Itchy skin on the forearms. Itchy shoulders, right or left: spots and rash on the forearm. Traditional medicine recipes

In the common people there are many signs associated with itchy shoulders. For example, there is a sign that if your right shoulder itches, this promises joy and a pleasant surprise. Conversely, bad news and betrayal are what the left shoulder itches for.

However, often rashes and itching of the skin on the shoulders have nothing to do with superstitions and can be caused by various dermatological diseases.

If your shoulders and back itch, a small rash or large spots appear, if the skin itches or hurts, then medical attention is needed. Diseases that cause itchy shoulders and forearms can be of a different nature. Infectious, allergic or fungal - this should be dealt with by the attending physician.

So, the most common diseases that cause itching and rash on the shoulders are:

There are a great many causes, and therefore diseases of the epidermis. If spots on the shoulders itch, a dermatologist should be examined and diagnosed.

What diseases cause itching on the hands?

Let's take a closer look at common diseases in which itchy hands are a pronounced symptom.

Its nature has not been fully studied. It is believed that the main causes of occurrence are dysfunctions of the endocrine, digestive, and central nervous systems. With true eczema, blisters with serous contents appear, which merge and, after opening, form pink, weeping spots. The chronic form is characterized by the appearance of skin cracks. Occupational eczema is caused by contact with a material containing an allergen, and dyshidrotic eczema develops when the hands sweat.

Starts from the elbows or hands. Small papules similar to allergic rashes form between the fingers. The patient experiences severe itching. Then gray scales appear, the size of the plaques and the affected area increases, sometimes reaching the shoulders. If you remove the scales, you can see a glossy smooth surface. The disease is non-infectious and is not transmitted by contact or through utensils.

A distinctive feature of minor rashes from other skin diseases is increased itching in the evening and especially at night. The areas of the body where blisters appear are as follows:

  • between the fingers;
  • flexor surfaces of the shoulders and forearms;
  • stomach;
  • chest area around the nipples;
  • armpits;
  • feet, ankles.

The initial stage of scabies manifests itself as rashes in the form of small nodules. The advanced form is characterized by the appearance of pustules and bloody crusts.

Women and children get sick more often. The disease occurs from contact with chemical and mechanical irritants. Other causes include medications, animal dander, and plant pollen. The acute form of dermatitis occurs after interaction with a toxic allergen.

It begins with swelling, hyperemia of the hands and fingers. Later, watery and itchy subcutaneous blisters filled with clear fluid appear. The skin in the affected areas begins to peel off. Prolonged contact with an allergen contributes to the transition of dermatitis to eczema.


Insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas leads to excess sugar in the blood vessels, which cease to function fully and are gradually destroyed. The skin reacts to pathological processes caused by metabolic disorders by drying and flaking. In addition to the hands, the lower limbs, genitals, eyes, and ears itch. Sweating is impaired, which leads to the appearance of ulcers and pustules. It is necessary to take measures to lower blood sugar.

Causes of itchy back and shoulders

Itching is a rather unpleasant sensation that causes an indomitable desire to scratch. It appears in the superficial layer of the dermis in the form of a feeling of mild irritation, tingling, burning.

Chronic itching worsens the quality of life: it leads to sleep disturbances, disability, and the development of depression. Itching can be local and generalized, physiological and pathological, chronic and acute.

This is often the main symptom of skin diseases, but it is often observed in systemic diseases. In some ways, itching is similar to pain.

Itchy back

Itching can be felt all over the back or localized in the lumbar region; the back may itch in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. There can be many reasons why your back itches.

Itching can be caused by woolen or synthetic fabrics and insects. If your back itches, the cause may be damage to the nervous system or diseases of the excretory system. It often accompanies mental illness.

Often itching is an early symptom of malignant tumors.

When feeling itching, every person's first natural desire is to scratch. However, this cannot be done, but it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause, especially if the sensation has been bothering you for a long time.

It would be wise to consult a dermatologist and a therapist at the same time. Both doctors will conduct an examination for their part and prescribe tests to identify the reasons why your back is constantly itching.

Treatment of itching is aimed at eliminating these causes, and in parallel, symptomatic treatment is carried out to alleviate the condition.

Itching in the back is the first symptom of the disease. To find out the causes of itchy skin on the back, you need to check the condition of the endocrine and excretory systems, the level of sugar and bilirubin in the blood, and look at the condition of the liver. An itchy back may be a symptom of diabetes, kidney failure, or a dermatological disease.

The most common causes of itching on the back are as follows:

  • dry skin;
  • poor hygiene;
  • increased sweating;
  • the presence of allergens in the atmosphere or in clothing;
  • infectious lesion;
  • systemic pathologies accompanied by renal and/or liver failure;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pregnancy, menopause and other hormonal changes;
  • dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpetic lesions, etc.);
  • drugs.

Dermatological diseases, the symptom of which is itching, are necessarily accompanied by rashes, spots, and plaques. If your back is very itchy, dermatological reasons may be as follows:

  • eczema is necessarily accompanied by redness of the skin and peeling;
  • inflammatory dermatitis;
  • urticaria is caused by allergic causes;
  • with psoriasis, silvery scales can be found on the skin;
  • lichen planus.

