Steroid dermatitis on the face treatment before and after photos

Perioral or steroid dermatitis is one of the most common facial skin diseases. It looks like a small red rash localized in the perioral area, on the chin and lower cheeks, less often spreading to the forehead, nose, skin around the eyes, including the eyelid area. In this case, almost always there remains a narrow strip of light skin directly around the lips without traces of damage. The pathology is not dangerous, but it creates many problems in personal and social life, provoking neurotic moods and irritability. This type of dermatitis mainly occurs in young women; in men and children, its occurrence is possible, but unlikely.

Oral dermatitis - what is it and what does it look like?

According to the international classification (ICD-10), the disease is assigned code L71.0. In addition to those already mentioned, it has other names: steroid dermatitis of the face, perioral dermatitis, perioral rosacea.

According to medical statistics, it affects 1 percent of the population - mostly young women and (rarely) children and men under 45 years of age.

Rosacea-like dermatitis is considered a chronic disease that affects the skin of the face around the mouth and eyes. It is characterized by rashes in the form of small reddish papules.

Appearing around the mouth, on the chin at first in small quantities, pimples increase in size and occupy more and more spaces, sometimes merging into a solid plaque and creating not only physical, but also enormous psychological discomfort for the patient.

In its symptoms, the disease resembles Broca's pigmented perioral dermatosis, in which brownish spots form around the mouth and on the chin.

The disease is often associated with stomach and intestinal problems, and again, almost only women suffer from it.

Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis

Progesterone is a hormone produced in the ovaries; it has become widely known as a pregnancy hormone, as it helps maintain pregnancy and promotes fetal development.

In standard situations, this hormone is produced in a woman from the moment of ovulation and increases during the second phase of the cycle. If pregnancy does not occur during this period, the concentration of the hormone decreases sharply. If a woman is pregnant, progesterone begins to be produced more actively to create all the conditions for a successful pregnancy.

Among all known types of allergic reactions, hormonal allergies are the most insidious and difficult to diagnose.

This disease is characterized by vague symptoms, as well as cyclical exacerbations of the disease, which often resolve on their own.

The insidiousness of this allergy is that it is very difficult to distinguish it from household and food allergies, which makes treatment much more difficult. From this article we will learn what hormonal allergies are – the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

According to doctors, hormonal allergies occur when the immune defense begins to perceive an increase in hormone levels as a “stranger” that poses a threat to the body.

And given that hormones are produced in the human body and are carried through the bloodstream, such an immune reaction against one’s own protein hormones is observed throughout the body and is called an autoimmune reaction.

Hormonal allergies - how to determine

The fact that the allergy is hormonal in nature and is not a reaction to food eaten or contact with animal fur, or caused by a seasonal irritant such as ragweed, can be suspected if allergic reactions occur cyclically and correlate with the menstrual cycle. Adrenaline allergy, as already mentioned, can be the body’s response to long-term or short-term, but very severe stress.

Hormonal allergies are confirmed in the laboratory using an allergy test, when concentrated preparations of various hormones are applied to the skin. The same method also identifies a specific substance that gives a hyperimmune response. Perhaps the source of the problem is a hormonal drug that the person is taking.

People suffering from this disease should take hormonal drugs to treat asthma with caution. The fact is that in some cases they can intensify and even provoke her attacks - this is also a variant of an allergy to hormones. In addition, stress can also intensify asthma attacks - this is how asthmatics manifest adrenaline or norepinephrine allergies.

Steroid dermatitis: causes and treatment features

The main principle in the treatment of autoimmune diseases is their correct diagnosis. As mentioned above, the body's hyperimmune response to hormones is often confused with any other type of allergy.

Therefore, the observation of the patient himself will be a great help for the doctor, who will be able to indicate that the allergy manifests itself after strong experiences, at a certain phase of the cycle (in women), and so on.

Specific treatment is selected individually. The difficulty here is that in this case it is impossible to completely eliminate the factor causing the allergy, that is, to force the body not to produce hormones. Therefore, allergists-immunologists literally “walk the edge” in order to improve the patient’s condition without going too far and without harming his health.

The symptoms of such allergies are combated with antihistamines. Histamine is a substance that is released from the connective tissue cells of the body when an allergen comes into contact with the skin, blood or esophagus.

External manifestations of allergies - dermatitis, ulcerations on mucous membranes, etc. - are a reaction with histamine of special receptors in cells.

Antihistamines block these reactions and thus eliminate allergy symptoms.

Individuals suffering from stress allergies may be advised to avoid stressful situations and possibly take sedatives or tranquilizers.

Treatment of gesterone or estrogen dermatitis can be carried out, oddly enough, with the help of hormonal drugs, the selection of which is carried out by an allergist-immunologist.

These can be ointments for external use that restore damaged skin, or tablets or capsules for oral use.

As part of complex treatment, it is recommended to take vitamins A, D and E, which improve the functioning of the immune system.

How to preserve and maintain a woman’s health? Useful information here. How to strengthen a woman's immunity? Read in this article.

Self-medication in this case, especially with hormonal drugs, is strictly contraindicated. Only a doctor can prescribe complex therapy.

Steroid dermatitis has another name, perioral. A fairly common type of dermatitis that occurs nowadays. Characteristic symptoms will help quickly with this disease. Young women are at risk. This type of dermatitis is extremely rare in men and children.


Correct tactics for treating dermatitis on the face

The treatment regimen for perioral dermatitis is quite complex. To cure the patient, the doctor uses many different medications and recommends dietary nutrition. Compliance with all the doctor’s instructions is the key to victory over the disease.

The doctor begins treatment by canceling all hormonal drugs that the patient was using (this could be, for example, Advantan, Akriderm, Elokom).

The doctor also establishes a ban on the use of cosmetics. Washing in the traditional way is also prohibited.

If the disease is not very advanced, water can be replaced by rubbing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage and chamomile). In difficult situations, use special emulsions prepared on the basis of oil.

Medicines usually include a cream, ointment or gel, the main active ingredients of which are Metronidazole (Trichopol) and Erythromycin (erythromycin ointment is a proven drug, known to many patients, and has a reputation as one of the safest antibiotics).

Here is a list of medications used:

  • Tetracycline is an antibiotic prescribed for severe forms of dermatitis;
  • Tetracycline ointment – ​​with an active antimicrobial effect;
  • Unidox Solutab is an antibiotic of the tetracycline group, used to treat skin infections;
  • Azithromycin is an antibiotic used to treat skin infections;
  • Polysorb – as an absorbent;
  • Cynovit – as an antifungal agent;
  • Protopic - successfully relieves inflammation, however, the drug should not be used by breastfeeding and pregnant women due to possible side effects;
  • Skinoren, Azelik - prescribed for intolerance to Metronidazole;
  • Skin cap and other products containing zinc (among the most popular are zinc mash, zinc ointment) dry the skin well and can relieve itching;
  • Elidel – relieves inflammation, can be successfully combined with other drugs used in complex therapy, and is approved for children from three months of age;
  • Radevit ointment – ​​effective for epithelial regeneration;
  • Rozamet is a soft and at the same time effective preparation that, if necessary, can be used as a base for makeup;
  • Metrogyl gel – has an antibacterial effect;
  • Isotrethionine – with a similar effect to Metrogyl;
  • Retinoic ointment (with isotretinoin as the main component) - helps in tissue regeneration;
  • Yam ointment – ​​stops the inflammatory process;
  • Bepanten – improves the regeneration of damaged skin.

