Can adults and children be allergic to apples, symptoms and causes?

Why does it occur

Such an allergic reaction rarely leads to serious complications. The substance that provokes hypersensitivity is beta-carotene. It is considered a natural dye. Therefore, if an apple has a rich color, then the risk of an allergy to it is higher.

The problem is faced by people who consume apples in excessive quantities every day without subjecting them to heat treatment.

Sometimes the reaction is due to plant pollen getting on the fruit. Therefore, before eating, fruits should be washed well under running water.

Serious manifestations of allergies occur under the influence of chemical pesticides. They are used to treat trees against parasites. They can even lead to anaphylactic shock.

With increased sensitivity to apples, symptoms also appear under the influence of fruit juice. But deterioration in well-being does not occur when a person drinks fruit juice that has been clarified and sterilized.

There are cases where there is no sensitivity to apples, but products based on them make you sick. It is related to cider or vinegar. In this case, the allergy is caused by a yeast fungus present in both products. After it enters the body, the stomach is upset.

What is oral allergy syndrome (hay fever)?

Unlike peanut, wheat, or shellfish allergies, some allergies are caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. This reaction can cause some people to have an itchy mouth after eating certain foods, including apples, which contain proteins that are very similar to pollen.

Oral allergy syndrome is also called hay fever.

Doctors generally believe that hay fever is a mild form of food allergy caused by a contact allergic reaction in the mouth and throat. This means that a person with this condition reacts to the touch of an apple to the lining of the mouth.

People with oral allergy syndrome react to foods based on what type of seasonal allergies they have. For example, a person with an apple allergy will likely be allergic to birch pollen, which is very common in the spring.

If a person finds that seasonal allergy symptoms are worse in the spring, they may be more likely to have cross-reactive oral allergy syndrome from eating apples.

How the problem manifests itself

Allergy to apples in adults and children has similar symptoms. Deterioration in health is usually caused by eating fruits. But if there is jam, jam or marmalade, then there is no allergy. This is due to the fact that allergens are concentrated in the apple peel. After its removal, the fruit becomes almost completely safe. In adults, sensitization is rare.

Hypersensitivity to apples is accompanied by:

  1. Atopic dermatitis. With this problem, the surface of the skin becomes covered with rashes that are very itchy. The rash is localized in the face, neck and arms. Over time, peeling occurs. If you scratch the rash, you can get infected and a purulent process will begin.
  2. Quincke's edema. With this condition, swelling appears on the face, feet, and hands. With rapid swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, suffocation may occur.
  3. Anaphylactic shock. This condition occurs very rarely with apple intolerance. At the same time, life-threatening symptoms quickly increase in the form of increased agitation, convulsions, and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

To confirm the problem, skin tests are performed and antibodies to a specific substance are detected in the blood.


Allergies occur due to direct contact with irritants. The reaction can be triggered by a specific protein (Mal d1), beta-carotene or apple pigments in the fruit. Most of these substances are contained in the peel; the pulp is less allergenic.

The concentration of allergens in fruits depends on growing conditions, variety and maturity. Red apples are more likely to trigger an immune response than green apples. The most allergenic varieties are Golden Delicious, Cox Orange Pepin and Granny Smith. Very rarely, the disease develops when consuming Honey Crisp, Mantet, Gloster and Prima. After heat treatment, apples lose some of their irritants.

A common cause of allergy to apples is individual intolerance to the substances that are used for their cultivation, storage and transportation.

The following factors increase the risk of developing allergies:

  • genetic predisposition: the probability of illness in a child, one of whose parents suffers from allergies, is 50%, if both parents are 90%;
  • cross-reaction: occurs to components similar in composition to the main allergen (noted when consuming quince, pear, carrot, celery or birch pollen);
  • weakened immunity due to inflammation or infectious diseases;
  • abuse of raw apples;
  • insufficient processing of fruits before eating.

Allergies can appear during pregnancy. This is caused by changes in hormonal levels and immune status.

Treatment methods

Most often, a child is allergic to apples. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then they resort to specific immunotherapy. In this case, certain doses of the allergen are introduced into the body to develop stable immunity. The duration of treatment is about four years. This option is effective, but rarely occurs for food allergies.

