The skin on the elbows itches. Itchy elbows are the main causes of itching. Causes of peeling skin on elbows

The human body needs care. It is affected not only by the environment, but also by your overall health. Sun rays leave marks on exposed areas of the skin, detergents cause irritation, and even constant nervous tension can lead to a rash. Similar manifestations are immediately noticeable on the face, neck or hands, but when the elbows itch, it is not so easy to see defects on the skin.

Usually these places are covered with clothing, with the exception of the summer season, so it is not always possible to immediately detect peeling skin on the elbows. The causes and treatment of this disease can vary and depend on several factors.

Features of the skin on the elbows

The epidermis on the outside of the joint is naturally wrinkled and slightly flaky, and there is practically no fat layer. Therefore, with constant work at a desk and the habit of leaning on your elbows, your skin becomes rougher.

In the absence of other unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to pay more attention to care and use products with a high fat content. But if there is a rash on the elbow and itching, pain when pressing, induration, redness, you must undergo an examination to determine the exact source of the discomfort.

Cosmetic procedures that improve the appearance of the skin

Procedures that improve the appearance of the skin consist of several stages, the sequential implementation of which will not only quickly restore, but also maintain the skin in a healthy condition.

The first step is to cleanse the skin of dead cells and impurities. If there are small, or even deeper, cracks, you should perform manipulations with great care. The following products are used for exfoliation and softening:

  1. Scrubs. Depending on the condition of the skin on your elbows, use scrubs of different consistencies, that is, different in hardness. The scrub can also be prepared at home. To do this, you will need table salt mixed with shower gel, olive oil, and nourishing cream.
  2. Skin softeners - citrus fruits, raw potatoes, a mixture of cologne and glycerin, salicylic ointment, a mixture of honey and almond oil. In case of severe hardening of the skin, it is worth applying these products in the form of a compress, wrapping them in film and leaving them on for at least 3 hours, and preferably all night.
  3. You can lighten the skin on your elbows using a traditional remedy used for these cases: lemon, as well as a mixture of ammonia or apple cider vinegar and liquid soap.
  4. Nourish and maintain healthy skin by daily applying the nourishing cream you use on your hands and taking a body bath or baths separately for your elbows. For baths, you can prepare herbal infusions of sage, mint, and chamomile.

Cosmetics that are necessary to maintain healthy skin on the elbows should include herbal substances and vitamins, especially A, D, E. You should not trust every product; the product should be suitable specifically for your skin. It is worth paying attention to the reaction to shower gel and soap. If after taking a shower the skin experiences discomfort or a feeling of tightness, it is worth replacing the products used.

Factors causing the development of the disease

Doctors say that the condition of the skin completely reflects the physical and psychological health of the entire human body. The first and most common cause of peeling skin on the elbows is failure to comply with the rules of hygiene in this area of ​​the hands.

Most often, office workers face problems with rough skin - people who spend a long period of time at a desk, intuitively leaning on it with their elbows. Due to regular pressure and friction against a hard surface, the skin of the elbows begins to roughen and then peel off. In this case, only regular skin care and preventive procedures can eliminate the problem.

The main reasons for the appearance of rough and flaky skin on the elbows:

  • Individual intolerance to certain cosmetics - gels, toilet soaps, creams;
  • Skin diseases – psoriasis, various types of dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • Improper and unbalanced nutrition, vitamin deficiency. In this case, it is a lack of vitamins E, D, A, microelements - iron and magnesium;
  • Regular contact with a humid environment, work in conditions of high humidity;
  • Hereditary predisposition to dry epidermis in the joint area;
  • Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Nervous breakdowns, depression, overexertion and stress;
  • Wearing specialized clothing made from rough fabrics.

Each of the factors can be the direct cause of the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin, but only a specialist can clearly determine this. In any case, if your skin is dry, and your professional activity is associated with possible external influences on the epidermis in the elbow area, take preventive measures to localize the disease - replace detergents, use softening creams and compresses. If the skin is rough and cracked, do not clean it yourself under any circumstances, to avoid infection in the wounds.

