Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin treatment of psoriasis

The use of hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting wounds, rinsing sinuses and throats for colds has been in demand in medical practice for many years. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect and helps improve immunity. Hydrogen peroxide is currently used to treat psoriasis. This is a new practice proposed by the famous doctor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. It is gaining popularity and helping many sick people get rid of psoriatic plaques.

Treatment effectiveness

Professor Neumyvakin devoted many years to studying the human body and creating advanced treatment methods. During his research, he found out that any disease is caused by the accumulation of waste, toxins in tissues and an incorrect lifestyle. According to the doctor, in order to cure the disease, you need to change your eating habits, cleanse yourself of toxins and adjust your water balance .

Many doctors believe that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Hydrogen peroxide saturates the body's cells with oxygen. This helps restore damaged tissue and strengthen the immune system. The professor found that the small intestine is capable of producing peroxide on its own in microscopic doses, which are sufficient to destroy pathogens of various infections. Under the influence of waste and toxins, production is disrupted. To restore it, you need to get rid of slagging by taking hydrogen peroxide orally according to a special regimen.

The substance neutralizes pathological processes in the body and destroys the prerequisites leading to the development of psoriasis. For therapy to be successful, you must properly prepare for it and adhere to Dr. Neumyvakin’s recommendations.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the effectiveness of peroxide therapy

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet from psoriasis sufferers and dermatologists about the treatment of squamous lichen using the Neumyvakin method. Most patients speak positively about skin treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Patients note that this method is harmless, cheap and effective, it allows you to remove the external manifestations of pathology at the beginning of development and prolong remission.

Many doctors have a negative attitude towards treating psoriasis with peroxide. Doctors say that this method can help in the fight against skin pathologies, but only if it is used correctly. Many people violate the rules for using the product and are treated with peroxide if there are contraindications. This causes negative consequences. Experts also warn that severe forms of lichen planus cannot be cured using the Neumyvakin method alone: ​​it is imperative to take hormonal, immunomodulating medications.

Some of the reviews from doctors and patients:

  • Stanislav. I have psoriasis since childhood. I tried different drugs, but I could not achieve long-term remission. A year ago I read on the Internet about the treatment of scaly lichen using the Neumyvakin method. The method is simple and inexpensive, so I decided to try it. I took peroxide orally according to the scheme and at the same time treated the plaques. Within two months of therapy, I was able to completely clear my skin. There have been no relapses for six months now. Therefore, I recommend that people with psoriasis try this method of treatment.
  • Catherine. My mother has scalp psoriasis. She does not tolerate many medications well. Therefore, I try to treat her with folk recipes. Of all the unconventional methods, Neumyvakin’s method, which consists of taking hydrogen peroxide, helped my mother well. The condition began to improve in the second week of use. A lasting result was achieved after a couple of months of therapy.
  • Vladislav. I am a dermatologist with 28 years of experience. I am skeptical about traditional methods. But therapy with hydrogen peroxide really gives a positive result: inflammation goes away, cracks heal, and the area of ​​plaques decreases. Before recommending such treatment to a patient, I conduct a full examination and check whether the patient is allergic to peroxide.

Thus, Neumyvakin’s method is effective in the treatment of lichen planus. But peroxide should be used strictly according to the dosage. It is not possible to completely recover from the pathology in this way, but the condition can be significantly alleviated. Many patients leave positive reviews about psoriasis therapy with hydrogen peroxide.

Indications for use

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis is in demand by many people who believe in the advanced method and want to get rid of dermatological problems and other diseases forever.

Peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is a colorless substance with a characteristic metallic taste, soluble in alcohol, ether and water. Official medicine does not encourage taking the drug orally, believing that the drug can cause a burn to the mucous membrane . The professor refutes this statement and says that negative effects are excluded if you stick to the dosage.

According to the doctor, his technique is effective for treating a number of diseases. It helps get rid of:

  • cholesterol plaques;
  • psoriasis;
  • dysfunction of the intestines and stomach;
  • kidney and gallstones;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • extra pounds;
  • fungal and bacterial infections.

Saturation of tissues with oxygen restores the functioning of all systems, starts the process of cell regeneration and rejuvenates the body. Psoriatic plaques become less pronounced, white scales, red spots and erosions disappear. The skin gradually becomes clearer, and the itching and burning sensations cease.

A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in every pharmacy, is suitable for treatment. It is advisable to buy the drug in a plastic bottle equipped with a dropper dispenser. The bottle must be kept tightly closed so that the product does not lose its properties. The prepared medicine is drunk immediately.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin treatment of psoriasis

Dear friends, hello. Today I will tell you about the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. What kind of method is this? Who is Neumyvakin anyway? You will learn about all this and much more from our article.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin developed an original health system without the use of drugs. One of the points of this system is the use of hydrogen peroxide, in particular in the fight against psoriasis.

Neumyvakin claims that this liquid has a number of useful properties, so it should be used both during exacerbation of the disease and as a preventive measure.

The professor believes that the main cause of psoriasis is toxins, which peroxide helps remove. Just use it not externally, but internally. Surprised? Read on.

This remedy is great for those who have a lot of plaque on their skin. You can do injections (exclusively under the supervision of a doctor), enemas, drops in the nose, or take orally.

This is a proven antiseptic that has a hemostatic and deodorizing effect. When peroxide oxidizes, it releases oxygen. When applied externally, the wounds are cleared of pus, and when applied internally, blood, proteins and organic substances are inactivated.

