Causes of psoriasis in the eyes, features of the disease, treatment methods

One of the five senses that plays an important role in human life. Vision is the process of perceiving and visualizing important information in the mind, and then in the human brain. Eye psoriasis is a disease that injures the eyelids, corners of the eyes, the iris, and the eyeball itself. This is a chronic eye ailment. It manifests itself as red rashes and peeling of the skin in the area and can cause psoriatic arthritis. What are the causes and symptoms of the disease? About various methods of treating psoriasis.

Description: what it looks like and photo

The disease affects the skin on both the upper and lower eyelids , as well as on the eyebrows, corners of the eyes and temporal region. The epidermis in these places turns red and becomes covered with severe peeling over time. Psoriasis can appear in only one eye, but most often both eyelids are affected.

The disease can spread to the cornea of ​​the eye, which will be expressed in redness of the proteins. This can lead to vision problems, so this symptom is worth paying attention to.

Below you can see a photo of what the disease looks like on the organ itself and under the eyelids in the initial and other stages.

Treatment methods

Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive. The treatment process takes a long time and has many methods.

Cosmetological methods

Ultraviolet exposure and laser treatment

Clinics offer a wide range of services to combat psoriasis. Such procedures include ultraviolet exposure and laser treatment. Methods are applied pointwise, exclusively to damaged areas of the skin. The laser is more effective: it allows you to burn out psoriatic plaques without damaging healthy skin. However, after such a procedure there is a risk of being left with a scar on the face. The disadvantage of using this method is the high cost of services. In addition, removal of the affected skin does not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease in the same place.


Psoriasis in the eyes is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Dry skin around the eyelids, eyebrows and temple area.
  • Puffiness of the eyes.
  • Peeling of the skin with detachment of large scales.
  • Redness.
  • The appearance of dense nodes in the eye area.

The most important sign of the disease are pink-purple papules (rashes) that surround the eyelid. As they grow, the papules unite, forming plaques covered with light scales.

At the beginning of the disease, the symptoms are not pronounced, so many patients do not immediately seek help because they do not understand the seriousness of the problem.

If the disease becomes severe, damage occurs to the eyeball, iris and even the pupil. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Hyperemia (redness) of the blood vessels of the eyes.
  • Discomfort from bright light.
  • Painful sensations with sudden movements of the eyes.
  • Increased tearing.
  • Decreased vision clarity.


Psoriasis in the eyes appears due to problems with the immune system or due to genetic predisposition. The following disorders can serve as a catalyst for the disease:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Frequent stress, depression.
  3. Recently suffered serious illnesses such as tonsillitis, tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonia.
  4. Taking certain medications that have caused a serious allergic reaction.
  5. Mechanical eye injury.

Why is such a defeat dangerous?

As mentioned earlier, in an advanced state, psoriasis can spread from the skin to the eye itself, which will lead to the development of the following diseases:

  • Uveitis is an inflammation of the choroid of the eye. Often leads to weakening or complete loss of vision.
  • Iritis is inflammation of the iris. It also leads to serious vision problems.

The first signs of the development of eye diseases are discomfort when moving the eyes, fear of bright light and redness of the whites.

How does the disease affect vision?

Without timely, complete treatment of skin manifestations of psoriasis around the eyes, the structures of the visual organs may be involved in the process.

In this case, psoriatic plaques are accompanied by symptoms of damage to the mucous membrane:

  • decreased clarity of vision, feeling of a veil before the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to daylight;
  • strengthening of the vascular pattern of the sclera;
  • conjunctival hyperemia;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain when blinking, turning the eyeball.

skin redness
Psoriatic redness

Depending on which part of the mucous membrane is affected by the pathological process, inflammation of the iris (iritis) or choroid (uveitis) may develop. In 25% of advanced cases, these diseases lead to absolute loss of vision.

How to treat?

To treat psoriasis in the eyes, a whole range of measures is used:

  • medications;
  • physiotherapy sessions;
  • folk remedies;
  • therapy with a psychologist.

Before starting treatment, you must be examined by a doctor and take the necessary tests so that the specialist can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe an adequate course of treatment.