Folk remedies for moisturizing

If the cause of peeling skin is not related to changes in your health, but depends only on external factors, use the following methods to eliminate the problem:

  1. Once a day, lubricate your elbows with natural olive oil;
  2. To soften, use a homemade ointment made from baby cream and table salt;
  3. Glycerin-based ointment with the addition of a small amount of salicylic ointment and olive oil;
  4. Provide your skin with external vitamin-rich nutrition - apply a slice of fresh grapefruit or orange to rough skin.

Perform activities only after taking water hygiene procedures, preferably at night. Hold the compresses for at least 20 minutes, then treat your elbow with warm soapy water, dry it and lubricate it with a nourishing cream based on natural ingredients.

Another recipe that helps soften the skin of your hands and prevent flaking is a cream made from almond oil and natural honey. It is advisable to leave such a compress overnight, after applying sterile cotton wool, polyethylene and a fixing bandage to the elbow.

Drug therapy

Treatment of peeling skin with medications is used in cases where the cause of the problem is diseases of the internal organs or the human endocrine system. Please note that the main stage of therapy is the elimination of the underlying disease, so such treatment can be considered comprehensive.

  1. Ailments associated with pathologies of the endocrine system. Symptoms often include general weakness, increased sweating, bradycardia, and swelling. Along with this, the skin in the area of ​​the elbow joints becomes dry and rough, itching and peeling are noted. A dermatologist may prescribe hormonal-based medicinal ointments or gels that can relieve itching and restore the normal state of the epidermis.
  2. Psoriasis. Affected areas of the skin are the main sign of beginning psoriasis. The lesions are localized on the head, legs and arms in the elbow area. It is impossible to get rid of the disease completely, but you can stop its progression and cleanse rough areas of the skin. For treatment, specialists prescribe antiallergic, vitamin and antihistamine medications that moisturize the skin and prevent further peeling.
  3. Diabetes. In this case, topical medications will only help moisturize the skin, but not cure it. It is possible to completely get rid of the problem by carrying out maintenance therapy and radically changing your lifestyle - dietary nutrition, giving up bad habits;
  4. Impaired metabolism and vitamin deficiency. The first thing a doctor pays attention to when identifying such ailments is the saturation of the body with vitamins and microelements. If the problem appears in the winter, multivitamin and mineral complexes may be recommended. In summer, the need comes down to reviewing nutrition and including a certain group of fruits and vegetables and freshly squeezed juices in the diet.

But even if you are completely sure of the source of the problem, do not rush to make a decision yourself. Perhaps the reason for peeling skin on the elbows is completely different. Consult with experts and follow their recommendations.

Pharmacy drugs

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of dosage forms that moisturize and restore the epidermis. Ointments, gels and creams based on natural ingredients help to quickly restore the top, rough layer of skin.

When choosing drugs, be sure to pay attention to the components included in its composition. The instructions should state that the ointment or gel is used for external use. The operating principle of almost all products is the same - they soften rough skin, then nourish it, and after that they cover the elbow with a thin layer of protective film.

As a rule, in such ointments, manufacturers use only a few basic ingredients, changing only the composition of vitamins and microelements. These are mink oil, lanolin, urea and cocoa. In some cases, oils saturated with glycerides - mango, peach, shea butter - can be added to them. Cosmetics based on these components are also used in preventive measures when there is a risk of dry or flaky skin.

Restoring elasticity and color

After treatment and procedures to cleanse the epidermis, areas of the skin acquire an unpleasant reddish tint. In order to restore the elasticity of the skin and give it a healthy tone, you can perform a number of procedures:

  • Apply a compress of grated raw potatoes to your elbow and leave for 40-60 minutes;
  • Use a compress made from a mixture of ammonia and liquid soap. The components are used in equal proportions and held in the problem area for half an hour;
  • Vinegar solution based on liquid soap. The product is rubbed into the problem area, and after 10-15 minutes it is washed off with warm running water. After this, a nourishing cream is applied to the dried elbow;
  • Herbal baths. Sage, chamomile, string and mint are steamed in equal proportions and then diluted in a small amount of warm water. The elbows are kept in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Peeling skin on the elbows, even if the problem is caused by external factors, causes a lot of unpleasant emotions. First of all, this is due to an unsightly aesthetic perception. Before taking any measures to eliminate it, get qualified advice from a specialist. Perhaps the reason for this skin condition lies in something small, and it is possible to improve the health of the epidermis at home, without resorting to drug treatment. If you belong to an occupational risk group, follow basic hygiene rules, take preventive measures and regularly monitor the condition of the skin on your elbows.

