A rash appeared on my hands after wearing rubber gloves

Types of rash

Most often, the rash looks the same; it is very difficult for a non-specialist to determine its type, but in some cases, skin rashes have their own characteristics, which can be used to narrow down the range of possible diseases.

  • ecthyma - the rash is covered with a crust;
  • lupus erythematosus – peeling;
  • rashes in the form of pimples;
  • bubbles and blisters;
  • dry rash;
  • vesicle - wet rash;
  • macula – change in skin color;
  • white rash;
  • subcutaneous rash;
  • red, inflamed rashes;
  • manifestations of herpes infection;
  • pustular rash.

Why do my fingers itch?

Quite often, a rash on the fingers and toes is a sign of a certain disease. To find out the etiology, you should visit a specialist. The conclusion suggests itself - if the rash on the fingers itches and becomes inflamed, it is necessary to look for the cause, and not just deal with unpleasant symptoms.

The rash may appear as a result of:

  1. Allergies - this can be food allergy, cold allergy, or also provoked by external irritants (exogenous).
  2. Skin pathologies are the most common cause of rashes on the fingers. If the skin of your hands is covered with a rash, itches and itches, you should contact a dermatologist; these may be the following skin diseases: eczema, lice, scabies, neurodermatitis, urticaria.
  3. The negative influence of external factors is most often mechanical, chemical or temperature. For example, a small rash on the fingers may be associated with very high or low temperatures or wearing synthetic clothing. People with sensitive and dry skin especially often suffer from this rash. This pathology is called contact dermatitis.
  4. Problems in the functioning of internal organs. The human body is a single system, and skin rashes may indicate diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, thyroid gland, and lymphatic system.
  5. Too much emotional stress - in this case, a rash between the fingers and other areas of the skin appears in people who are emotional and overly excitable.
  6. Taking certain medications is a fairly common side effect of tablets and some ointments.

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Causes of redness on hands

The causes of redness on the hands are divided into three groups: exposure to negative external factors, skin diseases and pathologies of internal organs.

The first group of causes includes the following diseases:

  • Exposure to extremely low or high temperatures. This is the most common among the harmless premises of the described phenomenon. Staying in the cold without gloves, prolonged sunbathing in the open sun without protective equipment, washing hands or dishes in cold water – these are the circumstances under which the skin of an adult or child’s hands turns red. Moreover, such a phenomenon can persist for a long time, since temperature exposure damages the epidermis, and it needs from several hours to several days to recover;
  • The reaction to insect bites in adults and children also leads to redness of the tissues. In this case, it is accompanied by itching, swelling, and the appearance of inflamed spots. The intensity of the reaction depends on the type of insect and the characteristics of the human body: usually the bites go away in a couple of hours, but if you are prone to allergies, red spots can persist for several days.

The largest group of provoking factors are skin pathologies:

  • Atopic dermatitis is a disease that affects adults and children from infancy. The pathology is expressed in inflammation of the epidermis, due to which red spots of varying sizes appear on it. Foci of inflammation may be dry, crusty, but periodically tend to become weeping. The disease is characterized by periodicity: the spots grow and then decrease or disappear altogether, but under certain circumstances (diet violation, change of cosmetics or perfume) they appear again;
  • Contact dermatitis is also a type of allergic skin disease that is present in both adults and children. Red, itchy spots appear on the affected areas and last for several weeks if left untreated. A negative reaction is caused by contact with an allergen substance. This could be household chemicals, hard water, aggressive cosmetics containing sulfates and parabens;
  • Fungal diseases are expressed in redness of the area between the fingers. Fungi destroy the epidermis and its appendages (hairs, nails). Such diseases are provoked by a decrease in immunity in a child or adult, in particular due to the use of antibiotics. In the future, the pathology can be transmitted from the sick person to his relatives and friends;
  • Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that results in redness and inflammation of the skin, including the palms and hands. The clinical picture is complemented by itching, the formation of dense painful crusts and weeping.