At the final stage of treatment of perioral dermatitis, various physiotherapy procedures are actively used. Cryomassage using liquid nitrogen or snow is considered an effective remedy.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes sedative medications.

Vitamin therapy is mandatory, especially for children. Thanks to it, the protective functions of the body as a whole and specifically the skin are increased.

But you need to be careful with microelements; some of them (they are called “reactogenic”) sometimes worsen the condition of the skin.

In this regard, doctors limit the intake of iron and copper in certain medications for patients with dermatitis.

Many patients are helped by folk remedies. True, here you need to choose “your” option, since the effectiveness in each case depends on the characteristics of the skin of a particular person.

What we can recommend:

  • lotion made from flaxseed oil, honey and onion juice (prepared in a water bath);
  • lotions from oak bark decoction;
  • infusion of birch buds (taken orally, a teaspoon of plant material is required per glass of water);
  • infusion of walnut leaves (prepared in a thermos, used as lotions);
  • pumpkin masks (grated and applied to inflamed skin);
  • infusion of sorrel leaves (take 4 times a day, half a glass).

The diet for a patient with dermatitis should include foods rich in protein and calcium. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

For first courses, give preference to vegetable soups, fish soup, and cook lean borscht. There must be fermented milk products, cereals, fruits, and vegetables on the table.

Here's what one day's menu might look like:

  1. Breakfast: fish with corn porridge, steamed (for example, in a slow cooker), tea.
  2. Lunch: cream soup of fresh zucchini, salad of leafy vegetables, buckwheat porridge, dried fruit compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: kefir, cheese and a slice of dried bread.
  4. Dinner: cottage cheese seasoned with low-fat sour cream, tea.

There are many options for treating skin diseases with folk remedies. These are various lotions, herbal infusions and decoctions for external use and oral administration. However, you need to be realistic: self-medication will not give a good result. You can combine drug treatment for steroid dermatitis with an alternative one under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

But even in this case it is difficult to hope for an immediate effect. The epidermis must completely restore its functions; this period can take from 1 to 3 months. The duration directly depends on the severity of the disease. Depending on the etiology of the disease, consultation and joint work of several specialists (otolaryngologist, therapist and gynecologist) may be necessary. Treatment is usually divided into 2 stages:

  1. Complete abolition of hormonal ointments, creams and cosmetics. In the vast majority of patients, within 5 days the symptoms of dermatitis intensify, swelling and redness of facial tissues, burning, a feeling of “tightening” of the skin, and increased temperature around the lesions occur. The combination of symptoms often increases the level of nervousness, causing a desire to refuse further therapy. This period may last for several weeks.
  2. The doctor prescribes basic drug treatment (Metronidazole or Erythromycin in the form of gel, cream 2 times a day until the rash stops) and additional: diet, antihistamines (Suprastin, Cetrin), in some cases - diuretics. The skin should be as moisturized as possible and protected from exposure to aggressive sunlight, wind, and cold. If necessary, additional antibiotics are prescribed (Doxycycline, Minocycline, Tetracycline). Their use can cause a number of side effects (stool disorders, nausea, allergic reactions); the use of such drugs is unacceptable during pregnancy and the lactation period.

If you have any rashes on your face, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Most pathologies are much easier to treat at the very beginning and quickly become chronic. For skin diseases such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis in combination with gastrointestinal problems, gynecological dysfunctions, and severe infectious diseases, it is advisable to avoid therapy with corticosteroid drugs.

treatment of steroid dermatitis
Treatment of steroid dermatitis on the face, before and after photos

Therapy for oral dermatitis is a long process, sometimes taking up to three months.

  • During the first five days, the doctor recommends refraining from using cosmetics and any medications. You need to give up all medications. The use of cosmetics is also contraindicated. As a rule, during this period, redness and swelling of the skin become more obvious. Patients complain of severe burning and itching. This is normal.
  • The treatment regimen must include steroid ointments for dermatitis. Metronidazole is considered effective. The skin should be treated with gel twice a day. Protopic is also often used for steroid dermatitis.
  • Antihistamines are necessary to relieve irritation, swelling and itching.
  • Diuretics will also help get rid of swelling.
  • In case of secondary infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial medications, such as Tetracycline or Doxycycline.
  • During therapy, you need to carefully monitor your diet, care for your skin and protect it from cold, sun and wind.

As already mentioned, rashes first appear in the area around the lips. Steroid dermatitis on the face is not dangerous. Nevertheless, redness and red spots in this area create psychological discomfort, because they are perceived by their owner as a serious aesthetic defect. In order to prevent the development of complications or relapse, doctors and cosmetologists advise following some recommendations after undergoing therapy:

  • The skin needs constant hydration, but for this purpose you need to use only cosmetics with a safe composition.
  • Be careful when choosing facial skin care products - they should not contain potentially dangerous components.
  • Do not touch or rub your face with dirty hands.
  • After water procedures, it is recommended to only gently pat your face with a napkin.
  • In the sunny season, be sure to use a cream with UV filters.
  • You should periodically undergo a course of vitamin therapy.

What should a patient who has been diagnosed with steroid dermatitis do? Treatment can be supplemented with some home remedies. Some doctors recommend making lotions from decoctions of various medicinal herbs, in particular string, linden inflorescences, chamomile, and wormwood. These plants have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Decoctions of the same medicinal herbs can be used to wipe the skin of the face every day.

By the way, the flowers of celandine, St. John's wort and calendula make good tonics for cleansing the skin surface. Of course, such products can only be used with the permission of the treating dermatologist, having first checked the skin for sensitivity. Remember that herbal decoctions must be fresh and stored in the refrigerator.

There are three stages of dermatitis. During the acute stage, the face turns red, swells, and becomes covered with spots and blisters. There is a burning sensation. The subacute stage consists of scabs, itching and burning. The skin peels off and becomes covered with rough scars. Headache, fever. The chronic form cannot be cured; relapses occur.

Causes of dermatitis: poor-quality cosmetics, oily skin, hormonal system failure, genetics, sedentary work, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, neuroses, panic attacks, overexertion. There are several types of dermatitis: allergic, atopic, steroid, contact, oral, seborrheic.

Prevention of perioral dermatitis

If you have any rashes on your face, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Most pathologies are much easier to treat at the very beginning and quickly become chronic. For skin diseases such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis in combination with gastrointestinal problems, gynecological dysfunctions, and severe infectious diseases, it is advisable to avoid therapy with corticosteroid drugs.

Treatment of steroid dermatitis on the face, before and after photos

Causes of the rash

Rashes on the face are more often diagnosed in women. Some doctors suggest that this is due to changing hormonal levels and the use of cosmetic products, including decorative ones.

However, there are other causes of steroid dermatitis.

  1. The most common factor is considered to be dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The disease can appear as a result of oversaturation of the body with fluoride, which penetrates into it from toothpaste.
  3. Rashes of this type can occur before menstruation, during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes. Girls also experience a rash on the face at the onset of puberty.
  4. Symptoms of the disease can appear when the surface of the skin is infected with viruses, bacteria, or fungal infections.
  5. Changes in the facial area can occur under the influence of climatic conditions (cold, wind, sunlight).
  6. A common cause of rash is the use of corticosteroid-based drugs.

