How to remove allergic swelling from the face - folk remedies

Features of the occurrence of allergic edema

Swelling from allergies is not associated with bruises or wounds. The mechanism of formation is an unusual reaction to allergens. Contact with chemical or biological substances is normally accompanied by the production of antibodies. These are special immune cells that can destroy or limit the effects of various factors. Some of them are responsible for memory and “specialize” in transferring experience to next generations (from mother to child). Therefore, the body becomes allergenic, despite the absence of direct contact.

When a foreign antigen enters, the existing antibodies produce biologically active substances (histamine, prostaglandins, kinins), which increase the permeability of the vascular wall. The liquid part of the blood enters the tissues and floods them. The external manifestation is swelling of a part of the body. Internal swelling invisible to the eye is much more dangerous.

The allergic process develops at a fast or slow speed. Accordingly, doctors distinguish 2 types:

immediate - symptoms occur immediately upon contact with an irritating factor; slow - appears after 1-2 days. Edema is more typical for the first type.

In therapy, it is important to take into account the mechanism of allergic edema; the prescribed medications depend on it.

The main causes of swelling due to allergies

The most common causes of hypersensitivity and allergic edema with an immediate type of reaction are natural, household and artificial factors. The main allergens are:

  • house dust;
  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • animal hair;
  • food products (eg milk, nuts, honey, garlic, oranges);
  • saliva obtained from insect bites (wasps, ticks, mosquitoes);
  • various synthetics (cleaning products, aerosols, fabrics, gels and creams);
  • medications.

In a person weakened by a chronic disease, increased sensitivity is maintained by pathological microorganisms and their decay products. Allergic swelling must be relieved with potent antibacterial drugs and hormonal agents.


According to the localization of allergic edema, clinical types are distinguished. They are accompanied by different signs. The following appears on the face:

  • swelling of the eyes (upper and lower eyelids) - with simultaneous lacrimation, itching, redness of the skin and sclera, complete closure of the eyelids is possible;
  • increased thickness of the lips and tongue with swelling and burning sensation;
  • the nose and nasopharynx are the first to encounter the antigen that comes with dust during breathing; manifestations are typical in the spring flowering period, at home during cleaning of the room. Allergic swelling narrows the nasal passages, makes breathing and swallowing difficult, causes a runny nose (allergic rhinitis), and when lowered to the level of the vocal cords, the voice changes.

The most dangerous is the narrowing of the throat and airways caused by edematous mucosa. It begins with allergic swelling of the nasopharynx. The narrowing of the bronchi is facilitated by the concomitant spasm of the muscle layer. Severe shortness of breath and bluish lips appear. Single attacks soon develop into bronchial asthma.

Swelling of the legs due to allergies is rare. Redness and itching begins with the fingers, then the ankles and the outer arch of the foot swell. It is impossible to put your usual shoes on your feet.

Proper nutrition

In many cases, a diet helps get rid of hives on the face; if the patient eats properly, there is no question of how to treat the allergy.

Table: List of prohibited and permitted products

Products containing allergensHypoallergenic products
CitrusFruits and berries not included in the list of prohibited
Fish and seafoodBuckwheat, rice, rolled oats
Fatty meats, chickenLean beef and lamb
NutsDried fruits
Products with cocoaGreen tea
Smoked meatsVegetable oil
Red vegetables, fruits and berriesZucchini, squash, green apples, plums, watermelons
Chicken eggsPumpkin
Cow's milkFermented milk products
HoneySugar (in very small quantities)
BakingRye flour bread

If a product is found that causes hives, it is excluded from the diet completely. When an allergen cannot be detected, a strict hypoallergenic diet is followed when eating.

What is Quincke's edema?

The disease occurs in paroxysms; the medical name is “angioedema.” The role of nervous regulation of vascular tone and permeability is emphasized. Refers to immediate type reactions. Covers any area of ​​the face, neck, genitals, tongue. More often observed in people with an allergic rash (urticaria), bronchial asthma. The tissues swell suddenly (“before our eyes”). Choking due to compression of the respiratory tract requires immediate medical measures. A dangerous consequence of inaction is a state of shock and respiratory arrest.

The pathology can acquire a relapsing course. People with:

  • decreased thyroid function;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • parasitic infestations (giardiasis, ascariasis);
  • chronic foci of infection (caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis).

Non-allergic Quincke's edema is possible. It is caused by hereditary transmission of genetic deficiency of enzymes that form kinin-like protein

Provoking factors for non-allergic Quincke's edema are any allergens, infection, intoxication with toxic substances or medications, sunlight, frosty air, and a stressful situation.

How does swelling due to allergies differ from other types?

Edema syndrome is a companion to decompensation of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney failure. In differential diagnosis, it is important to take into account the distinctive signs of allergic origin, this helps to select the right therapy. When examining and interviewing the patient, you need to pay attention to the following features of allergies:

  • swelling most often affects the upper parts of the body;
  • asymmetry (appears on one side);
  • does not shift when changing position, in the evening;
  • grows quickly;
  • accompanied by other allergic symptoms (redness of the skin, itching, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, lacrimation, fever).


First of all, diagnostic measures are aimed at establishing the factor that provoked the swelling. Therefore, collecting anamnesis and interviewing those present during the attack and the patient himself is so important.

For research, blood is taken for specific immunoglobulins and allergy tests are performed. Additionally, tests are carried out with urine and blood for biochemical components, as well as analysis of elements from the complement system, such as worms and protozoa. Autoimmune pathologies and diseases of the blood and gastrointestinal tract are excluded.

