Calcium gluconate for children Komarovsky for a runny nose

Calcium gluconate for colds

Colds have a viral etiology.
Viruses primarily multiply in the epithelium of the respiratory tract, manifesting itself as an inflammatory reaction locally. The next stage in the progress of the infection is its penetration into the blood, resulting in general intoxication of the human body. Very often, colds are complicated by concomitant diseases: otitis media, acute pharyngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. The toxins that the virus produces have a pathological effect on many systems in the body: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine.

The virus has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. This is expressed in damage to the walls of blood vessels. This is the reason when calcium gluconate is prescribed for colds in the form of drugs: lactate, calcium gluconate, glycerophosphate.

Calcium gluconate for colds

Pharmacologically, drugs based on calcium gluconate have a very broad effect on colds. The trace element calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting processes and supports cardiac activity.

Calcium gluconate is used for colds because of its properties to reduce vascular fragility and permeability to avoid hemorrhagic processes.

When treating colds, special-action drugs containing calcium gluconate are prescribed, usually as part of combination drugs that also include ascorbic acid, paracetamol, rimantadine, rutoside and loratadine. Each of the components works in its own direction to restore the general condition of the body.

Also, calcium gluconate for colds is prescribed to achieve the goal of anti-allergic action, as well as to restore capillary blood circulation. The drug has contraindications, because of this, the advisability of using the drug is decided only by a doctor in each individual case.

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Calcium gluconate for the treatment of runny nose

Many experts have a positive attitude towards the use of calcium gluconate for a runny nose. This remedy is also suitable as an adjuvant therapy for colds. Before taking it, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and recommended dosage to avoid negative consequences.

A runny nose occurs due to increased vascular permeability and weakening of the body's immune forces. A sufficient level of calcium helps strengthen the vascular walls, reduces their permeability, thereby preventing the penetration of viruses.

Thanks to the macroelement, conventional treatment becomes more effective, swelling of the mucous membrane goes away, and microbes can no longer actively penetrate the body.

If a child has difficulty breathing due to a runny nose, the cardiovascular organs suffer greatly, because oxygen does not reach the tissues in the required volume. Calcium is able to support cardiac activity and restore blood circulation.

The cause of allergic rhinitis in childhood may be a lack of calcium in the body. A deficiency of the element leads to a weakening of cell membranes and the release of histamine, a substance that is released when an allergen penetrates. This is why the doctor prescribes calcium gluconate to patients prone to allergies.

A common cold can lead to rheumatism, heart problems and other serious consequences. The macroelement has a general strengthening effect on the body, reduces intoxication, and reduces cold symptoms. Therefore, doctors often prescribe calcium gluconate in cases of infectious and viral diseases.

The lack of a substance in the body leads to the fact that the macronutrient begins to be consumed from reserve reserves. This leads to a deterioration in the metabolic process and undermines the functioning of the immune system. To prevent this from happening, it is important to maintain calcium levels in the body.

The element is often included in drugs to enhance immunity and treat infectious and viral diseases. Such drugs include AnviMax, Antigrippin-Maximum .

Calcium gluconate should be taken before meals, crushed in advance. The resulting powder is washed down with water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and his state of health.

Adults are supposed to take no more than 9 g of the drug per day. They need to be divided into 2-3 doses. The maximum daily dose for children is:

  • 2 g (3-4 years);
  • 3 g (4-6 years);
  • 6 g (6-9 years);
  • 9 g (after 10 years).

It should also be divided into three doses. The therapeutic course ranges from 10 to 30 days.

The famous doctor Komarovsky advises giving calcium gluconate to babies after 1 year, 1 tablet three times a day. The doctor warns that the intravenous method of administering the drug is only suitable for adults.

Although calcium is one of the most important elements in the body, it should be used with caution. Overdose can lead to stone formation and anorexia. Do not use it together with iron-based medications. Vitamin D, on the contrary, promotes better absorption of calcium.

If your baby develops nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain, you should reduce the dose of the drug or temporarily stop taking it. If your condition worsens, you should contact medical professionals.

To avoid possible harm, before using Calcium Gluconate for colds and runny nose, it is advised to consult a specialist and follow all doctor’s recommendations, without exceeding the indicated dosage.


Treatment of a runny nose according to Komarovsky with saline and calcium gluconate is a fairly well-known and common technique on the Internet, the purpose of which is to quickly and safely restore nasal breathing. Especially for readers of “Popular about Health” I will consider the intricacies of this type of treatment.

What is needed for treatment


Strictly speaking, nothing special is needed for treatment. You need an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, ascorbic acid and calcium gluconate tablets. All this is sold in pharmacies, and besides, it is very inexpensive.

In addition, on the Internet you can find ways to make your own isotonic sodium chloride solution. All you need is: water, approximately 1 liter and a teaspoon of regular table salt.

Water should be taken previously boiled. Its temperature should be slightly above room temperature. It is recommended to dissolve the above amount of salt in a container of water, mixing everything thoroughly.

There are no special contraindications to the use of the technique. In exceptional cases, intolerance to certain medications, for example, ascorbic acid, may occur, but this is quite rare.

There are no age restrictions. Even infants whose age is measured in weeks can use this technique. There are many reviews that this type of treatment can be effective even in adult patients.

The essence of Dr. Komarovsky’s technique is extremely simple. Saline solution should be instilled into the child’s nasal passages, 3 to 4 drops. This procedure must be repeated three times a day. Treatment must be supplemented by taking 1 tablet of ascorbic acid per day, as well as 3 tablets of calcium gluconate.

Actually, that's all. The effectiveness of the technique is said to be quite high. In just a few days, you can completely rid your child of a runny nose and restore nasal breathing.

There are more effective modifications of this technique. For example, some parents have perfected treating a runny nose with saline using a nebulizer. We are talking about a special device designed for inhalation.