Very often, itching of the back occurs in older people, due to senile changes in the dermis, which can manifest themselves in the form of age spots, warts, and nodules. The reason why the back itches in older people can be simple dry skin.

However, if no skin changes are observed, but severe itching bothers you, these may be serious pathologies such as:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms (leukemia, central nervous system tumors, mycosis fungoides, lymphoma);
  • infestations (scabies, nematodes, pediculosis, ascariasis, trichinosis, etc.);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • blood pathologies (iron deficiency anemia, erythremia).

In general, the distribution of itching among diseases occurs in the following percentage:

  • with atopic dermatitis, itching is observed in 100% of cases;
  • for psoriasis – in 77-84% of cases;
  • with herpes zoster – in 58% of cases;
  • for chronic kidney diseases – in 22%;
  • for diabetes mellitus – 3%;
  • with hyperthyroidism – in 4-7.5%;
  • with Hodgkin's lymphoma observed in 25-35%.

Why does my back itch along my spine?

Itching in the area of ​​the spinal column is a very common occurrence. Nerve roots and their endings intertwine along the spine. In many spinal pathologies, the thickness of the spinal discs decreases, which leads to compression of the nerve endings.

The patient feels numbness, irritation and often itching. If discomfort occurs along the spinal column, it is necessary to check the spine by taking an x-ray or MRI.

It is possible that this is osteochondrosis, a herniated disc or other diseases of the support system.

Why does my back itch between my shoulder blades?

Itching develops in many diseases of internal organs. The mechanisms of its development are not fully understood, despite the fact that itching research institutes are being created. It is assumed that metabolic disorders and increased dryness of the skin play a large role in the development of the process.

  1. In case of kidney diseases, itching develops a couple of months after the start of hemodialysis and is expressed specifically in the back area.
  2. In liver pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis C), itching begins on the soles and palms of the hands, and then spreads to the back. It is often felt in places of contact with clothing. Liver itching worsens at night. In this case, excess bilirubin and excess bile acids are deposited in the skin - irritants to nerve endings that cause unbearable itching.
  3. In endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus), itching is accompanied by tingling and burning.
  4. Lack of vitamin D, iron, and minerals leads to the development of itching. Normalizing the amount of these substances in the body leads to the gradual disappearance of symptoms.
  5. Itching can be the first symptom of blood diseases and tumors.

Associated symptoms

Despite the types of eczema, they all have common symptoms - inflammation, burning, swelling, redness of the skin of the hands. Bubble papules, after opening, leave weeping, erosive areas, wounds and cracks. There are forms of psoriasis in which the disease is externally asymptomatic, but is manifested by damage to the joints and the occurrence of arthrosis. Psoriasis occurs not only in the forearms, hands and elbows, but also affects the nail beds of the fingers. They thicken and flake off. This symptom also applies to scabies.

When infected with scabies mites, preschool children have a rise in body temperature and loss of appetite. They become lethargic and irritable. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by frequent urination, thirst, and damage to the retina. Patients gain weight in the initial stages, then lose weight when eating large amounts of food. Due to a decrease in the body's immune defense, wounds heal poorly, dizziness, and colds become more frequent.

Differential diagnosis

Diagnosis begins with a visual examination, which reveals the characteristic features of skin rashes. The patient is interviewed to determine additional symptoms. Laboratory tests are carried out. Histology of psoriasis reveals erythema, infiltration and hyperkeratosis. Sometimes similar plaques appear with HIV, so the doctor directs the patient to take a blood test to determine this infection. The nature of the rash varies depending on the stage.

Diagnosis is difficult if there is no peeling. To identify allergic dermatitis, apply the allergen to the surface of the skin for 48 hours and monitor the reaction of the epidermis to the test. Eczema is determined by visual inspection. Additionally, the doctor prescribes a general and biochemical blood test. Scabies is determined by scraping the skin. Microscopic examination of biological material reveals mites, waste products, eggs and larvae.

A blood sugar test detects diabetes. The type of disease is determined by the amount of sugar. In controversial cases, the patient is given pure glucose or glucose diluted in water to drink, and blood is taken for analysis after 2 hours. The procedure is called a glucose tolerance test. If the test confirms that the level is above normal, this indicates type 2 diabetes.

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How to deal with itching at home

To avoid complicating the course of the disease by scratching your hands, you can take the following measures at home:

  • give up spicy, salty and fatty foods, alcohol, coffee;
  • follow a low-carbohydrate diet if you have diabetes;
  • choose hand cream, soap, gel according to your skin type;
  • exclude aggressive cleaning agents and detergents from use;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics, contact with which does not cause allergies.

At home, itching can be relieved with baking soda. It is added when taking a bath, lotions and compresses are made, which are left on the affected areas of the hands for at least 30 minutes. Rubbing the skin with an apple or potato cut in half will help. Creams with menthol, salicylic acid, and eucalyptus oil are suitable for cooling.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

When a person has severely itchy skin on his hands, he looks for ways to get rid of the unpleasant sensation. In most cases, the problem can be solved using traditional methods at home.

But sometimes these measures are not enough. If the rash is caused by disturbances in the functioning of individual organs or systems, the help of a highly specialized specialist will be required.

Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of the pathological process and make a diagnosis. He will use it as a starting point when drawing up an individual treatment regimen.

