Allergy to cauliflower (causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc.)

The essence

Allergy as a term appeared back in 1906. She was brought out by the Viennese pediatrician Clemens von Piquet. He noticed that plant pollen and food can cause a wide variety of reactions in people: rash, lacrimation, swelling of the larynx, runny nose.

Since the discovery of allergies and until today, scientists have learned to identify the allergen, prevent the reaction, treat the manifestations, and have named more than 300 thousand types of allergens. But it is impossible to completely cure this disease. Meanwhile, 40% of the total population of the Earth regularly suffers from all kinds of it.

Interesting! The most unusual allergen, besides such unthinkable ones as water and light, is humans. This case was recorded in the UK. A young man, kissing and touching his girlfriend, becomes covered in spots and experiences itching.

Whatever the cause of the allergy, the reaction mechanism is always the same. According to scientists, it is more accurate to call allergies not a disease, but a system of symptoms and conditions. The entire body reacts hostilely to those elements of the environment and products that are safe.

The mechanism includes the following steps:

  1. Immune – formation of antibodies. The immune system is preparing to fight incoming allergens. If they disappear before the end of this stage, sensitization does not occur.
  2. Pathochemical - the allergen combines with immunoglobulin on the surface of mast cells. Histamine is released.
  3. Pathophysical - the body reacts with all sorts of allergic reactions to the entry of histamine cells into the blood.

Among the most common allergens are fish, citrus fruits, milk, eggs and seafood. However, a reaction can also occur to products that are classified as hypoallergenic.

Symptoms in children under one year of age and older

The signs of a cabbage food intolerance are almost identical to those of other types of allergies. However, the most characteristic symptoms are:

A slight tingling sensation appears on the lips, tongue and facial skin.

The appearance of a small rash on the skin, which is accompanied by intolerable itching.

Swelling may appear on the skin of the face.

Quite often, children begin to experience intestinal dysfunction, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

In the most severe cases, bronchospasm may occur, which leads to disruption of the normal function of the respiratory system.

The most serious complications are considered to be giant urticaria and Quincke's edema.

Also, an allergy to cabbage can result in anaphylactic shock. Moreover, if such a condition occurs, emergency medical assistance should be immediately called.

Thus, if after eating cabbage complementary foods the baby develops symptoms such as breathing problems, blue discoloration in the nose and lips, characteristic hissing, you must immediately stop feeding and call an ambulance, since delay can have fatal consequences and end in death outcome.


Cabbage, despite the fact that it is a product included in the first complementary foods of infants and a dietary vegetable, can cause allergic manifestations. Their reasons are in the constituent components:

  • heat-resistant protein - it transports lipids;
  • chitinases are protein enzymes that dissolve chitin.

Allergies to cauliflower are caused by diseases of the digestive tract, early introduction of complementary foods, disturbances of the intestinal bacterial flora, genetic predisposition, and excessive consumption of the product.

Manifestations of a reaction in a child:

  • skin rashes, tingling and burning in the palate, tongue, cheeks, very severe skin itching (in adults and children);
  • diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain (mainly in children);
  • rarely conjunctivitis, bronchospasm and rhinitis;
  • Severe cases of urticaria progress to angioedema and anaphylaxis.

Important! The development of angioedema and anaphylaxis lead to swelling of the respiratory tract and possible respiratory arrest and even death. Skin rashes can be the onset of eczema.

Diagnosis of this type of allergy occurs after relief of acute symptoms through blood tests to detect the lgE protein.

Can you be allergic to cabbage?

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! A remedy for complete relief from allergies, which is recommended by doctors Read more >>>

Allergy to cabbage is a rare type of pathology. This product is usually recommended when following a hypoallergenic diet. In addition, this vegetable is introduced into complementary foods for infants.

An adult may also experience this allergy. Only a doctor can determine a specific allergen after a full diagnosis.

Is cauliflower allergic?

Cauliflower contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Just like broccoli, it is given to infants in the form of a puree. This is the safest vegetable for first feeding.

In most cases, there is an individual reaction to a certain type of product. The storage conditions of vegetables and the shelf life of finished purees should be taken into account. Allergies can be triggered by additional substances that the vegetable itself does not contain.

Is broccoli an allergen or not?

Broccoli is not a strong allergen. Vegetables, like zucchini, begin to be introduced into complementary foods for children aged 7-8 months. It is considered very useful and safe. Very rarely, doctors encounter an allergic reaction to this vegetable.

Chemicals used to process vegetables can cause a reaction. For example, allergenic agents are contained in substances that prevent broccoli from being damaged by insects and moths. Therefore, it is important to identify the real irritant.

Important! For complementary feeding, it is better to choose fresh vegetables and prepare puree from them yourself. Thus, you can choose a quality product for your baby.

Possible allergens in cabbage vegetables

White cabbage contains protein, which very rarely can cause allergies. In addition, this type of cabbage causes bloating, flatulence, and gas removal in infants.

This vegetable also contains vitamins and enzymes. Chitinase is one of them and can cause allergies in young children. An adult very rarely encounters this type of pathology.