Inhaling saline vapor helps cleanse not only the nasal passages, but also the nasopharyngeal cavity. The saline solution quickly and safely moisturizes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, helping to eliminate pathological symptoms. Features of treatment

The high effectiveness of the treatment measures described above is explained by several factors. Firstly, instilling saline solution into the nose helps moisturize the nasal passages, which leads to the suppression of symptoms such as dry nose, burning, tickling, and so on.

Saline solution does not affect the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but promotes gentle and safe cleansing of the nasal passages. At the same time, the remaining mucus is washed out of the nasal cavity, and pathogenic microorganisms are also removed from them.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a well-known immunostimulant, the effect of which on the human body is of a pronounced general strengthening nature. The use of this drug is indicated in the presence of any infectious disease, regardless of the location of the pathological focus.

Under the influence of the drug, the activity of the nonspecific part of the immune system increases. In this case, the defense mechanisms are able to independently cope with the causative agent of the disease, relieving the patient of the need to use medications.

When treating a runny nose, calcium gluconate is used to restore vascular permeability. Under the influence of the drug, the elasticity of the capillary network increases, transudation processes are suppressed, and the tone of the arteries and veins is normalized.

To increase the effectiveness of the measures taken, it is recommended to increase the humidity of the room in which the sick child will be. For these purposes, it is better to use household air humidifiers.

In such devices, it is better to use distilled water rather than ordinary tap water. The smallest particles of calcium salts will not only settle on all objects in the room, but in the future they can cause harm to the patient’s respiratory tract.

Some humidifiers are equipped with an ionization function, which should help disinfect the air. If such a feature is present in the device, it is better to use it.

Treatment of a runny nose with saline can only be carried out in uncomplicated cases. In this case, nasal discharge should be mucous. The appearance of blood or pus is unacceptable.

If purulent nasal discharge or bleeding from the nasal passages occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately and medical attention should be sought. Such symptoms indicate the addition of a severe infectious lesion or the appearance of bleeding.

In addition, if the treatment does not bring the expected relief within 5 days, it is recommended to stop it and consult your doctor. The specialist, having comprehensively studied the patient’s health condition, will prescribe more effective and comprehensive treatment.

Treating a runny nose in children with saline is a fairly effective and safe technique that allows you to cope with the disease in a few days. However, it would be a good idea to visit a specialist. And, by the way, on Komarovsky’s website there is information that he has nothing directly to do with the methodology.

Tatyana, author of “Popular about health” ( Google


Komarovsky on the benefits of calcium for children with colds and runny nose

Komarovsky’s advice in such an area as children’s health carries great weight and enjoys authority among parents. True, sometimes the recommendations of a famous doctor and TV presenter cause some misunderstanding. A great example is the benefits of calcium for a runny nose. It would seem, what connection could there be between a substance that affects bone strength and nasal discharge during a cold? It is worth understanding this issue at least in general terms, so as not to harm your child when treating a runny nose.

What are the functions of calcium

The common man believes that calcium primarily affects bone strength. Yes, to a certain extent this is true. But calcium is useful specifically for children who are just beginning to form bone tissue. It is practically useless for adults to consume calcium in large quantities. It does not accumulate in the body, so any excess that remains undigested is simply excreted. Again, what does this have to do with runny noses in children? Perhaps Komarovsky is mistaken when he talks about the ability of calcium to fight this unpleasant situation? To answer, you need to get acquainted with the mechanism of action of calcium on the body.

The benefits of calcium for a runny nose

An important property of calcium is that it can reduce capillary permeability. And a runny nose occurs against the background of increased permeability of the capillaries of the mucous membrane. To relieve inflammation or eliminate the consequences of an allergic reaction, calcium can also be used. Of course, you shouldn’t believe in its limitless possibilities. But together with other methods of treatment and in the presence of favorable conditions, calcium really helps to speed up getting rid of a runny nose.

It remains to understand exactly how to use calcium so that a child’s runny nose goes away faster. There are a variety of recommendations, which are often attributed to Dr. Komarovsky. In many cases, such recommendations are prepared specifically for certain dietary supplements containing calcium, as well as various other products. In fact, Komarovsky asks to adhere to only one method, which helps protect against the runny nose with the help of calcium.

How Komarovsky recommends treating a runny nose with calcium

There are now a lot of preparations containing calcium. But it is better to use the simplest version of such products - ordinary calcium gluconate. These are tablets that are easy to give to a child, but only if he is already 3 years old. Treatment of a runny nose in a child with calcium (together with other means) is as follows.

  1. To help swelling of the mucous membrane go down faster, calcium gluconate is given three times a day. One tablet is enough. There is no need to be afraid that an overdose of calcium will develop. As noted above, excess of this component is quickly eliminated by the body. Accordingly, there is no health hazard in this case.
  2. To cleanse the nasal passages of secretions, the child must instill saline solution. This is, more precisely, a washing method. It allows you to keep your nasal passages constantly clean.
  3. In the room where the child is kept, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity, as well as constantly clean it and prevent the appearance of dust.

In some sources you can find a statement that with this method of fighting a runny nose, it is possible to bring a child back to normal in just 1 day. Of course, this is an exaggeration. A runny nose won’t go away that quickly anyway. But calcium in combination with other methods of combating children's runny nose will definitely help. At least there won't be any harm from it.

How effective is calcium for a runny nose?

The myth is that calcium is an extremely effective cure for the common cold. Today it is actively cultivated on various forums and dubious resources. Komarovsky himself emphasizes that calcium is only a supporting agent. It is certainly useful for a runny nose and as a means of prevention. But it is impossible to give a child any pills without coordinating such an action with a doctor. Every parent should understand this if he does not want to only make the situation worse. Komarovsky always in his programs and on his website urges parents to be responsible and be sure to consult with a specialist. And this is necessary, even if the drug manufacturer claims they are completely safe.

Calcium gluconate for infants – View topic • VIP Forum •

For parents of present and future: all issues related to the upbringing, development and health of children in one place. Which stroller is more convenient, how long to put an errant child in a corner and whether diapers are harmful - we have something to discuss, share and argue about.

