Diet for Atopic Dermatitis in Children Weekly Menu Recipes

Diet for children: basic rules

Pediatricians and nutritionists have developed several basic rules that will help avoid the appearance of symptoms of atopic dermatitis in a child and improve his condition if the disease has already occurred. Experts recommend:

  • provide the child with fractional meals (it is better to make meals more often, but smaller in volume);
  • do not force the child to eat if he does not want to;
  • avoid overeating;
  • Eliminate foods that aggravate symptoms from your diet.

No sugar

Eliminating various sweets from your daily diet is one of the most difficult tasks. Children very quickly get used to the taste of sweets, so if atopic dermatitis appears before the age of one year (and this happens in 70% of cases), it is easier not to give the child sweets at all. When introducing complementary foods for atopic dermatitis, you can include dried fruits in small quantities, all kinds of puddings and hypoallergenic fruits in the diet.

Keep a food diary and monitor your baby's skin

Keeping a food diary is also not an easy task. Parents do not always have enough time to write down the foods their child eats during the day. However, only through methodical monitoring of the child’s condition after eating this or that food can remission of dermatitis be achieved. It is necessary to make it a rule: to write down in a notebook every day the foods that the child eats (this especially applies to the period when complementary foods are introduced). Thus, if after some time a rash appears on the body, the allergen can be excluded and the child’s condition will improve.

Diet for dermatitis in adults and children: menu, table of allowed foods


Many skin pathologies develop when a person neglects proper nutrition. When compiling a menu for a patient, doctors solve 2 main problems:

Importance of Nutrition

  • reduce the concentration of allergens,
  • activate the removal of toxins that have accumulated in tissues.

Dietary nutrition is prescribed for different types of allergies (food and those caused by other provoking factors) . Damaged epithelial tissues on the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body heal faster if the patient strictly follows the diet.

For each type of dermatitis, a special nutrition plan is drawn up. However, there is a general list of products prohibited for use for all pathologies.

The list includes:

  • seafood and some types of fish,
  • vegetables and fruits with a red-orange color,
  • undiluted milk,
  • products made from wheat flour and cereals,
  • products with added soy,
  • eggs,
  • honey,
  • berries,
  • products containing cocoa,
  • coffee,
  • alcohol,
  • packaged juices,
  • nuts.

Patients are advised to forget about sweets. They inhibit the removal of toxic substances from tissues . The diet is based on foods that do not put stress on the liver. With allergic reactions, the intensity of the organ’s work increases significantly. When harmful substances enter, a critical situation may arise: the liver will no longer cope with the functions assigned to it.

If you have dermatitis, you should not consume:

  • fast food,
  • chips,
  • crackers with flavoring additives,
  • dishes seasoned with mayonnaise,
  • fried, spicy and fatty,
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades.

Accelerates the removal of toxic substances and allergens:

  • sufficient water,
  • bran,
  • wholemeal bread,
  • fiber-rich vegetables
  • green apples, used for fasting days.

Permitted products for adults

Table: Products approved for adults

VegetablesSalads, stews, purees, soupsTo dress salads, use vegetable oils, natural yogurt or kefir. Potato consumption is reduced
Fruits, berriesSalads, fresh and baked fruits, compotes, fruit drinksAny fruits and berries can trigger the development of allergies. Fruits that are intolerable to the patient and colored in orange-red tones are removed from the diet.
CerealsPorridge, side dishesCereals are boiled in water, seasoned with vegetable oil
Dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef)Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, boiled pieces, soupsThe meat is boiled, stewed or cooked in a double boiler. The ideal option for dietary nutrition is veal and beef. You may be allergic to other types of meat. Soups are cooked in the second broth. Refrain from adding spices
FishBoiled, baked or steamed piecesFish varieties that cause allergies are not included in the menu.
Fermented milk productsCottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurtDairy products are not included in the diet if you have an individual intolerance.
Vegetable oilOil is used to season porridges, salads, side dishes, etc.Peanut and sesame oils are not used. They can cause allergies
BeveragesCompotes, fruit drinks, jelly, green tea, herbal teasPrepare fruit and berry compotes using dry and fresh fruits
Omega-3 fatty acid foodsVegetable oil, seeds, fatty fishOmega-3s prevent damage to epithelial cells, relieve itching, eliminate flaking
Products containing lacto- and bifidobacteriaKefir, natural yogurtIf you are allergic to dairy products, take probiotics prescribed by your doctor
Foods rich in B vitaminsRye bread, cereals, meat, fish, liver, cottage cheeseB vitamins increase stress resistance and improve metabolism
Foods fortified with folic acid.Greens, liver, meatFoods with folic acid suppress the symptoms of dermatitis
Products with vitamin E and seleniumTocopherol is found in vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts. Selenium is found in cereals, celery, onions, and cabbage. Natural antioxidants destroy toxins and speed up their removal from the body
Products containing zincCereals, pumpkin, yeast, meat, liverZinc maintains water balance, regulates skin hydration, fights dryness and flaking