  1. Only purified 3% solutions are allowed for use;
  2. We start drinking 1 drop, which is diluted in 2 large (tablespoons) spoons of water (boiled or filtered);
  3. Every day we increase the number of drops until their total number reaches 10. That is 10 days. You can drink a maximum of only 10 drops at a time;
  4. You are allowed to drink 30 drops per day, no more;
  5. You should drink peroxide on an empty stomach: 40 minutes before a meal or 3 hours after a meal;
  6. To achieve greater effectiveness, you can take a cyclic regimen: drink for 10 days (increasing the number of drops to 10), then take a 5-day break, then 3 days of 10 drops each and finish with a 3-day break;
  7. If you don’t like the cyclic method, then after 10 days of taking it, take a break for 3-4 days and start the second course. You start it with a dosage of ten drops per 2 tablespoons of water;
  8. Doctors advise taking vitamin C three times a day along with peroxide.

This method is recommended only for children over 15 years of age. The dosage is the same as for adults. If the child is younger, then taking peroxide is also possible according to the following scheme:

  • Until the child is 5 years old, take no more than 2 drops per 1 large spoon of liquid;
  • from 5 to 10 years you can drink a maximum of 5 drops in the same amount of liquid;
  • from 10 to 15 years - 8 drops maximum.

Children are also allowed to be treated with rinsing, compresses, and rinsing with peroxide.

Yes, you can. This is due to the fact that peroxide has few contraindications. When carrying a child, many drugs for psoriasis are prohibited, and here perhydrol solution will come to your aid. Just be sure to consult with your doctor before taking it.

By the way, when breastfeeding, this solution will get rid of pathogenic microflora.

  • Under no circumstances should you drink this solution if you are intolerant;
  • Take peroxide with caution if you have liver or kidney diseases, hyperthyroidism, or dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • For heart problems;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • People who have undergone organ transplantation.

If you experience such symptoms, then reduce the dosage by half and drink this for a couple of days. During this time, the body will adapt to such treatment, and you will be able to continue the course to the fullest extent.

A person can lose consciousness because the cells go into shock due to a large supply of oxygen. In the modern world, there is very little of it in our body, as we eat junk food. Digesting it requires a lot of time and energy, as a result of which the tissues work in conditions of oxygen starvation.

But loss of consciousness happens very rarely, and even if this happens, then start drinking vitamin C along with the treatment course and soon everything will get better for you.

Remember, in any case it is forbidden to exceed the permitted dosage. You definitely won’t get rid of the signs of psoriasis, but will only add to your problems. If an overdose of peroxide occurs, the victim may feel the following:

  • Severe irritation of the esophagus, stomach;
  • Spasms, burns of the upper respiratory tract;
  • If you take 1 gram of solution, there is a high risk of death for the patient;
  • Hemoglobinuria.

In this case, you need to call an ambulance. The hospital will do a gastric lavage.

For half a glass of liquid, take 2-3 drops of the solution, moisten gauze in it and apply it to the problem area of ​​the body.

Dissolve the peroxide in water, soak a cotton pad in it and treat the plaques. If you believe the reviews of doctors and patients, this method will allow you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in 1.5 months.

Dissolve 10 drops of peroxide in a tablespoon of water and place 10 drops in each nostril. It has been proven that this method will allow you to get rid of plaques more quickly, since the product enters directly into the blood.

Pathogenic organisms also accumulate in the mouth, which can cause the development of psoriasis. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the oral cavity.

To do this, you need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda and 7 drops of peroxide, apply the composition to a cotton pad and massage your teeth and gums with it. Next, rinse your mouth with a peroxide solution at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water.

This is where I end the article. I hope you learned something new about the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. I highly recommend watching the video from Professor Neumyvakin himself, where everything is described and explained in detail.

I advise you not to start such treatment without consulting a doctor, because there is a risk of side effects. Be healthy!

Based on materials from psoriaz.site

To eliminate psoriatic rash, doctors use a variety of drugs and methods. One such method is the use of hydrogen peroxide. This method is very effective in the fight against psoriasis.

Hydrogen peroxide is available in any pharmacy or home medicine cabinet. It is a colorless liquid that is used primarily for treating open wounds and other therapeutic purposes.

Hydrogen peroxide has been used in medical practice for quite a long time. It was mainly used to treat open wounds and to rinse the mouth for sore throat. It is the use of this liquid that accelerates the healing process of wounds and eliminates all pathogenic microflora.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin conducted a number of studies studying the effects of peroxide on skin areas affected by psoriasis. After the results obtained, the specialist found that the use of 3% hydrogen peroxide quickly eliminates peeling, relieves exacerbation and relieves the patient from severe itching. Over time, the skin is restored and the general condition of the patient improves.

Dr. Neumyvakin believes that the use of hydrogen peroxide quickly increases a person’s immunity, thereby promoting a speedy recovery.

In addition, treatment of the affected areas makes it possible to get rid of the effects of other negative substances on the patient’s body. But here it is worth understanding that hydrogen peroxide cannot completely eliminate psoriasis, but only temporarily freeze the development of pathogenic epidermal cells.

At the moment, the external use of hydrogen peroxide is especially popular. Moreover, it can be used using different approaches. This includes external use in the form of lotions, routine treatment of affected areas, and rinsing the mouth or nasal cavity.

The dosage and certain proportions are determined by the attending physician. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and risk your health. Before carrying out any of the procedures, it is recommended to diagnose psoriasis and consult with your doctor to prevent the negative consequences of peroxide treatment.

It is important to know: in order to enhance the therapeutic effect of using peroxide, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose of the drug.

