Cat allergy test: is it necessary to take it if everything is already clear?

Allergy tests for cats

Most people are prone to allergies.
However, some are lucky enough to get away with a slight runny nose, while others have to go to the hospital after contact with a potential allergen. Cat allergens pose a great danger to overly sensitive individuals. That is why, before getting a furry pet, you should get tested for cat allergens.

Perhaps the human immune system will perceive the irritant with hostility, then it would be advisable to abandon the idea of ​​having a furry pet. However, there are other effective methods that will help protect yourself from allergic symptoms.

Allergen characteristics

The irritant in question belongs to the category of household allergens of the epidermal type (more about epidermal allergens). It can also be safely called the most dangerous for human immunity.

Most people naively believe that the direct allergen is cat fur, but this is not true at all. The antibody is a specific protein that is found on the surface of the skin of a furry animal.

Therefore, you should not think that purebred bald pets are the solution. This choice will not solve the problem.

The scheme for the irritant to enter the body is quite simple. The dangerous protein initially enters the saliva of an animal that cleans its fur with its tongue, or from feces. Upon contact with a person, the animal’s saliva easily gets onto the human skin. The considered chain ultimately becomes the cause of allergies, that is, the reaction of the human immune system.


As a rule, a person decides to take a cat allergen test after the first symptoms of the disease appear. There are several main signs of a reaction to a cat antigen:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by a severe runny nose;
  • irritated eyes;
  • that part of the body that was in contact with the pet, for example, the cheek or hand, turns red;
  • in especially severe cases, the allergy sufferer exhibits symptoms reminiscent of asthma, that is, a severe cough with wheezing.

If a person experiences at least one or two symptoms, he should be examined. For this purpose, there are tests for cat allergens, the decoding of which is provided by allergists.

However, if something happens, you shouldn’t rush to part with your beloved animal; you should find out for sure whether cat protein really causes an allergic reaction. A cat allergen test will help you understand the situation. Perhaps it is not the protein that is to blame, but those components that the animal’s fur can accumulate.

How is the diagnosis made?

When contacting an allergist, the doctor prescribes the following to the patient:

1. Blood test. A blood draw cannot show what specific irritant is present in the body. It only confirms or refutes the presence of an antigen that irritates the immune system.

2. Skin tests. This examination is carried out by applying one or several allergens to the surface of the skin of an allergic person. It is the reaction of the human body to a provocative test that will answer the question of what exactly should be feared.

There is no specific algorithm for preparing for taking the listed tests. The patient is allowed to take allergy medications, since they will not in any way affect the results of the study, but will protect against exacerbation. The only thing is not to eat before taking blood. It is best to take the test in the morning on an empty stomach.

If we talk about children, it is worth noting that in children under three years of age, the analysis result may be incorrect.

This is explained by the fact that in the first years of life, the body of babies does not react so sharply to various kinds of irritants, but this is not a reason to refuse to test for a cat allergen.

If the examination gives a positive result, that is, an allergy is detected, the allergist will give the child’s parents appropriate recommendations. In some cases, it is better to stay away from cats.

Skin prick tests are more convenient; in addition, the allergy sufferer receives an answer within minutes. The analysis can be carried out taking into account a specific pet. The result obtained depends on a number of nuances, for example, on how the study was conducted, on the individual’s skin sensitivity, and so on.

False negative and false positive responses are also common, so the test sometimes has to be repeated several times. The skin test can only be taken in a medical setting by a specially trained physician.

If this condition is not met, it is difficult to objectively judge the veracity of the result.

A provocative test is carried out by instilling a concentrated allergen onto the conjunctiva or into the nose. A potential allergy sufferer will almost immediately experience nasal congestion, severe itching, and redness.

In a laboratory setting, a blood test can also be performed to determine the presence of specific Ig E to a cat irritant. When blood draw results show elevated levels of immunoglobulin, they may indicate an individual's susceptibility to a particular irritant.

Sometimes it also happens that the patient is overly bothered by allergy symptoms that do not go away. In this case, a detailed medical history should be collected, followed by an allergy examination, for which the doctor usually prepares commonly encountered allergens. In this case, patients are often allergic to dust collected by cat hair.