Drug treatment begins with taking antihistamines. This is necessary to eliminate the swelling that is characteristic of psoriasis in this area. For this you can use drugs such as:

  1. Diazolin;
  2. Cyproheptadine;
  3. Zyrtec.

Inflammation can be removed using ointments with glucocorticosteroids. The medicine must be applied very carefully so as not to get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The following ointments are used for these purposes:

  1. Hyoxyzone;
  2. Betnovate;
  3. Celestoderm.

To reduce flaking and dry skin, it is necessary to use emollient creams. Suitable for face:

  1. Atopiclair.
  2. Cutibaza.
  3. Boro Plus.

If you don’t have the necessary ointment on hand, you can use regular baby cream. It should also be applied with caution so that it does not get on the mucous membrane.

To speed up the patient’s recovery process, a course of vitamin injections is prescribed. Use B vitamins, retinoids and antioxidants. Additionally, drugs from the cytostatic group can be used.

All medications described in the article are given as an example. Before taking any drug, you should consult your doctor.


Physiotherapeutic procedures help enhance the effect of drug treatment , but for eye psoriasis this type of therapy is practically not used. Most often, plasmapheresis is prescribed (this is blood sampling for the purpose of purifying it and then returning it to the patient). This type of physical therapy helps cleanse the blood of toxins and allergens.

The use of phototherapy is not recommended, since during this procedure there is exposure to ultraviolet light, which is prohibited for this form of psoriasis. This can lead to deterioration or complete loss of vision.

It is also undesirable to use laser treatment for inflammation of the skin around the eyes.

Folk remedies

You can supplement drug treatment and physiotherapy with the help of traditional medicine recipes. The simplest remedy is strong brewed tea.

You can put 3 drops of tea in each eye or make compresses by soaking a cotton pad in tea or using brewed tea bags. This recipe helps relieve irritation.

You can reduce peeling of the skin using a homemade ointment. To do this you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp. any animal fat;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp. flax seed oils.

The mixture must be heated to 35-40 degrees and mixed thoroughly. The prepared ointment is applied to the affected skin. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not come into contact with the mucous membrane.

It is not recommended to use homemade ointment if you are allergic to honey.

To reduce inflammation, you can make compresses from a decoction of medicinal herbs. To do this, you need to mix 1 tsp. string, chamomile, calendula and sage, and then boil the mixture for 10 minutes with 250 ml. water. When the broth has cooled, you need to soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the inflamed eye for 5 minutes, about 2-3 times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes should complement drug treatment and not replace it.

In addition, before starting to use a particular recipe, you should consult your doctor, since not all traditional medicine and medications may be compatible.

Psychological methods

Psoriasis in the eyes can be a manifestation of psychosomatics (a physical disease that occurs against the background of an emotional disorder). But only a psychotherapist can determine this.

The presence of a psychosomatic disorder can only be assumed if conservative treatment does not give the desired result, or events occur (or have occurred) in the patient’s life that have a strong negative impact on his mental state. In this case, you should consult a psychotherapist.

Therapy should be carried out only by an experienced psychotherapist, and it does not replace the use of conservative treatment methods and observation by the attending physician.

What ointment to treat psoriasis on the eyelids

Hello, my dear!

Surely you are now at a loss about what other healing ointments can be discussed in the treatment of psoriasis? If you remember, several issues ago I talked about the possibility of “triggering” the regeneration of the body by influencing certain receptors of the cells of our body. So, to cure psoriasis and more, you need to start the “return” process, that is, return the cells to their original state. After all, medicine, for the most part, is a struggle with the investigation. But it is necessary to eliminate exactly the cause and return the body to its original state. When applying the ointment, the substance heats up from the body and begins to melt, the medicinal substances included in its composition penetrate through the skin to the diseased area. The substances themselves are nanoparticle-sized and therefore penetrate easily even into the deepest areas of the body, providing appropriate treatment.

As studies have shown, psoriasis can appear from our unstable metabolism and improper cell functioning. After all, when we have problems, this disease destroys the body, and when everything is fine, the body comes into tone. That is, the entire system directly affects the state of the body. And this connection helps fight the disease as effectively as possible.