If you become sensitized, you must stop contacting the allergen. To relieve the clinical manifestations of an allergic reaction, antihistamines and hormonal agents are used.

The course of treatment must include cleansing the digestive system, nasal cavity and mouth.

In case of acute allergy attacks, you cannot do without:

  1. Epinephrine injections. This is a fast-acting drug that stops the production of histamine, relaxes muscle tissue and makes breathing easier.
  2. Antihistamines to block histamine, eliminate itching and constant sneezing.
  3. Corticosteroid hormones, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Bronchodilators. They are necessary during an asthma attack to relax the airways and improve the breathing process.

If a baby has an allergy to apples, then there is a possibility that over time the condition will normalize and the fruit will not cause such a reaction.


To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must consult an allergist. He needs to know all the clinical manifestations. Then the specialist will order laboratory tests.

Allergy tests are used to determine intolerance. This can be an intradermal injection of apple peel protein or pigment. After this, changes in the skin on the inside of the forearm (at the injection site) are observed for 30 minutes. If severe redness, itching, or various rashes appear, this indicates the presence of an allergy.

Scanning tests are also carried out. To do this, small incisions are made on the skin of the inner side of the forearm, into which a small amount of the allergen is dripped. Next, as in the previous study, changes in the skin and general condition are observed.

One of the most modern methods is a blood test for the presence of antibodies (class E immunoglobulins) to apple proteins. If their content is increased, this indicates intolerance.

What apples can you eat during lactation?

Like any product, apples should be eaten subject to special rules. Despite being hypoallergenic, raw fruit sometimes causes colic and stomach upsets in babies. Therefore, an excellent option would be baked apples, which, when processed, retain almost all their beneficial properties and are more easily absorbed in the still fragile baby’s body.

Some doctors do not recommend eating red apples, as the bright color of the peel causes allergies. However, if you remove the peel, the fruit can be eaten without any fear.

You can introduce fresh apples into your mother’s diet 2-3 months after giving birth. It is better to eat green varieties or remove the peel. Green fruits are safer than red ones and contain more iron. And baked apples can be eaten during breastfeeding already in the first week of the baby’s life.

The main thing is to take a small dose and carefully monitor the baby’s well-being. If you eat this product, monitor your newborn for two days. No colic or allergies? Then you can safely eat apples.

The permissible norm is one apple per day. By the way, one fruit is enough to satisfy the body's needs for iron, calcium and fiber during breastfeeding.

Avoid store-bought apples. It is better for a nursing mother to eat fruits from her own garden. If such products cannot be obtained, then choose the fruits carefully. Take seasonal apples from Russian producers.

Why is it dangerous?

Allergic reactions are unpredictable . If a child tries a new product for the first time, it is important to carefully monitor his condition: even a tiny amount of the allergen can cause severe, life-threatening symptoms.

The most dangerous manifestations of allergies:

If it is very difficult for a child to breathe, he is suffocating, and the allergy symptoms are very pronounced, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Before her arrival, it is important to try to calm the child : many children become very frightened when they see their parents’ reaction to their condition and experience severe difficulty breathing. Fear can further intensify breathing problems.

Baked apples recipe

To prepare baked apples, you don’t need a lot of time or special skills. Take green fruits, 2-3 pieces will be enough. Remove the top and core with seeds to create an apple “cup”. Add one teaspoon of sugar inside.

The “cups” are covered with the tops, placed in a deep container and covered with a lid or plate. Place the dish in the microwave for five minutes. You can eat apples!

You can also simply cut the apples into slices and lightly sprinkle them with sugar. Bake the dish in the microwave for 5-10 minutes at a power of 350-400 W. The time is chosen depending on preferences. Five minutes is enough for the apples to become soft and transparent.

When feeding, a woman greatly limits her diet. Apples not only provide useful vitamins and elements, but also diversify the menu. They will give you energy, strength and vigor.

Low allergenic products

These products include spinach, prunes, sweet and sour apples, broccoli, lamb, green peas, white cabbage, horse meat, fermented milk products, tea, yellow cherries, zucchini, cucumbers, millet, pearl barley, gooseberries, squash, dried apricots, yellow plums , lettuce, vegetable oil, turnips, pumpkin, dates, white currants, ghee, cauliflower, green beans.

