Polysorb for infants with atopic dermatitis reviews

Polysorb MP – treatment of skin diseases

Treatment of skin diseases, which in the scientific world are commonly called dermatoses, is complicated largely due to the imbalance between the accumulation and elimination of toxins.

The skin is a multifunctional system and endointoxication, when the body is not able to remove harmful substances on its own, is inevitable with dermatitis of various types, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, toxicoderma. Endointoxication, in turn, leads to the body's immunity to many pharmacological drugs.

Research conducted by scientists from the Nizhny Novgorod Dermatovenerological Institute and the Vinnitsa Medical Institute showed that endointoxication is observed in 60–80% of patients suffering from various types of dermatoses.

Insensitivity to treatment

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.N. Lyashenko and Candidate of Medical Sciences S.A. Bondar with the participation of Kyiv University dermatologist T.I. Trunina, experimentally proved the effectiveness of enterosorption in the treatment of dermatoses.

It was previously known that the use of sorbents can increase, and sharply, the body’s sensitivity to drug treatment. This property of sorbents is especially important in complex therapy of skin diseases, as experts believe.

The successful use of enterosorption as a detoxification technique has already been confirmed for food allergies, urticaria, and drug allergies.

Results of the Vinnytsia Medical Institute study

At the Vinnytsia Regional Dermatologic Dispensary, it was decided to prescribe complex treatment for skin diseases in patients with eczema and psoriasis and conduct in-depth clinical and laboratory studies.

The combined method of treating eczema included short-term fasting, the use of Polysorb MP sorbent, as well as the use of antioxidants such as vitamins A and E, and preparations for external use.

In patients with psoriasis, in addition to the listed methods, ultraviolet radiation and baths with a decoction of straw and celandine were used. Dispensary treatment was carried out in 250 patients with eczema and 190 psoriasis using therapy with the drug Polysorb MP.

The results of therapy were complete recovery in 179 patients with eczema and in 85 patients with psoriasis, significant improvement was observed among 55 and 48 patients, respectively.

Application of Polysorb MP

Khimkina L.N., Panteleeva G.A., Kopytova T.V.

, specialists from the Nizhny Novgorod Research Dermatovenerological Institute also conducted pilot tests of the Polysorb MP sorbent in order to determine the effect of the drug on endointoxication processes in the most common chronic dermatoses, such as psoriasis and eczema. The study examined 50 patients, including 27 with psoriasis, 17 with atopic dermatitis, and 6 with toxidermia of various origins. The age of the patients ranged from 13 to 68 years, and the duration of the disease was 20–30 years. The prescription of Polysorb MP did not exclude the treatment of skin diseases using traditional methods. The effectiveness of therapy has increased due to two main factors: increased sensitivity to drugs and the removal of toxins and allergens.

Research results from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Institute

Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of Polysorb MP showed complete recovery and significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from skin diseases. Thus, 94% of patients with atopic dermatitis experienced complete recovery, and 6% experienced an improvement in the course of the disease.

In psoriasis, recovery was observed in 74% and in 26% - improvement; in toxicoderma, complete disappearance of clinical manifestations of the disease was observed in one patient and in 5 patients - significant improvement. The psoriasis rash has completely disappeared. In addition, further observations proved that the effect was not temporary - secondary plaques did not appear.

The growth of existing lesions was significantly reduced. Psoriatic papules and plaques have become pale.

Indications for use of Polysorb MP for psoriasis and eczema

The dose of the drug for patients with psoriasis and eczema was 1 tablespoon one hour before meals. For preventive purposes, in order to avoid an abnormal immune response or to prevent the occurrence of allergy symptoms, it is recommended to take the sorbent 1 - 2 grams (1-2 teaspoons) 3 times a day before meals.

The sorption method allows you to increase the body’s immune activity, and skin diseases are often autoimmune disorders.

Thanks to the effective influence of Polysorb MP, side effects from the use of radiation therapy are reduced, and the level of metabolic disorders, which is expressed in an increased number of molecules of average mass, is reduced.