You should not refuse the help of a specialist if the rash on your hands continues to itch for several days.

Pharmacy remedies for itching on hands

Medicines are prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. For allergic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, take antihistamines - Loratadine, Zyrtec. To relieve intoxication - carbon tablets, Enterosgel, Polysorb. In the initial stages of eczema, medications with calcium, magnesium and sodium are prescribed. For local treatment, boron-zinc and ichthyol ointment are used. When large areas are affected and the disease worsens, the following corticosteroid ointments are used:

  • Skin cap;
  • Celestoderm;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan.

Scabies mites die from sulfur-containing drugs - benzyl benzoate emulsion, Balsam of Peru, Crotamiton. If an infection is added to the itching, there is a need for Tetracycline, Erythromycin ointment. Solcoseryl and Curiosin have a healing effect. Patients are also shown vitamins A, group B, nicotinic and ascorbic acid. Immunostimulants and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Traditional medicine recipes

Relieves debilitating itching of the skin of the hands with aloe. The leaf is cut lengthwise, the spines are removed, applied to the disturbing area of ​​the epidermis, and secured with a bandage. The bandage is left overnight. Baths of string and chamomile help. To prepare 1 tbsp. l. dry plants are placed in a liter of water, boiled for 5 minutes and left for 6 hours. In the same way, an infusion of celandine and dandelion roots is prepared, which is effective in the treatment of eczema in the form of lotions. Tincture or ointment with propolis has antibacterial properties and softens the skin of the hands.

Long-term daily consumption of tea with lemon balm, oregano or valerian can relieve neurosis and itching of the hands. It is enough to brew a spoonful of vegetable raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water. The use of honey is explained by its rich chemical composition. It heals and relieves pain from wounds and cracks. Nourishes the skin, removes flaking. The affected areas of the hands are smeared with honey, which is washed off after half an hour.

Constant itching can cause many problems. It becomes difficult to do work normally, and rest ceases to be complete, since the unpleasant sensations and the desire to scratch do not disappear even at night. That is why it is necessary to know the causes of itching.

If, you should immediately consult a doctor, because itching can signal such serious diseases as eczema, dermatitis and even diabetes.

Both shoulders itch - signs

If the shoulders itch at the same time, then it’s time for the person to get ready for the journey. The sign is interpreted depending on the time of day:

  • Morning scratching predicts a short trip.
  • Daytime severe scratching on both sides indicates a two or three day trip.
  • If the itching appears in the evening, then a long journey awaits. Perhaps it will be related to work or leisure.

The interpretation of signs is influenced by the time of the itching sensation and the gender of the “victim”:

  • Irritation on the skin of girls’ shoulders indicates a pleasant “surprise” that awaits them soon. This will be a long-awaited gift, an invitation to a concert of your favorite performer or a romantic dinner with rose petals and candles. In any case, a fan or lover will take the initiative.
  • For business men (lawyers, financiers, entrepreneurs), an itchy sensation promises a successful completion of recently started or unfinished business.
  • If a woman’s shoulders itch, then she will have to work overtime or she will meet with friends, acquaintances or friends.

Signs advise spitting three times over your left shoulder or throwing a pinch of salt to avoid the evil eye and neutralize the machinations of the demon located behind your back on the left side. It is not recommended to spit through the right side - you can bring disaster and trouble on yourself.

Constant itching can cause many problems. It becomes difficult to do work normally, and rest ceases to be complete, since the unpleasant sensations and the desire to scratch do not disappear even at night. That is why it is necessary to know the causes of itching.

If, you should immediately consult a doctor, because itching can signal such serious diseases as eczema, dermatitis and even diabetes.

Serious illnesses

Sometimes itching on the hands can signal the presence of dangerous diseases that need to be identified and treated as quickly as possible:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • scabies
  • diabetes.

Each disease is accompanied by different symptoms:

  1. With psoriasis, in addition to itching, a person may notice the appearance of spots on the skin, from which small flakes of gray skin separate. Gradually, spots and itching spread throughout the body, causing agony.
  2. Eczema can be recognized by the appearance of fluid-filled blisters on some areas of the skin. The epidermis begins to peel and crack, the affected areas itch unbearably.
  3. Scabies is accompanied by severe itching, worsening at night.

With diabetes, the arms, legs, and buttocks itch, and characteristic pimples with a yellowish crust form in these same places.

Prevention of skin diseases that cause rashes and itching

Preventative measures are very important for people with sensitive skin. The main preventive measures include:

Pimples on shoulders

  1. Identify and eliminate contact with all allergens. This applies not only to food, but also to cosmetics and household chemicals.
  2. Limit or completely avoid alcohol and caffeine. When drinking such drinks, the blood vessels dilate, which provokes heating of the skin and, as a result, severe itching appears.
  3. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to carry out water procedures at least twice a day. It is important to remember that too hot water dries out the skin, and rubbing irritated skin with a terry towel leads to even greater damage.
  4. Change bed linen and towels as often as possible.
  5. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. You should also avoid wool and fur products.
  6. Do not scratch your shoulders and back; constant scratching can cause wounds and infections.

It is obvious that preventing any disease is easier and cheaper than treating it.


If your hands itch, it could be a sign of a fungal infection. Particular attention should be paid to the wrists and hands; these are the areas most often affected by the fungus.