Cat allergen analysis as a stage of treatment

After the examination, the allergist prescribes treatment. It is almost impossible to completely remove the symptoms of the disease with injections, but the discomfort can be eliminated.

If the allergy is caused by a cat, the best decision would be to place it in the good hands of some friends. If this is not possible, it is necessary to reduce contact with the pet to a minimum. For example, it is better to entrust bathing or feeding the cat to someone else.

It is forbidden to let a cat into the room, much less allow it to sleep on the bed.

It would also be a good idea to use antiallergic medications to help the symptoms of the disease disappear. The necessary tablets can only be prescribed by a doctor. Special sprays will help reduce a runny nose and relieve swelling. A popular method is also a course of injections, which is aimed at combating an unwanted reaction of the immune system.

Treatment will take a lot of time, since injections do not always help the first time. You should also not forget that allergies cannot be completely treated, you can only eliminate their symptoms. Upon repeated contact with the irritant, they will appear again. That is why a cat allergen test is a clue as to what an allergy sufferer should avoid in the future.

Particular attention should also be paid to strengthening the immune system. Strong immune defense will allow you to forget about the disease for a long time. Subsequent contacts with the antigen will be less painful.


Insect allergy (flea dermatitis) in dogs

Insect allergy is an increased sensitivity to insect bites (bees, wasps, etc.)

After a bee sting, a dog may develop Quincke's edema, a very dangerous condition when medical attention is urgently needed, otherwise the animal may suffocate.

The most common form of the disease is flea dermatitis, when a dog has an allergic reaction to a protein in the saliva of fleas.

Main symptoms:

  • skin rashes
  • focal baldness

The intensity of flea dermatitis varies: from mild (slight redness) to severe (ulcers). Unlike other forms of allergies, the areas of skin most often affected are the back and rump.

The disease begins with the appearance of itching. The dog behaves restlessly: itches, scratches, bites itself, often tearing out tufts of fur. The animal injures the skin, so a bacterial infection may subsequently develop: skin inflammation, wounds, ulcers.

Allergy to cats: what tests need to be taken to determine the disease

Allergies to cats are quite common. Sometimes we may not even suspect that an allergic reaction is related to a beloved animal. Even experienced doctors sometimes find it difficult to identify the allergen, so in such cases it is customary to do a special analysis. It will help you pinpoint the cause of your allergy.

Why is it necessary to get tested?

In recent years, more and more people are joining the ranks of allergy sufferers. Tests are considered the most reliable method of determining the cause of the disease.

In most cases they show the true result, which is why this method is so popular.

But some allergists believe that testing is not always effective and reliable, explaining this by the fact that the allergen can be identified without them.

In fact, the analysis helps to quickly determine the type of allergen and begin treatment and prevention as quickly as possible. The longer you are haunted by the symptoms of the disease, the higher the likelihood that it will soon become chronic.

How to get tested for allergies?

Before taking the tests, it is worth remembering a few simple rules.

For adults

There are no special preparatory steps or steps for this category of patients. As with any other test, you need to not eat for 8-10 hours before it. The minimum is 4 hours.

Refusal from physical and emotional stress for 3 days, as well as abstinence from smoking for 24 hours is considered more significant.

For children

Although there are some differences in allergen testing between adults and children, the rule regarding food, physical and psychological stress also applies.

Distinctive actions are refusal to take medications, eat citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, etc. Also, for the reliability of the analysis results, it is necessary to completely exclude contact with the cat.

Where can I get tested?

Having suspected that they or their child is allergic to cats, many do not know where to go to get tested. This can be done in any laboratory or clinic where blood is taken for tests.

Whether it is a public institution or a private one, it doesn’t matter. There is only one difference: in the first option, you can donate blood for the presence of an allergen for free, but you will have to pay from a private provider.

Therefore, before this important step, find out well about the doctors and pricing policy so that you don’t feel offended later.