Conclusion: enterosorption with Polysorb MP is effective in the complex therapy of common dermatoses (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, toxidermia of various origins), and should be included in the standards of treatment of these diseases.

Consultations on the drug on the website www.polisorb.ru and by phone. 8-800-100-19-89 (calls within Russia are free)

Source: https://www.rlsnet.ru/articles_478.htm

Side effects

Constipation is one of the side effects when taking Polysorb

As a rule, there are no side effects when taking this adsorbent, and the drug is well tolerated.

However, some people may be intolerant to silica.

In addition, the medication may cause constipation. In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and choose something else.

Reviews Polysorb for eczema on hands

Eczema is an inflammation that develops on the skin.

Most often it occurs as a result of allergies to various irritants.

To treat this pathology, a drug such as Polysorb is often prescribed.

The drug facilitates the body's fight against toxins and wastes that contribute to increased manifestations of eczema.

The medication is taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Concomitant diseases of the skin, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract play a major role in the formation of signs of eczema. The combination of these factors can provoke the emergence and accumulation of numerous toxins in the body, aggravating the course of the disease.

As a result of this, complex treatment of eczema necessarily includes the use of sorbents.

During eczema they are prescribed to cleanse the body.

These medications help remove from the body all harmful components that aggravate the course of the pathology.

Today there are a large number of sorbents that can effectively fight eczema, but the most popular of them are the following:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb.

In modern conditions, Polysorb is effectively used for eczema.

This drug is one of the universal sorbents characterized by the presence of an antacid effect.

It is able to bind to toxins and then remove them from the body.

The sorbent is able to cope with intoxication of the body, providing rapid suppression of the symptoms of the disease.

Polysorb is widely used for the treatment of hand pathologies.

The drug helps eliminate toxins from the body and, as a result, eliminate the following symptoms:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the affected tissues;
  • sores;
  • painful cracks.

The effect of the drug in treating eczema on the face is less effective than in getting rid of rashes on the hands.

However, Polysorb removes toxins from the body in a short time. By taking this medicine, no scars are left on the face.

Polysorb for eczema on the legs ensures rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Within a few days after taking the drug, you can notice a decrease in itching in the affected tissues.

Polysorb is produced in the form of a powder, which can be taken both internally and externally.

The duration of oral administration varies depending on the stage of the disease.

However, when using the drug internally, there are a number of general recommendations:

  1. The daily volume of medication for adults varies in weight and ranges from 6 to 12 grams of powder.
  2. The powder diluted in water is taken an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after eating it.
  3. For children weighing up to 10 kilograms, Polysorb is prescribed in a dose equal to 1/3 teaspoon diluted in 15 ml of boiled water. Reception is carried out three times a day. Children with large weights divide Polysorb into 3 doses in the size of a heaped teaspoon.
  4. The number of doses per day should be 3-4.
  5. The product must be diluted in water immediately before use, otherwise it loses its effectiveness.

Polysorb should be used externally only if the wound begins to ooze.

In this situation, the powder is poured onto the affected area and a damp gauze bandage is placed on top, which is changed every 4 hours. Before applying a new dressing, the affected area should be washed.

The following are considered contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • allergic reaction to any of the components present in the drug;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

If eczema is detected, you should definitely exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • smoked, fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  • conservation;
  • bakery products and pasta;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • citrus;
  • red fruits and vegetables.

Among the useful products and dishes are the following:

  • meat and fish broths;
  • boiled fish;
  • porridge;
  • fermented milk products;
  • food of plant origin;
  • vegetables: cabbage, beets, zucchini, carrots.

If you have a disease such as eczema, when visiting a solarium, ultraviolet rays will affect the skin much more strongly than they should, which leads to stronger radiation.

That is why doctors strongly recommend that you avoid going to the solarium during the presence of the described pathology, so that other serious health problems do not arise against the background of eczema.

After penetration into the human body, Polysorb immediately begins to act.

But a noticeable effect from its work appears after several days - itching and redness decrease.

Does milk thistle meal help with eczema? Find out here.

How to treat sun eczema? Read on.