The skin is a unique organ that reflects the condition of the entire organism. For this reason, changes in the epidermis often indicate deeper health problems:

  • Chronic nervous overstrain, prolonged stress or sudden shocks can have an external expression in the appearance of reddish or pink spots on the palms. Sometimes they go away on their own without additional interventions, but in other cases, “nerve” spots cannot be gotten rid of without medical help;
  • Liver diseases in some cases are accompanied by redness of the skin of the palms. If the liver cannot cope with toxins obtained from alcohol and junk food, very serious diseases develop: cirrhosis, hepatosis or hepatitis. In a neglected state, they can lead to such external manifestations. In addition, the patient experiences pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, and upset stool;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies also lead to changes in the color of the skin of the extremities. In this case, additional symptoms are dizziness, darkening of the eyes, and weakness.

From this list of pathologies it follows that redness of the skin of the hands is not always a safe phenomenon. Of course, you can often cope with it on your own, but most often it requires medical attention.

Treatment Options

The method for eliminating the described condition depends on its cause. In some cases, it is enough to use a regular cosmetic product (baby cream, Vaseline, hand moisturizer), in others, a complex of therapeutic measures is required, including preparations for internal and external use.

Pharmacies offer a line of creams, balms and emulsions that relieve irritation caused by frostbite, dermatitis and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The following products are popular: Physiogel, Mustela, Emolium, Topicrem. These drugs include ultra-moisturizing creams, emollients necessary to restore lipid balance, and body and head washes that are safe for contact dermatitis. Most of them are completely safe. They are recommended by dermatologists for the treatment of patients of any age, including newborns.

In addition to these cosmetic products, adults and children with skin diseases need steroid ointments. They are used during an exacerbation to relieve inflammation, reduce redness and itching in the affected areas. The simplest and most common corticosteroid agent is Hydrocortisone ointment. It is prescribed for both children and adults, however, when treating a child, it is advisable to use Hydrocortisone for the eyes, since it contains half the dosage of the hormone.


Allergies are the most common cause of skin rashes and can be of the following types:

  1. Contact dermatitis occurs after direct skin contact with an allergen.
  2. Toxicoderma - the allergen enters the blood in a hemogenic manner.
  3. Urticaria is a rash on the fingers in the form of blisters, reminiscent of a nettle burn.
  4. Atopic dermatitis is a hereditary disease that begins to appear in childhood.

Treatment of allergies first involves eliminating the allergen, and then taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Infections and parasitic diseases

Fungal infection of the skin manifests itself in the form of an itchy rash on the fingers in the form of blisters; the rash can be red or white. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person; the risk increases if there are wounds or cracks on the skin. For some time, a fungal infection may not manifest itself in any way, but when the immune defense decreases (colds, stress, taking antibiotics), the fungus becomes more active, and then the clinical picture of the pathology can be observed.

Infectious lesions of the body can also be accompanied by skin rashes. It could be rubella, measles or chickenpox. These infections are more common in childhood, but sometimes occur in adults.

Streptoderma is considered a rather dangerous infectious disease; in this case, blisters appear on the fingers, the rash can be yellow or white, and there is a cloudy liquid inside the blisters. When the blisters burst, a crust forms in their place, which will remain until the person eliminates the streptococcal infection.

As for parasitic diseases, a rash on the fingers may appear as a result of infection with scabies mites.

Causes of hand swelling

Let's try to get acquainted with the most common reasons why the hands swell.

Poor nutrition

Swelling of the hand can be the result of drinking too much of any liquid shortly before bed. Overeating, drinking alcohol and salty foods can also cause swelling of the limbs. By reviewing your diet and diet, you can easily get rid of this phenomenon.


Swelling of the hands occurs very often in late pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with the occurrence of the so-called tunnel syndrome, when fluid stagnates directly on the wrists, causing impact (pressure) on the nerve, so often with severe swelling, the hands hurt. Diet and a healthy lifestyle are the best prevention of edema. But you should still tell your doctor about such problems.


Bruised hand or broken finger. In this case, inflammation is a natural reaction of the body. It is necessary to apply a cold compress and consult a traumatologist.

Allergic reaction

Hands may become swollen and itchy after contact with various detergents. By eliminating the allergen, the swelling will go away on its own within 24 hours. To alleviate the condition, you can take antihistamines.


The swollen appearance of your hands could be a side effect of taking a new medication. It is worth stopping taking the drug and contacting the doctor who prescribed it to you to replace or reduce the dosage.

Kidney disease

For the most part, edema is associated with kidney diseases, because they are responsible for the balance of water in the body. In addition to the hands, other parts of the body may swell. Characterized by general poor health and problems with urination. You should not treat it yourself; serious consequences are possible.