Today, there are several ways to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide:

    External use of liquid. To do this, simply moisten a clean cotton swab with 3% liquid and apply it to the red spots. When applying peroxide to problem areas, it is necessary to lightly soak the swab to soften the foci of the disease. Over time, psoriatic plaques soften, itching and flaking disappear, and the natural appearance of the skin is restored.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally. This method was developed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Neumyvakin. He argued that it is necessary to consume peroxide in small quantities daily. The specialist claims that in order to get the maximum therapeutic effect, patients need to increase the dose of peroxide to 30 drops of liquid. Dr. Neumyvakin prescribes patients one drop of peroxide twice a day. But to do this, you need to dilute the peroxide with water and drink the resulting medicine half an hour before meals.

Such procedures must be performed daily, and the dose must be increased by one drop each day. Having reached 10 drops at one time, the specialist recommends taking a break for several days, and then continuing treatment again, increasing the dose to 20 drops. After repeating the procedure, you should take a break again and continue treatment to achieve the maximum dosage of 30 drops.

This scheme will improve the condition of the patient’s skin and eliminate the external manifestations of the disease. But it is worth understanding that such a technique has not yet been fully explored. Therefore, many experts consider it dangerous to human health. Intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide. In medical terminology, peroxide is considered atomic oxygen, which, when it enters the blood, quickly spreads throughout the body, destroying diseased cells.

But here it is worth understanding that in addition to pathogenic sources of disease, hydrogen peroxide can also destroy completely healthy cells in the body. That is why many specialists do not use this treatment option for psoriasis in practice.

You can read about nutritional features for psoriasis here.

Of course, many people suffering from psoriasis want to get rid of this terrible rash once and for all. Therefore, they are trying to eliminate the disease by any existing means.

But it is worth understanding that intravenous administration of peroxide can be very dangerous for human health . And often the use of this liquid leads to serious complications.

Good to know: During treatment with hydrogen peroxide, patients should stop using other topical medications.

Peroxide perfectly softens the affected areas of the skin, accelerates the penetration of medicinal substances into the patient’s body, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

But despite some positive aspects of treating psoriasis with peroxide, specialists in many countries leave negative reviews.

They believe that the use of such a liquid to some extent helps to improve the condition of the skin, but it will never become an effective cure for psoriatic rash.

Long-term use or overdose of peroxide may also cause some side effects.
Among the most common reactions are the following reactions of the body:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • burning sensation;
  • dry skin;
  • redness;
  • in some cases, pain.

Dr. Neumyvakin believes that such reactions depend, of course, on the individual characteristics of the body and the ability to cope with a sufficiently large amount of oxygen that enters the patient’s body. But if such effects appear, then the dosage of the drug should be immediately reduced.

Watch video advice from Dr. Neumyvakin I.P. about the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases with hydrogen peroxide:

Based on materials from anatomy-psoriaza.ru

Hydrogen peroxide has the formula H2O2. It can treat everything from a small cut to cancer. By the way, such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis can also be easily cured with this remedy. Moreover, you won’t even need to go to the pharmacy - hydrogen peroxide is available in every home.

Who is the great man who advised the use of hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis? This discovery was made by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. He discovered something that people had not known for a long time - all the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. As it turned out, H2O2 can be used not only externally, but also internally.

The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin states that you need to take a peroxide solution no higher than 3%. This mixture can remove psoriatic plaques from the human body. Reviews from cured people say that this method of treatment is one of the most convenient and inexpensive.

Before you start treating psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, you need to give up all other medications and tablets. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin proved that when only peroxide enters the body from healing substances, the treatment effect is achieved faster and with better quality.

First you need to determine the places where the psoriatic plaques are located. Hydrogen peroxide should be applied to these areas (previously cleaned) with a cotton pad. This procedure must be repeated with a break of at least eight hours.

Neumyvakin says that treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide occurs over the course of a month. In extremely severe cases, the treatment cycle should be 1.5 months.

To prepare another healing remedy you will need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Hydroperite tablets

Neumyvakin I.P. advises preparing such a solution - mix 25 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide with 6 hydroperite tablets and move everything carefully. In the morning and before going to bed, you need to lubricate the psoriasis areas with a cotton swab. At first, the treated areas of the skin will hurt, but after a few seconds the pain will subside. After such procedures, the skin will be soft and inflammation will quickly pass.

There are several ways to take peroxide internally. The most relevant of them belongs to Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich.

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of water at room temperature into a glass or bowl and add 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide. Place everything carefully and drink it. Every day you need to increase the drops of peroxide until their number reaches 10.

This solution should be taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day. The break between taking the solution and food should be at least half an hour. Then take a break for three days. After this, alternate doses: three days with peroxide, three days without it.

Some people are afraid to take hydrogen peroxide internally. They think that this drug may cause side effects. But taking H202 is only beneficial for humans. This is also confirmed by the reviews of those people who have experienced this method of treatment on themselves.

My son, at the age of 12, was faced with such a terrible disease as psoriasis. We started taking him to doctors, who prescribed a lot of pills and ointments. We purchased everything, used it, but the full effect was not visible. During treatment, the disease subsided, but as soon as the use of the medications ended, the hardened plaques reappeared in the same places and in new areas of the body. We found an article by Neumyvakin I.P. about hydrogen peroxide and without thinking twice, we tried it. What a surprise we were when we saw the psoriasis receding. Thanks to Ivan Pavlovich for such a treatment program!

Stanislav Petrovich, 52 years old, Moscow

One day I saw strange spots on my legs. When I went online to look for the cause, it turned out that I have psoriasis. Since I don’t really trust modern medicine, I started looking for folk remedies. I tried a lot of things - tar soap, gels, and creams. Everything was ineffective. When I found an interesting article about peroxide, I decided to try it. Sometimes I forgot to take it, but after a while I noticed changes. The spots began to disappear. Hooray! The disease subsided after a few months. Low bow to the one who developed this miracle remedy!