Basically, a person is allergic to one or two types of food, but sometimes a larger number of foods have a negative effect. It is worth remembering that the more allergenic products on the menu, the higher the risk of cross-reactions - and if a person is susceptible to allergies, serious complications may arise. If an allergy has already manifested itself, normally non-allergic products can also have a negative impact. These products include those that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Apples in the diet of a nursing mother

If the fruit does not cause negative reactions in the mother, for example, flatulence or bloating, apples can be eaten in the usual quantity when feeding a newborn. They are unlikely to cause colic or constipation.

But there are several rules for their use.

  • Local fruits. The healthiest and safest will be those grown in your region. Such apples are not processed in order to “reach” the buyer in an attractive form. Fruits from Turkey and Egypt are treated with a wax-containing compound before being sent to Russia. You cannot eat it; you must wash the fruit thoroughly with hot water, soap and a brush. You can also peel off the peel, but in this case the bulk of the valuable fiber will not enter your body.
  • Mom's reaction. Apples contain fruit acids that can increase stomach acidity. They also negatively affect tooth enamel if it was damaged during pregnancy. If you have unpleasant reactions, eat the fruits in small quantities - one or two apples per day. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth, visit your dentist and use fluoride toothpastes to strengthen your enamel.
  • Child's reaction. The baby’s intestines will best answer the question whether a nursing mother can eat green apples or red fruits, and in what quantity. If you notice bloating in your baby, reduce your daily portion of fruit. But don't rule them out completely! “You should definitely eat apples,” notes obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Pershina. — These are healthy and hypoallergenic fruits. In case of flatulence, which occurs not only in the child, but also in the mother, you can eat them baked.”

Baking destroys most of the vitamins, so the nutritional value of the product is reduced. But at high temperatures, the fiber softens, which creates difficulties in digesting the fruit. Therefore, the fruits are absorbed faster and easier.

Dessert in the oven

A recipe for baked apples during breastfeeding will be an excellent solution to the problem of individual intolerance to these fruits. And it will allow you to diversify the menu with an original and healthy dessert. You can prepare the dish in the oven, microwave or slow cooker. Apples during breastfeeding, baked with sugar, can be prepared in a matter of minutes.


  • Take the required number of fruits and cut off the tops.
  • Remove the center with a spoon or knife.
  • Sprinkle each apple with a teaspoon of sugar. You can use honey if you are not allergic to it.
  • Cover with cut tops.
  • Place on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Microwave cooking time is only five minutes. Before baking, cover the plate with apples with another plate on top. In a multicooker, use the “Bake” mode. The fruits only need twenty minutes to cook.

The advantage of baked fruits is their gentle, gentle effect on the intestines. They have a mild laxative effect, but do not stimulate gas formation.

A little experimentation will turn baked fruits into a luxurious dessert if you add raisins and dried apricots, a spoonful of cottage cheese mixed with sugar, or nuts with honey.

The question of whether you can eat apples during breastfeeding does not deserve attention, according to lactation consultants. It is difficult to find a safer product in a mother’s diet that is equally tasty and healthy. The risk of allergic reactions from it is extremely small, and individual intolerance with intestinal discomfort is extremely rare. Eat green, red, yellow apples, raw or baked, to your heart's content!

Solnze_2006 10/22/2007 at 22:56:06

Who was allergic to baked apple?

Can you explain why you are allergic to a baked apple? My daughter prefers a baked apple. And not right away, but on the fifth day it started to climb. All the doctors just convince me that this cannot happen. That baked apple is a type of sorbent. I don’t give any fruit anyway, I was hoping for an apple, but here it’s such a mess. Maybe I'll try banana later. But when will it be possible to eat an apple, I hope it will be possible. After all, this is the main fruit.

tbs 25/10/2007 at 00:16:35

We had it. She came out the next day.

Gradually I tried several varieties (green). Now we eat it in purees. TTT

Solnze_2006 10/23/2007 at 11:54:21

So we are not alone. I gave Calvin and Golden.

It's a pity of course. In addition to cereals, potatoes and roots, I would like to give at least some fruit at 9.5 months. Maybe I'll try a banana later. And then apple compote, for example. Thank you girls! I'm already upset.