The diet menu for each adult patient is compiled individually.

Prohibited foods from the general list and foods that a particular patient cannot tolerate are removed from the diet. If allergens can be identified, they are excluded from the diet forever.


Nutritionists have developed many delicious and healthy recipes for dietary nutrition. They need to be mastered so that food does not seem bland and does not lead to depression.

  1. Dietary meat from a steamer. Pour water into the steamer bowl. Place peeled potatoes in the tray located below and add some salt. The tray located on top is filled with cauliflower, carrots, slices of chicken fillet, and some salt. The device is turned on at maximum power. After 60 minutes, a delicious dish is taken out of the steamer. Vegetables and meat are seasoned with sour cream.
  2. Fish fillet from a steamer. The tray is lined with lettuce or cabbage leaves, fish fillets are placed on them, sprinkled with chopped herbs, and a laurel leaf is added. A fragrant dietary dish will be prepared within 20 minutes if you set the device to maximum power.

Foods that children can eat

Table: Products approved for children

Hypoallergenic cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn)Porridge, side dishes
Flour productsRye bread
Low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese)Curds, curd casseroles
Vegetable oilsUsed as a dressing for salads, cereals, side dishes
Dietary meat (veal, beef, chicken, turkey)Steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs
White and green vegetablesSalads, soups, stews, purees
Fruits with green and yellow colorsCompotes, baked or fresh fruits
Berries that do not cause allergiesCompotes, fruit drinks, fresh

Children are given boiled, stewed, baked or steamed food. Make sure that it contains the full amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial substances necessary to eliminate the signs of dermatitis.

Dependence of nutrition on the type of disease

The type of pathology affects the diet for dermatitis. The main list of prohibited products remains unchanged. Allergens that cause one or another type of pathology are added to it.


Allergic dermatitis develops if a person eats foods that the body cannot tolerate. Food allergens that cause dermatitis should be excluded from the patient’s menu.

Allergies are often triggered by orange-red fruits and berries, milk protein, peanuts, cocoa, bee products, etc. Fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods can provoke the disease.

Food should be prepared from fresh ingredients. Vegetables and fruits are kept in water (usually overnight). This method allows you to remove allergy-causing substances from the fruit.


The diet for this type of dermatitis includes:

  • fermented milk products,
  • vegetables, greens, berries, fruits,
  • low fat meat,
  • clean water up to 2 liters per day (liquid dissolves toxic compounds and removes them from the body).

If the disease is caused by stress, herbal teas with soothing herbs (mint, chamomile, lemon balm) are introduced into the diet..

It is prohibited to consume industrial sweets and juices, carbonated water, flour products, fast food, semi-finished products, alcohol, fried, spicy foods.

Dühring's disease

Dühring's dermatitis occurs in people with hypersensitivity to cereal proteins. Gluten is a protein found in oats, wheat, barley and rye. The following is removed from the patient’s diet:

  • flour, products and dishes prepared with it (sauces, pasta and bakery products, kvass, beer, drinks containing barley),
  • dishes from legumes and cereals, cabbage,
  • ice cream, chocolate,
  • flour and bread coating.

For Dühring's dermatitis, you are allowed to eat:

  • corn, soybeans, rice, buckwheat,
  • meat, fish, milk,
  • fermented milk products,
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.