Allergen detection methods

You can determine what exactly triggered your cat allergy using several methods:

  • prick test is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, although it can also be done at home. To carry it out, a small scratch is made on the skin, and a drop of a weakened allergen is applied to it. Within 25-30 minutes the result is ready. The objectivity of the information received depends on many extraneous factors, therefore it is still recommended to do such a test in a special institution in order to exclude false positives or false negatives.
  • Provocative test . Its essence is to instill special drops into the eyes or nose, in which the concentration of the allergen is low. After this, attention is paid to the presence of characteristic allergic surface reactions. After some time, a smear is made from these mucous membranes, which can confirm or refute the effect of the cat allergen on the body. Since this method is quite complex, it is used extremely rarely in difficult situations.
  • Another method of determining the cause of the disease is a blood test . It detects the level of immunoglobulin, the excess of which confirms an allergic reaction. In this case, the data can also be false negatives and false positives.

For wool

To identify the presence of a person’s allergy to cat fur, the scarification method is used in most of the CIS countries, and beyond the borders - a prick test.

On the epithelium

The above method is also used to determine allergies to cat epithelium.

The second way is a blood test, which shows specific antibodies to the allergen.

What symptoms indicate that you have an allergy to a cat, you will find out in this article!

And we will tell you how to overcome allergies with new generation antihistamines here

Tests for a specific type of cat

An allergy in a person can indeed manifest itself to a specific type of cat, and in general, it can be exclusively to a pet, but not to all others.

There is no test for a specific type of cat. They can only confirm or refute the fur or epithelium test. This is due to the fact that allergic reactions actually occur to a protein that is found in the fur and skin of all breeds.

Only one in 50 thousand cats is not capable of causing disease even in an allergic person.


Types of negative reactions

A very common occurrence in children with such a reaction to an animal is rhinitis.
Allergies most often affect the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and eyes; allergic rhinitis is often accompanied by conjunctivitis. An allergy to cat epithelium in a child can present with the same symptoms as in adults, but in a more severe form, since children's immunity is not sufficiently developed. Rash and high fever may occur. Veterinarians include the following main symptoms:

  • nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • rhinitis with copious liquid discharge;
  • swelling;
  • frequent sneezing.

Allergists consider bronchitis to be one of the manifestations of allergies to cat epithelium. If the pathogen enters the lower respiratory tract, the following symptoms are observed:

  • soreness in the bronchi and larynx;
  • difficult breathing;
  • bouts of dry cough;
  • shortness of breath up to suffocation;
  • swelling and anaphylactic shock in severe cases, then the patient needs emergency medical attention.

What symptoms indicate allergies in cats? Treatment

Pets are often negatively affected by various types of chemicals, as well as food additives and other unnatural factors. Therefore, it is quite common in cats. Before you become a pet owner, you need to become familiar with the various ways to prevent such problems.

Main causes of allergies

The cause of an allergic reaction can be a variety of substances:

  • Certain types of trees and grasses, fungus, mold stains, pollen and dust accumulations;
  • Foods the cat eats;
  • Lice, fleas and means to eliminate them;
  • Medications;
  • Cigarette smoke;
  • Household chemicals, mainly cleaning products;
  • Some types of materials such as plastics and rubber;
  • Perfumes;
  • Some types of fabrics.

Main symptoms of allergies in cats

Depending on what irritant caused the allergy, the body's reactions will be completely different. A common symptom for any allergy is itchy skin , as well as the following manifestations:

  • Attacks of coughing and sneezing, while breathing is accompanied by whistling;
  • Eyes water;
  • The cat scratches its back and near its tail;
  • Itchy ears and an ear infection may occur;
  • Attacks of vomiting, defecation occurs in liquid masses;
  • Paws become swollen;
  • Snoring occurs as a result of inflammation of the throat.

Among the most common cases, allergies occur in the following types: Food allergies are characterized by the presence of symptoms at any time of the year. This problem is not related to seasonal manifestations. The reaction to food can be accompanied by very severe itching, which does not go away even after the cat has been given steroid medications.

Food allergies are very common, and to eliminate this problem, you should carefully select food. It must be of high quality;

The nature of flea allergies in cats is in most cases seasonal. The manifestation of symptoms is pronounced from summer to autumn. The itching can last for several hours in a row; in some cases, the cat itches for 24 hours from one insect bite.

Hair loss begins in the area of ​​the base of the tail; fleas and their feces are very clearly visible in that area. Over time, widespread hair loss begins, with the skin tone becoming reddish in areas of bald patches;

Allergic reactions to cat litter are also quite common.