GW1_98 September 13, 2010 at 1:25 pm

The doctor prescribed calcium gluconate for an 8-month-old child for teething. Child on breastfeeding. Doubts arise whether taking this drug is necessary?

0 GW1_98, here are the teething dates Even if your child doesn’t have one yet, you are within the norm and you still have time. I wouldn’t give it 0

Advanced Magridos Magridos 0 Left 525 messages since May 11, 2006

FR: 19724

September 13, 2010 at 9:42 pm

GW1_98, how many teeth does the child have now?


GW1_98 September 14, 2010 at 00:03

Magridos, not a single shining eyes yet, and I also think they bought cottage cheese instead of medicine. Let's try to enter. 0 GW1_98, if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about missing teeth at 8 months. Some children get their first teeth at one year or even later, and this is completely normal. So, it seems to me that nothing should be done in connection with this. 0

[email protected] September 14, 2010 at 10:51 pm

GW1_98, The doctor prescribed calcium gluconate for teething for an 8-month-old child. And it should probably be taken until the permanent teeth erupt 0

Forum legend Grandma Mo Grandma Mo 0 Left 6447 messages since Aug 01, 2010

FR: -24205

September 14, 2010 at 11:58 pm

GW1_98, what kind of cottage cheese did you buy? And in what form should calcium gluconate be given?


Advanced Magridos Magridos 0 Left 525 messages since May 11, 2006

FR: 19724

September 15, 2010 at 12:54 pm

If the child is still on breastfeeding, if I were the mother, I myself would begin to eat more cottage cheese and calcium-containing foods, and walk more to get vitamin D and, as a result, the absorption of calcium.

My child was diagnosed with calcium deficiency starting at 3 months, because, as I was told, all autumn children have this diagnosis by default. They prescribed a bunch of medications, which I confess I neglected, preferring natural products and fresh air.

At 9 months old, the child already had 8 teeth and no bald spots, which the doctors were so intimidated by.

0 Attention, question - at what age is cottage cheese introduced into complementary foods for breastfeeding children? Another question - what is an indicator of a lack of calcium in the body? What tests are taken/research carried out, besides looking at the season of birth? Third - the absence of teeth before 1 year is necessarily associated with a lack of calcium? Or is this still the norm! Fourth - receding hairline - is this always a sign of rickets? My child was diagnosed with calcium deficiency starting at 3 months, because, as I was told, all autumn children have this diagnosis by default. I have a November one, I’ve had teeth since I was 4 months old, I haven’t had rickets. 0

Advanced Magridos Magridos 0 Left 525 messages since May 11, 2006

FR: 19724

September 15, 2010 at 5:19 pm

shining eyes, it turns out that there are 2 opinions - mine and the correct one (medical) 1) during breastfeeding, I would not introduce cottage cheese before 1 year, but provided that the mother herself is a regular eater of calcium-containing products and the child walks for at least two hours a day. Our pediatrician says to introduce cottage cheese as a supplement starting from six months. 2) Our doctor gives us a referral for a urine test according to Sulkovich. Based on the results of these tests, rickets is diagnosed. Is calcium deficiency the only cause of rickets? Probably not. Of course, no one has canceled such signs of rickets as a receding hairline, sweaty hands and feet from our doctors.3) I think this is within the normal range, but I would get tested

4) I struggled with this for a long time with our doctors and even wrote a post on this topic on the forum. My son had a receding hairline. They sent me to take a urine test according to Sulkovich, the analysis was good.

My arms and legs didn’t sweat, but based ONLY on my receding hairline, the doctor diagnosed Stage 1 Rickets and prescribed a lot of medications.

After consulting with another pediatrician, I decided that there was no need to sound the alarm, and I did not give the child any medications.


Veteran ryngi ryngi 11 Left 4749 messages since Sep 20, 2007

FR: 77189

ICQ September 16, 2010 at 04:22 pm

shining eyes, 1) we were given recommendations - to start introducing it at 6-7 months, from one year on, 2 times a week presence in the menu is recommended.

Cottage cheese cannot be called complementary food; it does not belong to grains/vegetables/meat. If the child is on breastfeeding –

If I were my mother, I would start eating more cottage cheese and calcium-containing foods, and walking more to get vitamin D and, as a result, calcium absorption.


2) in my non-pediatric opinion, a lack of calcium in the body is manifested by problems with hair, nails and cramps in the calf muscles. If the matter is at all seams, then cramps of all muscles + hoarseness of voice.

I can’t judge how true it is for children; it’s easier to notice rickets in them than cramps in the calf muscles. What tests are taken from children - biochemical blood test (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase).

The Sulkowicz test is used to prevent an overdose of vitamin D; it has an extremely indirect relationship with calcium. 3) no, not necessary. Constitutional features, lack of vitamin D, somatostatin (and other hormones), lack of calcium. If the first is the norm.

4) of course not.


[email protected] September 17, 2010 at 01:05

shining eyes, at what age is cottage cheese introduced into complementary foods for breastfeeding children? It seems to me that it would be reasonable to introduce it some time (about a month) before the end of breastfeeding. what is an indicator of a lack of calcium in the body? Sometimes, the “itching” of mothers, “when will teeth appear?”, “why are there no teeth?”,” but I read, but we still don’t have them,” lead to such “indicators” and prescriptions of calcium gluconate, instead of an endless explanation with the mother. Is the absence of teeth before 1 year necessarily associated with a lack of calcium? Why should missing teeth be due to calcium deficiency? The rudiments of baby teeth are formed in the prenatal period. If there are rudiments, there will be teeth (there are no obstacles to the exit of baby teeth), if there are no follicles, there will be no teeth. And there are many factors that influence the timing of teething, one of them, for example, is Down's disease, but no one automatically diagnoses it. 0