With atopic dermatitis, do not eat foods that cause allergies. Be sure to exclude common allergens:

  • smoked and canned,
  • bee products,
  • food containing cocoa
  • berries,
  • citrus,
  • spices,
  • nuts.

The transition to a diet begins with fasting. For 1-2 days, patients are allowed to drink water and weak tea without sugar. After this, the diet is expanded: fermented milk products, milk, white meat and fish dishes are introduced.

By gradually introducing new foods into the diet, observing the body’s reaction. Food that leads to an exacerbation of pathology is immediately removed from the menu forever.

In children

The diet of children with dermatitis should include neutral foods. But you should take care of a balanced diet. Products are selected taking into account the age of the children and individual developmental characteristics.

For infants up to 6 months of age, breast milk is sufficient. To prevent the baby from developing dermatitis, the mother must adhere to a diet.

The infant's diet begins to expand from 4-6 months. Hypoallergenic foods are introduced into the diet for children under one year of age. First, the baby is given vegetables and cereals. Then the menu is supplemented with homemade cottage cheese, kefir, fruit and meat purees. The baby will adapt to unfamiliar food without consequences if only 1 product is introduced for complementary feeding for 7-10 days.

The diet of children after a year with dermatitis is close to the diet of adults.

According to reviews from doctors and patients, dietary nutrition for dermatitis almost always has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The diet suppresses the signs of a difficult-to-treat disease, restores the functioning of organs, and accelerates recovery.


Features of the disease

Allergic dermatitis makes itself felt by rashes caused by the entry of an irritant into the body. When examining inflamed areas in the blisters, not antibodies will be detected, as with ordinary dermatitis, but lymphocytes - specific blood components that have left the bloodstream.

Allergic dermatitis develops gradually. First, redness and itching occur, and a runny nose, sneezing, or photophobia may also occur. Afterwards, the disease progresses - blisters and urticaria appear. The disease most often occurs in children under two years of age, but adults are also affected.

Diet for adults

All food is divided into the following groups:

  1. Highly allergenic products that provoke symptoms in almost all patients.
  2. Medium potency foods can also trigger dermatitis.
  3. Products of low allergenicity are extremely rarely irritants.

For allergic dermatitis, the diet is based specifically on the last group of products. The food consumed should not be an irritant for the patient.

The following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • You need to prepare food using gentle methods: boiling, baking or steaming.
  • It should be borne in mind that some foods by themselves do not provoke a reaction, but their combination can cause unpleasant symptoms.
  • Soups are prepared using the second broth. After boiling, the water is drained, and then fresh water is added. The soup is prepared only with this broth.
  • Before cooking, cereals must be soaked in cold water for at least eight hours.
  • Do not use hot spices, especially mustard.
  • It is not recommended to add drinks and sugar to dishes.
  • It is advisable to give up coffee. You can drink not too strong green tea without sugar. Alcohol is also prohibited during treatment.
  • You need to drink enough liquid water.
  • Adding bran to dishes is beneficial.
  • Whole grains are used instead of flour products.
  • You need to increase the amount of vegetables with coarse fiber in your diet.
  • It is useful to sometimes have apple fasting days. It is best to choose green apples.
  • It is important to limit salt and spices. Canned food and semi-finished products are excluded from the diet.
  • It is very important that all products are fresh. It is recommended to pre-soak fruits and vegetables in water. This will help reduce the concentration of harmful substances and nitrates in them.


Recommendations according to Komarovsky: is a strict diet necessary for atopic dermatitis?

Dr. Komarovsky has repeatedly touched upon the topic of atopic dermatitis in conversations with parents. And every time he insists that there is a fundamental difference between 2 forms of dermatitis: allergic and atopic. The doctor says that with allergic dermatitis, a connection is established between a certain food product (less often, several products) and the appearance of a rash. In atopic dermatitis, the mechanism of development of the rash is radically different.

Dr. Komarovsky insists on observing the following rule: if the rash always appears after the child has eaten a certain dish, it is better to exclude it from the diet. But if restrictions do not improve the child’s condition, then the cause of dermatitis must be sought elsewhere. You may need to review the temperature in the room, adjust your bathing routine, and regularly moisturize your skin.