In the case of rashes caused by steroids, treatment with hormonal ointments can only cause harm. Patients may feel a temporary improvement, and then a new outbreak of the rash. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor who will help identify the cause of the disease.

It is believed that steroid dermatitis appears in women against the background of hormonal changes.

Doctors are not always able to identify the cause of oral dermatitis with 100% accuracy. It can be both allergic and atopic in nature.

In addition to cosmetics (poor quality or individually intolerable), the culprits of the disease outbreak may be:

  • hormonal drug (contraceptive pills, cream);
  • fluoride toothpaste;
  • aerosols that relieve asthma attacks;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • climate change;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of any infections or inflammations in the body;
  • procedures that injure the skin using scrubs (peeling is not recommended for people predisposed to this form of dermatitis);
  • problems with immunity;
  • stress.

Doctors note cases where oral dermatitis was caused by the simultaneous use of “multidirectional” cosmetics (for example, moisturizing, nourishing, decorative).

And in children, skin problems began after using a pacifier in windy weather or in winter with severe frost.

In older children, as noted by Dr. Komarovsky and his colleagues, perioral dermatitis is often associated with the problem of dental caries, so a timely visit to the dentist will not only help keep your teeth healthy, but will also protect you from other unpleasant diseases.

How to treat?

Only a specialist can prescribe effective treatment, since it is necessary to correctly diagnose and determine the cause of the disease. Only after this will it be possible to prescribe a set of therapeutic measures. To get rid of steroid dermatitis, complex treatment is required. Patients are recommended:

Manifestation of the disease in a teenager

  • stop using ointments and creams containing hormones;
  • stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • For hygienic care, use hypoallergenic medicinal cosmetics.

In addition, treatment cannot be done without the use of medications. Most often, the use of external agents is sufficient. Ointments containing metronidazole or erythromycin may be prescribed. The products are applied twice a day to the affected areas and used until the rash is completely eliminated.

In severe cases, systemic antibiotics may be prescribed. Typically this is tetracycline or doxycyline. Hormonal ointments cannot be used to treat steroid dermatitis. Their use can give a positive, but very short-term effect. After which the manifestations of the disease will only worsen.

If the patient is bothered by itching or burning sensations, the doctor may recommend antihistamines. For example, Suprastin or other drugs in tablets or capsules.

Your doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe medications containing probiotics. These funds are necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, since it is dysbiosis that often causes exacerbation of dermatitis.


Even if the treatment measures gave a good result, and the skin is completely cleared of rashes, do not forget about preventive measures. Compliance with them will help avoid relapse.

Regular skin care is the basis of prevention

First of all, you need to provide your skin with good care; it needs to be constantly moisturized using high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics. In addition, you need to periodically take vitamin complexes; it is especially important that the body receives a sufficient amount of ascorbic and folic acid. Vitamins B and A are no less important.

If the examination reveals gastrointestinal pathologies, then they need to be treated persistently. If there are disturbances in the endocrine system, additional treatment may be required.

If the skin disease is caused by taking hormonal medications, you will need to consult a specialist. If you cannot stop using hormones, your doctor may consider it necessary to change the dosage.

In addition, it is important to protect your facial skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. In summer, you should wear wide-brimmed hats and use sunscreen. In winter, the skin needs additional protection from frost and wind; for this it is recommended to use fatty hypoallergenic creams.

So, although perioral dermatitis is not a dangerous disease, it can significantly impair the quality of life. It is necessary to begin treatment for steroid dermatitis immediately after the first signs appear. Therapy should include a set of measures and be carried out under the guidance of a physician. Then it will be possible to get rid of rashes much faster and easier.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of steroid dermatitis are characterized by obvious manifestations. At the initial stage of the disease, redness may appear on the face. Symptoms may worsen when eating spicy and hot foods. After this, a rash in the form of tubercles begins to appear. Often at this stage they are confused with acne.

As the disease progresses, the tubercles become rough. However, a characteristic difference between this type of rash and ordinary acne is the absence of purulent contents.

The bumps on the face have a red or pink tint and an opaque surface. After their removal, pigmented areas of the skin may remain.

The rashes are localized mainly around the nose, in the area of ​​the lower surface of the cheeks. A peculiarity of the location of the rash is the exclusion of the area around the lips. Infrequently, tubercles appear on the chin, temples, and forehead.

However, these signs are not common. Therefore, the steroid form of dermatitis in most cases only causes aesthetic inconvenience. If a rash of unknown etiology occurs, you should consult a doctor who will select treatment.

Steroid dermatitis appears on the face in the form of small red pimples that lack purulent contents.

The main signs of the disease are redness and the formation of a rash in the form of small dense nodules. At this stage of development, many people confuse the manifestations of dermatitis with acne. The difference is the absence of purulent heads. The nodules are red or bright pink, dense. Over time, their surface may become rough.

After the rash resolves, residual pigmentation in the form of dark spots may remain at the site of the nodules. A characteristic feature of the disease is the localization of the rash. Steroid dermatitis affects:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • chin;
  • lower cheeks.

The skin of the forehead and the area under the eyes are less commonly affected, but the surface above the upper lip always remains clean. The appearance of a rash is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Most often, patients note a feeling of dryness, burning, and sometimes itching. However, there are often cases when no discomfort occurs and the disease manifests itself only as rashes on the skin.

The first sign is slight redness of the skin, which may worsen after eating spicy or hot food. If treatment measures are not taken immediately, in the future the redness will be more pronounced and will be complemented by many small ulcers with a color palette from bluish-red to light brown tones.

Most often, the lower part is affected, sometimes involving the temporal lobes, and in extremely rare cases, the entire face. Subsequently, the skin thickens in places, becomes uneven, rough, and pigment spots may appear. The affected areas are painless, but there may be an unpleasant feeling of itching or burning during acute periods.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and carefully follow all recommendations, your appearance will soon return to normal. But even after getting rid of the main symptoms of an unpleasant disease, you need to continue to carefully care for your face and body as a whole. There are several simple rules:

  • Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
  • After using any medications (especially hormonal ones), wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Regularly moisturize your skin, monitor the composition of cosmetic products, using the safest ones.
  • After washing, do not rub your face, just pat it dry to remove excess moisture.
  • Periodically take a course of vitamins B, A, C and folic acid.
  • Treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, and endocrine system in a timely manner.
  • In warmer months, always use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30.

The main thing is to recognize dermatitis on the face in time: its symptoms can be very similar to ordinary allergies or inflammation, as well as psoriasis or lupus erythematosus. This is the danger: by confusing one disease with another, you will miss precious time, and treatment may drag on for weeks, or even months.

Pay attention to the rashes and growths that appear on your skin. By comparing them with typical signs of dermatitis, you can suspect the disease in a timely manner. In medicine, there are three stages of development of the disease, depending on the degree of manifestation of its symptoms.

The first sign of this disease is the appearance of small red pimples and spots on the skin around the lips. As a rule, after eating spicy and hot food, the rash becomes more intense. Sometimes the spots merge at the edges, forming more massive lesions.