Polysorb helped me a lot in the treatment of allergic eczema, and at the same time I took antihistamines. Taking pills alone will delay treatment for several weeks, and thanks to Polysorb, this process is significantly accelerated. I want to say that this product is simply irreplaceable in the home medicine cabinet, because it can be given even to small children.

The whole family uses Polysorb. I drank it for the first time when I was diagnosed with eczema, at the same time I took antihistamines, and after 1.5 weeks all signs of the disease disappeared. Children and husband drink this remedy for the slightest poisoning.

Polysorb is simply an indispensable remedy for eczema. He simply saved me, because in 2 weeks it was my anniversary, everything had already been arranged and paid for, and then there was redness of the skin, terrible itching. When everything went away after a week, the doctor said that it was only thanks to Polysorb.


I tried a bunch of sinaflan and dermovite and celestoderm ointments and much more. But nothing helps me. I just stop smearing after 3 days, the eczema is on the spot. Please advise anything.

I'll tell you my story, I hope it helps someone! My mother had wild eczema when she was young, but as it turned out a few years later, it was an allergy to animals. And at home they have a lap dog. The lapdog died, the allergy went away, but apparently remained in the blood and was thus transmitted to me. As a child, plaques periodically popped up on my legs and then disappeared.

They finally disappeared around the age of 11. Now I’m 24. 2 years ago it all started with my ears, they were swollen and itched wildly. The ears disappeared, a plaque appeared on the left palm, which grew and itched wildly every month. Next, the ring finger began to become covered.

In the end, 3 fingers on the left hand and palm, 2 fingers on the right hand, both legs were covered with wildly itchy and weeping scabs that cracked and burst. I thought I was going crazy. I didn’t sleep at night. Maximum 2 hours at a time. I saw a homeopath, some other doctor, and a skin specialist. I spent a lot of money. the longest “recovery” effect lasted about 5 days.

I can’t wash the floor or wash the dishes; the gloves immediately start to itch wildly. It is also not clear what food it reacted to. There is a cat living at home. But. The tests showed nothing - everything was clean, everything was fine. I have seen a lot of doctors in my life, it just so happened (my mother was sick), so I don’t trust them and with eczema I ran around to them only out of despair.

My mistrust of them was confirmed with my eczema. I looked through a bunch of forums, websites, instructions for various drugs and began to self-medicate.

1) naturally diet! Not to say that it is strict, but just to remove from the diet everything that could affect it (I removed sugar, coffee, salty foods, fried foods, sweets. Although I ate honey! I spread it on bread and with tea.

At least a little bit, but sugar must enter the body) 2) polyphepane (this is a sorbent), then I replaced it with polysorb, because polyphepane caused constipation, but it was cheap (about 100 rubles for a large pack). 3 times a day an hour before meals. 10 days, break for a week, then again 10 days 3) milk thistle meal (3 times a day after meals).

Cleanses the liver 4) before bed, a mixture of tinctures: motherwort, valerian, peony. 1 teaspoon of tincture mixture per 100 ml of water. Calms, helps to sleep well 5) Vishnevsky ointment. Constantly. While I was at home, I was always smeared with it.

6) during the day at work I smeared my hands with DOLCE MILK cream or regular coconut cream in an iron tube (these are 2 creams to which I had no reaction) 7) cotton gloves, and rubber or regular medical gloves on top.8) do not allow contact with hot objects. If you wash dishes, use lukewarm water

After about 3 days of self-medication, I began to sleep more than 4 hours in a row. Of course, I could wake up once because it was itchy, but I applied cherry ointment again and went back to sleep. After a week, my cracks began to heal.

There was an itch, but it didn’t drive me as crazy as it was before. I took Polyphepan for 10 days and took a break. 2 days later, my palms and legs began to itch again, but I could control it and tolerated it without scratching. 7 days passed and I started drinking Polysorb (i.e.

second 10 days after the break).


Polysorb - often experts advise taking this drug if you have eczema. It helps the body fight waste and toxins that increase the manifestation of the disease.

Eczema is an inflammatory process that occurs on the skin. Most often it develops as a result of an allergic reaction to any irritant.