GW1_98 September 17, 2010 at 01:39

Grandma Mo, the mothers’ acquaintances bought cottage cheese and successfully ate it themselves, and scared that there might be problems due to improper storage conditions (for example).. Agusha and Tyoma (it turned out to be tastier for my taste). Calcium gluconate was prescribed in tablets. Magridos, in principle, I agree with you, we walk at least 2 hours a day + Vit D drops, we have never been diagnosed with rickets. By the way, we donated blood for biochemistry. 0 I started my previous post with the words “attention, question” for a reason. These are approximately the questions that any mother (even herself) should ask, who is given incomprehensible instructions at an appointment, who is trying to be driven into some narrow framework or They simply act on the principle “that’s how I’m used to prescribing.” What happens? Let me summarize a bit: 1. if the child is on breastfeeding, the mother is eating well, the child is gaining weight/height, has an adequate daily routine, but so far (by 8 months) he still has no teeth, this does not mean at all that calcium gluconate should be prescribed;2. to find out whether there is a calcium deficiency, you do not need to focus on any one parameter, but optimally - get tested;

3. if the child is healthy and even has the rudiments of teeth (we’ll try to figure out how to find out below), but there are still no teeth, then don’t panic - I quoted the teething dates above

About complementary feeding - I always thought that everything we give a child in addition to breastfeeding or IV is complementary feeding, and cottage cheese too

It seems to me that it would be reasonable to introduce it some time (about a month) before the end of the GW. Heh, sometimes it’s difficult to know when exactly you’ll finish feeding. It seems to me that at 9 months you can already introduce it. This is not a replacement for feeding. Why should the absence of teeth be associated with a lack of calcium? If a doctor prescribes calcium gluconate in the absence of teeth, then what does he associate with it?

[email protected] , You seem to be involved in dentistry, please enlighten me on how to find out about the rudiments of teeth?


[email protected] September 17, 2010 at 10:24 pm

shining eyes, to find out if there is a calcium deficiency, you don’t need to focus on any one parameter, but the best option is to get tested; I repeat once again that the absence of teeth cannot be a parameter of calcium deficiency. If a doctor prescribes calcium gluconate in the absence of teeth, then what does he connect it with? The trigger mechanism for teething has been little studied and remains at the level of hypotheses, so prescribing a calcium drug for nothing other than teething raises questions, to say the least. How can you find out about the rudiments of teeth? You can find out by X-ray, only after three years. Almost all milk products come out by this time and by this time it will be possible to talk about edentia (lack of teeth), for example, and decide on the issue of prosthetics. I’ll immediately make a reservation, so as not to scare the mothers of the forum, that edentulous primary teeth are VERY RARE. So it’s not worth doing an Rg examination just for the sake of your own peace of mind, and I think no one will allow it. if the child is healthy, but there are still no teeth, then there is no need to panic - I quoted the teething dates above. It would not be a bad axiom, but I rarely meet practically healthy children. And you should never panic 0 [email protected] , I understood the first time. People/horses are just mixed up here. Rickets, teeth, calcium, gluconate.. It just seems that if you have a receding hairline, you have rickets. Autumn - there is not enough calcium. No teeth - right there. And it’s NOT mommies who make such conclusions. That’s what I thought about X-rays - I hope there aren’t too many sick people

And calcium gluconate tablets, apparently, are meant to be chewed, massaged by the gums, and trampled on the teeth from mechanical irritation


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Before you start taking the medicine, Komarovsky recommends contacting a specialist and taking the necessary tests. Tests will show the level of the mineral in the blood, after which it will become clear whether your baby needs to take calcium. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Low levels of calcium in the body;
  • Hypocalcemia;
  • Skin disorders;
  • Rickets;
  • Rapid tooth growth;
  • Liver damage;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Bone fracture;
  • Asthma.

If you suspect one of the above diseases, Komarovsky recommends contacting a pediatrician who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

The microelement is prescribed to children in combination with other medications in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. The microelement restores the structure of the skin and reduces irritation. With urticaria and allergies, young patients often scratch the skin, which slows down healing and increases inflammation. Therefore, Komarovsky includes calcium gluconate for allergies in complex treatment.

Komarovsky does not recommend calcium gluconate for colds in children, because clinical studies have shown that the mineral has no effect on the course of a cold: ARVI or acute respiratory infections.

The doctor advises calcium gluconate for children with a runny nose only if the runny nose is caused by an allergy.

Calcium gluconate indications for use

The product has a whole list of indications for use in treatment, and for each of its dosage forms.

Calcium Gluconate solution is usually recommended for use when the patient is diagnosed with the following:

  • pathological conditions of the parathyroid glands;
  • conditions when there is increased leaching of calcium;
  • pathologies when it is necessary to reduce vascular permeability;
  • nephritis;
  • liver intoxication;
  • eclampsia;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • periodic paralysis in hyperkalemic form;
  • allergies from other medications;
  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • poisoning of the body (salts of oxalic and fluoric acids, magnesium salts);
  • diseases of a dermatological nature (in the form of eczema, furunculosis, psoriasis, itching);
  • recurrent colds;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism.

The medicine is also used as a means to stop bleeding, an auxiliary component in the treatment of allergic conditions, and as a drug that promotes recovery from serious illnesses.

Conditions in which it is advisable to recommend the drug Calcium Gluconate in tablet form:

  • hypoparateriosis (with latent tetany, osteoporosis);
  • period after menopause;
  • disorders of vitamin (D) metabolism (with rickets, spasmophilia, osteomalacia);
  • bone fractures;
  • hyperphosphatemia in patients diagnosed with chronic renal/liver failure;
  • lack of calcium in the diet;
  • increased need for microelement consumption (during the period of increased growth of a child/adolescent, during breastfeeding, pregnancy);
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • long-term use of diuretics and drugs against epilepsy or corticosteroids;
  • prolonged bed rest;
  • antidote for intoxication with fluoric and oxalic acid, magnesium salts;
  • an auxiliary agent included in the therapeutic complex for the treatment of:
  1. liver damage of a toxic nature;
  2. allergic conditions;
  3. jade;
  4. dermatoses with itching;
  5. eclampsia;
  6. fever;
  7. parenchymal hepatitis;
  8. urticaria lesions;
  9. pulmonary tuberculosis disease;
  10. serum sickness;
  11. bronchial asthma;
  12. angioedema;
  13. states of dystrophy;
  14. for bleeding of various origins.