  • Gallaua 23/10/2007 at 16:02:00

    You can even be allergic to water :(((from the tap, that’s why she’s allergic..

    again, the apple may have been processed with something... or it may simply be an enzyme deficiency, which then provokes an allergy. Therefore, it should go away with age.. But in the spring, avoid blooming apple trees for now.

laFiesta 22/10/2007 at 23:16:54

We are allergic to a lot of things, including raw and baked apples, including green ones.

I hope that the apples just came out of stock, because the season has begun and my daughter ate a lot of them. I won't give it a month yet. The only fresh fruit I give is pear. There is a reaction to everything else, and to banana too, which is quite a common occurrence, by the way. From puree - banana, pear, peach. More raisins. All((

  • Solnze_2006 10/23/2007 at 12:01:39

    Did you also determine by trial what was possible?

    And we have a reaction to pears, peaches, plums through my milk. Apparently not for a banana.

    laFiesta 10/24/2007 at 00:27:46

    Trial and error

    Everything to which there was a reaction through my milk gives a reaction even now if it is given to a child (we are 1.7), plus new irritants have been added, to which there was no reaction through milk. I’m still breastfeeding and apparently will be breastfeeding for a long time, I already eat quite a lot myself, the reactions through milk have almost gone away (but I don’t overuse).

natas 10/23/2007 at 09:49:46

It's like we're allergic

The little one's butt turns terribly red after a baked apple. Boiled apple, raw - ok.

Shooter 23/10/2007 at 02:02:10

We had it on Golden, but not on the others()


Strelka and Strelchonok (August 2005)

Svetl 23/10/2007 at 10:57:38

We didn't have an allergy, per se, but

persistent constipation. And then everything went to my skin. So I wouldn’t be so sure about the baked apple, pectins and sorbent. At one time I was also surprised and found it hard to believe that this could happen. I removed everything using sorbent (clay), it took 10 days. Everything is fine. Now we eat absolutely everything.

  • Solnze_2006 10/23/2007 at 12:03:10

    Hmm, we got constipated after I started giving him an apple.

    As it happens.

Apples are the only fruit that can be eaten in the first month after the baby is born. Due to its hypoallergenicity and large amount of vitamins, the product is useful and safe during lactation.

Apples extremely rarely cause allergies, so a nursing mother can eat these fruits without fear. This product has a lot of vitamins and useful elements that improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin. And the plant fiber contained in the fruit will fill the body with energy and become an effective remedy for the prevention of constipation.

Apple is a source of health and beauty, which is necessary for the body of mother and baby. When feeding, all useful elements reach the baby through milk. They contribute to the proper development and growth of the child. The substances will help a nursing mother cope with digestive problems and improve the condition of her skin and hair.

Beneficial properties of apples

These fruits have long been known for their amazing composition, which includes various vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron

Many people have heard about the benefits of apples. These fruits have long been known for their amazing composition, which includes various vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron and other beneficial substances. It is this composition that makes apples an invaluable fruit, which a young developing organism especially needs. Apples have a lot of useful properties:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • nourish the heart muscle;
  • normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • help strengthen bones;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • stabilize the digestive tract, accelerate the production of gastric juice;
  • increase appetite.

Despite all the benefits that apples have for the human body, they can cause serious harm in the form of an allergic reaction.

Is there an allergy to green apples?

Each variety of apple contains different amounts of major allergens. Thus, due to the high content of allergenic proteins, red varieties most often cause a negative reaction. Allergies to green fruits occur less frequently.

It is worth noting that when apples are frozen, they become less allergenic. To check whether this method is suitable, you should eat a small piece of fruit.

It is also important to note that some allergy sufferers can safely eat yellow and red fruits, but be allergic to red apples. If such a food allergic reaction is not treated, then the spectrum of allergens may further expand.

When to see a doctor

Anyone experiencing food allergy symptoms should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. While doctors may test immunoglobulin antibodies to identify food anaphylactic risk. This procedure may not be accurate for diagnosing oral allergy syndrome.

Anyone with allergies should be aware of the risk of anaphylaxis, a medical emergency that causes the body to go into shock when blood pressure rapidly decreases and the airway narrows.