Cause of reaction and risk factors

The cause of allergies may vary from person to person. The main ones include:

  • aggressive immune response to cabbage protein;
  • excessive consumption of such products;
  • substances for processing vegetables;
  • genetic predisposition (provokes the development of a reaction in 50% of cases);
  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic diseases.

The child’s body may not accept any product. Even those that are considered hypoallergenic often cause a reaction.

Cross allergy

Food allergies provoke a cross-reaction. It can manifest itself between intolerance to cauliflower and other types of cabbage. Especially if you eat a lot of vegetables.

Cross allergies can occur to vegetables such as radishes, turnips, radishes, and mustard. Carrots and peaches have similar proteins. Therefore, the risk of cross-reaction between them is very high.

Features of complementary feeding

On the advice of pediatricians, many mothers start their first complementary feeding with pureed hypoallergenic vegetables. These include cauliflower.

Signs of the disease

Cabbage is rich in vitamins and is easily digestible, but can cause unpleasant symptoms. Here are the symptoms of a reaction in a baby:

  • redness of the skin, especially in folds and folds;
  • swelling of the arms and legs;
  • copious watery discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • cough, sometimes with wheezing;
  • elevated temperature;
  • profuse stool;
  • belching;
  • flatulence.

The baby behaves restlessly and sleeps poorly. In case of even minor symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary medications according to age.

Introduction rules

To prevent severe reactions to cauliflower in infants, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The first portion of a new product is no more than 0.5 tsp.
  2. After introducing one vegetable for a week, the next one is introduced. They cannot be mixed. The child’s digestive system must have time to adapt to the new product.
  3. Complementary feeding should begin no earlier than 4.5-5 months.

The fewer allergens in the house - pets, soft toys, flowers - the less chance there is of developing a reaction to low-allergenic foods, including cauliflower.

How does an allergy manifest itself in a baby?

It is not difficult to detect the development of an allergic reaction in a baby, especially if the mother gave him only cauliflower puree the day before. After all, it is known that any product must be introduced gradually and not mixed with others, so as not to burden the child’s body and not aggravate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A child's allergy due to cauliflower is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of rashes and acne on the face;
  • dry skin, which is most often observed on the cheeks and forehead;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tearfulness;
  • lethargy of the child.

Also, negative reactions to cauliflower cause other problems. This occurs especially often if a child under one year old eats large quantities of puree.

These include:

  • impaired renal function;
  • increase in the volume of the thyroid gland;
  • increased stomach acidity and increased volume of gastric juice;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Such problems are much more difficult to notice, since there are no obvious signs of their development. Therefore, there is no need to risk the health of your own child - it is better to consult a doctor and find out how much cabbage should be given to children as a first food.

Allergic reactions to foods most often occur in young children. Any type of cabbage is not an irritant. Despite this, the body may react inappropriately. Before introducing such products into the diet, you should follow the rules of complementary feeding.


It is impossible to completely cure allergies; it is only possible to block its symptoms. To begin with, you should exclude the consumption of cauliflower in any form (for infants - complementary foods in the form of puree). It is important to follow a low-allergen diet so as not to provoke a new attack of the reaction.


Adults should avoid alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy and pickled foods to prevent intestinal irritation. In parallel, the intestinal microflora should be restored with the help of Linex, Maxilak, Creon and other drugs.

After this, antihistamines are taken in the form of gels and drops (Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin). Drops and syrups are used as a course.

In case of severe allergies, hormonal drugs Sinaflan or Celestoderm are prescribed. Activated carbon and Enterosgel are used as sorbents for the intestines.

If there is difficulty breathing and the development of anaphylactic shock, immediately call an ambulance and inject Prednisolone or Dexamethasone in large quantities. It is possible to use Eufillin to relieve bronchial spasm and Furosemide (diuretic effect).

Important! All medications for the treatment of allergies are prescribed by an allergist or pediatrician. Self-medication is dangerous!

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of cauliflower allergies are used in the form of baths and lotions to relieve itching: 2 tbsp. chamomile or strings are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. The broth is diluted with water in a bath or baby bath. Instead of taking a bath, sometimes the affected areas are treated with a cloth soaked in liquid.

As a preventative measure, people who have a reaction to any type of cabbage should avoid eating cauliflower. If allergies occur rarely, it is necessary to limit the amount of vegetable consumption.

How does the reaction to cabbage manifest itself?

If you are allergic to broccoli, the first feeding becomes the main period of its development. It can manifest itself differently in each child. In this case, the amount of allergen consumed does not matter.

A child tolerates allergies more easily than an adult. Symptoms also resolve more quickly and severe complications are rare. Usually a mild form of pathology occurs.

Symptoms in children

A child may develop an allergy to cauliflower after just a few hours of eating it. This also applies to reactions to other cabbage varieties. The main symptoms include:

  • skin irritation and redness;
  • itching;
  • hives;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritability;
  • allergic rhinitis.

The baby rarely experiences symptoms such as angioedema and anaphylactic shock. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Signs in adults

Cabbage is a non-allergenic vegetable. Despite this, allergies can occur not only in children, but also in adults. A food reaction can cause not only a cross-form, but also serious complications. The main features include:

  • hives;
  • dyspnea;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation;
  • cough;
  • frequent sneezing.