The inflammatory process can be complicated by a secondary bacterial infection. In addition, patients complain of severe itching and a burning sensation. Touching the affected areas is painless. If left untreated, the skin becomes rougher, thicker and more prominent, and its structure changes. Pigment spots may appear.

Occasionally, the inflammatory process spreads to the skin in the temple area. Damage to all tissues of the face is also possible, although such cases are recorded very rarely.

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis resemble seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis, and other skin diseases. Only a doctor can give an accurate diagnosis to a patient, and with the help of laboratory tests.

The rashes characteristic of the disease, if left untreated, remain on the face for several months or even years (from time to time the disease goes away and then returns again) and brings mainly psychological distress to the patient.

Here are the symptoms of perioral dermatitis:

  • severe redness around the mouth;
  • localization of a large number of pimples in the area of ​​the lips, chin, nasolabial folds, less often around the eyes, on the eyelids;
  • swelling;
  • itching and burning sensation;
  • dry skin, insufficient hydration, causing a feeling of tightness;
  • sometimes - the formation of scales at the site of inflammation and accompanying peeling.

A characteristic feature is that between the lips and the area of ​​inflammation there is always a narrow, two-millimeter strip of clean skin that has not been infected.

If you smear the affected skin with the first means that come to hand (this usually happens when the patient diagnoses himself and prescribes medications), additional symptoms appear that aggravate the situation:

  • thickening, roughening of the skin;
  • lumpy skin;
  • painful pigmentation (by the way, removing spots is quite difficult).

The first symptom of the disease is slight hyperemia of the skin, which worsens after eating excessively hot or spicy food. If no measures are taken at this stage, the redness will gradually become more pronounced and a small pustular rash will appear.

In most cases, pustules are localized in the lower area of ​​the face, sometimes they spread to the temporal lobes, very rarely the rash covers the skin of the entire face. With the development of the pathological process, the affected areas of the skin become uneven, thickened, rough, and the formation of pigment spots is possible. When the disease worsens, itching and burning of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation is noted.


The first symptom of the disease is slight hyperemia of the skin, which worsens after eating excessively hot or spicy food. If no measures are taken at this stage, the redness will gradually become more pronounced and a small pustular rash will appear.

In most cases, pustules are localized in the lower area of ​​the face, sometimes they spread to the temporal lobes, very rarely the rash covers the skin of the entire face. With the development of the pathological process, the affected areas of the skin become uneven, thickened, rough, and the formation of pigment spots is possible. When the disease worsens, itching and burning of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation is noted.

A distinctive feature of steroid dermatitis, which allows it to be differentiated from other disorders, is a narrow strip of skin around the mouth without traces of inflammation.

Steroid dermatitis (another name is perioral) is a fairly common disease of the facial skin. The disorder manifests itself as a small reddish rash localized near the mouth.


Before making a diagnosis, specialists conduct a bacterial culture - laboratory tests should determine whether the patient really suffers from rosacea-like dermatitis or whether he has some other skin disease with similar symptoms.

Histology is not recommended in this situation, since this type of research cannot reveal changes specific to this disease.

In most cases, making this diagnosis does not cause difficulties. The doctor determines the disease based on examination, medical history and patient complaints. In rare cases, a skin scraping followed by examination or biopsy is required.

In case of allergic processes, allergy tests are prescribed to identify the provoking factor of the disease.

An examination by a dermatologist is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis. However, in some cases additional examinations are required. Thus, dermatoscopy will help distinguish the manifestations of steroid dermatitis from eczema or acne.

In addition, to identify the presence of pathogenic flora, a dermatologist may prescribe bacterial culture. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct histological studies.

Facial skin disease - steroid dermatitis. Symptoms, photos and treatment

Steroidal or perioral dermatitis is one of the most common diseases of the facial skin. The disease manifests itself in the form of small redness and rashes around the mouth, cheeks and chin.

It is less common around the eyes, forehead, nose and eyelids. This disease is not dangerous, but it creates problems in everyday life and causes discomfort.

Young women and girls are at risk; children and men are less likely to be affected by steroid dermatitis.


of single or grouped purulent rashes on the skin around the mouth, cheeks, and nose The rash is located symmetrically over the entire surface and appears gradually over several weeks or months.

A characteristic feature of this disease is the presence of a narrow (about 5 mm in diameter) rim of healthy skin, which is adjacent to the contour of the lips.

In addition, there is a separate granulomatous type of perioral dermatitis, which most often manifests itself in children. It is characterized by the formation of pink and yellowish-brown papules located in areas typical of steroid dermatitis.

With advanced disease, the rash can be localized on the ears, body, limbs and scalp.

The rash is accompanied by:

  1. mild itching;
  2. burning;
  3. dryness;
  4. tightening of the skin;
  5. intolerance to moisturizers and cosmetics.

Sometimes the granulomatous form of steroid dermatitis is accompanied by blepharitis or conjunctivitis.


Below you will see a photo of what this disease looks like:

Reasons for appearance

Experts have not identified specific causes that provoke the development of the disease , but there are a number of factors that can cause steroid dermatitis. These include:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • stress;
  • weakened immune system;
  • exposure to sunlight for a long time;
  • temperature changes, wind, precipitation, etc.

All of the above factors do not allow the epidermis to resist the entry into the body of bacteria and viruses that negatively affect human health.

The development of the disease can be caused by long-term use of corticosteroid drugs, causing dryness and thinning of the skin.


To effectively get rid of the disease, experts recommend observing several certain conditions:

  1. Stop using all aggressive cosmetics during treatment;
  2. Maintain facial hygiene, and thoroughly clean the areas around the rash;
  3. do not use toothpaste containing fluoride;
  4. use personal hygiene products (the patient should have his own towel, preferably made from natural fabrics);
  5. do not touch the rash with dirty hands or foreign objects;
  6. watch your diet, take vitamins to strengthen your immune system.

There are two methods of treating perioral dermatitis:

  • drug therapy;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

Drug therapy consists of restoring the functions of the skin. The course of treatment lasts from one to three months, depending on the severity of the disease, the location of the rash and the individual characteristics of the body.

The treatment regimen looks like this:

  • Hormonal therapy with ointments and creams. Lasts 5-7 days. Aimed at relieving swelling, inflammation, itching.
  • Use gels until the inflammatory process disappears completely.

The basis of drug therapy is Metronidazole gel and erythromycin ointment.

  1. "Metronidazole" – a synthetic antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent for external use from the group of imidazoles. Has an anti-acne effect. The use of the product helps reduce inflammation of the damaged epidermis. Apply a thin layer twice a day to inflamed areas previously cleaned of dirt and sweat.
    It is recommended to use mild detergents (such as baby soap) to clean the affected areas. After applying the drug, you can use cosmetics that do not contain astringent components. Not recommended for use for dermatitis in children.

    Do not use the drug in case of individual intolerance to the components of the Metronidazole gel.

  2. Erythromycin ointment is an effective antibiotic for external use.
    The main active ingredient of the drug is erythromycin. The ointment has an antibacterial effect on gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The product is applied to previously cleansed damaged areas of the skin 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the dermatitis.

In addition, the course of drug therapy may include the use of antihistamines, such as:

These drugs have a wide range of uses, but also a large list of contraindications, so before use you should consult a specialist.

