Allergy to air: causes, symptoms and what to do

An allergic reaction can occur to different things: food, household chemicals, animal hair, odors. Allergens can be eliminated if necessary to avoid contact with them. It’s another matter when an immunopathological response to dry air appears. Many people do not know what to do in such a situation, because pathological symptoms can progress quickly, and it is impossible not to come into contact with oxygen. Allergy to air is quite real, and in such a situation you will have to consult a doctor and reconsider your usual lifestyle.


The main way to diagnose intolerance is the period in which it occurs. Allergies to dry air occur during the heating season, when indoor humidity drops by half. A day or two after turning on the batteries, symptoms begin to appear:

  • The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, both upper and lower, dries out and becomes thinner. The barrier to pathogenic bacteria and allergens becomes insignificant, therefore chronic diseases worsen - pharyngitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, as well as all respiratory allergies (if any);
  • Dry mucous membranes themselves lead to unpleasant sensations in the throat and nostrils. This is dryness, sometimes burning, even pain;
  • Allergy to dry air provokes other types of intolerance. In such air, the content of house dust allergens (animal epidermis, etc.) increases several times. In combination with thinned mucous membranes, this leads to severe allergic reactions;
  • Characteristic symptoms are a feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx and abundant accumulation of mucus in it;
  • Snoring or cessation of breathing resulting from swelling of the mucous membranes, because a person does not swallow during sleep. As a result, many allergens accumulate on the mucous membranes and swelling occurs;
  • A dry cough at night occurs because allergens settle on the mucous membranes. The second reason is dry mucous membranes of the throat, causing constant soreness.

Allergies to air of insufficient humidity occur in both children and adults. It is impossible to diagnose it in laboratory conditions. However, a conclusion about its presence can be made by the presence of symptoms.


  1. Office employees.
  2. Librarians.
  3. Sellers in fabric, book and furniture stores.
  4. Chemists, workers in hazardous industries.
  5. Medics.

People may encounter this:

  • smoking cigarettes;
  • abusing vasoconstrictor drops;
  • collecting paper book collections at home;
  • those who prefer fleecy carpets to smooth floor coverings;
  • containing pets.

However, the problem lies not only in household items, habits, profession or the furry pet of the whole family. Individual intolerance is formed, as a rule, in persons suffering from diseases of the respiratory system - in particular, chronic forms:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis, etc.

Injuries also pose a risk:

  • burn;
  • frostbite.

The presence of these diseases makes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract thinned or swollen, very sensitive to all irritants and unable to efficiently remove them from its own surface with the help of gland secretions, special “cilia” of the ciliated epithelium and other physiological “tools” for self-cleaning.

Dry air cannot be an allergen, it only acts as an additional damaging factor that enhances the effect of true provocateurs - household dust, aggressive chemicals, animal hair.

In conditions of insufficient humidity:

  • the number of allergens in the room increases;
  • the already vulnerable mucous membrane dries out faster;
  • unfavorable compounds are not removed, but settle in the respiratory tract and cause intolerance reactions.

If a person is working in the workshop of a drug manufacturing plant, disturbances are caused by harmful chemical elements; for office workers, constant contact with paper dust is dangerous; doctors react to disinfectants. In addition, it is easier for infections to settle on a dry mucous membrane - this creates conditions for maintaining a chronic inflammatory process and, closing a “vicious circle”, increases sensitivity to low humidity in the room.


It is impossible to treat allergies to moist air with traditional antihistamines. This is not an allergic reaction in its pure form - it does not cause the production of histamine in the body and does not develop through the same mechanism as intolerance. Essentially, this is an individual reaction of the mucous membranes to dry air.

But against the background of such a reaction, the patient often experiences aggravation of concomitant intolerances, as mentioned above. These intolerances (respiratory, food or contact) must be treated using traditional methods.

  1. For contact allergies (they are extremely rarely aggravated by dry air), it is recommended to study ointments for topical use;
  2. If respiratory symptoms are present, use nasal sprays and eye drops;
  3. To improve your overall health, take antihistamines prescribed by your doctor.

Swelling of the mucous membranes during sleep and snoring are dangerous. Potentially, such symptoms can be life-threatening, as they threaten to stop breathing. If an allergy to air manifests itself in this way, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. He may prescribe inhalers for evening use. In the most severe cases, it is necessary to install a mobile device that allows you to maintain breathing. Decongestants are also prescribed.


  • chronic infection;
  • allergic diseases (rhinitis, asthma);
  • burn or frostbite of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, etc.

A sufficiently large amount of information can be obtained by collecting an anamnesis - the patient tells the doctor about the events that preceded the development of intolerance, describes the manifestations that bother him. Additional research methods are also useful.

Skin tests

Performed to check for sensitivity to any provoking factors:

  • plant pollen;
  • animal hair;
  • household dust, etc.