Heart failure

Most of all, swelling at night occurs due to heart failure and deterioration of blood flow. Features of such edema: develop slowly, are symmetrically located, and are accompanied by shortness of breath. As heart failure increases, cardiac edema develops. They start from the feet and rise higher as the disease progresses.

Lung diseases

Swelling of the arms can also be a symptom of the development of lung disease if it is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits. It is extremely important to contact your GP and begin treatment.

Pathologies of internal organs

For liver problems, in addition to the rash, the following is observed:

  • yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • cracks in the tongue;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • temperature rise and others.

If there are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, skin manifestations look like red spots that become crusty. In some cases, rashes appear not only on the hands, but also on the neck and face.

If the sebaceous glands are disrupted, dyshidrosis develops. Blisters with liquid inside appear on the hands. The rashes are itchy and itchy.

When metabolic processes are disrupted, keratosis pilaris develops. In this case, the skin becomes keratinized, which leads to inflammatory processes in the hair follicles, as well as to the appearance of a rash on the hands.

Hormonal imbalances provoke excessive secretion of sebaceous secretions, which can result in pustular formations appearing on the hands.

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Vitamin deficiencies and decreased immune defense are accompanied by blistering formations that become crusty. Peeling and layering of the skin is also observed.

Causes of the disease

Rubber products are divided into several categories depending on the application. Therefore, they are made from different substances and auxiliary components are added. It is important to promptly identify what causes allergies in gloves, eliminating the risk of increasing the body’s negative reaction. The following damaging factors are identified:

  • rubber component;
  • latex;
  • nitrile;
  • vinyl;
  • talc, powder.

That is, the main damaging factor is the material from which the products are made. Less often, allergic reactions occur due to the addition of talc and powder, which prevent sweating of the hands.

If an antigen that causes hypersensitivity is identified, you can change the glove material for allergies. For example, if a patient is allergic to latex gloves, change the base material to nitrile.

The cause of glove allergy symptoms is the hypersensitivity of the immune system. The following reactions occur in the body, causing clinical signs:

  • the immune system reacts to the penetrating antigen, causing active proliferation of protective cells (eosinophils, basophils, mast cells);
  • immune cells accumulate in the affected area (skin and subcutaneous fat layer of the patient’s hands), releasing inflammatory mediators (bradykinin, histamine);
  • inflammatory mediators lead to pain, swelling, itching, burning, peeling, rash, redness and other symptoms;
  • when the patient takes off the gloves, the negative symptoms gradually decrease and are completely eliminated if they are not worn for a long time.

Having identified the true cause of the symptoms, they understand how to treat allergies to gloves. This is done by an allergist after conducting diagnostic tests.

Viral infections

The viral cause of hand rash is most often associated with herpes. The herpes simplex virus, which appears as a vesicle on the lips, is a source of infection. If, while treating your lips, the virus enters a wound on your hands, it can cause similar rashes. Genital herpes can get on the skin of your hands in exactly the same way and cause rashes on them. Therefore, when treating affected areas, extreme caution must be taken, and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before and after the procedure.

Causes of irritation on the skin of the hands

Unlike men, women are more often susceptible to irritation of the skin of their hands, especially female representatives who neglect latex gloves while performing household chores.

Irritation often occurs after using household chemicals. Most detergents contain alkalis, which, when they come into contact with the skin, negatively affect its top layer - the epidermis.

Hand irritation from detergents

When interacting with strong detergents, be careful and try to use the products with gloves - you may get a chemical burn.

With frequent interaction with water, the skin on the hands dries, becomes rough, microcracks appear, after which the epidermis begins to peel off, become covered in rashes and become inflamed. An irritation reaction occurs due to too hard water with the addition of chemical elements - iron, chlorine and treatment with other compounds.

It is important! If your skin is prone to irritation, it is recommended to use rubber gloves when performing household work. But latex glove manufacturers warn that the polymer causes allergies. To avoid allergic reactions and irritation on the hands after using toxic detergents, dermatologists recommend masks for wrapping and moisturizing the skin of the hands, which contain vegetable oils - tea tree, chamomile, calendula, lavender.

Irritating factors

Irritation occurs on the skin of the hands due to allergies due to food consumption. To prevent an immune response to the allergen, the nutritional diet should be reviewed.