Itchy skin is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but familiar to everyone. There can be a lot of reasons for it - from a reaction to insect bites to such serious diseases as scabies and lichen. However, what should you do if your elbows itch, but other parts of the body do not bother you? Should I immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist or limit myself to applying a soothing cream? In this article we will look at the most common causes of this phenomenon.

So, why do your elbows itch? The first thing that most dermatologists will assume in this case is xerosis, that is, increased dryness of the skin. It can occur as a reaction of the skin to too active detergents or cosmetics (perhaps your cream or shower gel is not suitable for you) or during natural aging. To relieve itching, try temporarily avoiding all contact with chemicals.

If your elbows are itchy, eczema, a chronic skin and allergic condition, may be to blame. The main symptom of eczema is a sharp redness of individual areas of the skin, which first peel off greatly and then become covered with scabs. The main provoking factor in this case is inflammation of the deep skin layer. At the initial stage of the disease, irritated areas usually cover the hands, elbows and knees. In young children, eczema appears primarily on the face and neck.

In the case when the elbows itch precisely because of eczema, it is necessary first of all to find out the cause of the development of the disease. As a rule, it lies in a malfunction of the immune system, which leads to the body beginning to react negatively to certain foods, influences or stressful situations. Eczema is often inherited.

Who is at risk?

It would be a mistake to think that some people are more susceptible to eczema than others. The disease that causes itchy elbows can occur at any age, both in a one-year-old child and in an elderly person. Quite often, a disease that appears in childhood disappears without a trace by adulthood.


Eczema often develops against the background of dysbacteriosis. This indicates that the first thing to treat is not its external manifestations (that is, the skin), but rather the restoration of the intestinal flora. With dysbacteriosis, pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the stomach and intestines and must be eliminated. The best remedy in this regard is considered to be ordinary activated carbon; folk remedies such as celandine and apple cider vinegar are also quite effective.

If you find out that your itchy elbows are due to eczema, and you have been officially diagnosed, you should remember the following: as noted above, eczema is triggered by stressful situations. Therefore, it would be useful to take sedatives. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. Reduce your consumption of foods such as citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee. Avoid overly spicy and salty foods.

Red spots on elbows

can appear in both adult men and women and in children, and today the site will tell you what can cause them and how to deal with them.

The most common causes of itchy elbows

The severity of symptoms does not allow us to determine the main factor of concern. A slight tingling sensation in the elbow area may indicate a disease of the internal organs, while the elbows are very itchy due to wearing uncomfortable clothes or using inappropriate skin care cosmetics. Therefore, the first priority is diagnosis. You may need to consult a dermatologist, allergist, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, laboratory and instrumental tests to identify a pathology from among many possible ones.

Allergic diseases

Name of the diseaseSymptoms
HivesA rash appears like after a nettle burn, the elbows are very itchy, the skin is covered with a solid red spot.
Atopic dermatitisThe appearance of small pimples is accompanied by severe itching, when the affected area turns bright pink.
PsoriasisIn addition to internal discomfort, white scales are noticeable. Typically, separation occurs on both elbows at the same time.
EczemaThe skin is very itchy and red, scaly spots appear. The manifestation of eczema on the elbows indicates an initial lesion of the deep dermal layer.
XerosisIncreased dryness of the epidermis, possible appearance of small cracks and rash. In most cases, this is a reaction to contact with chemical components of care products, food, or wearing synthetic clothing. Age-related changes cannot be excluded.


Rash and itching on the elbows are possible due to a busy work schedule, personal worries, insomnia and insufficient rest. In this case, it is enough to reconsider the usual rhythm of the day, get a good night’s sleep, so that the discomfort goes away.

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Poor nutrition

The absence or insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, and the predominance of fast food provoke dry skin on the elbows. Over time, it becomes covered with a rash, itches, and flakes off.

The first aid is the use of moisturizing creams, reviewing the menu, drinking more water, white, green, herbal tea without sugar.

Insect bites

The affected skin begins to itch due to the substance injected by the insects. Swelling and redness appear at the site of the bite.