A person experiencing symptoms of anaphylaxis should seek medical help immediately, especially if the person has any type of allergy. Symptoms of anaphylaxis usually begin immediately and include:

  • labored breathing;
  • confused speech;
  • hoarse voice;
  • swollen throat and swelling in and around the mouth;
  • low heart rate;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • nausea.

How to reduce food allergies

Those who struggle with allergic reactions can reduce their risk of developing allergies. For example, before cooking cereals, pesticides can be removed from them by soaking them in water for 10 hours. Also soak the potatoes in cold water for 12 hours, after finely chopping them if you are allergic to starch. When cooking meat, the first broth is drained after 10 minutes, and cooking is completed in a new broth. In general, it is better to cook first courses in water or weak meat broth (the meat is not fatty and boneless). It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable or ghee oil.

Boiling, steaming and baking are recommended as cooking methods for allergy sufferers. Food must be freshly prepared, since long-term storage causes fermentation and rotting processes to occur, which can aggravate the allergy sufferer’s condition. Spicy, sour, salty, fried foods are contraindicated, as they irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods such as salt and sugar, as they increase the irritating effect of allergens; spices and vinegar increase the permeability of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which more allergens penetrate into the blood.

When vegetables, berries and fruits are heat treated, their possible allergic effect is reduced. The allergic effect of milk is reduced by heating and by the action of lactic acid bacteria.

Precautionary measures and advice from an experienced specialist will always help avoid allergies and make life easier. Be healthy!

Allergies to apples are quite rare. And although this fruit is considered hypoallergenic, intolerance to it occurs in both adults and children.

Product Features

“When I am asked whether apples can be consumed while breastfeeding, I answer: it is necessary, and already in the first month,” lactation expert Natalya Razakhatskaya comments on the question. — This product is hypoallergenic, reactions to it are extremely rare. If the mother did not have it during pregnancy, then it will not appear in the child either.”

At the same time, the benefits of apples during lactation are enormous. If only because this fruit is the cheapest and most accessible in our country. Nutritionists call it the fruit of health, and in the UK there is a proverb: “he who eats an apple every day never sees a doctor.”

  • Few calories. One hundred grams of apples contain no more than fifty kilocalories. Therefore, the fruit is considered a light and healthy snack. It does not increase the risk of gaining excess weight, but on the contrary, promotes weight loss. Recent studies have proven that fruit peels contain a unique substance - ursolic acid. It stimulates fat burning processes.
  • Lots of fibre. The peel of the fruit is especially rich in it, but it is also present in the pulp. Fiber improves intestinal function and reduces the risk of constipation, which often worries young mothers after childbirth.
  • Vitamins. Compared to citrus fruits, apples contain less vitamin C, but these fruits are much less allergenic. They also contain vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining vision and normalizing skin functions. And the group of B vitamins that are present in apples support the functioning of the nervous system during breastfeeding.
  • Microelements. Apples contain a record amount of potassium, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the heart muscle. They contain phosphorus and magnesium. But the level of iron, contrary to popular belief, is low, only 0.1 mg per hundred grams of product. Apples do not compensate for iron deficiency and do not eliminate the risk of anemia; for this, liver and red meat should be included in the diet.

Apples of all varieties, of which there are several dozen, have beneficial properties. They should be consumed fresh, always with the peel. Apple juice is also beneficial for breastfeeding due to its vitamin content, but it does not contain fiber. If it's a store-bought product, it contains a lot of sugar, which in drinks is especially dangerous as a source of empty calories.

Popular Misconceptions

Green apples are considered safer. They do not contain the red component, which is perceived by many women as an allergen. In fact, red apples, as well as green apples, are equally safe when breastfeeding, according to breastfeeding consultants.

“A nursing mother is scared of allergies to various foods,” explains lactation consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya. — Bananas, citrus fruits, and red apples are prohibited. I would like to say about this: any products that the mother consumed during pregnancy are not dangerous for the baby. If you are afraid of red fruits, remove the skin from them, although this will also be unnecessary.”

According to obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Pershina, an allergy to red apples may occur during breastfeeding. However, the reason will be individual intolerance to them by the child’s body, which is inherited. “The presence of a genetic predisposition really serves as a risk factor and leads to the development of food allergies. But it manifests itself extremely rarely.”

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