Depression is one of the causes of eczema

The causes of the disease can be nervous stress, prolonged depression, hereditary factors, diseases of some internal organs, and frequent contact with substances that have a chemical composition.

For each person, the reasons can be completely different.

  • At the initial stage of the disease, swelling, redness and quite severe itching occur. Bubbles with liquid appear on the damaged areas. When scratched, they burst, and wounds form in these places, which are subsequently covered with crusts.
  • When the liquid in the blisters spreads over clean skin, the disease further develops. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene.
  • As a rule, an experienced specialist can easily identify eczema and make the correct diagnosis. If necessary, he will prescribe the necessary tests and then the necessary treatment.
  • Various external medications, antimicrobial and antihistamine medications are used to treat eczema. Folk remedies and alternative medicine methods are also used.
  • Self-medication in this case is contraindicated. Eczema is a rather unpleasant disease. It is difficult to cure it completely, but if you fully comply with the doctor’s prescriptions, it is possible to achieve a fairly long remission. The patient should be patient.

Activated carbon is an adsorbent

During eczema, the entire human body suffers. There are disturbances in the functioning of many organs. As a result, waste and toxins accumulate, aggravating the patient’s condition.

Therefore, doctors sometimes prescribe medications such as adsorbents.

These are drugs that can absorb and remove heavy metal salts, toxins, gases, and medications from the body.

All medications of this type must be non-toxic and not irritate the mucous membrane of internal organs. In addition, they must be quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.

Activated carbon is one of the most well-known adsorbents. It is used for poisoning and intoxication.

Adsorbents help the body during the treatment of dermatological diseases. Polysorb is considered the most effective drug for eczema.

This product has a fairly strong sorption property. It has a much greater effect than Smecta, Enterosgel, and even more so, activated carbon.

The main substance included in the medicine is obtained from silicon dioxide, widely used in homeopathy.

This medication is used for the following diseases:

  • acute poisoning,
  • intestinal infections in acute forms,
  • sepsis,
  • poisoning with various drugs, alcohol,
  • allergic reactions to food and medicines,
  • liver and kidney problems,
  • living in environmentally unsafe areas.

Source: https://ckmosstroy.ru/otzyvy-polisorb-ot-ekzemy-na-rukah/

Enterosorbents Polysorb MP – review

Hello, dear readers!

I bought the drug Polysorb as prescribed by a dermatologist. The diagnosis was eczema of the hands. This was not the first time I went to the doctor.. This time the doctor suggested a food allergy and prescribed treatment in the form of Lorinden S , Elisey tablets and Polysorb powder..

I bought Polysorb at the nearest pharmacy for 182 rubles.. When I took the jar in my hands, it seemed to me that it was empty! The powder inside is simply weightless! The dermatologist advised me to buy a jar of 50 mg, but I bought 25 mg and there was still some medicine left!


colloidal silicon dioxide

Polysorb is taken in the form of an aqueous suspension. The medicine is mixed with 1/4 or 1/2 glass of water and never taken dry orally!

The jar contains all the information on the use of the drug.. But I was guided by the doctor’s prescription..

Indications and contraindications are also indicated directly on the jar.


• acute and chronic intoxications of various origins in adults and children; • acute intestinal infections of any origin, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of complex therapy); • purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication ; • acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.; • food and drug allergies ; • hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure); • residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers of hazardous industries, for the purpose of prevention .


• Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase; • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract; • Intestinal atony;

• Individual intolerance to the drug.

Shelf life and storage conditions:

Valid for 5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container. The shelf life of the suspension is no more than 48 hours.

I used Polysorb for 7 days... I dissolved 2 tablespoons of Polysorb in 1 glass of water and drank it before meals 3 times a day... The powder does NOT dissolve in water!!! When shaken with water, it forms a suspension!

Have you ever drank water from a kettle with limescale? I once had to... Polysorb diluted in water is water with scale! It’s not very pleasant to drink.. But due to the fact that the drug has no taste or smell, you can drink it! ))

My impression of taking Polysorb:

At first Polysorb scared me...