Anastasia, 24 years old, Kaliningrad

I work as a dancer, and therefore my body must be perfect. One day I discovered a cluster of spots on my thighs. I immediately went to the doctor, and he told me that you have psoriasis. My friends advised me to lubricate them with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. I did just that, and now my legs are completely fine! And I didn’t get sick, and I didn’t lose my job!

Nesterova Alevtina Vladimirovna, 41 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

I have always been interested in traditional medicine. I don’t take pills, and the medications I have at home are iodine, brilliant green and peroxide. I have been studying the articles of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin for a long time. He writes very interestingly about soda and peroxide. One day my niece came to me and complained that she had psoriasis. The spots were located along the arm and part of the back. I immediately found information about this disease and an article that suggested treatment with hydrogen peroxide. I told my niece about this, and she began to go through the treatment phase. I was very glad that, when she came to me a month later, she said that the spots had disappeared and the disease had not been detected. To avoid relapse, I advised her to take a course of peroxide (as Neumyvakin advises) once every six months.

Alexey, 19 years old, Vladivostok

While I was in the army, I got psoriasis. Then I called my parents, and they told me that you can cure it with peroxide. Without thinking twice, I started doing this. I don’t know how it happened, but now I don’t have psoriasis!

Based on materials from dermatolog03.ru

People suffering from psoriasis experience different treatment methods. The disease interferes with socialization and undermines mental and physical strength. Therefore, it is not surprising the impatience of the sick, their desire to get well soon.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the skin. Dry, inflamed ulcers form on the skin, then they grow and form plaques. The damaged areas are covered with silvery scales. People call this disease scaly lichen.

Hydrogen peroxide is known as a good antiseptic; it is effective for sore throats and stomatitis. This inexpensive product is present in every first aid kit. Scientific studies prove that the drug stimulates the immune system, has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial effects. The product also saturates the skin with oxygen and penetrates all tissues.

Treatment with peroxide externally should be combined with internal use, avoiding other medications. This will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the method.

There are such methods of external use:

  • lubricating diseased areas with a 3% peroxide solution;
  • applying compresses from cotton pads soaked in a solution of 2 tablespoons of 3% of the drug and 50 ml of plain water. Duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes;
  • using a mixture of 6 crushed hydroperite tablets with 25 ml of peroxide. Twice a day, this composition should be lubricated on the affected areas.

At the beginning of the procedure, the patient experiences pain, but the wounds heal quickly and the skin becomes clean and soft.

Scientists suggest that peroxide enriches all tissues and organs of the body with oxygen.

Internal use is:

  1. By instillation into the nose. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and instilled into the nose 3 times a day, 3 drops in each nostril.
  2. Oral. 1 drop of the drug is dripped into a cup with three tablespoons of water. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals. The next day, take 2 drops of the drug in the same amount of water. By adding 1 drop every day, you bring it up to 10. This is the maximum dose. Take a break for 3 days, then repeat the course. It is necessary to complete 3 courses.
  3. Intravenously. For 100 ml of saline solution, take 1 ml of the product and administer it intravenously using a dropper. On the first day, 100 ml is administered, on the second - 150 ml. On the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh days, 200 ml of solution is administered. This method is possible in a hospital, since the body’s response to oxygen enrichment is difficult to predict.

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known disinfectant, used in the treatment of open wounds, stomatitis and sore throats.
Doctor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin studied this drug and discovered its new properties. It turns out that an inconspicuous remedy can regenerate the human immune system and restore the body’s metabolic processes. The scientist wrote a book about this “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and reality." The professor's conclusions are that people get sick due to malfunctions of the immune system. Treatment of psoriasis according to Neumyvakin consists of constantly taking the drug according to a strictly established regimen.

First of all, the body is cleansed so that the drug is accepted by the body. A week before the start of treatment, a course of cleansing enemas from chamomile decoction is carried out. At the same time, drink vegetable juices from carrots, apples or beets, as the acidity of the stomach allows.

The essence of Professor Neumyvakin’s technique is to gradually increase the concentration of the drug. For 3 tablespoons of water take 1 drop of 3% product. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals (you must choose one option and stick to it). Starting with one drop, gradually adding one drop per day, bring the drug intake to 30 drops.

The course of treatment is carried out at intervals. After the first 10 days of using peroxide, a three-week break follows. Reach 10 drops and rest. The next stage begins with one drop, reaches twenty, after which they take a break for 10 days. At the last stage, the amount of the drug is 30 drops and a break of 1 month

Compresses are applied externally by soaking gauze in a solution of peroxide and water in a 1:1 ratio.

People with psoriasis often fall into despair. The worst thing about their illness is its unclear origin and lack of adequate treatment. There is something to be despondent about. A new trend in the treatment of psoriasis gives hope that is sorely lacking. But is a cheap remedy capable of defeating a terrible disease?

Official medicine assigns hydrogen peroxide its place in medicine. Regarding psoriasis, doctors say unequivocally: “No”! Why such categoricalness, what is it based on?

Everything is explained very simply, you just need to understand the principle of action of hydrogen peroxide.

In contact with a living environment, hydrogen peroxide breaks down and destroys microorganisms. During the reaction, the strongest oxidizing agents, atomic oxygen and water, are released. The human body, in the process of life, releases its own oxidizing agents - free radicals. Adding another oxidizing agent, bypassing the body’s usual metabolic processes, is fraught with bad consequences. And if the external use of hydrogen peroxide does not cause any particular concern, then the internal use, especially intravenous, is scary.

