Polyester Allergy: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

People often have an allergic reaction to clothing, it is called contact dermatitis. This is a common problem for many adults and children. However, the cause of this skin condition is not always caused by the synthetic clothes we wear.

There are other reasons why people have allergic reactions to their own clothing items. There are many factors to consider when it comes to contact dermatitis. An allergic reaction to clothing can be caused by: adhesives, dyes, tannins, chemical additives, formaldehyde and finishing resins that are used in processing fabrics.

An allergic skin reaction to clothing occurs when antibody cells recognize chemical compounds in the fabric from which the clothing is made, perceiving them as foreign objects threatening the body. Antibodies interact with inflammatory cells that cover the skin. When they bind to each other, histamines are released; thereby causing various clothing allergy symptoms.

Let's look at the main allergens:

  1. Washing powder . Detergents are important ingredients when it comes to cleaning things. Unfortunately, many detergents contain harmful toxins, such as dyes, which can contribute to allergic reactions in the body in some people.
  2. New outfit . It will be surprising to many that a new outfit can actually lead to allergic reactions. The problem is that the fabric contains formaldehyde, which is toxic and can cause skin itching or irritation because people do not wash new clothes. The chemical composition is used to preserve the presentation of clothing while it is stored in warehouses and stores.
  3. Materials . There are different types of textile fabric such as cotton, lycra, wool, silk, corduroy and denim. Different people have different reactions to such materials. Some people may be allergic to elastic materials like lycra or spandex, while others have problems with natural fabrics (denim or wool). Wool fibers cause an allergic reaction when a woolen product touches the body, therefore it is recommended to wear cotton underwear under such products. Woolen items are often a habitat for dust mites, and therefore require more careful care (such items need to be aired frequently). In fact, 6% of the entire population is allergic to latex or spandex.
  4. Accessories . Hairpins, zippers, buttons and buckles can also cause allergy problems, especially if the items contain nickel.
  5. Chemicals used . The fabric contains chemicals phthalates, which cause allergies and can even be carcinogenic.
  6. Oils . Fabric contaminated with: oils, grease, creosote, tar or coal tar often cause an allergic reaction such as folliculitis or acne. The oil present in ivy and oak plants, when in contact with clothing, can provoke allergic contact dermatitis.
  7. Metal dust . If metal dust particles, including arsenic trioxide and antimony trioxide, remain on clothing, they can also cause a similar reaction.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when it comes to contact dermatitis.

Like any other type of allergy, symptoms associated with an allergic reaction to clothing range in severity from mild to severe. They depend on the type of triggers people have to deal with. The following symptoms are observed with contact dermatitis:

  • Scaly and itchy skin, which may also be accompanied by swelling and inflammation.
  • Cracks and compactions on the surface of the skin.
  • Tumors and skin lesions - occur when allergen particles merge with sweat.
  • Redness of the skin is the most common allergy symptom, regardless of the cause.
  • General symptoms appear: nasal congestion, lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva is caused by airborne inhalation of detergent toxins.
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles - occurs as a result of soiled clothing.
  • Red blistered dust damage.

The patient should see a dermatologist, who can perform an allergy test to determine the severity of the allergy and its exact cause. Your doctor will prescribe corticosteroids to relieve common symptoms such as rash and itching.


As with other types of allergies, you need to avoid getting triggers on your clothing. It is necessary to wear things made from natural fabrics, which include: cotton, linen, natural silk. The more cotton there is in the material, the less the body is susceptible to allergies.

Children under 2 years old should buy clothes made exclusively from natural fabrics, and for washing they should use baby detergents containing natural ingredients.

  • People who have allergies should always wash new clothes before wearing them. When washing clothes, it is recommended to use only soap and water.
  • If possible, it is necessary to reduce the use of perfumes and detergents that contain harsh chemicals.
  • It is necessary to determine what causes skin irritation and avoid the irritant. For example, if your pants or shirts have a nickel button, then it is better to replace it.
  • It is important to throw away old items as they accumulate dust and dust mites over the years. In addition, each thing has a certain term of operation.
  • Be sure to exclude things that cause allergies from your wardrobe.
  • Buy clothes that contain 90-100% cotton.
  • In case of an allergic reaction, wash the body, dry it and apply moisturizer.

If you think your symptoms are severe, contact your physician, dermatologist, or allergist immediately. Using a test, your doctor will determine the additive that is causing the allergic reaction. If you know you have a clothing allergy, the best prevention is to be strict about your clothing choices.

Composition of modern synthetic fabrics

Synthetic fabrics began to be produced on an industrial scale in the 30s of the last century.

The widespread replacement of natural materials with artificial ones was and still is explained by the fact that the production of synthetics is several times cheaper.

At the same time, synthetic fabrics currently used have several advantages over natural ones, they are:

  • More durable;
  • More stable when in contact with aggressive environments;
  • Easier.

