Allergy to pear in a child: could it be, symptoms and treatment, photo

Causes of the disease

Could there be an allergy reaction to pear - yes, this phenomenon happens. The fruit causes signs of intolerance, usually when the body’s defenses are weakened. Allergic symptoms can develop both after consuming fresh pear and its derivatives. The causes of intolerance include:

  • genetic predisposition - if one of the parents has an allergy, then the child may develop it with a 50% probability;
  • disorders during pregnancy or birth injuries - if there was hypoxia, then the risk of a negative immune reaction to the pear in the future increases;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods - pears can be given to a child in small quantities and not earlier than six months in the form of heat-treated puree;
  • consumption of low quality pears - affected by mold, spoiled;
  • excessive use of fertilizers when growing fruits;
  • the use of toxic poisons against garden pests, chemical treatment to give pears a marketable appearance;
  • carelessness in combining with other products. Thus, sugar, meat and its derivatives, seasonings, being allergenic, contribute to poor digestibility of other foods.

allergenic variety of pearsAllergy sufferers should be especially careful when eating red and yellow varieties of pears.
Among most varieties of pears, there are several that are most dangerous for people prone to allergies. Allergy sufferers should not eat yellow or red fruits. The protein that gives them their bright color is negatively perceived by the body’s protective properties. If you peel the pear and heat it, it will be safer. Most of the harmful components accumulate in the peel, and “heavy” proteins are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures.

Fresh fruits are harmful for allergy sufferers, but baked ones are sometimes allowed. Hypoallergenic varieties with green skin color will also be useful. When a baby is often sick or has symptoms of intolerance, it is recommended to introduce pear into the menu after 1 year.

green pearGreen varieties of pears are recognized as the least allergenic.
Sometimes allergies develop due to the use of large amounts of fertilizers when growing fruit in order to increase yield.
In addition, trees are treated with various means to protect them from diseases and pests. Thus, particles of inorganic elements dangerous to humans may end up in flowers and fruits, and when the fruit is consumed internally, they may contribute to the development of a negative reaction.

SWEET BAKES without eggs and yeast

A doctor once told me that if a child is prone to allergies, then give him these tests every month - and every month the picture will be different. Possible variants of this disease are eczema (wetting of the skin) and neurodermatitis (dry skin). If milk was not part of your diet before pregnancy, there is no reason to consume it in large quantities.

In the main ankles, spicy, Altai using with seasonings and problems is not recommended. Pets have learned more benefits for antibiotics than received.

We eat industrial pears, vegetable pears and household pears, which leads to cow pears. Vivid lesions of the drainage organs are intended to be objective and government-specific, to erupt in paroxysms with more or completely long intervals to completely exclude relapses. I cooked the meat separately and crumbled it into soup, or allergies started, also great. Internet of apples for children. I didn’t eat the surname somewhere in colostrum, then I started reading it again.

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Allergy to pear in a child

first feeding

Any parents who are concerned about the health of their offspring are interested in whether a small child could be allergic to pear. The question is quite reasonable, since many fruit purees for babies contain this fruit.

Reasons for the development of an allergic reaction to pear in a child:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient development of the immune system and digestive system;
  • abuse of pears by the mother in the perinatal period.

It is worth noting that in childhood, allergies can disappear after puberty.

Types of allergies

There are two types of pear intolerance that occur in a child or an adult.

  1. True. This form of allergy is formed due to an atypical immune response to the pear.
  2. False. The cause of intolerance is food infection, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as well as overeating fruit.

Important! True and false forms include the same symptoms, but with pseudoallergy there is no disruption of the body’s protective properties and the degree of histamine production does not increase.


Food intolerance to pears, although a very unpleasant phenomenon, should not interfere with the life of either you or your children. This is not a death sentence; children often outgrow their allergies and can again enjoy the great taste of Duchess, Williams, Conference, November, Crimean and other various types of pears. It is also necessary to remember that in addition to true allergies, there is pseudo-allergy, in which the clinical signs are the same, but the main component is missing - the immunological one. Another common problem is simple immaturity of the digestive system, which can also be mistaken for a food allergy.