Even “advanced” allergies can be cured at home. Just remember to drink once a day.

Adults are at high risk of experiencing anaphylaxis. It is important to call an ambulance in time. Anaphylactic shock can be fatal.

Diagnosis of allergies

In order to diagnose this pathology, many different methods are used. There are a lot of allergenic foods, so diagnosis is difficult. Skin tests, allergy tests and laboratory tests are prescribed in a comprehensive manner.

How to identify an allergen in a child?

Skin tests are an effective method. A small amount of suspected allergens is injected under the child's skin. After a short period of time, the result is assessed. If the skin turns red at the puncture site, this confirms the presence of an allergy to a certain product.

In a baby

Before introducing complementary foods, the child should keep a food diary. It records the foods that the baby consumed during the day. The exclusion method also helps in diagnosing allergens.

A general blood test is also prescribed. Exceeding the norm of eosinophils can also confirm this disease. An immunological blood test for the presence of antibodies is also prescribed during diagnosis.

In a child older than one year

You can identify what has become an allergen in children older than one year using any method. At the same time, entries in the food diary and complaints from parents are taken into account. Provocative tests and laboratory tests are effective. Often, an allergy to cauliflower as a first complementary food is manifested not by the vegetable itself, but by chemical additives.

Diagnostic methods for adults

If a person is allergic, then he always has a risk of developing a new type of pathology. Even following a hypoallergenic diet does not provide safe guarantees. Diagnostic methods consist of provocative and skin tests, a method of eliminating the irritant and laboratory tests.

At the appointment, the doctor takes into account the patient’s complaints, conducts a visual examination, and checks for the presence of chronic diseases and other allergic reactions.

In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually it is enough to exclude the allergic product from the diet and follow a hypoallergenic diet. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the age and weight of the patient, drug therapy may be prescribed.

How to treat children?

Many parents wonder: could their child be allergic to broccoli? When introducing new foods for the first time, a reaction can occur to anything. Therefore, it is important to keep a food diary for children.

In treatment, it is enough to limit contact with the allergen and adjust the diet. Medications are prescribed for moderate to severe symptoms. In this case, antihistamines and sorbents will help.

If the child is an infant, then a new product should be introduced to him with extreme caution. Antihistamines are intended for children aged 3 and 6 months. But usually eliminating the allergen is enough to get rid of allergy symptoms.

Children over one year old

For children with allergies, a special diet is prescribed. Treatment should begin by limiting contact with the provocateur. If a child suffers from cauliflower intolerance, he should not eat another type of this vegetable.

Therapy for adults

Cabbage intolerance in adults is very rare. The patient should exclude from the diet any variety of this vegetable, as well as those that may cause a cross-reaction.

If moderate to severe symptoms develop, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. Sorbents are used to cleanse the body of toxins. To quickly eliminate skin manifestations and hives, use hormonal ointments and moisturizers.


Allergies to cauliflower are quite rare, but they do exist and require preventive and therapeutic measures. To prevent it, the following tips are suitable:

  1. People prone to food allergies should consume this variety of cabbage in small quantities.
  2. You should choose a product from trusted sellers or from your own garden. Those substances that are used to process vegetables during cultivation, transportation and storage can cause a number of allergic manifestations.
  3. Do not exceed the permissible doses of the first complementary foods in young children. Cauliflower is no exception.

Composition of a vegetable that can cause allergies in a child

Cauliflower, according to doctors, is considered an excellent product for first complementary feeding. However, you need to know which elements can cause allergies so as not to harm the child’s health in the future.

An allergy to cauliflower, the first complementary food, occurs as a result of the fact that the baby is given too much puree from this vegetable, since babies need acids and minerals only in optimal quantities.

Their significant increase threatens the development of allergies, as a result of which the intake of such a vegetable in the first months of a child’s life may be contraindicated. Why is it recommended to give this vegetable to babies in their first year of life? The fact is that cabbage is easily digestible and does not cause gas formation or allergies.

If a child develops allergic reactions, cabbage should be replaced with other vegetables with a similar composition, since it is with the help of the first complementary foods that the baby’s active growth occurs.


Allergy to cauliflower belongs to the food group of manifestations. The reasons in 85% of cases are protein in the product. The main symptoms include urticaria, swelling and eating disorders.

Treatment of a reaction to cauliflower includes avoiding the vegetable, diet, and the use of antihistamines and sorbents. In difficult cases, hormonal ointments are prescribed.

Cauliflower puree as part of complementary feeding for infants should be started with a small dose, gradually increasing every day. If you experience any negative reactions in the form of redness, rash, swelling of the lips, arms or legs, you should consult a doctor.

Various manifestations and reactions to this product are an indicator that even the most low-allergenic vegetables can cause allergies.


Chitinase is a protein enzyme found in cauliflower stems. Actually, this substance contributes to allergies. The immune system identifies this protein as a substance that poses a danger to the body. Therefore, it begins to produce antibodies. They are activated and bind to pro-inflammatory immune cells known as mast cells. The symptoms of cabbage allergy are caused by the release of histamine and other chemicals into the body.

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