However, for all its benefits, the drug is not without contraindications, which include:

  • intolerance to the substances included in its composition;
  • combining therapeutic measures with certain medications (digitalis preparations or other cardiac glycosides);
  • severe hypercalciuria;
  • severe renal failure;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypercoagulation;
  • high degree of blood clotting;
  • when there is severe atherosclerosis;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Release form

The trace element is sold in tablets in two dosages: 250 mg and 500 mg. Kids prefer tablets with a sweet taste: fruit or cocoa. The main substance is calcium gluconate, talc, starch and calcium stearate are additionally added. Chewable tablets use flavorings (cocoa or fruit flavors). For injection, a 10% solution is available in 5 mg ampoules. When asked how to give calcium gluconate to a child, Komarovsky answers:

  • 0-1 year – 3 tablets of 500 mg or 6 of 250 mg;
  • 1-4 years – 6 tablets of 500 mg;
  • 5-9 years – 10 tablets of 500 mg;
  • 10-14 years – 16 tablets of 500 mg.

It is advisable to divide the daily dose into 3-5 doses. Children should be given the drug in tablets either before meals, or 1-1.5 hours after meals, washed down with milk.

If the baby needs an injection, it is done exclusively intravenously. The solution should be at room temperature. The dosage depends on the age of the child. Up to 14 years of age, 0.1 to 5 mg is administered every 2-3 days. Intramuscular injections are prescribed to children in rare cases.

The drug has many analogues. Komarovsky recommends taking the drug from one manufacturer throughout the entire course of treatment.

Calcium gluconate for children: instructions for use, tablets, injections, analogues, price

Calcium gluconate (calcii gluconas), chemical name: calcium salt of gluconic acid, available without a prescription.

This is a microelement necessary for strengthening bones, teeth, nails, hair, as well as the proper functioning of the heart muscle. White powder, odorless and tasteless. active substance 9%.

Available in injection ampoules, tablets or chewable tablets (in various flavors). Extremely necessary for kids.

Instructions for use

Children are prescribed orally before meals (infants under one year of age are recommended to be given with milk or formula), intravenously, intramuscularly or by electrophoresis.


The tablets are pre-crushed into powder. Frequency of administration: 2-3 times a day.

  • Children under 1 year: 0.5 g;
  • From 2–4 years, 1 g;
  • From 5–6 years: 1.5 g;
  • From 7–9 years, 2 g;
  • From 10–14 years, 3 years.

Hot prick

During intravenous injection, a “hot injection” is given. The solution warms up to body temperature and when injected, a feeling of warmth occurs in the body, for this reason the injection has this name. Next, up to 5 ml of a 10% solution is slowly introduced every 2-3 days. Children under 14 years of age are administered from 0.1 to 5 ml. After the injection, it is recommended to lie down for a while.


An intramuscular injection is given to children only on the recommendation of a doctor (the risk of necrosis increases), the procedure is quite painful and causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the baby, so tablets are preferable.

While taking the drug, drink plenty of fluids and avoid dehydration. The maximum concentration of the active substance is observed two hours after oral administration.

In the instructions you can see the age limit for taking a microelement, you should not be afraid of this, doctors consider this to be unfounded.

The duration of treatment is no more than one month, the exact period is determined by the attending physician.

After a course of treatment, they notice increased activity of the child, improvement in the condition of teeth and bones, a decrease in complications after ARVI and a reduction in illness time, fewer bruises and abrasions, a decrease in allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.

Side effects

The following undesirable reactions may occur when taken:

  • Constipation;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the intestinal area;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Bradycardia;
  • Fainting;
  • Irritability;
  • Hypercalcemia;
  • Increased gas formation;
  • Burning of the oral mucosa;
  • Necrosis and infiltration.

When the dosage is reduced, the symptoms disappear. When there is an excess of calcium in the body, sand forms in the kidneys and is deposited, so do not exceed the dosage. According to doctors' observations, side effects are rare.




The drug is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypercoagulation;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Kidney failure.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends that children aged 1 to 3 years take 1000 mg of calcium gluconate per day. A healthy child absorbs 20-30% microelement from food well. Therefore, it is worth consuming more foods rich in calcium: cottage cheese, kefir, hard cheeses, yogurt, eggs, bell peppers, cucumbers, sesame seeds, sunflowers, pumpkin, beans, almonds, oatmeal, fish, cabbage. Citric and lactic acid, as well as vitamin D, increase the absorption of the microelement.

Doctor's advice for treatment

First of all, the doctor advises to soberly assess the situation and not to stuff the child with unnecessary medications in a panic. In most cases, a strong body copes with ARVI and flu on its own. Already on days 2-3, our immune system produces enough interferon to cope with the virus. During this period, it is important for parents to create suitable conditions for a quick recovery. First of all, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky recommends preparing the child’s room.

The room should be with a minimum of dust collectors (carpets, voluminous curtains, soft toys), cool and ventilated. This will minimize irritants that cause coughing. Air humidity should be maintained at 50% -60%. The temperature should be on average about 18-20 °C, and the child should be dressed warmly. The next important point is sufficient fluid intake. The less children drink when they have a cold, the greater the likelihood of complications such as sinusitis, bronchitis and sinusitis.

If we talk about the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, then it is symptomatic in nature and allows you to cope with the unpleasant signs of the disease. One of the first symptoms that appears during a cold is fever. This is a clear sign that an infection has entered the body and it is actively fighting it. Dr. E. O. Komarovsky believes that bringing down a fever below 38-38.5 ° C while feeling normal is a real crime.