The process of interaction of peroxide with microbes inside the body is exactly the same as on the surface of the skin. Active oxygen penetrates the body. It is, of course, capable of killing germs, but at what cost? Hydrogen peroxide enters the digestive system, the released active oxygen oxidizes the cells of the mucous membrane and the secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. The consequence of this is possible atrophy, a harbinger of cancer. The drug may enter the intestines, which will inevitably suffer from an oxygen explosion. The intestinal villi will die, and one villi feeds about one hundred thousand body cells. This is an irreversible process that leads to an increased risk of cancer.

Blood cells are also at risk of death. Platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes - all these are likely victims of atomic oxygen. Their number is large, but the unjustified death of these blood components is hardly useful or safe.

The body's lymphatic system is also at risk from active oxygen. Peroxide dissolves in fats. By interacting with the remnants of fatty foods in the stomach, the released atomic oxygen is able to penetrate into the lymph. There he will remove both microbes and immune cells of the body in his path. This process does not obey certain laws; it is unpredictable.

It is worth waiting for clinical studies of hydrogen peroxide and then using it in therapy. The human body is too complex; it cannot be simplified and interfere with life processes with impunity.

On numerous forums there are such reviews about the treatment of psoriasis with peroxide:

I have been drinking peroxide diluted with water according to Neumyvakin for the second month now. It didn't get any better. I think this is a hoax.

Vlad, 28 years old, Moscow.

My son is 12 years old and suffered from psoriasis. We are tired of taking him to doctors, he is tired of long and unsuccessful treatment. I took a lot of medications, smeared a lot of ointments, nothing helped. The disease subsided for a while and returned again, new plaques appeared. We accidentally came across information on the Internet about the treatment of psoriasis according to Neumyvakin. Out of desperation we decided to try it. To our great surprise, the psoriasis receded! Thanks to Ivan Pavlovich for his work!

Natalya, 32 years old, Murom.

I don't trust modern medicine. When I fell ill with scaly lichen, I decided to be treated with traditional methods. I tried tar soap, various ointments - nothing helped. I found an interesting article about the treatment of psoriasis with hydropergol and was hooked. I started taking it internally and applying it, although sometimes I forgot to drink. After some time I noticed improvements. The plaques have decreased and some have disappeared. The skin stopped itching. Now I take it responsibly and don’t miss it. I hope that I will be completely better soon! I bow to the person who found such a remedy.

Fedor Antonovich, 68 years old, Omsk.

I have been interested in traditional medicine for a long time. Among the medications I only accept iodine, brilliant green and peroxide. I have known I.P. Neumyvakin’s articles for a long time. We were very interested in the treatment with soda and peroxide. My niece had psoriasis. There were plaques on the arms and back. I talked about Professor Neumyvakin’s method and found his articles. I was very happy when a month later my niece told me that the spots had disappeared and the disease had passed.

Zolotareva Valentina Petrovna, 47 years old, Izhevsk.

The head of the department of faculty surgery of the Izhevsk Medical Academy, V. A. Sitnikov, says: “I first read about the miraculous properties of hydrogen peroxide in Healthy Lifestyle.” Interested in the arguments of Professor Neumyvakin, I read the book by the American physician W. Douglas, “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide.” I decided to use it at work. The ability of peroxide to saturate the body with oxygen gave hope that this affordable drug is exactly the life-saving drug that has long been sought. Our department deals with patients with purulent-inflammatory lesions of the legs. These include varicose veins, diabetic changes in the limbs, and other unpleasant things. The most common outcome is leg amputation. Using an innovative technique, we have achieved a reduction in the number of amputations and reduced their area.

Therefore, I approve of Neumyvakin’s proposal to treat psoriasis and other diseases with peroxide. But, I’m afraid, the inexpensive product will not find widespread use. Pharmacists will not be left without profits, and peroxide will not take its rightful place in official medicine.

Based on materials from allergy.life


Neumyvakin claims that to strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to cleanse the internal organs. Before using hydrogen peroxide, he recommends eliminating protein foods from your diet for 3 days. It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and drink a lot of clean water.

  1. Then you need to begin a step-by-step cleansing of the body.
  2. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should dissolve a packet of regular laxative in a glass of cool water and drink half the dose. Use the second half before bed.
  3. In the evening, after taking a laxative, you need to pour 5 tablespoons of rose hips into a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water over it. Drink one glass of decoction immediately after waking up, the second after an hour.
  4. Lie on your back and place a warm heating pad on your right side. After an hour, drink another 200 ml of rose hips and apply a warm heating pad again.

By evening, intensive removal of accumulated feces, waste and toxins should begin. Neumyvakin states that at first such cleansing is required 3 times a month. Afterwards, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every six months.

How to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide on the skin and nails?

Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease and is often inherited. The pathological condition is accompanied by constant itching and the formation of inflamed red lesions. The disease is not a deadly disorder, but it causes a lot of anxiety and nervous worries.

During the treatment process, both drug therapy regimens and traditional methods are successfully practiced. One of the original and effective methods of treatment was the use of hydrogen peroxide.

  • Effects of hydrogen peroxide on psoriasis
  • Treatment option with peroxide according to Neumyvakin
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • How to supplement the course of treatment

Effects of hydrogen peroxide on psoriasis

Normally, peroxide should be produced by the body, but this process is often disrupted due to the presence of toxic substances, toxins, and salts in the bloodstream. Among the causes of the disorder are poor diet, alcohol abuse, and previous infectious diseases.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing liquid with a specific metallic taste. The product easily dissolves in ethers, alcohols, and water. If peroxide comes into contact with problem areas of the skin, active oxygen is released.