Methods of treating the disease

The probability of hereditary transmission of AD to a child, if at least one of the parents is a carrier, is 60%. Therefore, future parents should take care of the health of their child before his birth, starting with pregnancy. The action of triggers triggers a number of inflammatory processes in the body, which continue even after the irritant has been completely removed from the environment of influence. Therefore, for complete healing and prevention of relapse of the disease, the following types of treatment are required:

  • Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis and control of the external environment.
  • Drug therapy (including antibiotics for acute and chronic forms of the disease).
  • External treatment.
  • Rehabilitation of the body.

When the first symptoms of AD appear in a child (red spots on the skin, itching, increased sweating, circles under the eyes, asphyxia), you should immediately seek help from a medical facility. The doctor will conduct a series of tests and write a prescription for medications.

Diet Basics for Infants

Since atopic dermatitis is one of the diseases that manifest (first arise) in early childhood, and often in infants, you need to know how to properly create a diet for mother and child for this period of time. The mother's diet is a factor that affects the quality of breast milk and, as a result, the condition of the child. If the child is on mixed or artificial feeding, it is necessary to choose the right formula for feeding.

How to choose a formula for infants who suffer from atopic dermatitis?

In most cases, allergic reactions in children who are mixed or bottle-fed are caused by exposure to proteins contained in cow's milk. This is due to the fact that the enzymatic systems of infants are not developed enough, so they cannot completely break down the complex protein contained in cow's milk. As a result of this, the immune system begins to perceive these proteins as “antigens” - foreign substances, and tries to get rid of them - an allergic reaction begins.

If it is not possible to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible, you need to approach the choice of formula responsibly. Pediatricians often advise buying formulas that contain soy protein. But in particularly sensitive children with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis, symptoms of the disease may also appear when feeding soy formula. In this case, it is recommended to feed the child with special medicinal mixtures. Their peculiarity is that they contain highly hydrolyzed milk proteins.

If your child has been diagnosed with atypical dermatitis, information about its treatment can be found here.

Nutrition of a nursing mother with atopic dermatitis in a child

The mother’s diet, as mentioned above, must be strictly observed - the future condition of the child directly depends on this. You need to select a diet individually: write down which foods could cause an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, and do not consume them anymore.

However, there are a number of foods that should be avoided immediately if a child is diagnosed with this disease. These include all fatty and fried foods, spicy, smoked, fast food, carbonated drinks. Do not overuse sweets (especially chocolate), seafood, citrus fruits, fatty meats, milk, honey and other highly allergenic foods.

Doctors recommend giving preference to boiled and baked foods, as well as steamed dishes. It is allowed to eat all kinds of cereal porridges: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina (with water). You can also include lean meat and fish, green vegetables, and fruits with a not very bright color in the menu. Fermented milk products and sweets such as marshmallows, marmalade, and marshmallows are allowed in small quantities.

Allergenicity of products

To facilitate the selection of a therapeutic diet, nutritionists classified food products based on the amount of antibodies in their composition and the reaction of the immune system. The result was three groups.

First group

Characterized by a high concentration of allergen in food. For dermatitis in adults, the menu should not contain:

  • citrus fruits, berries with red pigment (strawberries, raspberries, cherries), chocolate, drinks containing coffee beans and cocoa beans;
  • mayonnaise, dairy products (except fermented milk), natural honey;
  • hot and spicy seasonings (sauces, mustard, horseradish);
  • red vegetables (beets, radishes, tomatoes);
  • canned fish or meat, fresh and canned mushrooms, seafood in any form;

Drinking alcoholic beverages, especially red wines, is not recommended for dermatitis. They will increase the activity of the allergen.

Second group

Products of this group (moderately allergenic) contain fewer antibodies than representatives of the first. You can eat them as long as you monitor your reaction. The second group includes:

  • apricots, peaches, carrots (orange-colored vegetables and fruits):
  • rice, corn, cereals containing a minimum of fiber;
  • potatoes, green bell pepper;
  • poultry, rabbit, lean beef.

Diet for children after one year - example menu for several days

Nutritionists insist on following a rotation diet for children. The essence of this diet is that each product is included in the diet no more than once every 4 days. This will allow you to quickly identify the allergen during exacerbation of atopic dermatitis.