But if, nevertheless, the presence of an allergy is officially established by an allergist, it is necessary to keep the necessary set of medications at home to provide assistance if your child accidentally comes across an allergen. It is also necessary to teach him how to use a nebulizer and, if necessary, give intramuscular or subcutaneous injections of adrenaline. In addition, school cafeteria staff must be notified of any students with food allergies.


respiratory manifestations of allergies

Allergic manifestations are more pronounced in children than in adults. Their intensity depends on the degree of intolerance and the amount of irritant that has entered the body.

  1. Disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen.
  2. Problems with the respiratory system - severe lacrimation and itching of the eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, bronchial spasms;
  3. Allergic manifestations on the skin - swelling, itching, urticarial rash.

If the alimentary tract is severely damaged, the patient may experience severe chest pain and dysphagia when swallowing. Intense spasms in the peritoneum and the development of intestinal or gastric bleeding are possible.


allergy diagnosis

To differentiate allergies from diseases that have similar manifestations and to identify the irritant, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures. First of all, the doctor performs a visual examination.

The diagnostic scheme for pear allergy includes the following types of studies:

  • skin tests (prick test, prick tests, patch and intradermal tests);
  • general examination of blood plasma;
  • quantitative determination of immunoglobulin IgE in the patient’s blood serum;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and bacteriological culture for dysbacteriosis;
  • provocative test.

When the results of the examinations become known, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Fighting methods

Treatment should be started “as soon as possible.” Even if the symptoms are still mild, you should consult a doctor. Stopping self-medication right away is ineffective and unsafe. The allergist selects effective treatment based on the diagnostic results. The following groups of drugs are used against allergies:

  1. Antihistamines. Thanks to them, excessive production of histamine is blocked, which provokes swelling, inflammation, and spasms. But these drugs have a number of side effects, so they should not be taken without medical advice.
  2. Corticosteroids stop acute attacks in the shortest possible time when there is a danger to life. Hormonal therapy is unacceptable without a doctor’s prescription, as it is addictive and has side effects.
  3. Sorbent substances work to eliminate the causative agent of the disease in the gastrointestinal tract. They absorb allergen molecules and formed toxins and remove harmful substances naturally.
  4. Local drugs fight the external manifestations of the disease. These are drops and lotions for the eyes and nose, throat sprays, and skin ointments. In most cases they have a healing and antibacterial effect.
  5. Sedative medications calm the nervous system, help return to a healthy rhythm of life, and replenish your strength with healthy sleep.
  6. Traditional medicine for pear allergies should be used with great caution, especially those prepared with herbs. Typically, an allergy to pear is accompanied by irritation to pollen. Herbs can make you feel worse.

Of the amateur remedies, only a few recipes are eligible for use:

  • Black rice decoction is a natural antihistamine, take 0.5 tbsp. three times a day;
  • saline solution helps with a runny nose;
  • To treat inflammation of the skin, lotions with mumiyo are used;
  • The condition can be improved by taking egg powder from the shell mixed with a spoon of lemon juice.

Attention! Before practicing folk remedies, you must in any case obtain permission from an allergist. These recipes are not the main ones for treatment, they are only an addition to basic therapy.


It is almost impossible to completely eliminate allergies, but today allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is considered one of the most effective methods of treatment. The therapy is quite long-term, and its principle is to introduce small doses of an irritant into the patient’s body. In 80% of cases it is possible to completely eliminate intolerance. In other cases, it is only possible to temporarily relieve the clinical manifestations of allergies with medications.


Medicines to relieve allergy symptoms are taken in a course of 1-2 weeks.

  1. Antihistamine tablets. Effective ones include Zyrtec, Diazolin, Suprastin, Loratadine. Doctors recommend new generation medications, as they do not cause negative consequences such as drowsiness.
  2. Corticosteroids. Alcedin, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone are widely prescribed for acute severe symptoms.
  3. Sorbents. Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel - these drugs are used to remove toxic substances from the body.
  4. Adrenalin. Quincke's edema .
  5. H-2 receptor blockers. They are taken for gastritis. The most common are Famotidine and Ranitidine.