When treating psoriatic rashes with peroxide, deactivation of substances harmful to the body is noted. This quality makes peroxide an excellent, effective antiseptic drug. However, the substance does not provide complete sterilization; it only temporarily reduces the colonization of pathogenic flora.

After peroxide enters the human body, the product triggers protective forces and destroys:

  1. bacteria;
  2. viruses;
  3. fungi.

How to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide? As the disease progresses, treatment must be carried out with a 15-33% solution prepared from hydroperite (hydrogen peroxide in tablets).

Psoriatic plaques and papules are moistened with undiluted preparation, and a cotton pad is used for treatment. Treatment is carried out twice a day. Discomfortable sensations, a specific hissing lasts a couple of seconds. Provided that the procedure is carried out regularly, the affected area is reduced. Gradually it is necessary to increase the concentration of the solution.

For psoriasis, 25 ml of the drug is mixed with 6 tablets of hydroperite.

Treatment option with peroxide according to Neumyvakin

The main reason for the development of psoriatic rashes is a violation of the body's metabolic processes, slagging. Therefore, before starting complex drug therapy, it is necessary to cleanse the body.

Internal therapy involves the use of 3% of the drug three times a day, the liquid is first mixed with clean water at room temperature. The drug is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Eating is allowed only half an hour after consuming the solution. The maximum daily dosage is 30 drops, this amount should be increased gradually, starting with 1 drop:

  • the first time a drop of the product is added to 30 ml of water;
  • on the second day, prepare a solution from 30 ml of liquid and 2 drops of the drug;
  • on the third day of peroxide, take 3 drops.

From the 11th day they take a break for several days, after which they move on to the second cycle. Starting dose – 10 drops diluted in 50 ml of water.

It is recommended to use compresses against external symptoms of psoriasis. For the procedure, take a 3% solution and dilute it in warm water in the proportion of 3 small spoons per half glass of liquid. Moisten a cotton pad with the mixture and apply it to the papules for an hour and a half.

As an alternative, it is useful to lubricate the plaques with a concentrated product. Reviews say that with external therapy, after a month and a half, resorption of even the densest plaques is noted.

Dr. Neumyvakin suggested another option for getting rid of psoriasis - rinsing the nasal passages with hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to the procedure, oxygen particles enter the body through the nasal passages and reach the brain faster. For treatment:

  1. take 15 drops of the drug and a tablespoon of warm water;
  2. the solution is introduced using a pipette;
  3. 10 drops of the composition are dripped into each nostril.

Patients who have tried such recipes on themselves report their high effectiveness. During the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to strictly follow the proposed dosages and not deviate from the recommended duration of therapy.

The technique is suitable for treating children; a child under 5 years old receives 1 drop and 50 ml of water. For adolescents, add 8 drops to the water; for patients over 15 years of age, an adult treatment regimen is recommended.

In case of severe psoriasis, the drug is administered to patients through a dropper; for this it is necessary to dilute it in a physiological solution. For 100 ml you will need to take 1 ml of the drug. Treatment involves the following scheme:

  • the first day, 100 ml is administered;
  • second day – 150 ml;
  • starting from the third day, 200 ml of hydrogen peroxide is administered.

You need to understand that parenteral administration is possible only in a hospital setting under medical supervision.

Precaution makes it possible to avoid complications dangerous to health, prevent the development of adverse reactions or respond to them in a timely manner.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other methods of therapy, recipes based on hydrogen peroxide should be used after checking for the presence of individual intolerance to the drug. There are no other prohibitions regarding the use of peroxide.

Even exceeding the optimal dosage does not pose a danger to the patient’s body. Treatment can be carried out simultaneously with a course of medications, but it is still necessary to coordinate a parallel appointment with a dermatologist.

Doctor Neumyvakin argued that some patients may experience inappropriate reactions. This is due to the characteristics of the body, the performance of the enzyme catalase, which is responsible for the breakdown of hydrogen into molecular oxygen.

The main side effects include the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • skin discomfort;
  • soreness;
  • loss of consciousness.

The occurrence of undesirable effects can be stopped by reducing the dosage used. After a few days, the body of a patient with psoriasis will completely adapt to the therapy, and then it will be possible to return to a full-fledged treatment regimen.

Loss of consciousness is extremely rare; doctors attribute the symptom to a lack of oxygen in organic cells. The reasons should be sought in the consumption of large amounts of smoked, fatty, fried foods. The dishes are too poor in oxygen; the body needs to spend a lot of time and effort to absorb them. It turns out that tissues work in low oxygen conditions; during treatment, the influx of oxygen becomes a real shock to the body.

Internal use of the product is not recommended for diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, and kidney organs.

Treatment regimen according to Neumyvakin

The professor suggests using hydrogen peroxide orally and externally for total cleansing of the body.

The drug can be taken orally only on an empty stomach. Begin treatment with 1 drop, which is diluted in a spoon of cool water and drunk slowly. The procedure is repeated three times a day an hour before meals. Every day you need to gradually increase the dose, bringing it to 10 drops at a time.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • 1 day - 1 drop of peroxide 3 times a day;
  • Day 2 - 2 drops 3 times a day;
  • Day 3 - 3 drops 3 times a day.

With each new day, the amount of antiseptic increases by 1 drop. After 10 days, you need to interrupt treatment for a week and start the second course. It involves taking 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide at a time three times a day. The product should be dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water and drunk according to this regimen for another 10 days.

To enhance the effectiveness of the technique, it is recommended to maintain a drinking regime, exclude fatty foods from the diet and take vitamin C tablets daily.