Macromolecules of synthetic fiber are obtained from low molecular weight compounds. Innovative technologies make it possible to produce fabric with predetermined characteristics.

Currently, dozens of synthetic materials are used in the production of clothing. They are often mixed in a certain ratio with linen, cotton, and wool.

Synthetic fabrics could completely replace natural ones in their qualities if they did not have negative properties.

An allergy to clothing made from artificial materials occurs due to the fact that such fabrics do not conduct air well, this disrupts gas exchange and all conditions are created on the surface of the skin that contribute to the development of allergic reactions.

In addition to the structure of synthetics, the chemicals used in the fabric production process are also the culprits of allergies.

Allergens may be contained in dyes and products used to make materials smooth and wrinkle-resistant.

The higher the percentage of synthetic threads in the fabrics, the higher the likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

Fabrics with the highest synthetic content.

The most common types of synthetic materials used in clothing and bed linen include:

  • Polyester. The fabric is soft and elastic, but has low hygroscopicity.
  • Acetate is a fabric made from cellulose acetate; clothing made from this material retains its shape for a long time.
  • Elastane - the fabric is distinguished by its ability to return to its original shape after stretching.
  • Lycra is a dense and elastic fabric.
  • Acrylic is a material obtained from petroleum products. It is characterized by increased strength, but almost does not allow air to pass through and is electrified.
  • Viscose is one of the best synthetic materials, the characteristics of which are close to those of natural fabrics.

The likelihood of allergic reactions is increased if completely synthetic fabrics are used when sewing clothes. But it must be said that allergies occur quite often to cotton with wool.

There are several reasons for skin irritation when wearing clothes made from natural fabrics.

Firstly, such fabrics also often contain chemicals; allergies can be caused by dyes, products used to enhance the strength of fabrics and other artificial additives.

Secondly, pesticides are often used when growing cotton, and a small part of them can remain in the threads of the material, causing allergic reactions in people with a predisposition to the pathology.

What clothes can you be allergic to?

The most dangerous materials for humans are synthetics and wool.

Hypoallergenic materials include:

However, it is worth noting that even if it is written that it is made of 100% cotton, this does not mean that it cannot cause an allergic reaction.

The reason for this is that it is treated with a large number of special disinfectants.

A person may have a reaction not at all because of the material the clothes are made of, but because the body does not tolerate one or another component contained in disinfectants.

The cause of an allergic reaction to wool is a substance called lanolin.

This substance is contained in those alcohols that are used to process woolen products in order to improve the quality of the material.

Sometimes the cause of allergies to wool is dust mites . The fact is that wool is a good place for its growth and reproduction, since it can feed on wool fibers.

Linen clothing is hypoallergenic , but this rule is only relevant for non-bleached and non-dyed material.

Unlike wool, acrylic is practically not capable of causing allergies. The cause of an allergic reaction may be certain components of the material. Such a component could be a low-quality dye .

Products knitted from high-quality and expensive acrylic rarely cause allergies.

Sometimes people are allergic to clothes brought from China. The reason for this phenomenon is that such clothes are often made from low quality materials . In rare cases, buying Chinese items can even be hazardous to health, especially for outerwear.

An allergic reaction may be accompanied by:

  • Severe itching;
  • Sneezing;
  • Runny nose;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Tearing.

Often with such allergies various skin rashes appear. Small spots accompanied by severe itching often occur precisely when the body reacts to synthetics.

The main sign that the human body reacts specifically to the material is that after its removal, all symptoms disappear over time.

Since babies' skin is quite sensitive, they are more likely to have an allergic reaction.

The most common symptom is a rash, accompanied by itching and swelling..

To avoid irritation for your baby, it is important that his clothes are made of 100% cotton. Before dressing your baby, you must wash the clothes; it is best to use special baby soap or soap powder for this. All children's belongings should be stored separately from adults.

In pregnant women

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother's immunity is weakened, so she is more susceptible to allergies.

To avoid an allergic reaction to clothing during pregnancy, it is recommended to give preference to natural materials.

If an allergy occurs, you should immediately get rid of clothing.


To reduce symptoms, you need to take an antihistamine. If the allergy manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, it is recommended to use special creams and ointments that can relieve swelling and irritation.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of itching and irritation on the skin using folk remedies using herbs such as :

Treatment of allergies to wool

If a person experiences itching when wearing woolen items, it is recommended to wear cotton underneath.

To avoid the body's reaction to fur, which is actually caused by dust mites, it is recommended to thoroughly dry the clothes after washing and take them out into the cold.

Allergies to wool are quite common, especially in children. It manifests itself even when wearing clothes made from such material, since wool is highly allergenic. Therefore, doctors recommend giving preference to linen, cotton and other hypoallergenic fabrics. When wearing them there is no risk of developing unpleasant symptoms.

How to distinguish a clothing allergy from another type of allergy?