Active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the appearance of acne and itchy skin, including on the elbows. Without restoring the natural microflora, the problem cannot be dealt with.


The problem occurs more often in winter and spring. The lack of vitamins A, B, D, E is especially acute. If the skin on the elbows becomes dry and itchy, a course of beneficial components is necessary.

Manifestations of an allergic nature

Atopic dermatitis

This allergic skin lesion can also occur in the elbow area. Itching and redness are the first symptoms of pathology. Soon a rash appears in their place. The provoking factor that causes the occurrence of atopic dermatitis is contact exposure to allergenic substances or toxins on the skin. Irritants may be contained in clothing fabrics, cosmetics, and dust.


If the elbow is covered with a rash and redness appears, this may indicate. The resulting blisters burst, the skin peels, and itching is felt. Scratching causes the discharge of blood or clear fluid. Through the resulting wounds, additional infections can occur, causing complications.


A sudden, itchy, blistering rash on the elbow may be a symptom of hives. Symptoms are caused by a sharp increase in the permeability of the capillaries of the skin, which occurs under the influence of allergens. Factors in the appearance of urticaria can be associated with environmental temperature, internal diseases, or be of a chemical or nutritional nature. After a fairly quick disappearance without a trace, the rash and itching may recur.

Basic therapy methods

If an allergy appears on your knees or elbows, you do not need to start self-medication. It is important to visit a specialist. Only thanks to the highly qualified doctors and the use of modern medical equipment and medications can the cause of the development of an allergic reaction be accurately determined and its correct treatment begin.

A special condition on which the effectiveness of the upcoming treatment depends is the elimination of exposure to the allergen on the body. A special test (allergy test) will help determine the factor that provokes the appearance of spots in the area of ​​the elbows and knees.

Typically, to eliminate rashes in the elbows and knees, doctors use the following treatments:

  • medicines for external use;
  • oils;
  • traditional medicine;
  • drying agents.

Treatment in adults

After the doctor determines the reason why the allergy appeared on the elbows in the form of a rash and redness, a course of treatment is prescribed. In an adult patient, the therapeutic course of allergies necessarily includes the following drugs that relieve itching and rashes:

  • "Prednisolone";
  • "Tavegil";
  • "Hydrocortisone";
  • "Dermovate";
  • "Cetirizine";
  • "Lokoid";
  • "Rupafin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Fenistil";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Laticort".

Among the listed medications there are ointments based on glucocorticosteroids. Such drugs are especially effective in eliminating signs of an allergic reaction. But the use of any product from this group is prohibited without consulting a doctor. These medications can suppress the inflammatory process. If the allergic reaction is complemented by the penetration of infection, glucocorticosteroids will contribute to its spread and chronicity.

Treatment in children

In a child, treatment of allergies in the elbow area begins at the same time as in adult patients. The first step is to eliminate the allergen. It is quite difficult to determine the irritant in children under 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that their immune system is in the process of formation. Mom has to independently identify the possible allergen.

  • adjust the baby’s diet (exclude coffee, baked goods, seafood, milk, chocolate from the diet);
  • do wet cleaning daily.

In addition to these actions, the child should be given sorbents:

  • "Smecta";
  • "Polysorb".

Doctors also sometimes prescribe antihistamines. But these medications only temporarily relieve the main signs of an allergic reaction.

Traditional methods

In the treatment of allergic manifestations in the bend of the elbow, traditional medicine can be used. Home remedies you can use:

  • decoction of celandine;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • chicory decoction;
  • tea tree oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • drying agents (iodine, St. John's wort decoction, hydrogen peroxide, celandine decoction);
  • essential oils (rose, chamomile, lavender, jasmine, geranium);
  • massage with moistened oatmeal;
  • collection of soothing herbs (lavender, mint, linden blossom, chamomile, lemon balm).

In order for treatment to bring the desired result, it is recommended to combine treatment with folk remedies with the use of medications and compliance with preventive measures.

Infectious diseases as a cause of itching on the elbows

Unpleasant symptoms may indicate infection after contact with a sick person, his personal belongings or common objects. There are several common infectious pathologies in which a rash appears on the elbow and the affected area itches.