Traditional medicine occupies not the last place in the treatment of steroid dermatitis. The basis of cleansers and masks are:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • series;
  • calamus and other herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When turning to traditional medicine recipes, it is necessary to remember that the best result in treating the disease is achieved through complex therapy. In addition, before using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult with your doctor so that he can develop the most effective treatment regimen.

Treatment of steroid dermatitis is a long process that requires patience and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations. To avoid recurrence of the disease, you need to take care of your skin. In addition, it should be remembered that self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health, so when the first signs of dermatitis appear, you should consult a specialist.


Signs of dermatitis

The symptoms of the disease are similar to allergies. They are distinguished by the degree of distribution.

  1. Acute form. At the initial stage, red spots appear on the face. They are small in size. In this case, the face may swell, and blisters filled with liquid appear on the affected areas. Most often, the rash appears around the mouth, on the forehead, cheeks, and under the nose. The skin with dermatitis becomes sensitive and reacts to any mechanical impact.
  2. Subacute form. The affected areas begin to itch and peeling appears in the form of scales. Sometimes the patient is bothered by headaches and joint pain. In rare cases, body temperature rises. If the cause of dermatitis is not eliminated, the skin scales become keratinized and rough scars form.
  3. Chronic form. Symptoms and signs disappear and reappear. They are characterized by regularity and seasonality. Over time, the number of spots increases. Outbreaks of the disease appear brighter and more painful. The chronic form of dermatitis is difficult to cure. Rashes on the face bother the patient all his life.

How to restore facial skin

If a person is given a disappointing diagnosis of “steroid dermatitis”, the first thing to do is to stop using foundation and nourishing cream, scrub, peeling, mask and other cosmetic products. We are also talking about masks made from natural ingredients. It is impossible to predict which component may cause an allergy.

What to do next?

  1. Avoid using any hormonal medications unless absolutely necessary. Remember that hormonal therapy can be used in exceptional, complex cases - when other methods of treating a concomitant disease have been tried and there is no alternative.
  2. If the hospital prescribed a hormonal ointment, do not aggravate the situation - change the doctor, yours is incompetent and cannot cure the rash.
  3. If you manage to find a dermatologist who you can trust with your health, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, even if in the first weeks the condition worsened and the skin tightened even more. It happens that the active substance of a medication exhibits an effect as it accumulates. A couple of weeks and the medicine will relieve inflammation and swelling will go away.
  4. Until the rash disappears completely, the patient is recommended to take Metronidazole and Erythromycin cream 2 times a day. The antiallergic Suprastin and the diuretic Furosemide are also prescribed as the main therapy. If a dermatologist identifies a secondary infection, it is better to take a course of antibiotics. The choice often falls on Tetracycline and Doxycycline.

Another effective measure is to follow a diet. Fatty, salty, spicy foods, smoked foods, baked goods, sweets, and confectionery are excluded from the menu. Try not to go outside in the summer midday heat. At this time, ultraviolet rays destroy weak cells and provoke even more pimples.

Main reasons for development

Unfortunately, to date, scientists have not yet been able to figure out the development mechanism and causes of such a disease as steroid dermatitis. However, several risk factors can be identified:

  • disorders of the digestive system, including pathologies of the liver, intestines, and stomach;
  • hormonal imbalances, diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • a sharp weakening of immune defense;
  • constant stress, emotional and nervous tension (also affects hormone levels);
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • exposure of the skin to too low or high temperatures, chapping;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid ointments (such drugs thin the skin, making it more sensitive to the effects of the external environment);
  • regular use of cosmetics containing sodium lauryl sulfate, paraffin, petroleum jelly and some other components;
  • It has been proven that the symptoms of existing steroid dermatitis can intensify with the use of fluoride toothpaste.

Naturally, heredity also plays a role. In some people, a combination of the factors described above can lead to the development of skin inflammation.

Skin cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed in a thin film (membrane). Proteins are located inside the cell. And when contact with an irritant occurs, the membranes rupture. All cell contents, cytoplasm and organelles, spread into the extracellular matrix area.

Some of the damaged cells have a connection with the human immune system. The body's response is immediate. The immune system releases a large number of inflammatory inducers. Some of them are histamine. This substance is released into the blood and performs its physiological functions of searching and destroying the irritant.


The exact causes of steroid dermatitis have not been established to date, but experts identify a number of factors contributing to the development of this pathology, these include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • decreased immune system function;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • exposure to wind, high and low temperatures;
  • frequent stress.

The above factors lead to a decrease in the protective function of the skin - as a result, even opportunistic microorganisms pose a serious danger.

Skin hypersensitivity to environmental factors and various bacteria can occur due to prolonged exposure to corticosteroids. With prolonged use of these medications, the skin becomes excessively dry and thin. Cosmetic products containing sodium lauryl sulfate, paraffin, petroleum jelly, and various fragrances have a negative effect on the skin. The use of fluoride toothpaste increases the severity of existing symptoms.

How to cure disease in women during pregnancy and lactation

When the disease worsens, women who are breastfeeding are concerned about the question: is this type of dermatitis contagious or not, is it transmitted by airborne droplets, and what should be done to prevent the baby from having problems similar to the mother’s.

In fact, there is no danger of infection, doctors assure. However, a predisposition to such a disease can be transmitted at the genetic level, and nothing can be done about it.

Manifestation of the disease on the face

The only thing a woman needs to do in this situation is to take care of the child’s hygiene, teach him to do this on his own in the future, and to use detergents and cosmetics correctly.

In pregnant women, perioral dermatitis sometimes appears at the beginning of pregnancy, this is due to physiological changes in the body and weakened immunity.

Drug therapy for expectant mothers must be selected by a doctor, since many drugs that a woman has successfully used before are contraindicated in her new condition.

By the way, even such a harmless product, in the opinion of many women, as boric acid cannot be used either during pregnancy or while breastfeeding - it is quickly absorbed from the surface of the skin into the depths, enters the blood and can negatively affect the developing fetus.

Danger of the disease and possible complications

The worsening of perioral dermatitis can lead to stressful situations and psycho-emotional disorders, the cause of which is aesthetic and physical discomfort. When picking off pimples, there is a danger of infection entering the body. This is a chronic pathology, so relapses are associated with intense symptoms.

If therapy is started at the wrong time or not, it can cause the formation of scars and age spots. And the pathological areas become pale, dry, and tight.

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Causes of the disease

Dermatitis on the face is caused by contact with allergens and lifestyle. To prevent your skin from suffering from inflammation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Organize a hypoallergenic diet. Eliminate smoked, fatty, pickled, salty foods, nuts, and eggs from your diet. Eat boiled or steamed dishes. Eat more vegetables, dairy products, lean meats, and cereals.
  2. Maintain a physically active lifestyle. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Use high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  4. Contact a dermatologist at the first manifestations of an allergy on the face. Do not self-medicate.
  5. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  6. To prevent dermatitis in a child, it is necessary to maintain the microclimate in the baby’s room, follow the diet of the nursing mother and the rules for introducing complementary foods, and use hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Allergic dermatitis on the face is a serious disease with dangerous consequences. Without comprehensive treatment, the skin of the face may become covered with non-healing scars and ulcers.

Therefore, at the first signs of an allergic reaction, you should consult a dermatologist.