First of all, let's find out who is most vulnerable to clothing allergies? Most often it affects people who are already familiar with any other allergies and sensitive skin. It is very easy to understand what exactly the thing caused a negative reaction in the body based on the following signs:

1. Redness of the skin in areas of contact with the tissue

2. Itching, possibly with rashes in the form of hives

3. The nose is stuffy and watery eyes are observed.

4. In some cases, there is redness of the eyes. All symptoms disappear as soon as the person takes off his clothes. If they continue to bother you for some time, it is recommended to take an antihistamine; it would be better to consult a doctor before doing so.

How to choose the right clothes to avoid allergies?

Labels sewn onto clothing must contain the following information:

– The presence of the “Eco-tex”, “Euroflower” sign means that the item is made from high-quality, safe textiles and is industrially produced. Suitable for people who are not prone to clothing allergies. – If there is a license number on the package and “Naturtextile”, then you have a product of the highest quality that a person with very sensitive skin or dermatitis can easily wear. But with things on the label that have the following inscriptions, you need to be extremely careful:

– If the label says that the item is bleached with chlorine, then it can aggravate allergic dermatitis. – The inscription that the clothes do not require ironing and are easy to care for means that this item, unfortunately, was treated with resins of artificial origin and contained the most allergenic substance - formaldehyde.

– The inscription “mercerized” means that the item has been treated with caustic soda - this is done in order to give it more smoothness, strength, and shine. As a result, the skin can become severely irritated.

– “Protected from bacteria” – treated with an antibiological compound.

Of course, when purchasing wool, linen, or cotton, the buyer obviously hopes that he has bought a natural item. By the way, flax is least subject to any processing even at the growing stage, which cannot be said about other materials. People prone to skin irritation should pay attention to things made from this material: it will not shrink, which means things will not change over time, in addition, linen washes well and easily. It itself, without any additives, has bactericidal properties.

General recommendations for people experiencing allergies from clothing

Try to buy clothes from stores you trust. But even in this case, study the labels more carefully, and don’t be afraid to spend extra time. Check your wardrobe for items that cause discomfort and, if possible, discard them. Remember that cheap items have most likely been processed in one way or another; try to choose items in relation to price and quality. During the period when allergies have overcome, try to eat healthy, do not neglect fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Because, as a rule, one allergy attracts another and the raging immune system is to blame. If you cannot figure out which material or additive you are allergic to, you can undergo a special sample test from an allergist. Try to ensure that as little powder as possible remains during washing, and for this you can try the following recipe: take table vinegar (one spoon per liter of water), run the rinse mode several times and add vinegar a second time, thus removing the remaining powder neutralized. Be careful when choosing things, because health is the most valuable thing!

Why does it occur

Most often, people suffer from intolerance to dog or cat hair. But products made from camel or sheep wool are also considered no less allergenic. It is often used to make clothes, blankets and other things.

It was long believed that intolerance was caused by the animal hair itself. But research has helped prove that sensitization of the body develops under the influence of substances that are secreted by the animal body. Pieces of epidermis and sweat contain proteins that are allergens for humans. Wool simply absorbs these components.

Unpleasant symptoms are often observed when wearing clothes made of camel or sheep wool. This happens if the material is poorly cleaned and saliva, urine and other waste products of the animal remain in it.

Interestingly, intolerance to camel hair does not occur in areas where they are found.

Allergy to wool manifests itself under the influence of animal skin secretions. You don’t need to hold the animal in your arms for a strong immune response to occur. It is enough to be near the wool, wear clothes made from it or cover yourself with a blanket.

Unpleasant symptoms are associated with the contact of irritants on the surface of the skin, upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

If a person suffers from sensitization to such material, then:

  • the surface of the skin becomes very red;
  • blisters or small nodules appear;
  • the elements of the rash are very itchy;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes develops, the eyelids swell, and lacrimation increases;
  • worried about a runny nose of allergic origin;
  • periodically there are attacks of coughing and sneezing;
  • shortness of breath appears and breathing becomes difficult;
  • lips, larynx, tongue swell, angioedema develops, which can result in suffocation;
  • rarely the problem ends in bronchial asthma.

Allergy to wool in a child is often associated with the presence of lanolin in the composition. This substance is called wool wax. It is obtained from sheep's wool and is used during processing of the material to improve the quality of products.

This substance has a bad effect on the child’s poorly developed immune system. The body perceives it as a foreign substance and fights it through the activation of histamine receptors.

It is for this reason that everyone’s favorite cozy knitted items can provoke a deterioration in health,

Dust quickly accumulates on woolen clothes. Therefore, an allergy to wool in an infant often has symptoms combined with intolerance to dust mites, for which wool fibers are considered food.

Increased sensitivity is usually observed in relation to a certain type of fur. Therefore, at the first manifestations, you should visit a doctor and identify the type of irritant in order to exclude it from the child’s environment.