If before their appearance, owners made do with ordinary sand, which could be collected at construction sites or in sandboxes, now many use special fillers.

Their prices vary, and the composition of the cheapest ones includes various chemicals and clay dust. If a cat is allergic to these products, then it is better to use natural materials as fillers, this could be sawdust or grain waste.

Some cats may experience coughing and sneezing after the filler , which cannot be ignored.

How to help a cat if she has an allergy?

First of all, it is not recommended to deal with symptoms on your own , especially if this is the first reaction that the owner noticed. The cat should be taken to a veterinary clinic, or a specialist should be called to your home, if possible.

The doctor will examine the animal and determine the cause of the allergic reaction.

In some cases, tests are prescribed, a diet during which certain foods must be excluded, and a treatment method is also determined.

How to treat allergies?

The best way to treat allergies in cats is to eliminate the cause, which is the allergen for the animal.

So, if you have a flea allergy, the best option is prevention . To do this, you need to choose suitable flea products that will not only protect the cat, but also its space.

Toilet fillers should not be scented or contain dust. If you are allergic to dust accumulations, regular cleaning of your apartment or house, as well as the area where your cat lies, helps.

If severe itching occurs, it can be relieved by bathing. One wash a week is enough, and the animal will not itch much, as the allergens will be washed away from the skin.

To eliminate food allergies, special foods are selected.

Currently, some manufacturers have developed special options for cats with allergies. They contain hydrolyzed protein .

If it is not possible to remove allergens from the environment, special preparations are used:

  • For pollen allergies, cortisone and steroids are effective. Such drugs will help control attacks;
  • To prevent reactions, the cat is given antihistamines. Their use is recommended before the cat develops an allergy;
  • Fatty acid supplements reduce skin itching. A large number of sprays and shampoos have also been developed that prevent skin infections. Sprays containing natural extracts of oats, aloe and others are very effective.

Unless prescribed by a veterinarian, medications should not be given to your cat. Such actions can most likely seriously harm the animal.


Treatment of the disease

This drug works quickly, but has a number of side effects.
There are 3 generations of antihistamines that eliminate the negative reaction to the epithelium of cat hair:

  • 1st generation. Budget-friendly, but quickly relieving symptoms. The negative side is that medications impair concentration and cause drowsiness. Examples: "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Diazolin".
  • 2nd generation. Modified drugs with a duration of action of 24 hours without suppressing mental activity. Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system are possible. Main representatives of the group:
  • "Erius";
  • "Claritin."
  • 3rd generation. Used in the prevention of allergies, the drug has a long-lasting effect, but is not recommended for patients with kidney and liver problems. Examples:
  • Zyrtec.
  • The drugs are successfully used in the fight against allergies to cat hair epithelium in both acute and chronic forms. After a complete medical examination, the allergist will select the appropriate medication, diet and appropriate lifestyle, taking into account all the side effects and characteristics of the patient’s body. To remove the first symptoms of an allergy to cat epithelium, you need to leave the room in which the animal is located. Do not contact your hands with the mucous membranes of your eyes and mouth. After determining that the cat is in “good hands,” you need to do a wet cleaning, wipe down all the furniture, and wash things. After conducting all clinical studies, the patient is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet and a number of antihistamines.

    Tests for allergens in animals

    Most people are prone to allergies. However, some are lucky enough to get away with a slight runny nose, while others have to go to the hospital after contact with a potential allergen. Cat allergens pose a great danger to overly sensitive individuals.

    That is why, before getting a furry pet, you should get tested for cat allergens.

    Perhaps the human immune system will perceive the irritant with hostility, then it would be advisable to abandon the idea of ​​having a furry pet. However, there are other effective methods that will help protect yourself from allergic symptoms.

    Causes of allergic reactions

    Allergies to dead skin particles can be caused by different types of animals, but it is the cat’s epithelium that most often provokes negative reactions due to the purr’s closer contact with humans. The causative agent of the Fel D1 protein is found in the saliva and other secretions of a furry pet. The cat can actively play, jump on the table, other surfaces, and even sleep on the owner’s pillow, spreading the allergen into the surrounding area. Also, fur with dandruff particles can settle on clothes and shoes after an allergy sufferer comes into contact with a person who has a cat.