Emergency care for allergic edema

What to do with swelling due to allergies at home depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of the symptoms. If the manifestations concern only moderate swelling of the lips or eyes, you need to:

  • stop contact with the probable antigen (food, bouquet of flowers, animal);
  • ventilate the room and do wet cleaning;
  • give alkaline drink (still mineral water);
  • ensure rest and semi-bed rest;
  • take an antihistamine tablet;
  • if a person has a special aerosol with him, do inhalation;
  • to accelerate cleansing of the body, drink a drug from the group of enterosorbents (Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb).

You should call an ambulance if the swelling increases and difficulty breathing occurs. The team doctor will decide how to relieve allergic swelling. You cannot refuse hospitalization; the symptoms are difficult to distinguish from incipient autoimmune diseases. It is better to conduct a timely examination and identify the antigen.

Nutrition and diets

It is necessary to remove allergenic foods from the diet:

  • citrus;
  • sweet products;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • alcohol.

You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you consume; if you are not allergic to them, introduce healthy, high-protein foods into your diet - chicken fillet and red fish. Proper nutrition improves the general condition of the body, and therefore the skin of the face.


Treatment of swelling caused by allergies

The problem of how to relieve swelling due to allergies is solved by counteracting the mechanisms of pathology formation. Actions are aimed at:

  • breaking the connection with the antigen (stop contact);
  • diluting the concentration of antibodies in the blood;
  • removal of dangerous metabolic products through the urine and intestines;
  • suppression of the synthesis of histamine-like substances;
  • blocking excessive hypersensitivity.

Given the variety of allergens, it is recommended that the patient be placed in a clean room where wet cleaning is carried out regularly. Contact with pets and birds is prohibited. You are allowed to clean the apartment wearing a mask and gloves, and not to use household cleaning products. Spicy seasonings, eggs, fried foods, dairy products, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, and mayonnaise are excluded from the diet. Smoking cessation is required. Nicotine provokes an allergic reaction.

To reduce the concentration of antigen+antibody complexes in the blood, it is recommended to drink plenty of alkaline mineral water. Swelling on the face and in the nasopharynx is relieved with diuretics (Furosemide). Enterosorbent drugs, after ingestion, attract toxic substances and foreign particles to their surface and remove them during bowel movements. It is necessary to take Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta in sufficient dosage for 3–4 days. The hemosorption method (blood purification by passing through filters) is used for severe manifestations of allergies.

Antihistamines block the production of histamine and inflammatory elements. In addition to Diphenhydramine and Suprastin, Loratadine, Ketotifen, Chloropyramine, and Diphenhydramine are used. The doctor prescribes injections for accelerated action, then switches to tablets.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, corticosteroid drugs are used. They suppress excessive accumulation of immune cells (Dexamethasone, Polcortalone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone). The drugs are prescribed in injections, tablets, aerosols, and nasal drops. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the patient's condition.

If laryngeal edema has developed, inhalations with adrenergic agonists (Salbutamol), corticosteroids, and inhalation of an oxygen mixture are added to therapy. Failure to achieve results requires intubation, tracheostomy and switching to mechanical ventilation.

To relieve the negative effects on the vascular wall, Ascorutin is indicated. In the treatment of hereditary angioedema, transfusion of fresh plasma containing enzyme inhibitors is used.

How to prevent allergies with swelling?

People with allergic manifestations should constantly monitor compliance with the doctor’s recommendations:

  • to eliminate contact with the allergen, it is not recommended to use household chemicals, untested shampoos, and cosmetics;
  • Pets and birds will have to be removed from the place of residence;
  • the room should be regularly ventilated, washed, and dust should not accumulate;
  • During the flowering period of plants, it is not recommended to walk on the street;
  • do not use unfamiliar medications;
  • All substances that can become antigens are excluded from food; special importance is given to canned food, semi-finished products, chips and instant meals, drinks with additives;
  • getting rid of foci of chronic infection in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth and sinuses helps reduce the body's hypersensitivity;
  • taking antihistamines in a minimal dosage is allowed when allergy symptoms begin; Some antigens, once identified, make it possible to conduct a course of specific desensitization; for this you need to contact an allergist and undergo the recommended examination.

Allergy swelling is manifested by external and internal symptoms. The severity depends on the production of histamine-like substances and location. It is difficult to help at home; it is impossible to independently distinguish normal swelling from a sign of another disease. You need to call an ambulance or see a doctor. Examination and treatment will help determine the nature of allergic edema and select the optimal treatment.

Possible complications

You need to know that increasing symptoms can be a manifestation of a dangerous condition - Quincke's edema. It occurs on the loose tissue of the internal mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. The skin becomes especially dense and does not redden. The disease requires immediate medical attention. The rapid spread of edema can spread to the larynx and lead to suffocation.

As an emergency, you can inject a 0.1% solution of Adrenaline under the skin. Mandatory hospitalization is required. Prescribe drugs to remove excess fluid from the body, hormonal drugs. When the face is swollen, antihistamines are used both in the form of injections and tablets based on the severity of the condition:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Diazolin.

The latest drugs are effective:

  • Lordestin;
  • Norastemizole;
  • Fexofenadine.

People who have had angioedema at least once are at risk; they should carry a card with information about the allergen and avoid contact with any irritant. It’s a good idea to have a set of first aid medications in your mobile first aid kit.

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