wipe your skin with it before going to bed.

For the folk remedy you will need: cornflower flowers (ten grams), water (300 milliliters). Preparation: Pour boiling water over the above blue cornflower flowers, let it brew for two hours, drink a quarter glass, three times a day.

Clover tincture is also a good remedy for rashes. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of leaves per half glass of vodka.

Also suitable for treating rashes is sage tincture, which is quite easy to prepare. You will need a tablespoon of sage leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, then the composition must be infused for a week. After the composition has infused, wipe your face several times a day.

Traditional recipes for decoctions for treating rashes

Treatment of rashes also includes a remedy such as a decoction of nettle, sage, and burdock leaves. Pour the above-mentioned plants with water, boil, remove from heat, and let cool until warm.

You will need nettles. To prepare this decoction: pour three tablespoons of pre-crushed nettle into two glasses of water, boil for up to five minutes, let it brew for one hour, take half a glass orally two to three times a day.

Sundew decoction. For the folk remedy you will need: two teaspoons of pre-dried sundew herb or English sundew. Preparation: pour two glasses of boiling water over the sundew, let it brew for one hour. For rashes, use two tablespoons, three times a day in small sips.

The string also has healing and antiseptic properties, so take some dried string and grind it into powder. Then brew with boiling water to obtain a steep decoction.

Let it brew for twenty minutes. After this, take a few tablespoons of white clay and mix with the broth until smooth.

So, the mask to cure the rash is ready, use it 3 times a week and you will forget about the rashes once and for all.

Juices according to folk recipes for the treatment of rashes

Regular carrot juice can get rid of rashes. Take a glass of it twice a day. Usually, a few days are enough for your skin to radiate beauty and health again.

Source: https://zdorovyavsem.ru/bolezni/kak-lechit-syp-narodnymi-sredstvami


Although the symptoms of different types of rashes can be quite similar, treatment will depend on what is causing the skin irritation. For example, if the allergy is a reaction to metal and a rash develops on the wrist after wearing a new bracelet for 24 hours, it is best not to wear this jewelry again. Likewise, if someone develops an allergy after applying a new cosmetic or perfume, it will be necessary to discontinue use of that product. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. If the rash is caused by an allergy, then taking antihistamines will help reduce redness, irritation and pain. If the rash spreads to other parts of the body or disturbing signs appear, such as fever, high temperature, you should go to the doctor for a comprehensive examination. Doctors most often prescribe:

  • antihistamines;
  • corticosteroid ointments and lotions for irritated skin;
  • antibiotic ointments;
  • corticosteroids;
  • ultraviolet light phototherapy;
  • biological or other therapy using immunomodulators.

For example, the antibiotic Doxycycline is recommended for the treatment of spotted fever, and if taken in a timely manner, patients experience rapid recovery.


Diagnosis and treatment of this condition is carried out by dermatologists, allergists, immunologists and pediatricians (if the disease appeared in childhood). In addition to consulting these specialists, it is also necessary to undergo the following examinations:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determination of the amount of immunoglobulin E;
  • allergy skin tests (if the allergen cannot be identified);
  • consultations with specialized specialists (to exclude chronic diseases of internal organs).

Dry rash in a child

This photo shows eczema.
Children often suffer from it and then usually outgrow it. Although it is normal for babies to have the occasional minor rash on their body, in rare cases they experience dry skin that is irritating and too bothersome for the baby.

Some of the main causes of dry rashes in children are:

  • Baby acne
  • Eczema
  • Erythema toxicum
  • Hives
  • Impetigo
  • Ringworm.

Treatment options

Hives on the fingers are treated within two weeks.

Only a doctor can determine the exact treatment regimen. You should not self-medicate based on the experience of friends or people from the Internet. Each person has their own contraindications and reactions, which only a specialist can take into account.

The disease itself goes away as the allergen is eliminated from the body. To speed up this process, doctors prescribe:

  • enterosorbents;
  • diuretics;
  • special food that does not contain allergens and involves drinking large amounts of liquid.

In addition, the patient will undergo symptomatic treatment with:

  • anti-inflammatory ointments that reduce itching (they can be hormonal and non-hormonal);
  • sedatives;
  • antiallergic drugs (taking antihistamines is a must for any form of urticaria).

Additionally, folk remedies are used. With their help, you can only cure the symptoms, and not the disease itself, so you should not replace home treatment with medication.