External treatment

Psoriasis can be treated by using peroxide externally. It is useful to apply compresses in parallel with the use of the drug internally.

  1. Measure out 50 ml of clean water and dilute 2 teaspoons of antiseptic in it.
  2. Soak gauze in liquid and apply to psoriatic plaques.
  3. In the first days, the compress needs to be left for half an hour.
  4. Then the time is increased to 1 hour.
  5. The procedure should be carried out regularly until the skin is cleansed.

Instead of compresses, treatment of lesions with a 3% solution is allowed. Soak cotton wool in the product and gently lubricate the area of ​​peeling and inflammation in the morning and evening.

A slight burning sensation may be felt during treatment. Gradually the unpleasant sensations pass. It is required to continue processing for 1-1.5 months.

Other Treatment Options

To ensure enhanced transport of oxygen to the cerebral hemispheres, Professor Neumyvakin advises instilling peroxide solution into the nasal sinuses.

  1. To do this, mix 15 drops of the drug in a spoonful of water and inject 10 drops into each nostril using a pipette.
  2. The procedure causes intense mucus discharge. It must be carefully blown out of the nose, clearing the sinuses one at a time.
  3. This use of hydrogen peroxide provides positive dynamics in the treatment of psoriasis on the scalp and relieves migraines and colds.

Along with nasal drops, rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic is useful . Two teaspoons of the product should be combined with two tablespoons of water and used as a rinse in the morning and evening.

Neumyvakin’s scheme includes brushing teeth with peroxide. You need to take a pinch of baking soda, add 6-7 drops of peroxide, apply the foaming solution to gauze folded several times and treat the upper and lower teeth. The method is effective in the presence of symptoms of psoriasis on the face.

In particularly severe cases, the professor recommends administering the drug intravenously. Official medicine denies this method and does not recommend it. The procedure carries certain risks, since the body’s reaction to the substance may be unexpected.

Common Recipes

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide can be done at home.

For this use:

  • compresses;
  • prepared solutions for washing or rinsing;
  • medicinal lotions.

To treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, you need:

  • purchase perhydrol;
  • dilute it in water, maintaining the correct proportion;
  • Use the solution externally or take it internally.

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can free the scalp from plaques. The solution is applied only to the affected areas of the skin 10 minutes before using medicinal creams and other medications.

Scaly lichen on the head

Cotton pads soaked in the solution are applied to the plaques on the head.

The treatment procedure should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • 2 teaspoons of the product are poured into 50 ml of water;
  • moisten a gauze bandage or cotton pad in this solution;
  • such a compress should be applied to damaged skin for two hours;
  • the treated surface must be covered.

You can make effective baths at home by adding hydrogen peroxide.

Doctors recommend treating the affected areas of the skin with this product immediately before applying ointments.

Droppers can only be used under the supervision of a physician. Other methods can be practiced at home. If there is a need or the patient’s health condition worsens, you should immediately seek medical help.

Treatment with soda and peroxide

Dr. Neumyvakin offers effective treatment for psoriasis with baking soda. He believes that crystals:

  • improve blood formula;
  • normalize acid-base balance;
  • remove toxins and dissolve stones in organs;
  • promote cell renewal;
  • restore operation of all systems.

You should start taking soda with minimal doses. In the first days, a powder that is placed on the tip of a spoon is sufficient. It should be diluted in a small portion of warm water and drunk before meals 3 times a day. For those people who tolerate dairy products well, the professor advises dissolving soda in warm milk.

Gradually, the amount of crystals should be increased, bringing it up to 1 teaspoon per glass of water over a few weeks. After a month of treatment, a short break is necessary, after which the therapy can be repeated.

The doctor writes in his writings that using hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis together with soda is not advisable. The interaction of drugs produces a chemical reaction that can harm the body. To avoid negative consequences, the doctor suggests taking soda and peroxide every half hour. First you need to use peroxide, and then, after waiting time, baking soda. After another 30 minutes, you are allowed to have a snack and take medications if necessary.

Hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis: reviews

Nikolai Chepura, 43 years old, Voronezh 01/11/2019 I heard about the method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide from my friends when I was undergoing treatment at a sanatorium in Crimea. The method itself sounds quite absurd - after all, peroxide is an aggressive substance and can do more harm than cure. But they explained everything to me, told me that the dose was very small, and also about its gradual increase. When I arrived from the sanatorium, I felt better, and six months later, psoriasis forced me to try a new method of treatment. For about 20 days I took peroxide internally and smeared the solution on damaged areas of my body. On day 21, I was finally convinced that there was no effect and there wouldn’t be any, even a negative one, and decided to stop. I think this method is just a dummy.

Anastasia Babaeva, 35 years old, Penza 12/29/2018 I have encountered hydrogen peroxide in my life, but my mother, who read about it in the newspaper, encouraged me to use it as a treatment for psoriasis. She started giving me a solution to take orally and treated the sore spots with it. I endured all this for about three weeks, but then I began to have severe heartburn, and I refused to drink it, and after another week, severe irritation on the skin began, and we stopped treatment. I hope I didn’t harm myself in any way, but it seems like only sadists can treat themselves in this way. Be careful with advice and don't take anyone's word for it.

Marina Isaenko, 49 years old, Tbilisi 12/21/2018 From a woman waiting in line to see a dermatologist, I heard about an unusual method of treating psoriasis using the method of Dr. Neumyvakin. When I got home, I went online and found a lot of information and good reviews. She studied everything carefully and began treatment. I had little faith in deliverance, everything was too simple, but I was persistent. After 3 weeks the first results appeared, after a month I saw an improvement. There has been a remission that has lasted for a year. The doctor didn’t believe it right away, but what could she do? She couldn’t start prescribing peroxide for everyone - everyone has their own story of recovery from psoriasis. I still thank that woman from the queue, good health to her.