At temperature, the protein interferon begins to be actively produced. If you start to relieve the fever in the first hours, then ARVI will proceed sluggishly and for a long time. It is important to monitor the child’s behavior and condition. If he feels well, then it is enough to provide plenty of drinking regime. When the thermometer shows high values ​​and the child has a headache or fatigue, then you can resort to drug treatment.

It is recommended that paracetamol be used to reduce the temperature of children with ARVI and influenza. Doses and forms of release depend on the age of the baby. It is also important to monitor the further condition. If the readings are above 39 °C or in case of repeated cases of increase, you should call a doctor for specialized consultation and assistance.

The next unpleasant symptom of a cold is acute rhinitis or runny nose. Mucus in a child’s nose forms as a response to the appearance of harmful viruses. The main task of parents is to prevent this mucus from drying out. For a runny nose, Dr. E. O Komarovsky advises drips of pharmaceutical saline solution into your nose.

Such instillations are indicated even for the youngest children under 1 year of age. You need to drip frequently (every 2-3 hours) 2-3 drops. You can prepare a saline solution yourself by taking 1 liter of boiled, cooled water and 1 teaspoon of table salt. This product thins mucus well and helps it come out quickly and painlessly. After such therapy, you may not need vasoconstrictor drops. By the way, they should be used only in extreme cases, when nasal breathing is very difficult or completely absent.

Cough is another symptom of a cold that requires special attention. Here you need to follow the same principle as with a runny nose. The main thing is to prevent the sputum from drying out. This can be achieved with cool, moist air and plenty of fluids.

It is strictly forbidden to suppress a cough without specific instructions from a doctor. It is strongly not recommended to use bronholitin, libexin, or tusuprex for self-treatment of cough in children at home.

If you remove the spasm that causes coughing, mucus will remain in the upper respiratory tract, which can cause complications in the future. If a child has a severe wet cough, in which it is difficult for him to cough up phlegm, thinning medications should be used. Lazolvan, mucaltin, bromhexine are suitable for this purpose. Severe coughs can also be treated with inhalations.

In the treatment of ARVI and influenza, it is important to follow an integrated approach. You need to remember about proper nutrition, daily routine and auxiliary medications that help the body cope with a cold as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. Quite often, pediatricians prescribe calcium gluconate along with other medications. It helps cure cough and runny nose.

It helps keep the child's blood vessels in good shape and reduces their permeability. Calcium gluconate is often present in complex preparations that fight ARVI and influenza. Calcium gluconate restores capillary blood circulation and prevents the negative impact of the virus on the cardiovascular system. Most often, calcium gluconate is prescribed to children with signs of rickets.

Despite the fact that calcium is one of the most important macroelements in our body, it should be used with caution in treating children. You cannot treat flu and colds with calcium gluconate on your own. Only an experienced pediatrician will be able to determine the real needs of the body and calculate possible risks. Calcium gluconate has a number of contraindications and side effects. An overdose of calcium gluconate can lead to the formation of stones and other unpleasant consequences.

Calcium gluconate for children: instructions for use

Calcium is a mineral without which normal child development is impossible. Calcium must be supplied to the child’s body on an ongoing basis, since children need it more than adults. This is associated with tooth replacement, bone formation and morphological development of the nervous system.

What is the medicine?

Calcium gluconate is a mineral supplement that belongs to the medicinal products of the Russian manufacturer. The drug was created to treat and prevent hypocalcemia (lack of calcium in the body).

This is a powdery substance (salt) formed during the chemical reaction of glucuronic acid and calcium. The powdery substance has a neutral taste and no aroma. The white powder dissolves in water, but is insoluble in ether and alcohol.

Calcium gluconate protects bone tissue from destruction, strengthens teeth, participates in the process of blood clotting, ensures proper functioning and contraction of the muscular skeleton, improves the activity of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. It also affects tissue metabolism. The medicine is usually combined with elements such as vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus. These are necessary to facilitate the absorption of calcium and enhance its effect on the body.

Indications for use

In what cases is it necessary to take calcium gluconate:

  • With hypocalcemia,
  • For diseases of bone tissue,
  • With rickets,
  • For various hemorrhages,
  • In case of toxic liver damage,
  • With kidney inflammation,
  • With significant calcium loss,
  • In case of metabolic disorder,
  • If the balance of minerals and vitamins in the body is disturbed,
  • For various allergic reactions.

The decision to prescribe calcium gluconate is made by the doctor based on laboratory blood tests (biochemical analysis). It is prohibited to take the drug without a doctor’s prescription, as it can create an excess of the substance in the body.

The drug is available in the form of tablets (hard and chewable) and solution for injection. Children most often take the drug in tablet form. The solution is usually used in emergency cases and mainly for the older age group.

What are the benefits for children?

The child’s body is constantly growing and developing, as a result of which it requires a large amount of one of the main “building materials” - calcium. Calcium gluconate can solve a huge number of problems in the body.

Indications for use are mainly calcium deficiency of various origins: with prolonged bed rest, with increased calcium secretion due to taking any medications, with insufficient functioning of the parathyroid gland.

Calcium gluconate is necessary for a child for various serious diseases, to reduce vascular permeability and in case of poisoning. It is also effective for serum sickness, hay fever and urticaria.

Calcium gluconate instructions for use

When treating children (younger age groups) using tablets, the tablets must be crushed before taking. For the youngest age group, the mineral supplement is mixed with breast milk or water.

The dose must strictly comply with the doctor's recommendations. Newborns and children under one year old are prescribed about 0.5 g per day, from 2 to 5 years, 3 g per day, from 5 to 7 years - 4.5 g per day, from 7 to 10 years - 6 g per day, from 10 to 13 years – 8 g per day, over 13 years – 9 g per day.

A standard portion is divided into 2–3 doses. It is recommended to take the drug immediately before meals or 60 minutes after. The tablet can be taken with water; in rare cases, milk is used.