Irritation on the skin of the hands, redness of the skin

Highly allergenic foods include:

  • chocolate, confectionery;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • fruits and vegetables of red, orange colors, citrus fruits;
  • fish, seafood;
  • chicken eggs, whole milk;
  • honey, nuts, mushrooms;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • seasonings, spices, products containing food additives and dyes.

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Irritation on the skin of the hands blisters

There are other reasons that contribute to irritation on the skin of the hands:

  • sudden temperature changes, cold atmospheric front;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, cosmetics that are not suitable for a certain skin type, an allergic reaction to cosmetic components;
  • irritation due to contact with tight, synthetic clothing, wearing clothing made from rough fabric;
  • unpleasant sensations on the skin occur after washing dishes, washing clothes by hand using powder, after which rashes are common;
  • an irritable reaction on the hands occurs due to allergies to dust, wool, food and other antigens;
  • depilation also contributes to irritation of the scalp;
  • specific working conditions often provoke irritation;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • unbalanced diet, combining an unhealthy diet with an intense work schedule;
  • increased nervous excitability.

Rashes in children

A rash on a child’s fingers is a fairly common phenomenon; most often its appearance is associated with poor hygiene, however, there may be other reasons:

  • allergy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • infections and viruses;
  • parasites;
  • neuroses.

The clinical picture of a rash in a child can be varied. In some cases, the temperature may rise, the child is constantly itching and becomes restless.

It is very important to ensure that the child does not scratch his hands, since this can cause a secondary infection and the child’s condition will worsen.

Causes of rashes

A rash on the hands can appear for various reasons. In children it can occur as a result of lack of hygiene. In the summer, they spend a lot of time outside, getting their hands dirty in the sand. This can cause skin irritation and rashes.

Common causes of rashes in adults are allergic reactions, irritations, and insect bites. In some cases, a rash may be a symptom of the development of cardiovascular or infectious diseases.

How to treat water rash on hands

Diagnostic measures

As soon as a rash appears on your hands, you must immediately contact a dermatologist, because the risk of the rash migrating to other areas of the skin is very high. In this case, the disease will be more severe.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor will take into account the patient’s complaints, examine his skin, conduct an allergy test, and also prescribe a blood test for the presence of other pathologies in the body.

To make the picture of the disease clearer, you need to determine the cause of the rash; this may require consultation not only with a dermatologist, but also with an allergist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, dentist, gynecologist and other specialists.

Laboratory tests for the presence of a rash on the hands are as follows:

  • general blood analysis;
  • immunological blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • cultural and microscopic examination of biomaterial;
  • bacteriological examination of a smear;
  • histological analysis of the skin.

Principles of treatment

It is clear that the treatment of a rash on the fingers will depend on the cause of the pathology:

  1. Scabies - treatment is prescribed with sulfur ointment, as well as other local drugs.
  2. Fungal infection - it is necessary to take antifungal agents orally, which are selected taking into account the type of pathogen.
  3. Chickenpox and other infectious diseases - symptomatic treatment is carried out, which is based on the use of antiseptic solutions.
  4. Dyshidrosis - it is necessary to take desensitizing and antihistamine drugs.
  5. Allergies - antihistamines are prescribed orally and glucocorticosteroids externally.
  6. Hormonal pathologies - it is necessary to stabilize hormonal levels.
  7. Urticaria - antihistamines are prescribed, as well as dietary supplements.
  8. Viral infection - it is necessary to determine the type of virus and treat it with appropriate antiviral drugs.


Folk remedies

To alleviate the patient’s condition (eliminate itching, relieve inflammation and return the skin to its former healthy appearance), you can use traditional medicine. However, one must understand that using folk remedies alone is not advisable to influence the cause of the pathology; treatment of a rash on the hands should be based on searching for the cause and traditional treatment. Folk remedies can be used as symptomatic treatment in addition to the main one.

  1. Motherwort infusion. You will need a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of dry plant material. Leave for an hour, strain, drink throughout the day.
  2. Infusion of birch buds. You will need a tablespoon of dry buds and 5 tablespoons of vodka. The buds need to be ground and filled with vodka. Leave for a week and then use to treat affected areas of the skin.
  3. 20 grams of St. John's wort is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. After a week, the tincture is filtered and used to treat the skin.
  4. Grind fresh cucumbers. Pour a tablespoon of gruel into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain, add a teaspoon of honey. The resulting product can be used to treat not only rashes on the hands, but also acne on the face.
  5. It is also recommended to take strengthening vitamin preparations. For example, take 10 g of Chinese lemongrass berries, 5 g of elecampane root, 10 g of sage. Mix everything well, pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave, drink chilled with the addition of cinnamon.