You also need to remember that it is necessary to make the child’s diet varied, include meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products, cereals, jelly, whole grain bread, herbal tea. All dishes should be prepared shortly before eating; it is better to give preference to boiled, baked and steamed foods. There are many recipes that will help a mother prepare tasty and healthy meals for a child who suffers from atopic dermatitis. We also must not forget that meals should be fractional, so between main meals you need to set aside time for snacks. These can be fermented milk products, dried fruits, fruit purees.

Below is an example of a diet for children of primary preschool age.

BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayBuckwheat porridge with water, low-fat cheese, rye bread with butterDurum wheat pasta soup, steamed chicken meatballs, stewed cabbageBanana puree, kefirFresh Chinese cabbage salad, stewed fish, green tea
TuesdayMashed potatoes with dill, sandwich with cottage cheese snack, tea with chamomileVegetable soup, beef meatballs, fresh vegetable salad, breadApple baked in the oven, fermented baked milkCottage cheese casserole, rice porridge, vegetable stew, jelly
WednesdayOatmeal with dried fruits, toast, yogurtPuree soup of zucchini, broccoli and squash, stewed liver, bread, tea with lemon balmPear, dried fruit compoteVegetable stew from zucchini with sour cream, bread, green tea
ThursdayBarley porridge, cucumber and herb salad, rye bread, teaSoup with not very strong meat broth, oven-baked vegetables, dried fruit compotePrunes (1-3 pcs), oatmeal jellyWater pancakes with cottage cheese, berry jelly

Atopic dermatitis refers to a number of diseases, the course of which directly depends on nutrition. That is why it is necessary to go to a medical facility in time and consult with a pediatrician not only about drug treatment, but also about nutrition. Keeping a food diary, following basic recommendations and correctly creating a menu are the main steps towards the recovery of a child with atopic dermatitis! You can learn about external treatment of atopic dermatitis in this article.

Special food for children with allergies

Babies are most likely to have negative reactions to certain foods because their digestive and immune systems are not yet fully developed. If a negative reaction is detected in a child, then all prohibited foods should be excluded from his diet for a week or 10 days. After this period, you need to gradually introduce all those foods that should not be consumed.

Most often, incompatibility in children is observed temporarily and goes away after a few months or years, but there are cases when some food irritants cannot be taken for life.

Negative reactions can also occur in infants; they especially often make themselves felt by the appearance of skin rashes. For atopic dermatitis in children, the mother is prescribed a special diet, from which absolutely all highly allergenic foods are excluded.

Recent research by doctors has confirmed that if a woman eats a certain food during pregnancy and does not experience any negative feelings, then the child will not suffer from intolerance to it. However, nursing mothers are not recommended to try any new, unfamiliar dishes, even if the baby feels well.

Despite the fact that the list of foods prohibited for consumption is very wide, it will not be difficult for you to eat a varied and healthy diet. Give preference to fresh food, buy it from trusted farmers rather than supermarkets, or grow it yourself if possible. This is the only way to protect yourself as much as possible from allergens and chemicals entering your body.

Products allowed for allergy sufferers:

  • natural fermented milk products without any fillers or sugar;
  • white lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), boiled lean veal;
  • some types of lean fish;
  • pearl barley, millet and oatmeal;
  • rice, corn and buckwheat bread;
  • white or green vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • green or black tea;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • still mineral water.

These products do not cause negative reactions in both children and adults, so they can be consumed during a diet. However, be careful, against the background of exacerbation of allergies, intolerance to even the most “harmless” components may occur. If negative reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sample diet menu:

  1. For breakfast, prepare oatmeal with butter and fresh green apples without peel, drink a cup of natural tea without aromatic additives.
  2. For lunch we eat a green apple baked in the oven and drink a glass of apple jelly.
  3. We have lunch with vegetable soup, in our case, we use only green and white ones, a piece of boiled lean veal, a side dish of rice, and drink a glass of dried fruit compote.
  4. For an afternoon snack, prepare a salad with fresh green vegetables and season it with olive oil.
  5. We have dinner with boiled buckwheat with butter, steamed asparagus, and drink a glass of fruit compote.
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