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Side effects

The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is not suitable for everyone. Before starting treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the drug. To do this, the solution is applied to the wrist. If redness and swelling do not appear on the skin within 24 hours, you can begin health therapy.

In some cases, the technique causes side effects. Patients note that during instillation of the nasal sinuses and external treatment of psoriatic plaques, a burning sensation is observed that is difficult to withstand.

Sometimes people complain of a deterioration in general health, muscle weakness and fainting. This reaction is associated with oversaturation of the body with oxygen and occurs most often when the dosage and other recommendations are not followed.

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Drug therapy for psoriasis eliminates the visible manifestations of the disease, but often provokes adverse reactions that disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. Therefore, people diagnosed with lichen planus are trying to find a safer method of getting rid of plaques.

According to some patients, treatment of psoriasis with peroxide according to Neumyvakin gives good results.


Professor Neumyvakin, who considers hydrogen peroxide a panacea for all diseases, assuring that there are no contraindications to the use of the drug. But official medicine has a different opinion. Restrictions for internal admission are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • child's age up to 3 years;
  • various implants in the body.

Whether to use peroxide or not for psoriasis, each person must decide for himself. Many patients respond positively to the treatment and say that Dr. Neumyvakin’s technique allows you to strengthen the body’s defenses and get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis for many years.

Recommendations from Professor Neumyvakin

Endoecology of health

Before starting therapy, Ivan Pavlovich advises all his patients to cleanse the body, in particular the intestines and liver. You can learn more about the methodology in the professor’s book “Endoecology of Health.”

Neumyvakin says the following about psoriasis in children: if the child is over 15 years old, then treatment can be carried out according to the scheme used to treat adults. And at a younger age you need to follow a certain dosage:

  • up to 5 years – 1-2 drops per 10 ml of water;
  • 5-10 years – up to 5 drops;
  • 10-15 years – up to 8 drops.

Contraindications and side effects

Hydrogen peroxide therapy is best carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is required so that a person receives timely medical assistance in the event of a negative reaction of his body to unconventional treatment.

Preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory, since hydrogen peroxide may be prohibited for use by people who have the following contraindications:

  1. Recent organ transplant surgery;
  2. Heart diseases;
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Pregnancy.

If a patient has chronic diseases, he must inform a specialist about them. It is possible that for other pathologies, Neumyvakin’s technique may not be recommended.

Methods of application

This method of therapy, such as treating psoriasis with soda, has different reviews. Most of them are positive. Many patients praise baking soda for the reason that it can be used to make different types of treatments that deal with painful plaques.

Soda baths

An excellent addition to the traditional treatment of psoriasis are baking soda baths. Such procedures have a nourishing and softening effect on the affected skin. They help to minimize itching, which worries almost every patient with skin pathology.

In order to prepare a therapeutic bath, you need to take 250 g of soda and dissolve it in water. It is advisable to add a portion of salt as well. It is necessary to ensure that the water temperature does not exceed 38 degrees.

On average, bathing lasts 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to gently wipe the affected areas with a soft towel. After this, it is advisable to treat the plaques with a special ointment, which was prescribed by the attending physician.

A whole bath is not needed if the patient’s psoriasis affects only the nail area. In this case, you can get by with small baths, which are prepared from 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 3 liters of heated water. Fingers should be dipped into the solution and kept there for 20 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, it is advisable to simply let the skin and nails dry.

It is enough to take a bath only for the affected part of the body

It is highly not recommended for pregnant women to take such baths. In principle, they should refrain from bathing in hot water, as this can negatively affect the baby’s health.

Soda ointments

Baking soda for psoriasis, mixed with other ingredients and presented in the form of an ointment, is suitable for regular treatment of areas of skin that are severely affected by plaques. There are several recipes for preparing the remedy. It’s worth taking note of a couple of simple ways to prepare soda ointment.

The first remedy is made from the following components:

  1. Egg yolk (3 pcs.);
  2. Soda (1 tsp);
  3. Pharmacy bile (2 tbsp.);
  4. Birch tar (1 tbsp);
  5. Almond oil (1 tbsp);
  6. Fir oil (1 tbsp);
  7. Melted fat (half a glass);
  8. Grated laundry soap (2 tbsp.).

First you need to boil the fat. When it cools down a little, all the listed components are added to it, except bile. The resulting mass must be mixed well. As soon as the mixture has cooled completely, pharmaceutical bile is added to it. The ointment is ready. It is recommended to treat the affected areas approximately 2 hours before bedtime.

The second ointment recipe is simpler. It requires:

  1. Baking soda (2 tbsp);
  2. Olive, peach or peanut oil (2 tbsp.).

The ingredients are mixed together until they form a homogeneous mass. It is applied to the plaques before going to bed. It is advisable to cover the ointment with polyethylene on top. The medicine is left on the skin overnight. Repeat this procedure twice a week.


Soda products are suitable not only for external, but also for internal use. In the latter case, solutions are relevant. They leach the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract while following a strict diet.

Experts have different opinions on how to take soda solutions. Some argue that you should simply drink such a remedy, while others insist that you simply rinse the nasopharynx with it.

Opinions about ingesting soda solution are controversial

Directories with recipes for alternative medicine offer an excellent option for preparing a solution from soda for oral administration. To prepare it you need:

  1. Vetch seeds (150 g);
  2. Liquid honey (300 ml);
  3. Pharmacy sulfur (25 g);
  4. Baking soda (50 g).
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