What is steroid dermatitis? This is a chronic inflammatory disease that is accompanied by the appearance of small red pimples and spots on the skin. As a rule, they first form on the skin around the mouth, after which they spread to other areas.

In most cases, dermatitis (steroidal, oral) is diagnosed in the fair sex. The development of the disease in men and children is possible, but this is recorded extremely rarely.

Dermatitis (including steroid dermatitis) is a chronic disease. There is no specific prevention in this case. Nevertheless, doctors advise patients to pay close attention to skin care, choose safe and hypoallergenic cosmetics, and do not forget about protection from ultraviolet radiation and frost.

It is important to undergo timely therapy for diseases of the digestive tract and endocrine system. If possible, you should avoid the use of hormonal drugs. After using any ointments, gels and other medications, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid accidental contact of the drug with your facial skin.

Why the disease occurs in one case and not in another is unknown, but there are a number of reasons that, individually or in combination, can cause it. Serious hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal problems and pathologies, gynecological diseases, deterioration of immunity, excess ultraviolet radiation, frostbite or chapping of facial skin, stressful situations - these reasons often trigger self-destruction mechanisms.

Increased sensitivity of the skin to external influences and allergens of bacterial origin often occurs due to prolonged exposure to antiallergic hormonal drugs such as corticosteroids. The skin becomes thinner, dry and lifeless. Excessive passion for foundation creams, as well as cosmetics containing paraffin, petroleum jelly, sodium lauryl sulfate, isopropyl myristate, and cinnamon as a flavoring, contribute to this. The situation is aggravated by the use of fluoride toothpaste.

If there is a risk of developing oral dermatitis, it is better to spend a little time and effort on prevention than to then deal with treatment, heroically overcoming physical and moral inconvenience.

What to do:

  • follow a diet (nothing salty or spicy, no alcohol);
  • do not use corticosteroid creams and ointments (choose analogues that are safe for yourself);
  • choose soaps and shampoos without “chemicals”, for example, tar soap;
  • do not violate hygiene rules;
  • use high-quality, hypoallergenic cosmetics that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays;
  • brush your teeth with toothpastes that do not contain fluoride.

Prevention of steroid dermatitis

Since steroid dermatitis has not been sufficiently studied, the mechanisms of its development are unclear, and the causes may vary from patient to patient, it is difficult to name measures that will certainly prevent the occurrence of this disease. However, doctors have made recommendations that can reduce the likelihood of exacerbation and ease the course.

  • Do not use ointments and creams with glucocorticoids without a doctor's prescription and supervision. If the doctor prescribes a steroid drug, tell him that you have steroid dermatitis, and if hormones are needed, the weaker the active substance is to treat the underlying condition, the better.
  • Use as little cosmetics and creams as possible to care for your skin. Ask your healthcare provider which moisturizers are best for this condition. If the care product causes an exacerbation, you can try changing the brand, while carefully monitoring the condition of the epithelium. The cleanser and moisturizer or lotion should be as gentle as possible, hypoallergenic, without fragrances or dyes. Solid soap is preferable to liquid soap, since the latter may contain alcohol, which irritates and dries out the skin. Of the creams that are prohibited, all anti-aging ones (which indicate that they fight wrinkles, renew, prevent aging, etc.)
  • Do not rub your face, cheeks, or chin area. Avoid too much cleansing, and especially salon treatments, acid peels, manual and machine cleansing.
  • Protecting the skin from aggressive environmental influences is very important. On sunny days you should stay outside as little as possible. It is necessary to use a suitable sunscreen, and for perioral dermatitis, chemical ultraviolet filters are better tolerated than physical ones. It is important to remember that some medications prescribed to treat this condition may increase sensitivity to sunlight. It is also useful to protect yourself from wind, heat and temperature changes.
  • It is better to wash your face with just clean water, without special products. Pillowcases, bed linen, towels - all textiles that come into contact with the skin of the face - must be washed often, in hot water, and ironed on both sides.


Asya G.: “I recently went to a forum where various skin diseases are discussed. For some, Triderm and sulfur ointment help, for others, homeopathy, and one young lady recommended Darsonval, a device for physiotherapy that can be done at home. I got excited and consulted with my doctor. She believes that it is possible to try, but there is one “but” - the device cannot be used during an exacerbation of the disease. In general, he says, Darsonval really helped a lot of people.”

Lydia P.: “I had an exacerbation of perioral dermatitis during pregnancy. Previously, I used Clindovit gel, but it is not highly recommended for expectant mothers, so, after consulting with a doctor, I bought Bioderma cream, Skin-cap and regular Baby cream. I won’t say that it helped perfectly, but at least the process was stopped.”

Timofey N.: “I managed to get sick with something that happens very rarely in men - flight attendant disease. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, in addition to them, allergy medications. My wife learned from friends that it is good to wipe the skin with a solution of boric acid and onions and drink a decoction of birch buds. Yes, I also treated my skin with lotion, which my wife prepared from aloe juice, castor and eucalyptus oil. Believe it or not, after a week I, one might say, recovered.”

Allergy to hormonal drugs – Health Prosto Medical Center in Yekaterinburg

Hormonal is a rather complex allergy and a strange allergic reaction of the body; its most unpleasant surprise is the great difficulty of selecting an accurate diagnosis. In addition, with such a reaction of the body, there are no specific symptoms or they are quite vague. Often both the symptoms and the disease itself are cyclical, often appearing unexpectedly and passing away.

The allergy itself can occur in both adults and children.

What causes hormonal allergies?

After conducting a number of clinical studies, it was revealed that there is an allergy to hormones and its cause is the body’s reaction, in which the body mistakes an excessive release of hormones for a foreign substance.

Due to the fact that hormones are an integral part of the body and this substance is carried by the blood throughout the body, the logical conclusion would be the appearance of an allergic reaction, as well as its foci throughout the body. This process is called an autoimmune reaction of the body.

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The attacks of this disease themselves appear during periods of hormonal fluctuations, for example when taking hormonal drugs, or during the period of ovulation in women. Autoimmune reactions have also been repeatedly identified during stress, a particular disadvantage of which is their unpredictability.

An allergic reaction to stress occurs when there is an excessive release of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, but there are other reasons. If an autoimmune reaction occurs in connection with a stage of the menstrual cycle, then anticipating the occurrence of an allergy, identifying the allergen and prescribing treatment does not become so difficult.

Symptoms and manifestations of allergies

One of the symptoms of the body's allergic reaction to excess hormone secretion is urticaria. Quite a long study of it and observation of women in whom it appeared suddenly became the beginning of research in the direction of autoimmune reactions of the body.

Observations also made it possible to find out how female hormonal levels change at each stage of the cycle, which in turn made it possible to determine that most often urticaria can be observed during the period of egg maturation and most often it is an allergy to progesterone.

Quincke's edema on the face: symptoms and possible causes

In addition to the appearance of hives, other symptoms of an allergic reaction of the body can also be noted, for example: itching, runny nose, rash and sometimes ulceration of the mucous membranes. Also, in a number of studies, doctors have found that during pregnancy the possibility of such an autoimmune reaction to hormones is practically excluded.