The earlier treatment for these serious diseases is started, the greater the chance that complications will be avoided. That is why you cannot ignore itching on your hands in the hope that it will “go away on its own”; you should immediately visit a doctor and begin therapy.

A rash that appears on the forearms is a fairly common complaint with which patients consult a dermatologist. Despite the prevalence of the problem, it is quite difficult to immediately find the reason that led to this situation. Doctors identify many factors that lead to the appearance of a rash in the forearm. To identify the exact cause and establish a diagnosis, the dermatologist conducts a series of examinations, which it is not advisable to ignore.

Among the main reasons that lead to the formation of a small red rash and itching in the forearm, dermatologists identify the following factors:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Acne infection.
  • Clogged pores on the skin.
  • Excessive secretion of fat by the subcutaneous glands.

According to doctors, there is no need to look for signs of good luck in this situation. Rashes of any nature are a reason to visit a doctor.

Causes of itchy forearms - Symptoms and treatment of diseases

Shoulders itch for a variety of reasons.
If you notice itchy skin, first you should figure out why it happened in the first place. And only after this we begin to choose treatment methods. Most often, shoulders itch due to various dermatological diseases:

  1. Psoriasis. A chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by periodic attacks of exacerbation and attenuation. The forearm may begin to itch in the evening or at night, or symptoms may disappear completely for a while;
  2. Hives. The causes of the disease are different, from allergies to cosmetics to reactions to synthetic materials;
  3. Scabies. We are talking about a parasitic condition, which manifests itself as a noticeable rash and pinpoint tracts. The disease is caused by the scabies mite. The itching becomes especially severe in the evenings and at night;
  4. Seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The glands begin to produce too much secretion, which leads to a change in the composition of sebum. The skin can become either too oily or too dry. And in any case, the shoulders, back and other parts of the body itch;
  5. Fungal infections of the epidermis. A common fungal infection is lichen planus;
  6. Skin infections. This could be folliculitis, impetigo and other similar infections. As a rule, itching is caused by pimples that develop into purulent, inflamed neoplasms;
  7. Neurodermatitis. A neuro-allergic disease that accompanies the appearance of plaques on the skin. Itching is caused by plaques formed from small papules. Along with scabies, this disease manifests itself most strongly at night.

If your shoulder itches, it is not necessarily a sign of any disease. The initial cause of itching is always a disorder of the skin, and it can also be caused by ordinary dry skin. The latter often appears, for example, after prolonged or even short-term contact of the epidermis and household chemicals.

Another important reason is the presence of nervous disorders (stress, depression, etc.).

A woman’s shoulders may begin to itch due to hormonal medications - contraceptives can have a negative effect on the skin.

The first thing to do if you have persistent itching of your shoulders is to consult a doctor. And also take care of preventive measures:

  • Avoid using products that can cause itching (shampoos, washing gels, etc.). If you have recently started using a new formulation and notice a rash or itching, you should stop using the product and monitor your health;
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. Take a shower twice a day, morning and evening without fail. Do not forget that hot water can dry out the epidermis;
  • Do not rub your skin with a towel after showering, including in the shoulder area. Do not comb your body with terry cloth or other cloth. Allow the skin to dry naturally;
  • Avoid large amounts of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits can provoke the appearance of the disease. This does not mean that you should stop eating oranges, tangerines and other similar fruits completely. But take reasonable precautions;
  • Wear things made from natural materials, such as 100% cotton or linen. Be careful when wearing woolen clothing, which can cause inflammation of even healthy skin.

If this symptom occurs from time to time, then there is nothing terrible, but if itching on the shoulders bothers you often and for a long time, it is worth understanding the reasons.

Constant itching can cause many problems. It becomes difficult to do work normally, and rest ceases to be complete, since the unpleasant sensations and the desire to scratch do not disappear even at night. That is why it is necessary to know the causes of itching.

If your arms itch from shoulder to elbow, you should immediately consult a doctor, because itching can signal such serious diseases as eczema, dermatitis and even diabetes.

The simplest reason that causes the desire to constantly scratch your hands is dry skin, which can occur due to excessive use of soap.

Doctors, cooks, and educators often encounter this problem, because they have to wash their hands with soap quite often. The result is dry skin and regular itching.

To solve the problem in this situation, it is enough to constantly use a rich baby cream; it will perfectly moisturize your hands.

Often allergic reactions manifest themselves in the appearance of red spots on the skin and constant itching upon contact with an irritant.

A person may suffer from allergies to dust, pet hair, mold, dyes and not even realize it for some time.

Therefore, if your hands begin to itch after some specific action, for example, general cleaning, you need to visit a doctor and undergo scarification tests that will help identify allergens.

Sometimes itching on the hands can signal the presence of dangerous diseases that need to be identified and treated as quickly as possible:

Each disease is accompanied by different symptoms:

  1. With psoriasis, in addition to itching, a person may notice the appearance of spots on the skin, from which small flakes of gray skin separate. Gradually, spots and itching spread throughout the body, causing agony.
  2. Eczema can be recognized by the appearance of fluid-filled blisters on some areas of the skin. The epidermis begins to peel and crack, the affected areas itch unbearably.
  3. Scabies is accompanied by severe itching, worsening at night.