  • Scabies. In the area under study, passages in the form of black dots are noticeable, made by mites to move under the skin. The elbow area is covered with small red pimples, and the patient suffers from severe itching. Without immediate treatment, mites will quickly invade the entire skin.
  • Mycosis. The fungus is expressed by itching and redness of the elbow joint, as the first affected area, and can spread from the head, nails, and other parts of the body. When the disease occurs, the skin dries out, peels, and pink oval spots are noticeable.
  • Lichen planus. The pathology is mainly observed in older people, but a rash on the elbows for this reason can occur in a child, teenager, or middle-aged person. When the disease occurs, red spots with a convex edge appear on the elbow. When treated with water or oil, the vascular network becomes visible. Symptoms go away on their own within 10 days, but relapses are possible.

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On what parts of the body do spots most often appear?

Traditionally, reddish or pink spots appear on the back, chest, sides of the abdomen, and less often on the thighs, limbs, and genitals. Often, skin formations are observed in the folds of the body.

In these warm and damp places, perfectly protected from external causes, tiny pathogenic organisms multiply unhindered and intensively.

Spots that appear on the back often involve the neck, and those formed on the chest spread to the tummy. But such a problem only occurs if healing is not started in time.

Other reasons

In addition to the main pathologies that provoke the appearance of unsightly spots on the elbow joints, the same picture can be observed when exposed to other factors:

  • Avitaminosis. Weakening of the body leads to dry skin. A white spot with compactions that appears on the elbow may be the cause of a lack of vitamins.
  • Hypothermia. Uncomfortable conditions also contribute to skin imbalance.
  • Tight or stiff clothing. Leads to mechanical damage, which may be accompanied by stains.

Thus, the appearance of unsightly changes on the skin of the elbow can mean both a serious external or internal disease, and minor deviations in the functioning of the body. But, regardless of this, taking care of your elbows and regularly lubricating them with nourishing creams will contribute to their healthy appearance.

Why does the rash appear on the arms and legs?

Pimples most often form on those areas of the skin that are not hidden under clothing, since the likelihood of mechanical damage increases significantly, and the risk of insect bites and contact with the causative agent of infectious diseases increases.

The degree of skin damage by various types of formations, the presence of irritation and hyperemia depend on the factor that provoked them.

It is worthwhile to investigate their factors immediately, since for some diseases, in particular psoriasis, the rash is only the initial sign of the onset of the pathological process.

Itchy elbows due to non-infectious diseases

Troubling symptoms do not always indicate infection and require extensive diagnosis. A dermatologist at an appointment cannot always understand why elbows itch if the cause is non-infectious diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • bursitis;
  • disruption of the biliary tract;
  • dysbiosis.

If a serious cause is suspected related to the functioning of internal organs, the doctor will recommend examination by other specialists.


A certified dermatologist, based on external signs of skin lesions, the results of skin tests and samples, can establish a diagnosis. Skin scraping tests confirm that the pathology belongs to one of the types of inflammation.

The modern level of medical care makes it possible to diagnose skin diseases without leaving home. To do this, you can contact the clinic and .

You can make an appointment with a dermatologist at one of the private clinics on the “Your Doctor” Help Desk website.

Date of publication: 2018-0
2-03 ,
it causes discomfort. Itching is an unpleasant condition familiar to every person. It can appear both from the bites of various insects and from the progression of any disease. But it happens that not the whole body itches, but only a certain part of it. When the itching does not stop for a long time, a serious illness is suspected. What to do in this case - sound the alarm or remain calm? To determine further actions, it is necessary to study all possible causes of elbow itching.

Other reasons

  • Mechanical irritation. With constant rubbing of the skin of the elbows, redness is inevitable. This occurs due to wearing tight clothing, sedentary work, or other activities where you often have to lean on your elbows. It may even cause calluses. In this case, you need to properly care for the damaged skin: prevent the formation of microcracks into which microbes and other harmful organisms can enter. You need to maintain hygiene and moisturize the skin of your elbows with cream or vegetable oils. In the future, try not to lean on your elbows or place them on a soft surface.
  • Diabetes. Caused by metabolic disorders and poor blood circulation. Due to the fact that glucose is poorly absorbed in the diabetic body, it clogs blood vessels. Blood begins to flow poorly to the skin tissues, causing dehydration. Because of this, dryness appears on the skin and rashes and blemishes appear on the skin.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Due to metabolic disorders caused by a disorder of the gastrointestinal microflora, the natural removal of waste and toxins from the body is difficult. As a result, rashes may appear. Complex treatment is required.
  • Avitaminosis. Dry skin is a symptom of a weakened body. If there is a lack of vitamins, you may notice that a white spot with compactions appears on the elbow.