Diagnosis of allergies

For any manifestation of an allergic reaction in the body, it is worthwhile, without delay, to visit a specialist and identify the cause of the occurrence. Most often, the allergist prescribes a series of laboratory tests and tests, for which you need to donate blood and urine. Sometimes the doctor himself conducts test studies, especially if there is a suspicion of hormonal allergies.

In identifying the type of disease, the patient’s testimony always plays a leading role; you need to listen carefully to your body and observe changes - this can greatly help doctors. It is also worth undergoing regular medical examinations, which will significantly increase the chance of identifying hidden diseases and flaring outbreaks of infections.

Allergy to pads: causes and treatment methods

Allergy hormone


In some cases, the allergic reaction is very severe and local remedies to relieve symptoms do not give any result. Corticosteroids are hormonal drugs that have a quick effect and eliminate the signs of a reaction in just a few minutes.

The benefits of hormonal drugs

Corticosteroids are used to treat many diseases, including allergies. These are hormones that are produced by the human adrenal glands and are responsible for many functions.

In particular:

  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • are responsible for the body’s reaction under stress;
  • control puberty and pregnancy.

Synthetic corticosteroids act on a similar principle - they also temporarily stop the inflammatory process.

Hormonal drugs are produced in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • creams;
  • eye drops;
  • solutions for injections and inhalations;
  • syrups;
  • nasal sprays;
  • rectal gels.

The synthetic allergy hormone has the ability to block the production of histamine and, accordingly, instantly stops the symptoms.

Main properties of corticosteroids:

  • stopping an allergic reaction;
  • reduction of skin rashes;
  • elimination of edema, eczema, manifestations of dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis.

For severe reactions, hormone injections are prescribed.

Benefits of the injection:

  • the active substance instantly penetrates the blood;
  • injections of hormones for allergies have a more powerful effect, unlike tablets;
  • severe symptoms disappear within a few minutes;
  • corticosteroids block the production of histamine;
  • the injection relieves swelling that impairs respiratory function.

Although the benefits of hormonal medications for allergies are undeniable, they have a number of side effects that negatively affect the body. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe medications, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

In what cases are allergy injections prescribed?

The anti-allergy hormone is injected in difficult cases when it is necessary to immediately stop the signs of a reaction.

For example:

  1. Anaphylactic shock. There are mild and severe forms of anaphylaxis. In a mild form, only itching, swelling, skin rash and a feeling of heat develop. The first symptoms of a severe form are coughing and sneezing, anxiety and weakness. Subsequently, there is pain in the heart, swelling throughout the body, nausea and vomiting. Blood pressure drops sharply, the person loses consciousness and does not respond to light. Within a few minutes breathing stops and the heart stops. An anti-shock kit for anaphylaxis should include allergy hormones (corticosteroids) and adrenaline.
  2. Quincke's edema. Angioedema is less likely to be fatal than anaphylaxis. But swelling sometimes provokes suffocation, due to swelling of the trachea and larynx. Signs of the disease: swelling of the face, neck, palms and feet, pale skin, anxiety, difficulty breathing, possible fainting. Quincke's edema can also spread to internal organs. Then there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting.

At the first symptoms of these pathologies, the use of hormones is mandatory. Other body conditions that require the use of corticosteroids:

  • spread of the rash to the entire body;
  • unbearable itching and burning;
  • severe abdominal pain and bowel movements.

If the course of symptoms is not affected by any standard medications, hormones are prescribed, since this is the only fast-acting remedy.

The most popular hormonal drugs for allergies

Corticosteroids should be taken with caution, as there is a condition known as hormone allergy. In some cases, these drugs may not stop, but only intensify symptoms.

In particular, many athletes take somatotropin. Abuse of this drug leads to an allergy to growth hormone. Therefore, only a doctor should write a prescription for corticosteroids.

What hormone is injected for allergies:

  1. Dexamethasone. Used in the form of injection solutions. Effective against swelling and other allergy symptoms. It is used only in severe cases, the dose is prescribed by a doctor. Pregnant women are prescribed for severe swelling and blisters on the skin.
  2. Hydrocortisone. It is used only in two cases - with severe allergies and in the absence of effect from taking other medications. Has strong side effects. Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  3. Prednisolone. It has an anti-shock effect, therefore stopping the development of anaphylaxis and Quincke's edema. For people with allergies to insects, it is advisable to always keep the drug on hand. Children are allowed to take it under medical supervision.
  4. Diprospan. It has an immediate effect thanks to betamethasone sodium phosphate. It is administered intramuscularly. Pregnant women and women during lactation are not recommended to take medications.

Corticosteroids (CS) are distinguished by the strength of their effect on the body. There are drugs with a weak effect (Prednisolone) and drugs with a very high effect (Dermovate).

Other medications that are used in tablet form:

  • Metipred;
  • Kenalog;
  • Celeston;
  • Florinef;
  • Lemod.

CS for inhalation:

  • Bekodisk;
  • Pulmicort;
  • Benacort.

In addition to solutions for injections and inhalations, allergy ointments for relieving skin rashes are widely popular:

  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Dipersolone;
  • Afloderm;
  • Cynacort;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan;
  • Cutivate;
  • Locacorten.

Combined drugs. They include:

  • antiseptics;
  • antifungal components;
  • antimicrobial components;
  • antibiotics.

Treatment of allergies with hormones is prescribed only by a doctor. He must prescribe the correct dosage. The stronger the drug, the more carefully the hormone is used.

Side effects

When taking small doses of CS, the risk of side effects is negligible. As the dose increases, the likelihood also increases. What are the most common side effects:

  • blood sugar levels rise;
  • the chance of infectious diseases increases;
  • Purple and red stretch marks appear on the body;
  • the gastric mucosa becomes irritated and ulcers occur;
  • blood pressure exceeds normal limits.


Can you be allergic to progesterone drugs?

The body constantly produces hormonal substances. During pregnancy, women may not have enough of them. Then the doctor prescribes synthetic components to compensate for the function. There is a possibility of allergies to progesterone preparations. The reaction occurs systemically or locally. In the first case, the condition is dangerous to the life and health of the woman and the fetus.

The mechanism of development of an allergic reaction

Progesterone-based medications enter the patient’s body orally. The doctor prescribes them if the body itself cannot produce enough of the substance to maintain the pregnancy. A situation arises that is dangerous for the development of the fetus. Spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, or premature birth may occur.

If the drug causes inadequate reactions of the immune system, increased production of lymphocytes begins. They are directed to the lesion, causing inflammation.

The hormonal substance spreads through the bloodstream, which is most dangerous for humans. A systemic reaction may occur in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema , anaphylactic shock .

If emergency medical procedures are not performed, the patient will die.

Immune cells are mostly represented by eosinophils. They produce inflammatory mediators, which cause swelling. When serous fluid accumulates, the patient experiences a painful sensation and itching.

The walls of blood vessels and capillaries expand, leukocytes and inflammatory mediators enter the subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes.

In the presence of superficial reactions, the inflammatory process is localized on the skin and mucous membranes.

An allergy to progesterone causes the following effects:

  • itching, burning, pain and other discomfort;
  • redness;
  • rash.

In the absence of medication, the symptoms gradually disappear. In case of focal allergic reactions, local therapy will be needed to eliminate discomfort and formations on the skin and mucous membranes. There is no allergy to your own progesterone.