The following can be used as effective remedies for urticaria relief:

  1. Diuretic herbs, for example, a decoction of raspberry roots.
  2. Anti-inflammatory agents, such as mint tincture, chamomile and thyme decoctions, castor oil and celandine juice.
  3. Soothing decoctions and tinctures, for example, from valerian root. A side effect of these drugs is increased drowsiness.

Prognosis and complications

As a rule, if treatment is started on time, the prognosis for the course of the disease is favorable. Complications arise from improper and untimely treatment. The most common consequences of urticaria on the hands include:

  • chronicity of the process;
  • secondary infection;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • development of other allergic diseases (for example, atopic dermatitis).

The complications described above are classified as serious conditions that require specialist intervention. Therefore, to avoid their occurrence, you need to contact a medical institution if a child or adult has the first symptoms of the disease.

Classification of the disease by forms and types

Urticaria has two forms - acute and chronic.

They differ from each other in the regularity of their appearance and the course of the disease.

  • Acute urticaria develops within a few hours after contact with the allergen, and pronounced symptoms appear: rash, itching, fever. With proper treatment, symptoms of the disease can be eliminated within 2 weeks.
  • Chronic occurs in the absence of acute treatment. In this case, symptoms of the disease may appear for reasons unrelated to an allergic reaction to a specific product or physical impact. In some cases, the rash does not go away from the body for months. Chronic urticaria on the fingers looks less noticeable and is characterized by the absence of severe itching.

There are many more types of urticaria. This is due to many possible reasons for the development of the disease, for which the following types of urticaria are distinguished:

  1. Medicinal, where medications act as an irritant.
  2. Contact, when the rash appeared after touching the skin of the hands to the allergen.
  3. Food - if the product that caused the rash was ingested.
  4. Dermographic, when symptoms of the disease appeared after squeezing the limbs with tight clothing.
  5. Solar is the same photodermatosis. Urticaria after sunbathing is one of the rare forms of its manifestation.
  6. Thermal, or cold, occurs after the ambient temperature drops.
  7. Traumatic. The cause is injury or skin disease.
  8. Miliaria is a reaction to your own sweat, which appears too abundantly on the surface of the skin.

In some cases, you can immediately determine why hives appeared on the forearms and wrists. In another situation, the help of a specialist will be required to accurately identify the irritant.

Lack of hygiene

Insufficient hygiene or lack thereof causes rashes not only in children, but also in adults when working in unfavorable conditions. Such rashes appear in the form of diaper rash, small spots of red, pink or dots. They can be localized only on the hands or spread throughout the body.

Picture 13

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements in some cases leads to the penetration of staphylococcal infections into the body. This provokes the development of vesiculopustulosis. The pathology is accompanied by a rash not only on the hands, but throughout the body. The rash looks like small red pimples that are very itchy.

The danger of the disease is that with mechanical damage, the blisters begin to burst, and the rash spreads to larger areas. Over time, it may appear on the chest, legs and other parts of the body.

The causes of the rash may vary. In order to correctly identify the disease of which the rash is a symptom, you should consult a specialist. Only an experienced doctor can carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, correctly determine the cause and type of the disease, and prescribe treatment.

Picture 14

How to prevent recurrence

The first appearance of urticaria indicates that a person’s immune system is not all right - there is an overly violent reaction to some irritants. The ideal solution would be to undergo tests from an allergist and immunologist to identify an exact list of causes of urticaria in a particular patient. Next, you will need to protect yourself from irritants in the following ways:

  1. Special diet. Relevant for people with a tendency to food allergies.
  2. Clothes made from natural materials with a cut that prevents squeezing the hands. This measure will help you no longer encounter heat rash and dermographic urticaria.
  3. Reducing time spent in the sun. Use of protective creams and body-concealing clothing. In this way, a person with photodermatosis can be protected from relapse of the disease.
  4. Monitoring indoor air temperature and dressing appropriately for the weather for people with the thermal variant of the disease.
  5. Taking any medications only after consulting a doctor for patients with drug-induced urticaria.
  6. Cleaning and dishwashing wear protective gloves to avoid contact urticaria due to exposure to detergents.

Urticaria on the hands is a disease that in most cases is not dangerous to human health and life. But the unpleasant itching and rash that accompany it makes us look for urgent measures to treat and prevent relapses. A timely visit to a doctor will allow you to correctly diagnose the cause of the allergy and quickly get rid of the rash on your hands.