Spots on a child

If red spots appear on the elbows of a child, this is usually attributed to non-compliance with hygiene rules. However, it is worth taking a closer look at this problem; it may be a symptom of various diseases described above.

If the redness does not go away and is accompanied by itching and swelling, then you need to consult a doctor without delay. It is important to explain to the child that scratching the rash is dangerous, as it can also introduce an infection into the blood.


Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable! It is worth noting that many medications have side effects and are not allowed for children under 7 years of age. It is possible to relieve itching using traditional methods. Baths with the addition of celandine or birch tar, phototherapy and ozone therapy will help.

If you have red spots on your elbows and you cannot understand what it is, then it is worth finding out whether it is caused by a household factor or an internal disease. In the second case, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary, followed by tests. If necessary, he will also prescribe treatment.

Allergy prevention

Prevention of the development of allergies and their exacerbations is very important. It includes the following items:

  • maintaining a hypoallergenic diet and lifestyle;
  • caution and attentiveness in choosing hygiene and perfume products;
  • careful use of household chemicals, use of gloves, cleaning while wearing long sleeves;
  • care in choosing clothes, using natural materials (except wool).

Take care of your health and don't get sick.

General tips for solving the problem

First of all, it is worth contacting specialists - a dermatologist and an endocrinologist, since these problems, or more precisely, the reasons that may be associated with peeling and itching of the skin on the elbows, are in the field of activity of these doctors.

You need to reconsider your diet and supply the body with necessary vitamins and microelements through food.

In the absence of health problems, you should constantly carry out cosmetic procedures as a preventive measure.

READ ALSO: Allergic rashes on the face in adults and children: treatment, ointments and photos

It is worth noting the positive aspects of the body’s reminder of itself. After all, self-care needs to be done on an ongoing basis, and not from time to time.

If your elbows persistently itch, visit a dermatologist to find out the cause. The specialist will be able to make a diagnosis both during the initial examination and in severe and unclear cases, after undergoing a laboratory examination of the skin.

Why does itching in the elbows occur and how to eliminate its causes, we will try to analyze these questions in this article.

Lack of proper skin care

The skin of the entire body is an elastic, waterproof, sensitive, antibacterial tissue that provides thermal balance and protects the human internal organs from exposure to the external environment.

Let's consider the consequences of a lack of external skin care for the entire body, in particular, we will talk about the skin on the elbows.

The skin consists of 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.

Cosmetics can penetrate only into the first layer, while other layers are nourished by internal resources. Therefore, based on the functions of protection from external factors, lack of nutrition of the epidermis can appear almost immediately: dryness, small and deep cracks, redness, peeling and other types of irritation.

Causes of problems when elbows and knees begin to itch:

  1. Mechanical effects - chafing from clothing, the habit of frequently resting your elbows on horizontal (tables) or vertical surfaces (walls). This may also be a consequence of allergic reactions to water (increased presence of chlorine), the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin, or insufficient pH levels.
  2. The presence of a skin disease - eczema, which manifests itself in the redness of the skin area. The consequence of this disease is itching and flaking; when scratched, scabs form, which can take a long time to heal. With dysbacteriosis, the elbow also itches, as this is an indicator of internal problems in the body.
  3. After contact with toxic substances or an allergic reaction to dust, animal hair or saliva, medications, or soap, small pimples may appear, which also cause itching and the desire to scratch.
  4. A manifestation of the consequences of poor nutrition can be inflammatory reactions that occur on the skin, causing the need to scratch the elbows or other parts of the body. The same goes for the kneecaps.

If you have a long-term desire to scratch your elbows, you should consult a dermatologist. He will diagnose and identify the causes of this disease, determine the level of the disease if it is present and recommend methods of treatment.

To ensure proper care, you should familiarize yourself with some techniques for improving the condition of your elbows.