And how does it work, you ask? Will explain. With the help of specific substances and antioxidants, it affects certain receptors that are responsible for its regeneration and performance. Information about diseased cells is “rewritten” to healthy ones. As a result, the body begins the process of healing, namely, it returns, as we say, to the “point of health.”

There is a lot of talk about psoriasis cream both on our channel and on others. And not in vain, I tell you! This is not any ordinary ointment, but a unique substance from the rarest and most powerful natural healing substances.

The cream has proven its effectiveness not only to patients, but also to science, which has recognized it as an effective drug. Psoriasis goes away in 10-15 days, as studies have shown.

The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions! With the permission of our readers, we will publish on the website photographs of the results after using the cream.

We invited Igor Krylov to the studio, one of the thousands of patients whom we helped in the treatment of PSORIASIS:

Elena Malysheva: “Igor, tell us more about the treatment process!”

As you can see, the path to health is not so difficult. You can order the cream here. This is the official website of the supplier.

The original cream can only be ordered on the official website, which is published below. This product has all the necessary certificates and is tested for effectiveness. There are a lot of fakes in Russia, ordering which you will not get the effect.

Before treating psoriasis, you should consult your doctor. He will determine the type of pathology and recommend medications. You can treat psoriasis at home if the disease does not progress and has no complications.

How to treat psoriasis at home

To treat psoriasis at home , it is recommended to use medications in the form of ointments, gels and creams. It is these forms of medications that are most convenient for self-administration. The doctor will tell you how to treat psoriasis at home and what medications to use to eliminate the psoriatic rash.

Since hormonal drugs have their own negative qualities, doctors try to treat psoriasis at home with as little as possible, transferring the patient to non-hormonal drugs when the situation first improves.

You can treat psoriasis with ointments based on the following components:

  • betamethasone – Daivobet, Triderm, Diprosalik, Diprospan;
  • triamcinolone - Kenalog, Fluorocort, Berlicort, Ftoderm;
  • hydrocortisone – Corteid, Lokoid, Gioksizon, Daktakort;
  • flumethasone - Flucinar, Lorinden, Flucort, Sinaflan.
  • Psoriasis during pregnancy is preferred not to be treated with hormones. For additional use, preparations with salicylic acid, tar ointment, ointments with vitamin D, and grease preparations are indicated. Children's psoriasis on the skin is well dried with ointments containing zinc. Guttate psoriasis should be treated with drying medications to prevent weeping.

    How to treat psoriasis on the head

    It is necessary to treat psoriasis on the head and body as soon as possible in order to stop the attack and prevent the pathology from spreading to healthy areas of the skin. Creams, shampoos and ointments to treat scalp psoriasis should not be used for longer than five days. In especially severe cases, injections may be prescribed - Stelara, Etanercept, Infliximab, Adalimumab.

    Psoriasis in a child on the head and in an adult patient can be treated with Belosalik, Vipsogal, Soderm, Sinalar - these are hormonal drugs. Severe psoriasis immediately turns into a milder course, after which the drug is changed to a non-hormonal one.

    To treat scalp psoriasis, non-hormonal medicinal shampoos with a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect are used. Shampoos should contain zinc pyrithione, kertiol, salicylic acid, tar - these substances effectively act on the surface of skin damaged by psoriasis. With their help, itching is reduced, and emulsions can be used for drying:

    How to treat nail psoriasis

    The disease psoriasis at the initial stage usually affects the skin, but as its course worsens, it affects not only the surface of the body and limbs, but also the nail plates. Creams and ointments are used to treat psoriasis on the nails.

    Nail psoriasis must be treated with drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect - Triderm cream, Triacort, Sinaflan, Triamcinolone, Advantan.

    As a local drug to treat nail psoriasis , you can use a special varnish Clobetasol.

    Products with vitamin D3 will be useful for psoriasis. These include Daivonex, Calcitriene - they are able to inhibit the pathological division of psoriatic cells. It is not advisable to treat fingernail psoriasis in children with these remedies due to side effects.