    Determining compatibility with a furry friend: which cat allergy test is best to take?

    Do you doubt that it is your pet that makes you sneeze and cry? Get tested and find out.

    Allergies can occur in a person at any age. This is not a disease, but only a feature of the body caused by heredity or individual genotype - for unknown reasons, the immune system reacts negatively to this or that substance, although it in no way threatens health.

    Allergies to cats are considered one of the most dangerous, so those who want to bring a furry ball into the family should get tested in advance by an allergist. This is also necessary for those who have lived in the same house with a cat for a long time, but began to experience discomfort after communicating with it.

    In this article you will learn which cat allergy test is best to take, as well as what contraindications exist for various methods.

    Development mechanism

    Most people believe that allergies occur due to cat fur. Allergy sufferers, wanting to have an animal that will not cause them to experience unpleasant symptoms, prefer Sphynxes or other hairless breeds, but this decision does not always eliminate unpleasant consequences.

    The fact is that wool itself is not an allergen, but what it carries on itself is what causes a negative reaction in the body. Most often this is the Fel D1 protein, produced by the cat's glands.

    It is found in the animal's saliva, secretions and skin. While licking itself, the cat leaves particles of its saliva on its fur.

    When an animal uses the toilet, it steps into the litter, and particles of urine also remain on the hairs. Dead skin cells (dandruff) fall directly onto the fur.

    For this reason, there is an opinion that it is fluffy cats that cause allergies. However, no animal can be forced to give up its natural needs, so any breed is dangerous for an allergy sufferer. Some cats produce less Fel D1 protein, but it is still produced, so no one can give a complete guarantee of the absence of allergies.

    Particles of cat protein penetrate the human body in different ways. Most often, we inhale dandruff that is invisible to the eye along with the air, sometimes it ends up on the mucous membranes of the eyes. If the cat is allowed to roam around the dinner table, the allergen enters the stomach along with the food. When an animal scratches you, dried particles of saliva and dander immediately enter the bloodstream.

    Allergy symptoms depend on the route of penetration of the allergen. If you inhale particles of cat protein, you develop a runny nose, a tingling sensation in your nose, you sneeze frequently, and then the congestion spreads to your ears. Coughing and shortness of breath may occur if the allergen descends through the respiratory tract into the bronchi and lungs.

    Often such symptoms are accompanied by tearing and itching in the eye area. Sometimes the reaction manifests itself on the skin - small and large itchy pimples appear. If the allergen gets into the stomach, then abdominal pain and nausea occur.

    Most often, allergies manifest themselves in childhood, since the immune system is unstable and perceives many foreign substances as a threat.

    This predisposition of the body can occur both during the first contact with an animal and during subsequent ones.

    In adulthood, allergies can also occur, even if the person previously had constant contact with animals without unpleasant symptoms.

    Sometimes the allergen is not the Fel D1 protein, but other substances that accumulate on the cat’s fur. Dust, fluff, particles of mold, pollen, and fungi can be attached to the hairs.

    Usually, it is in these cases that hairless cat breeds help cope with allergies, since they are caused by completely different substances. Since in everyday life it is impossible to say exactly what an allergy occurs to, the help of specialists is needed.

    Next, you will learn what to do if you are allergic to cats and what tests to take.

    Determination methods

    If you suspect that your body reacts negatively to cats, then you need to contact an allergist. It is he who will tell you how to combat allergies to cats and what tests are best to take. First, the doctor will find out under what circumstances your unpleasant symptoms occurred, what they were, and what helped eliminate them.

    Then a general test for immunoglobulin E (IgE) is prescribed. It only allows you to detect the presence of an allergen in the body, but not to recognize what exactly the allergic reaction occurred to. This test is necessary to understand what exactly the allergy provoked certain symptoms.