With diabetes, the arms, legs, and buttocks itch, and characteristic pimples with a yellowish crust form in these same places.

If your hands itch, it could be a sign of a fungal infection. Particular attention should be paid to the wrists and hands; these are the areas most often affected by the fungus.

The earlier treatment for these serious diseases is started, the greater the chance that complications will be avoided. That is why you cannot ignore itching on your hands in the hope that it will “go away on its own”; you should immediately visit a doctor and begin therapy.

Why do forearms itch and a red rash appear?

A rash that appears on the forearms is a fairly common complaint with which patients consult a dermatologist.

Despite the prevalence of the problem, it is quite difficult to immediately find the reason that led to this situation. Doctors identify many factors that lead to the appearance of a rash in the forearm.

To identify the exact cause and establish a diagnosis, the dermatologist conducts a series of examinations, which it is not advisable to ignore.

Among the main reasons that lead to the formation of a small red rash and itching in the forearm, dermatologists identify the following factors:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Acne infection.
  • Clogged pores on the skin.
  • Excessive secretion of fat by the subcutaneous glands.

According to doctors, there is no need to look for signs of good luck in this situation. Rashes of any nature are a reason to visit a doctor.

Itching and rash on hands

The appearance of a small rash in the forearm area may indicate the development of dermatitis or lichen planus. In the first case, the patient is not contagious. Dermatitis may appear after contact with an external irritant.

This could be new, poorly washed clothes, an unsuitable detergent, or a new cosmetic product.

A rash on the forearm, as a result of an allergic reaction, occurs spontaneously, may not be accompanied by itching and disappears as skin contact with the allergen ceases.

In the second case, the patient is contagious and this is not a sign. Lichen planus is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Infection occurs through contact of a healthy person with an infected person. The rash is accompanied by itching, often suppuration. Requires immediate treatment.

If the forearms of the hands itch, which is accompanied by the appearance of a rash that spreads to the legs and throughout the body, there is an infectious disease of the skin. In most cases, dermatologists diagnose fungal infections. To eliminate symptoms, comprehensive treatment using local and systemic agents is necessary.

If the rash spreads throughout the body very quickly, accompanied by severe itching and pain, it is recommended to be examined by a venereologist. Often, such symptoms indicate infection with venereological diseases.

If rashes and spots appear on the left forearm or lower leg, you should not look for an interpretation of this phenomenon in folk signs. You need to go to a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Typically, the method of therapy depends on the cause that led to the onset of the disease.

If a rash, spots, and itching on your left forearm appear due to an allergy, you should get rid of exposure to this allergen. At the same time, starting to take antihistamines.

If red spots and itchy rashes have formed due to an infectious infection, it is important to begin therapy as early as possible, reducing contact with healthy people if possible.

When diagnosing neurological factors that lead to rashes and itching of the skin, complex treatment is used using local antihistamines and internal sedatives.


Itching and discomfort

For what reasons can forearms, shoulders and shins itch? The answer to this question should be sought together with a doctor. The specialist will conduct the necessary examinations to identify the cause of the disease.

Based on the data received, the dermatologist makes appointments and gives the necessary recommendations. Considering that dermatological diseases can be contagious, you should not self-medicate.

Since this can lead to a significant deterioration in the health of the sick person and those around him.

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that causes a desire, sometimes indomitable, to scratch. Itching occurs in the superficial layer of the skin and mucous membranes in the form of a slight burning sensation, tingling or uncharacterized sensation.

Chronic persistent itching can interfere with the quality of life: lead to sleep disturbances, disability, depression, and even a suicide attempt. Itching can be local and generalized, acute and chronic. It is a dominant symptom of skin diseases and is often observed in systemic diseases.

Skin itching predominates, but itching of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, pharynx, trachea, conjunctiva, and anogenital zone is possible.

Itching is caused by some mechanical stimuli: light touching (for example, in contact with insects), pressure, vibration, skin contact with wool, synthetic fibers. Thermal and electrical stimuli can also induce itching. A common cause of itching is exposure to endogenous chemicals that form or accumulate in the skin or act on the central nervous system.

Itching is similar to pain. Both sensations are unpleasant. Both can lead to impaired quality of life. However, the reaction to pain and itching is different. Pain causes the withdrawal reflex, and itching causes the scratching reflex. Opiates relieve pain but increase (or cause) itching.

The following are considered possible chemical mediators of itching: amines (histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine), proteases and kinins (tryptase, chymase, kallikrein, bradykinin, etc.), cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, FIO, etc.), neuropeptides ( substance P, endothelium, neurotensin, etc.), opioids (metenkephalin, lehenkephalin, ß-endorphin).

Types of itching (by origin).

Like pain, itching can be peripheral or central in origin. R. Twycross et al. proposed to distinguish 4 types of itching.

Pruritoceptive itching.

Itching that occurs in the skin when C-fibers are stimulated by one or more pruritogens. Examples: itching due to scabies, urticaria, insect bites.

Neuropathic itching.

Itching, the cause of which is damage to the nervous system in any part of the afferent pathway. For example, itching localized along the nerve with postherpetic neuralgia, unilateral itching with a tumor, brain abscess, thrombosis of its vessels.

Neurogenic itching.