A special preparation containing the allergen is applied to the skin and the reaction is monitored. It is considered positive when redness, swelling, itching, or a blister occur. You should not perform tests during an exacerbation and immediately after recovery - this leads to a high risk of a false negative result. If there is a reaction to physical factors (cold air), you can conduct a test with the effect of low temperatures on the skin. To do this, use a fan or an ice bag that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Microscopy of nasal secretions and sputum

The doctor takes a swab or asks the patient to cough to obtain material, which is sent to the laboratory for testing. All samples are taken only in sterile containers; before delivery, it is necessary to carry out hygienic measures (brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, etc.). The method is used for differential diagnosis between allergies and infections. In the first case, eosinophil cells predominate in the smear (about 30-40 in the field of view); in bronchial asthma, the following can also be detected:

  1. Kurshman spirals.
  2. Charcot-Leyden crystals.

With a bacterial infection, the sputum is mucopurulent; under a microscope, a large number of leukocyte cells (with a predominance of neutrophils) are determined. Detection of red blood cells is also possible. If necessary, the material is inoculated onto nutrient media in a bacteriological laboratory.


In order not to take medications constantly, you will have to take allergy prevention measures. First of all, buy a hygrometer. Acceptable humidity levels range from 60 to 80%, but this is quite individual. Determine what level of humidity is suitable for an allergy sufferer and try to maintain it.

You can maintain indoor humidity levels by purchasing a humidifier. It works in several modes, so you can choose the best one for yourself. This is a fairly expensive device, but it has a long service life, especially when used only during the heating season.


However, sometimes you are allergic to the humidifier, that is, to the humidity it creates.
If it is impossible to purchase a device, then you can increase the humidity in the room in other ways. Boiling a kettle increases the humidity level well. The steam emanating from it when water boils remains in the air for a long time in small particles. When drying clothes indoors, evaporation also occurs. It is important to ventilate frequently, since the outside air is almost always more humid (in winter there is almost no difference, since evaporation does not occur at low temperatures).

Avoid high room temperatures, as this will dry out the air. Moisture is absorbed by home textiles, furniture, books, and carpets. The more there are, the lower the humidity.

Preventing allergies to dry air

To increase humidity, it is recommended to purchase an air humidifier, ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning

Since there is no specific treatment for this disease, you can try to adhere to measures to prevent an allergic reaction. First of all, you will need to acquire a hygrometer that allows you to independently measure air humidity. If it is not possible to purchase one, then there is a simple way to determine the air humidity in the room. True, it is not very accurate. To do this, pour half a glass of water and place it in the refrigerator until the water temperature drops below 0.

After this, you need to place a glass of water in the room in which you want to check the humidity. It should be placed away from heating appliances. Then watch for a couple of minutes the walls of the glass, which will be in one of 3 states:

  • if they fog up quickly and also dry quickly, then there is not enough humidity in the air;
  • if the walls of the glass remain foggy for about 5 minutes and then dry out, the humidity is normal;
  • if after five minutes of fogging, rivulets form on the walls, the air humidity exceeds the required level.

To increase humidity, it is recommended to purchase an air humidifier, ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning. If there is no humidifier, then cover the heating radiators with wet rags, and place a bowl of water next to your bed, especially at night. You need to start following a healthy lifestyle and drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

What types of air fresheners are there?

Before choosing a scent, you need to decide on the format of the bottle and the operating principle of the air freshener.


The most common type is aerosol cans. The operating principle of this home accessory consists of micro-spraying liquid with floral and fruity fragrances under high pressure.


Most well-known manufacturers produce exclusively this product format. And this is not surprising, since the price category of aerosol fresheners is the most affordable of its kind and is always in demand. In addition, the effect of the spray spreads very quickly and has a very rich, concentrated aroma. Undoubtedly, in addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of this air freshener.


The most significant disadvantage of an aerosol air freshener is the possible harm to human health.
If microparticles of the spray enter the respiratory tract, chemical fragrances can cause a severe allergic reaction. This type of air freshener also has a negative impact on the environment. The aerosol contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer, increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Micro-spray air fresheners usually do not eliminate unpleasant odors, but only cover them with their aromatic fragrances. In addition, their effect lasts for a fairly short time. aerosol air freshener for home is affordable and works quickly, but has a short-term effect and is potentially dangerous to humans

With chopsticks

Recently, air fresheners for the home with rattan sticks have become most popular. It is a set consisting of a small container with an oily aromatic liquid and a set of wooden straws. The principle of using the freshener is as follows: open the lid of a jar of oil and insert several rattan branches into it. Once the straw has been soaked, the liquid will begin to evaporate, releasing a pleasant spicy aroma.


The undeniable advantage of this type of air freshener is the naturalness of the raw materials used. When making the aromatic mixture, natural oils are used without adding dyes or flavors. In addition, the unusual shape of liquid diffusers fits perfectly into the interior design.


