How to cure allergic rhinitis during pregnancy?
Pre-pregnancy planning A woman suffering from allergic reactions, ideally, should
cladosporium herbarum is dangerous for humans
Fungus of the genus Cladosporium herbarum - what is it and how to combat it
Cladosporium is a genus of molds that includes more than 770 species with peculiar characteristics
Cat allergy test: is it necessary to take it if everything is already clear?
Cat allergy tests Most people are prone to allergies. However, someone is lucky enough to get away with a slight runny nose,
Guinea pig allergy: symptoms, first aid, treatment methods
Guinea pig allergy in children and adults: symptoms and treatment
People have a love for cute animals since childhood. At a young age children
Allergy to beets in adults and children: symptoms and treatment
Good time, many will be interested in understanding their health and loved ones, and I will tell you
New mother preparing food
Products allergens during breastfeeding Komarovsky list
It is known that mother's milk is considered the ideal nutrition for a baby. Its composition directly depends on
Pregnant woman
Symptoms and treatments for urticaria during pregnancy
Many pregnant women experience changes in their skin: acne, pigmentation, stretch marks, but all of the above
Diet for allergies in a 3 year old child menu recipes
Edited by an expert: Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 06.06.2020 Causes of allergies in a newborn, how
Pregnancy doesn't always go smoothly
Causes and methods of treatment of allergic dermatitis during pregnancy
It is rare that pregnancy proceeds absolutely smoothly; in most cases, there is an exacerbation of various diseases, including
Nervous urticaria - causes
The appearance of itchy red spots (urticaria) on the body is usually associated with allergic reactions or skin