2 days after starting taking Polysorb, acne appeared on my face, chest and back! I'm 30 years old and I have acne! And not small ones, but huge, red and painful ones! They were under the skin and could be seen from a kilometer away! But since Polysorb was prescribed to me for the treatment of eczema, I didn’t stop drinking it...

Then the drug surprised me...

For about 3 years I had a wen on my face, to the right of my nose.. I called it that because I didn’t know what it was.. It didn’t cause me any discomfort, it was under the skin and was the same color as the skin..

After 3-4 days of using Polysorb, I noticed that this wen became larger and began to hurt when I touched it.. In the evening I tried to... squeeze it out.. And I succeeded!!! The wen turned out to be of a hard consistency, like millet..

Now there is no trace of this wen on my face! Which I am very happy about!

Well, in the end, Polysorb disappointed me...

I went through the full course of treatment: ointment, tablets and Polysorb.. As a result, the eczema returned.. Nothing helped me.. I haven’t been able to heal my hands for six months now.. I’m already thinking that it’s not the medications that need to be changed, but probably the doctor ...


Polysorb is a harmless drug.. There was no negative reaction to it.. I didn’t run to the toilet from it often, my stomach didn’t hurt, no allergies appeared... But the inflammation and acne went away!!!! And the fact that Polysorb did not help me with eczema is not his fault...

I recommend the drug if your doctor prescribed it to you!

Thank you all for your attention! Good health to everyone!!!

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/polisorb-snachala-menya-napugal-potom-udivil-v-kontse-priema-razocharoval


Polysorb for stomach ulcers is contraindicated

Of course, like any drug, this adsorbent has certain contraindications. You should not use the medication:

  • acute stage of gastric and duodenal ulcers,
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

In addition, the drug is not prescribed to children under one year of age.

If you abuse it, you can disrupt the baby's microflora. The result will be various diseases.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the medicine is not recommended. The fact is that in addition to toxic substances, it can also remove beneficial substances.

In addition, polysorb fixes the stool, which is not very good for pregnant women.

  1. If any other medications are prescribed, then Polysorb should be taken one hour before them. It weakens their effect.
  2. It is easy to buy the drug at the pharmacy; you do not need a prescription. You should not self-medicate; you should take the drug as prescribed by your doctor.

Long-term use of polysorb for treatment leads to the leaching of some vitamins from the body.

Therefore, it is worth taking vitamin complexes periodically to restore normality.

To the question: “Does Polysorb treat eczema?” you can answer positively. Internal cleansing of the body from toxic substances has a beneficial effect on the skin.

They are cleansed, become more hydrated and elastic. Taking adsorbent drugs will help with this.

You just don’t need to get too carried away with them. And then the disease will definitely recede.


How to take Polysorb for eczema

Eczema is an inflammation that develops on the skin.

Most often it occurs as a result of allergies to various irritants.

To treat this pathology, a drug such as Polysorb is often prescribed.

The drug facilitates the body's fight against toxins and wastes that contribute to increased manifestations of eczema.

The medication is taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.

What sorbents can be used

Concomitant diseases of the skin, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract play a major role in the formation of signs of eczema. The combination of these factors can provoke the emergence and accumulation of numerous toxins in the body, aggravating the course of the disease.

As a result of this, complex treatment of eczema necessarily includes the use of sorbents.

During eczema they are prescribed to cleanse the body.

These medications help remove from the body all harmful components that aggravate the course of the pathology.

Today there are a large number of sorbents that can effectively fight eczema, but the most popular of them are the following:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb.

Polysorb for eczema

In modern conditions, Polysorb is effectively used for eczema.

This drug is one of the universal sorbents characterized by the presence of an antacid effect.

It is able to bind to toxins and then remove them from the body.

The sorbent is able to cope with intoxication of the body, providing rapid suppression of the symptoms of the disease.

On hands

Polysorb is widely used for the treatment of hand pathologies.

The drug helps eliminate toxins from the body and, as a result, eliminate the following symptoms:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the affected tissues;
  • sores;
  • painful cracks.


The effect of the drug in treating eczema on the face is less effective than in getting rid of rashes on the hands.