For colds, calcium gluconate is used for the age group from 3 years. This drug is prescribed for complex therapy of ARVI. For a runny nose, this medicine helps the swelling of the mucous membrane disappear. For diseases of viral origin, hot injections (10% solution) are prescribed.

The medicine is heated to a temperature of 37° and injected into a vein (5 ml). The solution is used 3 times a day. Injections are also prescribed for severe bleeding, convulsions, intoxication (magnesium salts) and various skin diseases.

The role of calcium in the body and its benefits

Of the inorganic substances, calcium occupies the maximum proportion in the body, 1.5% of body weight. Calcium is not only a structural component of our body, but also maintains the proper quality of operation of many vital systems.

Due to calcium deficiency, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and hypertension can develop. Also, calcium deficiency leads to brittle hair, teeth and nails.

The lack of the required amount of the mineral can manifest itself in the appearance of nervousness in a child, convulsions and various muscle spasms, curvature of the spinal column, rickets and other dangerous diseases.

Calcium gluconate is used to replenish this substance in the body.

Parents should ensure that the child complies with the norm of mineral intake and strictly monitor the rules for taking the drug.

Contraindications for use

What are the contraindications?

  • Severe form of functional kidney failure,
  • Thrombophilia (or predisposition to it),
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Allergy to this drug,
  • Sarcoidosis,
  • Hypercalcemia,
  • High concentration of mineral salts in the urine.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Calcium gluconate is often used to treat allergies. It reduces the acute immune response and has a positive effect on connective tissue. Doctors prescribe the drug in the form of powders or tablets, in severe cases, intravenous injections (to speed up the absorption process and reduce therapy time).

When treating allergies, it is recommended to take medication with antihistamines. Calcium gluconate for allergies eliminates the side effects of anti-allergenic drugs. For allergies, the average duration of taking the mineral is from 10 to 30 days, from 2 to 6 tablets per day.

If you do not follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor or use Calcium Gluconate for too long, a side effect such as fragility of the veins may occur.

Contraindications for the use of Calcium Gluconate for allergies are nephritis, hepatitis, thyroid problems and skin diseases. Before use, it is recommended to undergo all necessary tests.

Calcium is one of the most important microelements that takes part in the formation of teeth (effective mineralization of bone tissue and strengthening of tooth enamel) and bones in a child, and also maintains normal heart function and promotes blood clotting. Calcium gluconate, one of the most common and safe calcium preparations worldwide, approved by doctors and proven effective



What not to do

When treating influenza and ARVI, it is important not to overdo it. Dr. E. O. Komarovsky urges parents to be reasonable and not engage in amateur activities. If you have any doubts or your condition worsens, you should not try to find answers on your own. In this case, it is better to pass the baton to the doctors.

The temperature in children should not be brought down with folk remedies. It is forbidden to apply cold compresses, rub down with vodka or vinegar, or wrap the baby in cold sheets. After such actions, the situation can only get worse. There is no need to try to force feed the child. It is better to make smaller portions, and pay special attention to foods rich in carbohydrates. Lack of appetite is understandable and justified. After recovery, you can return to your normal diet.

If children have a runny nose, do not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops. They cause irritation of the mucous membrane. In addition, such drugs become quickly addictive and then you will no longer have to deal with colds, but with drug-induced rhinitis in children. You should not bury your nose with homemade drops made from onion, garlic, carrot and beet juice. They negatively affect the baby's delicate mucous membranes. As for coughing, as mentioned above, there is no need to give drugs that suppress the cough reflex, for example, calcium gluconate. This refers to both pharmacy and folk remedies.

Does calcium gluconate help treat colds in children?

Calcium gluconate is a drug that is often prescribed today for the treatment of colds. This is due to the fact that the active components of this drug create reliable protection for blood vessels, protecting them from damage, reducing their fragility and permeability during inflammatory processes. Hot injections of Calcium Gluconate are an integral part of the complex therapy of viral and colds.

With the help of the drug it is possible to reduce intoxication of the body and pathological manifestations. In the pharmacy today you can purchase complex medications that contain Calcium Gluconate, antiviral and anti-inflammatory components.

Benefit and action

Calcium gluconate is a medication that helps compensate for calcium deficiency. Its production occurs in the form of tablets and solution. The active ingredient in the composition is calcium gluconate monohydrate. In addition, there are a number of additional ingredients.

If we consider tablets, they contain 500 mg of the active ingredient, and one blister contains 10 tablets. If you use a solution for injections, then 1 ml of the gluconate preparation contains 0.1 g. Ampoules of 1 and 5 ml are produced. One package contains 10 ampoules.

In the photo - calcium gluconate

The main advantage of Calcium Gluconate remains its single-component nature. Multivitamin complexes contain a certain amount of each component, so it is impossible to increase or decrease the dosage of one of them without changing the amount of consumption of the others. Thanks to its unique composition, Calcium Gluconate allows you to select the dosage of the drug that will be sufficient for each child.

Using Sodium Gluconate, you can get the following effect:

  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system,
  • saturate bones with calcium, thereby increasing their strength,
  • relieve inflammation, toxic and allergic effects,
  • increase vascular tone,
  • reduce the production of histamine, which is one of the main components. causing all manifestations of allergies,
  • have a homeostatic effect, resulting in no bleeding,
  • increase the density of the vascular network,
  • achieve the transition of inactive prothrombin to activated,
  • since Calcium Gluconate is a component of a complex chain of vascular coagulation reactions, it is possible to activate subsequent reactions, as a result of which a blood clot can form,
  • stimulation of the heart,
  • increasing the excitability of the heart muscle, which leads to its increased and rapid contractions, providing a tonic and strengthening effect,
  • stimulation of neuromuscular transmission,
  • increasing the speed at which the impulse moves along the nerve fibers, as a result of which children’s performance improves, they become active, their reaction, speed and accuracy of movements are accelerated.