Causes of the disease

The cause of the pathology is the use of a progesterone-based drug. The following types of medicinal substances aimed at hormone replacement therapy are distinguished:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Iprozhin;
  • Non-mestran.

The first 2 drugs - Duphaston and Utrozhestan - are among the most popular drugs for replacement therapy. It is to them that allergic reactions occur.

If an allergic reaction begins when the active component of the drug accumulates in the tissues, local reactions occur. The same effect is observed in the patient if an insufficient number of leukocytes is produced. Their volume does not allow them to cause a systemic effect, so the pathological process is localized on the skin and mucous membranes.

The cause of systemic pathologies is the distribution of the active substance of the drug through the systemic bloodstream. Cells of the immune system are distributed throughout the body, causing swelling of the larynx, pathological formations on the skin, and shock.

Progesterone preparations

There are progesterone-based medications that are more likely to cause hyperreactivity. This is due to the active ingredients contained, which are not tolerated by the immune system. They are used orally, intravenously, intramuscularly, vaginally.

Negative effects can be caused by active ingredients or excipients. Injections cause greater harm, since all active substances are immediately transferred into the systemic bloodstream, bypassing physiological barriers. If you take tablets, some of the components are excreted in the feces. Therefore, the risk of systemic reactions is reduced.


If hypersensitivity occurs, the patient will ask the attending physician whether he or she may be allergic to Duphaston. A medicine based on dihydrogesterone. When taking Duphaston, endometrial secretion is formed, reducing the risk of a malignant tumor.

Indications for use:

  • endometriosis;
  • threatened miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage;
  • dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea;
  • uterine bleeding.

An allergy to Duphaston occurs due to the active component. This leads to severe dermatitis, Quincke's edema . The pathological condition develops due to the presence of dydrogesterone. An allergy to Duphaston during pregnancy is dangerous for the development of the fetus. The medicine does not produce an effect, and there is a risk of miscarriage.


The active ingredient is micronized progesterone. It is identical in influence to the corpus luteum hormone. Affects the proliferation of the uterus, improves the condition of the fertilized egg.

Indications for use:

  • threat of abortion, recurrent miscarriage, infertility;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • mastopathy;
  • replacement therapy;
  • preparation for IVF.

An allergy to Utrozhestan develops in the form of urticaria. An acne-type rash on the skin is more common. Dyspeptic reactions also develop in the form of diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting.

Progesterone injections

Progesterone injections for allergies are indicated in the following cases:

  • impaired absorption of substances in the intestinal walls;
  • serious threat of miscarriage;
  • risk of decreased progesterone, which can lead to premature birth.

Injections of solutions can cause deviations in health not only due to hypersensitivity, but also if administered incorrectly. The skin is damaged, which can lead to the penetration of fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

An inflammatory reaction develops. Lymphocytes accumulate in the lesion, aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the doctor needs to find out whether a reaction has developed to the injections or to the drug itself.

For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental testing is carried out.

Allergy to progesterone injections often develops in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema , and anaphylactic shock . This is especially true for oil injections. They take longer to be absorbed into the blood from the injection site.


The drug is available in the form of a vaginal gel based on progesterone. Its influence extends to the uterus, forming a transition from the proliferation stage to the secretory stage.

Indications for use:

  • replacement therapy;
  • amenorrhea;
  • maintaining the proliferative phase during reproduction.

The gel is applied only topically, so there are no systemic reactions. Allergy to Crinone extends to the skin and mucous membranes. Swelling is very rare.

Symptoms of allergy to progesterone drugs

The symptoms of the pathological process depend on the focus of the spread of immune cells. To suggest a diagnosis, find out how an allergy to Duphaston and other progesterone-based drugs manifests itself.

  1. Local reaction. Accompanied by redness, inflammation, peeling, swelling, rash, pain, burning. The pathological reaction spreads to the skin and vaginal mucosa. These areas itch and hurt.
  2. Systemic reaction. Urticaria, anaphylactic shock , and Quincke's edema .

Anaphylactic shock is a very dangerous condition! It is an immediate type reaction with strong sensitivity of the body to the introduction of an antigen. Swelling, pain, and itching develop. The state of the cardiovascular system becomes unstable.

In a woman during planning and during pregnancy

If pregnancy is just planned, only local reactions may occur. They pass quickly if the patient stops taking medications. A rash, tissue swelling, and redness occur.

When pregnancy occurs, the patient's immunity becomes sensitive, since foreign antigens of the fetus are concentrated in her body. Because of this, the reaction to the allergen is excessive. An allergy to progesterone during pregnancy can create systemic abnormalities that threaten premature birth or miscarriage.

The child has

The immune system at a young age is not fully developed. If hypersensitivity develops in a child, allergic reactions on the skin, mucous membranes or the entire body appear less severely, more abundantly.

The child’s body has not had time to accumulate enough antibodies that begin to produce inflammatory mediators. Therefore, a local reaction in the form of a rash and redness is more common.

Systemic deviations are extremely rare.

Reaction in men

The symptoms of the pathological reaction in men are similar to those in women. Both local and systemic reactions may develop. However, in addition, male patients develop deviations in the development of the genital organs:

  • gynecomastia – enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • decrease in testicular size;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • reduction of body hair.

The condition is not associated with the development of allergies, but occurs due to hormonal therapy.


When the first symptoms appear, contact an allergist, he will tell you what to do. How to determine allergies to hormonal substances:

Allergy testing is carried out only in the autumn-winter period, when there is no hypersensitivity of the immune system. Substances are applied to the skin, determining which of them causes a pathological reaction. Thanks to the test, the presence of hypersensitivity to progesterone and estrogen is determined.

If the patient is pregnant, the last test is not done. A severe allergic reaction may occur that threatens the life of the fetus.


Allergy to progesterone in women is treated comprehensively. Several drugs are used to eliminate antigens. Medications must be prescribed. Additionally, traditional therapy is used, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Drug therapy

Treatment of allergies to Duphaston and other progesterones is carried out with the following drugs:

  • antihistamines orally (Zodak, Claritin, Erius);
  • injectable antihistamines (Suprastin);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointment (based on Diclofenac);
  • steroid anti-inflammatory ointments in the absence of effectiveness of other drugs (based on Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone).

During pregnancy, the use of systemic antihistamines is prohibited (see “Use of antihistamines during pregnancy”)! They negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, the medicine is eliminated while waiting for the completion of the pathological symptoms. Tablets or injections are taken only for angioedema , anaphylactic shock , and urticaria.

Traditional medicine

Traditional therapy is used with caution, especially if the patient is pregnant. The following tools are common:

  • taking ground quail eggs during meals;
  • the use of natural sorbents, for example, activated carbon, to remove the antigen from the body and prevent it from being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream;
  • use of herbal infusions orally, vaginally, on the skin or mucous membranes to eliminate inflammation (chamomile, calendula, string, oak bark);
  • applying tar to the rash.

Traditional therapy should be used in conjunction with medications.


An allergy to progesterone develops when taking pills or taking injections. Side effects occur that lead to allergies. The condition is especially dangerous during pregnancy. The body of the mother and fetus will suffer. In addition to rashes, life-threatening systemic reactions may develop. It is necessary to immediately carry out antihistamine therapy and stop taking the medication.


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