However, Polysorb removes toxins from the body in a short time. By taking this medicine, no scars are left on the face.


Polysorb for eczema on the legs ensures rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Within a few days after taking the drug, you can notice a decrease in itching in the affected tissues.

Instructions for use

Polysorb is produced in the form of a powder, which can be taken both internally and externally.

How to drink

The duration of oral administration varies depending on the stage of the disease.

However, when using the drug internally, there are a number of general recommendations:

  1. The daily volume of medication for adults varies in weight and ranges from 6 to 12 grams of powder.
  2. The powder diluted in water is taken an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after eating it.
  3. For children weighing up to 10 kilograms, Polysorb is prescribed in a dose equal to 1/3 teaspoon diluted in 15 ml of boiled water. Reception is carried out three times a day. Children with large weights divide Polysorb into 3 doses in the size of a heaped teaspoon.
  4. The number of doses per day should be 3-4.
  5. The product must be diluted in water immediately before use, otherwise it loses its effectiveness.


Polysorb should be used externally only if the wound begins to ooze.

In this situation, the powder is poured onto the affected area and a damp gauze bandage is placed on top, which is changed every 4 hours. Before applying a new dressing, the affected area should be washed.

Contraindications for use

The following are considered contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • allergic reaction to any of the components present in the drug;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of nutrition for skin lesions

If eczema is detected, you should definitely exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • smoked, fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  • conservation;
  • bakery products and pasta;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • citrus;
  • red fruits and vegetables.

Among the useful products and dishes are the following:

  • meat and fish broths;
  • boiled fish;
  • porridge;
  • fermented milk products;
  • food of plant origin;
  • vegetables: cabbage, beets, zucchini, carrots.

Is it possible to visit the solarium?

If you have a disease such as eczema, when visiting a solarium, ultraviolet rays will affect the skin much more strongly than they should, which leads to stronger radiation.

That is why doctors strongly recommend that you avoid going to the solarium during the presence of the described pathology, so that other serious health problems do not arise against the background of eczema.

How long will it take to have an effect?

After penetration into the human body, Polysorb immediately begins to act.

But a noticeable effect from its work appears after several days - itching and redness decrease.

Reviews about the treatment


Polysorb helped me a lot in the treatment of allergic eczema, and at the same time I took antihistamines. Taking pills alone will delay treatment for several weeks, and thanks to Polysorb, this process is significantly accelerated. I want to say that this product is simply irreplaceable in the home medicine cabinet, because it can be given even to small children.


The whole family uses Polysorb. I drank it for the first time when I was diagnosed with eczema, at the same time I took antihistamines, and after 1.5 weeks all signs of the disease disappeared. Children and husband drink this remedy for the slightest poisoning.


Polysorb is simply an indispensable remedy for eczema. He simply saved me, because in 2 weeks it was my anniversary, everything had already been arranged and paid for, and then there was redness of the skin, terrible itching. When everything went away after a week, the doctor said that it was only thanks to Polysorb.

Source: https://kozha.schans2011.ru/jekzema/polisorb-pri-ehkzeme.html

Causes and symptoms of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a consequence of genetic disorders, dietary errors, stressful situations, inflammatory processes occurring in the body, and unfavorable environmental factors.

Most often in children it begins to manifest itself as a common diathesis, acquiring a chronic form with age.

  • at the first stage it is characterized by the appearance of small blisters, redness of the skin, swelling, peeling and itching;
  • As the disease progresses, symptoms intensify. Painful cracks appear, hair begins to fall out, infections penetrate the body, affecting large surfaces of the skin in the form of ulcers, erosions, purulent boils;
  • a dangerous consequence of the disease can be bronchial asthma or other pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • Body temperature often rises, sleep is disturbed, nausea appears, which is accompanied by vomiting.

Polysorb for eczema (instructions for use)

Polysorb - often experts advise taking this drug if you have eczema. It helps the body fight waste and toxins that increase the manifestation of the disease.

Eczema is an inflammatory process that occurs on the skin. Most often it develops as a result of an allergic reaction to any irritant.