Itching of central origin in the absence of signs of neural pathology. It is often combined with increased opioidergic (for example, with cholestasis or with the administration of exogenous opioids), serotonergic tone.

Psychogenic itching.

Itching that accompanies some mental disorders, such as delusional parasitophobia. Psychological factors can cause itching even in the absence of mental disorders.

Itching often has a mixed origin.

For example, in uremia it is pruritoceptive, neuropathic and possibly neurogenic.

Clinical syndromes.

Itching is observed with skin diseases; systemic causes of itching are common. Among all patients with itching who consult a doctor, a systemic cause accounts for 10 to 50% of cases. Selected systemic diseases and conditions, often accompanied by itching, are presented below.


Minor rashes

The appearance of a small rash in the forearm area may indicate the development of dermatitis or lichen planus. In the first case, the patient is not contagious. Dermatitis may appear after contact with an external irritant. This could be new, poorly washed clothes, an unsuitable detergent, or a new cosmetic product. A rash on the forearm, as a result of an allergic reaction, occurs spontaneously, may not be accompanied by itching and disappears as skin contact with the allergen ceases.

In the second case, the patient is contagious and this is not a sign. Lichen planus is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Infection occurs through contact of a healthy person with an infected person. The rash is accompanied by itching, often suppuration. Requires immediate treatment.

The fight against measles and polio: the situation with diseases in the world

The new coronavirus has caused an outbreak of pneumonia in China. The number of sick people is now counting in the dozens. The affected area is also expanding. From Wuhan, China, the virus was brought to Hong Kong and Korea. Experts warn that the disease is very similar to the deadly SARS. And across Russia there is a wave of measles outbreaks. Unvaccinated children get sick. The leader is Yakutsk, where the number of measles cases was about 70 people.

I'm new here, although I've had the disease for a long time. Since I was 18, as it later turned out, I have had seborrheic dermatitis. Until I was 24, I went to doctors and every time I was given some incredible diagnoses. But still, after painful hikes and a struggle with something unclear, I achieved an accurate diagnosis.

I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2 clinics in St. Petersburg. In one of them I was told that I needed to undergo a full course of examination, only then the full picture would be clear.

Naturally, I went through all the tests and procedures prescribed for me, paid a considerable amount of money (but this is not so important), after which I was diagnosed with diabetes.

I had a feeling that he already knew this, he just needed to make a little extra money on my problem. I was told that there is no cure for this, they say, I need to be less nervous, healthy sleep, diet, etc. I must say that at that time this disease did not bother me much.

At the age of 25, I visited another well-known clinic, or rather even an academy, but I did not tell them the diagnosis that they had given me before. There, they also confirmed my diabetes in a very short time. At least I calmed down that now it’s clear what to fight!

The doctor prescribed me a course of treatment, droppers, pills, etc. I did all this, it was better for a while, but then it all came out again.

There are no special problems with hair. White scales appear in my ears, my face flakes and there is redness, but what worries me most is my chest, shoulders and back - it’s unbearable! The doctor prescribed me Keto plus shampoo for maintenance, and prescribed Skin-cap cream for my body, which is being vigorously discussed on the forum. To be honest, I haven’t used Skin-cap for a year now; its effectiveness and such contradictory reviews have alarmed me.

Now I’m 27, and the disease is becoming more and more severe, can anyone help me with advice on what medications to take, etc. I will be glad to all advice. Naturally, I’ve already read something useful for myself on this site, but I would still like some kind of help... I’ll still go to the doctor, since if I went to her, then let him give me some advice.


. Alexander, tell me, where exactly on the chest, shoulders and back do the symptoms appear? Describe as specifically as possible. For example, in skin folds, on the sternum (central area of ​​the chest), between the shoulder blades. The fact is that, for example, the shoulders are not the most characteristic zone for SD. It is possible for diabetes to coexist with another disease. In addition, clothing and hygiene products can cause skin irritation in the upper torso. How often do you take a bath, shower; what means do you use?


. The problem area is in the upper back, slightly in the center. No, not between the shoulder blades. In front, just to a greater extent in the central region of the chest. As for the shoulders, all this beauty is closer to the neck area. Whether it’s important or not, the breasts are the most troubling because they itch the most, especially if you don’t shower once a day. Maybe this is due to the fact that there is a little hair growing there, I don’t know. I will tell you everything.

After a shower, the skin on the chest and back in the affected area becomes like a contour map, with pronounced pink-red spots; you have to smear it with some kind of body cream, as it all dries out. Gradually, after taking water procedures, the redness subsides and the skin acquires a pinkish color.

As for the shower, I take it strictly every day, because I can’t do it any other way. I lead an active lifestyle and play sports, and the sweating causes additional itching and irritation. I haven’t worn anything other than cotton for about 10 years. By the way, I go to the bath extremely rarely, since, in my observation, steamed skin causes even more discomfort; I prefer a shower.

As a preventative measure, I use Keto Plus shampoo once a week, and use the foam on my face and body, but it seems to me that it dries out already damaged skin even more. I've been using soap (for children) on my body lately. I use Lumene as creams on my face and body, but I know that I need to change it.

Tell me what shampoo I can use every day. By the way, I also wash my hair every day, as my hair gets greasy very quickly. What cream can be used for the face and body. And in general, what hygiene products are best to use? By the way, redness recently appeared on the tip of the nose and in the nasal area. Thanks in advance for the advice!