Other internal pathologies

There are several other diseases that lead to itchy skin on the arms and, less commonly, on the legs. These pathologies include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious lesions;
  • lichen;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

An allergic reaction occurs as a result of contact with an allergen. Most often these are medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, and food. If there is an infection, the hands become very itchy and the nails become affected.

The main sign of lichen is peeling of the skin. When the liver and gastrointestinal tract are affected, the body accumulates a significant amount of toxins. It is toxins that become the source of discomfort.

! Regardless of the cause of the problem, immediate contact with a specialist is mandatory.

Getting rid of a symptom

The symptom of an itchy elbow always carries with it a suspicion of some disease. In this case, the root cause is treated.

It is not advisable to diagnose yourself; it is better to have your doctor do it. When visiting the hospital, the patient will be advised to undergo an examination by a dermatologist, and if necessary, an allergist. A scraping of the affected area will be taken from the patient and, based on the results of laboratory testing, a decision will be made on further treatment.

If the cause of the itching turns out to be an allergic reaction, you will need to identify the specific irritant. Special tests to identify the active allergen will help you figure this out. When it is detected, the patient will be prescribed appropriate medications for treatment. In such cases, the drugs Fenistil, Loratadine, Rupafin, Cetirizine and other similar medications will help relieve itching.

For lichen planus, complex treatment is used. Antibiotics are prescribed for internal use. If the patient experiences neurotic reactions, an infusion of valerian, bromine, or injections of mild tranquilizers may be prescribed. Rubbing them with cotton wool soaked in alcohol will help prevent itchy elbows. The skin is treated with glucocorticoid ointment.

Mycoses are treated with antifungal creams. They also act as antipruritic agents in this case.

If arthritis is detected, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy. To do this, tablets, injections and ointments are prescribed to eliminate itching and pain symptoms.

Bursitis requires the victim to rest for several days. The elbow is secured immobile with a splint or plaster splint. In the future, the elbow will need to be extended to prevent its atrophy. Hydrocartisone and Kenalog injections are used.

Tendinitis is treated with corticosteroids. Whatever the cause of itching in the elbows, you need to report this symptom to your doctor. Only a timely, competent examination can reveal an accurate diagnosis and carry out the necessary treatment.

An itchy sensation on the skin makes a person uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Particular concern arises if your elbows are very itchy.

The causes of this pathological phenomenon are varied in nature, so it is very important to recognize the main factor that leads to itching.

Among the negative reasons are the use of inappropriate, uncomfortable clothing (not the right size, made of synthetic fabrics). Skin irritation can be caused by dermatological or other diseases, developing or chronic internal pathologies.

The development and intensification of itching is also influenced by the structural features of the elbow - the skin on it is thinner and more sensitive, the fat layer that forms between it and the bone is practically absent or it is too insignificant to perform a protective function.


Psoriasis is a hereditary disease that can appear at any age.

Even irritation on a baby’s elbows for this reason is not a rare occurrence. By the way, the clear prerequisites for its appearance are still not fully known. There is an assumption that psoriasis may be a consequence of impaired metabolism, stressful situations, serious infectious diseases or injuries to the skin.

It manifests itself in the form of peeling and redness of the skin.

The main thing is to see the first signs of the disease and consult a doctor for timely treatment, otherwise the rash will spread throughout the body, and then it will be more difficult to get rid of it. Psoriasis is dangerous due to its complications: it can be arthritis or inflammatory processes in the joints.

The rash with psoriasis is very itchy, and small pimples appear from the very first days. Birch tar, celandine baths, as well as photo and ozone therapy help eliminate symptoms. In most cases, doctors prescribe hormonal medications, salicylic or ichthyol ointment, antihistamines and topical preparations with the addition of zinc.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease that can be acquired at home. Irritation on the elbow on the outside manifests itself in the form of fairly large, snow-white, dense pimples, which, when pressed, become even more snow-white due to the internal contents.

When scratching, the disease quickly spreads throughout the body.

In children, it is actually not treated with food, so it is believed that the body must cope with it itself. Only medications can be prescribed to strengthen the immune system; in some cases, it is recommended to remove the rash with aqueous nitrogen. If the disease progresses, antibiotics are prescribed.

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