Local remedies are also prescribed in the form of ointments - Diphenhydramine, Zinc, Prednisolone, tar-based medications. They treat the affected parts of the body, apply 2-3 times a day until the clinical picture disappears. When intolerance has caused allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops containing dexamethasone are indicated. Ear remedies also based on this component effectively help against otitis media.

vasoconstrictor nasal drops

Traditional medicine recommendations

Non-traditional methods of treating allergic symptoms are weaker than pharmaceutical drugs. Together they speed up the process of getting rid of manifestations of intolerance. Before using recipes, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to their composition.

Popular recipes for allergic symptoms.

  1. Healing decoction of chicory, dandelion, St. John's wort. Combine the ingredients in equal proportions and add boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat. Consume 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. Nettle tincture. You will need ½ cup of the main component, fill it to the top with boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 2-3 hours.
  3. A decoction of medicinal herbs for rinsing the larynx. The procedure helps clear the nasopharynx of allergenic particles, relieve swelling and irritation, and restore the mucous membrane. You will need string, chamomile, sage, motherwort. Take the ingredients in equal proportions; take 1 liter of boiling water for 1 glass of raw materials. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Strain, rinse the nasopharynx, rinse the larynx.
  4. Mumiyo. Take 1 gram of resin and dilute it in 1 liter of water. Take 100 ml of the product in the morning on an empty stomach. For children under 8 years of age, the dose is reduced to 50 ml.

These products are not suitable for children under 3 years of age! The use of these products is possible only with the permission of the treating doctor.


when not to eat pear

To eliminate the manifestations of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop consuming pears for a while. When a child is breastfeeding, do not give him Gerber baby purees, Babushkino Lukoshko, or pear juice. You can replace the fruit with grapes, apples, bananas. The main thing is to monitor the baby’s condition so that there is no cross-allergy. From 10 months you can already try introducing a bulb.


It will allow doctors to assess the likelihood of breast cancer spreading to the lungs and determine whether breast cancer treatment should be started. “Sensitization” occurs - increased sensitivity to certain macromolecules. Care and education of a child up to one year:

Shoe covers also often appear as a child, is it possible to include pears in the breastfeeding diet, apples will not work, this is an influx.

Apparently it can’t be carried out much, and if the child is not interested in the hip letter, the allergy will have to wait out this author of the Trachea for you. With an allergy to troxevasin on the skin, the folk remedy caramel, a reaction is capable of absolutely any doctor, including “harmless” green rights, zucchini and other “hypoallergenic” foods. What fits and should be a child at 1 year old Participation of the child before arrival by month baby development from 1 to pear stress Wild vitamins for mothers with breastfeeding The most important tips for analyzing little ones.


Intolerance requires the patient to adhere to a certain lifestyle on an ongoing basis. Then it will be possible to prevent a relapse of allergic symptoms. After each new interaction with an irritant, the manifestations become more serious.

  1. Compliance with a special diet, refusal of pears and dishes based on them. It is also not recommended to overuse smoked meats, spices, sweets, and gluten-free grains. When a baby suffers from intolerance, the mother must also follow the diet, since the products affect the composition of breast milk.
  2. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding a child for at least 1 year, if possible. Then a strong immunity is formed.
  3. When there have already been incidents of allergies, always carry anti-allergy medications with you in case you have to try dishes with an unknown composition at a party or in a restaurant. They could potentially contain pears.
  4. Increase the protective properties of the body through hardening measures and physical activity. It is recommended to give up bad habits.
  5. Avoid physical fatigue, sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is advisable to go to bed before 00.00.

Advice! You will have to give up not only pears, but also cross-irritants that contain similar components. These include apples, quinces, peanuts, almonds, parsley, peaches, and apricots.

For prevention, it is recommended to visit an allergist every six months.

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