immunoglobulin tests
Immunoglobulin tests are a mandatory part of the examination for allergies and anemia
Immunoglobulin tests: if you have allergies Contents of the article Excluding sources of allergies during
Superficial pyoderma in dogs
Superficial pyoderma in dogs: treatment at the RosVet VC
All types of pyoderma in dogs are characterized by purulent inflammations provoked by the penetration of pyogenic cocci under the skin.
Fungus Alternaria alternata - routes of infection, signs, symptoms and treatment methods
What is Alternaria The genus Alternaria is a type of pathogenic mold fungi with a multicellular structure. Reproduces
Eczema due to nervousness photo
Eczema from stress, or How to cure atopic dermatitis?
Eczema is a chronic, non-contagious inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, rashes, dryness and
Cross allergy - groups and tables of allergens
Negative immune reactions in children and adults with hypersensitivity of the body develop against the background of the influence
Drug dermatitis in dogs
How to identify and treat different types of dermatitis in dogs
The most common signs of skin dermatitis are rash, itching, redness, blisters and crusts. All in all
woman scratching a rash on her back
Can allergies be caused by nerves?
Rash from nerves A rash can appear on nerves directly after experiencing nervous stress
How to prepare for allergy tests for your child
How to donate blood for allergens to a child
Skin testing is a diagnostic method that allows you to identify which allergen the patient’s body reacts to.
Allergies during pregnancy: how to treat them
Allergy to faces during pregnancy: causes, diagnosis. What to do if you have an allergy on your face during pregnancy
Often, women who develop allergies during pregnancy turn to an allergist for treatment -
Allergies in cats: symptoms and treatment
Allergic otitis media in cats: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods
Allergic reactions to food, cosmetics, flowers of various plants, and medications occur not only in