The main feature of the disease is its localization. Most often, the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs and anogenital area are involved in the pathological process. Sometimes the lesion can spread to the inner thighs and lower abdomen. The most common symptoms are erythema, skin itching, and less commonly, tissue swelling. In men, the skin of the scrotum is often affected and balanoposthitis occurs. Women often experience swelling of the labia, itching of the vulva, and a burning sensation in the vagina, especially after sexual intercourse.

Some types of allergies can provoke inflammation of the terminal parts of the urinary tract, which can result in urethritis. In this case, the symptoms include discomfort when urinating and frequent false urges. Fixed erythema against the background of drug allergies leads only to limited redness of the skin, itching, with no other subjective manifestations. Most often, skin manifestations of the disease disappear within 2 or 3 days after the provoking factor is eliminated.

Diagnostic methods and therapy

If an allergic reaction is suspected, a series of diagnostic tests are performed to identify the cause of the disorder.

The patient must undergo an immunological blood test to determine the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood. In normal condition there is very little or none at all. High rates indicate the development of allergies.

Such an analysis can be done on a child if he is six months old. If the patient is seven years old, then they resort to using allergy tests. Once the diagnosis is made, comprehensive treatment is prescribed.

First of all, if an allergy to wool causes pronounced symptoms, you should completely avoid such products. They are especially not recommended for children.

After this, specialists prescribe medications to eliminate the problem. The course of treatment includes:

  1. Means to reduce the activity of histamine receptors. It is usually recommended to use the latest generation of antihistamines, as they are the safest. Children can choose an option in the form of syrup or drops. With the help of drugs, they get rid of allergic manifestations by reducing the production of histamine in the patient’s body. Therapy is carried out with the help of Fenistil, Zyrtec, Claritin and others.
  2. Local remedies to get rid of skin manifestations of the disease. Ointments, gels and creams with antihistamine properties are applied to damaged areas of the skin. They effectively cope with irritation, rashes and itching.
  3. Traditional medicine recipes. To reduce the severity of allergic manifestations, use St. John's wort, string, and bay leaves. They are used to prepare decoctions, make lotions, compresses, and add them to water while taking a bath.


The disease occurs in response to the penetration of special allergen substances into the body, which can cause a hypertrophied response of the immune system. The routes of penetration of antigens are divided into local and systemic. In the first case, symptoms are observed upon direct contact of the mucous membranes and skin with provoking compounds. In systemic forms of the disease, the allergen enters the body parenterally, through the digestive tract or respiratory tract and potentiates local changes through a cascade of pathogenetic reactions.

There are quite a few different provoking factors that can trigger the development of genital allergies.

Due to close contact with the genitals, contraceptives can often cause the development of this pathology. The use of condoms, spermicidal agents in the form of ointments, gels and vaginal suppositories can cause manifestations of pathology in women and men. Latex or auxiliary components of contraceptives can act as an allergen.

Male sperm, also in some women, can cause the woman to develop itching and redness of the vulva, labia, and pubic skin. This condition occurs when seminal fluid enters the woman’s genitals during sexual intercourse. It has been revealed that the trigger for such reactions is hypersensitivity to sperm glycoproteins.

Medicines can also cause the development of allergies, both when used systemically and locally.

Cosmetics and hygiene products quite often also contribute to the development of allergies, since they have a complex chemical composition and may contain allergens.

In some cases, underwear can also cause a hyperreaction, since it comes into direct contact with the genitals.

Preventive measures

Allergies to woolen items bring a lot of trouble. In winter, a person cannot wear knitted items or use other products made from natural wool, since any contact is accompanied by a rash, irritation and other unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to preventive measures, especially in relation to newborns.

Infants should not wear clothing made from such material. It is better to use cotton fabrics.

It is important to wash all new clothing using hypoallergenic products. If the baby is under three months old, then it is better to use only baby soap.

Use separate lockers to store children's clothes to avoid contact with adult clothing.

Until the child grows up, it is not advisable to cover him with a woolen blanket. Since the baby is often in the parents’ bed, only hypoallergenic products should be used to wash adult and children’s bedding.

If there have been no manifestations of allergies, then for prevention it is worth wearing things made from linen or cotton under woolen products.

If there are signs of sensitization (diagnostic methods have confirmed the problem), you should carefully dry the items after washing. This will also allow you to get rid of dust mites, which can also cause allergies.

It is useful to hang things on the balcony when it is frosty outside.

Parents should be aware that symptoms of hypersensitivity when a child wears woolen items are common. The symptoms of the problem are the same as with other forms of allergies. If symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

By limiting contact with the irritant, your health will remain within normal limits. But so that allergies do not take you by surprise, you should always have an antihistamine with you.

Allergy to synthetics occurs in people with hypersensitivity to external irritants and causes psychological and physical discomfort to the patient.

Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

I have been treating allergies in people for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, allergies along with parasites in the body can lead to really serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

Every year, 7 million people die due to allergies , and the scale of the damage is such that almost every person has an allergic enzyme.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend and it is also officially recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of allergies is Allegard

This drug is the only means of cleansing the body of parasites, as well as allergies and its symptoms. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective product, but also to make it accessible to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 975 rubles.
Synthetic materials are considered strong allergens, as a result of which the allergy sufferer experiences symptoms of dermatitis - red itchy spots, swelling of the skin and other signs of allergy.

Often, an allergic reaction occurs in the décolleté, bikini area, stomach, back, and legs. If treatment is not timely, the allergy may become chronic, which can lead to complications.

Reference! Women are more likely than men to be allergic to synthetics, since the skin of female representatives is more sensitive, and there are more synthetic items in the wardrobe of the fair sex. Cotton fabric is softer and does not have allergenic properties, but sometimes cotton causes allergies when textiles are treated with chemicals.

Main symptoms

Severe cough, most often in the morning and with prolonged contact with tissues:

• severe and constant runny nose, always stuffy nose, itching;

• skin redness, rashes, possible irritation;

• the skin begins to itch and a burning sensation appears;

• lacrimation and redness of the eyes appear;

• with complications, spasms in the bronchi and even anaphylactic shock are possible.

Such manifestations are possible in the presence of several types of allergies. Possible death.

Causes of allergies

Most often, allergies to linen occur from low-quality synthetic fabrics. Dyes and additional fibers in laundry can also be an allergen. Another reason may be allergenic detergents used for washing fabrics. Despite the manufacturers' promise that powders are hypoallergenic, you should be wary of previously untested products. Also, allergies to laundry can be caused by dust, mold or parasites living in them. This is especially true in relation to feather and down blankets and pillows. There are cases where a person has an allergy to underwear due to its being made from low-quality synthetic fabrics, a large amount of dyes, or an incorrectly chosen size.

How to choose safe underwear?

Many people, having heard about underwear allergies, try to protect themselves and their family as much as possible. Therefore, the question often arises: how to choose the right underwear that does not cause allergies?

• purchasing exclusively 100% natural fabrics. Often, in order to save money, manufacturers, under the guise of expensive materials, replace half with cheap ones. Such products practically “do not breathe,” which means they leak and, under the influence of dyes and other chemicals, a rash appears on the skin. Naturally, the cost of natural products will be much higher than others, but you should not save much on your own health. It is worth choosing clothes and underwear for a child more carefully, because they react like no other to an increased amount of allergens in the fabric;

• exclude from regular use detergents with a high content of phosphates. It is best to accustom yourself to using baby powders and personal hygiene products that definitely do not contain allergens. When washing with a machine, you should also use more rinses than usual. It is still not advisable to use fabric softeners;

• you should make sure that the filling of pillows and blankets is natural and synthetic, and therefore cannot cause allergies. Fabric fibers should not absorb and accumulate dust and other allergenic household elements, and also allow air and heat to pass through;

• the filling should not wrinkle or change shape. It is preferable that the products are washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, which will ensure the death of fabric inhabitants;

• it is necessary to wash bed linen at least twice a week with chemical additives. It is advisable to change removable underwear even more often. In warm weather, it is necessary to take out and dry sets of linen in the sun.

Treatment methods for allergy to linen

If allergies occur, you should immediately stop contact with all possible allergens, and also take anti-allergy medications.

You also need to clean the room using hypoallergenic detergents and maintain order as much as possible. If necessary, you can wear a respirator for cleaning.

It is worth remembering that purchasing expensive fabrics is not always an indicator of its quality. Manufacturers often use different chemicals to obtain the required composition. This means that when choosing underwear and clothing, you need to give preference only to those fabrics that do not contain allergic substances. It is also worth considering that an allergy to linen does not always manifest itself due to the linen fabric; it is possible that it is simply a carrier of allergens.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

Experts identify 3 reasons that contribute to the development of an allergic reaction to synthetic products.


Allergies are caused by textiles that retain moisture during sweating. During sweating, the body gets rid of excess salts, which, when wearing synthetic clothing, interact with the skin and cause irritation in the form of redness, swelling, itching and burning sensations on the skin.

Irritation from clothes

Moreover, an immune response occurs if coarse threads, woolen materials, and pile were used in tailoring. Usually, after stopping contact with the allergen, allergic symptoms go away.

Attention! The younger the child, the more susceptible the baby is to synthetic materials. Therefore, it is recommended for newborns and infants to buy cotton clothing that is breathable.


If clothing has good breathability, but allergy symptoms increase, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the chemical composition of the material.

To improve quality and give it a marketable appearance, manufacturers add dyes to synthetics that have a pungent odor and, in some cases, even leave marks on the skin due to bright and unnatural colors.