    There are several rules that must be followed before taking this test:

    1. You should tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, even if they are in no way related to allergies (for example, vitamins, antiviral medications, hormonal medications).
    2. A few days before the analysis, all highly allergenic foods are excluded from the menu - citrus fruits, dairy products, eggs, chocolate, strawberries, etc.
    3. 3 days before the analysis, serious physical and emotional stress is excluded.
    4. On the eve of the test, you should not eat fatty foods or drink alcohol.
    5. The test is taken on an empty stomach - at least 10 hours must have passed since the last meal.
    6. You should not smoke 2-3 hours before the test.

    For this test, blood is drawn from a vein. Then the material is examined in the laboratory, where the concentration of immunoglobulin is determined. A deviation from the norm confirms that the unpleasant symptoms are caused by an allergy.

    After this, the doctor may prescribe a test for specific immunoglobulins. Preparation for the procedure and the stages of its implementation are no different.

    Blood taken from a vein is mixed in a laboratory with various allergens to understand which substance is perceived by the immune system as a threat.

    This test option is completely safe for the patient, since he himself does not come into contact with the allergen.

    A blood test for allergies to cats and other allergens is expensive, so allergists most often prescribe skin allergy tests if there are no contraindications. During the procedure, 15-20 formulations containing particles of common allergenic substances are applied to the patient's skin to determine how the body reacts to each of them.

    There are several ways to perform this test:

    • drip – a drop of a solution containing an allergen is applied to the skin, then the reaction is assessed (most often prescribed to small children);
    • application - pieces of sterile tissue soaked in a solution with an allergen are applied to the skin for several minutes;
    • scarification - scratches are made on the skin with a sterile needle, then a drop of solutions with different allergens is dripped onto each of them;
    • injection - several subcutaneous injections are made with different solutions.

    The scarification method is most often used. The skin of the forearm is treated with a disinfectant, after drying it is marked with a hypoallergenic marker, then scratches are made and solutions are applied.

    The reaction is assessed after 20 minutes, then after a day or two. If the scratches immediately begin to swell, then they say that the allergic reaction is positive, if after 20 minutes - immediate, after a day or two - delayed. In addition to speed, the severity of the reaction is also assessed.

    Using a skin test, you can find out if there is an allergy to a specific cat.

    To do this, you need to agree with your doctor and bring a few animal hairs to the hospital, then a test solution will be made using them.

    This will be useful for those who have lived with a cat for a long time, but suddenly began to notice allergy symptoms. The test will not reveal a reaction to animals in general, but compatibility with a specific pet.

    Important! Testing for allergies to a specific cat is not available at every hospital.

    Provocative tests

    This cat allergy test is performed in extreme cases when all other tests have been inconclusive, but allergy symptoms are obvious. The essence of this test is that a solution containing an allergen is injected directly into the place where signs of animal intolerance appear.

    There are the following types of provocative tests:

    • conjunctival - a solution with an allergen is dripped into the eyes;
    • nasal - the solution is dripped into the nose;
    • inhalation - the aerosol is sprayed into the respiratory tract;
    • exposure – direct contact with the source of the allergen (cat) is ensured.

    Such tests are carried out only in a hospital setting under the close supervision of a doctor. If an acute reaction occurs, measures are taken to eliminate allergic reactions, and then appropriate treatment is prescribed and preventive recommendations are given.

    Contraindications to skin testing and provocative tests

    General and specific immunoglobulin analysis does not pose a threat to the patient, since he himself does not come into contact with the allergen. However, skin tests and provocative tests are somewhat dangerous and are therefore prescribed only if there are no restrictions. Contraindications for such tests:

    1. Taking any antihistamines, both in tablets and in the form of sprays, drops, ointments or aerosols. The analysis can be carried out only a week after stopping these medications.
    2. The occurrence of any acute or chronic disease not related to allergies. The analysis can be carried out only 2-3 weeks after complete recovery.
    3. Acute form of allergy with complications. Analysis is available only 2-3 weeks after all symptoms disappear.
    4. Taking sedatives. Tests are carried out only a week after their cancellation.
    5. Taking steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The restriction is valid for 2 weeks after their cancellation.
    6. Period of menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    The following factors are absolute contraindications to such tests:

    • previous allergy complications - anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema;
    • AIDS or HIV;
    • diseases of the immune system;
    • severe forms of diabetes;
    • diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders;
    • malignant tumors;
    • age less than 3 or more than 60 years.