. Alexander, to be honest, has not encountered problems with the upper body with diabetes, except for the sternum (the area shown in the first photo in the article). If there is not a lot of hair on the sternum, you can shave it off - it helps me. Lesions in the areas you describe are very characteristic of pityriasis versicolor, read it. It seems? Ringworm does not rule out diabetes.

Otherwise, I would recommend washing in warm water (never hot) and limiting the use of any detergents and cosmetics in problem areas to the maximum. Perhaps this is an allergic reaction to them. And don’t delay your visit to the doctor!


. Thanks for the information provided! Regarding the pityriasis goblin, there is something similar, but I hope it’s not him! In any case, you should not delay visiting a doctor.


. Here I found from Professor Sergeev Yu.V. a description of a case of the proximity of seborrheic dermatitis and lichen and other similar stories under the link “I had a similar case.”

I'm just trying to clearly demonstrate what I'm talking about. I hope this will help you identify your illness and successfully fight it. Keep us updated!

Seborrhea with severe peeling in the eyebrow area

I have seborrheic dermatitis in the eyebrow area. Peeling and hair loss from the eyebrows occurs. The problem is already 3 years old. During this time, it was never possible to achieve a more or less stable remission.

I just finished a month’s course of treatment with ketoconazole cream (once a day) and Nizoral shampoo (twice a week). The treatment did not bring any tangible results. Peeling remains in some areas; when the scales are removed mechanically, hair loss occurs.

Please tell me, does ketoconazole cream have an exfoliating effect or eliminates peeling? Does it make sense to use antifungal agents (for example, clotrimazole) if they are not effective enough in my case? Previously, I used zalain cream, it also did not help. I understand that seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic disease, but there should be at least some improvement with long enough treatment! What can be used as maintenance therapy? Thank you.


. Have you been tested for Demodex? It’s just that eyebrows are very often affected by Demodicosis. And in general, its manifestations are very similar to SD on the face. In general, there is a possibility that the reason for your failures is that they tried to treat Demodicosis with drugs for diabetes.


. Lana, ketoconazole cream does not have exfoliating properties. Salicylic acid, for example, has these. If a remedy with ketoconazole does not help (although some recommend longer treatment up to 1.5-2 months), it is worth trying alternative remedies. As soon as you select a suitable remedy, you can use it as maintenance therapy, using it somewhat less frequently (as much less often as it is written in the instructions for the drug) than during treatment. If they do not help, there is a high probability that the diagnosis is incorrect.


. I have been tested for Demodex several times. I had blepharitis several years ago. That's when demodex was discovered when analyzing eyelashes. The treatment didn’t help, then they convinced me that it couldn’t be cured. Demodex is a saprophyte, everyone has it. When I had problems with my eyebrows, the first thing I did was examine my eyebrows for demodex. Not found. Perhaps the diagnosis was indeed incorrect. Then the situation is completely hopeless. Diagnosis is even worse. I wonder what diseases cause the same symptoms (peeling, loss).


. Lana, is it possible for you to take a photo of problem areas of the skin and post it on the forum? Then it would be possible to communicate more substantively. Lana, tell me, what color are the scales (more silver-white or yellowish) and are they located in the purple zones, as in this picture?


. The scales are white. They are located only in the eyebrow growth area and cover small areas of skin adjacent to the affected area. Once a year, usually in winter, a pink spot appears on the forehead and is a little itchy. I apply metronidazole gel on it, it starts to peel, then I fight the peeling with bepapten. The spot goes away within a month until next year. There is no peeling behind the ears or on the wings of the nose. The scalp is also fine.

Itching on the forearms

If the forearms of the hands itch, which is accompanied by the appearance of a rash that spreads to the legs and throughout the body, there is an infectious disease of the skin. In most cases, dermatologists diagnose fungal infections. To eliminate symptoms, comprehensive treatment using local and systemic agents is necessary.

If the rash spreads throughout the body very quickly, accompanied by severe itching and pain, it is recommended to be examined by a venereologist. Often, such symptoms indicate infection with venereological diseases.

About treatment

If rashes and spots appear on the left forearm or lower leg, you should not look for an interpretation of this phenomenon in folk signs. You need to go to a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Typically, the method of therapy depends on the cause that led to the onset of the disease.

If a rash, spots, and itching on your left forearm appear due to an allergy, you should get rid of exposure to this allergen. At the same time, starting to take antihistamines.

If red spots and itchy rashes have formed due to an infectious infection, it is important to begin therapy as early as possible, reducing contact with healthy people if possible.

When diagnosing neurological factors that lead to rashes and itching of the skin, complex treatment is used using local antihistamines and internal sedatives.

Generalized itching as a symptom of common diseases.
Guest - Dr.
Alexander Myasnikov .