Contact with the epidermis and odors lead not only to contact dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and allergic cough, but also cause the development of rapid allergies with Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

Important! People prone to allergies should wash and iron synthetic clothing thoroughly before first use. If symptoms persist, synthetic material should be discarded.


It happens that a person perceives synthetics as a harmful material, as a result of which a fear of using synthetic and polymer products develops. Under the influence of self-hypnosis, a person perceives a pimple, the slightest redness and mild itching as an allergy and panics.

Interesting! In such situations, even pure cotton leads to a mental reaction, so a person suffering from a phobia needs to consult a psychologist, and in severe cases, a psychotherapist.


A person can prevent a reaction to polyester by avoiding direct contact with material containing polyester. This may require finding alternatives to polyester clothing or furniture. Alternative fabrics include:

  • cotton
  • linen
  • woolen
  • silk
  • spandex

Fabrics often contain a mixture of different fibers, so check the label before purchasing. For example, many cotton-based materials also contain polyester.

Many carpets also contain polyester, but replacing them may not always be practical or affordable. However, a person can avoid direct contact with polyester carpet:

  • Wear appropriate footwear such as socks, slippers or shoes.
  • laying carpets without polyester.
  • avoiding sitting and lying on the carpet.

Informing your employer can also help reduce the risk of exposure to polyester. The individual's employer may make arrangements to replace polyester-based products with suitable alternatives. A doctor can provide written evidence of a polyester allergy.

Symptoms of an allergy to synthetics

Most often, allergies due to the use of synthetic materials lead to contact dermatitis with the following symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin at the site of contact with the allergen;
  2. Feeling of intense itching;
  3. Peeling;
  4. Formation of ulcers.

It is important ! When scratching, an infection can get into the erosive formations, which leads to inflammation of the skin. Therefore, do not scratch the rash, but consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

In addition to skin allergies, immune responses to synthetics are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • runny nose with mucous discharge from the nose, dry congestion;
  • conjunctivitis with lacrimation, photophobia.

Complicated symptoms threaten anaphylaxis with symptoms of hypertension, attacks of nausea, tachycardia, dizziness, and suffocation. At the first sign of an immediate allergy, take an antihistamine and call an ambulance.

Signs in children

According to WHO, more than 40% of children suffer from allergic reactions to synthetics, because from birth children are surrounded by polymer and synthetic materials. Baby baths, bathing products, toys, pacifiers - everything is made from synthetic material.

Reference! Breastfed children are less susceptible to allergic reactions. It has been proven that breast milk contains immune cells that protect the baby from negative environmental influences. Moreover, infants get sick less, because it is known that medications contribute to the formation of allergies.

In children, contact allergies most often appear on the legs, so when diagnosing, attention should be paid to this part of the body.

Allergy to synthetics in children

Signs in pregnant women

Allergies often occur during pregnancy due to the physiological weakening of the expectant mother’s immune system. If synthetics provoke an allergic process, it is advisable to stop wearing synthetic underwear, because panties and bras, being close to the body, can serve as provocateurs of symptoms. Replace synthetic clothing with cotton products that are pleasant to the touch and do not cause allergic symptoms.

Attention! Report any manifestations of allergies to your doctor, since not all medications are suitable for treatment during pregnancy. The doctor will select therapy taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

Allergy to underwear in women


Acute allergic contact dermatitis: the most common form of genital allergy. It manifests itself in men in the form of balanoposthitis - damage to the head and foreskin. When an allergen is exposed to the skin of the scrotum or crotch of the thighs, allergic rashes may appear there too. In women, manifestations of contact dermatitis appear in the labia majora, perineum, and perianal area. Clinically, dermatitis is characterized by itching, burning, hyperemia and swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. In men, there are often cases of swelling of the foreskin, leading to phimosis. Genital allergies may also occur in children, especially infants (diaper dermatitis). A severe form of contact dermatitis is acute epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), in which the general condition of the patient suffers and manifests itself in the form of rapidly opening blisters with detachment of the upper layer of skin.

Treatment of allergies to synthetics

It is impossible to completely overcome an allergy to synthetics, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body and symptoms, allergists and dermatologists prescribe complex treatment. Therapy consists of oral medications, local medications and traditional medicine.

Fact! There are temporary and chronic allergies. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the allergic type.

Therapeutic measures to get rid of symptoms will help after eliminating contact with the allergen. Synthetics should be replaced with items made from plant materials - give preference to cotton and linen fabrics.

Allergy to synthetics on feet

Antihistamine treatment

Depending on the symptoms, antihistamines of different generations are prescribed:

  • Suprastin;
  • Telfast;
  • Cetrin;
  • Desloratadine;
  • Zyrtec and other medications that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Important! Medications are prescribed only by a doctor according to individual indications, so you should not experiment with self-medication.