Symptoms of hand swelling

If the hand is swollen, then it is easy to notice with the naked eye, simply by comparing it with the hand of another person. As a rule, the process of swelling of the hands begins with swelling of the fingers. You can conduct a mini-test: apply a little pressure on the supposedly swollen tissue; on healthy skin, the imprint will disappear quickly.

Often the swelling of the left hand is much stronger than the right. The reason is that the left arm is less exposed to various loads, and therefore the blood flow in this limb is slower.

Swelling of the hands is usually detected in the morning and disappears during the day. But even in this case, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist. If such a problem is chronic, this indicates serious dysfunction of some internal organ. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, even in the complete absence of pain.

Preventive actions

As soon as the rash on the hands has passed and the skin has become healthy again, it is necessary to immediately take preventive measures to prevent relapses. For this it is recommended:

  • maintain hygiene;
  • Avoid contact with aggressive substances without gloves;
  • do not eat foods that can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • in cold weather, before going outside, you need to lubricate your hands with a rich cream, and in the summer, apply sunscreen to your hands.

In addition, it is very important to promptly treat all possible diseases, the symptom of which is skin rashes.

Rashes on the hands should in no case be ignored, since they are not only not aesthetic, they attract the attention of others to the hands, but can also be the cause of quite serious diseases, the treatment of which must be high-quality and timely. Only consultation with a doctor and a competent approach to treatment can guarantee complete relief from the rash on the hands.

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Characteristic manifestations of irritation

Irritation on the hands has certain characteristics. Let's pay attention to the symptoms of irritated skin.

Irritation on the skin of the hands and redness

Irritation on hands itches

If the skin on your hands itches, itches, or flakes, the process indicates an allergic reaction. Allergies are caused by internal and external irritants, and the immune response to the allergen occurs most often due to weak immunity. Irritating substances are:

  • cosmetical tools;
  • change of perfume, eau de toilette;
  • reaction to animal waste products;
  • medicines;
  • Food;
  • synthetics.

Skin irritation on fingers
Another cause of itchy hand skin is infection. The infection is transmitted through a handshake, handrails on public transport, door handles, and poor hygiene.

Irritation on hands: itching and redness

Irritation on the hands in the form of itching and redness of the skin occurs due to infections and damage to the epidermis. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathogenic condition - most often it is an infectious process.

Attention! Before starting to use medicinal ointments and creams, it is necessary to determine your skin type. To avoid the disease becoming chronic, treatment should begin with the first symptoms of irritation, otherwise there is a risk of increasing symptoms.

There are several types of skin hyperemia (redness):

  1. Temporary - due to the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. Blood flows to the skin, the vessels dilate, causing redness, which soon goes away on its own;
  2. Exposure to natural and chemical factors - interaction with aggressive components of household chemicals, cosmetics, as well as the influence of highly allergenic plants, temperature changes leads to redness on the skin;
  3. Dermatoses are skin inflammations that lead to rashes and peeling of the skin.

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Skin irritation on wrists

Irritation on hands from using rubber gloves

Allergy to latex and rubber gloves manifests itself as irritation on the hands. The risk group includes medical workers, as well as people prone to allergic reactions.

Rubber gloves contain talc, rubber oil, to which the body reacts as a foreign substance, resulting in an immune response.

Reference! In addition to rubber gloves, allergies to condoms, catheter tips and other medical devices are possible.

An allergic reaction to latex is expressed as follows::

  • irritation on the hands in the form of a red rash, itchy skin;
  • when inhaling the components, allergic rhinitis may occur with swelling of the mucous membrane, loss of smell or dry congestion;
  • prolonged contact provokes eczema and complex forms of allergies.

Hand skin irritation from rubber gloves

Irritation on hands after hair removal

Epilation is stressful for the skin, and after and during the process, not only irritation with unpleasant sensations occurs, but also inflammation, redness, and an allergic reaction to the epilator product.

If after some time irritation appears on the skin in the form of small purulent pimples, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and change the method of hair removal.

Cosmetologists advise using special products with a cooling effect after removing unwanted hair.

Hand skin irritation after hair removal

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