Causes of the disease

Depression is one of the causes of eczema

The causes of the disease can be nervous stress, prolonged depression, hereditary factors, diseases of some internal organs, and frequent contact with substances that have a chemical composition.

For each person, the reasons can be completely different.

  • At the initial stage of the disease, swelling, redness and quite severe itching occur. Bubbles with liquid appear on the damaged areas. When scratched, they burst, and wounds form in these places, which are subsequently covered with crusts.
  • When the liquid in the blisters spreads over clean skin, the disease further develops. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene.
  • As a rule, an experienced specialist can easily identify eczema and make the correct diagnosis. If necessary, he will prescribe the necessary tests and then the necessary treatment.
  • Various external medications, antimicrobial and antihistamine medications are used to treat eczema. Folk remedies and alternative medicine methods are also used.
  • Self-medication in this case is contraindicated. Eczema is a rather unpleasant disease. It is difficult to cure it completely, but if you fully comply with the doctor’s prescriptions, it is possible to achieve a fairly long remission. The patient should be patient.


Activated carbon is an adsorbent

During eczema, the entire human body suffers. There are disturbances in the functioning of many organs. As a result, waste and toxins accumulate, aggravating the patient’s condition.

Therefore, doctors sometimes prescribe medications such as adsorbents.

These are drugs that can absorb and remove heavy metal salts, toxins, gases, and medications from the body.

All medications of this type must be non-toxic and not irritate the mucous membrane of internal organs. In addition, they must be quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.

Activated carbon is one of the most well-known adsorbents. It is used for poisoning and intoxication.



Adsorbents help the body during the treatment of dermatological diseases. Polysorb is considered the most effective drug for eczema.

This product has a fairly strong sorption property. It has a much greater effect than Smecta, Enterosgel, and even more so, activated carbon.

The main substance included in the medicine is obtained from silicon dioxide, widely used in homeopathy.

This medication is used for the following diseases:

  • acute poisoning,
  • intestinal infections in acute forms,
  • sepsis,
  • poisoning with various drugs, alcohol,
  • allergic reactions to food and medicines,
  • liver and kidney problems,
  • living in environmentally unsafe areas.

Polysorb is produced in a single form - in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension.

Polysorb in a bag, measuring cup and plastic spoon

The undiluted drug can only be used externally, pouring it onto wounds.

  1. How to take polysorb for eczema and other diseases is indicated in the instructions.
  2. For adults, the dosage per day is 6-12g.
  3. The medicine is drunk one hour before eating.
  4. The number of doses is 3-4 times a day.
  5. It is better to prepare the mixture before each use so that it is fresh.

It is possible to use Polysorb externally for hand eczema.

By the way, this method is used for many dermatological problems.

For eczema on the hands, Polysorb is used as follows:

  • powder is poured onto the wound,
  • then a damp gauze bandage is applied on top.
  • The frequency of compresses is 4 hours.
  • The inflamed area is washed and the procedure is repeated.

Some people make face masks using this medicine.

Side effects

Constipation is one of the side effects when taking Polysorb

As a rule, there are no side effects when taking this adsorbent, and the drug is well tolerated.

However, some people may be intolerant to silica.

In addition, the medication may cause constipation. In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and choose something else.

Symptoms and dangers of atopic dermatitis

Unlike diathesis, which is unpleasant but rarely has serious consequences, atopic dermatitis can pose a serious health threat. Itching, redness, a burning sensation and the appearance of red blisters-papules are unpleasant in themselves, however, skin rashes may be accompanied by more unpleasant symptoms.

Insomnia, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, increased body temperature, respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. If some bacteria enter the areas of skin affected by dermatitis, the course may be complicated by the appearance of ulcers, boils, suppuration, and even sepsis. All this makes atopic dermatitis dangerous in adults and a life-threatening disease in children.

Having suffered a severe form of atopic dermatitis can leave scars on the skin. The damage that the immune system receives when the skin is damaged often leads to the development of various chronic diseases, allergies to foods that previously did not cause a reaction, the destruction of microflora and complete disorder in the digestive tract. That is why doctors make every effort to treat atopic dermatitis in the early stages.

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