Presenters: Vladimir Solovyov

Anna Shafran


: We will leave aside the itching that is associated with the skin - with atopic dermatitis, dry skin, psoriasis, scabies and so on, I don’t even want to talk about it, this is, in fact, understandable. But itching as a symptom of other internal diseases, this is an interesting topic, because, firstly, it is very often a manifestation, the first manifestations of oncology. Oncology such as lymphoma and what we call lymphogranulomatosis, some stomach tumors. Let's say, lymphogranulomatosis, or Hodgkin's lymphoma - in 30% of cases, several years, 4-5 years before its clinical manifestations, itching begins, chronic itching begins. It’s not just an itch, like everyone else’s, but an itch that has been haunting you for more than 6 months, not clearly localized. And this is a symptom... Moreover, I saw an interesting work: the Danes sifted through more than 30 thousand electronic medical records and found that if a person had generalized itching, at that moment they looked for oncology and did not find it, then years passed, and in fact in people, who had this itching, they still get cancer much more often than those patients who did not have itching.


: Where is the itching and what is it like?


: Itching all over the body, this is generalized itching. It's not like certain areas are itching.

By the way, it sometimes happens in certain areas of the body, for example, neurological itching. When? For many of you, probably, the edge of the shoulder blade itches, either on the right or on the left. And the man begins to approach the doorframe and scratch this edge of the shoulder blade.


: That's it, that's what the joint was created for, yes.


: Yes. Starts to itch. Sometimes so much so that you can even see it on the skin, because the skin there darkens because he continuously scratches. In fact, at the level of the thoracic vertebra, a branch of one of the nerves that comes out of our spine is captured, well, when it pinches, when there is pain, when we say “hernia.” So she can pinch a twig, and there will just be an itch, an itch. And so he will itch from month to month.

Or, let’s say, there is a type of itching when only the upper half of the neck, shoulders, and arms itch. This is due to the fact that... But there, however, is no longer a pinched nerve, but there are degenerative changes at the level of the C34 cervical nerve. This nerve gets pinched, and the arm, hands, and maybe shoulders begin to itch continuously. And by the way, the sun and tanning can provoke this. But treatment—itch, don’t scratch—doesn’t help. The only thing that helps is putting ice, an ice pack, so it soothes this itching.

In general, itching, you know, especially for those who have dermatitis, when you itch, you scratch the skin, this provokes... Therefore, if you have severe itching, scratch lightly, but there is no need to comb. Interestingly, the sensation of itching travels along the same fibers as pain, only they are slightly different. In principle, these are the same fibers that transmit pain, so when we scratch, we stimulate the pain fibers, and this sensation suppresses precisely what is paralleled by the sensation of itching.

Of the common diseases that should be mentioned for itching, these are diseases of the thyroid gland, which happens very often, especially hyperfunction. This may also be a manifestation of such a formidable disease as multiple sclerosis.

Listen in full in audio version.

Why do my hands start to itch?

Doctors do not consider itching, which forces a person to constantly scratch their hands, as an independent disease. It acts as a symptom characteristic of a number of pathological processes. Only a dermatologist can find out what exactly led to its appearance.

The most common causes of itchy sensations on the skin of the hands are:

If the culprits of the painful condition are external factors, then the problem can be solved without the help of a specialist. It is enough to simply stop contacting the irritant to immediately improve your well-being. Do not neglect consulting a doctor if the symptom is caused by diseases of internal systems and organs that require adequate treatment.

A consultation with a dermatologist is necessary if your hands itch due to the factors discussed below.

Psoriatic disease

Doctors diagnose psoriasis in people of different ages. It can manifest itself in both a child and an elderly person.

The disease develops against the background of excessive division of skin cells. Excess tissue gradually comes to the surface and forms unpleasant plaques.

In most cases, psoriasis affects the part of the arm that runs from the elbow to the hand.

The damaged areas of the skin will not only itch, but also be noticeably painful. If the patient tries to scratch the affected area, injuries will occur on it, which will provoke the appearance of new rashes.


The disease spreads rapidly. It occurs due to infection with scabies. Its appearance is caused by small mites that move freely across the surface of the skin and lay eggs in it.

With scabies, barely noticeable pimples appear on a person’s hands and are very itchy. Their greatest accumulation is usually observed near the elbow and between the fingers.


Another common disease that explains why hands itch. It occurs in several forms. The skin of the upper extremities is affected by dyshidrotic eczema.

A patient with this diagnosis will experience constant itching and will also notice severe peeling and redness at the site of the lesion. In some cases, the skin of the hands becomes covered with small blisters.

Eczema quickly spreads to healthy tissue. Her treatment takes years. To recover, patients have to radically change their lifestyle and give up old habits.


At the initial stage of development, diabetes mellitus is recognized by itching of the skin of the hands.

Areas covered with small yellowish pimples are especially itchy.

Redness will appear around them. If the patient is offered the right treatment, he will quickly get rid of the itching sensation.

As soon as it is possible to find out the reason that led to the itching on the hands, it will be necessary to immediately begin its treatment.


26.12.2019, 09:07

ALEXANDER MYASNIKOV: “Statistics is the basis of medicine. It is taught at a very high rate in medical universities in all countries. What is evidence-based medicine that we shout about is statistics. We give the drug, see if it helps or doesn’t help, it’s all statistics.”

30.12.2019, 18:07

ALEXEY KULIKOV: “From my point of view, He Jiankui is a person who has really crossed certain moral standards. This is, rather, an unfortunate experimenter who has forgotten himself a little, therefore, according to legal laws, yes, he is a criminal.”

10.01.2020, 14:54

Broadcasts on the topic: Health

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