Local treatment of allergies to synthetics

An allergist or dermatologist prescribes local therapy based on the severity of the patient’s condition. For mild manifestations of allergies to synthetics, treatment begins with non-hormonal ointments:

  • Fucidin, Levosin - help fight allergies with the addition of a secondary infection;
  • Radevit, Solcoseryl - drugs promote healing of the outer layer of skin;
  • Bepanten, Panthenol - soften and moisturize the skin, minimize itching and flaking.

Glucocorticosteroids are divided into three groups depending on the hormonal activity in the drugs:

  1. Weak corticosteroid ointments are prescribed for mild allergies to synthetics - Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone;
  2. Medications with moderate effects are prescribed for severe allergies - Afloderm, Fluorocort;
  3. Highly active glucocorticoids are recommended for use in case of severe allergic manifestations, if other ointments have not brought results - Dermovate, Galcinokid.

Traditional medicines

Traditional healers' remedies will not get rid of allergies completely, but they will help reduce symptoms and alleviate the condition:

  • decoctions of mint and chamomile soothe the skin, reduce itching and burning. To do this, make ice cubes from the broth and lubricate the skin during severe attacks of itching;
  • Chamomile decoction with the addition of a string will help with allergy symptoms with skin rashes. Wash the affected skin 3 times a day;
  • Baths, lotions and compresses made from a decoction of bay leaves with a string are effective.


The success and rate of treatment of this type of non-food allergy depend on the stage of its development (temporary or chronic).

The first step towards getting rid of a disease is eliminating the causes.

That is, keeping the use of synthetics to a minimum, wearing only over natural fabrics, or completely eliminating the irritant. And how to treat further - with medications or folk remedies, everyone decides for himself.


Ideally, treatment is prescribed by an allergist or dermatology specialist.

And to combat allergies on your own, you need to arm yourself with antihistamines.

For example, Desloratadine or Loratadine help well with complex exacerbations of the disease. And the elimination of mild rashes can be entrusted to such drugs as Fenistil, Cetrin.

Folk remedies

Common herbs:

a frozen decoction of chamomile and mint will help quickly relieve irritation and eliminate severe itching; An infusion of bay leaves can be used as a bath or as a lotion. A decoction of the same composition helps no worse than an infusion; A decoction can also be prepared from a mixture of herbs and chamomile. Wipe the areas of skin affected by an allergic rash with the strained liquid.

Find out how it manifests itself

allergy to rice


What is an atopic allergy? Read here.

Can a baby be allergic to cheese, and how does it manifest itself? Read here.


Allergies to synthetics are easier to manage than immune responses due to food consumption. To do this, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen, that is, refuse to wear synthetics - give preference to clothing made from plant materials - linen, cotton.

To reduce the likelihood of allergies, choose bedding, carefully reading the composition of the textiles.

Allergy to synthetics: symptoms and treatment

New items are first washed using an additional rinse cycle, only after which the product can be used.

Pay special attention to babies: buy cotton undershirts, rompers, diapers for newborns and infants - those things that come into contact with the skin.

If it is determined that the baby is allergic, regular consultations with a specialist are necessary to monitor the condition. To improve immunity, do not neglect breastfeeding, because mother's milk is the key to a healthy immune system.

Stories from our readers

I cured my three year old daughter's allergies. It's been half a year since I forgot about the terrible symptoms of allergies. Oh, I tried so many things - it helped, but only temporarily.

How many times have I gone to the clinic with my daughter, but we were prescribed useless medications over and over again, and when we returned, the doctors simply shrugged their shoulders.

Finally, my daughter does not have a single sign of allergies and all thanks to this drug. A must read for anyone with allergies! You will forget about this problem forever, just as I forgot about it!

Nowadays, many people are allergic to fabric. What are the causes of this disease, the specifics of the manifestation of symptoms, the elimination of allergic reactions to tissue, we will consider all this in our article.

In the course of his life, man invented many useful things, many of which made it easier for him to live on this planet.

The fabric was invented to protect the body from the cold, and later became the basis for the production of many fashionable items.

We now cannot imagine our life without clothes, but in very rare cases people develop an allergy to the fabric - manifested by various changes on the skin.

Prognosis and prevention

In most cases, genital allergies are characterized by a favorable prognosis - after excluding the allergen, the manifestations disappear without a trace. In some cases, scar changes occur in the genital area, leading to the development of synechiae. Among other consequences, there may be problems with conceiving a child in women with hypersensitivity to seminal fluid and damage to the urinary tract.

There are few women who do not like beautiful lace lingerie, but when buying another lace panties or bra for themselves or as a gift, few people think about the dangers of some models of lingerie for health. Meanwhile, improper underwear can provoke inflammation of the intimate area, lead to cystitis, can cause allergies and skin irritation, and also disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic area. Which panties are the most dangerous and which underwear should you choose for everyday wear?

Causes of an allergic reaction to fabric

Do not think that allergies to fabric appear only when wearing things made of synthetic materials. Skin sensitivity can also increase when in contact with natural raw materials - wool or cotton. And there are quite reasonable explanations for this fact.