On the genitals

Genital rashes can be caused by non-infectious conditions such as allergic reactions, irritation, inflammation or infectious diseases. Many infectious conditions are spread through sexual contact, but not all.

The underlying cause of the rash needs to be treated. However, regardless of this, separate creams such as hydrocortisone can be used for itching.

Note : Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with medications such as oral antifungals.

How to treat urticaria on the hands: basic principles of therapy

Since the main component of the pathogenesis of urticaria is an allergic reaction, first of all, it is necessary to exclude or limit contact with the allergen. This is very easy to do if the disease is acute. In case of long-term (chronic) course of the disease, it is necessary to carry out allergy skin tests. You should also follow a hypoallergenic diet (exclude coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits, sweets, seafood, milk, eggs and other strong allergens).

Traditional Treatments

Drug treatment is the most effective component of urticaria treatment. Pharmacotherapy is carried out according to several principles:

  • if urticaria progresses rapidly, then antihistamines (Suprastin) are administered intravenously as an emergency medical aid;
  • if the allergen enters the gastrointestinal tract, give an enema and rinse the stomach with cool water;
  • sorbents are prescribed that help toxins be eliminated from the body faster (activated carbon, Smecta);
  • for desensitization, administration of sodium thiosulfate is indicated (for severe forms of the disease);
  • prescribe systemic antihistamines (Suprastin, Loratadine, Eden tablets, Fenistil drops);
  • glucocorticosteroids are prescribed only under the supervision of a physician if other treatment methods are ineffective (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone);
  • cell membrane stabilizers (Ketotifen) are also prescribed;
  • Immunomodulators are often used (during the recovery period);
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks throughout the illness;
  • to strengthen blood vessels and reduce their permeability, the doctor may prescribe calcium and vitamin C supplements;
  • in severe cases, diuretics and laxatives (in combination with sorbents) are also added to therapy - this makes it possible to most effectively remove the toxin from the body.

Pediatricians recommend using drops rather than tablets for the treatment of urticaria in children - this is how the effectiveness of treatment is achieved. This is due, first of all, to the fact that young children often refuse to take pills.

However, not only systemic drugs are used, but also local agents, which include:

  • Fenistil ointment (can be used from the second month of a child’s life);
  • hydrocortisone ointment (only under the supervision of a doctor and for a limited course);
  • Gistan cream (based on natural ingredients, therefore suitable for the treatment of urticaria on the hands in early childhood);
  • Elokom, Advantan, Skin-Cap (these ointments, like hydrocortisone, are hormonal, so there is no need to use them without first consulting a doctor).

In any case, the volume and duration of pharmacotherapy depend on a large number of factors: gender, age, severity and duration of the disease, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Only a specialist can evaluate these indicators, so if hives appear, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help.

Traditional medicine methods

In alternative medicine, there are a large number of folk recipes that can help treat urticaria on the hands. However, it should be remembered that many of these drugs can affect the immune system and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using them. The most popular and effective traditional medicine that can be used for urticaria, both in adults and children, are:

  • decoction of nettle leaves. To prepare it, you should take 1-2 tbsp. dry leaves and pour 400-500 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and take 1-2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day after meals.
  • celery juice. It is recommended to chop and squeeze the juice from celery, after which this product can be added to food and drinks.
  • herbal infusion. It is necessary to take the following herbs in equal parts (1 tablespoon each): oregano, chamomile, coltsfoot, string, licorice, valerian root. All ingredients must be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and allowed to brew for 1-2 hours. Drink 1-2 tsp. 3-5 times a day before meals.
  • calamus root powder. Drink 0.5-1 tsp once a day (preferably in the evening) with a glass of warm water.

Remember that traditional medicine methods can only complement drug therapy, because they effectively relieve symptoms such as pain, itching and burning. However, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of this condition.

Skin care for hives

It is very important not only to follow all doctor’s instructions, but also to properly care for the affected skin. In order to speed up the recovery process, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • You need to bathe, but it is better to do this in herbal decoctions that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Do not rub or touch the affected skin of your hands with your hands. There is no need to wipe the affected areas with towels - just blot the skin with a soft cloth.
  • you should not visit public pools or swim in bodies of water, as this can lead to infection;
  • Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time and do not sunbathe;
  • during the healing stage (after crusts have formed), you can lubricate the skin with baby cream;
  • If hives appear on a child’s hand, the nails should be trimmed short to minimize the chance of a secondary infection.
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