    As dermatotropic drugs, you can use Porax ointment, Micanol, as well as Cygnoderm, Ditrastik - they inhibit cell reproduction and inhibit the manifestation of pathology. This leads to a weakening of the pathology. Toenail psoriasis can be treated with the same treatment by applying the medication under a bandage to the toes.

    How to treat psoriasis on the face

    Psoriasis on the face has the most negative reviews - the pathology is quite difficult to cope with in order to stop attacks, and even with successful treatment, psoriasis leaves marks on the skin that represent a significant cosmetic defect. That is why in the treatment of psoriasis on the face it is necessary to approach the treatment of pathology as competently as possible.

    Today, corticosteroid drugs are a priority, since they provide the best effect and allow us to fight even the advanced stage of the disease.

    It is impossible to use corticosteroids for a long time, so doctors limit their use, and to treat psoriasis on the face with the safest drugs, prescribing them a week after strong drugs.

    Among the safest medications are Lokoid, Cortade, Laticort, Dexaven, Dexazone, and Dexamed. In order for the drugs to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to apply them together with emollients - lotions and creams with a moisturizing effect to create an epidermal barrier.

    How to treat psoriasis on the legs

    Psoriasis on the sole of the feet is not so common, but this type of pathology brings significant difficulties to patients. to treat palmoplantar psoriasis with hormonal drugs Triderm, Daivobet, Elokom, Dermovate, Advantan, Travocort. It is not recommended to treat psoriasis in children with hormones, and if they are prescribed, it is for a short period of time.

    After targeted therapy with hormonal drugs, psoriasis on the legs can be treated with non-hormonal drugs. Among them, the following give a good effect:

    Vitamin-enriched ointments with a moisturizing effect, Zorak, Ditranal, and Tazoroten, will be useful. To soften the skin, you can also use veterinary drugs, in particular Burenka and Zorka creams - they perfectly moisturize the surface of the skin. The forum for people suffering from psoriasis contains many positive reviews about these drugs.

    How to treat psoriasis on the hands

    The standard treatment for the disease is hormonal ointments. They work well when pathology is activated, when psoriasis vulgaris manifests itself in men and women. It is necessary to treat an exacerbation with hormonal ointments until complete remission. They are also used for persistent rashes that cannot be treated with non-hormonal drugs.

    The medicine is selected individually. At the initial stage of therapy, doctors relieve itching and inflammation with hormonal medications. to treat psoriasis on the hands with aggressive drugs for too long to avoid side effects.

    The disease psoriasis at an early stage of detection of plaques on the hands can be treated with ointments:

    What ointments are best to use during the remission stage - the doctor will tell you after the examination. The disease needs to be controlled so that periods of remission are longer, although psoriasis cannot be cured forever , but relapses with proper treatment will occur much less frequently.

    What ointments can be used to treat psoriasis on the face?



To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, you should try to protect your eyes as much as possible from the negative effects of the environment and refuse to use conventional decorative cosmetics during the treatment period.

However, you don't need to give up makeup completely. But it is important to pay attention to what kind of cosmetic products you use. When psoriasis appears in the eyes, the main condition for the decorative and skincare cosmetics used becomes hypoallergenic and has a natural composition.

Psoriasis in the eyes is a very unpleasant disease that can develop into serious vision problems. Therefore, at the first signs of a disorder, it is necessary to consult a doctor and begin a course of treatment, in accordance with all the recommendations of a specialist.

Skin care features

Localization of psoriatic plaques around the eyes requires careful care of the skin of the eyelids and face:

  • Only hypoallergenic baby products are used for washing;
  • after water procedures, do not wipe the eyes and face, leaving them to dry naturally;
  • protect from the aggressive effects of temperature factors - overdrying, sunburn, chapping, hypothermia;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics to mask skin defects in order to avoid: clogging of pores, deprivation of respiration cells;
  • as a result, slowing down regenerative processes in tissues;
  • there is a threat of infection of the damaged epidermis.

Compliance with medical recommendations and following the advice of traditional medicine can achieve stable remission for psoriasis localized around the eyes. Without an exacerbation, the skin of the eyelids can be cleared of defects almost completely.

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