    Complications may occur after skin testing or provocative tests, not only immediately after the test, but even after several hours or days. The patient needs to closely monitor his condition and consult a doctor if there is any deterioration.


    There are several tests that can help determine whether you are allergic to cats in general or whether you have a reaction to a specific animal. However, no test can give completely accurate results, so it is recommended to take it several times or in different hospitals. After the tests, you can find out whether an allergy really occurs to cats, and understand what to do next.



    Allergen e1 – epithelium and cat dander, IgE (ImmunoCAP)

    Quantitative determination in the blood of specific antibodies, class E immunoglobulins, which appear in the presence of an allergic reaction to the epithelium and dander of a cat.

    Synonyms Russian

    Specific immunoglobulin class E for cat epithelium and dander.

    English synonyms

    Specific immunoglobulin E to the cat epithelium and dandruff, Spec. IgE to the cat(serum).

    Research method

    Immunofluorescence reaction on a three-dimensional porous solid phase, IFL (ImmunoCAP).


    kUA/l (kilounit of allergen per liter).

    What biomaterial can be used for research?

    Venous or capillary blood.

    How to properly prepare for research?

    • Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the test.

    General information about the study

    An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. There are a huge number of substances of natural or artificial origin, each of which can become an allergen for humans.

    The main participant in an immediate allergic reaction (type 1) is immunoglobulin E (IgE). For each allergen there is a specific immunoglobulin E. The purpose of this test is to determine the allergic reaction to the epithelium and dander of the cat.

    There is a misconception that allergies are caused by animal fur, but this is not true. The main activity in the formation of an allergic reaction is shown by secretions (saliva, urine, etc.) and animal dander. Only after contact with the animal’s skin do the allergens reach the fur. Moreover, the allergenic properties of animal hair, dander, saliva and urine do not depend on their breed or hair length.

    These allergens belong to the group of epidermal ones. In addition, this group also includes wool, fluff, feathers, excrement and saliva of various animals (dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters and other rodents, birds, rabbits, horses, sheep, goats, etc.).

    Allergy symptoms may be the following: redness (hyperemia), skin rashes, hives, itching and scratching of the skin, swelling and swelling, redness and burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

    The analysis is safe for the patient compared to skin tests (in vivo), as it eliminates contact with the allergen. In addition, taking antihistamines and age characteristics do not affect the quality and accuracy of the study.

    Quantitative determination of specific IgE antibodies allows us to assess the relationship between antibody levels and clinical manifestations of allergy.

    By detecting high levels of specific IgE, it is possible to predict the development of allergies in the future and a more pronounced manifestation of its symptoms. However, the concentration of IgE in the blood is unstable.

    It changes with the development of the disease, with the amount of allergen dose received, as well as during treatment. It is recommended to repeat the study if symptoms change and treatment is monitored. You should consult your doctor about the need for re-examination.

    ImmunoCAP is characterized by high accuracy and specificity: even very low concentrations of IgE antibodies are detected in a small amount of blood. The study is revolutionary and is based on the immunofluorescence method, which allows it to increase sensitivity several times compared to other tests.

    In the Russian Federation, until now, the technique has not become widespread, although throughout the world up to 80% of tests for specific class E immunoglobulins are performed using ImmunoCAP.

    Thus, identifying specific IgE using this technique takes allergy diagnostics to a qualitatively new level.

    What is the research used for?

    • For the diagnosis of allergic diseases caused by cat epithelium or dander.
    • To assess the risk of developing allergic reactions to cat dander and epithelium.

    When is the study scheduled?

    • If you have the following symptoms indicating an allergic nature: redness and burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
    • Children - if their parents suffer from allergic diseases, including those manifested by contact with cat epithelium and dander.
    • To evaluate ongoing drug treatment and allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

    What do the results mean?

    Reference values

    Indicator value, kUA/lClassLevel of allergen-specific IgE antibodies
    0 – 0,35Absent
    0,351 – 0,691Short
    0,70 – 3,492Average
    3,5 – 17,493High
    17,5 – 49,994Very tall
    50,0 – 100,05Intensely high
    More than 100.06Extremely high

    How to test for allergies in cats - Allergy to everything

    Reasons for increased levels of specific IgE:

    • the presence of allergic reactions to cat epithelium and dander;
    • bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, caused by sensitization to cat epithelium and dander.