READ ON THE TOPIC: Allergy to synthetics, causes, symptoms, treatment.

There are two causes of allergic intolerance to fabric:

  • Increased sensitivity of the skin that occurs in response to mechanical friction of clothing. The cause of this condition may be small fibers on the fabric or its rough surface.
  • Skin allergies can also occur in response to substances used in the production of the fabric. In order to obtain the desired texture, density and color of the material, different resins, fixatives or dyes are used. It is these chemicals that irritate our skin.

An allergic reaction can also occur to soft natural clothing. The thing is that when growing cotton, various chemicals are often used and not all of them are removed by pre-processing the material.

Also, in the production of sheep wool, many producers do not always fully comply with all environmental safety conditions in the process of raising sheep.

Many people cannot tolerate formaldehyde, and it is this substance that is used in most cases when it is necessary to make fabric wrinkle-resistant.

Often, signs of skin allergies appear when wearing clothes that are too tight to the skin.

In areas of friction, rashes and itching appear, but if you change your outfit, these signs quickly go away.

How natural are “natural fabrics”?

Can you trust the “100% cotton” label? Textile specialists answer unequivocally “no.” The inscription “100% cotton” means that the product does not contain other fabrics other than cotton. But this does not mean that it does not contain synthetic dyes, formaldehydes, softeners, etc. The content of such substances in fabrics that do not have additional environmental labeling, as a rule, reaches 20-30%. And this is not the author's hyperbole. Fabrics (whether cotton or wool) do not come to us directly from a sheep or a field. They are impregnated with a variety of compounds: some to give strength, others for shine, and others for the desired color. The problem is that many substances that improve the consumer properties of fabrics also make them dangerous for people with sensitive skin, and especially for those suffering from allergies.

Symptoms of a fabric allergy

An allergic reaction to fabric is primarily manifested by changes in the skin.

This may be skin irritation, blisters, redness, severe itching due to allergies. In addition to these signs, the following signs may indicate that an allergy has occurred:

  • Sneezing.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Tearing and redness of the sclera of the eyes.

Anaphylactic shock is very rare and usually occurs in people who suffer from multiple allergic reactions to different allergens.

In order to understand that the symptoms that appear indicate an allergy to the fabric, and not to another irritant, you need to pay attention to several distinctive signs and conduct a small experiment.

  • An allergy cannot appear on the entire body at once. Typically, skin sensitivity increases on the limbs, torso, and neck separately, since we usually wear outfits made of different fabrics.
  • Symptoms of irritation appear the first or second time a new outfit is used.
  • After you take off the item, all disturbing signs almost go away immediately.

To accurately determine the type of allergen, it is necessary to conduct a special examination. Allergy tests will help you understand exactly what type of fabric causes irritation reactions.


A person does not always immediately associate blisters, red spots and itching with wearing clothes.

Sometimes these changes are attributed to drug intolerance, food allergies, or contact with detergents and cosmetics.

There are several distinctive points that, even before a full examination, will help you understand that an intolerance reaction has arisen to synthetics:

  • With allergies to clothing, the main manifestations of irritation are localized where it is closely adjacent to the skin.
  • If the allergen is in the fibers of the bed linen, then changes on the skin are localized in open areas of the body and are more noticeable in the morning.
  • When wearing a new item for the first time, allergies almost never appear. Symptoms of the disease can only be noticed after using the outfit several times.
  • After removing allergenic clothing, the manifestations of pathology decrease. And if the specific item that caused the allergy is no longer worn, the skin will quickly clear.

To clarify the diagnosis, you must definitely contact an allergist or dermatologist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe skin tests to determine the type of allergen.

Their implementation will make it possible in the future to eliminate the wearing of clothing whose material is allergenic for humans.


Despite the label “hypoallergenic and safe,” these products for women can cause many health problems in the form of the following allergy symptoms:

  • Discomfort and itching in the genital area.
  • Redness and soreness in the problem area.
  • Skin manifestations include rash, dermatitis and urticaria.

It is extremely rare that a sharp allergic reaction of a general nature is observed upon contact with absorbent pads:

  • Widespread skin itching.
  • Swelling, including mucous membranes.
  • Difficulty breathing, bronchospasm.

Fragrances or chemicals (the inner absorbent layer of the pad or its coating) may be the culprits of this serious condition.

It is also necessary to distinguish allergies from other painful conditions with similar symptoms. Thus, none of the hygiene products allows the skin to breathe well, which can cause diaper rash, redness and itching.

Any type of pads must be changed at least every 3-4 hours, since pathogenic microbes multiply on their surface. You should not wear synthetic underwear, and use panty liners only when traveling or when it is impossible to shower on time.

If, despite observing all the above measures, there are still signs of allergy, you need to rule out fungal or inflammatory diseases and undergo the necessary tests.

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