And although Calcium Gluconate is such a useful drug for colds, it can cause some harm to the child’s body. For example, when it is administered intramuscularly, necrosis of soft tissues may occur.

In the photo - calcium gluconate injections for children with colds

When using a tablet drug, a child may experience the following side effects:

  • feeling of nausea,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • slow heartbeat,
  • disturbance of the rhythm of heart contractions.

Calcium gluconate should not be taken by children with an increased concentration of microelement ions in the lymph. If there is a tendency to form blood clots, then you will have to stop using the medication. If kidney function is insufficient, taking the drug is also prohibited.

How to use

As noted earlier, the drug is available in two forms - tablets and injections. Only a doctor can determine the dosage and duration of taking Calcium Gluconate. Children need to take the medication 2-3 times a day. In order for the active components of the medicine to be better absorbed, it is necessary to turn the tablet into powder and give it to the baby along with water or milk during meals. Today in the pharmacy you can find tablets containing 5% cocoa.

If Calcium Gluconate was prescribed to children under one year old, then the dosage will be 0.5 g at a time. For children 2-4 years old, a single dosage will be 1 g, for 5-6 year olds – 1-1.5 g, and for 7-9 year olds – 1.5-2 g. A patient in adolescence is given 2-3 g of the drug. If Calcium Gluconate injections have been prescribed, then children are given them intravenously, slowly over several minutes.

How to give your child calcium gluconate

Calcium is a necessary element for the proper development and functioning of the body. It not only builds bone tissue, but also plays a role in the activity of cell membranes, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

In addition, it makes the blood more viscous, increases the tone of small vessels and, as a result, blood pressure, increases the heart rate and tone of the heart muscle. Another function is to support normal blood clotting activities.

A child’s body needs calcium more than an adult, because children actively form bones and change teeth, and the nervous system, due to its own imperfections, is extremely susceptible to the slightest changes in blood composition.

Calcium gluconate is an effective remedy that can help cure and prevent deficiency of this microelement due to a variety of reasons.

Calcium gluconate is a product that helps compensate for calcium deficiency.

It is produced in tablet form and in the form of a solution, which contain the active substance - calcium gluconate monohydrate, as well as auxiliary components.

The pills contain mg of the active ingredient, there are 10 pieces in one blister. 1 ml of solution for injection contains 0.1 g of gluconate, there are ampoules of 1 and 5 ml. Each cardboard box contains 10 ampoules.

All packages contain detailed instructions for use.

An undoubted advantage is the single-component nature of this product.

Multivitamin complexes contain a strictly defined amount of each substance, and it is unrealistic to increase or decrease the dose of one of them without changing the amount of consumption of the rest.

Calcium gluconate, due to its composition, which lacks other microelements, allows you to extremely accurately select the amount of product needed by each child.

The drug is prescribed to correct calcium deficiency in the blood of any origin. Cases in which the annotation provides for the use of a pharmaceutical product:

Calcium gluconate, in addition to everything else, can be taken by a child with a runny nose and colds, because it prevents the development of increased vascular permeability, which means swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as the active penetration of bacteria into the body.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that healing a runny nose comes down to the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, and calls calcium gluconate one of the most effective drugs that have this effect.

Methods for consuming different forms of the product vary. Before use, the pills must be crushed and taken orally at intervals of 30 minutes before or 90 minutes after meals. It is recommended to drink the product not with water, but with milk, this helps the absorption of calcium.

Depending on how old the child is, the dose that can be administered within one day is determined.

Children under 1 year of age should be given 1 tablet 2 times a day, the dose for children under 1 year of age is 2 pills 2 times a day.

Children aged one year old are advised to take one pill twice a day, and up to 9 years old – 4 pills. Children aged 10 to 14 years should take up to 5 pills twice a day.

The solution can only be administered intravenously slowly, in a stream (through a syringe) or drip (through an infusion system - a dropper) to avoid the formation of necrosis at the site of intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. Children aged from one to two years are recommended to administer 1 ml of the medicine (if it is administered by drop, dilute in ml of saline), from 2 to 4 years – 2 ml.

Children from 5 to 6, from 6 to 9 and from 9 years old should receive 3, 4 or 5 ml of medication, respectively. The solution can be administered after warming it to body temperature once a day.

It cannot be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously: necrotic lesions may develop. With very rapid intravenous administration, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

As evidenced by reviews from parents and assurances from pediatricians, unnecessary effects occur very rarely and, for the most part, are the result of improper administration of the product to the child.

Simultaneous use with products of other classes has been studied in detail.

The abstract prohibits giving calcium gluconate to a child along with the following pharmaceuticals:

At the same time, calcium gluconate is part of complex therapy for colds, allergies and bleeding disorders.

It is important to maintain a balance between vitamin D products and calcium in order to avoid disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The drug can be stored at a temperature of no more than 25°C, for no more than 5 years, out of the reach of children.

Calcium gluconate has a small number of analogues. Almost all multivitamin complexes contain calcium, the product “Calcium-D3 Nycomed” is especially well known.

It is intended to regulate calcium metabolism in the body, but not to heal diseases caused by a lack of microelements. The average cost is rubles.

The main medicine that has a similar effect to calcium gluconate is calcium chloride. It is produced in the form of solutions for injection, as well as for oral administration. The introduction of the product is accompanied by unpleasant feelings, the so-called “hot prick”, a feeling of heat, and a decrease in blood pressure. When taken orally, it also has an irritating effect, up to the development of gastritis.

Having received a similar purpose, ancestors traditionally try to clarify whether the product will cause harm.

The abstract warns of side effects, in addition, unpleasant feelings and complications are possible due to consumption errors. But the fears are in vain. If everything is done correctly, there is nothing to worry about: the product gently adjusts the level of calcium in the body, while fathers and mothers note the following effects:

the intensity of allergic reactions decreases;

Feedback from parents is clear: calcium gluconate has a positive effect on a variety of systems in the child’s body.

Thus, the use of this product is justified for both healing and preventive purposes.

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