    Reasons for decreased levels of specific IgE

    With repeated research (over time), the level of specific IgE may decrease for the following reasons:

    • limiting or eliminating contact with the allergen;
    • carrying out drug treatment.

    Cross reactions

    Cross reactions are allergic reactions to components of the same structure present in different allergens. To avoid unnecessary tests that are unnecessary for the patient and to individually select possible cross-reacting allergens, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

    Also recommended

    Who orders the study?

    Allergist, pediatrician, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, therapist, general practitioner, rheumatologist.


    • Borres MP et al. Ped Allergy Immunol 2011; 22:454–461.
    • Sastre J Clin Exp Allergy 2010; 40: 1442–1460.
    • Paganelli R et al. Allergy 1998; 53(8): 763–768.
    • Liccardi G et al. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2011; 11(5): 421–426.
    • Platts-Mills T.A. J Allergy Clin Immunology 2004; 113:388–391.
    • Nanda AM et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 114(6): 1339–1344.
    • Lent AM et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006; 118(6): 1249–1256.

    First of all, it is worth understanding the mechanism of allergy development. It is necessary to mention that this disease can develop even in the healthiest person, regardless of his age.

    So what is an allergy? This is the process of the body’s immune response to the presence in the body of a substance that is foreign to the body. These substances foreign to the body are called allergens.

    We suggest you familiarize yourself with how allergies to cats manifest themselves in infants

    When they appear, the production of specific immunoglobulin IgE begins, as well as histamine secreted by “mast” cells, and all this is accompanied by inflammation of the internal organs and soft tissues of the body.

    The cat allergen belongs to the household allergens of the epidermal group. By the way, this allergen is the most dangerous for humans. It is a mistake to believe that this allergen is the cat's fur itself.

    In fact, this allergen is a special protein located on the surface of the fur of a four-legged pet. So a person who is allergic to cats will not be saved even by a breed that is popularly called a “hairless” cat.

    It is worth saying that the fur of any animal is an excellent place for “storing” both dust and plant pollen and even mold. The listed small substances can also cause allergies.

    The symptoms of such an allergy are similar to the symptoms of a cold, however, like the signs of any allergy. Such unpleasant and life-interfering problems appear as a runny nose, swelling of the nasal sinuses, frequent sneezing, itching not only of the nasal cavity, but also itching of the skin.

    How to test for allergies in cats - Allergy to everything

    If all of the above occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor who will refer you to a series of clinical studies. Based on the results obtained, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.

    So, what tests and tests can a doctor prescribe to rule out or confirm an allergy to cats? All possible options are listed below:

    • A clinical blood test is carried out in two stages. The first is the RAST-test, which consists only of obtaining a positive or negative result for the presence of some allergen. This test never indicates which allergen is found in the patient's blood. This is done by a test for specific immunoglobulin IgE. In addition, this blood test will show the doctor the quantitative and qualitative composition of allergens found in the allergy sufferer’s body. This test is as informative as possible.

    Blood sampling to identify allergens

    • Skin testing, as the simplest method, allows us to answer the question “are allergens present in the patient’s body or not?” are as follows: a specific allergen is applied to the skin of the test subject. This study is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, who must monitor the body’s reaction to the applied substance.

    Carrying out intradermal tests

    This type of immunological test has a small number of contraindications, one of which is the absolute inadmissibility of taking such a test during the acute phase of allergies. It is also worth taking into account the age of young patients: the skin of children under 3 years of age is less reactive, so the results of the skin test will be distorted.

    Cat allergen test

    Most people are prone to allergies. However, some are lucky enough to get away with a slight runny nose, while others have to go to the hospital after contact with a potential allergen. Cat allergens pose a great danger to overly sensitive individuals. That is why, before getting a furry pet, you should get tested for cat allergens.

    Perhaps the human immune system will perceive the irritant with hostility, then it would be advisable to abandon the idea of ​​having a furry pet. However, there are other effective methods that will help protect yourself from allergic symptoms.

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