Despite all the advantages, this format of air freshener has many disadvantages.
First of all, this is an excessive concentration of aroma. Even with short-term use of this gadget, the “heavy” ethereal smell can cause headaches and nausea. Added to this is the fact that the air freshener is not able to mask unpleasant odors, but only interrupts them for a while. air freshener with sticks is natural and aesthetically attractive, but only temporarily masks unpleasant odors and has a pungent odor

From essential oils

The principle of operation of this essential oil freshener is almost identical to the previous version.
The only difference between this model and the oil accessory with sticks is the use of only pure essential raw materials. Often the air freshener is a glass container with a wooden lid filled with oil. For aroma, it is necessary to periodically soak the cork plug with liquid and do not close the container tightly. a freshener made from essential oils fills the room with natural aromas


Gel air fresheners for the home are used not only to create a pleasant aroma in the room, but also as an aromatic sachet for linen. This accessory even exists in the format of gel candles. Gel air fragrances are quite easy to use - you just need to open the packaging and install the applicator in the desired room.


The gel freshener is absolutely safe for humans and the environment, has natural essential fragrances and perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors. In addition, it emits a light, unobtrusive aroma, making it ideal for children's rooms.


Unfortunately, the use of gel air freshener is quite short-lived.
Essential impregnation erodes from 20 to 35 days when kept in a ventilated room. With such a service life of the air freshener, the pricing policy is quite high. gel freshener removes unpleasant odors and is harmless to people, but is expensive and runs out quickly


In the era of complete automation, automatic air fresheners could not help but appear. These gadgets have two types of power - batteries or an electrical wired network. The automatic air freshener is a small plastic box with indicators of frequency and spray intensity with a built-in replaceable diffuser. For the electronic gadget to work, you need to connect the device to power, set the interval between sprays and the concentration of injections of the aromatic spray.


The main advantage of an automatic air freshener is its ease of use. You don't need to constantly spray the bottle. This device is also ideal for those who like to constantly maintain floral and fruity aromas in the house. In addition, thanks to the smallest atomization particles, the radius of the covered area is much higher than that of other air freshener models. Another important advantage of this accessory is its cost-effectiveness. With intensive use, one diffuser bottle lasts for two months; later it can be replaced with a replaceable aerosol.


In the case of an electric air freshener, the disadvantage is its dependence on the mains.
Also, this model is not equipped with an uninterruptible device and there is a risk of shorting the electronic board during a strong voltage surge. Automatic air fresheners are quite expensive even after long-term use. automatic air freshener economically scents a large area with fruity and floral notes, but is expensive


July 8, 2013
7 facts about allergies and the effect of air on our health

Moscow, Russia.

Summer is in full swing - a time when air quality deteriorates significantly and attracts attention. After all, summer in the city means melted asphalt, suffocating traffic jams, dust carrying pollen and microbes, an increased risk of forest and peat fires... We offer 7 interesting facts about allergies and the effect of air on our health.

Fact 1. Indoor air is 30 times dirtier than outside air.

Polluted air causes many problems: allergies, asthma, lung diseases and skin problems. Danger awaits not only on the street, but also at home, because indoor air is 30 times dirtier than outside.

: in addition to dust, sand and pollen that come from the street, you should also be wary of “household pollutants” coming from building materials, household chemicals, furniture and so on.

Fact 2. Just 1 gram of dust can contain from 2000 to 15000 dust mites


We and our children spend a third of the day sleeping, so it is important to understand that the bedroom and nursery can pose a certain danger: just 1 gram of dust

a mattress, bed upholstery, pillows, blankets and blankets can contain
from 2,000 to 15,000 dust mites
In addition, plush toys, high-pile carpets, curtains,
as well as various souvenirs that create coziness accumulate large amounts of dust.

Fact 3. Air conditioning is an excellent environment for the development of mold fungi.

Air conditioner

allows you to get rid of the obsessive heat and give a feeling of pleasant coolness, but at the same time they pose a certain threat, since they serve as an excellent haven for
the proliferation of mold fungi
Plants are also not so harmless, because in the pots of plants that require abundant watering, mold spores
, and plants such as
geranium, ferns, philodendron, primrose, ficus
and some others can themselves cause allergies.

Fact 4: New furniture
and building materials can emit formaldehyde.

, especially new ones, often emit
An increased content of this volatile chemical compound in the air is also observed after repairs
, and the building materials remaining after alterations, which are usually put away in a closet by thrifty owners, become not only an additional “collector” of dust, but also a source of various
harmful fumes

Fact 5. Pedantic cleanliness is harmful to health.

Household chemicals

, which makes life easier for the modern housewife, on the one hand, simplifies and speeds up cleaning, but on the other hand, it poses a serious danger: under the pleasant aromas of
washing powders, cleaning products and detergents
volatile chemical compounds are hidden that can
irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, cause a runny nose, cough ,
and also cause
bronchial asthma

Fact 6. In 1 hour of operation, the air conditioner can remove up to 2 liters of liquid from the air.

The air conditioner dries the air. The moisture contained in the air condenses on the cold parts of the air conditioner and is removed outside: per hour of operation

it is capable of
removing up to 2 liters of water from a room

Fact 7. The filters of modern air purifiers trap up to 99% of bacteria and even some viruses.

You can rarely find air purifiers in our apartments, but doing without them is becoming more and more difficult every year. Good modern cleaners

reduce the concentration of pollutants such as fine dust and pollen (almost 100%), formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene vapor, cigarette smoke, mold spores. In addition, their filters capture up to 99% of bacteria and even some viruses.

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